The Business Bulletin
Mental health: Time to update our thinking?
Sir Karl Popper, one of the 20th century’s most influential philosophers of science, famously said; “Science must begin with myths, and with the Jonathan Pittam
MindBody Consulting
criticism of myths”.
Jonathan’s mission is to help reduce the social and economic costs of poor mental health by cutting through the myths and noise around the subject. After years of struggles with his own mental wellbeing, Jonathan found ideas that helped him learn to manage his mind, and found a calling that led him to move from the world of physical fitness into the realm of mental health. As a mental health educator, he helps people-managers within corporate settings support their team’s mental wellbeing through bespoke educational content to improve their
If we want to live in a society that’s
health, I think we have to be careful
healthy and thriving, we need to
not to fall into flat earth thinking. We
make sure we’ve got our thinking
believed the earth to be flat for many
right when it comes to our mental
years because it appeared self-evident.
health and wellbeing, otherwise our
If I put my pet ant on a football, I’d
therapeutic interventions will be
have a hard time convincing him he’s
based on flawed thinking. And flawed
not stood on a flat object.
thinking equals wasted resources…
Circular reasoning
When we fire up our brains and question even those things that seem self-evident and we’re 100% sure are
I’m sure we can agree that basing
true, we begin to move into exciting
flight plans on a flat earth model
territory, the sort where we can really
would lead to very different outcomes
make progress and new discoveries.
to those based on a globe model. I
But if we’re unwilling to do that, we
know which plane I’d rather board
can end up walking down the same
anyway. So, when it comes to mental
old cul de sacs again and again.
knowledge, skills and confidence. 07597 545367
8 | Issue 8 – Strategy and Personal Development