PROJECTS First Year Design Studio Instructers: Yiğit Acar İpek Gürsel Dino Hayri Dörtdivanlıoğlu Aslıhan Günhan Güven Arif Sargın
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Mapping Ürgüp Body in Motion Event Structers Fabricating Landscape Spatio - Parkour
Second Year Design Studio Instructers: Güven Arif Sargın Yiğit Acar Fatih Cengiz Öz Ezgi Balkanay
Third Year Design Studio Instructers: Erkin Aytaç Pelin Yoncacı Arslan Serdar Erişen
Fourth Year Design Studio Instructers: Ayşen Savaş Funda Baş Bütüner Arzu Gönenç Sorguç Onat Öktem Pınar Yazdıç
House in Eskişehir
7 8
Housing for a Sporting Community in Ankara Culinary Arts School with Accomodation Facilities in Ayvalık
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain in Ankara
Centro Studentesco Servizi Collettivi in Filippo Re, Bologna | Archiprix’17 Incentive Award
Participant | Workshop Team: Buse Kama Ayçıl Yılmaz
Generative Design in Architecture Team:
The Gap | Yahsibey Workshops 2017 organised by Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
Thinking Re-Grid
Buse Kama İbrahim Ekinci Gökçenur Çelebioğlu
Participant | Competition Team: Buse Kama Ibrahim Ekinci
Daydream | Fairytales 2020 organised by Blank Space
First Year Design Studio
ARCH102 | Introduction to Architectural Design
Study on spatial and tectonic formations in different scales. Such keywords that we worked on: movement, variety of activities, human scale, enclosure, different types and hierarchies of (open) spaces, materials, processes of land formation, top down (subtractive) and bottom up (aggregated) structures, tectonics.
Mapping Ürgüp ARCH102
The methods are: -Layered Plan -Layered Section -Continuous Mesh Form -Aggregate Mesh Form -Mapping Actions
ARCH102 | Introduction to Architectural Design
Visible and/or Invisible Fragments of Motion a. Motion - re-constructed by fragments (making fragments visible) Scientific approach for re-constructing the motion itself "Cinematography" (literally means “writing movement”)
b. Motion - defining as a whole (juxtaposed of visible/invisible fragments) We cannot see each fragments like the scientific approach; in fact, We do not need to distinguish each of them for defining/understanding the whole pattern of motion, we can sense its inner quality as a whole.
Body in Motion ARCH102
The fragments of motion with different stress which emphasises a particular time sequence of the whole movement.
ARCH102 | Introduction to Architectural Design
The design of a tectonic structure that can facilitate and organize parkour events. There are three parkour movements that will take place in the structure. The structure transfers its loads to vertical surfaces. Keywords: Human body proportions, scale, motion oriented space, stability, structural systems
‘[...] a eld condition would be any formal or spatial matrix capable of unifying diverse elements while respecting the identity of each. Field conditions are loosely bounded aggregates characterised by porosity and local interconnectivity. Overall shape and extent are highly uid and less important than the internal relationship of parts, which determine the behaviour of the eld.’ Abstract landscape to be used by traceurs (practitioners of parkour) as a medium on which eld conditions operate. A eld can give rise to form (the whole) by organizing the aggregation of interrelated elements (the parts). Parkour as an event is the force informing and guiding the formation of the landscape. Part-to-whole relationships and interconnectivity underlie the generation of the landscape. Keywords: fields, aggregation, bottom-up systems
Event Structures - Fabricating Landscape ARCH102
SPATIO-PARKOUR ARCH102 | Introduction to Architectural Design
“Parkour is a holistic training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training . It is about ‘making the urban landscape your personal obstacle course, a playground for strength, freedom, courage and discipline. Parkour’s aim is to overcome obstacles uidly, with strength, originality and speed”. “Parkour teaches one to touch the world and interact with it, instead of being sheltered by it.”
Events demand space | multiple events take place in space and time, with differing social and physical scales and hierarchies. Tectonics materializes space | the medium in which the structural, material and visual aspects of space are materialized.
Spatio - Parkour ARCH102
Landscape confines the medium on which space exists | the environment with which physical and social constraints define the limits of tectonics.
Second Year Design Studio
HOUSE IN ESKISEHIR ARCH202 | Architectural Design Studio II
House in Eskisehir ARCH202
The area of the project which is in between Porsuk River and buildings that have industrial quality is located in Kurtulus Hometown, OdunpazarĹ, Eskisehir. The aim of the project is designing a house in a pattern that is perpendicular to Porsuk River. It’s dimensions must be 6 x 18 m and the height of it should be maximum 10.5 m.
House in Eskisehir ARCH202
Movement of light during the day
Movement of light during the year
While surveying the notion of watch repair that is determinant in the design process we can understand that the time was used as a concept a lot. Watches had been used in spaces by architects at early republic period and the thought behind that they were supplementary material with its environment. Hence, the principle of sundial is used in the house and that is achieved by inserting light into the space. Time is understood by the movement of light coming from outside. During the winter sunrays fall to the ground with 26 angle and light is seen on the surface of the roof which has same slope with the sunrays and during the summer they fall to the ground with 73 angle and this time light is seen on the surface of the wall which has same slope with them. Therefore we can observe the time during the day and the year.
SCALE : 1/100
N B’
House in Eskisehir ARCH202
Third Year Design Studio
1/200 Site Plan
ARCH301 | Architectural Design Studio III
The area of the project is in Cayyolu which is one of the newer districts in west of Ankara. The aim of the project is designing a housing units in an urban pattern that also includes cultural and sporting facilities.
Housing for a Sporting Community ARCH301 13/61
for 120 m2 housing units 120 m2 housing units 60 m2 housing units social facilities 90 m2 housing units from left to right; second floor plan first floor plan for first floor plan for first floor plan for first floor plan for
1/200 Housing Plan
The idea of the project is making a path together with the housing units which surround it. The path inside of the site takes reference from environment which has a hill next to it and there are small valleys which lie down towards the site. When we look at the topographic maps of the hill, valley seems as a break line of the contour lines. The main path is formed according to it and housing units follow the contour lines inside of the site. Units include level differences which is designed not to disturb the view of the main square. In addition, cultural and sporting facilities are placed through road to connect with environment.
Housing for a Sporting Community ARCH301
on the left: 1/500 Section - Perspective on the right: 1/500 Section - Perspective
on the left: 1/200 Section - Perspective on the right: 1/500 Section - Perspective
Housing for a Sporting Community ARCH301
The area of the project is in Ayvalık which is a seaside town on the northwestern Aegean coast of Turkey. It is one of the wealthy cities in Aegean region in terms of cultural, architectural and social values. The city affects people with its narrow streets, numerous churches, beyond comparison little houses and its historic fabric. Ayvalık is surrounded by small hills and green environment.
Culinary Arts School with Accomodation Facilities ARCH302
Permeable character is observed in the whole town.
The early conceptual plans were adapted in order to deal with the conditions, needs, options of the site with its potential of various references to the surrounding area.
Map shows the street arrangement in Ayvalık.
1/500 Site Plan
ARCH302 | Architectural Design Studio IV
Culinary Arts School with Accomodation Facilities ARCH302
it shows the wind direction in AyvalÄąk
on the sea side, there is a stage that follows the reference lines and it is thought as a connection with sea
reference lines taken from the site give form to the buildings
connection between the street and the sea is supported by small paths towards sea
Culinary Arts School with Accomodation Facilities ARCH302
from top to bottom; ground floor plan first floor plan second floor plan third floor plan
1/200 Plans
B’ A’
Culinary Arts School with Accomodation Facilities ARCH302
from top to bottom; section AA’ section BB’
1/200 Sections
The idea of the project is to provide a place of academic study and active instruction for a culinary arts program. The concept of the project is inspired from the sense of the narrow streets in Ayvalık. When you come to here for the first time, you feel the regular street pattern like a grid towards the sea. If you explore streets towards the opposite direction, you feel the organic form of the streets’ arrangements. You can understand that borders of Ayvalık enlarge from hills to the sea. Buildings and open areas inside of the site are formed according to organic urban pattern with reference lines coming from the environment. The project includes 3 buildings because of the separation of the functions. Spacial strategies are related with temporary and permanent events. The south part includes more public functions such as restaurant and patisserie, the north part includes more private function which is accomodation facilities and between them there is a culinary school which includes teaching kitchens and academic spaces. The usage of open air spaces is based on the idea of ‘kahve’. In Ayvalık, people have been using streets as part of living space. In the project, streets work with stage on the seaside to support the connection between the sea and the street.
Culinary Arts School with Accomodation Facilities ARCH302
Fourth Year Design Studio
Site and Its Existing Environment
ARCH401 | Architectural Design Studio V
In contemporary European cities, citadel walls remain not only as historical heritages need to be protected, but also as architectural elements defining space in the urban milieu. Historical city walls identify a mural zone that is formed and deformed by their existence. This condition first transforms them into vertical surfaces-architectural objects and also supports them to create a horizontal terrain-landscape. Thus, rather than being a border, boundary, limit or a series of constraint, city walls emerge as urban zones, where possible interaction between new cities and historic towns has been constructed. In the case of Ankara Citadel, mural zone covers two contrasting landscapes between the historic town and the still developing city: a green zone, where the wall exists as a continuous, linear architectural object and a brown, rocky landscape, where the wall is dissolved into a three dimensional terrain.
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
There is sociological problems on that area. Crime is quite common even among children. it is obligatory to stop and it can work with education. In 18th century, a moral treatment movement began to evolve which is an occupational therapy. Mentally ill people like prisoners were treated with this method. Therapists enhance people’s ability to live meaningful and satisfying lives. If it is applied, children will benefit from there regarding every aspects like mental and physical health.
Republican (1960s)
Republican (2000s)
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
Shadow Pattern | Through the Year
site was used for the ďŹ rst time in history
Republican (1920s)
Usage of Site
Shadow Pattern | Through the Day
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
Overlapped Shadow Pattern The usage of the site which is the north face of the Ankara Citadel from Phrygians to Republic period there is no settlement accept for a while which is almost 20 years between 1950s and 1970s. The reason of that the part of that terrain is cold and rocky landscape. To be able to live there there should be caves or walls to protect from external conditions. In addition topography is steep and has rough surface. This creates some dynamism can be seen with the light which goes down different aggressive surfaces. Every moment we have different angled sun beams and it gives datas which are all different. Each one has own shadow and light parts. To work with these datas shadow pattern should be understood and the method that is changes in time is chosen. During the day and the year changes can be seen from photographs. There are dark and light areas seems like a contrast but they follow each other when one of them appears the other is not seen and it is meaningful when we see both of them. Then all these are put on each other and ďŹ nal pattern gives some kind of a map which shows some dense and weak parts on the area and if we think that spaces are placed in the dense areas, it should be differentiated in itself to create spaces for different activities. Triangulation have been the best alternative to abstract the roughness of the topography because it can be applied on a rocky surface and it makes a correspond in every cavity. Therefore it is used as a structure to support closed areas, to cover semi-open areas and they can be continue as a trace on open areas and the structure have been formed according to the need of program.
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
1/1000 Site Plan
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
View Point
Existing Topography
Shadow Pattern
Abstracted Topography Figure - Ground
Access to the Site
Spreading of the Structure in the Site
closed triangles make closed spaces
transparency is added to the structure
when it becomes smaller and lighter, it continues as a trace on open areas
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
it becomes a covering for semi-open spaces
Moral Treatment Movement
Occupational Therapy
Architectural Program
Section Perspective
structure spreads throughout the landscape
Section Perspective
the structure works as a covering when closed spaces turn into a semi-open spaces such as playground
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
Activities of daily living (e.g. bathing, dressing, eating) Instrumental activities of daily living (e,g, driving, money management, shopping) Education Work (paid and volunteer) Play Leisure Social participation Motor processing skills Mental and cognitive processing skills Communication and interaction skills Habits, roles and routines Performance contexts (e.g. cultural, physical, spiritual) Activity demands Client factors (e.g. difďŹ culties due to body structures or functions) Occupational self-assessment
from small spaces such as therapy rooms or pediatric clinics
from big spaces like a gymnasium or conference hall
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
Section Perspective
Section Perspective
Perspective View
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
it is a single structure which works sometimes as a roof, covering or continues as a trace structure has different sections in itself form changes according to the function
Sublime Beauty | Shadow of Mural Terrain ARCH401
ARCH402 | Architectural Design Studio VI
Autonomy of Façades
Reinterpretation of Autonomous Façade Lines
Complex Functions Behind Continuous Façades
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna | Archiprix’17 Incentive Award ARCH402
Underground Functions of Bologna
Layers of Passages
Difficulty of Access
Complex Functions Behind Continuous Façades façades make the underground visible the underground becomes visible
Sense of Continuous Masses
Repetition of Façades
not visible from the outside
Sense of Sameness
Continuous Lines with a different Per me a ble Character
Bologna City has own architectural characteristics which do not resemble the other ones in the world. Its cultural identity had been protected for many years. Hence it does not lose its medieval city characteristics. Autonomy and repetition of façades which creates sense of sameness can be one of the quality that was recognised there. Therefore you can lose your way while walking around. The other is relationship between above and below ground seems not working with each other. Therefore complex functions inside the building are not visible from outside. In addition to that there are several layers of passages in Bologna. To get into the private spaces you should pass through some serial visual and physical obstacles like big strong gates. Shutters and the doors have been locked many times. It shows the access from the outside to the inside is difficult. To propose a design with these site analysis, reinterpretation of autonomous façade lines help to enhance the visibility from outside with a different permeable character and it is achieved by using lines.
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
Diagrammatic Sections
Voids Occur
Deformations due to Restrictions
Lines Referenced from Water
Water Inside the Site
[ Tree - Necropolis ]
Autonomous and Continuous Faรงade Lines Reinterpreted
Diagrammatic Plans
Project site is in a campus of University of Bologna that also has a botanic park and site is in between the park and the old citadel wall which is the last not demolished part of the whole city walls. To carry out lines in the site references have been taken from water which ows throughout the citadel walls. Then walls have been seen as an extrusion form of lines and permeability is the major thing that is applied on them. Building consists of series of walls and throughout the building voids occur with the holes on the walls coming together layer by layer. In some part ďŹ ve of them identify the void as a studio and if you move towards the building you will see that two of them act as a wall and void between them becomes a corridor. Spaces that need different sizes are arranged according to this principle and there are no restrictions in transition spaces. Therefore voids are more uid inside the building. In addition to that circulation inside of the building is supported by ramps and level differences can be read from the outside. That supports strong communication between inside and outside.
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
When we look at it from top there are some deformations on the lines due to the restrictions: trees, necropolis. Then lines have had nodes and voids that creates close and open spaces naturally inside the building.
Filip p
oR e
Botanic Park
Faculty of Foreign Languages an Literatures
Anatomical Wax Museum ‘Luigi Cattaneo’
Department of Psychology
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
Site Plan
Library of the Department of Physics
Walls begin with lines referenced from water end with the amphitheater which already exists in the site as a semicircle and its form also changed according to the lines.
1/200 Plans
The north part of the building which is near the botanic park is more isolated from the outside so sleeping areas are in there and the spaces which are used for more common purposes are in south part of the building which has a strong relationship with the other buildings in campus.
+ 1.50 Level Plan
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
- 5.50 Level Plan
Rooms for Webinars and Online Classes
Coffee Club Art Lab
Tweeting Rooms
Coffee Club
Art Lab
Foyer Auditorium
Fab Lab Resting Space Fab Lab
+ 8.50 Level Plan
- 5.50 Level Plan
Sleeping Sleeping
Shared Kitchen
Coffee Club Exhibition Hall
Coffee Club Foyer Auditorium
Exhibition Hall
Exhibition Hall
+ 5.00 Level Plan
Resting Space
- 9.00 Level Plan
Sleeping Sleeping Mensa Health Center
Osteria Sports Lab
Emeroteca Exchange Platforms
Sports Lab
Seconhand Bookstore Entrance Hall
+ 1.50 Level Plan
Sports Lab
- 12.50 Level Plan
Quite Rooms Quite Rooms Health Center
Parking Foyer Imagination Lab
Student Council Rooms
- 2.00 Level Plan
- 16.00 Level Plan
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
1/500 Plans
Sleeping Sleeping
1/200 Longitudinal Section
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
1/200 Cross Section
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
1/500 Cross Sections
CSSC in Filippo Re Bologna ARCH402
Yahsibey Workshops ‘17
YAHSIBEY WORKSHOPS 2017 | Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
East side
Waste Melon
Turning its back Thrift what they have
Wall Placement
Being prepared Preservation
Produce the amount of-
what they exhaust
Stop being connected Make if deaf Being another
Market Place
Being a part of it
Ignoring its existence Share
Stone Furnace
Stone Furnace
In front of the Ayse’s door
Street Involvement
Othering Not giving any function Not making it include Covering Plastering
Common Share
Killing Letting it live
Being connected
Acceptting it as a shell
Spacing Disengage
Keep sustain
Ensure the transition
Making contact Keep alive
Getting inside
Making it curious Moving together
Leaving a gap Inside of the Garden Outside of the Garden User
Garden wall Separating Limiting Dividing Vanishing Being invisible
The Gap | Yahsibey Workshops ‘17 Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
Not letting it inside
Gear Concept
Not close completely Let to keep the connection Not fully open The gap
Protecting Turning inside Staying on its own
house garden line foot print
The Gap filled with plant
filled closed blocked
filled with garbage
using growing rising as it needs
When the gap becomes to define as space, how can it be read stronger by an intervention? Should let the gap become a threshold?
The Gap | Yahsibey Workshops ‘17 Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
The Gap | Yahsibey Workshops ‘17 Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
The Gap | Yahsibey Workshops ‘17 Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
SCALE : 1 /2000
The Gap | Yahsibey Workshops ‘17 Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
The thing that inďŹ ltrates every gap rises up and down becomes thick and thin be a line, surface, and volume gains function by inhabitants transforms new possible forms
The Gap | Yahsibey Workshops ‘17 Nevzat Sayin Mimarlik Hizmetleri
Generative Design in Architecture
ARCH450 | Generative Design in Architecture
Thinking Re-Grid ARCH450
While analysing the environment, sunlight, grid structure and the volume of the void were taken into consideration. There is no direct lighting in the space, sunrays hit the surfaces and comes into there. Hence, we see the scattered light on every point of square. However we can not say the same thing for the shadow, it changes day to day and it gives different pattern in every time in a monotonous way. Because strong orthogonal grid, solids and voids create strict, static space. The design which deďŹ nes the void with its existance will be constant and as static as the grid structure. However, via manipulating this orthogonality, this deformed form creates dynamic and kinetic space. Therefore while adding light as a kinetic parameter we can observe the dynamic shadow pattern that generates from the object.
Thinking Re-Grid ARCH450
While light coming to the space, it has many diffraction and the points which is the trace of sunrays leave behind while falling to the every surfaces were considered as an attraction point. These form our design by manipulating the grid in a 3D manner.
Thinking Re-Grid ARCH450
Thinking Re-Grid ARCH450
Thinking Re-Grid ARCH450
Participant | Competition
FAIRY TALES 2020 | Blank Space
- At first, they thought being fat was the reason why they couldn’t pass through the door. Then, they made bigger and wider doors just to see themselves eating more as well and being stuck in behind the door again. Their bodies were refusing to consume more but their homes wanted even wider and bigger doors. Except for their lazy bodies and brain, everything that is new and different was more appealing. It was always tough to think about the problem rather than giving up their chips and chocolates cause them to remind the people who couldn’t pass through the door and the ones who stuck behind their doors. DOOR! Now I am thinking is it the door that started all or the whole story was tangle around the door? I wasn’t sure. His friends’ eyes looked empty and hold his glass of wine tighter. He thought his friend will break the glass. His face was turning red but suddenly he turned with a smiling face and continued his story. - I wonder what did the first one who stuck behind the door think or the last person? - Why are you telling me this right now? He just arrived at the exhibition. A little hungry. He even thought the canapés on the road maybe some mini-sandwiches. His friend's face was a bit blurry. He felt like he was alone there. Did he come to the wrong place? - Isn’t it the whole point of this, the exhibition. To tell people what happened and to make them realize a huge closed door getting our way to a better life. He was already distracted. Lights were going off one by one. It seems it was already 8 o’clock and the movie was about to start. ‘’ the Door’’ His friend’s eyes were following the curtain without a blink of an eye. He tried to remember what they just talked about at the same time he was trying to hear what the movie says. ‘’To underline the importance of the meaning of the door, no matter what the door made of people didn’t want to break it to free themselves. For this reason alone, there were too many people who got stuck behind their doors and lived many years that way. Even the ones that died for this.’’ The old woman in the movie was talking about the people who fed themselves and their minds so fast and so contagiously that they got themselves into the prison of their sofa. ‘’At the beginning, they thought they were happy this way. One room was enough to satisfy their belly, hips, and mind. Humankind is a mysterious creature. It is almost always not enough to live in the moment, they remember, arrange their decisions accordingly and they relive the old path they made. It can be cold but they might laugh no matter what. They reproduce, love and love to consume all these things. Even though they are happy or not or they got all those things or not, it will never be enough because there were always more of everything. In the end, all of us became someone who undeveloped creatures seem to care only superficial beauties.’’ He wakeup from his dream in sweet. It was 4 in the morning and he still had 3 hours to sleep. Gently raise his head and look at the room in blank eyes. He remembered all those fat people in his dream. ‘’This is madness’’ he thought. It was ironic cause he was a novelist who got famous by his dystopian but even to him the feeling being in one of those worlds was crazy. So, he didn’t believe all the dystopian scenarios he created after all? ‘’this is madness’’ He tried to gather himself. After about 4 hours he is going to make a speech in one of the most prestigious art schools in the city about his works. ‘’I should get rest‘’ he thought. He lay down on his bad with opened eyes. ‘’Maybe I should add these in my speech’’ he thought. ‘’And maybe I make some adjustments’’, ‘’all these desires and consumes shouldn’t be for anything. We live and we describe our territory where we live. A void where we go in and out...’’ he already started to compose the rest of his speech in his mind. He rushed to his desk from the bed and grabbed a pen and paper. ‘’We bring food to that space we defined, we bring stuff. But this won’t be enough. We redefine our environment and bring more stuff and redefine again and more... The most beautiful, the lightest, the heaviest or the biggest... or the tallest or maybe the most expensive...’’ he was smiling. The meaning that underneath the words was irrelevant. At the moment he cared only one thing ‘’the speech will be flawless.’’ He got down the stage. The audience was still applauding. Even some approached him and congrats. Some of them were standing still under the shock of the speech. His friend who is a professor at the University come near to him and said ‘’in the area that people improve themselves and the technology they used that much, describing them as undeveloped creatures who seems to care only superficial beauties, was a brave thing to say.’’ He replied without hesitation ‘’ this is madness! Isn’t it?’’. They turned to the sound that came behind them.
Daydream | Participant Fairy Tales 2020
- Congrats! Do you want another glass of wine?
Daydream | Participant Fairy Tales 2020
Image 1
Daydream | Participant Fairy Tales 2020
Image 2
Daydream | Participant Fairy Tales 2020
Image 3
Daydream | Participant Fairy Tales 2020
Image 4
Daydream | Participant Fairy Tales 2020
Image 5