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2.3.7 Benefits
2.3.7 Benefits There are various benefits of green wall and green roof:
Reduces Heat Island Effect. Reduces energy consumption Reduces the heat gain by the surface and keeps the space below cool Energy efficiency Reduces storm water runoff Reduces air pollution as well as noise pollution It helps in preservation of rare species of plants and green roof may form its own ecosystem
Parameters Façadesupported green wall Living wall Intensive green roof Extensive green roof
Lifespan Up to 100 years and longer
Thermal performance and insulation Some thermal benefits 10-15 years(shorter than the building lifespan) Better thermal benefits 30-50 years 30-50 years
Thermal insulation Thermal insulation
Climatic Zones All climatic zones Warm temperate, tropical humid All climatic zones
Table 7: Different parameters of each landscape technique for High-Rise All climatic zones