2012 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2012 outlook 2013

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 a

About us Vision The Faculty of Business and Economics provides world-class education and is renowned for scholarly teaching, the productive exchange of knowledge and excellence in research and research training.



The leadership of the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne will be indicated by:

Our core values guide the activities and behaviour of staff and students:

• Ranking in the top 30 business and economics schools worldwide

• Equity and access to assist disadvantaged students to study in the Faculty

• Achieving the highest ranking nationally among schools of business and economics • Attracting the most talented students and staff to study and work in the Faculty • Being employers’ first choice for graduates • Being an organisation’s first choice for executive education • Providing expert advice on issues critical to the economic and social wellbeing of communities, enterprises and societies.

b Faculty of Business and Economics

• Research and inquiry is the foundation for all Faculty activities • Ethical behaviour and integrity underscores all Faculty activities • Engagement by students and staff with the Faculty’s scholarly disciplines and their impact on issues of national and international importance • Collegiality and involvement of staff and students in decision-making processes in the Faculty to build an open, transparent organisational culture • Integrative thinking that crosses disciplinary boundaries • Diversity of race, ethnicity, economic background, gender, sexual orientation, belief and age are embraced as a way to establish a learning community that is non-discriminatory and promotes academic freedom.










Contents Highlights of 2012


Our students Undergraduate students Graduate School of Business and Economics Business & Economics Careers Centre Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

9 9 12 17 18

Our academic staff


Our professional staff


Research and research training


Engagement 41 Business and community 41 Students 43 Global 44 Alumni 45 Leadership and governance


Appendices 56

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 1

The Faculty of Business and Economics at a glance Dean

37,000+ alumni


Our Dean, Paul Kofman is a Professor of Finance and previously Head of the Department of Finance. He received his PhD (Economics) from the Netherlands’ Erasmus University (1991). Before joining Melbourne, he held senior roles at Monash University, UNSW and UTS.

We have an active domestic and international alumni community of 37,000+ in more than 89 countries, particularly in the South East Asia region.

We were established in 1924 and the founding Dean was Professor Sir Douglas Copland. The University of Melbourne was founded in 1853.

Melbourne Institute

Faculty global rankings

Student numbers

We are home to the Melbourne Institute, one of Australia’s eminent and enduring research institutes in the field of economics.

No. 23 (under social sciences)

5158 Undergraduate (BCom)


No. 16 for accounting and finance


No. 30 for economics and conometrics2

2019 Graduate coursework 87 Masters by Research and PhD

Top 100 for business and economics3. 1. Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2012-2013. 2. QS World University Rankings 2012. 3. Academic Ranking of World Universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2012.


Discipline rankings


We are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Business Schools International (AACSB).

No. 16 globally for Accounting and Finance.

Our Business and Economics Board is led by industry figures. It provides curriculum guidance, expanding relationships with business, government, industry and the not-for-profit sectors, and fundraising.

No. 30 for Economics and Econometrics. QS World University Rankings 2012.

2 Faculty of Business and Economics

Welcome from the Dean Professor Margaret Abernethy decided to step down in early 2012, after steadfastly leading the Faculty for eight and a half years through change, while continuously improving research, teaching and engagement outcomes. Margaret has left the Faculty in outstanding shape, reflected in rankings that put the Faculty in the World’s top 30. It is a great honour for me to assume the Dean’s role, allowing me to work with world class academics, the brightest of students, alumni and other key stakeholders to further our ambition to join the world’s top universities in business and economics.

This annual report serves to record and celebrate the achievements and performance of the Faculty of Business and Economics and its people in 2012, and provides a snapshot of our aspirations for 2013 − I hope you will read it with interest. Professor Paul Kofman Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Melbourne

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 3

highlights of 2012 Historic agreement

Policy impact

The Faculty and the Melbourne Business School agreed to forge closer ties.

The Faculty’s (HILDA) Survey found to have had a ‘substantial impact on Australian policy development’.

101 students

The Melbourne Institute

101 commerce students featured on the Dean’s Honours list.

The Melbourne Institute celebrated its 50th Anniversary.

Number 1 in customer service GSBE Student Centre ranked number one in the University for customer service.

4 Faculty of Business and Economics

Prestigious case completion Our commerce students won the McGill Management International Case Competition.

Dean’s report

High achiever Daniel Luo

Mr Pak Shing Ho with Dean Abernethy

Deputy Dean Nilss Olekalns

2012 – A year of achievement

Student achievement 101!

Associate Professor Angel Paladino, of the Department of Management and Marketing, was one of three winners of the 2012 Hormel Teaching Excellence Award, part of the 10th Annual Marketing Management Association Master Teacher Award Competition.

Each year the Faculty is abuzz with activities including public lectures, conferences, important visitors, student competitions and a raft of events where we engage with the public and industry. Student and staff achievements are far too numerous for me to mention each of them here, however, below are some of our talented community’s highlights and successes. In its annual review, the University commended the Faculty for outstanding results in our eLearning practice and online subject delivery; and in research and research training, for our emphasis on quality and impact of our research outcomes. This was further recognised in a national review comprising 162 research case studies submitted by 12 universities that found that the Faculty’s Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey has had a ‘substantial impact on Australian policy development’, including the Henry Tax Review, the Paid Parental Leave policy, federal minimum wage decisions, and monetary policy. Our GSBE Student Centre was ranked number one for the second year in a row for customer service at the University of Melbourne. This result underlines our commitment to an outstanding experience and service for our students, enabling them to concentrate on their studies and achieve excellent outcomes.

An impressive 101 commerce students featured on the Dean’s Honours list in 2012. The Bachelor of Commerce Medal was awarded to Mr Pak Shing Ho, who achieved the best academic result over the three years of the BCom. Commerce students overcame strong opposition to win the prestigious McGill Management International Case Competition in Montreal. Extensive work by academic and professional staff and a network of committed alumni supported this remarkable feat. Accountancy student Tristan Webster was awarded the highly prestigious Menzies Foundation Scholarship to Harvard. Copland Scholar, Yukun (Daniel) Luo, was awarded the top international student Premier VCE Award for outstanding academic achievement. Our students are also excelling in the sporting arena with GSBE student, Cameron McKenzie–McHarg competing in the rowing at the London Olympics.

Staff leadership and excellence Our academic staff are leaders in research and teaching. Among the many highlights and awards received by academics in 2012, some noteworthy ones include: Professor of Management and Associate Dean (Global Engagement), Bill Harley, was appointed the General Editor of the Journal of Management Studies, becoming the first Australian-based General Editor in the fifty-year history of this prestigious journal.

Sarah Hinchliffe of the Department of Accounting was invited to be a visiting scholar at Harvard University for the 2012–2013 academic year. Professor Nilss Olekalns became Deputy Dean (Faculty), bringing a wealth of experience in the governance of the University’s academic programs and personal excellence in delivering those programs. The Centre for Market Design (CMD) was launched, aiming to bring government policy and the economics field closer together, while providing an institutional framework to build research capacity and policy collaboration. The professional staff that sustain the management and administration of the Faculty were recognised for their excellence through the Professional Staff Development Scholarship. The Scholarship supports outstanding staff to undertake projects advancing management practice in the Faculty and to strengthen links with other GO8 or Universitas 21 institutions. Congratulations to the scholarship winners: Louisa Tobin, of the Commerce Student Centre; Caitlin Lohman, of the Advancement Marketing Alumni Unit; and Sue Elston, of the Business & Economics Careers Centre.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 5

Max Corden with artist Peter Churcher

8th Economic and Social Outlook Conference

Naomi Soderstorm delivers the CPA lecture

Historic agreement

It was inspiring to see the level of interest and passion for study at this Faculty among prospective students and their parents. The commitment and dedication of academic, professional and volunteer staff to providing a memorable introductory experience to our programs was palpable throughout the day.


October marked an historic occasion where the Faculty and the Melbourne Business School agreed to forge closer ties. Under the agreement, an expanded Faculty of Business and Economics will include the Melbourne Business School. All graduate programs in business and economics, including the Master of Business Administration (MBA) will be offered through the Melbourne Business School, which will become the sole graduate school for business and economics at Melbourne. Both parties are working together to establish the new structures by 1 May 2013.

Professional staff appointments and farewells Notable appointments during the year included Eluned McFarlane, appointed to the role of Human Resources Manager, and Beverley Webster, new Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Brooke Young, Director, Marketing and Commercial Engagement departed to become Vice-President of Marketing at Victoria University. Brooke has made a significant and important contribution to the development and strong growth of the Faculty over her 11 years of service.

Celebration In August, thousands of people flocked to the Faculty for Open Day, one of the most important annual events on the University calendar.

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Melbourne Institute celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2012. Since 1962, Melbourne Institute has enhanced the wellbeing of all Australians through its cutting-edge research and its sustained contribution to economic and social policy development. Melbourne Institute held its 8th highly successful Economic and Social Outlook Conference, ‘Securing the Future – How Australia can survive in a volatile world’. The Business and Economics Career Centre (BECC) celebrated the ten–year anniversary of the Career Mentoring Program, which began in 2003 with ten mentors and mentees. In 2012, over 180 graduate and undergraduate students from the Faculty were matched with 150 industry mentors. The Faculty commissioned artist Peter Churcher, one of the leading exponents of contemporary figurative painting in Australia, to paint a portrait of Professor Max Corden. This portrait adds significantly to the historic and cultural heritage of the Faculty, and celebrates the outstanding contribution Professor Corden has made to economics and to the broader community.

The second annual Melbourne Foundation for Business and Economics dinner hosted 530 guests at the Sydney Myer Mural Hall. The event was a wonderful opportunity to recognise distinguished alumni with Faculty awards, including the new Margaret Abernethy Scholarship for Leadership in Community Engagement. The Scholarship will acknowledge, encourage and support high achieving students who show outstanding leadership in community engagement.

Engagement We were honoured to have renowned Financial Times Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Martin Wolf, CBE, give the 2012 Corden Lecture on how the financial crisis changed the world. With over 500 people attending, it was one of the largest public lectures in the Faculty in 2012. The 73rd CPA Australia University of Melbourne Annual Research Lecture held special significance for the Department of Accounting with the event marking Professor Naomi Soderstrom’s inaugural professorial lecture at the University. Over 300 attendees, including National President of CPA Australia, Mr John Cahill, joined Professor Soderstrom for this milestone event.

In the news The Faculty received a total of 4092 media mentions in 2012, a 72% increase on 2011. Driving this media coverage was a total of 49 press releases issued throughout the year − nearly one a week. B&E News, the Faculty blog, showcased our research, events and media coverage, and experienced close to a 50% growth in visitors. 43,964 visitors came to the blog in 2012 with 22,987 visiting in 2011. In 2012, the number of our Twitter followers doubled to over 700, drawn by a news-driven strategy that highlights our pertinent research. This strategy promotes research from the Melbourne Institute and highlights relevant issues in the public domain.

2013 outlook As I referred to above, a FBE–MBS Collaboration Principles Agreement was made in October 2012. There is a six-month timetable to complete the process, with the aim of new structures being in place by 1 May 2013. To ensure the commitment and goodwill necessary for any such arrangement to prosper this is to be a permanent change, not a trial.

Inaugural James Riady Chair in Asian Business and Economics

The Agreement includes a proposed structure which combines the highly regarded undergraduate, graduate and executive education of both entities under the single, expanded Faculty of Business and Economics. A working party will be established to oversee detailed implementation of the Principles, establishing the new structures by the May deadline. Taskforce groups will work through the detail of targeted areas and report to the working party.

Professor Lu will bring to the role an exceptional track record of research in international business strategy. Her applied work on Japanese foreign direct investment in China, joint ventures of small and medium sized enterprises and venture capital and business group affiliations in the Asian region is internationally regarded.

In 2013, the Faculty will make a clear statement about its strategic intentions in the Asian region by appointing a renowned Asian business expert, Professor Jane Lu, to the inaugural James Riady Chair in Asian Business and Economics.

The James Riady Chair in Asian Business and Economics is funded through a generous donation by Dr James Riady, an alumnus of the Faculty of Business and Economics, with the objective to support

teaching and research that drives a deeper understanding of doing business in the Asian region. As Chair, Professor Lu will communicate her research outcomes through public engagement activities including lectures, seminars and conferences. These will assist in enhancing our understanding of doing business in Asia. Professor Lu will also play a leadership role in developing Asia-focused teaching and engagement activities. The James Riady Chair sits at the heart of the dedicated Asian Business and Economics Centre within the Faculty, and Professor Lu’s appointment will ensure we build on existing links, delivering invaluable research and powerful scholarly insights into this region.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 7

Anne Lillis

John Handley

New Heads I am delighted that we will have another two new heads of department: Anne Lillis will be the new Head of the Department of Accounting and Leisa Sargent the new Head of the Department of Management and Marketing. Earlier appointments saw Bill Griffiths assume the Headship of Economics and John Handley the Head of the Department of Finance.

John Haisken–DeNew

8 Faculty of Business and Economics

Leisa Sargent

Bill Griffiths

Research and research training

Massive open online courses

In the area of research and research training, Professor Anne–Wil Harzing will step down after three years. At significant sacrifice to her personal research time, Anne–Wil has revolutionised the role, creating a new benchmark across the University. She has been a staunch advocate for our research credentials within the University and beyond (nationally and internationally). Her insistence on quality and the impact of our Faculty research outcomes have lifted our performance to a new (sustainable) level and the two sets of ERA results demonstrate this shift.

In 2013, the University will join international universities including Stanford and Princeton in the Coursera consortium, an exciting experiment in online and digital learning – massive open online courses, or MOOCs. The Faculty subject, Principles of Macroeconomics (six-week, free course), quickly became the University’s most popular course. Of the approximately 52,000 people enrolled in online courses offered by the University, around 23% are enrolled in Professor Nilss Olekalns’ macroeconomics subject.

Professor John Haisken–DeNew, Professorial Research Fellow and Deputy Director (Research), Melbourne Institute, will take over the reins as Associate Dean of Research and Research Training. In addition to his positions at Melbourne, Professor Haisken–DeNew is Professor of Economics and holds the Chair of Economic Policy: Competition Theory and Policy at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. He is also Adjunct Professor of the Department of Economics at McMaster University, Canada.

Annual Foundation Dinner I am very much looking forward to our annual Foundation Dinner. The aim of the Foundation is to secure a strong endowment that will assist us to build our national and international standing as one of the world’s leading schools of business and economics. Support will enable us to fulfill our commitment to widen participation, enhance the university experience of our students and make possible a research agenda that seeks to address issues facing our world. The 2012 Dinner contributed $629,000 to the Foundation and has enabled us to make strong progress, but the need for continued support is undiminished.

Our students Undergraduate students Programs At the undergraduate level the Faculty of Business and Economics offers: • Bachelor of Commerce • Bachelor of Commerce (Chancellor’s Scholars Program) • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours).

2012 report Enrolments Over 5,000 students were enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce in 2012, either studying a single degree or a combined degree. There are 54 countries represented in the student cohort.

Graduate outcomes Melbourne Commerce graduates continue to enjoy excellent employment outcomes. According to the latest Graduate Destination

Survey, 76% of graduates available for full-time work were employed full-time within four months of completing the BCom. Graduates also report a median starting salary that is 10% higher than the national average.

Above average BCom graduates report a median starting salary 10% higher than the national average.

2013 outlook


The Bachelor of Commerce is one of the most popular courses in Victoria, indicated by 2013 demand. For entry in Semester 1, close to 1,800 students chose either the BCom or the BCom (Chancellor’s Scholars’ Program) as their preferred degree. The calibre of applicants continues to be extremely high, with ATAR entry requirements set at 95.00 for Commonwealth Supported Places in the BCom and 99.90 for students in the Chancellor’s Scholars’ Program. A total of 901 offers were made for Commonwealth Supported Places in Semester 1, compared to 810 offers in 2012.

The total number of students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce in 2012, either studying a single degree or a combined degree.

Service excellence Two Commerce Student Centre staff recognised for excellent customer service, winning the University’s Service Star Award.

Our students first in international management competition In March, the FBE’s student team overcame strong opposition to win the prestigious McGill Management International Case Competition in Montreal, Canada. The McGill case competition is one of the most respected in the world, with fierce competition amongst the world’s top business schools for invitations to compete. Students are challenged on their ability to see and convey the ‘big

picture’, testing them on their cumulative knowledge in many fields, as well as their teamwork and presentations skills. The penultimate challenge saw our students given 24 hours to develop a series of recommendations in response to a contemporary strategic business issue. Students involved in case competitions received extensive support from Faculty Advisors

Professor Simon Bell and Associate Professor Jennifer Grafton as well as the professional staff in the Commerce Student Centre. In addition, the alumni network of the Faculty generously helped with the training program. Congratulations to our talented students and sincere thanks to all staff and alumni for providing competition support.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 9

Lending a helping hand in Cambodia Microfinance provides millions of poor people with no credit history, collateral, or steady income with access to basic financial services. Founded within the Faculty in late 2010, the Melbourne Microfinance Initiative (MMI) is the first and largest microfinance club in Australia, and is entirely student-run. Daniel Tram, BCom student, recounts a recent trip to Cambodia to work with an NGO there. “Over the winter break, five BCom students and myself escaped the freezing weather of Melbourne and travelled to Cambodia to work with the NGO ‘Journeys Within Our Community’ (JWOC).

“We have been working with JWOC for a year and a half and this was the MMI Cambodia Initiative’s second trip. Deliverables we worked on during the trip included: Creating a microfinance glossary for new volunteers, troubleshooting the microfinance software used, creating a JWOC loan collection handbook and designing a risk scorecard to cut down on the time needed to assess borrowers. In addition, we ran a series of classes for JWOC’s university volunteers with topics that varied from excel functions to credit risk. “Working on these projects was truly rewarding as we were able to see the knowledge and skills that we

MMI member Daniel Tram with some of the children in Cambodia

10 Faculty of Business and Economics

had learnt from countless lectures and tutes put into action. I will never forget the moment when one of our team leaders – Simon – solved a problem that JWOC was having with their microfinance software. The microfinance project manager Sovann actually whooped with joy, smiling widely when he was able to back up their database as they had been having problems for several months. It is moments like this – knowing we have a direct positive effect on people’s life – that are exceptionally satisfying.”

Undergraduate student services and experience

Where have all the entrepreneurs gone?

Commerce Student Centre The Commerce Student Centre (CSC) provides high quality service for undergraduate students. In 2012, two of our staff were recognised for excellent customer service by winning the University’s Service Star Award. The CSC provides administrative and transactional services; student advice, including detailed course and course planning advice; and dedicated enrichment and professional development activities, which include student exchange, case competitions, career mentoring, volunteering and community engagement.

Student experience Student experience opportunities provide students access to a rich suite of programs and activities developed to enhance and complement the BCom degree. Through support provided by our student experience team within the CSC, we help our students to realise their potential as leaders in communities and as effective global citizens.

Recent research claims that Australian culture stifles the entrepreneurial spirit. If Australia is to capitalise on its natural advantages in this ‘Asian Century’ what role will entrepreneurship play? Imagine you have 48 hours to create a company and pitch it to established businessmen. This was the daunting challenge put to Bachelor of Commerce student Greg Weissberg and his teammates in a ‘Student Start-up Hackathon’. Greg is a member of Student Entrepreneurs Inc, Australia’s largest innovation- and entrepreneurship-focused student organisation. Founded in 2007 at the University of Melbourne, it now has over 1,400 members. Greg is proud to say that, ‘The Hackathon was the best experience I had with regard to entrepreneurship.”

Greg Weissberg and teammate Peter Juel Jensen enjoy their first real-life entrepreneurial experience winning the Hackathon.

Our students come from all over the world

Sweden Denmark The Netherlands Germany France



Russian Federation

Iran Pakistan


Japan South Korea

Bangladesh Taiwan Burma Macau India Vietnam Hong Kong Laos Philippines Cambodia Sri Lanka Thailand Malaysia Singapore

Peru Brazil



Zimbabwe Botswana




New Zealand

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 11

Graduate School of Business and Economics The Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) provides graduate business and economics education for students and professionals in the early and middle stages of their career; and a suite of executive education courses for the professional development of leaders and managers. Under the leadership of the Deputy Dean and Director, Professor Nasser Spear, the GSBE Student Centre team provides quality service and support to

students – including a targeted program of orientation and transition for new students, a comprehensive array of academic enrichment, careers services and professional development activities. The GSBE Student Centre thrives on a culture of service excellence. In the 2012 ‘mystery shopper’ exercise commissioned by the University, the GSBE ranked number one in the University for the second year in succession.

No1 in customer service GSBE ranked number one for student services in the University for the second year in a row.

46% increase Student enrolments increased by 46% between 2011 and 2012 exceeding 2012 targets.

Director The Deputy Dean, Professor Nasser Spear, is Director of the GSBE.

Award recognises student-led microfinance innovation Master of Management student Melanie Alforque won the 2012 Graduate Student Association Student of the Year Award. Melanie is an inspiration to the graduate student community through her passionate work as a student ambassador, providing guidance to prospective students via events and social media. Melanie has played an integral role in student clubs. In 2010, she assisted in creating the first Microfinance Club in Australia and played a leading role in the expansion of the Melbourne Microfinance Initiative as its President. Her work in establishing poverty alleviation programs, education events and in securing grants, helped the Microfinance Initiative expand in its formative years. As the President, she coordinated international student-led consulting projects in Ghana, Kenya, Cambodia and Laos, and continues to act as a mentor for the Initiative. She has also volunteered for Student Connect – a program to help others transition through university.

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The Governor of Victoria, His Excellency The Hon. Alex Chernov, AC, QC presents Melanie with her award.

Graduate coursework 2012 achievements Programs In 2012, we made successful changes to our academic program offerings. These improvements included the introduction of a suite of one-anda-half-year Master of Management programs to complement the twoyear degree option; a new Human Resources specialisation in the Master of Management; and a restructured Master of International Business.

Enrolments up by forty-six percent New GSBE student enrolments exceeded 2012 targets, increasing by 46% between 2011 and 2012. The increase occurred across both local and international student enrolments and in all programs, most noticeably in the Master of Finance and the new or revised degree programs.

A positive student experience In the most recent Subject Experience Survey the average score for graduate subjects in response to the question, “Is the subject well taught?” increased to 4.2 on a 5-point scale, achieving the target set by the University.

Executive programs The GSBE now administers all academic programs offered by UoM Commercial, on behalf of the Faculty, with the

exception of tailored and custom programs. The GSBE is now offering the Executive Master of Enterprise and the Executive Master of Supply Chain Management for applicants with 7+ years work experience. See page 15 for more information.

Developing leaders and global citizens The Creating Future Leaders series brought our BCom and Masters students into conversation with engaging and high profile speakers including The Hon. John Brumby, VC Fellow and former Premier of Victoria, and Alex Malley, CEO, CPA Australia. The GSBE Global Communication and Leadership Award saw 96 students undertaking volunteer and professional development activities to earn points towards the Award. During 2012, 15 students undertook exchange to a range of institutions in Europe and North America.

Qualifications review The Master of Management was the first course at the University to undergo a review as part of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) being introduced Australia-wide. All degrees in Australia must be AQF compliant by 2015.

Building a vibrant cohort experience Over 900 students participated in Orientation day activities. The Pre-Semester Program provided

370 commencing students with a challenging case competition supported by skills and information sessions, coaching from senior staff and dedicated student hosts. The new Graduation Celebration format awarded the Dean’s Honours List and GSBE Director’s Award, and saw over 1100 graduands and family members enjoy a post-ceremony celebration with staff and colleagues.

Business practicums and case competitions More than 220 students competed in the semesterly Strategy Presentation Challenge case competition over two weeks on a real business problem presented by our corporate sponsors – Australian Stock Report (Semester 1) and NAB (Semester 2). Students in the 2012 Global Business Practicum subject completed consulting-style projects in high-profile companies in Mumbai, Singapore, Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur. Dr Brent Coker was awarded Best Entrepreneurial Educator of the Year award in 2012 by the Australian Business and Higher Education Round Table for his innovative Internet Marketing subject. GSBE Student Experience assisted in creating a BCom versus Masters case competition as an adjunct to the subject, with highprofile Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists as judges, with the winner receiving start-up capital for their proposed online business.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 13

2013 outlook

Coursework programs


In 2013 we will:


• Ensure the collaboration with Melbourne Business School, and the brand of all programs, is optimised to deliver quality services and student experiences.

• Master of Management (Accounting) (150-point and 200-point)

• Master of Management (150-point and 200-point)

• Complete the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) compliance process for all graduate programs. • Continue to develop the combined Master of Marketing & Communications degree with the Faculty of Arts and explore a dual degree between the Master of International Business and Master of International Relations. • Reposition the Executive Master of Enterprise and Master of Supply Chain Management to attract international students.

• Graduate Certificate in Business Forensics

• Master of Commerce (Management)

• Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting

• Graduate Certificate in Management

Actuarial Science


• Master of Actuarial Science

• Master of Management (Marketing) (150-point and 200-point)

• Postgraduate Diploma in Actuarial Science

Economics • Master of Economics • Postgraduate Diploma in Economics

Finance • Master of Management (Finance) (150-point and 200-point) • Master of Finance

• Complete the revision of the Master of Accounting and promote as the best Australian education for accounting experts.

• Master of Commerce (Finance)

• Introduce a two-week short term ‘Doing Business in the Asia Pacific’ study program (offered in June). Topics include Australian culture and society, economics of the Asia–Pacific region and corporate governance in Asia.

14 Faculty of Business and Economics

• Master of International Business

• Master of Accounting

• Develop a new interdisciplinary graduate degree for the postexperience market.

• Further develop our practicum and experiential student programs and introduce integrative learning that upgrades student analytical and critical skills.

• Master of Management (Human Resources) (150-point and 200-point)

• Postgraduate Diploma in Finance

• Graduate Diploma in Management

• Master of Commerce (Marketing) • Graduate Certificate in Marketing Management • Graduate Certificate in Communication and Customer Strategy.

Executive education

Participants in Motivating and Managing Performance

Academics teaching in the executive education classroom relish engagement with current and diverse practitioners, applying their research to real-world business problems. For participants, taking time out from everyday demands and discovering new ways of thinking about their own and other businesses is invaluable.

2012 achievements This year we built on the strong foundation of 2011 to develop and extend our client base. Our expanded offering includes Executive Education Open Programs in the areas of: • Strategic marketing and branding • Executive decision making and negotiation • Managing customers and customer loyalty • Motivating and managing performance • Governance and risk management in Asia • Internet marketing and social media. Clients for executive education include the banking sector, car industry, professional services, accounting industry, higher education and State Government. Many participants followed up their Open Program experience by enrolling

in the Specialist Certificate in Executive Leadership; the Specialist Certificate in Strategic Marketing; the Master of Supply Chain Management; or Master of Enterprise (Executive). The Master of Supply Chain Management and Master of Enterprise (Executive) attracts talented executives looking for a unique education experience.

we expect enrolments to increase significantly, creating potential for an expanded subject offering and specialised streams.

Executive education programs Open programs • Doing Business in Asia • Market Leadership and Strategic Marketing


• Strategic Financial Analysis

The GSBE’s partnership with the Australian Scholarship Foundation allows us to offer scholarships to individuals working in the not-forprofit sector. This builds equity of opportunity with their counterparts from the corporate and government sectors. Several of these scholarship students have been inspired to enrol in the Specialist Certificate.

• Executive Decision Making and Negotiation

2013 outlook

• Internet Marketing and Social Media • Managing Customers for Competitive Advantage • Strategic Brand Leadership • Motivating and Managing Performance • Treasury Management

Our goal is to assist experienced professionals to develop as leaders and elevate their careers. We expect both the Open Programs and Specialist Certificates to strengthen, delivering in new areas such as work conflict resolution, managing innovation and positive leadership development.

Specialist certificates

With the incorporation of the Master of Enterprise (Executive) and Master of Supply Chain into the GSBE’s offering

• Master of Supply Chain Management.

• Specialist Certificate in Executive Leadership • Specialist Certificate in Strategic Marketing

Masters degrees • Master of Enterprise (Executive)

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 15

Students at work: Red Cross executive takes it to the next level Martin Thiele is the inaugural recipient of a not-for-profit scholarship into the Specialist Certificate in Strategic Marketing. He currently works at the Australian Red Cross as Manager, Supporter Acquisition and Development. After completing his first subject of the course Martin tells, “The GSBE learning environment is state of the art. I don’t remember going to school in the past as ever being this fun. “This course gave me a practical toolbox. The frameworks were sophisticated but simple to understand − you could apply them to quick

16 Faculty of Business and Economics

and dirty thinking on the back of an envelope or use them for a major piece of research.” A unique feature of GSBE Executive education degrees is that all assignments are directly related to the current challenges senior managers are facing in their workplaces. “This course gave me a solid foundation for identifying brand challenges and discussing other brand-related issues with confidence. Crucially, it also gave me tools to assess the strengths, shortfalls and opportunities of my organisation.”

The cross-section of senior managers from a broad range of industries also provides much of the learning opportunity in GSBE Executive education programs. “These programs attract a diverse range of students across a range of commercial and not-for-profit businesses. I really enjoy learning from or drawing out the experience of other professionals from industries as diverse as IT, sports, professional services, recruitment and charities.” Martin will complete his Specialist Certificate in 2013.

Business & Economics Careers Centre The Business & Economics Careers Centre’s facilitates career enhancement for students and alumni at all career stages. We offer tailored, innovative and discipline-specific services for students and alumni, and engagement opportunities for employer and industry organisations. Our ethos is ‘ACCESS, ENGAGE, and ACHIEVE’.

2012 report The Careers Team worked with students and alumni to develop and refine their employability, explore career options, research specific sectors and jobs, understand employment trends and prepare for the job application process. Services included:

Career advice • Initial consultations with new students that map individual career plans • Career strategy consultations • CV and application reviews.

Professional skills development • The ‘Graduate Careers Program’, a not-for-credit subject covering the whole spectrum of individual career development. • Simulated behavioural and group interviews. • Increased work-integrated learning places: business practicum subjects, paid internships and volunteer activities.

• The ‘Career Mentoring Program’, where students and industry mentors build a working relationship. • An Alumni Forum, where alumni of different ages share their career stories and network with students • Professional associations events with CIPS, CPA, ICAA, AMI and AIM. • The Business & Economics Careers Centre LinkedIn group, nearing 600 members

• ‘Career Roundtable’ sessions for fresh graduates.

• The Business Careers Online resources hub.

• ‘Career Circles’: Discussion forums on topics including Australian business culture and professional style advice.

Read detail about these programs in the Engagement– Students section on page 45.

Career networks • ‘Companies from the Inside’ sessions with representatives from organisations including Ernst & Young, PwC, Deloitte, Bank of Melbourne and Marsh & McLennan Companies.

2013 outlook The Careers Centre is launching a new online system called InterviewStream, enabling all students and alumni to access and record practice interviews, submitting them for review by a careers consultant.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 17

Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching supports the delivery of an inclusive, diverse and innovative curriculum. CELT is responsible for the coordination of the Assurance of Learning processes within the Faculty and models best practice in this field across the University. Our programs include the Tutoring in Higher Education program, in which new tutors in the Faculty are provided with intensive, ongoing support, and the internationally recognised Peer Assisted Study Scheme (PASS) for students.

18 Faculty of Business and Economics

2012 report

2013 outlook

We farewelled founding Director, Associate Professor Carol Johnston and in January, welcomed new Director Associate Professor Beverley Webster. The Faculty has renamed its prestigious teaching award the Carol Johnston Excellence in Teaching Award. In June of 2012, the centre was relaunched under a new name, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching.

The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching will move in a new direction though 2013. CELT is well placed to take the lead in developing and implementing the Faculty eLearning policy, which will highlight current initiatives and support the dissemination of new teaching methodologies.

Our academic staff The Faculty has world-class research credentials, while continuing to deliver equally impressive education outcomes, in all of its disciplines. Our departments and the Melbourne Institute are the foundation of our excellence and at the heart of a thriving academic environment. Professor Paul Kofman, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics

Academic staff numbers 52 Professors 33 Associate Professors 49 Senior Lecturers 73 Lecturers 23 Tutors/Senior Tutors 1 Research Assistant 231 in total

Research and teaching We are one of world’s leading centres of teaching and research in core disciplines of accounting, actuarial studies, economics, finance, management and marketing.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 19

Department of Accounting The Department of Accounting is committed to intellectual leadership in accounting education and research in Australia and the Asia–Pacific region. As one of the largest and oldest accounting departments in Australia, it attracts high calibre staff and students. The majority of our staff have experience in industry and blend theoretical and practical knowledge in their teaching. Global and cultural perspectives, including knowledge of international accounting standards and practices, support student learning. Strong links to the community and industry allow the Department to tap into current issues and industry requirements.

CPA Australia University of Melbourne Annual Research Lecture

2012 report Accreditation of the accounting program is integral to our program design and our relationship with the Institute of Chartered Accountants and CPA Australia. We were pleased to confirm our 5-year re-accreditation during 2012. We collaborated with CPA Australia to deliver the long-established CPA Australia University of Melbourne Annual Research Lecture, which marked its 73rd year in 2012. The lecture was held on Monday 15th October and also marked Professor Naomi Soderstrom’s inaugural professorial lecture at the University. Over 300 attendees, including the National President of CPA Australia, Mr John Cahill, joined Professor Soderstrom for this milestone event. The theme was

‘Sustainability Reporting: Past, Present and Trends for the Future’ and focused on environmental disclosure and corporate social responsibility. The lecture series is recognised as the longest-running lecture series at the University of Melbourne, established in 1940 by CPA Australia and the University to promote and stimulate research and encourage original contribution to accounting. In his closing remarks, Victorian President of CPA Australia, Mr Paul McInerney, acknowledged this association, declaring, “CPA Australia is particularly proud of this long standing tradition and delighted with its ongoing partnership with the University of Melbourne.” The comprehensive undergraduate curriculum review (which commenced

in 2011) has made significant progress through the curriculum development phase. The revised curriculum has been introduced incrementally from Semester 2, 2012 and feedback from students on the new material and revised learning style has been very positive. Our International Accounting Study Program is now established as an undergraduate subject. This study program offers students a Summer Semester in Europe or a Winter Semester in the United States, and is run in conjunction with RMIT. Students visit international businesses, regulators, professional offices, universities and government agencies. The program continues to grow in popularity as a result of excellent student feedback.

Accounting Professor elected to the Academy of Social Sciences Australia Professor Margaret Abernethy (Department of Accounting) was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences Australia in recognition of her contribution to the academy. Peers elect Fellows to this prestigious position on the basis of scholarly distinction and their contribution to a social sciences discipline. Professor Abernethy’s research is primarily in management control systems. Professor Abernethy’s distinction as an academic is primarily based on the impact of her research through publications in leading international journals; her success in receiving multiple competitive research grants; her editorial contributions to numerous journals and support for the academy through mentoring and supervision of doctoral students. The award also recognises the significant contribution of her academic leadership to the Faculty for over eight years. Professor Abernethy re-joined the Department of Accounting professoriate in 2012 as the Sir Douglas Copland Chair of Commerce after the conclusion of her deanship.

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Since 2004, the Department of Accounting has awarded a University Medal annually to the highest achieving Accounting Honours student, and in 2012, Mr Daniel Marget was our medallist. Daniel has since joined the Teach for Australia program for outstanding graduates and is pursuing a teaching qualification. Teach for Australia focuses on delivering high educational standards to disadvantaged schools. A second Honours graduate, Jianxian (Donny) Zhou was accepted into the PhD program at the University of North Carolina.

Academic links and visits The Department continued its highly successful Melbourne Accounting Research Seminars (MARS) with presentations by international and national visitors and staff. The seminar series is key to the Department’s continued advancement of international accounting research. The Department also received a number of visits in 2012 from its Honorary Professorial Fellows, appointed to develop ongoing research links with major universities in Europe and the United States. Our investment in scholarly leadership has stimulated debate on critical issues in the accounting domain and strengthened the Department’s teaching and research programs. Several new honorary appointments are being made in 2013, including Professor Mary Barth from Stanford University and Professor Gavin Cassar from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Staff awards and prizes Dr David Huelsbeck was runner-up in the AAA Management Accounting Section Dissertation Award competition for 2012. The competition recognises outstanding dissertation research in management accounting and is sponsored by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). David was presented with his award in August at the AAA Annual Meeting in Washington DC. Professor Anne Lillis received the Dean’s Prize for Exceptional Distinction in Research and Research Training 2011 (awarded in 2012). Professor Lillis has an outstanding publication record including 3 A*, 1A, 1B ERA ranked publications over a two year period, in addition to her role on several editorial

Mr Daniel Marget

boards including Contemporary Accounting Research and Accounting, Organizations and Society. Ms Sarah Hinchliffe was awarded the Deans Award for Excellence in Teaching. Sarah has achieved outstanding feedback from students, consistently reflected in her SES results. Recognising outstanding contributions to teaching, a total of 9 of the Dean’s Certificates for Teaching Excellence were awarded to our staff in 2011 (awarded in 2012): four undergraduate and five for graduate teaching.

2012 editorial board appointments Professor Anne Lillis has joined the editorial boards of Accounting Organizations and Society and the European Accounting Review. Associate Professor Brad Potter has been appointed to the editorial board of Accounting History. Associate Professor Carlin Dowling has been appointed to the following editorial boards: Journal of Information Systems (AAA section journal), Behavioural Research in Accounting (AAA section journal), and Accounting and Finance in 2012. Professor Margaret Abernethy has joined the editorial board of Behavioural Research in Accounting.

2013 outlook 2013 is anticipated to be a period of change and activity for the Department of Accounting. Professor John Lyon concludes his headship in February after serving the Department in the roles of Head and Deputy Head over seven years. His successor, Professor Anne Lillis is preparing to consolidate and extend the direction established by Professor Lyon. Now that the undergraduate curriculum review is at an advanced stage the Department is looking to establish a four-year PhD program. A four-year program will graduate PhD students attractive to leading international schools. A review of comparable international programs has already been conducted and planning is well underway for a 2014 intake of students. The Department is also preparing for AACSB Accounting Maintenance Review in mid-2013 ahead of its re-accreditation in 2014/2015, which will involve a second site visit by the review team. We are working towards success in the international rookie market in 2013. Interviews are underway as a result of meetings held in Miami late last year. We anticipate these appointments will strengthen the Department’s long-term research agenda.

Associate Professor Paul Coram has been appointed to the editorial board of Issues in Accounting Education.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 21

Department of Economics The Department of Economics is the leading economics department in Australia. According to the 2012 Center for World Class Universities and the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the University of Melbourne ranks number one in Australia in economics. In the QS’ 2012 World University rankings by subject, Economics and Econometrics was ranked equal 30th in the world. The Department is large, with 57 teaching and research staff and 11 professional staff, and includes the Centre for Actuarial Studies. We are committed to achieving the highest standards in research through publishing in leading international journals and world-standard research on the Australian economy and economic policy issues. Some of our major areas of research are: economic theory, econometric theory, microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis and policy design, health and wellbeing, Asian economies and the economics of international trade and development, and the economics of education. Our pedagogical objectives focus on excellence and innovation in undergraduate and graduate programs. Teaching covers the core areas of microeconomics, macroeconomics and quantitative methods/econometrics; as well as most other specialist areas such as monetary economics, game theory, development economics, environmental economics, economic history and actuarial science. The Department has a strong track

record of providing policy advice and expertise to government and private organisations. Members of the Department serve on government inquiries, boards and international agencies.

2012 report We officially launched the exciting new Centre for Market Design on 7 June 2012. The Centre is collaboration between the University of Melbourne, the Commonwealth Treasury and the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance and provides an institutional framework to build research capacity and to support ongoing policy collaboration. In a joint initiative of the Department and the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, the Honours Outreach Program was designed to stimulate interest in PhD study at the University of Melbourne, attracting 19 honours students from universities in Australia and New Zealand.

Research Our dedicated research centres attract local and overseas academics, continually push the boundaries of knowledge in the fields of economics, econometrics and actuarial studies and has a strong track record obtaining external funding. Research centres within the Department include the Centre for Actuarial Studies, Centre for Market Design, Economic Theory and Experiments Unit, Experimental Economics Laboratory,

Macroeconomics Research Unit, Microeconometrics Research Unit, Trade and Development Research Unit and the Household Research Unit.

Engagement with industry We nurture strong ties to the wider community and make a variety of contributions to the economics profession. Academics edit and referee articles for professional journals, and are engaged as consultants to government, international agencies and businesses. They are invited to present their views in the media; frequently present talks and lectures for external organisations; and serve as members of government committees. • The Centre for Actuarial Studies has close links with the Actuaries Institute. • The Household Research Unit has links through the Household Research Database Facility to the University of New South Wales, The University of Newcastle and the Victorian University of Technology. • The Trade and Development Research Unit is well supported by international financial agencies, Australian government sectors and by joint partnerships with individual countries in the Asia–Pacific region. The newly established Centre for Market Design (CMD), in conjunction with the Melbourne Energy Institute (MEI), ran a highly successful workshop in 2012 on key priorities for energy market research. This workshop brought together researchers in economics, engineering, and the social and

Link between cannabis use and youth suicide Does cannabis use play a causal role in explaining suicidal behavior of youth? A study co-authored by Professor Jenny Williams has investigated this theory using longitudinal data. “While most users of cannabis do not suffer any significant ill effects from its consumption, there is mounting evidence that early onset of cannabis use leads to an increased risk of several adverse outcomes including cannabis dependence, early school leaving, and perhaps psychosis,” reports Professor Williams.

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Understanding the underlying causes of suicidal behaviors is an important yet understudied area in economics. Suicidal behaviors impose significant economic costs on society. The cost of completed suicides by 10–24 year olds in the US in 2005 was estimated to be $6 billion in medical expenses and lost work alone. Researchers have identified that regular cannabis use is indeed a risk factor for suicidal ideation for males; it is not suicidal ideation that causes cannabis use.

“This is of significant policy interest since it provides clear information for the targeting of youth suicide prevention programs, identifying behaviors and ages that produce large increases in the risk of transitioning into suicidal behavior. Our paper provides credible evidence that the early onset of suicidal ideation is a further adverse outcome of youthful cannabis use for these vulnerable individuals,” explains Professor Williams.

physical sciences, key energy sector representatives (including producers, distributors and market agencies), and representatives from State and Federal Treasury and Finance.

Celebration and farewell We hosted a one-day conference on February 15 2012 to celebrate the dedicated career of Professor Ian McDonald’s work. He joined the Department in 1974 and retired at the end of 2011. In July we celebrated the achievements of Associate Professor Donald Maclaren, Director of the Asian Economic Centre (now the Trade and Development Research Unit). Donald recently retired, having joined the Department in 1996. The Department also farewelled both Professor Michael Shields and Dr Catherine de Fontenay at the end of 2012. Michael commenced with the Department in 2001 and Catherine had been a senior lecturer in both the Department of Economics and the Melbourne Business School since 2003.

Visitors to the Department in 2012 The Department hosted 93 local and international visitors in 2012. Among these were a number of high profile visitors, including: Martin Wolf, CBE, Financial Times Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator visited the Department as guest speaker at the 10th annual Corden Lecture.

Macroeconomics subject attracts almost a quarter of University online enrolments When the University of Melbourne became the first Australian institute to join online education provider Coursera in September, the Faculty of Business and Economics’ subject Principles of Macroeconomics quickly became the University’s most popular course. Of the approximately 52,000 people enrolled in online courses offered by The University of Melbourne around 23% are enrolled in Professor Nilss Olekalns’ Macroeconomics subject. The course is free and runs for six weeks.

Avner Offer, economic historian who held the Chichele Professorship in Economic History at the University of Oxford, England, where he is currently an Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College. Simon Anderson, Commonwealth Professor of Economics at the University of Virginia, presented a seminar on Competition for Advertisers in Media Markets while visiting the Experimental Economics Laboratory in 2012.

Staff awards and prizes Professor Peter Bardsley: Economic Theory Fellow by the Society for Advancement of Economic Theory Professor John Freebairn: Faculty Teaching Award Associate Professor Jenny Lye: Dean’s Certificate of Excellent Undergraduate Teaching Dr Tom Wilkening: International Fellow – Center for Engineering Social and Economic, University of Zurich

PHD completions Jiun Hong Chan – ‘Limit Proxy Methods for Fast Monte–Carlo Greeks’. Phillip de la Rue – ‘Modelling Household Electricity Consumption’. Timothy Helm – ‘Essays on the Economics of Price Transmission’. Sephorah Mangin – ‘Essays on the Microfoundations of Macroeconomics’. Ciyu Nie – ‘On Lower Barrier Insurance Risk Processes’. Anwar Shah – ‘Determinants of Exploitation: An Experimental Analysis’. Robert Tang – ‘New Methods and Improvements to Monte–Carlo Methods for Pricing Derivative Securities’.

Xiaokang Wang – ‘Econometric Modelling of Financial Contagion with Applications’. Ermias Weldemicael – ‘Essays on the Composition of Trade’. Chao Yang – ‘Generic Algorithmic Differentiation Methods for Computing Financial Derivative Greeks’.

2013 outlook 2013 promises to be an eventful year for the Department – with a new Head of Department and a new location. Professor Bill Griffiths commences as Head of Department in January 2013. Bill has a wealth of knowledge and experience having been Head of Department for 15 years at the Department of Econometrics, University of New England prior to joining the Department in 2001. He has also held positions of Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) for the Faculty from 2005–2007; Deputy Head of the Department from 2002– 2007; and Director of the Centre for Microeconometrics from 2004–2009. The Department will relocate to the third and fourth floors of the Faculty of Business and Economics Building, 111 Barry Street during mid-2013. The move will locate the Department within the Faculty precinct enhancing learning and collaboration opportunities for students and staff. We have lived in our current building for the last 15 years so there will be some nostalgia in relation to the move. The Department will participate in the annual international recruitment for economics graduates and look to further appoint staff, continuing to support the Department’s longer term staffing strategy.

Martin Wolf with Emeritus Professor Max Corden. Photography © Jim Rule

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 23

Department of finance The Department of Finance was formally established in July 2001, although finance subjects were taught at the University for many years prior to that date. The Department has grown substantially since its creation, from just over 700 full-time students in 2002 to over 1400 in 2012. Staffing levels have also expanded from 15 academics in 2002 to 33 academics in 2012. The finance specialisation is in demand with more than 3,800 student enrolments in 3rd year finance major subjects in 2012. The Department continues to offer a strong honours program with an intake restricted to around 40 of the very best undergraduate students majoring in finance. The honours program is well established across Australia and New Zealand with more applications coming every year from the best interstate and trans-Tasman universities. The Department offers a suite of graduate courses, ranging from the practitioner-oriented Master of Finance, to the more research-focused Master of Commerce in Finance and PhD in Finance (with coursework). Beginning in 2009, the pre-experience Master of Management (Finance), for those whose undergraduate degree was in a non-business discipline, was added to the available course offerings. In 2012, admissions for the start-of-year intake to the Master of Finance and Master of Management (Finance) programs increased by 68% and 98% respectively over their 2011 figures, underlining the ever increasing interest in our quality finance education.

journals. To support our research activities, the Department has access to a large number of financial databases, including the Wharton Research Databases (WRDS), Datastream, Bloomberg and IRESS and a unique to tool for combining and analysing Australian financial data. The emphasis on a strong research culture is making its mark on the Department’s annual recruitment of junior academics with high quality applicants from the very best international graduate schools. In 2012, academics within the Department of Finance had articles accepted for publication in such journals as: the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Accounting Research and the Journal of Futures Markets, and presented papers at many national and international conferences including the American Finance Association, European Finance Association, and Financial Management Association meetings.

2012 report

In research training, the Department of Finance proudly saw PhD student Wei Zhang complete her candidature, having already commenced in her lecturer position at Deakin University. The department also welcomed five new “full” PhD candidates, and accepted two students into its new “pre-doctoral” program, consisting of enrolment into the MCom (Finance) with conditional continuation into the PhD course. This program is designed to enhance the research training experience and to provide a greater foundation to its graduates for a career in academia.

Research and research training

Academic links and visits

While maintaining its reputation for a high quality curriculum, the Department focuses on high impact research in the various sub-disciplines of finance.

Enhancing our teaching, research, and engagement activities, the Department hosts a large number of prominent international visiting academics and now has strong links with most leading finance departments in the world. The research culture in the Department is enhanced by a prestigious Research Seminar Series, which, in 2011, included speakers from Yale University, Penn State, UCLA and HKUST.

Current research interests of department staff include: asset pricing, derivatives and risk management, corporate finance, market microstructure, financial institutions, real estate finance, financial econometrics, neuro-finance, governance, behavioral finance, mutual fund management and international finance. An unequivocal focus on research excellence is generating an increasing number of publications in top tier

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In 2012, the Department of Finance hosted its annual ‘Finance Down Under’ conference. This year’s event featured invited speakers Kenneth French (Dartmouth University), Mark Grinblatt

(UCLA), Toby Moskowitz (University of Chicago), and Sheridan Titman (University of Texas). Along with the invited discussants, academics from over 20 universities in Europe, the US, Asia and Australia presented at the conference.

Industry engagement An important category of departmental activity is the interaction between academic staff and the finance profession. Staff members are involved in a wide range of continuing education and executive programs and have strong links with finance practitioners and financial institutions. Among the staff most active in executive education are Dr Sean Pinder and Dr Les Coleman, both of whom teach short courses in ‘Treasury Management’ for KPMG throughout the year.

Staff awards and prizes In 2012, staff received the following awards: • Professor Rob Brown and Dr Sean Pinder – Australian Publishers Association Award for Best Tertiary (Wholly Australian) Teaching and Learning Resource for their textbook Business Finance – 11th edition. • Ms Michelle Low – Best PhD paper award at the Global Accounting, Finance & Economics Conference, 2012. • Professor Spencer Martin – Faculty of Business and Economics Prize for Exceptional Distinction in Research and Research Training. • Dr Sean Pinder – 2012 Carol Johnston Excellence in Teaching Award.

2013 outlook The Department of Finance enters 2013 with a new Head of Department, Associate Professor John Handley, and looks forward to another successful year of conducting high-quality finance teaching and research under his leadership. Likewise, the department extends its sincere thanks to Professor Bruce Grundy for his achievements during his headship, and is grateful for his continuing contributions as an accomplished teacher and researcher in the discipline.

Financial spotlight on Melbourne In March 2012, the Department of Finance attracted leading international academic figures in finance to the annual Finance Down Under conference. ‘Finance Down Under – Building on the best from the cellars of finance’ is an annual conference that began in 2006. Every year it celebrates a seminal academic paper that has inspired research and had a decisive effect in the finance industry. The reputation of the conference has spread across the globe and only the most prestigious academic papers are selected. In 2012 just seventeen

papers were chosen by the program committee of the conference, from hundreds of submissions. The conference celebrated the 20th anniversary of the influence of the classic Jagadeesh and Titman momentum study. This paper underlies the trading strategies of many hedge funds and continues to drive much academic research. Among the keynote presenters at the conference was one of the fathers of the subject of momentum trading in the field of finance, Professor Sheridan Titman of the University

of Texas, as well as Professor Toby Moskowitz from the University of Chicago, Professor Ken French from Dartmouth University and Mark Grinblatt from UCLA. Along with invited discussants, academics from 20 universities in Europe, the U.S.A, Asia and Australia presented at the conference. Papers included “Risk-taking Incentives and Losses in the Financial Crisis”, “Employment, Corporate Investment and Cash Flow Uncertainty” and “Momentum Trading and Price Overreaction: The Role of Speculative Traders”.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 25

Department of Management and Marketing The Department of Management and Marketing is the only multi-disciplined department in the Faculty. It has approximately 37 full-time equivalent academic staff with expertise in human resource management, industrial relations, international business, marketing, operations management and organisational studies. At the undergraduate level, the Department teaches into the Bachelor of Commerce and hosts a fourth-year honours program. The Department also teaches into a number of professional and practitioner masters-level degrees including the Master of Commerce and the Master of Management. In 2012, the Department taught 1,011 undergraduate and 333 graduate students. Research graduate students included 14 honours students and 30 doctoral students. Our overarching pedagogical aim is to assist students to develop strong leadership, decision-making and analytical capabilities that draw on advanced conceptual and practical developments in management and marketing.

2012 report

McKenzie Fellowship positions, selected for his potential to build and lead new collaborative research activities within and across faculties. Mr Tim Bryce was the only departure. • A number of promotions including: Michelle Brown and Damien Power to Professor, and Joeri Mol and Benjamin Neville to Senior Lecturer. • The nomination of Honorary Emeritus Professorial Fellow Joe Isaac, AO as a ‘Living Treasure’ by the Sir Richard Kirby Archives of Fair Work Australia. • A number of prestigious teaching awards including: Dr Brent Coker, as The Best Entrepreneurial Educator of the Year at the 2012 Business Higher Education Round Table Awards; Associate Professor Angela Paladino, one of three 2012 Master Teacher Awards by the 10th Annual Marketing Management Association Hormel Foods Competition; and many of our academics were awarded Dean’s Certificates of Excellence for Teaching within the Faculty as well as those associated with Executive education programs, highlighting the calibre of our staff.

Some of the highlights for the year included:

Research and research training

• The appointment of Professor Peter Gahan, Dr Paul Bergey, Dr Erica Coslor, Dr Jonathan Roffe and Ms Alice Sykes. Dr Roffe was appointed as one of the University’s 13 postdoctoral

We are maintaining our strong international research reputation and currently support four research hubs: the Melbourne International Business Research Unit, the Foundation for

PwC partnership fostering long-term business sustainability Leading Australian and New Zealand organisations have shared their inner workings in a world-first study to understand the value and elements of organisational agility. Research for the collaborative PwC and the Faculty of Business and Economics study has involved 60 executives from 18 organisations that span some of the highest profile organisations in Australia and New Zealand, including ASX top 50 to government departments and private businesses. The businesses represent a broad cross section of industries such as mining, retail, health and technology. The research team is headed by Professor Graham Sewell and draws on expert input from human resource specialist Dr Adam Barsky and

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organisational psychologist Dr Michael Zyphur, as well as PwC consulting experts led by Partner Richard Shackcloth. The newly developed ‘HVP Agility Model’ recognises that agility has many dimensions but is based on three core capacities: Horizon, Velocity and Plasticity. PwC and the University of Melbourne will use the HVP Agility Model and continuing collaborative research to produce an Agility Index as a tool to confirm that agility generates greater shareholder returns. It will allow organisations to review their strengths and weaknesses, track improvement over time and correlate this with overall performance and shareholder returns.

Sustainable Economic Development, the Melbourne Human Resource Management Research Unit and the International Centre for Research in Organisational Discourse, Strategy and Change. The strength of our research productivity was evidenced by the participation of staff in 13 ARC grants and one CRC during 2012, and outstanding research publications achievements were validated by the 2012 Excellence in Research (ERA) of the Australian Research Council, with: Code 15 – Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services; Code 1503 – Business and Management; and Code 1505 – Marketing, all receiving the highest ranking of 5 out of 5, demonstrating world class status. Our staff and students were recognised in a number of exciting ways this year: • Professor Damien Power was granted the Dean’s Award for Exceptional Distinction in Research and Research Training and both Professor Power and Associate Professor Prakash Singh received a Dean’s Certificate of Excellence in Research. • Dr Michael Zyphur was awarded the prestigious Academy of Management Early Career Research Methods Division Award from Sage Publications and CARMA (Centre for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis).

Joe Isaac named ‘living treasure’ One of the Faculty’s most distinguished academics was named a ‘living treasure’ by the Sir Richard Kirby Archives of Fair Work Australia. Professorial Fellow Joe Isaac, AO received the accolade at the ‘Treasures of the Archives’ exhibition which was held to mark the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Sir Richard Kirby Archives. These are a historic repository dedicated to preserving the history of Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal, Fair Work Australia, and its predecessors. Professor Isaac is a well-known authority on labour economics and industrial relations and a former member of the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission. Professor Isaac turned 90 in 2012 and is still lecturing.

• Professor Anne–Wil Harzing won the International HR Scholarly Research Award (HR Division) at the Academy of Management. • Dr Tom Osegowitsch and Dr André Sammartino won the Best Paper in the International Management Stream (ANZAM). • Dr Marcus Phipps, the Best Reviewer in the Sustainability and Social Issues in Management Stream (ANZAM). • Associate Professor Liliana Bove won a poster prize at the International Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion as well as, with her colleague Simon Pervan, winning the Best paper – Services Marketing Stream (ANZMAC). • Alka Singh was the 2012 winner of the Department’s Best PhD Paper Award. • Jennifer Simpson (Marketing) and Sarah Gundlach (Management) won the inaugural Forethought Honours Thesis Awards.

Engagement with industry We hosted the 27th Annual Foenander Lecture, presented by Honorary Professor Geoffrey Giudice AO, former barrister, judge and first president of Fair Work Australia, as well as the third annual Isaac Industrial Relations Symposium (in conjunction with Monash University). Each event attracted large and enthusiastic audiences from the human resource and industrial relations industries.

Honorary Emeritus Professorial Fellow Joe Isaac, AO (centre) pictured with The Hon Michael Kirby AC (left) and Justice Ian Ross AO (right).

We offered a rewarding experience to students through global case studybased subjects and consultancy project based subjects with Melbourne companies. These are capstone experiences for the students and teach effective teamwork in a time critical environment. Academic staff are engaged in a variety of consulting, research projects and executive education. For just one example, see our news story, left. During 2012, we conducted an intensive workshop series with the prestigious CARMA (Centre for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis) organisation. The Department Seminar Series was vibrant and well attended with internal and external speakers presenting their latest research findings to audiences of PhD candidates and academic staff.

Visitors to the Department in 2012 Professor Paul Adler Ms Angela Amodio Dr Andy Bennett Dr Elizabeth Bruggen Professor Thomas Choi Professor Elizabeth Cowley Professor Catherine Cramton Professor Doug Creed Dr Alex Eapen Professor Jan Heide Professor Christian Homburg

Professor Ann Huff Professor Ujwal Kayande Professor Mary Dean Lee Professor Steve Maguire Dr Elliott Malz Dr Johanna McNeil Professor Ram Mudambi Dr Wendy Nobel Dr David Oliver Professor Masaharu Ota Professor Marcus Pudelko Professor Hope Schau Professor Charles Snow Professor Paul Thompson Professor Paul Tracey Professor David Whetten Dr Jeaney Yip Professor Ray Zammuto

2013 outlook During 2013, we will focus our energy on building critical capacity in both research and teaching by appointing new academic staff, with the first round of appointees to take up positions before mid-year. The long-term aim is to increase the depth of expertise in areas of current strength. This will have flow-on effects in relation to course marketability and student outcomes at all levels, including the executive education field.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 27

Melbourne Institute The Melbourne Institute is Australia’s leading and longest-running research institute in the field of economics, undertaking cutting-edge research into key issues relevant to contemporary economic and social policy. The Melbourne Institute undertakes research across four key areas – socio-economic disadvantage, public sector performance, productivity and living standards, and fostering health and wellbeing. In each of these areas we remain focused on building the evidence base for reform and contributing to public policy. To support our research, we are involved in the collection and analysis of survey data, and the measurement of economic and social indicators. This work gives us and other organisations the tools and data we need to help shape policy.

2012 report 50th Anniversary of the Melbourne Institute: 1962–2012 The Melbourne Institute held a conference in December to commemorate the major achievements the Institute has made in the last 50 years. Speakers included leading, wellrespected academics and government representatives from outside the Institute, and academia whose work took place during the 50-year life of the Institute. The conference ended with a lively roundtable, which included current and former Melbourne Institute Directors.

Professor Ross Williams (seated) with (from left) the current Dean Professor Paul Kofman and former deans of the Faculty Professor Margaret Abernethy, Professor Peter Dawkins and Professor Peter Lloyd

The Policy Providers: A History of the Melbourne Institute

‘Substantial impact’ of Melbourne Institute research

Written by Professor Ross Williams, The Policy Providers: A History of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, 1962– 2012 was officially launched as part of the Melbourne Institute’s Economic and Social Outlook Conference on 31 October. The Policy Providers tells how the Institute rose from inauspicious beginnings to achieve national prominence. Through the efforts of its foundation director, Ronald Henderson, within a decade the Institute’s researchers had provided the blueprint for today’s Medicare and the impetus for the national regulation of financial institutions, and had alerted Australians to the existence of significant pockets of poverty.

The ‘Excellence in Innovation for Australia’ (EIA) trial conducted by The Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) and Group of Eight Universities found that research conducted by the Melbourne Institute has been instrumental in ensuring that the HILDA Survey is now numbered among the elite panel surveys in the world. Innovative survey design and extraordinary sample retention has led to HILDA data underpinning a broad range of economic and social research projects both nationally and internationally. Influence on Australian policy is evident in tax changes proposed by the Henry Review; the government’s 2011 Paid Parental Leave policy; federal minimum wage decisions; and monetary policy settings.

Long-running household study extended The Melbourne Institute has been overseeing the design and administration of the HILDA Survey on behalf of the Australian Government since 2000. Over that period the HILDA Survey has made the transition into a mature, successful long-running household panel study, one among only a handful around the world that can make this claim. In June, the Department of Families, Housing and Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) re-awarded the contract for the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey from 2012–2016 to the Melbourne Institute. Led by Professor Mark Wooden and Associate Professor Roger Wilkins, the HILDA team is to be congratulated on their success as well as for consistently producing absorbing research, offering powerful insight into Australian households over time.

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Staff awards and prizes Professor Richard Burkhauser and co-authors of the paper, “A ‘Second Opinion’ on the Economic Health of the American Middle Class,” are the recipients of the 2012 Richard Musgrave Prize, awarded each year for the best article published in the National Tax Journal.

Events and activities We hosted the eighth Economic and Social Outlook conference with The Australian, once again placing the Melbourne Institute in the national spotlight and at the centre of public policy debate. Participants at the conference, ‘Securing the Future: How Australia can Survive in a Volatile World’, concentrated on identifying strategies for Australia to not only cope with, but thrive in, a volatile world. The conference was opened by The University of Melbourne ViceChancellor Professor Glyn Davis. In his response, Paul Kelly, Editor-at-Large for The Australian, noted that the timing of the conference was fortuitous given the recent release of the ‘White Paper on Asia’ and the mid-year budget review. These documents provided the foundation for the conference discussion given the uncertain, unpredictable and weaker global economic environment.

Achievements in 2012 The seventh volume of the Statistical Report of the HILDA survey was released in 2012. Since its creation in 2001 the internationally renowned HILDA Survey continues to inform and enlighten economic and social debate and policy in Australia. In recognition of this, the Melbourne Institute was again awarded the HILDA Survey Contract for another four years. The contract awarded by FaHCSIA covers for a further four waves of HILDA, which would cover data collection in the period 2012 to 2016. Another pioneering piece of research released in 2012 was the initial results of ‘Journeys Home: A longitudinal study of factors affecting housing stability’. ‘Journey’s Home’ is a world-first study tracking the lives of more than 1,600 homeless or vulnerable Australians for

Senator the Hon Penny Wong on a panel discussion at the Conference.

almost two years. In August, The Wave 1 Findings were released to mark the end of National Homeless Persons’ Week. The initial findings, from September to November 2011, confirm the most common reason for first becoming homeless was family breakdown and conflict (62 per cent). The Melbourne Institute won a number of new contracts in 2012. Early in 2012, the Social Policy Research Services contract with the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) was renewed for another two years. We were also awarded a large contract from the ASEAN secretariat to assess progress towards the ASEAN economic and social community project ‘Enhancing the ASEAN Community Progress Monitoring System/ACPMS’. Continuing our mission to foster informed discussion and debate about public policy in Australia, the Melbourne Institute hosted a one-day workshop in Canberra during May to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Treasury’s first ‘Intergenerational Report’. The ‘Intergenerational Report’ has had an important role in shaping the public discourse and policy debate on population ageing in Australia. The 10th anniversary of its release is a fortuitous moment to reflect on its predictions and to consider the road going forward.

2013 outlook We are planning a number of events to continue its tradition of ensuring Australia can chart an informed social and economic course. In 2013, the inaugural MABEL Research Forum will be held. The MABEL longitudinal survey of doctors has become a valuable research resource on medical workforce in Australia. In its fifth year and with a continuing cohort of over 8000 doctors, research using the survey data has already appeared in prestigious national and international journals and provided the basis for policy reports to Health Workforce Australia. The Forum will discuss research using the MABEL data in a form that is accessible to academics, policymakers and other stakeholders. The sixth HILDA Survey Research Conference will also be held in October 2013. In addition to the Melbourne Institute’s quarterly Economic Forums in Canberra, covering a range of topics and featuring leading authorities in their areas of expertise. In 2013, we will also launch The Melbourne Institute Policy Briefs Series. This series presents a discussion of current research undertaken by our staff and will cover topics that relate to current policy issues. The coming year will see commencement of the planning for the ninth Economic and Social Outlook Conference by the Melbourne Institute and The Australian, taking place in 2014.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 29

Our professional staff Professional staff manage the operational services for the Faculty. These services encompass two main functions:

Student and staff services Our students and staff are supported in their activities by a comprehensive range of support services run by dedicated teams of academic and professional staff: • Business & Economics Careers Centre − Providing tailored and discipline specific careers support services to students and engagement opportunities to employer and industry organisations. • CELT (formally TLU) − supporting the delivery of an exceptional curriculum inclusive of diversity and innovation. Our staff work with teachers and students to provide world class learning experiences. • Commerce Student Centre – for BCom students • Graduate School of Business and Economics Student Centre – for graduate students • Research Support Unit – for research staff and students.

The professional service units These units are staffed by industry professionals and support the daily management and administration of the Faculty: • Finance Professional Service Unit • Human Resources Unit • Information Technology

GSBE student centre staff Scott Lacelles, Emily Donoghue and Keshia Jacotine.

Student centre no. 1 for two years in a row The GSBE Student Centre was ranked no. 1 for customer service for the second year in a row in 2012. The Centre came out on top in an exercise that took place over a period of six weeks involving 21 student service points across the University. The exercise involved ‘mystery shoppers’ visiting Student Centres every week to enquire about a range of topics. Staff were evaluated on criteria such as average wait time, greeting skills, manner, environment, enquiry resolution and communication skills. Scott Lascelles, Executive Officer Student Services, commented that this was very much a team effort and reflected the customer service culture of the GSBE. “We prioritise customer service and to be recognised University wide for presenting best practice is something we at the GSBE are very proud and excited about.”

• Marketing and Communications.

Staff research student global mobility, short courses and workplace learning Three professional staff have been recognised as part of the 2012 Professional Staff Development Scholarship. The Scholarships are designed to support staff that demonstrate outstanding performance to undertake projects that advance the administration and management practices within the Faculty and strengthen links with other GO8 or Universitas 21 institutions. Sue Elston

Caitlin Wright

The Commerce Student Centre is examining ‘Increasing the number of low SES students that participate in global mobility programs’; Caitlin Wright of the Marketing and Communications Unit is researching ‘Leveraging short courses in order to build GSBE brand profile and engage with prospective students’; and Sue Elston of the Business & Economics Careers Centre is ‘Measuring the impact and effectiveness of careers services and work integrated learning experiences’.

30 Faculty of Business and Economics

2012 report 2012 was a year where professional staff were recognised for their excellence and achievement, and significant changes were implemented to improve the administrative functions of the Faculty. A new Operational Management Team (OMT) was establised in February 2012 comprising Department Service Managers and Professional Service Unit (PSU) Managers including Finance, HR, Marketing and Communications, Research, Advancement, CELT and postgraduate and undergratuae Student Centres. The Executive Director meets with OMT on a monthly basis to dicuss a range of strategic and operational matters and to exchange information. A number of staff from other parts of the University attend as required to present on topics that are relevant to the group. A revised organisational structure enabled the Human Resources Unit to work more closely with key Faculty stakeholders to better understand their business imperatives and to work through the human resource management implications. Part of this revision included the successful transition of the Faculty’s IT services to the central University’s Information Technology Services (ITS). The Finance and Resources Unit has successfully undergone a structural change, which will enable it to better support the Faculty’s agenda for growth through quality and innovation. It is now

called the Finance Professional Service Unit. In student and staff services the Centre for Learning and Teaching Excellence (formerly the Teaching and Learning Unit) farewelled founding Director, Associate Professor Carol Johnstone and in January, welcomed new Director Associate Professor Beverley Webster. This change heralded a name change and a new strategic direction in developing and implementing the Faculty’s eLearning policy. In 2012, two Commerce Student Centre staff were recognised for excellent customer service by winning the University’s Service Star Award.

2013 outlook A major priority for all units will be working through the implications for the FBE/MBS Collaboration. Taskforce working groups have been set up with members from both FBE and MBS for this purpose. Human Resources will facilitate the development of a workforce plan for the next three to five years. Finance will lead the Faculty through the Oracle system upgrade and related business process improvements. In 2013, the technical transition will continue to migrate IT services to ITS, mainly IT infrastructure. The Faculty’s Service Level and Facilities Management professional services unit was established in 2013 to form a liaison between the Faculty and ITS to ensure

Scholarship recipient Danielle Roller

Scholarship to improve management practices Danielle Roller, of the Marketing and Communications Unit, was awarded the first Faculty of Business and Economics staff scholarship, which entitles the recipient to a 100% fee remission on a Masters program within the Graduate School of Business and Economics. She is using the award to complete the Master of Enterprise (Executive).

standards for IT Services are maintained within agreed levels. In research support, the research unit will be undergoing a period of review and building in 2013 to ensure that it can more effectively meet the needs of PhD students and academic staff within the Faculty.

Funding for staff innovation in student support Two projects from the Faculty were successful in applying for funding under the Equity Innovation Grant in 2012. Grants are part of the University’s Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP), which aims to increase the historically poor record of people from low SES backgrounds accessing and participating in higher education. Patricia Migallos from the Marketing and Communications Unit was awarded $50 000 to develop case study workshops to be delivered to Year 10 students in low SES areas. The second project was the Abernethy Scholars Program, launched thanks to a $25 000 award via the Equity Innovation Grant.

Patricia Migallos

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 31

Research and research training Research In 2012 Melbourne University maintained its ranking as the only Australian university to be listed in the top-100 in economics & business in the influential Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities. The Faculty is highly regarded internationally for its research achievements as it strives for excellence with a strategy of ‘quality over quantity’. Achievements are evidenced through rankings, success in the international journal publication arena, outstanding Excellence in Research in Australia (ERA) results, and in the Faculty’s ability to win highly competitive research funding. Business and economics disciplines in our Faculty were a standout with a ranking of five for seven out of nine of the discipline groupings. A ‘five’ is the top rank and indicates that there is evidence of outstanding performance above world standard. Based on this ranking exercise Business and Economics at Melbourne is number one in the country. We are also a top performer across the University in terms of the proportion of fives. Seven expert panels examined the benefits

of 162 case studies of research, and outstanding research was highlighted in four case studies within the report, with one of these outstanding case studies being the HILDA survey that is conducted by the Melbourne Institute. In particular the Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) report states: ‘Research conducted by the Melbourne Institute has been instrumental in ensuring that the HILDA Survey is now numbered among the elite panel surveys in the world. Innovative survey design and extraordinary sample retention has led to the HILDA data underpinning a broad range of economic and social research projects both nationally and internationally. The outcomes of this research effort have had a substantial impact on Australian policy development, including, for example: tax changes proposed by the Henry Review; the government’s 2011 Paid Parental Leave policy; Federal minimum wage decisions; and informing monetary policy setting.’

questions on the contribution of research to the challenges Australian society and economy faces, this assertion by ATN on HILDA is timely. As shown in Figure 1, our publication output in ISI listed journals – generally considered to include the premier academic journals in the field of Economics and Business – continues to increase over time and is well ahead of that of our Australian counterparts. The Faculty maintained its ranking in one of the most important research rankings, the Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranking. After entering the top-100 in 2010, we maintained that position in 2011 and are still the only Australian university to be ranked in the top-100 and one of only three in the region. The Faculty was also pleased to discover that the latest QS World University rankings by subject named us one of the best in the world and highest in Australia by subject with a ranking of 1 for Accounting and Finance and second for Economics and Econometrics in the Asia–Pacific region.

With the backdrop of public debate on the importance of research and

Figure 1: Increase in publications in ISI listed journals over the years 800 700 600

University of Melbourne


Australian National University


University of New South Wales University of Queensland


University of Sydney University of Auckland

200 100

05 04 06 20 20 20 01 02 00 20 20 20

10 07 09 08 20 20 20 20 06 03 05 04 20 20 20 20

32 Faculty of Business and Economics

2 11 01 20 -2 7 8 0 0 20 20

Research centres, institutes and projects Centre for Accounting and Industry artnerships (CAIP) Located within the Department of Accounting, CAIP provides an important access point for the accounting profession, industry, government and the community to work with researchers and experts in teaching and learning to advance the accounting discipline. Our primary objectives are to develop strong and enduring links between industry, government, community and academia; to identify and develop applied research activities that attract competitive research funding; and to facilitate high level discourse with accounting and business professionals to enhance awareness of the quality of our research. CAIP conducts event programs and a range of industryrelevant research to deliver on these objectives, including research symposia, hosting the Executive-in-Residence program and the Australian Accounting Hall of Fame. The Directors of CAIP are Associate Professor Brad Potter, Professor Colin Ferguson and Professor Stewart Leech.

Achievements in 2012 Our Executive-in-Residence Program (EiRP) is now in its third year. Senior executives across the accounting profession and industry are appointed

as Fellows of the Department for a period of three years, which includes a two-week visit to the Department. The program is presently being considered for adoption in various departments and faculties across the University. The EiRP added three executives to its ranks in 2012: Fiona Campbell, Partner, Ernst & Young; James MacKenzie, Chairman, Mirvac Group; Co-Vice Chairman, Yancoal Limited; Director of Melco Crown Entertainment Limited and Pacific Brands Limited; and Michael Bray, Partner, KPMG (accepted for 2013).

Australian Accounting Hall of Fame The AAHoF, established by the Centre for Accounting and Industry Partnerships (CAIP), celebrates the significant contributions of distinguished accounting practitioners and academics at its annual awards ceremony and dinner held in October. The inductees are further acknowledged on the Hall of Fame honour board with a photographic portrait and citation attesting to the election, which is on permanent display in the Department of Accounting. The Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and CPA Australia again sponsored the 2012 Awards Dinner, and special guest, Rupert Myer, AO enthralled the audience with his speech.

Three eminent accountants were honoured with membership of Hall of Fame: the late Sir Edwin Nixon from the University of Melbourne, the late Emeritus Professor Russell Mathews of the Australian National University and Emeritus Professor Murray Wells from the University of Sydney. Each was elected to membership of the Hall of Fame on the strength of their contributions to the development of accounting, stretching from the early 1900s to the present day.

Developing a research centre on social investment CAIP is also facilitating the development of a Faculty research centre focusing on social investment. This is a joint initiative between the Department of Accounting and the Department of Management and Marketing and was made possible through the Faculty Strategic Research Initiative scheme. The Centre will facilitate research that will enhance the existing understanding of the nature, implications and consequences of social investment for organisations and governments. The Centre will focus on private sector social investments, but will incorporate government and other organisation roles through direct involvement, or through the development of policy and notions of best practice.

L-R: Stewart Leech, Rupert Myer AO, Ted Nixon and Geoff Burrows. Ted Nixon accepting the award on behalf of his late grandfather Sir Edwin Nixon at the 2012 Awards Dinner.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 33

The Centre for Actuarial Studies

Experimental Economics Lab

The Centre for Actuarial Studies is located in the Department of Economics. The Centre offers a complete actuarial program that is fully accredited by the Actuaries Institute. Graduates who obtain marks above prescribed levels in specified subjects receive exemptions from the corresponding exams of the Actuaries Institute or the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK). The Centre teaches undergraduate, honours and masters programs and also offers PhD supervision.

The Experimental Economics Laboratory was officially opened in 2007 to promote the use of experimental methods in economics research and policy making.

The Centre is internationally renowned for its research in actuarial science and financial mathematics. All members of staff are research-active. The Centre hosts regular visits of leading international academics and overseas students and maintains strong links with the actuarial profession in Australia. The Centre’s Director is Professor Daniel Dufresne.

The Economic Theory and Experiments Unit The Department of Economics and the Melbourne Business School jointly operate the Economic Theory and Experiments Unit. Our objectives are to: • Promote research of the highest standard in all areas of economic theory. • Be a focus within Australia for research in economic theory. • Facilitate both national and international affiliations and research linkages. • Facilitate the training of research students, and the exchange of doctoral and postdoctoral students. • Be a focus for external research funding. • Run conferences, workshops and advanced short courses for research students. • Publish occasional monographs and proceedings. The Director of the Unit is Professor Claudio Mezzetti.

34 Faculty of Business and Economics

The laboratory is a state-of-theart facility with 30 fully partitioned workstations and a separate experimenter’s office. The controlled environment allows experimenters to measure the effect of variables of interest while isolating that of others. Experiments thus allow clear causal inference to be made in a way which is often impossible outside the laboratory. In experiments participants face abstract scenarios that do not reveal information about the goals of the study and receive payments for the decisions they make. In 2012, the Experimental Economics Laboratory developed and performed four major experiments on a range of topics including the legitimacy of authority, vaccination incentives and co-ordination games. Two more experiments have been developed during 2012, to be performed in early 2013, including an experiment on social expectations of fairness.

Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development The operations management area of the Department of Management and Marketing hosts the Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development (FSED). The Foundation was established in 2000 with a mission to create and disseminate research that increases awareness and effectiveness of management practices. This awareness will deliver better organisational performance and less wasteful products and processes.

During 2012, staff in the centre have published in leading journals including the Decision Sciences Journal, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and R&D Management. We have continued to teach the Master of Supply Chain Management. The Director of the Centre is Professor Danny Samson.

Achievements in 2012 A new book was published in April 2012, titled Implementing Strategic Change (Kogan Page, UK). It highlights the large amount of organisational effort that is wasted, and presents a novel method of how to comprehensively identify and eliminate that waste. A project on the ingredients of organisational systematic innovation capability has led to a survey of some 2000 managers, conducted in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Management. Publications will be produced in 2013. The project led to a diagnostic tool that measures the elements of a firm’s innovation capability. The University’s ‘Farms/Rivers/Markets’ project on water research, in which the FSED is responsible for the market aspect, has led to a number of articles about innovation in the use of our water supply system.

Households Research Unit The Households Research Unit is an independently-funded research group within the Department of Economics that investigates the economic structure of households and their interaction with the market economy. Since 1991, the HRU has continued and expanded

The Foundation has produced a number of research papers and commissioned reports, including ‘The Collaborative Games’ in 2001. The Australian Business Foundation funded a significant project that investigated corporate sustainable development.

Tim Smeeding presenting at the seminar on the social consequences on children of an economic recession.

the innovative research program first undertaken in the 1980s by the Centre for Applied Research on the Future. The Director of the Research Unit is Dr Duncan Ironmonger. The HRU has had a leading role in the ARC Learned Academies Special Project, investigating the social consequences on children of an economic recession. We held an all-day seminar in association with the Department of Economics on 5 December 2012. Michael Bittman, Bruce Bradbury, Bob Gregory, Duncan Ironmonger, John Quiggin and Tim Smeeding presented papers. The HRU was commissioned by the Victorian Department of Planning and Community Development to prepare updated estimates of the value of volunteering in Victoria. The Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional and Rural Development, The Hon. Peter Ryan, released the report (authored by Duncan Ironmonger) on 6 December 2012. In 2012, Duncan Ironmonger and Faye Soupourmas’ ‘Output-Based Estimates of US GHP’ paper was accepted and presented to the International Association for Research on Income and Wealth Conference in Boston. Dr Ironmonger presented ‘Introduction to Time Use Data’ at the Workshop on Time Use Data for Health Research at the Population Health Congress in Adelaide on 12 September. He also submitted an invited paper to the Australian Journal of Social Issues on ‘What happened to time use during the GFC?’ and, in conjunction with Peter Brain of the National Institute of Economic and Industry research, prepared the ‘Country Report on Australia’ for the World Project LINK meeting held at the United Nations in New York in October.

The melbourne human resource management research unit The Unit houses researchers with interests in human resource management and industrial relations. They bring perspectives from psychology, economics and sociology, and varying methodological expertise to bear upon important contemporary IR and HR challenges. Established in 1999 within the Department of Management and Marketing, the Unit is a bridge between the academic and business communities, facilitating research on employment issues and disseminating findings to impact practice and policy. The key focus is on human resource management and employment relations in the Asia–Pacific region, North America and Europe. In keeping with its international outlook, the Unit encourages collaborative projects with leading overseas universities and arranges links with international scholars in the fields of human resource management and employment relations. The Unit also collaborates with and consults Australian businesses and government institutions and facilitates research opportunities with the professions, employers, trade unions and government departments. Research findings are disseminated through academic publications, working papers, seminars and conferences. The Director of the Unit is Professor Michelle Brown.

Achievements in 2012 On February 13, 2012, Professor John Budd (University of Minnesota) presented ‘The Thought of Work’ to a seminar jointly hosted by the Centre for Human Resource Management and the Department of Management, Monash University. The Isaac Symposium (a joint venture of the CHRM and the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University) was held on February 24 2012: ‘Using the Power of Working Relationships to Achieve Organisational Resilience and Sustainability: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach’. Professor Jody Hoffer Gittell (Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management and Director of the Relational Coordination Research Collaborative), Max Odgen (Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development) and Peter Holland (currently with La Trobe University and previously with Toyota) addressed the symposium. On 16 August 2012, The Hon. Professor Geoffrey Giudice, AO, former president of Fair Work Australia presented the 27th Annual Foenander Lecture, ‘The Fair Work Act: Review and implications’. Centre members participated in a range of academic debates in 2012: Professor Michelle Brown on work intensification: ‘Responses to Work Intensification: Does Generation Matter?’ International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(17), 3578–3595. Professor Christina Cregan on the psychological contract: ‘Changes in Psychological Contracts during the Global Financial Crisis: The Manager’s Perspective”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(20), 4359–4379 with Metz, Kulik, and Brown. Professor Peter Gahan on employee voice: ‘Voice within Voice: Union Members’ Response to Dissatisfaction with Their Union.’ Industrial Relations, 51(1), 29–56)

In 2012, Dr Ironmonger was appointed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to its Work, Life and Family Survey Reference Group to advise on forthcoming surveys in these areas. He attended the first meeting of the group in Canberra in January.

Professor Bill Harley on the knowledge economy: ‘Beneath the Radar? A Critical Realist Analysis of ‘The Knowledge Economy’ and ‘Shareholder Value’ as Competing Discourses’, Organisation Studies, 33, 10, pp. 1363–81 with Thompson. Foenander Lecture presenter the Hon. Professor Geoffrey Giudice AO.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 35

The Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia The Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (ipria) was established in 2002. It is a national research centre run by the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Melbourne Business School. ipria’s objectives are to: • Support and generate development of high-level public policy in relation to intellectual property issues. • Optimise the protection, management and exploitation of intellectual property by stakeholders, including research institutions, public and private sector interests. • Help create an informed environment for, and contribute to, ongoing public debate in Australia about intellectual property issues and related matters, including innovation policy and economic growth. ipria’s staff has expertise across the disciplines of law, economics and management, with a particular focus on: • Strategic management of intellectual property • Understanding the effects of copyright, patent and trade mark law • Managing, valuing and accounting for intellectual property • Investigating the international intellectual property system and trade. The Institute operates under the direction of Professor Beth Webster, appointed as Director in July 2008. Professor Webster has published widely on the economics of innovation, intellectual property, as well as more general research on the performance of Australian enterprises. Faculty members associated with ipria include Professors Paul Jensen and Danny Samson, Associate Professor Nisvan Erkal, and Drs Russell Thomson, Alfons Palangkaraya, Rhonda Smith and Gaétan de Rassenfosse. We have an Advisory Board drawn from IP professionals, industry, the wider University and government. Our focus is on research and outreach activities, with our staff producing approximately 40 papers and reports each year.

Achievements in 2012 In 2012, ipria hosted over 36 public events across Australia in all capital cities and also co-hosted the first joint Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre/IPRIA seminar in London. These events incorporated major interdisciplinary panel discussion on topical intellectual property issues and public seminars featuring speakers from across the globe. In November, ipria, in association with Google Australia, hosted the Competition in the Online Environment conference. In October, we helped organise the 2012 Asia– Pacific Innovation Conference in Seoul and in July presented The Rise of Innovative China: Implications for the Region conference, both in Sydney and Melbourne. We have active partnerships with interstate and international universities and national industry associations. Professor Beth Webster is also the founding president of the Asia–Pacific Innovation Network.

The International Centre for Research in Organisational Discourse, Strategy and Change ICRODSC was launched by four institutional partners in 2001 and has since grown to include: the Universities of Melbourne; Sydney; Cardiff; Lund; McGill; Texas A&M; California; Cambridge; Colorado and Leicester; and Queen Mary at the University of London. The Centre links international researchers interested in developing and applying discourse methods in the study of organisations with the aims of building a critical mass of expertise, facilitating cross-institutional

research, providing a banner for new initiatives, establishing contacts and support for doctoral students and securing resources for workshops and other activities. At the University of Melbourne, the co-directors of the Centre are Professor Cynthia Hardy and Dr Susan Ainsworth.

Achievements in 2012 Susan Ainsworth and Cynthia Hardy started work with Sydney member Leanne Cutcher and Cardiff member Robyn Thomas on their Australian Research Council-funded Discovery Grant, ‘Managing Age in Organizational Context: A Comparative Study of the Meaning of Age among Managers’. The Handbook of Organizational Discourse (eds.) D. Grant, C. Hardy, C. Oswick, & L. Putnam, (London: Sage, 2004) was translated into Japanese in a collaborative effort involving a number of Japanese scholars – led by Professor Masayasu Takahashi (Institute of Organizational Discourse, Strategy and Change at Meiji University, Japan) and Professor Toru Kiyomiya (Organizational Discourse for SocioEconomic Innovation at Seinan Gakuin University, Japan). ICRODSC co-organised the 10th International Conference on Organizational Discourse, held in VU University Amsterdam, July 18–20 2012. ICRODSC held two capacity building workshops for Faculty members in October. The first was ‘The Persuasive Art of Writing Grant Applications’, for doctoral scholars. The second was an ‘Introduction to Research Writing’. Both were led by Dr Wendy Nobel, an applied linguist at ANU, specialising in teaching sound principles of academic writing. Earlier in the year, Cynthia Hardy

ICRODSC’s newest members from Meiji University and Seina Gakuin University visit Melbourne

36 Faculty of Business and Economics

ran a publishing workshop for doctoral scholars at ICRODSC institutional partner, Cardiff Business School. A number of Melbourne ICRODSC members joined their Sydney counterparts at the University of Sydney to participate in and give papers at the ICRODSC workshop on Discourse and Strategy-as-Practice at the University of Sydney, 29–30 November 2012. Three Melbourne ICRODSC members – Susan Ainsworth, Joeri Mol and Leisa Sargent – were promoted this year to Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Professor respectively.

Macroeconomics Research Unit Located within the Department of Economics, the Macroeconomics Research Unit is a focal point for research and learning in macroeconomics. Its members, staff and PhD students – drawn from the Department and the Melbourne Institute – are concerned with the development of macroeconomic theory, macroeconometrics and macroeconomic policy. We organise a regular macroeconomics workshop, host visitors, and run occasional special workshops and short courses. In 2012, the workshop was coordinated by Dr Kei Kawakami in Semester 1, and Dr Viet Nguyen in Semester 2. Twenty-one speakers gave presentations (including several from

overseas) discussing topics across the macroeconomic research spectrum. Among the visitors to the Unit this year was Professor Dale Mortensen (2010 Nobel laureate, Northwestern University) who gave both a public lecture and a seminar in the macroeconomics workshop. Professor Vance Martin and Associate Professor Kalvinder Shields organised a one-day Real Time Analysis and Forecasting Workshop. The Director of the Macroeconomics Research Unit is Professor Ian King.

Centre for Market Design The Centre for Market Design (CMD) was established in April 2012 and officially launched on 7 June 2012. The CMD is a collaborative undertaking of the Department of Treasury and Finance of Victoria, the Commonwealth Treasury, and the University of Melbourne. The CMD executive is made up of Professor Peter Bardsley (the Centre’s Director), Dr Simon Loertscher (Deputy Director Research) and Mr Gary Stoneham (Department of Treasury and Finance; Deputy Director Policy). Our objective is to build capacity both with Australian universities and governmental departments to use market-based solutions to enhance the efficiency of various allocations problems, which include environmental goods trade, child care allocation, kindergarten slots and human services.

Centre Director Peter Bardsley with Nigel Ray (Federal Treasury) and Vice Chancellor Glyn Davis AC at the launch of the Centre for Market Design.

We aim to: • Make a valuable contribution to public policy. • Commit significant resources to support both fundamental and applied research and research training. • Consolidate the University’s demonstrated research excellence and to build capacity and have the opportunity to show research leadership within Australia and beyond. • Engage in research, capacity building and the application of economic design techniques to public policy, procurement and resource allocation problems.

Achievements in 2012 CMD demonstrated its commitment to capacity building in 2012 with Dr Jun Xiao (from Penn State U), a theorist with an interest in contests and mechanism design, and Dr Leslie Martin (from UC Berkeley), an energy/ environmental economist, taking up positions in the Department of Economics. The Melbourne Energy Institute (MEI) provided support for the appointment of Dr Martin. The Centre contributed $30000 to the Economic Theory and Experimental Economics Group convened by Claudio Mezzetti to support its program of visitors, seminars and workshops in market design. We organised a number of highly successful workshops in 2012 that were well attended by academic researchers, public servants, industry representatives and graduate students alike. The CMD/MEI Energy Economics Workshop was held 30–31 August. Keynote speakers were John Ledyard (Caltech) and Jim Bushnell (Research Director, University of California Energy Institute). A range of Australian academics, industry experts and government policy experts participated in the workshop. Dr David Byrne and Assistant Professor Arvind Magesan hosted two previous workshops that discussed dynamic structural econometric modelling, 28–31 May 2012 (prior to the Centre’s official launch on 7 June). Professor Tayufn Sönmez conducted a mini-course on matching theory 10–13 July 2012.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 37

The CMD delivered 16 capacity building presentations directly to government in 2012 on topics such as reshaping the provision of government services, economic design and its application to public policy problems. The CMD is currently working to develop and deliver research projects and partnerships in areas such as electricity procurement, kidney exchange matching, places in early childhood education and energy markets.

Melbourne International Business Research Unit The MIBRU began in 1998 as a collaborative venture between the Universities of Melbourne and New South Wales. From 2003, the Unit’s management reverted to the University of Melbourne. The current name was adopted in 2010; the unit had earlier been known as the Australian Centre for International Business (1998– 2007) and the Melbourne Centre for International Business (2007–2010). The mission of MIBRU is to conduct leading edge research in international business, educate future international business leaders and consult with business and government. The Unit’s members study the international aspects of a range of business phenomena, including strategy, human resource management, organisational behaviour, industrial relations and corporate history. Members come from within the Department of Management and Marketing and the Melbourne Business School.

Achievements in 2012 During 2012, MIBRU members were active participants in major conferences, including those hosted by the Academy of Management in Boston; the Academy of International Business in Washington DC; the Strategic Management Society in Prague; The European Group of Organization Studies in Helsinki; the Conference of the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research in Chicago; the Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in San Diego; the International Association for Chinese Management Research in Hong Kong; the European International Business Academy in Brighton, UK; the Australia– New Zealand International Business

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Academy in Adelaide; and the Australia– New Zealand Academy of Management in Perth. Sofie Schütte, MIBRU member, completed her PhD in 2012. Our regular research seminar series saw presentations from scholars from Germany, China, Singapore, Denmark, the US, Hong Kong, and Australia, as well as several MIBRU members. MIBRU also hosted visitors from a variety of international universities, and MIBRU members visited prominent research institutions in Japan, Singapore, Finland, Austria, Canada, Slovenia, the US and Denmark. MIBRU members also coordinated a well-received set of writing workshops by eminent scholars Professors Anne Huff (Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany) and David Whetten (Brigham Young University, USA). The Directors of the Centre are Professor David Merrett, Dr André Sammartino and Dr Tom Osegowitsch.

Microeconometrics Research Unit The Microeconometrics Unit is located within the Department of Economics and is a joint endeavour between the Department of Economics and the Melbourne Institute. The Unit brings together academic staff and research students with an interest in applied and theoretical areas of microeconometrics. Areas of research we currently pursue include labour economics, health economics, immigration, issues relating to social policy and its evaluation, development economics, trade, industrial organisation, consumer expenditure analysis, measurement of inequality and poverty, and measurement of productivity and efficiency. Areas of methodological research we investigate include panel data methods and discrete choice. In addition to holding weekly seminars, the Microeconometrics Unit hosts workshops and symposia. Recent workshops have been held in the areas of health, labour, immigration and microeconometric techniques. We have an active visitors program, hosting both international and local scholars. The Unit also conducts short courses on recent methodological advances.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Department of Economics, the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, and the Faculty of Business and Economics. The Director of the Centre is Professor Jenny Williams.

Trade and Development Research Unit The Trade and Development Research Unit is located in the Department of Economics. We promote research in the broad fields of development economics and international economics. In addition, we facilitate national and international collaboration by hosting visitors, organising annual workshops, and holding occasional conferences involving other researchers from within and outside Australia. Areas of research we currently pursue include development economics, international trade, international economics, agricultural economics, economic geography, political economy, and health economics. The objectives of the Trade and Development Research Unit are to: • Promote research and facilitate both national and international affiliations in the broad fields of development economics and international economics. • Attract and facilitate the training of research students, and the exchange of doctoral and postdoctoral students. • Develop research grant proposals for funding from ARC and other external sources. • Run conferences and workshops in areas of relevance to research on trade and development economics.

research training We host a vibrant, international community of approximately 100 research students studying for PhD or Masters by research degrees. These students bring diverse cultural backgrounds and professional experience. Domestically, the majority of research graduates take on roles in business, government and other organisations; approximately one third pursue academic careers.

2012 report



95% of students held Commonwealth and/or generous Faculty scholarships. The Department of Finance and the Department of Accounting both formalized the award of substantial Departmental top-ups above the Faculty-Department base rate of $26,000 to all candidates made offers into those Departments.

Graduate research student recruitment numbers continue to grow, with 128 applications for Graduate Research places received and 24 offers for places made. Departments and the Faculty continue to work to ensure that securing candidates of high quality is the priority recruitment focus.

Enrolments Enrolments stabilized in 2012 across the various programs. 20 candidates commenced in 2012 in Graduate Research programs with another four Doctoral Program in Economics candidates enrolled in the first year (second year of the Master of Economics).

Ms Andrea LaNauze

Richard L. Gruner

Dean Pieredes

Richard L. Gruner was awarded the Ross Williams Prize for best Faculty of Business and Economics thesis and was the Faculty’s nominee for the Chancellor’s Prize for Excellence in the PhD Thesis. Richard is a now a research fellow in the Department of Management and Marketing.

of Management and Marketing, had a co-authored paper published in the A* journal, British Journal of Sociology.

Highlights Ms Andrea LaNauze was awarded the prestigious Baillieu research scholarship for her PhD studies. This scholarship recognises students with an outstanding academic record and excellent research potential. Andrea was also selected in 2012 to feature on University’s ‘Research at Melbourne’ front page as part of a select group of graduate researchers discussing their research topics.

The Doctoral Program in Economics received an impressive number of international applications for its second year of operations.

Dean Pieredes, a final year PhD candidate in the Department

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 39

PhD completions 12 candidates have now passed their thesis examinations in 2012, with another 5 currently under examination.

Economics Chao Yang Generic algorithmic differentiation methods for computing financial derivative Greeks Ermias Weldemicael Essays on the composition of trade Jiun Chan Limit proxy methods for fast Monte-Carlo Greeks Robert Tang New methods and improvements to Monte-Carlo methods for pricing derivative securities Ciyu Nie On lower barrier insurance risk processes Timothy Helm Essays on the economics of price transmission Sephorah Mangin Essays on the microfoundations of macroeconomics Phillip de la Rue Modelling household electricity consumption

Ermias Weldemicael

40 Faculty of Business and Economics

Anwar Shah Determinants of exploitation: an experimental analysis Xiaokang Wang Econometric modelling of financial contagion with applications

Finance Wei Zhang Dynamic currency hedging for international stock portfolios Alya Al Foori Firm equity financing and CEO stock transactions: does CEO power and overconfidence matter?

Management and Marketing Michael Sankey Who’s throwing good money after bad? Examining regulatory focus and escalation behaviour Zainab Al-Balushi The effects of mutual dependence and inter-firm dynamic capabilities in buyer-supplier relationship on supply performance: an empirical study from the Arabian Gulf countries Samanthi Gunawardana The employment relations system of the Katunayake Free Trade Zone, Sri Lanka Sofie Schuette Triggering institutional change in an environment of endemic corruption: the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission

2013 outlook The 2012 admissions cycle has seen 14 Doctoral Program in Economics applicants being admitted into the 2013 course, up from four in 2012. For the first time in some years, Actuarial Studies has seen a large number of applications for both the Masters and PhD courses resulting in three Actuarial Studies PhD commencements in 2013. This year’s focus is on enhancing Graduate Research candidate student experience and on developing a comprehensive Graduate Research marketing and recruitment strategy in order to attract a consistently high quality group of applicants into the Faculty’s programs.

Graduate research programs • PhD (Actuarial Studies) • Master of Commerce by Thesis (Actuarial Studies) • PhD with Coursework (Accounting) • Economics Doctoral Program (Master of Economics and PhD) • PhD with Coursework (Finance) • PhD with Coursework (Management and Marketing).

Engagement Business and community The Faculty of Business and Economics continues to build valued relationships with industry and the community through research partnerships, executive education, our Alumni Council, our Business and Economics Board and the Melbourne Foundation for Business and Economics.

Research partnerships Our research partners enjoy unparalleled opportunities for business success by gaining exclusive access to the talent, thought-leadership and world-class reputation of the Faculty. Examples of our collaborations include: Westpac Melbourne Institute Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Centre for Accounting and Industry Partnerships (CAIP), the Global Proxy–Melbourne Institute Shareholder Confidence Index, the Early Years Education Program (EYEP), the Brotherhood of St Laurence–Melbourne Institute Social Exclusion Monitor and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Organisational Agility Study.

Industry partnerships We are fortunate to receive the support of many corporate, government and community organisations. Many of these partnerships are multi-faceted, providing financial support in the form of scholarships and prizes, support through mentoring or participation in business consulting projects and in joint research initiatives. Our industry partners play a critical role in providing our students with access to challenging and rigorous programs – a unique curriculum that recognises that learning is a process that often occurs through experiences beyond the classroom. Through these partnerships our students get hands on experience through participating in business consulting programs, case competitions and internships. The support we receive from our industry partners is vital to growing the Faculty scholarship program; supporting academic excellence through recognition and reward for the best and brightest students regardless of their circumstances. Please see p 64 of the appendices for a list of industry sponsors.

Business and Economics Board and Foundation The Business and Economics Advisory Board provides curriculum guidance and links us with the developments and needs of the business world and beyond. Our board members are prominent leaders from the highest levels of business and public life in Australia. The Melbourne Foundation for Business and Economics facilitates access to the business community, securing a diverse funding base for individual and corporate philanthropy. This support enables the Faculty to fulfill its commitment to widen participation, improves student experience and makes possible a research agenda that seeks to address the issues facing our world.

Business Practicums and Rio Tinto working together Seventy-two GSBE students completed Business Practicums throughout winter 2012, some were hosted by Rio Tinto Alcan in Weipa, situated in the Cape York Peninsula in Far North Queensland. Business Practicums provide our graduate students with real experience in a workplace environment, working on a challenging project within a team.

Tinto Alcan practises corporate social responsibility and how seriously it takes the issue, particularly in its relationships with traditional land owners. Dr Danielle Chmielewski-Raimondo explains that, ‘Thanks to our work with Rio Tinto Alcan in Weipa and

the Ely Committee, we all now have a much better understanding of the issues and difficulties Indigenous communities face and the crucial importance of education as a means of providing Indigenous youth and communities as a whole with a future.”

Rio Tinto has a university wide partnership, which included sponsorship of eight students and two academics – Dr Danielle Chmielewski-Raimondo and Dr Albie Brooks – to assist Rio Tinto Alcan to further enhance their indigenous engagement strategy. Many of our students report that the experience enhances their academic and employability skills while gaining a greater understanding of indigenous issues and true corporate social responsibility. Student feedback emphasises how impressed students were with the way Rio

Students and community elders worked collaboratively through the Practicums.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 41

L-R: Award recipients Mark Chiba and Wesa Chau with Emeritus Professor Joe Isaac AO and Charles Goode AC.

Margaret Abernethy Scholarship for Leadership in Community Engagement The Annual Foundation Dinner, held in the Myer Mural Hall, was again a great success, raising over $250 000 for the Margaret Abernethy Scholarship for Leadership in Community Engagement. The scholarship was created in honour of Professor Abernethy’s leadership of the Faculty of Business and Economics over the eight years in which she served as Dean. The Chancellor, alumna Ms Elizabeth Alexander, AM, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Glyn Davis AC, and many of Australia’s leading companies attended the dinner in a valued show of support. Alumnus Mr Rod Simms, Chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, provided the keynote address, and spoke of the

42 Faculty of Business and Economics

impact his FBE education has had on his highly successful career. The audience was peppered with many of the region’s business leaders, many of whom are Faculty alumni. The attendance of current student leaders and scholarship holders was a highlight for guests. The night included the announcement of the recipients of the 2012 Alumni of Distinction Awards: • Rising Star Award for Young Alumni – Ms Wesa Chau • International Award – Mr Mark Chiba • Outstanding Contribution to the Faculty and University Award – Emeritus Professor Joe Isaac, AO • Lifetime Achievement Award – Mr Charles Goode AC.

Thank you to our donors The Foundation would like to thank our donors who help us to create a permanent endowment, enabling us to offer scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students with academic merit and in financial need. See a full list of donors to the Faculty on p 60 of the appendices.

Executive education Our Executive Education programs have been developed in collaboration with industry and they assist organisations to develop, challenge and retain their leadership. Executives from the corporate, government and not-forprofit sectors attend our open programs. See the Graduate School of Business and Economics section on page 15 for more information.

Alumni mentoring of current students Through the work of the Business & Economics Careers Centre, the Faculty engages alumni to provide a mentoring program for current students. This program matches students with close to 200 industry mentors. Students are supported to identify career goals and a professional development plan. See page 45 for more information.

Public Lecture – Melbourne, 22 February ‘American Gridlock – Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong: Commonsense 101 Solutions to the Economic Crises.’ Dr H. Woody Brock, President and Founder of Strategic Economic Decisions Inc. Downing Lecture, 8 March ‘The Great Recession and the Distribution of Household Income.’ Professor John Micklewright, Professor of Economics and Social Statistics and Head of the Department of Quantitative Social Science at the Institute of Education, University of London

Foenander Lecture, 16 August ‘The Fair Work Act: Review and Implications.’ The Hon. Professor Geoffrey Giudice, AO, former president of Fair Work Australia Downing Lecture, 6 September ‘A Warrant for Pain: Market Liberalism, 1970–2010.’ Professor Avner Offer, Chichele Professor Emeritus of Economic History and Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford Department of Economics–Melbourne Institute Public Policy Lecture, 2 October ‘Tax Reform with a Larger GST.’ Professor John W. Freebairn, University of Melbourne

Engaging our community through public lectures

Public Lecture – Kuala Lumpur, 12 June ‘Ethics in Accounting: Can Corporate Culture Reduce Accounting Manipulation?’ Professor Margaret Abernethy, Sir Douglas Copland Chair of Commerce, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne

The Faculty’s Public Lecture Program engages our students, alumni and the broader community and connects them with the latest thinking from leading researchers and academics from all over the world. Public lectures are free and open to all.

Public Lecture – Melbourne, 3 July ‘After the Great Recession: Recovery or Stagnation?’ Economic Nobel Laureate Professor Dale Mortensen, Northwestern University

Public Lecture – Melbourne, 22 October ‘The Mondragon Cooperative.’ Mikel Lezamiz, Director of Cooperative Dissemination at the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation

David Finch Lecture, 9 August ‘The World in Balance Sheet Recession: What Post-2008 U.S., Europe and China can learn from Japan 1990–2005.’ Mr Richard C. Koo, Nomura Research Institute

Public Lecture – Melbourne, 22 November ‘Our Financial System’s Missing Link.’ The Hon. Andrew Robb, AO, Shadow Minister for Finance, Deregulation and Debt Reduction

Corden Lecture, 17 October ‘How the Financial Crisis Has Changed the World.’ Professor Martin Wolf, CBE Oxford University; Financial Times, London

Financial crisis lecture draws capacity crowd Over 500 people attended the tenth annual Corden Free Public Lecture in October, presented by world renowned Financial Times Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Martin Wolf. Martin Wolf, CBE is one of the most respected and influential financial journalists in the world today. The record crowd was absorbed by Wolf’s discussion of the lessons of the financial crisis, ‘How the financial crisis changed the world’. Martin Wolf with Emeritus Professor Max Corden. Photography © Jim Rule

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 43

Nnamdi Oranye with mentee Basile Marinelis, Master of Commerce (Marketing)

“The mentoring program showed me that there is a new generation of graduates who would clearly be able to meet the challenges of the future. However, it is crucial we provide them with the tools to succeed in the working environment.� Nnamdi Oranye, National Business Development Manager, Percepta

44 Faculty of Business and Economics

Student engagement Career mentoring The Career Mentoring Program is one of the outstanding and longest running professional development programs offered in the Faculty, and is now the largest single discipline mentoring program in the country. In 2012, it celebrated its 10th anniversary with ever-increasing popularity and interest from mentors and mentees. Participation in this program is a significant step towards success for undergraduate and graduate students who are matched for 10 months with industry mentors according to their specialisation and professional areas of interest. The Career Mentors come from the private and public sectors, many of them University alumni. These successful mentor–mentee relationships enable students to gain insights into specific industries and begin to develop personal and professional networks.

In 2012, there were more than 150 mentors from large, medium and small organisations including ANZ, Ernst & Young, NAB, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad, Australia Post, Transurban Group, Cubit Media Research, Telstra, Siemens, DWS, BP Australia, KPMG, Percepta, Terra Firma, the University of Melbourne. These mentors dedicated their time and knowledge to guide nearly 200 students in their transition from study to professional life.

Work-integrated learning In 2012, the number of students taking part in work-integrated learning has grown significantly as both employers and students continue to recognise the value this experience creates to all involved. Large firms selected a healthy number of BCom into their vacation internships, which in many cases are used as a graduate recruitment strategy, and end in an employment offer. For graduate students, the very popular Melbourne and Global Business Practicum subjects offer projects that are exciting and relevant, allowing students to work in interdisciplinary teams, creating value beyond what they could ever produce individually.

These projects ranged from cost analysis to marketing new products, and took students to Melbourne, Beijing, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Weipa in Far North Queensland, Bendigo and Shepparton. All our students were received with very high regard by the hosts, and the experience contributed to students’ professional and employability skills. A new relationship was established with ShineWing, China’s largest domestically owned accounting firm through ShineWing Hall Chadwick in Melbourne, and during the year eight students were offered paid internships in three key locations: Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu.

Companies from the inside Employers host these events in cooperation with the Careers Centre to engage with FBE students and outline their organisation’s values and the benefits of building a career there. Coles, Bank of Melbourne, PwC, KPMG and Deloitte were amongst the companies who chose this deeper engagement method in 2012.

BCom students kicking goals in tutoring This year our BCom students have entered into a new relationship with the North Melbourne Football Club. Students are acting as volunteer maths tutors to local high school students at The Huddle, North Melbourne’s community outreach arm. Students volunteer up to three hours per week and while sharing their knowledge with the North Melbourne community, have also improved their CVs, gained from networking opportunities and developed leadership, communication and tutoring skills. Our volunteers report they have gained as much from this inspiring program as the students they teach. The Faculty is expanding the program in 2013 with up to 20 BCom students volunteering.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 45

Global engagement The Faculty of Business and Economics prides itself on its strong commitment to a global outlook in learning and teaching, research and knowledge transfer. Building on the quality of its academic programs and learning facilities, and with the support of a strong alumni network, the Faculty maintained its commitment to recruiting high quality staff and students, and its active engagement with the business community and leading international business and economics schools. The Faculty offers a generous scholarship scheme that aims to recruit high achieving local and international students. In 2012, there were 3141 international students representing 45 nationalities studying across the range of programs offered by the Faculty.

Global partners For a list of our global partners see p 65 of the appendices.

Global student mobility An important part of the Faculty and University global engagement agenda is ensuring that our students have a genuinely international experience, both through the diversity of our cohort and through the opportunity to study overseas. In 2012, almost 120 undergraduate students and 15 graduate students studied on exchange at more than 30 partner universities across the world. Additionally, approximately 40 undergraduate students took advantage of the study abroad program to spend time at a non-partner university. There has been a significant growth in interest in study abroad, particularly for short programs, of which the London School of Economics summer school is by far the most popular. We also welcomed a large group incoming study abroad and exchange students to the Faculty, with almost 200 at undergraduate level and 54 studying at the GSBE.

Student global consulting expands to South America In December 2012, the Global Consulting Project travelled outside Asia for the first time. Five firms in Santiago, Chile hosted 19 BCom students for two weeks. The student teams undertook projects on logistics, market selection, human resource management and corporate social responsibility, mainly within the mining, mining services and energy sectors. The host firms provided extremely positive feedback, with all firms indicating they are keen to host students again in December 2013.

Wish you were here: postcards from abroad Immersing myself in Canadian academic life was truly rewarding; in particular, studying the idiosyncrasies of North American economic and financial systems. Exploring Canada’s wilderness and culture from the beach on campus to glaciers in the Rockies was unforgettable. Almost every weekend I mixed study and adventurous sightseeing road trips with new friends from my host university. Thanks to the student exchange, I have more confidence with extracurricular programs, and look to become more involved with such endeavours in the future. Heath Jamieson, Australian Delegate to the G20 Youth Summit

46 Faculty of Business and Economics

It was well and truly the best semester I have ever had. Having had the opportunity to live on campus, make friends from ever corner of the globe and have local housemates was something I could never have expected to be so good. From the little things such as celebrating my first Halloween, to seeing snow for the first time and learning how to ski, Vancouver really became my new home, and I’m already thinking about how I can go back and visit my Canadian buddies ASAP! Harshad Kale, Exchange – Canada

Alumni Engagement The Business and Economics Alumni Council The Faculty’s first Business and Economics Alumni Council was established in late 2010 with the endorsement of the Business and Economics Advisory Board. The Alumni Council comprises a Chair (or Co-Chairs) and 12 members with broad representation from across the alumni community. Three of the 12 available places are allocated to international alumni, from regions with significant alumni communities. A further three members are elected to the council by an online ballot open to all business and economics alumni, conducted every two years.

Structure and governance The Alumni Council operates as an arm of the Business and Economics Advisory Board. In 2012, Mr Angus Barker was appointed by the Dean and the Board as the Chair of the Alumni Council for a two-year term, to take over from the inaugural Co-Chairs, Mr Chris Leptos, AM and The Hon. Jim Short, who both stepped down from their roles on the Council. The Chair of the Alumni Council is an ex-officio member of the Board.

Current members of the Business and Economics Alumni Council Chair Mr Angus Barker BCom (Hons) 1991, MPhil 1995

Deputy Chairs

Alumni of Distinction Awards Our alumni reflect our important legacy, with alumni around the world numbering more than 40000. The Alumni of Distinction Awards program raises awareness of our alumni and honours their outstanding contribution to government, business, education and the not-for-profit sector. Alumni of Distinction awards are presented annually at the Melbourne Foundation for Business and Economics gala dinner. In 2012, four awards were made:

Outstanding contribution to Faculty/ University Award Emeritus Professor Joe Isaac, AO, BCom 1944, BA 1945, DCom 2001

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Business and Economics Alumni Council works closely with the Faculty’s Advancement Unit to identify key priority areas for development. Achievements of the Alumni Council in 2012 include:

Ms Michelle Di Fabio BCom BIS 2006


Ms Wesa Chau BCom BE Hons 2004

• A review and redevelopment of the Faculty’s alumni engagement structure

Ms Joyce Au–Yeung BCom LLB 2003

International Award

• Continuation of the Alumni of Distinction Awards program, with four alumni awards made • Two new cohort-specific alumni reunions in Melbourne (to be continued in 2013) • Increased involvement of members in student experience, including through mentoring programs, judging panels, and hosting tables at student forums • The expansion of international alumni engagement • An increase in alumni philanthropic participation.

Our purpose The Alumni Council supports the mission of the Faculty of Business and Economics by fostering a lifelong connection with its global alumni community for the benefit of students, alumni and the wider university community. This is achieved by uniting graduates from around the world, connecting a global network of knowledge leaders and the generosity of Faculty of Business and Economics alumni.

Ms Gloria Goh (Malaysia) BCom (Hons) 1982

Ms Stephanie Barr BCom BA (Media and Comms)(Hons) 2007 Mr Simon Bolles BCom 1982 Mr Aditya Chibber BCom (Hons) 2008 Mr Jonathan Elliot BCom LLB (Hons) 2006 Mr Haofei Feng MBIT 2011 Mr Edmond Lee (Hong Kong) BCom 1988 Ms Larisa Moran BCom 1994 Ms Cate Pickett BCom 1991 Dr Jessie Wong (China) BCom Hons 2000

Mr Charles Goode, AC, BCom Hons 1961, LLD 2000

Rising Star Award

Mr Mark Chiba BCom Hons 1987 All Faculty of Business and Economics alumni are eligible to nominate fellow alumni for an award, with candidates assessed against selection criteria and shortlisted by the Awards and Recognition workstream of the Alumni Council. Winners of each award category are determined by a confidential vote of the Alumni Council.

2013 outlook In order to focus and streamline activity, the Alumni Council has identified the following areas for further development in 2013–14: • International events • Domestic events • Alumni connections and communications • Careers support and professional development • Alumni giving and volunteering • Awards and recognition.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 47

Alumni at the 1985-1989 reunion in August 2012

Faculty of Business and Economics Alumni events in 2012 Reunions ’78–’82 Commerce Alumni Reunion, 28 August. Keynote Speaker: Craig Drummond (BCom 1981), CEO and Country Head, Bank of America Merrill Lynch; student speaker: Andrew Wheeler (BCom (Hons) 2012), recipient of the Commerce Alumni Leadership Scholarship 2011 and President of FMAA. ’85–’89 Commerce Alumni Reunion, 30 August. Keynote Speaker: Anthony Di Pietro (BCom 1990), CEO, Premier Fruits Group and Chairman, Melbourne Victory Football Club Limited; student speaker: Andrew Wheeler (BCom (Hons) 2012), recipient of the Commerce Alumni Leadership Scholarship 2011 and President of FMAA. 40+ Reunion Luncheon, 18 October. Student Speaker: Callum Wood (BCom (Hons) 2012), president, Melbourne Microfinance Initiative. Young Alumni Reunion @ MiFA Gallery, 22 November.

Alumni Matthew Brown, Guy Nelson and Jeremy King at the 1978-1982 reunion in August 2012

Young alumni events Young Alumni and Graduate Student ‘Career Life-Cycle Panel Discussion’, 6 May. Speakers: Khin Zaw (BE 2001, MAC Acc 2008), Audit Manager, ANZ; Jacqueline Hey (BCom 1986), Independent Director, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, and Kevin Wong (BCom 1978), Non-executive Chairman, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad, Malaysia. ‘Meet the Entrepreneur’ @ Koko Black, 4 September. Speaker: Ashley Williams (BCom/BE 1992), Director, Evolve Development. Sponsored by RSM Bird Cameron.

48 Faculty of Business and Economics

Alumnae Amanda Watt and Bridget Nagle at the 1985-1989 reunion in August 2012

Discipline-specific alumni events UMAA (Actuarial Alumni) ‘Actuaries in Leadership’ Speaker Series in collaboration with the Actuaries Institute @ Deloitte, 28 June. Speaker: Daniel Craine, Head of Investment Management, AMP. Finance Honours Alumni Dinner @ Hotel Windsor, 16 November. Speaker: Rami de Marchi (BCom (Hons) 2002/ LLB (Hons) 2005), Vice President, Affinity Equity Partners. HASS (Accounting Honours) end-of-year dinner @ Bluestone Restaurant Bar, 23 November.

2012 Annual Dean’s Dinner in Malaysia

Overseas alumni events Global Consulting Project Student and Alumni Dinner in Bangkok at Somerset Park Suanplu, 10 January. Global Business Practicum Student and Alumni Reception in Mumbai at the Trident, 10 January. Global Business Practicum Student and Alumni Dinner in Singapore at The Private Museum, 12 January. Global Consulting Project Student and Alumni Dinner in Hong Kong at The Excelsior, 12 January. Business and Economics Annual Dean’s Dinner in Singapore at The Tower Club, 20 June. Business and Economics Annual Dean’s Dinner in Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club, 21 June. International Alumni Master Class in Shanghai in collaboration with CPA Australia, presented by Professor Simon Bell, Director of Executive Education and Deputy Head of the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, 4 July. International Alumni Master Class in Kuala Lumpur in collaboration with CPA Australia, presented by Professor Bryan Lukas, Chair in Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, 4 July.

International Alumni Master Class in Ho Chi Minh City in collaboration with CPA Australia, presented by Dr Adam Barsky, Senior Lecturer in Management (Human Resource Management), Faculty of Business and Economics, 4 July. Business and Economics Annual Dean’s Dinner in Indonesia at Lara Djonggrang Restaurant, 2 October. Business and Economics Annual Dean’s Dinner in Shanghai at Le Sun Chine, 3 October. Business and Economics Annual Dean’s Dinner in Beijing at Junding Huayue Club, 25 October. Business and Economics Annual Dean’s Dinner in Hong Kong at Happy Valley Racecourse, 27 October.

2012 Annual Dean’s Dinner in Beijing

Alumni Master Class Series ‘Making Better Decisions: A User’s Guide to Your Mind’ presented by Dr Michael Zyphur, senior lecturer in Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business and Economics at Deloitte (Melbourne), 19 April. ‘To Outsource or Not to Outsource’ presented by Associated Professor Prakash Singh, Associated Professor in Operations Management, Faculty of Business and Economics at Freehills (Sydney), 26 April.

‘Emerging Frameworks in Corporate Responsibility’ co-presented by Alexandra Guaquetta, lecturer at the School of International Studies, Flinders University and Serena Lillywhite, Mining Advocacy Coordinator, Oxfam Australia, 23 May.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 49

Special events

Prominent graduates

Member of the Order of Australia (AM)

The Melbourne Foundation for Business and Economics Annual Dinner 2012, 15 March. Keynote Speaker: Rod Sims (BCom Hons 1973) at Myer Mural Hall.

Among our more than 40 000 graduates there are many outstanding individuals who go above and beyond in their achievements and contribution to the wider community. Below is a list of selected alumni who received recognition for these achievements in 2012.

Mr Barry Capp, AM – BA (1971), BCom (1960), BE (CivEng) (1955)

‘Women in Leadership’ Panel Discussion at KPMG, 11 October. Panel members: Larisa Moran (BCom 1994), Partner, KPMG; The Hon. Professor Geoffrey Giudice, AO (BA/ LLB 1971), former President, Fair Work Australia; Susan Ainsworth (PhD 2004, MCom 1997, GDipEval 1994), Senior Lecturer in Management (Organisation Studies), Faculty of Business and Economics, and Clive Scott (BCom 1978), General Manager, Sofitel Melbourne and Area General Manager, Sofitel Australia. Panel moderator: Professor Margaret Abernethy, former Dean and Sir Douglas Copland Chair of Commerce, Faculty of Business and Economics.

Appointments to the Order of Australia 2012 Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) His Excellency The Hon. Alex Chernov, AC, QC – LLB (Hons) (1967), BCom (1962) For eminent service to the people of Victoria, to the advancement of higher education, particularly the development of academic and administrative programs at the University of Melbourne, through the establishment of the Australia India Institute, and to the judiciary.

Officer of the Order of Australia (AO)

Mr Colin B Carter, AM – BCom (1965) Mr Peter J Gunn, AM – BCom (1966) Mr Anthony J Hyams, AM – BCom (1971), LLB (1969) Mr Ronal U Metcalfe, AM – DipPubAdmin (1955), BA (1953) Mr John B Pickett, AM, MVO – BCom (1964) Mr Kenneth J Ryan, AM – BCom (1974) Mr Robert Stewart, AM – BCom (1975), LLB (Hons) (1972)

Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) Mr John B Arthur, OAM – BCom (1969), LLB (1968) Mr Rex Harcourt, OAM – BCom (1950) Mr Michael G Kirk, OAM – BCom (1968) Mr Brian C Randall, OAM – BCom (1956)

International awards 2012

Mr Simon V McKeon, AO – LLB (1978), BCom (1976)

2012 Australian Education International Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award

Mr Anthony F Shepherd, AO – BCom (1969)

Dr Jessie S Y Wong – BCom (Hons) (2000)

University of Melbourne Chancellor Elizabeth Alexander and Professor Margaret Abernethy with current commerce students at the Foundation Dinner

Guests of the Royal Children’s Hospital Friends and Associates table

50 Faculty of Business and Economics

Board member Paula Dwyer and John Allen

Leadership and governance Leadership The Faculty oversees two academic divisions to deliver our vision of providing world-class business and economics undergraduate, graduate and executive education. Professor Paul Kofman is the Dean of the Faculty and Sidney Myer Chair of Commerce.

Undergraduate education Led by Deputy Dean, Professor Nilss Olekalns, the focus of the undergraduate program is to maintain and build the very best Bachelor of Commerce and Honours programs.

The Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) Led by Deputy Dean and Director, Professor Nasser Spear, the GSBE is the

home of graduate studies across the core disciplines and includes graduate courses, graduate research education and executive education programs.

Academic leadership Academic staff are located within five discipline specific departments each with a Department Head, responsible for teaching and research: Accounting – Professor John Lyon (Head) Economics – Professor David Dickson Finance – Associate Professor John Handley Management and Marketing – Professor Graham Sewell Melbourne Institute – Professor Deborah Cobb–Clark.

Research Professor Anne–Wil Harzing, Associate Dean (Research) is responsible for providing strategic and management support to the Dean by implementing the Faculty’s research and research training agenda.

Global engagement Professor Bill Harley, Associate Dean (Global Engagement), is responsible for strengthening the Faculty’s global engagement activities and enhancing its international standing and contributions.

Faculty secretariat Ms Diana Dalton, Executive Director, is responsible for overseeing the administrative functions of the Faculty and for representing the Faculty at key University administrative forums.

2012 Faculty leadership chart Dean Professor Paul Kofman

Deputy Dean & Director (GSBE)

Deputy Dean (Faculty)

Professor Nasser Spear

Professor Nilss Okelans

Graduate School of Business and Economics

Commerce Student Centre

Clare Harper

Business and Economics Careers Centre Agnes Banyasz

Kylie Laughlin and Fran Pecoraro Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Beverley Webster

Associate Dean (Research)

Heads of Departments

Professor Anne-Wil Harzing

Associate Dean (Global Engagment) Professor Bill Harley

Accounting HoD: Professor John Lyon DSM: Cathy Mason

Economics HoD: Professor David Dickson DSM: Preeta Philip

Finance HoD: Professor John Handley DSM: Jason Kreitner

Management & Marketing HoD: Professor Graham Sewell DSM: Wendy Short

Melbourne Institute Director: Professor Deborah Cobb-Clark DSM: Rachel Derham

Executive Director Diana Dalton

Advancement Stephen May

Finance PSU Narelle Ngo

Human Resources PSU Eluned Macfarlane

Information Services (IT) Alistair Air

Research PSU Elise Grosser

Marketing and Communications Diana Dalton (Acting Director)

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 51

Governance The Dean is advised and supported by a broad range of stakeholders including senior management, staff and an advisory board of prominent leaders drawn from the business, government and community sectors. The governance structure of the Faculty is outlined below.

Faculty Executive Committee

Faculty Consultative Committee

The Faculty Executive Committee is the senior management group for the Faculty with responsibility for making recommendations to the Dean on strategy for teaching, research and engagement activities. It has several working sub-committees:

The Faculty Consultative Committee is a forum for the Dean and the Faculty to communicate on the progress and achievement of the Faculty’s mission.

• Research Committee • Graduate Coursework and Research Training Committee • Global Engagement Committee • Operational Management Committee (formerly the Business Centre Service Management Committee).

2012 Faculty governance chart


Faculty Consultative Committee

Business and Economics Advisory Board

Executive Committee

Research Committee

Graduate Coursework and Research Training Committee

Global Engagement Committee

Foundation for Business and Economics Business and Economics Alumni Council Bachelor of Commerce Course Standing Committee

OH&S Committee

Ethics Committee

Staff, Equity & Diversity Committee

Special Studies Program (Long) Committee

Environmental Health & Safety Committee Workspace Computing & Infrastructure Steering Committee

52 Faculty of Business and Economics

Foundation Dinner, March 2012

The Business and Economics Advisory Board The Business and Economics Advisory Board challenges us to become the leading Business and Economics Faculty and Graduate School in the region and one of the best in the world. It provides curriculum guidance and links us with the developments and needs of the business world and beyond. Board members comprise prominent leaders from the highest levels of business and public life in Australia. Dr Peter Yates continued as Board Chair in 2012. The Board welcomed two new members, The Hon. John Brumby and alumnus Angus Barker. Professor Margaret Abernethy stepped down as Dean and subsequently as a Board member at the end of March, and Professor Paul Kofman was appointed as Dean from 1 May. Professor Nilss Olekalns was appointed as Deputy Dean (Faculty) from 1 July, and Professor Graham Sewell was reappointed to the Board from 1 July.

Report from the Chair In 2012, the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Melbourne Business School Ltd agreed to an historic partnership that would forge closer ties to further strengthen the global competitiveness of research and teaching in business and economics at the University of Melbourne. Under the proposed collaboration, to take effect from 1 May 2013, the Faculty of Business and Economics will be expanded and a new school will be established within the Faculty. This will bring together all the graduate programs of the Faculty’s former Graduate School of Business and Economics together with the MBA and executive education programs previously taught in MBS Ltd. The new graduate school of the Faculty will be called the Melbourne Business School. For the first time in several decades, there will be a sole graduate provider for business and economics within the University of Melbourne. Fellow Business and Economics Advisory Board members Mr Chris Leptos, Mr Tony Burges, and Ms Paula Dwyer, together with our Dean, played a key part in helping to forge the partnership and we owe them many thanks for their time and efforts. As part of the collaboration, Tony Burgess will, in 2013, take up a seat on the Melbourne Business School Board of Directors.

Another focus for the Business and Economics Advisory Board in 2013 was the Faculty’s Asia Strategy, which the Board reviewed and informed. The Asia Strategy articulated the Faculty’s aims with regard to engagement with the region, encompassing not only marketing and recruitment but also research and teaching, student support services, alumni relations and institutional partnerships. The depth of experience in doing business in Asia together with the valuable input from the international members of the Board contributed significantly to its development. Two members stepped down from the Board at the end of 2012, and on behalf of the Business and Economics Advisory Board, I thank The Hon. Jim Short and Ms Patricia Cross for their contribution. The Board looks forward to 2013, a year in which the collaboration of the Faculty of Business and Economics and the MBS Ltd, together with the Asia Strategy, will no doubt secure the University of Melbourne’s position as the premier provider of business and economics education both in the Asia–Pacific region and globally. Peter W Yates, AM Chair, Business and Economics Advisory Board

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 53

Business and Economics advisory Board members in 2012 Dr Peter W Yates, AM (Chair, Business and Economics Advisory Board) Peter Yates is Chairman of the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation, The Australian Science Media Centre, Deputy Chairman of Asialink a director of AIA Australia Ltd and the Myer Foundation. He was previously Managing Director of Oceania Capital Partners, CEO of Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd and, until 2001, worked in the investment banking industry, including 15 years with Macquarie Group. He has also worked for Morgan Stanley in Australia and Booz Allen Hamilton in Tokyo. Dr Yates holds a Doctorate of the University (Murdoch), a masters degree from Stanford University Graduate School of Business, and a Commerce degree from the University of Melbourne. Dr Yates is also Chairman of the Royal Institution of Australia, Co-chairman of the FMAA, a Board Member of the Australian–Japan Foundation, the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Royal Children’s Hospital, and The Centre for Independent Studies. In the June 2011 Queen’s Birthday Honours, Dr Yates was designated a Member of the Order of Australia for service to education, to the financial services industry and to a range of arts, science and charitable organisations.

Mr Anthony Burgess (Chair, The Melbourne Foundation for Business and Economics) Tony Burgess is Chief Executive Officer of Flagstaff Partners Pty Ltd, an independent corporate finance advisory firm. Mr Burgess has over 30 years of experience in corporate finance in Melbourne, London and New York and was previously Global CoHead of Mergers and Acquisitions for Deutsche Bank AG, based in London. Mr Burgess holds an MBA (with Distinction) from Harvard Business School (1985) and a Bachelor of Commerce (with First Class Honours) from the University of Melbourne (1981). He is a member of CPA Australia and a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia. He is a Director of the listed investment company, Diversified United Investment Limited, is a Governor of The Ian Potter Foundation and is Vice Chair of St Vincent’s Institute Foundation.

54 Faculty of Business and Economics

Professor Margaret Abernethy (until 31 March) Margaret Abernethy stepped down as Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at the end of March to return to her professorial appointment in the Department of Accounting as the Sir Douglas Copland Chair of Commerce. As Dean, she was an integral part of the implementation of the Melbourne Model at the University; she established the Faculty Board and Alumni Council; strengthened the international research standing of the Faculty and significantly enhanced the learning experiences for undergraduate and graduate students. In 2008, she was named Telstra Business Woman of the Year in the Community and Government sector in recognition of her contribution to higher education. Professor Abernethy is recognised as one of the leading researchers in her field in the world and as an outstanding teacher; she continues to publish in the top tier international journals and contributes to the development of the academy through her membership on the editorial board of prestigious international journals. She is a Fellow to the Australian Academy of Social Sciences.

Mr Angus Barker (from September 2012) Angus Barker is a Managing Director of Flagstaff Partners, an independent corporate advisory firm. He has over 20 years of corporate finance experience in Australia, Europe and Asia, including 12 years based in Hong Kong, where he was the Asian Head of Mergers & Acquisitions for a major investment bank. Mr Barker holds a Bachelor of Commerce (with First Class Honours) from the University of Melbourne, and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge, which he attended as a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust. He is Chairman of the Alumni Council for the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne.

Mr Paul Bassat Paul Bassat is an active investor in early stage and growth companies. He is a co-founder and major shareholder in both Victoria Capital and Square Peg Ventures. Victoria Capital is an investor in growth stage businesses with a focus on businesses in the internet, software and media industries. Square Peg Ventures invests in early stage technology business both in Australia and other geographies. Paul is a nonexecutive director of Wesfarmers, a Commissioner of the Australian Football League (AFL), a director of the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation, a member of the Mount Scopus College Foundation and a director of the P&S Bassat Foundation. He was designated as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum in 2009. Mr Bassat co-founded SEEK in 1997. He was CEO from 1997 to 2006 and Joint CEO from 2006 to 2011. SEEK is the world’s largest online employment business and in 13 years went from a start up to one of Australia’s top 100 companies with a market capitalisation of $2.5b. SEEK has operations in numerous markets throughout Australasia, Asia and Latin and South America. Mr Bassat holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne.

The Hon. John Brumby John Brumby has significant experience in public life serving for more than 10 years as Treasurer and then Premier of Victoria (2007–2010), six years as Leader of the Victorian Opposition and seven years as Federal MHR for Bendigo during the period of the Hawke Government. Since retiring from politics, Mr Brumby has accepted a number of Board positions as well as a joint appointment to both the Melbourne and Monash Universities as a Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Fellow. He is Chairman of the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) Superannuation Fund, an Independent Director of Huawei Technologies (Australia) Pty Limited, a Director of Citywide Solutions Pty Ltd and since January 2013 the Chairman of the COAG Reform Council. In addition, Mr Brumby is the Chairman

of Trustees of the Joe Welch Bursary Trust, a Board Member of the Fred Hollows Foundation, an Australia Day Ambassador and a Member of the Leadership Advisory Board of the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) at Monash University.

Mr Terrence Campbell, AO Recognised as one of Australia’s preeminent brokers, Terry Campbell is the Senior Chairman of Goldman Sachs Australia and New Zealand. With more than 50 years experience in Australian securities markets, he has been a leader in the promotion and development of Australian equities on a global basis. Mr Campbell is Chairman of Mirrabooka Investments Ltd, deputy chairman of Australian Foundation Investment Company and a director of Djerriwarrh Investments Ltd and AMCIL Ltd. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne and attended the Stanford Executive Program at Stanford University in California, USA. Mr Campbell is also involved in a number of communitybased projects and not-for-profit boards. In 2003, Mr Campbell was awarded the Centenary Medal and in the 2006 Queen’s Birthday Honours, Mr Campbell was designated an Officer of the Order of Australia for service to the business and financial services sector, to the arts and as a supporter of corporate social responsibility.

Ms Patricia Cross Patricia Cross is a non-executive director of National Australia Bank, JBWere Pty Ltd and Qantas Airways Ltd and also a director of the Grattan Institute and Methodist Ladies College. Until recently Patricia was a director of Wesfarmers Ltd, and previously Chairman of Qantas Superannuation Ltd, Deputy Chairman of Victoria’s Transport Accident Commission, director of AMP Ltd and Suncorp–Metway Ltd. Ms Cross was a member of the Financial Sector Advisory Council, the Companies and Securities Advisory Committee, and the Australian Financial Centre Forum. She has served on a variety of other advisory boards and not-for-profit boards over the last 16 years. Prior to becoming a professional NED in 1996, Ms Cross worked for 15 years in various senior positions

with Chase Manhattan Bank, Banque Nationale de Paris and National Australia Bank in New York, Europe and Australia. Ms Cross holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) from Georgetown University. She is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and in 2003 received a Centenary Medal for service to Australian society through the finance industry.

Ms Paula Dwyer Paula Dwyer graduated with a commerce degree from the University of Melbourne in 1982 and qualified as a chartered accountant in 1984. Her executive career was in securities, investment management and investment banking, holding senior positions with Ord Minnett (now J. P. Morgan) and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Ms Dwyer is the Chairman of Tabcorp Holdings Ltd, a director of ANZ Banking Group, Leighton Holdings Limited, Lion Pty Limited and a member of the International advisory board of Kirin Holdings Japan. She is a former Director of Foster’s Group Ltd, Suncorp Group Ltd and Astro Japan Property Group Ltd, David Jones Ltd, Healthscope Ltd and Promina Group Ltd. In the not-for-profit sector, Ms Dwyer is the Vice President of the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Research Institute.

Mr Peter Gunn, AM Peter Gunn commenced his career as an interstate linehaul truck driver, moving on to transport management and logistics. Over some 30 years, he started and developed a number of companies to ultimately form PGA Logistics Pty Ltd. He is now the Managing Director of the PGA Group Pty Ltd, a familyowned investment business. Mr Gunn completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne and holds various positions, including Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Transport, Fellow of the Australian Logistics Council, Trustee of the Australian Road Transport Forum, Trustee of the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia and Member of the Prime Minister’s Supermarket to Asia Council.

Professor Paul Kofman Paul Kofman was born in the Netherlands and completed a masters degree in Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam in 1987, and a PhD in Economics in 1991 at the same institution. He commenced his career as a lecturer in Finance at Erasmus University in 1991, before migrating to Australia in 1994 where he has held a number of senior University roles including as Deputy Dean (Faculty) from 2010 until 2012. He was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics and Sidney Myer Chair of Commerce from 1 May 2012. Professor Kofman’s main research interest is in quantitative finance, but he has also published papers in leading journals in international trade, econometrics, and actuarial statistics. He has undertaken consultancy work for the European Options Exchange, the New York Board of Trade, the Central European University, a number of Dutch investment banks, the Dutch Centre for Actuarial Statistics, the RACV, and the AOFM.

Mr Chris Leptos, AM Chris Leptos is a Partner in the Melbourne office of KPMG. His earlier management roles include Head of Corporate Development for Western Mining Corporation and Chief of Staff to Senator John Button. He has undertaken numerous government reviews for both State and Federal governments; he is a Governor of The Smith Family; a recent past Director of the Asia Society and Asialink; and a volunteer CFA fire fighter. Mr Leptos graduated from the University of Melbourne with a BCom (1980) and a MBA (1990), and is a Fellow of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants and of CPA Australia. In 1997, he was designated a ‘Global Leader for Tomorrow’ at the World Economic Forum in Davos, and in the June 2000 Queen’s Birthday Honours Mr Leptos was designated a Member of the Order of Australia for his work on the sustainability of the global mining sector.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 55

Mr Hugh Morgan, AC Hugh Morgan is CEO of First Charnock Pty Ltd. Previous positions held include Director of Marketing and Finance of North Broken Hill Ltd and Managing Director, then CEO, of Western Mining Corporation Ltd. He has served as a Director of Alcoa of Australia Ltd; a Director of Alcoa Inc; Member of the Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia; Non-Executive Board Member of the CSIRO; President and Senior VicePresident of the Minerals Council of Australia (formerly Australian Mining Industry Council); Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the International Council on Metals and the Environment; Executive Committee Member on the International Council on Mining and Metals; Member of the Executive Committee of the Australasian Mineral Industries Research Association; Chairman of the World Gold Council; and Member of the Earth Resources Development Council. Mr Morgan is a Member of the Anglo American plc Australian Advisory Board; Member of the Lafarge International Advisory Board; Honorary Member of the Business Council of Australia; Chairman of the Order of Australia Association Foundation Ltd; Trustee Emeritus of The Asia Society New York; Chairman Emeritus of the Asia Society AustralAsia Centre; and President of the National Gallery of Victoria Foundation.

Mr Rupert Myer, AM Rupert Myer is the Deputy Chairman of Myer Holdings Ltd, is a Director of AMCIL Ltd and the Chairman of Nuco Pty Ltd. Mr Myer serves as Chairman of the Australia Council. In addition, he serves as a member of the Felton Bequests Committee and as a board member of Jawun – Indigenous Corporate Partnerships, The Myer Foundation and The Australian International Cultural Foundation.

56 Faculty of Business and Economics

Professor Nilss Olekalns Nilss Olekalns (BEc Hons, MEc, MA, PhD) is Professor of Economics. He was head of the Department of Economics at the University of Melbourne from 1 January 2007 to 1 July 2012, when he was appointed Deputy Dean (Faculty). He holds degrees from the University of Adelaide, the Australian National University, the University of Western Ontario and La Trobe University. Professor Olekalns has been a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund, a guest lecturer at the Monetary Authority of Singapore and an invited lecturer for the Australian and New Zealand School of Government. Professor Olekalns has published on a variety of macroeconomic topics including fiscal and monetary policies, exchange rates, output and inflation volatility, and interest rates. His papers have appeared in leading scholarly outlets such as The Journal of Political Economy, The Review of Economics and Statistics, The Journal of Macroeconomics, The Journal of International Money and Finance, the Southern Economic Journal and the Economic Record. He has also received numerous awards for his teaching including the inaugural Edward Wood Prize for Teaching Excellence. With Ben Bernanke he is co-author of the bestselling introductory macroeconomics textbook in Australia, Principles of Macroeconomics, now in its third edition. He also presents the online Principles of Macroeconomics subject through Coursera to over 20 000 students.

Dr James Riady James Riady is CEO of the Lippo Group of Companies, which is involved in banking, securities, hotels, property and property development, health care, multimedia, business publications and communications. Dr Riady is the founder and Chairman of the Pelita Harapan Educational Foundation, which operates two universities and 20 K–12 schools. Dr Riady is the Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian General Chamber of Commerce and

Industry (Kadin Indonesia), Foundation Member of the World Economic Forum, Switzerland and also a Member of the International Business Council. He was Ambassador at Large and Special Envoy of the President from 1988–2000 and a member of the Peoples’ Consultative Assembly (MPR) from 1988–2000, both in the Republic of Indonesia. Dr Riady was awarded the Australian Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship in 2008 by the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. He completed his Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne, and has received a Doctor Honoris Causa from both Ouachita Baptist University and La Trobe University.

Professor Graham Sewell (from 1 July) Graham Sewell (BSc (Hons), PhD) is professor of organisation studies and human resource management and Head of the Department of Management and Marketing. Before commencing at the Faculty of Business and Economics he was Professor and Chair in Organizational Behavior at Imperial College Business School, London. Graham has published extensively on the topics of workplace surveillance and teamwork and his work has appeared in leading management journals, including the Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Management Studies, and Organization Studies. He also has extensive consulting experience with major Australian and multinational corporations. Professor Sewell is a senior editor of Organization Studies and has held visiting positions at the University of California’s Berkeley and Santa Cruz campuses. From 2004 to 2005, he was the Ministerio de Educación y Ciensias de España visiting professor in the Departament di Economia y Empresa at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. His latest book, Technology and Organization: Essays in Honour of Joan Woodward (with Nelson Phillips and Dorothy Griffiths), was published by Emerald in 2010.

The Hon. Jim Short Jim Short has had a long and distinguished career in the Federal Treasury, Federal Parliament and the private sector. Before entering Parliament, his roles included Chief of Staff to the Treasurer; Treasury representative to the UK and Europe; and development of Australia’s policy on foreign investment and economic relations. Mr Short was elected to the House of Representatives as Member for Ballarat (1975–80); and Senator for Victoria (1984–97). He was Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (1992–93), and Assistant Treasurer in 1996. On leaving Parliament in 1997, Mr Short was appointed Australia’s Director on the Board of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London. On returning to Australia, he was appointed Australia’s Special Envoy for Cyprus (2000–2007). He is a former Chairman of leading economic consultancy ACIL Tasman; former Executive Director and President, and now life member, of the Victorian Branch of the Australia China Business Council; and currently a member of the Council of the Australian Institute of International Affairs Victoria. Mr Short was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee Medal in 1977.

Professor Nasser A Spear Nasser Spear is GL Wood Professor of Accounting and the Deputy Dean and the Director of the Graduate School of Business and Economics. His previous positions in the Faculty include Associate Dean (Global Engagement) and the Head of the Department of Accounting. Professor Spear’s research interests cover capital markets, security valuation, oil and gas accounting, and international financial reporting. He consults on broad accounting issues as well as quality assurance and accreditation in higher education and has led the establishment of several business schools. Professor Spear received his PhD from the University of North Texas and has published in leading international accounting journals such as the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Literature, International Journal of

Accounting, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, and Management and Information Technology. He co-edits the International Journal of Accounting and sits on the advisory boards of a number of international journals.

Dr Lynne Williams Lynne Williams is an economic consultant and board member of several government and university bodies. She is chair of the Victorian Government Procurement Board and a member of the Federal Government’s Climate Change Authority and Melbourne University Sport. She previously worked as an economist in the public sector for over 30 years, and held senior executive positions at both the Federal and Victorian State levels. Dr Williams holds masters degrees in economics from the University of Melbourne and the London School of Economics. She has a PhD from Monash University. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) and of St Hilda’s College (University of Melbourne) and Vice President of Athletics International (Australia).

Mr Kevin Wong Kevin Wong was formerly a Managing Director of J.P. Morgan, as well as being the Senior Country Officer of J.P. Morgan Chase for Malaysia, with oversight for all of the firm’s Malaysian activities in investment banking, commercial banking and equities. In his 18–year investment banking career with J.P. Morgan, Mr Wong was primarily involved in corporate advisory and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to his last assignment in Malaysia, he had previously been based in Melbourne, Hong Kong, Singapore and New York. Following Mr Wong’s retirement in 2005, he was appointed the non-executive Chairman of J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad in Malaysia. Prior to his career in investment banking, he worked in Australia as a chartered accountant and a companies and securities regulator. Mr Wong is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne. He was formerly a council member of International House at the University of Melbourne from 2004 to 2011.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 57

58 Faculty of Business and Economics

appendices Contents Appendix I: Faculty donors




Chancellor’s Circle

ii. Faculty donors


Appendix II: Industry partners


Appendix III: Exchange partner institutions


Appendix IV: List of academic staff


Department of Accounting


ii. Department of Economics



iii. Centre for Actuarial Studies academic and research staff


iv. Department of Finance


v. Department of Management and Marketing


vi. Melbourne Institute


vii. Faculty


viii. Commerce Student Centre


ix. Graduate School of Business and Economics


Appendix V: Research publications


Accounting 78 Economics 79 Finance 81 Management and Marketing


Melbourne Institute


Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 59

Appendix I: Faculty donors The Faculty of Business and Economics would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the following donors to the Faculty in 2012.

i. Chancellor’s Circle The Chancellor’s Circle is the University’s community of generous benefactors who demonstrate leadership and commitment to the University of Melbourne through annual gifts of $1,000 or greater. Mr Alex Abernethy & Professor Margaret A Abernethy Mrs Fiona C Adler & Mr Ross Adler AC Mr Duncan G Andrews & Ms Jannifer Andrews Mr Ross E Barker & Mrs Susan Barker Mr Angus J R Barker Mr Paul M Bassat Mr Trevor N Bradley Mr Anthony R Burgess & Mrs Janine C Burgess Mr David S Burnet Mr Terrence A Campbell AO & Mrs Christine J Campbell Ms Clare V Cannon & Mr Andrew M Cannon Mrs Betty V W Chen Mr Jason A M Cheng Mr Mark Z Chiba & Ms Lisa Herrell Chiba Mr John S Collingwood & Ms Christine A. Collingwood

Mr Laurie Cox AO & Mrs Julie Ann Cox

Mr Chris Leptos AM & Ms Julia E Trafford

Mr Peter Scott & Ms Anna Scott

Mr Craig M Drummond

Mrs Leanne Loh

Mr John W Shaw

Mr Ian H Loxton

The Hon Jim Short

Professor Bryan Lukas

Mr Rodney G Sims

The Hon. John M Brumby & Ms Rosemary McKenzie

Ms Joan M Spiller

Ms Kaye M Fletcher Professor Ross G Garnaut AO Mr Richard R Green & Mrs Isabella F Green OAM Mr Fred S Grimwade & Mrs Alexandra J Grimwade

Mr Terence V McMahon Mr Edward J Miller & Mrs Anne Miller

Mr Rohan L Stanton Mr Darrell A Wade Mr Sam Walsh AO Mr Eric H Welsh

Mrs Rae Gunn & Mr Peter J Gunn AM

Dato’ Sri Mustapa Bin Mohamed

Tan Sri Wan Azmi W Hamzah

Mr Howard Moore & Ms Sue Cunningham

Professor Ross A Williams AM & Dr Lynne S Williams

Mrs Elizabeth Morgan & Mr Hugh M Morgan AC

Professor Philip Williams & Mrs Elizabeth Williams

Mr Rupert Myer AM & Mrs Annebel Myer

Mr Kevin Wong & Ms Judy Ee

Mr Michael J Hirst Mr Dean R Ireland Prof Emeritus The Hon Joseph E Isaac AO & Mrs Golda Isaac Professor Paul Kofman & Associate Professor Guyonne Kalb

Mrs Sarah J Myer & Mr Baillieu Myer AC Mr Dean Newlan & Mrs Pamela A Newlan

Mr Sunny CH Lee & Ms Gloria E Goh

Mr Victor Ngo

Mr Edmond K Lee

Dr Tjahaja J L Riady

60 Faculty of Business and Economics

Mrs Marion O Page

Mr Paul L Wheelton OAM

Mr Kingston Wong Mr Yu T Wong Professor Emeritus Ken Wright Miss Henrietta Yap Associate Professor Charles G Young & Ms Brooke M Young

ii. Faculty donors Professor Margaret A Abernethy Mr Alex Abernethy Mr Dudley A Adcock Mrs Fiona C Adler & Mr Ross Adler, AC Ms Jo M Agnew Mr John Agostinelli & Mrs Jacinta Agostinelli Mr Adrian G Aldous Ms Elizabeth A Alexander, AM Mr Boyne Alley Mr Charles M Amalfi Mr Thindika R Amarasekara Ms Carolyn Anderson Mr Duncan G Andrews Mr Campbell D Andrews Mr Ang Shin Khoon Mr Richard W Armstrong Mr Justin R Arter The Late Mr Ian G Baker

Mrs Liz Bray

Mr Raymond P Choo

Mr Gan Tee Kian

Mr Andrew Breckler

Mr Lai K Chuah

Mr David Brooks

Mr Wong Tat Chuen

Professor Ross G Garnaut, AO

Mr Malcolm W Broomhead

Mr Terry Clarke

Ms Fiona J Brown

Mr Ivan N Clyne

The Hon. John M Brumby

Professor Deborah Cobb-Clark

Emeritus Professor Maureen Brunt, AO

Mr Jonathan R Cosgrove

Mr David Buckingham

Alana Crawford

Mr Nick Bull & Family

Ms Sue Cunningham & Mr Howard Moore

Mr Michael S Burn Mr David S Burnet Mrs Nancy J Burns & Mr Frank L Burns

Ms Gloria E Goh & Mr Sunny CH Lee Mr Lige Gong Mr Timothy A Gough Mr Timothy D Greene Mr Ronald J Griffin Mr Fred S Grimwade & Mrs Alexandra J Grimwade

Mr William Cushing Professor Glyn C Davis, AC Ms Carolyn V Deller Ms Michelle D Di Fabio

Mr Ross A Cameron

Professor David C Dickson & Ms Vivien Dickson

Ms Clare V Cannon & Mr Andrew

Mr Philip E Giltinan

Mr Ian Curry

Mr Matthew Caddy

Mr Terrence A Campbell, AO & Mrs Christine J Campbell

Mr Glen M Gersch

Mr John S Collingwood

Mr Graeme L Bryce

Mr Anthony R Burgess

Mr James A Gatehouse

Mr Anthony D Dimasi & Ms Mandy Dimasi

Professor Bruce Grundy Mr Peter J Gunn & Mrs Rae Gunn Mr Maxwell E Hagger Mrs Jennifer J Hamilton Mrs Barbara J Hammon Tan Sri Wan Azmi W Hamzah

Mr Anthony J Di Pietro

Mr Andrew J Hancock

M Cannon

Mr Timothy K Dixon

Mr Charles Happell

Mr Ross E Barker

Mr Lou Capparelli

Ms Suzanne R Dixon

Mr Simon E Harle

Mr Angus J R Barker

Mr Alex Cartel

Mr Chris Dobb

Professor Anne-Wil Harzing

Mrs Susan Barker

Mr Colin B Carter, OAM & Mrs Angie Carter

Dr Leo Dobes & Mrs Alice Dobes

Mr James B Hatherley

Mr Boyd Carter

Mr Franz J Doos & Mrs Patricia Doos

Mr John D Balmford & Mrs Dagnija Balmford

Ms Stephanie L Barr Mr Paul M Bassat Mr Andrew Batsakis Mr William T Baylis Miss Glenda M Beale Mr Michael Bedwell Dr Simon J Bell Gloria Bellion Mr Christian D Bennett Ms Renata Bernarde

Mrs Norah J Casey Mrs Rose-Mary J Cassin Mr John R Chanter Mrs Betty V W Chen Mr Jason A M Cheng His Excellency The Hon. Alex Chernov, AC QC

Ms Jennifer A Douglas Ms Andrea M Douglas Mrs Eleanor Douglas Mr Gregory J Doyle Mr Craig M Drummond Mr Alan T Dunn

Dr Kia Ngee Chew

Ms Paula J Dwyer

Mr Teck Soon Chew

Ms Katrina F Efthim

Mr Neville J Bertalli & Diana Bertalli

Ms Oi Meng Chi

Mr Jonathan R Elliot

Mr Robin M Bishop

Mr Mark Z Chiba & Ms Lisa Herrell Chiba

Mr Ricardo M Ferreira

Mr Bruno Blosfelds & Mrs Denise Blosfelds Mr Trevor N Bradley Mr Bruce Bray &

Kathryn Chiha Ms Ai-Ling Chin Mr Esmond L G Choo

Ms Kaye M Fletcher

The Late Edward C Hauser, OBE Mrs Mary C Hawkes Mr Geoffrey R Hindle Mrs Judith H Hindle Mr Michael J Hirst Mr Ho Yew Pun Mr Bryan Hoy & Mrs Joan Hoy Mrs Rosemary Hume (nee Johnson) Mr Marc Huninik Ms Kim Huey Hwang Mr Dean R Ireland

Mr Elmer Funke Kupper

Professor Emeritus The Hon. Joseph E Isaac, AO & Mrs Golda Isaac

Mr Baden C Furphy

Mrs Sansanee Jansubbakich

Mr Eric R Forrest

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 61

& Mr Bhuchong Jansubbakich

Mr William D McFadyen

Mr Edwin J Parker

Mr Alan G Topp

Mr John L McInnes, OAM

Mr Neil C Pathak

Mr William J Traill

Ms Michelle E McLean

Professor Jim Perkins

Mr Hartmann Trefz

Mr John M McMahon

Ms Vi L Peterson

Miss Lisa Tripodi

Mr Terrence V McMahon

Mr David S Potaznik

Mr Andrew G Tulloch

Mr Ankit Mehta

Mr Joseph T Prowse

Mr Darrell A Wade

Mr John Micklewright

Ms Sarah Quek Wei Ting

Ms Anne L Warren

Mr Edward Miller & Mrs Anne Miller

Dr Tjahaja J L Riady

Mr Allan B Waugh, OAM

Mr William Jones

Mr Emile Rochman

Mr Geoffrey C Webster

Mr Larry Kamener

Mr Anthony J Miller

Mr Michael J Ryan

Ms Mimi K M Kang

Mr Gordon J Milne

Mrs Helen Wedd & Mr John Wedd

Mr Peter L Keet

Dato’ Sri Mustapa Bin Mohamed

Mr Barry A Saunders

Mr Kenneth J Moncrieff

Mr Derek Sawer

Mr Peter Monkhouse

Mr Peter D Scanlon

Mr Richard M Morgan, AM

Mr Brady Scanlon Mr Pieter C Scheffers

Ms Siew Kong

Mr Hugh M Morgan, AC & Mrs Elizabeth Morgan

Ms Sianny Kuswanto

Dr Philip A Morgan

Ms Youngmi Kwon

Mr Peter E Morriss, OAM

Mr Andrew G Lane & Ms Shelley M Watson

Mr Andrew E Morse

Mrs Christina M Jenkins Dr Sandra L Jericevic Mr Christian W Johnston Mr Damien Johnston Mr Mark A Joiner Mr Trevor L Jones

The Hon. Rod Kemp Professor Paul Kofman & Associate Professor Guyonne Kalb Mr Jamarson Kong

Mr Barrie E Laws Dr John Leaper & Mrs Jenny Leaper Mr Edmond K Lee Mr Chris Leptos, AM & Ms Julia Trafford Rodd A Levy Miss Bonnie K Li Mrs Helen M Lloyd Mrs Leanne Loh Mrs Sheila M Loudon Mr Gilbert W Loughman Mr Ian H Loxton Mr Mark D Lucas Professor Bryan Lukas Professor John D Lyon Mr Ben Macdonald Ms Ali Macleod Mrs Maria Makris Mr Ken Mawson, OAM

Dr Rosemary A Mulraney Colonel Paul Mulraney, CSC Mr Bruce L Murray Mr Baillieu Myer, AC & Mrs Sarah J Myer Mr Rupert Myer, AM & Mrs Annabel Myer

Mr Ian Saines

Mr Peter Scott & Ms Anna Scott Mr David Senior Professor Graham Sewell

Howard Welsh Mrs Janet B West, AM Mr Paul L Wheelton, OAM Professor Gregory J Whitwell Dr Dinuka T Wijetunga Ms Kerry-Leigh Willcock Professor Ross Williams, AM & Dr Lynne Williams

Mr John W Shaw

Professor Philip Williams & Mrs Elizabeth Williams

The Hon. Jim Short & Ms Jan M Rothwell Short

Mr Edward Winter

Mr Geoff Slade Mr Maurice Smith Mr Solomon H Solomon Mr John L Soper

Mr Dennis C Myler

Professor Nasser A Spear

Mrs Gayle D Nadalin

Mr Barry J Stagoll

Mr Peter S Nash

Mr Rohan L Stanton

Mr Richard Neville-Smith

Mr Selby K Steele, AM

Mr James Neville-Smith

Mr Kevin M Stevenson

Mrs Pamela A Newlan

Mr John I Stragalinos

The Newlan Family

Ms Lee Ping Tan

Mr Cheng Xun Ng

Mr Bert Tan

Mr Philip M Norman

Mr Scott M Tanner

Dr William E Norton

Mr Murli K Thadani

Mr James H Nott

Mrs Padma Thadani

Professor Nilss Olekalns

Mr Craig A Thompson

Mr Tom Orange

Mr Michael Thornton

Mrs Marion O Page

Mr Paul Thorpe-Apps

62 Faculty of Business and Economics

Mr Bruce C Weeden

Mr Perk Chong Wong Mr Alan Wong David Wong Mr Vincent Wong Mr Yu T Wong Mr Clive H Worrall Professor Emeritus Ken Wright Mr Alex Yakovlev Miss Henrietta Yap Dr Peter W Yates AM Ms Brooke M Young & Associate Professor Charles G Young Mr Harrison Young Ms Sigourney Young Mr Cheng Yuen Cheng Mr Simon J Yuncken Mr Nick Zisis

We would also like to thank and acknowledge the support of the following trusts and foundations: Bennelong Foundation

Rae & Peter Gunn Family Foundation

Bertalli Family Foundation

Sports Administration and Development Ltd

Dawn Wade Foundation Drummond Foundation Lord Mayors Charitable Fund P & S Bassat Family Charitable Foundation

The Aranday Foundation The Howard Norman Trust The Myer Foundation Yulgilbah Foundation

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 63

Appendix II: Industry partners We would also like to thank and acknowledge the support of the following organisations: AIA Australia

CPA Australia



Amtrade International

Crown Limited

Gandel Group

Pitcher Partners


Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

Gilbert + Tobin

PPB Advisory

Goldman Sachs

Prime Value Asset Management

Aciano Ltd Asialink Australian Finance Conference Avalon Place

Deloitte Department of Primary Industries

Aviva Investors

Department of Treasury & Finance

Bain & Company

Deutsche Bank

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Deutsche Group Services

Bank of Melbourne

The Economic Society of Australia

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

IBISWorld The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia


The Institute of Actuaries of Australia

Scanlon Foundation

J.P. Morgan Kerogen Capital Kidder Williams Limited KordaMentha

Ranchwood Holdings Pty Ltd

SEEK SG Hiscock & Company Sothertons Tabcorp Holdings Ltd Taxpayers Australia

Egon Zehnder International


Ernst & Young

Lippo Group

Taylor Fry

The Financial Management Association of Australia (FMAA)




Towers Watson



Mutual Trust Pty Ltd

Treasury Wine Estates

Flagstaff Partners




Forethought Research



Commonwealth Bank

Foster’s Group


Westpac Group

Cooper Investors

Franklin Templeton

Pacific Brands


BHP Billiton The Big Group BlueScope Steel BML Booz & Co Commercial Travellers’ Association

Financial Services Institute of Australasia

64 Faculty of Business and Economics

Appendix III: Exchange partner institutions As a leading business and economics faculty, we see the development and sustainability of global engagement as a key aspect of our international agenda. The Faculty continues to place an emphasis on diversity as a key driver for our international strategy. Our aim is to attract the most talented students from around the world.



University of Trento

University of Vienna

University of Tartu

University Degli Studi di Ferrara*#



University Degli Studi di Padova#

INSPER, Institute of Education and Research*

University of Helsinki



Doshisha University

Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HECParis)*

Hitotsubashi University Keio University (APRU)

Institute of Political Studies, Paris (Sciences Po)

Kyoto University (APRU)

HEC School of Management, Montréal* Laval University

Paris Diderot University – Paris VII

Ritsumeikan University

McGill University (U21)

Bordeaux I University, Science and Technology

Sophia University

Michel de Montaigne University – Bordeaux III

Waseda University (U21) (APRU)

University of São Paulo#

Canada Dalhousie University

Queens University University of British Columbia (U21) (APRU) University of Toronto

Chile Adolfo Ibañez University* Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (U21) University of Chile (APRU)

Korea (South)

Montesquieu University – Bordeaux IV

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Germany Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg

Korea University (U21) (APRU)

Free University of Berlin

Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)

Humboldt University

Seoul National University (APRU)

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Rupert Charles University of Heidelberg

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Technical University of Berlin

Chinese Center for Agricultural

Technical University of Munich

Fudan University (U21) (APRU)

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Victor Segalen University – Bordeaux II


Trade Policy Analysis (CCATP)*#

Osaka City University# (APRU)


Latvia University of Latvia

Lithuania Vilnius University

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad*

University of Malaya (APRU)

Shantou University

Indian Institute of Management Calcutta*

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Jawaharlal Nehru University#

Institute of Technology and Higher Education of Monterrey – Tec de Monterrey (U21) (APRU):

Tsinghua University (APRU)

Delhi University#

University of Hong Kong (U21) (APRU)

Manipel University#

The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (U21)


Nanjing University (APRU) Nankai University Peking University (APRU)

University of Science and

Gadjah Mada University#

Technology of China (APRU)

Universitas Indonesia#

Zhejiang University (APRU)


Czech Republic

Trinity College

Charles University

University College, Dublin (U21)



University of the Andes

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem



Copenhagen Business School* University of Copenhagen


– Ciudad de México – Cuernavaca – Estado de México – Guadalajara – Monterrey – Querétaro – San Luis Potosi – Toluca University of Guadalajara

Netherlands Amsterdam University College Leiden University

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University*

‘Luigi Bocconi’ University of Commerce*

University of Amsterdam

University of Bologna

School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University*

University of Siena

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 65

New Zealand


– Irvine

University of Auckland (U21) (APRU)

National University of Taiwan (APRU)

– Los Angeles



– Merced

Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)*

Chulalongkorn University (APRU)

– Riverside

University of Oslo

Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University*#

– Santa Barbara


United Kingdom

Sultan Qaboos University#

Heriot–Watt University*


Imperial College London#

University of Philippines# (APRU)

King’s College, University of London


Queen Mary, University of London

London Business School*

– San Diego – Santa Cruz University of Connecticut (U21) University of Illinois at Urbana– Champaign University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) University of Pennsylvania

University of Birmingham (U21)

University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business)* (APRU)


University of Bristol

University of Texas at Austin

Nanyang Technological University

University of Durham

University of Connecticut (U21)

National University of Singapore (U21) (APRU)

University of Edinburgh (U21)

University of Virginia (U21)

University of Glasgow (U21)

University of Washington (APRU)


University of Manchester

Autonomous University of Madrid

University of Nottingham (U21)

Washington University in St Louis (Olin School of Business)*

Complutense University of Madrid#

University of St Andrews

ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University*


Jagiellonian University

Instituto de Empresa* University of Granada University of Salamanca Autonomous


Barnard College Columbia University Boston College Carnegie Mellon University George Washington University

Lund University (U21)

New York University (Stern School of Business)*

Uppsala University

Pennsylvania State University

Switzerland Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich University of Geneva

66 Faculty of Business and Economics

Rutgers University University of California (APRU): – Berkeley – Davis

*These agreements are Faculty-level only. #These are Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between institutions and do not include a Student Exchange Agreement (SEA). Students interested in studying at these institutions can do so as study abroad students and should contact the institution directly. (U21) denotes Universitas 21 Partner; APRU) denotes Association of Pacific Rim Universities Note: As this list is regularly updated you should check the partner list on the Melbourne Global Mobility for the most current information. See: www.mobility. unimelb.edu.au/outbound/exchange/ partners/index.html

Appendix IV: List of academic staff i. Department of Accounting Research and teaching staff Head of Department and Fitzgerald Chair of Accounting Lyon, John: BCom (Hons) MFM UQ, PhD Ohio. Research interests: Empirical methods in accounting and finance, earnings announcements and the pricing of audits.

Sir Douglas Copland Chair of Commerce Abernethy, Margaret: BEc (Hons) PhD LaTrobe. Research interests: Strategy and design of control systems, management control in hospitals, performance measurement and compensation system design, costing and budgeting systems.

G.L. Wood Professor of Accounting Spear, Nasser: BEc Syria, MSc PhD N Texas. Research interests: Capital markets based research, international financial reporting, contracting research, initial public offerings, security valuation, accounting for extractive industries.

Professor of Business Information Systems Ferguson, Colin: BBus Swinburne, MEc NEng, PhD GDipComp Deakin. FCA, FCPA, MACS. Research interests: Accounting information systems, business forensics, economics of auditing and auditor behaviour, fraud and corporate governance.

Professor of Management Accounting Lillis, Anne: BCom MCom PhD Melb. Research interests: Management control systems design, performance management, evaluating strategic capital expenditures, cost management practice, subjectivity in performance measurement, target setting.

Professor of Accounting Clinch, Greg: BEc (Hons) MEc Monash, PhD Stanford. Research interests: Financial accounting, accounting information in capital markets.

Professor of Accounting Soderstrom, Naomi: BA Reed College, MSc PhD Northwestern. Research interests: Empirical managerial accounting with an emphasis on the health care industry and corporate social responsibility issues.

Professor of Accounting and Business Information Systems Davern, Michael: BCom (Hons) UTAS, PhD Minnesota. Research interests: Managerial decision-making and support, business value of IT, behavioural/ business process perspectives in information systems, enterprise and operational risk management.

Associate Professors Coram, Paul: BEc Flinders, MAcc UWA, PhD ANU, GDipEd Adelaide. Research interests: Audit quality, behavioural research in assurance and financial accounting, accounting education. Dowling, Carlin: BCom (Hons) UTAS, PhD Melb. Research interests: Audit support systems, audit technology use, audit firm control and regulation, production of audit services, operational risk management. Grafton, Jennifer: BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. CA. Research interests: Management control system design and use in the not-for-profit sector, design and control of interorganisational networks, performance management and research methods. Pinnuck, Matthew: BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. Research interests: Financial accounting and share markets. Potter, Brad: BCom (Hons) PhD Deakin. CA, CPA. Research interests: Financial accounting, the development of financial reporting regulation, accounting for SMEs, accounting for natural resources.

Senior Lecturers Cobbin, Phillip: BBus RMIT, MCom (Hons) BEd MEd PhD Melb, DipEd SCVic. Research interests: History of accounting and auditing particularly where they intersect with contemporary military history from late-Victorian times to the present, market for audit services.

Huelsbeck, David: BS (CompSci) New Mexico, MBA Seattle, PhD USC. Research interests: The value of accounting information to managers for control and contracting. Parkes, Alison: BCom W’gong, MBS (Info Sys) (Hons) Massey, PhD Melb. Research interests: Data quality, accounting information systems, contextual information systems design. Teo, Eu-Jin: BCom (Hons) LLB (Hons) Melb, GCertHigherEd Mon. FTIA, CTA. Research interests: Current legal issues, accounting and the law, taxation law, commercial law, government law. Zhang, Yunyan: BA MA Nankai, MA Toledo, MBA PhD Ohio. Research interests: Disclosure and financial accounting reporting, economic consequence of accounting choices, debt contracting.

Research Fellow York, Jodi: BA San Francisco, MA PhD UC Berkeley. Research interests: Social investment, sustainability reporting, and measurement frameworks.

Soltys, Sharon: BBus (Acc) RMIT. Research interests: Capital expenditure decision making, development and implementation of cost accounting and performance management systems in the oil and gas industry, oil and gas accounting, management control system design. Wallace, Sandra-Lee: BBus MFM PhD UQ. Research interests: Contingency theory, cost accounting system design, customer investment. Wu, Gang (Henry): BCom Peking, PhD Melb. Research interests: Auditing, behavioural accounting, corporate governance, management accounting. Yuan, Qingbo: BA (Acc) HUT, MA(Acc) Xiamen, PhD CU Hong Kong. Research interests: Corporate governance, corporate finance, accounting quality, corporate disclosure, international accounting.

Senior Teaching Fellows Brooks, Albie: BCom Melb, MBus PhD Victoria, DipEd Melb. Williams, John: MSc MBA PhD Wales.

Lecturers Hoggan, Michelle: BCom (Hons) Melb. Research interests: Management control systems design, performance management, and bias in managerial decisionmaking.

Teaching Fellows

Hronsky, Jane: BBus Curtin, MCom (Hons) Melb, PGDipBus Curtin. CPA. Research interests: Audit judgement, communication issues in financial and audit reporting, accounting and assurance for climate change.

Cusack, Greg: BBus (Acc) DipT RMIT. CPA.

Lee, Richard: BEc Monash, DipEd SCVic. CPA. Research interests: Financial reporting, accounting policy choice, executive compensation, accounting education. Nair, Sujay: BCom (Hons) Melb. CA, CFA. Research interests: Performance management and incentive systems.

Boys, Noel: BBus RMIT, GDipEd Hawthorn, GDipEd (Student Welfare) Melb. ASA. Considine, Brett: BCom (Hons) Melb, GDipEd ACU.

Dyki, Matt: MBus (E-Bus) GradCert (Acc) GradDipCom UniSA. Hinchliffe, Sarah: LLB Monash, LLM UNE. CTA. Barrister & Solicitor (HCA, Vic SC). Kaur, Jagjit: MEc Macquarie, PhD Deakin. McKeown, Warren: BEc Monash, BEd Deakin, MBus RMIT, DipEd Monash. CA, CFP. Tonkin, Trevor: BBus(Acc) Bendigo CAE, GDipEd LaTrobe, MComLaw Deakin. CPA.

Senior Tutors Cao, Chao: BCom Melb. Harper-Schmid, Matthew: BA BCom Melb.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 67

Hosri, Paul: BCom Melb.


Marget, Daniel: Senior Tutor

Lin, Andrew: BCom Melb.

Bray, Michael: BCom(Hons) Melb. FCA.

Robinson, Matthew: Senior Tutor

Marget, Daniel: BCom Melb. Oh, Kimberley: BCom Melb. Robinson, Matthew: BCom Melb. Sakr, Joseph: BCom Melb. Sek, Matthew: BCom Melb. Williams, Andrew: BCom Melb.

Tutor in Charge Linggo Liong, Joana: BCom Melb.

Honorary appointments Professors Emeritus Nicol, Robert Edward George: BEc Sydney, MBA PhD Calif. FAPA, MCT. Wright, Kenneth: BMetE DCom Melb. FASA, FASSA, FAIM.

Professorial Fellows Anderson, Shannon: BSE Princeton, MA PhD Harvard. Research interests: Cost management, performance measurement, design of cost systems and management control systems, management control of strategic alliances and supply chain relationships. Bouwens, Johannes: MSc (Eco) PhD Tilburg. Research interests: Management and financial accounting, performance measurement system design. Dekker, Henri: MSc PhD VU. Research interests: Accounting and control in interfirm relationships, strategy and management control, performance measurement, goal setting and incentive compensation. Leech, Stewart: BCom Melb, MEc UTAS. FCA, FCPA, MACS, PCP. Research interests: Accounting information systems, decision making in corporate recovery, intelligent decision aids, enterprise resource planning systems. Skinner, Douglas: BEc Macquarie, MS PhD Rochester. Research interests: Corporate financial policy, financial reporting and disclosure policies.

Burghardt, Gunther: BBusAdmin (Fin&Acc) (Hons) Wilfrid Laurier. Campbell, Fiona: BCom Deakin. FCA. Downes, Judith: BA (Hons) DipEd GradDip (Acc) Monash. FCA, FCPA. Kimmitt, Annette: BBus Monash. FCA. MacKenzie, James: BBus Swin. FCA, FAICD. Newlan, Dean: BCom Melb, MCorpLaw RMIT. North, Scott: BCom MBIT Melb. Stevenson, Kevin: BCom MBA Melb.

Professional staff Cassar, Maree: BA Monash. Academic Services Officer Haddad, Leonie Administrative Officer Korn, Rosalynn Front Office Administrator McMahon, Julee Centre Administrative Coordinator McNamara, Kerry Front Office Administrator Mason, Cathy: BA (Hons) UQ. Department Services Manager Mitchell, Nicole: BA BCom Deakin. Executive Assistant to the Head of Department Mitchell, Steven: BA (Hons) DipML GDipEd Melb. Manager, Academic Services Perry, Jen: BA (Hons) Monash. Academic Services Officer

Appointments Cao, Chao: Senior Tutor Considine, Brett: Teaching Fellow Harper-Schmid, Matthew: Senior Tutor Oh, Kimberley: Senior Tutor Lin, Andrew: Senior Tutor Sek, Matthew: Senior Tutor Soderstrom, Naomi: Professor

Principal Fellows

York, Jodi: Research Fellow

Burrows, Geoffrey Herbert: MCom DipEd Melb. FCPA.


Senior Fellows

Perry, Jen: Academic Services Officer

Alfredson, Keith: BCom UQ. AAUQ, FAICD, FCA, FCPA, FNIA.

Hosri, Paul: Senior Tutor

68 Faculty of Business and Economics

Williams, John: Senior Teaching Fellow

ii. Department of Economics Research and teaching staff Head of Department (until June 2012) and Professor of Economics Olekalns, Nilss: BEc (Hons) Adelaide, MEc ANU, MA West Ontario, PhD LaTrobe. Research interests: Macroeconomics, applied econometrics.

Head of Department (July– Dec 2012) and Professor of Actuarial Studies Dickson, David: BSc (Hons) PhD Heriot-Watt. FFA, FIAA. Research interests: Aggregate claims distributions, renewal risk processes, recursive methods in risk theory.

Professors of Economics Bardsley, Peter: BSc (Hons) ANU, PhD Durh. Research interests: Economic theory, mathematical economics, game theory, information and strategic behaviour, organisational design and theory of the firm, theoretical finance. Borland, Jeffrey: MA Melb, PhD Yale. FASSA. Research interests: Operation of labour markets in Australia, program and policy design and evaluation, applied microeconomics (economics of sports), Australian economic history. Dixon, Robert: BEc (Hons) Monash, PhD Kent. Research interests: Macroeconomics, industrial economics, Marxian economics, regional economics. King, Ian: BA (Hons) Concordia, MA PhD Queens. Research interests: Macroeconomics, applied theory, search, money, unemployment, life expectancy, growth, language acquisition. McCalman, Phillip: BCom (Hons) MCom (Hons) PhD Wisconsin. Research interests: International trade.

Mezzetti, Claudio: DPhil Oxf. Research interests: Microeconomic theory, mechanism design, game theory, industrial organisation and law and economics. Shields, Michael: BA (Hons) Staffs, MScHealthEc York, PhD Leic. Research interests: Health economics, economics of happiness, labour economics, applied microeconometrics. Williams, Jenny: BEc ANU, MEc PhD Rice. Research interests: Microeconometrics, health economics.

Ritchie Chair of Economics Freebairn, John: MAgrEc NE, PhD Davis. FASSA. Research interests: Taxation reform, labour economics, natural resource economics.

Truby Williams Professor of Economics Creedy, John: BSc Brist, BPhil Oxf. FASSA. Research interests: Income distribution, public economics, labour economics, history of economic analysis.

Professors of Econometrics Griffiths, William: BAgEc (Hons) UNE, PhD Illinois. FASSA. Research interests: Applied Bayesian econometrics. Martin, Vance: BEc (Hons) MEc PhD Monash. Research interests: Econometrics, time series analysis, monetary economics, macroeconomics.

Professorial Fellows Garnaut, Ross, AO: BA PhD Doctor of Letters ANU. FASSA. Research interests: International economics, economic development (especially in Asia), climate change, resource economics. Ours, Van Jan: MSc Delft, MSc PhD Erasmus. Research interests: Health economics, labour economics.

Readers/Associate Professors Edmond, Chris: BA BEc UQ, MA PhD UCLA. Research interests: Economic fluctuations and growth, monetary economics, financial economics. Hillberry, Russell: BS Minnesota, PhD Indiana. Research interests: Economic geography, international trade.

Hirschberg, Joseph: BA Miami, MA UC Riverside, PhD USC. Research interests: Microeconometric techniques, productivity measurement, evaluation of tertiary education, measuring anticompetitive behaviour, demand analysis. Lye, Jeanette: MA PhD Cant Univ. Research interests: Non-normal distributions, applications of multi-modality, modelling of exchange rates, theory and application of non linear models, general applied econometrics. Norman, Neville: BCom (Hons) MA Melb, PhD Camb. Research interests: Industrial pricing as influenced by tariffs, exchange rates and world price movements, postkeynesian industrial and international economics, trade practices economic issues and the economics of e-commerce. Raimondo, Roberto: Laurea Milan PhD (Math) SUNY, PhD Calif. Research interests: Economic theory, financial economics. Shields, Kalvinder: BA (Hons) MA R’dg, PhD Leic. Research interests: Applied macroeconomic modelling with particular interests in the use of real time data, survey-based expectations in macro-economic models, business cycles, nowcasting and forecasting. Skeels, Christopher: BEc (Hons) PhD Monash. Research interests: Econometric theory.

Senior Lecturers Coelli, Michael: BCom (Hons) UNSW, MA PhD British Columbia. Research interests: Labour economics, applied microeconometrics, public economics, economics of education.

Jacobi, Liana: MA PhD Washington. Research interests: Econometrics, Bayesian inference, health and labour economics. Loertscher, Simon: MA PhD Bern. Research interests: Industrial organisation, mechanism design, political economy. Nikiforakis, Nikos: BA (Bus) Athens, MA PhD Lond. Research interests: Experimental economics, behavioural economics, industrial organisation, public economics, game theory. Smith, Rhonda: BCom (Hons) MA (Hons) DCom. Research interests: Economics of trade practices, economic policy towards industry.

Lecturers and Research Fellows

Perkins, James: MA MCom PhD Camb. FASSA.

Martin, Leslie: BS MIT, PhD UC Berkeley. Research interests: Environmental economics, energy economics, industrial organisation.

Corden, Max, AC: BCom (Hons) MCom Melb, PhD LSE. FASSA, FBA.

Rafferty, Barry: BA MSc TCD, MA PhD Duke. Research interests: International finance, macroeconomics, econometrics. Shah, Manisha: PhD Calif. Research interests: Development economics, applied microeconomics, health economics.

Adjunct Professor Lim, Guay: MEc Adelaide, PhD ANU.

Professorial Fellows

Principal Fellows Ironmonger, Duncan: MCom PhD Camb. Johnston, Carol: BCom BEd MEd PhD Melb. MacLaren, Donald: BSc (Agr) (Hons) Aberd, MS PhD Cornell. Walmsley, Terrie: BCom MEcSt UQ, PhD Monash.

Fellows Aguiar, Angel: PhD Purdue, MS Idaho.

Ahsan, Reshad: BA Macalester, PhD Syracuse. Research interests: International trade, development economics, and political economy.

Swee, Eik: BSc (Hons) LSE, MSc NUS, PhD Toronto. Research interests: Development economics, political economy, economics of conflict and applied microeconometrics.

Andalon, Mabel: BA (Hons) UDLA–P Mexico, MA MS PhD Cornell. Research interests: Health economics, development economics, labour economics.

Uren, Lawrence: BEc (Hons) ANU, PhD Princeton. Research interests: Macroeconomics, labour economics.

Artemov, Georgy: Specialist Moscow State MA CEU, PhD Brown. Research interests: Mechanism design, matching theory, microeconomic theory.

Wilkening, Tom: BA Arizona, PhD Massachusetts. Research interests: Experimental economics, market design, contracts and organisational economics, behavioural economics.

Paarsch, Harry: BA (Hons) Queens, MS PhD Stanford.

Woźniak, Tomasz: PhD European University Institute Research interests: Econometrics, multivariate time series analysis, Bayesian inference, economic forecasting.

Philip, Preeta: MBA Andrews. Department Manager

Byrne, David: BCom (Hons) Mount Allison, MA PhD Queens. Research interests: Industrial organisation, applied econometrics. Clarke, Andrew: BA MEc Sydney, PhD McMaster. Research interests: Labour economics, macroeconomics, econometrics.

De Fontenay, Catherine: BA (Hons) McGill, PhD Stanford. Research interests: Development economics, industrial organisation, theoretical and empirical bargaining theory.

Hajargascht, Gholamreza (Reza): BSc MSc Tehran, PhD UQ. Research interests: Econometrics (nonparametric, Bayesian, LDV), income distribution and inequality measurement, productivity and efficiency measurement, index numbers.

Erkal, Nisvan: BA Macalester, MA PhD Maryland. Research interests: Industrial organisation, microeconomic theory.

Kawakami, Kei: BA Tokyo, MA PhD UCLA. Research interests: Macroeconomics, financial economics.

Hodler, Roland: MA PhD Bern. Research interests: Economic development, political economy, international economics.

Li, Shuyun (May): BS MA Renmin, MS PhD Texas. Research interests: Macroeconomic implications of financial frictions, business cycle modelling, monetary policy transmission mechanism, venture capital, contract theory.

Davies, William Martin: BA (Hons) Flinders, PhD Adelaide, GDipEd PhD Flinders. Haque, Ohidul Harper, Margorie: MA. Jonson, Peter Kates, Steven

Porter, Michael Stoneham, Gary: BCom, MA UQ. Waechter, Raymond Trevor

Professional staff

Xiao, Jun: BA BS WHU, MPhil HKUST, PhD PSU. Research interests: Microeconomics, industrial organisation. Yektas, Hadi: MA PhD Pittsburgh. Research interests: Auction theory, mechanism design, game theory, microeconomic theory, industrial organisation.

Honorary appointments Professors Emeritus Lloyd, Peter: MA Victoria, PhD Duke. FASSA. McDonald, Ian: BA (Hons) Leic, MA Warw, PhD SFraser. FASSA.

Bacher, Heidi Manager, Academic Services Collins, Suzie: BTeach BA Deakin. Manager, Academic Services Corman, Amy: BA (Geo) Alfred, MAppSci (InfoSec) RMIT, PhD (CompSci) Melb. Laboratory Manager – Experimental Economics Doumbia, Aminata Academic Services Officer Hall, Brooke: BBTM VU. Events and Resources Officer Karunarathne, Wasana: BA (Eco) Peradeniya, MA (Eco) Colombo, PhD (Eco) NUS. Tutor Coordinator Knight, Imogen: BFA VCA, DipVisArt Swin. Front Office Administrator

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 69

Khan, Nahid: MCom Melb, MSocSci (Eco) BSocSci (Hon Ec) Dhaka. Tutor Coordinator and Undergraduate Support Officer

iii. Centre for Actuarial Studies academic and research staff

Principle Fellow

Koleva, Viktoriya: BA Sofia, MA (SocResearch) Warwick. Laboratory Manager, Experimental Lab

Research and teaching staff

Gribble, Jules: BSc (Hons) Adelaide, PhD St Andrews. FIAA, FCIA, FSA.

Director and Professor of Actuarial Studies

Heath, David: BEc (Hons) Monash. FIAA, CPA, F Fin.

Lombardo, Rosemary Academic Services Officer McPherson, Brie: BA Melb. Front Office Administrator Perez, Kathryn: DipInfoTech& Multimedia Bendigo TAFE. Personal Assistant to the Head of Department Jacqueline Randall: BA Melb, GDipMediaStud Deakin. Business Manager, Centre for Market Design

Appointments Corman, Amy: Laboratory Manager, Experimental Economics Laboratory Doumbia, Aminata: Academic Services Officer Hall, Brooke: Events and Resources Officer Jun, Xiao: Lecturer Knight, Imogen: Front Officer Administrator Martin, Leslie: Lecturer

Dufresne, Daniel: BSc (Hons) Montreal, PhD City Lond. FSA. Research interests: Financial mathematics, actuarial science and probability.

Professor Dickson, David: BSc (Hons) PhD Heriot-Watt. FFA, FIAA. Research interests: Aggregate claims distributions, renewal risk processes, recursive methods in risk theory. Joshi, Mark: BA (Hons) Oxf, PhD MIT. Research interests: Financial mathematics.

Associate Professor Li, Shuanming: BSc Tianjin, MEc Renmin, PhD Concordia. Research interests: Risk and ruin theory, stochastic modelling in insurance and finance, actuarial science.

Senior Lecturers

Randall, Jacqueline: Business Manager, Centre for Market Design

Wu, Xueyuan: BSc MSc Nankai, PhD HKU. Research interests: Correlated risk models, ruin theory, recursive calculations for ruin probabilities.



Bacher, Heidi: Manager, Academic Services

Calderin, Enrique Javier: BS MS UNED Spain, PhD ULPGC Spain. Research interests: Bayesian inference, statistical robustness, distribution theory, actuarial statistics.

Rafferty, Barry: Lecturer

Cerantola, Marisa: Academic Services Officer Koleva, Viktoriya: Laboratory Manager, Experimental Economics Laboratory McPherson, Brie: Front Office Administrator

Promotions Edmond, Chris: Professor

Chen, Ping: BAM QUFU, MSc CAS, PhD Hong Kong. Research interests: Actuarial science, financial mathematics, statistics and information. Jin, Zhuo: BSc HUST, PhD WSU. Research interests: Numerical methods for stochastic systems, mathematical finance, actuarial science.

Honorary appointments Professorial Fellow Taylor, Gregory, AO: BA, PhD. FIA, FIAA, FIMA, CMath. Research interests: Modelling in general insurance.

70 Faculty of Business and Economics

Vazquez-Abad, Felisa J: BSc MSc UNAM, PhD Brown.

Senior Fellows

Professional staff McPherson, Brie Front Office Administrator

iv. Department of Finance Academic and research staff Head of Department (Jan – Aug) and Professor of Finance Grundy, Bruce: BCom (Hons) UQ, PhD Chicago. FCPA. Research interests: Derivatives, corporate governance, real options, the structure of the mutual fund industry, momentum trading strategies, cost of capital with classical and imputation tax regimes, charitable giving, hedge funds and convertibles.

Professors of Finance Brown, Robert: MEc Sydney. FCPA, SF Fin. Research interests: Interest rate swaps, analysts’ forecasts, management and regulation of financial intermediaries, real estate analysis. Davis, Kevin: BEc (Hons) Flinders, MEc ANU. SF Fin, FFTP, FAMI. Research interests: Financial institutions management, treasury management, financial engineering, corporate financial policy, financial markets.

Dean (Faculty) and Sidney Myer Chair of Commerce Kofman, Paul: MEc PhD Erasmus. Research interests: Price discovery in regulated financial markets, extreme value analysis and financial applications, insurance rate making, asset allocation design.

Deputy Head of Department (Research) and Professor of Finance Martin, J Spencer: BSc (Highest Honors), MBA Texas, MA PhD Wharton. Research interests: Empirical asset pricing, credit risk, investments, behavioural finance.

Head of Department (Aug – Dec), Deputy Head of Department (Academic) (Jan – Jun) and Associate Professor Handley, John: BCom BMath UoN, MCom (Hons) PhD Melb. F Fin. Research interests: Corporate finance, derivative security pricing and corporate finance applications of derivative security pricing including the design of financial securities, cost of capital, corporate valuation and real options.

Deputy Head of Department (Academic) (Jul – Dec) and Associate Professor Lamba, Asjeet S: BA (Hons) Delhi, MBA Michigan, PhD Washington. CFA. Research interests: Share buybacks, corporate litigation, insider trading, corporate governance.

Associate Professors Chan, Howard: BCom (Hons), MEc PhD Monash. CPA. Research interests: Asset pricing, market efficiency, capital markets and the role of analysts as information intermediaries, pricing of securities and the role of liquidity and cycles in markets, derivative securities. Galpin, Neal: BBA St Bonaventure NY, MBA (Finance and Quantitative Analysis) Cincinnati, PhD Bloomington. Research interests: Corporate investment and financing decisions. Schwann, Greg: BA (Hons) Queens, MA (Eco) PhD UBC. Research interests: Real estate finance, real estate economics, real estate-backed derivatives.

Senior Lecturers Akyol, Ali: BA PhD Alabama. Research interests: Corporate finance and governance, corporate control, IPOs, market efficiency. Coleman, Les: BEng (Hons) Melb, BSc (Eco) (Hons) Lond, MEc Sydney, PhD Melb. CFTP (Snr). Research interests: Risk strategy, behavioural finance, wagering markets, applied corporate finance, agricultural and resources finance, corporate crises, and practical applications of academic research.

Dark, Jonathan: BCom (Hons) PhD UoN. Research interests: Dynamic hedging strategies, value at risk and time varying beta estimation.

Shemesh, Joshua: BSc (CompSci) MBA (Fin&Bkg) Hebrew, PhD (Fin) USC. Research interests: Corporate finance, behavioral finance.

Fjesme, Sturla: BCom Bond. MSc (Hons) PhD BI. Research interests: Empirical corporate finance.

Sotes-Paladino, Juan: Lic.Ec. UBA, PhD USC. Research interests: Asset pricing under incomplete/asymmetric information, delegated portfolio management and investment funds, capital market functions.

Gong, Ning: BS (Mathematics) Nanjing, PhD (Finance) WUSTL, PhD (Economics) WVU. Research interests: Corporate disclosure policy, capital structure, corporate social responsibility, non-profit organizations Gygax, André: Lic.oec. HSG St Gallen, MS (Finance) MBA Colorado, PhD Melb. Research interests: Entrepreneurial finance, industrial organisation, dynamic social networks. Inkmann, Joachim: DiplomVolkswirt Mannheim, Dr. rer. pol., Konstanz. Research interests: Household finance, pension finance, asset pricing, panel data econometrics. Jung, Hae Won: BS MS KAIST, PhD GSU. Research interests: Corporate finance, risk management and insurance, industrial organization. Lim, Bryan: BA Columbia, PhD UC Santa Barbara. Research interests: Financial economics, institutional investors, experimental finance. Moore, Lyndon: BEc (Hons) UTAS, MA PhD Northwestern. Research interests: Financial history, derivatives, international finance, asset pricing, corporate finance. Neyland, Jordan: BA (Eco) Texas, JD Houston, MMF, PhD (Finance) Arizona. Research Interests: Corporate finance, corporate governance, executive compensation, mergers and acquisitions, law and finance. Pinder, Sean: BCom (Hons) Monash, PhD UoN. Research interests: Issues relating to the valuation of derivative securities and the analysis of corporate financial decision making. Shekhar, Chander: BSc Panjab, MSc Virginia, PhD Penn. Research interests: Economic models of financial markets, market for corporate control, initial public offerings, corporate restructuring, corporate governance.

Lecturers Aharoni, Gil: BA MBA PhD Tel Aviv. Research interests: Asset pricing, behavioural finance, market efficiency. Bednarek, Ziemowit: MS (Fin) MS (QuantvMthds) WSE, PhD Calif. Research interests: Macroeconomics, productivity measurement, technology diffusion. Murawski, Carsten: Dipl-Kfm Univ Bayreuth, Dr oec publ Univ Zuerich. Research interests: Financial innovation, experimental finance, financial institutions, financial stability. O’Connor, Ian: BBus Chisholm, MBus RMIT, PhD Melb. CPA SA Fin. Research interests: Bank efficiency, derivative securities, volatility forecasting. Petry, Stefan: BA MA EBS Germany, PhD Camb. Research interests: Corporate governance, corporate finance, financial markets. Scott, Callum: BSc (Hons) Edin, BA Open UK, MSc VUT, PhD Melb, GDipCInfSc VUT, GDipEd Dundee. AFPA (Academic). Research interests: The application of artificial neural networks in finance, real estate finance and analysis. Shi, Zhen: MPhil PhD Tilburg. Research interests: Asset pricing, investments, real option and pension economics. Zeng, Qi: MS Academia Sinica, PhD Penn. Research interests: Asset pricing, Chinese stock market.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Xu, Liheng: BS (Statistics) Peking, MS (Statistics) Indiana, PhD (Finance) Cornell. Research interests: Asset pricing, macro finance, financial markets and instruments, derivatives.

Van Der Heijden, Thijs: MSc PhD Tilburg. Research interests: Derivative pricing, (empirical) market microstructure of derivative markets and information asymmetries in financial markets.

v. Department of Management and Marketing

Professional staff

Professor and Head of Department

Kreitner, Jason: BA NM State, MPA JD South Dakota. Department Services Manager Anderson, Lena: BA Deakin. Executive Assistant Barberoglou, Silvia Academic Services Officer (Postgraduate) Corkhill, Anna: BPD (Arch), GCertArtHist Melb. Academic Services Officer (Postgraduate) (Jan – Jun) Dixon, Helen Office Coordinator

Sewell, Graham: BSc (Hons) PhD Wales. Research interests: Organisational agility, workplace surveillance, teamwork, business ethics, organisation and management theory, qualitative research methods, evolutionary psychology, sociology of work and organisation, coroners’ recommendations, employment practices in the private security industry.

Deputy Heads of Department Bell, Professor Simon: BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. Research interests: Services and relationship marketing, customer loyalty, sales force management, organisational learning, social networks and regional clusters.

Kennedy, Jessica: BCompSc LaTrobe. Academic Services Officer (Postgraduate) (Jun – Dec) Murray, AnnMaree: BAppSci (PhysEd) VU. Administration Officer

Sargent, Associate Professor Leisa: BA MOrgPsych UQ, PhD Toronto. Research interests: Career development, stress and stress management strategies, the employee and organisation relationship.

Porto, Julieanne Academic Services Officer (Undergraduate)

Appointments Dr Hae Won Jung: Senior Lecturer Dr Juan Sotes-Paladino: Senior Lecturer Dr Liheng Xu: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Ms Jessica Kennedy: Academic Services Officer

Promotions Dr Ali Akyol: Senior Lecturer

Laureate Professor Hardy, Cynthia: BSc (MgtSc) PhD Warw. Research interests: Organisational discourse theory, power and politics in organisations, organisational change, social construction of risk, interorganisational collaboration.


Dr Bryan Lim: Senior Lecturer

Farewells Dr Callum Scott: Lecturer (retired) Dr Ziemowit Bednarek: Lecturer (resigned) Ms Anna Corkhill: Academic Services Officer (resigned)

Research and teaching staff

Brown, Michelle: BCom (Hons) MA PhD Wisconsin. Research interests: Human resource management/ industrial relations, pay and performance management systems, employee participation and its consequences. Cregan, Christina: BA(Hons) Leeds, MSc(Econ) PhD LSE, DipEd Oxford. Research interests: Trade union membership, outworking in the textile industry, streetworking in Australia, disadvantaged groups in the labour market (such as people with disabilities and young people), employee participation, breach of the psychological contract.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 71

Gahan, Peter: BCom (Hons) UNSW, PhD Melb, GAICD AICD. Research interests: Labour market regulation, the evolution of employment systems in Asia, HRM, organisational performance and workplace innovation, employee voice. Harley, William: BA (Hons) PhD UQ. Research interests: Industrial relations, HRM, work organisation, high performance work systems, teamwork, labour process theory. Harzing, Anne-Wil: BA Hogeschool Enschede, MA Maastricht, PhD Bradford. Research interests: HQsubsidiary relations, international HRM, cross-cultural management, language in international business, quality and impact of academic research. Lukas, Bryan: MBA Nebraska, PhD Memphis. Research interests: Strategic marketing, brand management, brand valuation, product strategy, marketing productivity, international marketing. Merrett, David: BEc (Hons) MEc Monash. Research interests: Internationalisation of Australian firms, marketing of Australian wool, global supply chains in the woollen textile industry in the twentieth century, international banking in the 1930s. Power, Damien: BBus MBus PhD Monash. Research interests: Business to business e-commerce, supply chain systems/virtual integration, business process redesign, operations strategy. Samson, Daniel: BE (Chem) PhD AGSM UNSW. Research interests: Business competitiveness drivers, operations strategy, risk management, sustainable development, innovation, decision making under uncertainty.

Associate Professors Bove, Liliana: BAgSci (Hons) LaTrobe, BBus (Marketing) RMIT, PhD Monash. Research interests: Service marketing, relationship marketing, customer loyalty, customer citizenship behavior, donor and volunteer research, consumer fear.

Paladino, Angela: BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. Research interests: Consumer behaviour, environmental marketing, innovation and corporate performance, resource-based view and capabilities strategies, market orientation, strategic management and marketing. Singh, Prakash: BE (Hons) BBus QUT, PhD Melb. Research interests: Operations management, supply chain management, quality management, innovation management.

Senior Lecturers Ainsworth, Susan: BA Hons Sydney, MCom (Hons) PhD Melb, GCert (Higher Ed) Sydney, GDipEvaluation Melb, GDipIR Sydney. Research interests: Identity, age and gender in employment, organisation studies, discourse analysis, critical management studies. Barsky, Adam: BS (Psych & Soc) Wisconsin-Madison, MS (Industrial/Org Psych) PhD (Industrial/Org Psych) Tulane. Research interests: Social justice and workplace ethics, worker wellbeing and positive organisational behaviour, research methodology and statistics. Bergey, Paul: BSME U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, MBA Coll of William and Mary, PhD Virginia. Research interests: Computer simulation, large-scale optimisation, stochastic algorithms, energy models, quantitative decision models. Goldsmith, Suzy: BSc (Eng) (Hons) ACGI London, MSc (Eng) Birmingham, PhD Melb. Research interests: Water, corporate risk and governance, sustainability and innovation. Lei, Jing (Jill): BBA (Hons) NUST, PhD Maastricht. Research interests: Brand extension strategies, brand architecture, product harm crises, counter-stereotypical product adoption, convergent hightech products, consumer food consumption. Nagpal, Anish: BE (Hons) MechEng BITS, MSc (Hons) Econometrics BITS Pilani, PhD (Mktg) UHouston. Research interests: Consumer behaviour, consumer decisionmaking, framing, customisation, decision conflict, consumer food consumption.

72 Faculty of Business and Economics

Sammartino, André: BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. Research interests: International business, strategic management, regionalisation and globalisation, internationalisation of Australian firms, managerial decisionmaking and cognition. Zyphur, Michael: PhD Tulane. Research interests: Organisational behaviour, quantitative research methods, industrial and organisational psychology.

Lecturers Bhakoo, Vikram: BA (Hons) Economics MA (Eco) MIMS PhD Monash. Research interests: Supply chain management, technology adoption, qualitative techniques in operations management. Canniford, Robin: BSc (Hons) (Psych & Physiol) S’ton, MSc EcPsych PhD (Social Science) Exeter. Research interests: Consumer culture and the body, consumption communities, biosocial consumption, sociological interpretations of marketing and advertising. Chmielewski-Raimondo, Danielle: BA BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. Research interests: Strategic marketing, strategic management, timing of entry, brand introduction strategy, resource-based view and capabilities, strategic orientation. Coker, Brent: BCA (InfoSys) BCA (E-Com&Multimedia) PhD (InfoSys) VU Wellington. Research interests: Consumer psychology, viral marketing. Coslor, Erica: MSPPM Carnegie Mellon, PhD (Sociology) Chicago. Research interests: Market structure and processes, economic sociology, valuation, models, sociology of finance and accounting. Harris, Philip: BAppSc (Hons) PhD Swin. Research interests: Emotions and decision-making, consumer neuroscience, neuroeconomics. Hu, Helen: Bsc (Hons) UOL, PhD Monash. Research interests: Corporate governance, Chinese business and management, board of directors, governance in the Asian region.

Koehler, Tine: MA PhD George Mason, Pre-Dip Phillips. Research interests: Global teamwork, cross-cultural communication, coordination and management, research methods and statistics. Mol, Joeri: MSc Erasmus, PhD (MgmtSci) Groningen. Research interests: Valuation and pricing, cultural economies, market regulation and state actors, power and appropriation in organisations, classification systems and social commensuration, broadcasting and creative industries. Neville, Ben: BCom PhD PGDip Melb. Research interests: Corporate social responsibility, business ethics, stakeholder theory and management, climate change and environmental issues, consumer issues, crosscultural issues in marketing and management. Nyilasy, Gergely (Greg): BA PPCU Hungary, MA PhD Georgia. Research interests: Sustainable/ green marketing, advertising, consumer culture theory, food marketing, experimental research, services marketing. Osegowitsch, Tom: BA (Hons) Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, MCom (Research) PhD UWA. Research interests: Strategies of multinational companies, international business, strategy, HQ-subsidiary relationship. Phipps, Marcus: BA BBus (Hons) PhD Monash. Research interests: Consumer culture theory, macromarketing, political marketing, social marketing, and sustainable consumption. Yamao, Sachiko: BA Tsuda Coll, MEcon KobeU, MSc (IntBus&Mgmt) UMIST, PhD Monash. Research interests: Inter-personal knowledge sharing within multinational corporations, employment practices in foreign subsidiaries, management of international assignees, and use of English as corporate language within multinationals from nonAnglophone countries.

Head Tutors

Honorary appointments

Cotronei-Baird, Valerie: BA (Hons) LaTrobe, GradDipEd, Cert IV (Trg&Ass) ACU, GradCert (UniTeaching) PhD Candidate Melb. Research interests: Virtual teams, team development and collaborative skills in management education and the training transfer to the workplace, team-based teaching and learning, case-based teaching and learning, tutor training.

Emeritus Honorary Professorial Fellow

Maragos, Marie: BBus (Bnkg&Fin) (Hons) Monash. Research interests: Sustainability and environmental management, competitive dynamics in operations and supply chain management, process innovation and competitive advantage.

Research Fellows Casler, Catherine: BEng (Hons)/ BCom (Hons), Melb. Research interests: Organisational change and adaptation, process studies of organisation, strategy-aspractice. Gruner, Richard: BA (Hons) MA (Hons) PhD (Marketing) Melb. Research interests: Marketing communications, social media, communication technology and organisational change, supply chain networks. Pierides, Dean: BA Penn, DipEd MEd Melb. Research interests: organisation and management theory, disasters, emergency management, risk, markets, history and philosophy of science, knowledge, interdisciplinarity. Roffe, Jon: BA (Hons) MA Melb, PhD (Phil) UTas. Research interests: The philosophy of the market, recent and contemporary French philosophy.

Visiting Academic Teaching Staff Vashdi, Dana Rachel: PhD in Technion – Israel Inst. Tech. Research interests: Teams and teamwork, organisational learning, employee wellbeing, healthcare organisations management and policy (Semester 2).

Isaac, Joseph, AO: BCom BA (Hons) Melb, PhD Lond, HonDEcon Monash, Hon DCom Melb, Hon LLD Macquarie. FASSA. Research interests: Labour market institutions, industrial relations, wages policy, small business.

Honorary Professorial Fellows

Boorn, Samantha: BA (CommunityDev) VU. Direct Academic Support Officer, Front Office Bryce, Tim: BA (Hons) Melb. Direct Academic Support Officer Heddle, Nicole: AdvDip (Photography) Chch. Direct Academic Support Officer Pedley, Sarah: BA (Hons) Melb, DipTeach Perugia, MTeach, UNE. Direct Academic Support Officer

Dick, Howard: BEc (Hons) Monash, MEc PhD ANU. Research interests: Asian business, corruption and governance, institutional development, global logistics, urbanisation in the Asia–Pacific, maritime history and policy. Country expertise: Indonesia, Southeast Asia, China.

Robertson, Katie: DipApSci (AnimalTech) Box Hill Institute of TAFE, DipSocialSci (Justice) Eastern TAFE. Direct Academic Support Officer

Giudice, Geoffrey, AO: LLB/BA Melb. Research interests: Workplace relations systems, powers and functions of industrial tribunals and the economic impact of industrial tribunal decisions.

Sykes, Alice: BA (Hons) Melb, LLB Monash, Grad Dip (Arts) Monash, Grad Dip (Legal Practice) Leo Cussen Institute. Direct Academic Support Officer

Heidi, Professor Jan B: PhD Wisconsin–Madison. Research interests: The design and management of inter-firm relationships, manufacturers’ interactions with (upstream) suppliers and (downstream) resellers.

Bergey, Paul Senior Lecturer in Management – Operations Management

Homburg, Professor Christian: PhD (Bus Admin) Karlsruhe. Research interests: Marketoriented management, customer relationship management and sales management.

Roffe, Jonathan: McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow

Snow, Professor Charles: PhD (Bus Admin) Calif, Postdoc Fellowship, Stanford. Research interests: Global and competitive strategies, new organisational forms. Verhezen, Associate Professor Peter: MA PhilSci&Ethics Leuven, MA IntRel&IntEc Antwerp, MBA Finance, Leuven/Chicago Bus Sch PhD Philosophy, Leuven. Research interests: Ethical leadership and business ethics, integrated risk and governance, emerging (Asian) markets, strategy, sustainable investments.

Professional staff Short, Wendy: MEdAdmin UNE, AssDipApSci (Sci Lab) Swin, GDipEdAdmin HIE. Department Service Manager

Shears, Monique Direct Academic Support Officer Simon, Denise Executive Assistant

Coslor, Erica: Lecturer in Management Gahan, Peter: Professor of Human Resource Management

Farewell Bryce, Tim: Direct Academic Support Officer

Promotions Brown, Michelle: Professor Mol, Joeri: Senior Lecturer in Organisational Studies Neville, Ben: Senior Lecturer in Marketing Power, Damien: Professor

Research and teaching staff Director and Ronald Henderson Professor Cobb-Clark, Deborah: BA (Eco) MA (Eco) PhD Michigan. FASSA. Research interests: Social policy evaluation, youth, gender issues, family economics, and labour market economics.

Deputy Director (Research) and Professorial Research Fellow Haisken-DeNew, John: BA (Hons) (Eco) Carleton, MA (Eco) Toronto, Dr. oec. publ. LMU Munich. Research interests: Economics of education, health economics, labour economics, inequality and welfare measurement (from June 2011).

Deputy Director and Professorial Research Fellow Lim, Guay: BEc MEc PhD ANU. Research interests: Macroeconometrics, microfoundations of macroeconomics, modelling the Australian economy, consumption and wealth over the lifecycle.


Sykes, Alice: Direct Academic Support Officer

vi. Melbourne Institute

Professorial Research Fellows Burkhauser, Richard: BA (Eco) St Vincent, MA (Eco) Rutgers, PhD Chicago. Research interests: How public policies affect the economic behavior and wellbeing of vulnerable populations, e.g, older persons, people with disabilities, and low-income households. Jensen, Paul: BEc Sydney, PhD UNSW. Research interests: Economics of innovation, contracts and incentives, health economics, privatisation and contracting out, firm survival, economics of climate change. Justman, Moshe: BSc (Math, Stat) MSc (Math) Hebrew, PhD (BusEc) Harvard. Research interests: Economics of education. Scott, Anthony: BA (Hons) Newc, MSc York, PhD Aberd. Research interests: Health economics organisation and financing of health care, labour markets of health care professionals.

Banford, Alison Academic Services Manager

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 73

Webster, Elizabeth: BEc (Hons) MEc Monash, PhD Camb. Research interests: Industrial economics, innovation and intellectual property, labour markets. Wooden, Mark: BEc (Hons) Flinders, MSc (Eco) Lond. FASSA. Research interests: Labour economics, industrial relations and survey methodology.

Principal Research Fellows Kalb, Guyonne: MEc Erasmus, PhD Monash. Research interests: Applied microeconom(etr)ics, in particular, labour and household econom(etr)ics, childcare, child development and education, social and tax policy issues, microsimulation model. McVicar, Duncan: BSc Econ (Hons) Lond, MSc PhD S’ton. Research interests: Applied labour economics – program evaluation, unemployment and inactivity, disability and the labour market, youth transitions. Ryan, Chris: BCom (Hons) Melb, MEc ANU, PhD Melb. Research interests: The determinants of and outcomes from participation in different types of education, the impact of related government programs and interventions, and the transitions of young people from education and training into the labour market Wilkins, Roger: BCom (Hons) MCom Melb, MSc Wisc, PhD Melb. Research interests: Labour economics, income inequality and poverty, household panel data, applied microeconometrics. Yong, Jongsay: BA BSocSc (Hons) MSocSc NUS, MA PhD UBC. Research interests: Health economics, empirical industrial economics, hospital performance and productivity.

Senior Research Fellows Buddelmeyer, Hielke: MA Vrije, PhD NYU. Research interests: Applied micro-economics, labour supply, applied econometrics, behavioural microsimulation. Chua, Michael: BEc (Hons) PhD UNE. Research interests: Bayesian inference, forecasting, applied macroeconomics.

Palangkaraya, Alfons: BSc UMo, MA Penn St, PhD Ore St. Research interests: Industrial organisation, health economics, econometrics. Scutella, Rosanna: BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. Research interests: Poverty, inequality, social welfare, labour economics and public finance. Sivey, Peter: BSc (Eco) MSc (HealthEc) PhD York. Research interests: Microeconomics, health economics, applied microeconometrics, specifically discrete-choice modelling, non-linear panel data methods, industrial economics applied to health care markets. Tseng, Yi-Ping: BEc Taiwan, PhD ANU. Research interests: Labour economics, applied microeconometrics, economic and social policy. van de Ven, Justin: BCom (Eco) BEng MCom (Eco) Melb, PhD (Eco) Oxf. Research interests: Distributional effects of fiscal policy, household savings, labour supply, retirement, and dynamic programming methods for exploring household behavioural responses to policy change. Watson, Nicole: BSc UWA, MMedStat UoN, GDipMgtSc UC. Deputy Director Survey Management, HILDA Project Research interests: Nonresponse in longitudinal surveys, imputation, weighting, measurement error.

Ronald Henderson Research Fellow Azpitarte, Francisco: BSc (Eco) (Hons) UVigo, MSc UA Barcelona, PhD UVigo. Research interests: Distribution analysis, welfare dynamics.

Research Fellows Cheng, Terence: BSocSci (Hons) MSocSci NUS, PhD ANU. Research interests: Applied microeconomics, applied microeconometrics, economics of mixed public-private health care systems, health human resources. Claus, Edda: BA (Eco) McGill, MSc UMontréal, PhD ANU. Research interests: Macroeconomics, financial economics, applied econometrics.

74 Faculty of Business and Economics

deRassenfosse, Gaétan: BS (Science in Management) MA (Science in Management) PhD Bruxelles. Research interests: Understanding the creation and the diffusion of innovation and scientific discoveries, knowledge obsolescence, markets for technology and venture capital. Hanel, Barbara: MSc Bonn, PhD Erlangen-Nuremberg. Research interests: Empirical labour economics, social policy. Herault, Nicolas: BSc (Eco) MSc (Eco) PhD Bordeaux IV and Toulouse I. Research interests: Labour economics, income tax policies, trade liberalisation, microsimulation modelling, micro-macro modelling. Jha, Nikhil: PhD UT Dallas. Research interests: Applied econometrics, economics of education. Kassenboehmer, Sonja: BA (Hons) Mathematics with Applied Statistics Edinburgh Napier, German Diploma (Bus&Ec) Bochum Germany, PhD Ruhr-University of Bochum. Research interests: Topics in welfare measures. Le, Trinh: BMS Waikato, PhD Cant Univ. Research interests: Development economics, labour economics, household savings and wealth, retirement income policy. Li, Jinhu: BA (Eco) Huazhong, China, MA (Eco) Victoria, Canada, PhD McMaster. Research interests: Health economics, applied econometrics, public economics, labour economics. Moschion, Julie: B (Econometrics) Dauphine, MA (Macroecons) PhD Paris. Research interests: Labour and education economics, program evaluation, empirical microeconometrics. Nguyen, Viet Hoang: BA (BusEng) FTU, MA (Eco&Fin) PhD (Eco) Leeds. Research interests: Applied macroeconomics, exchange rate economics. Polidano, Cain: BAgricEc (Hons) LaTrobe, MAgricEc Sydney, PhD Monash. Research interests: Education and training policy, youth transition, health economics and applied micro-econometric analysis.

Tabasso, Domenico: BSc (Eco) Bocconi, MSc (Eco) PhD (Eco) Essex. Research interests: Labor economics, family economics, demographic economics, applied microeconomics. Thomson, Russell: BSc Melb, PhD ANU, GCertDevt GDipEcon Melb. Research interests: R&D and innovation policy, the determinants of innovation, technology transfer and diffusion, the behaviour of multi-national enterprises, infrastructure investment and procurement, applied industrial economics in general. Warren, Diana: BCom MCom(Hons) W’gong, PhD Melb. Research interests: Economics of education, labour economics, mature age labour force participation and the transition to retirement.

Research Officers Black, David: BCom (Hons) Melb. Fok, Yin King: BCom (Hons) BIS Melb. Hahn, Markus: German Dip (Eco) Ruhr. Houng, Brendan: BCom (Hons) BSoftEng Melb.

Senior Research Support Officers Yan, Wenda: BBA (Eco&IntFin) Macau, MSc (AppEco) Dip (AppEco) ANU. Zakirova, Rezida: BA (Bkg) MSc (Math) Moscow ABD, MA (Eco) CEU.

Research Support Officers Chigavazira, Abraham: BEc (Hons) UWS. Leung, Felix: BCom (Hons) Melb. Peyton, Kyle: BBA (ACT, ECON, PLSC) Loyola Chicago. Zhang, Rong: BSc MSc HIT, PhD Monash.

HILDA Survey Methodologist Li, Ning: BA (AppMath) MA (EcoMath) China, PhD LaTrobe.

Survey Manager Leahy, Anne: BCom GCertClassics GDipPhil Melb.

HILDA Deputy Director, Survey Management Summerfield, Michelle: BSocSci GradCert (Public Health) ECU.

Survey Research Database Manager and Analyst Freidin, Simon: BBSc (Hons) GDipCompSc LaTrobe.

Professional staff

vii. Faculty

Best, Michelle: BEnvSc LaTrobe. Administrative Assistant

Advancement and marketing

Database Support Officers (HILDA)

Buchanan, Lyn: BA GradDipEd CDU. Executive Officer, ipria

Ittak, Peter: BSc BEc MPH Monash.

Chen, Jenny: AdvDip Ozford. Administrative Assistant

Macalalad, Ninette: BS Statistics UP.

Craw, Emma: BA (Hons) UTas. Executive Assistant

Programmer and Database Manager

Davis, James: BA DipML (German) Melb. Administrative Assistant

Bevitt, Andrew: BCompSc UoN.

Ware, Kerry

Derham, Rachel: BSc GCertUniMgmt Melb. Business Manager

Adjunct and honorary appointments

Goh, Theresa: BBus (Bus Admin) MPA RMIT. CPA. Finance and Resources Manager

Research Support Assistant

Adjunct Professor Clarke, Philip: BEco Newcastle, MEco Sydney, PhD ANU. Shields, Mike: BA (Hons) Staffo, MSc (HealthEco) York, PhD Leicest.

Professorial Fellows Dawkins, Peter: BSc MSc (Eco) PhD Lough. Gravelle, Hugh: BCom Leeds, PhD London. Greenhalgh, Christine: MA Oxon, BSc MSc Lon, PhD Princeton. Gregory, Bob: BCom Melb, PhD Lond.

Hope, Penelope: BA LaTrobe. Functions Manager Lane, Victoria Administrative Assistant (HILDA Survey) Lentini, Nellie: BA Monash. Publications Manager Pugh, Deborah Senior Administrative Officer, Labour Economics and Social Policy Wilson, Michelle: BA (Hons) Melb. Executive Officer, ipria (on maternity leave)


Lane, Julia: BA Massey, MA PhD Missouri-Columbia.

Burkhauser, Richard: Professorial Research Fellow (HILDA Survey) (January 2012)

Pagan, Adrian: BEc (Hons) UQ, PhD ANU.

Davis, James: Administrative Assistant (July 2012)

Sheill, Alan: BEc Lond, MA York, PhD Sydney.


Sloan, Judith: BEc (Hons) MA Melb, MScEc Lond.

Kecmanovic, Milicia: Research Fellow (HILDA Survey) (June 2012)

Stillman, Steven: BA (Eco) (Hons) Williamstown, MA (Eco) PhD Wash.

Sung-Hee, Jeon: Senior Research Fellow (April 2012)

Williams, Ross: BCom Melb, MScEc PhD Lond. FASSA.

Principal Fellows Headey, Bruce: BA Oxf, MA Wisc, PhD Strath. Johnston, David: BSc BCom (Hons) PhD Melb. Marks, Gary: BSc (Hons) MSc Melb, PhD UQ. Siminski, Peter: BMathEcon W’gong, BA Sydney, PhD UNSW.

Promotions Jensen, Paul: Professorial Research Fellow (April 2012) Sivey, Peter: Senior Research Fellow (September 2012)

Quilford, Rees: BA (Hons) Monash, MA Melb. Senior Media Officer (until June 2012)

Young, Brooke: BA LaTrobe, PGDip (ArtCurSt) MEnterprise (Exec) Melb. CPM. Director, Marketing and Commercial Engagement

Roller, Danielle: BA Swin, SpecCert (Strategic Marketing) Melb. Corporate Relations Manager

May, Stephen: BEd Deakin, MBA Mt Eliza/UQ. Director, Advancement Serpell, Elizabeth Executive Assistant


Advancement Sykes, Alice: BA (Hons) Melb, LLB GDip Legal Practice GDip Arts (Tourism) Monash. Senior Executive Officer – Board and Committee Secretary

Development MacLeod, Ali: MA (Hons) Aber, MBA RGU. Manager Fundraising and Major Gifts Donoghue, Emily: BBus LaTrobe. Development Officer (from June 2012)

Scholarships and prizes Slavin, Leonie: GCert BusAdmin Swin. Awards and Fundraising Officer Di Risio, Patricia: BA Melb, DipEd LaTrobe, MA Sheffield. Awards and Scholarship Assistance

Alumni Barry, Anthea: BA UCT, GCertLinguistics PGCertEd& Comms Melb. Alumni Relations Manager

Zapelli, Nicole: BCom BArts Melb, BArts – Chinese (Hons), LaTrobe, PGCert Devt Studies Melb. Community and Engagement Officer (from March 2012)

Communications Gillman, Kylie: BA (Hons) Melb. Communications Manager Hahessy, Eoin: MA (Journalism) DCU. Senior Media Officer

Lawry, Fiona: BFineArt ANU, GDipFineArt Melb. Communications Manager (Special Projects)

Abud, Fiona: BSc (SEAP) RMIT, MIB GCertDev Melb. Manager – Marketing and Recruitment Barrier, Lorine: MAppCom (Mktg) Melb. International Marketing Coordinator Lohman, Caitlin: BComm (Public Relations) RMIT. National Marketing Coordinator Migallos, Patricia: MAppCom (Mktg) Melb. Manager – Marketing and Communications (Undergraduate) Vucetich Karibian, Rocio: BBusAdmin Peru. Manager – International

Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Webster, Beverley: DipTeach WAIT, MSc PhD Curtin. Director Ballard, Angela: DipBus&HR Ballarat TAFE. Administrative Assistant

Cheng, Chris: BA (Media Comm) MAppCom (Mktg) Melb. Alumni and Community Engagement Officer

Kevey, Donna Web Communications Officer

Segal, Michelle: BA (Media& Comm) MA (Edit&Comm) Melb. Executive Officer Communications

Beaumont, Tim: BA Adelaide, MEd RMIT, GDipEd LaTrobe. Lecturer in Higher Education Calma, Angelito: BSc BusMgt MMgt UP, GradDipEdStudies UQ, DEd Melb. Lecturer in Higher Education Davies, Martin: BA Deakin, RSA CELTA Camb, BA PhD Flinders, GDipEd PhD Adelaide. Associate Professor Draper, Sanchia: BA Swin, PGDipEco MPPM, Melb. Student Programs Coordinator Eggins, Mark: BA ProfWriting UC, MEd TESOL W’gong, GradDipEduRsrch Melb, Cert IV Trng&Ass VU. Learning Support Officer King, Mark: BA Arizona, PhD UHK. Senior Lecturer in Higher Education

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 75

Pesina, Jenny: BDesign (Multimedia) Swin. Multimedia Developer: E-Learning Specialist Puglielli, Sonia: CertAdmin, Lalor Secondary. Academic Programs Coordinator and Personal Assistant to Director

Faculty secretariat Dalton, Diana: MBus (OrgDyn) GDip (OrgBhvr) Swinburne, GCert (BusAdmin) GDip (BusAdmin) Mt Eliza. Executive Director, Faculty of Business and Economics Tinworth, Koby Executive Assistant to the Executive Director and Deputy Dean and Director (GSBE) Vellu, Phyllis: MA India. Executive Assistant to the Dean

Finance professional service unit

Human resources unit McFarlane, Eluned: DipTeach (Distinction) Wales, GDipBus (Employee Relations) Auckland. Manager, Human Resources Maguire, Debbie: GDip (HRM) Monash. HR Business Partner Sivaraj, Sonya: BBus LaTrobe, MHRM Melb. HR Business Partner Gluyas, Stacey: Dip HRM NMIT. Human Resources Officer (on leave from October 2012) Camdzic, Una: BCom W’gong. Human Resources Officer

Information technology professional services unit (IT PSU) Air, Alister: BAppSc UTS, GradDip (Eco) Melb. Manager, IT PSU

Akilan, Nadesu: BAccFin London Met. CIMA Financial Accountant

Andonov, Paul: BSc (MathComp) AssDip (Comp) VU. Manager, Applications

Carey, Robin: BSc (Eco) MA (Eco) UC Riverside. Project Officer

Chan, Steven: BBus (Info Sys) VU, Cert IV IT VUT. Systems Support Officer

Dougherty, Elizabeth: BBus VU, GCertUniMgt Melb. CPA. Management Accountant

Coskun, Susoy IT Resources Officer

Doyle, Joanne: BBus RMIT, MAC Melb. CPA. Financial Accountant Gravier, Lachlan: BBus LaTrobe. Transactional Services Manager Hall, Bradley Senior Finance Officer Lee, Mary Finance and Resources Officer Ligris, Sheena: GCert (Cert IIIBusAcc) GCert (CertIVMWT) Box Hill Inst of TAFE. Group Finance and Resources Officer Liu, Min: BAppSci (Hons) OBU. Finance and Resources Officer Qin, Rosy: BCom GDipEd Melb. Finance and Resources Officer Rycroft, Anna: BA VU. Finance and Resources Officer Ngo, Narelle: BBus UTS. CPA. Financial Controller Darmawan, Andi: BCompSci Jakarta, MBIT Melb. Business Analyst Tan, Michael Building Porter

Do, Nghia: BElectEng RMIT. Systems Support Officer Everett, Michael: BSc (Math Comp) AssDip (BusComp) VU. Senior Applications Architect Fauzi, Fauzi: BIT CQU. Systems Support Officer Kartalis, Bill: BBus AssDip (Phys/ Comp) WMCT AdvCert (IT) FT VUT. ITIL, PRINCE2. Manager, IT Programme and Change Acting Manager, IT Operations (leave replacement) Acting Manager, IT PSU (leave replacement) Lazo, Alfredo: BSc (Eng) MInfoTechMgt Lima. Manager, IT Infrastructure Liew, Woei Tian: BSc MSc LaTrobe, GDipEc Melb. Systems Engineer Lloyd, Amanda: BBus (InfoSyst) VU, GCUM Melb. Manager, IT Operations Acting Manager, IT PSU (leave replacement) Low, Danny: BBus (Info Sys) Monash. IT Resources Officer Lo, Victor: MTech RMIT, BEng (Geom) UNSW. Applications Developer

76 Faculty of Business and Economics

Mohyadin, Abdi: BBus (Info Sys) VU. IT Resources Officer Moir, Wendy: BAppSc (InfoTech) (Hons) CSU. Systems Engineer Nguyen, Fusan: BBIS Monash. Desktop Support Officer Nguyen, Trung System Support Officer Oetomo, Lestari: BBIS, Melb. Trainee Support Officer Oetomo, Sumiyati: BCompSce Melb. IT Resources Officer Pham, Maggie IT Infrastructure Lead – Operations Pham, Quynh: BSc GDipEco Monash. Systems Support Officer Phan, Van: BCompSci VU. Applications Developer Rodriguez, Fernando: DipIT Box Hill TAFE. Systems Engineer Sharma, Sanjay: MSc India, PGDipCompSysEng RMIT. Manager, Database Services Sivathash, Bala: MSc East London, BEng India. Systems Support Officer Templeton, Hetty: BBus (CompSysMgmt) VUT, GDipMgmt Melb. Manager, IT Resources Vancuylenburg, Sanjeeva Service Desk Administrator Ward, Roger Acting Manager, IT Operations (leave replacement) Xue, June Applications Developer (Senior) Uhen, Timothy: BBus (CompSys Mgmt) VUT Manager, Client Services

viii. Commerce Student Centre Laughlin, Kylie: BA (Crim) PGDipArts (Crim) GCertUniMgt Melb. Manager, Commerce Student Centre Pecoraro, Francesca: BA (Media Studies) RMIT, GCertUniMgt Melb. Manager, Commerce Student Centre (on maternity leave)

Academic policy and programs Brennan, Rachael Emily: BA Econ Qld. Project Officer (from September 2012) Hayes, Jemimah Senior Student Adviser (on maternity leave from May 2012) Kelly, Helen: BA QUT, GCert (Advertising) RMIT. Senior Student Adviser (from March 2012) Mong, Catherine: BBA NUS Singapore, GDipSoftwDev RMIT, GCertUniMgt Melb. Manager, Academic Policy and Programs Nadarajah, Thilageswary: MEBusiness RMIT, BIT Charles Sturt. Senior Student Adviser (until August 2012) Navon, Catherine: BA Monash, GDipArts MM (Marketing) Melb. Academic Programs Officer Thomas, Anja: BBM (Intl Business), BA (Mandarin Chinese) UQ Senior Student Adviser (from June 2012) Wilson, Rachel: BA Executive Officer (Academic Policy and Programs)

Student experience Benetti-Hille, Marika: BA LLB Monash, BSW Melb. Senior Student Experience Officer Brooks, Karla: BA (Intl. Studies) (Hons) RMIT. Global Mobility Officer (from May 2012) Clutton, Kellee: BA Deakin. Student Experience Transition Officer (from July 2012) Hoare, Jacqui: BCom (Mgmt) Melb, GradCert Multimedia Swin. Capstone Studies Coordinator Jirsa, Kelly: BA (Contemp. Art), Deakin, PGradDip (Choreography) Melb. Student Experience Support Officer (from June 2012) McPharlin, Susan: BA BCom Adel. Manager, Student Experience Prendergast, Bianca: BA, MArtsMgmt RMIT. Global Mobility Officer (on maternity leave from May 2012) Shears, Monique Professional Enhancement Officer (on secondment to Department of Management and Marketing July-November 2012)

Stahli, Simone: BSocSci (Youth Work) RMIT. Student Experience Transition Officer (until July 2012) Starling, Rebecca: BSc Melb. Manager, Student Experience Vijay, Samridhi: BBM Bangalore University, MM (Finance) Melb. Professional Enhancement Officer (July–November 2012) Young, Sigourney: BA Melb. Student Experience Support Officer (until April 2012)

Student services Boardman, John: BA SUNY. Manager, Student Services

ix. Graduate School of Business and Economics

Careers centre

Student Centre Manager

Baumann, Kristin: MA MLU. Careers & Industry Consultant

Harper, Clare: BA (Hons) Hull, MA (IntEd) Nott. Student Centre Manager

Academic services Collis, Stephen Academic Services Manager Donoghue, Emily: BBus (Sport&LeisureMgmt) LaTrobe. Student Services Officer (until July 2012)

Brennan, Rachael Emily: BA Econ Qld. Student Adviser, Team Leader (Student Services) (on maternity leave)

Hamilton, Amanda: BA Deakin. Academic Programs Manager

Gray, Rebecca Enquiries Officer

Jacotine, Keisha: BA (Hons) Monash. Student Services Officer

Hodges, Isobel: BA (Visual Arts) QUT. Enquiries Officer Parsons, Hayley: BA (Hons) (Leisure Management) Salford. Enquiries Officer (from May 2012) Pope, Josephine: BA (Hons) LaTrobe. Enquiries Officer (from December 2012)

Herczeg, Margaret Project Manager

Jenzen, Rachel: BA (Hons) MA Melb. Manager (Policy and Projects)

Sarkies, Jacqueline: BA LaTrobe. Team Leader, Student Services

Segar, Shalini: BA Melb. Course Advisor

Squire, Leonie Student Adviser

Stichbury, Amy: BA (Crim&Soc) VU Wellington. Course Adviser

Vijay, Samridhi: BBM Bangalore, MM (Finance) Melb. Enquiries Officer (until November 2012)

Elston, Sue: BMusEd Melb, CertIV (Workplace Training) KPI. Careers & Industry Consultant Guo, Erin: MA (HRM) Durh. Careers & Industry Programs Coordinator

Student experience Barrie, Craig: BA LaTrobe, MA PGDip (Arts) Melb. Student Experience Manager Abdallah, Fatema: BSc (Hons) Waterloo. Student Experience Officer Kaur, Isha: BCom (Advertising) RMIT. Student Experience Officer

Lascelles, Scott: BBus LaTrobe. Executive Officer, Student Services Sabetzadeh, Ari Student Services Officer (from June 2012)

Thomas, Bronwyn: BA (Hons) LaTrobe, LLB (Hons) Flinders. Student Equity Officer

Elliott, Eufemia: BA BCom Melb. Careers & Industry Consultant

Jose, Sabina Academic Programs Manager

Roussy, Patrick Student Adviser

Thomas, Anja: BBM (Intl Business) BA (Mandarin Chinese) UQ. Enquiries Officer (until June 2012)

Banyasz, Agnes: MA DipEd ELTE Budapest, GDip (Careers) Deakin. Business and Economics Careers Centre Manager

Trajcevska, Vesna Course Adviser

Admissions Chandran, Dinesh: BSc (BusAdmin) UCLA. Admissions Officer Loh, Ruttigone: BA (Hons) RMIT. Admissions Officer (until June 2012) Martini, Daniel: BA LaTrobe. Admissions Manager Walker, Nicole: BA PGCertHealth Sciences Auckland. Admissions Officer (from June 2012)

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 77

Appendix V: Research publications Accounting Revised books Birt J, Chalmers K, Byrne S, Brooks AG & Oliver J. 2012. Accounting business reporting for decision making. 4th ed. Brisbane, Australia: Wiley – John Wiley & Sons. Considine BA, Parkes A, Olesen K, Blount Y & Speer D. 2012. Accounting Information Systems: Understanding Business Processes. 4th ed. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.

Textbooks Mckeown W, Kerry M & Olynyk M. 2012. Financial Planning. Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.

Journal articles (refereed) Burrows GH & Chenhall RH. 2012. Target costing: first and second comings. Accounting History Review. 22 (2): 127-142. Carson E & Dowling C. 2012. The Competitive Advantage of Audit Support Systems: The Relationship between Extent of Structure and Audit Pricing. Journal of Information Systems. 26 (1): 35-49. Chalmers, Godfrey & Potter BN. 2012. Discipline-Informed Approaches to Water Accounting. Australian Accounting Review. 22 (3): 275-285. Chalmers K, Clinch G, Godfrey JM & Wei Z. 2012. Intangible assets, IFRS, and analysts’ earnings forecasts. Accounting and Finance. 52 (3): 691-721. Clinch G, Fuller D, Govendir B & Wells P. 2012. The accrual anomaly: Australian evidence. Accounting and Finance. 52 (2): 377-394. Clinch G & Odat M. 2012. Capital gains taxes and the market response to public announcements in an indexation-based tax regime. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics. 8. Clinch G, Stokes D & Zhu T. 2012. Audit quality and information asymmetry between traders. Accounting and Finance. 52 (3): 743-765. Costabile M, Soltys SL & Spear NA. 2012. The market implications of earnings and reserve surprises. Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal. 31 (1): 57-76.

Davern MJ, Shaft T & Te’Eni D. 2012. Cognition Matters: Enduring questions in cognitive IS research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 13 (4): 273-314. Dekker H, Groot t & Schoute M. 2012. Determining performance targets. Behavioral Research in Accounting. 24 (2): 21-46. Dekker H, Groot T, Schoute M & Wiersma E. 2012. Determinants of the use of value-based performance measures for managerial performance evaluation. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. 39 (9-10): 1214-1239. Ernst C, Szczesny A, Soderstrom NS, Siegmund F & Schleppers A. 2012. Success of commonly used operating room management tools in reducing tardiness of first case of the day starts: Evidence from German hospitals. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 115 (3): 671-677. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. A Horse is a Horse – Of Course?: The ‘discretionary’ unit trust – more than meets the eye. Journal of Equity. 6: 208-220. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Copyright and automated programs – beware the shield and the sword. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice. 7 (8): 560-564. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Money or Monies Worth? Beware the transaction “cost” of payment systems. International In-house Counsel Journal. 5 (9): 1. Parkes A. 2012. Persuasive Decision Support: Improving reliance on decision aids. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 4 (3): 2. Pinnuck ML. 2012. A review of the role of financial reporting in the Global Financial Crisis. Australian Accounting Review. 22 (1): 1-14. Wilkin CL & Davern MJ. 2012. Acceptance of Post-Adoption Unanticipated IS Usage: Towards a taxonomy. Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. 43 (3): 9-25. Wu G. 2012. Preparers’ control-risk assessments under alternative audit-review processes. Accounting and Finance. 52 (Supplement): 433-454.

78 Faculty of Business and Economics

Journal articles (unrefereed)

Full written papers (refereed)

Allen S, Ramanan R & Soderstrom NS. 2012. Blue Mountain State University – A case study selecting socially responsible contractors for a new building. International Research Journal of Applied Finance. Case Study Series January, 2012: .

Cobbin PE, Dean G, Esselmont C, Ferguson P, Keneley M, Potter BN & West B. 2012. Enhancing the accessibility of accounting and business archives: The role of technology in informing research in accounting and business. Proceedings of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand. 1-30. Australia: Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.

Potter BN. 2012. A paradigm shift in reporting. Public Accountant. Februaury/March: 20-23.

Journal articles (unrefereed letters or notes) Davern MJ, Shaft T & Te’Eni D. 2012. More Enduring Questions in Cognitive IS Research: A reply. Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 13 (12): 1012-1016. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. “Accounting” for intangibles — taxation, intellectual property and the law … lost in translation? Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin. 25 (4): 66-69. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Curtailing the intercept between cybercrime, intellectual property and privacy. Internet Law Bulletin. 15 (8): 149-151. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Escaping the boundaries of the law – metatags and what lies beneath? Internet Law Bulletin. 15 (4): 70-73. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. The Big Bang! In search of the illusive internet business method patent. Internet Law Bulletin. 15 (6): 107-110. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Time for a review of automated programmes and free-to-air services: National Rugby League Investments Pty Ltd v Singtel Optus Pty Ltd [2012] FCAFC 59. Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin. 25 (1): 6-8. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Time for change? Up and away … storage in a cloud or feet on the ground? Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin. 25 (5): 98-99. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Trademark anti-dilution laws – technology and the internet: lost in an abyss? Internet Law Bulletin. 15 (4): 66-69. Potter BN. 2012. What areas should finance teams be focusing on? Public Accountant. August/September: 28-28.

Major reports and working papers Potter BN. 2012. A Guide for Business: Reporting and Accounting Requirements for the Australian Carbon Market. Report No. Melbourne, Australia: Carbon Market Institute. Subramaniam N, Collier P, Cooper B, Wines G, Leung P, Ferguson CB & Sewell D. 2012. Carbon Risk Management: A survey of carbon-intensive organisations in Australia. Report No July. Geelong, Australia: Centre for Sustainable and Responsible Organisations (CSaRO).

Minor reports and working papers Dekker H, Groot T & Schoute M. 2012. A Balancing Act? The implications of mixed strategies for performance measurement system design. Report No April 2012. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection. Dekker H, Sakaguchi J & Kawai T. 2012. Beyond the contract: Managing risk in supply chain relations. Report No April 2012. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection. Hinchliffe SA. 2012. Mediating Foreign Norms and Local Imperatives – Intellectual Property ‘Law’ as between the East and the West: From Imperial to ‘Modern’. Report No August 2012. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection. Mendoza J, Dekker H & Wielhouwer J. 2012. Perceived Procedural Fairness and Compliance with Regulations: Evidence from financial intermediaries. Report No October 2012. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection.

Wu G. 2012. Accounting Information Systems Research: paradigm, REA, and decision aid. Report No. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Accounting and Business Information Systems.

Economics Edited books Ianchovichaina E & Walmsley TL. 2012. Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press. Mcdonald IM. 2012. Behavioural Macroeconomics. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Textbooks Dickson DCM, Hardy MR & Waters HR. 2012. Solutions Manual for Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingent Risks. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Griffiths WE, Hill RC & Lim G. 2012. Using EViews for Principles of Econometrics. New York, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Research book chapters Hertel T, Walmsley TL & Itakura K. 2012. Dynamic Effects of the “New-Age” Free Trade Agreement between Japan and Singapore. In Ianchovichina E & Walmsley T (eds), Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press, pp. 235-268. Ianchovichina E & Walmsley TL. 2012. Implications for Global Economic Analysis. In Ianchovichina E & Walmsley T (eds), Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press, pp. 406-411. Itakura K, Ianchovichina E, Lakotos C & Walmsley TL. 2012. Implementing the Dynamic GTAP Model in the RunDynam Software. In Ianchovichina E & Walmsley T (eds), Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press, pp. 173-201. Lloyd PJ. 2012. Australian Commercial Policies. In Kreinin M & Plummer M (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International Commercial Policy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, pp. 289-307.

Mcdougall R, Walmsley TL, Golub A, Ianchovichina E & Itakura K. 2012. An Overview of the Dynamic GTAP Data Base: The Data Base Construction and Aggregation Programs. In Ianchovichina E & Walmsley T (eds), Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press, pp. 120-135.

Beveridge CJ & Joshi MS. 2012. Interpolation schemes in the displaced-diffusion LIBOR market model. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. 3: 593-604.

Walmsley TL, Hertel T & Ianchovichina E. 2012. Assessing the Impact of China’s WTO Accession on Investment. In Ianchovichina E & Walmsley T (eds), Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press, pp. 205-234.

Boone J & Van Ours JC. 2012. Why is there a spike in the job finding rate at benefit exhaustion? De Economist. 160 (4): 413-438.

Walmsley TL, Mcdougall R & Ianchovichina E. 2012. A Baseline Scenario for the Dynamic GTAP Model. In Ianchivichina E & Walmsley T (eds), Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press, pp. 136-157. Walmsley TL, Mcdougall R & Ianchovichina E. 2012. Welfare Analysis in the Dynamic GTAP Model. In Ianchovichina E & Walmsley T (eds), Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis. New York, United States: Cambridge University Press, pp. 158-172.

Book chapters other Mcdonald IM. 2012. Introduction. In Mcdonald I (ed), Behavioural Macroeconomics. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. Norman NR. 2012. Economy. Europa Regional Surveys of the World: The Far East and Australasia 2012. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge Taylor & Francis, pp. 80-103.

Journal articles (refereed) Antras P, Chor D, Fally T & Hillberry R. 2012. Measuring the upstreamness of production and trade flows. American Economic Review. 102 (3): 412-416. Artemov G, Feldmann SE & Loertscher S. 2012. For the Student: Matching and economic design. Australian Economic Review. 45 (1): 134-141. Baker S & Mezzetti C. 2012. A theory of rational jurisprudence. Journal of Political Economy. 120 (3): 513-551.

Beveridge CJ, Joshi MS & Wright WM. 2012. Efficient pricing and Greeks in the cross-currency LIBOR market model. Journal of Risk. 14 (4): 65-113.

Booth A & Van Ours JC. 2012. Part-time jobs: What women want? Journal of Population Economics. 26 (1): 263-283. Borland JI. 2012. I Want to Be an Economist: A rejoinder to Ross Gittins. Australian Economic Review. 45 (3): 386-394. Borland JI. 2012. Industrial Relations Reform: Chasing a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Australian Economic Review. 45 (3): 269-289. Borland JI. 2012. Social and Economic Consequences of Enterprise Bargaining: Discussant’s comments. Labour & Industry. 22 (3): 303-306. Burfurd I, Gangadharan L & Nemes V. 2012. Stars and Standards: Energy efficiency in rental markets. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 64 (2): 153-168.

Coelli MB & Green DA. 2012. Leadership effects: School principals and student outcomes. Economics of Education Review. 31 (1): 92-109. Corden WM. 2012. Global imbalances and the paradox of thrift. Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 28 (3): 431-443. Corden WM. 2012. The Dutch Disease in Australia: Policy options for a three-speed economy. Australian Economic Review. 45 (3): 290-304. Creedy J & Herault N. 2012. Welfare-Improving Income Tax Reforms: A microsimulation analysis. Oxford Economic Papers. 64 (1): 128-150. Deck C & Nikiforakis N. 2012. Perfect and imperfect real-time monitoring in a minimum-effort game. Experimental Economics. 15 (1): 71-88. Dickson DCM. 2012. The joint distribution of the time to ruin and the number of claims until ruin in the classical risk model. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics. 50 (3): 334-337. Dickson DCM & Li S. 2012. Erlang risk models and finite time ruin problems. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. 2012 (3): 183-202. Dixon R & Lim G. 2012. A univariate model of aggregate labour productivity. Applied Economics. 44 (5): 581-585.

Byrne D. 2012. Petrol price cycles. Australian Economic Review. 45 (4): 497-506.

Dufresne D & Vazquez-Abad F. 2012. Cobweb theorems with production lags and price forecasting. Economics. 17: .

Chin SH & Dufresne D. 2012. A general formula for option prices in a stochastic volatility model. Applied Mathematical Finance. 19 (4): 313-340.

Dutu R, Julien B & King IP. 2012. On the welfare gains of price dispersion. Journal of Money, Credit & Banking. 44 (5): 757786.

Chotikapanich D, Griffiths WE, Rao DS & Valencia V. 2012. Global Income Distributions and Inequality, 1993 and 2000: Incorporating country-level inequality modelled with beta distributions. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 94 (1): 52-73.

Edmond C & Weill PO. 2012. Aggregate implications of micro asset market segmentation. Journal of Monetary Economics. 59 (4): 319-335.

Clarke H & Prentice DA. 2012. Will plain packaging reduce cigarette consumption? Economic Papers. 31 (3): 303-317. Claus I, Creedy J & Teng J. 2012. The elasticity of taxable income in New Zealand. Fiscal Studies. 33 (3): 287-303.

Fielding D, Lee K & Shields K. 2012. Does One Size Fit All? Modelling macroeconomic linkages in the West African Economic and Monetary Union. Economic Change and Restructuring. 45 (1-2): 45-70. Freebairn J. 2012. Tax mix change to reduce greenhouse Gas Emissions. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 56 (1): 102-116. Freebairn JW. 2012. Asymmetric treatment of tax losses. Australian Tax Forum. 27: 345-358.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 79

Freebairn JW. 2012. Greenhouse gas emissions at lowest cost. Australian Economic Review. 45 (1): 96-104. Freebairn JW. 2012. Mining booms and government budgets. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 56 (2): 201-221. Freebairn JW. 2012. Personal income taxation. Economic Papers. 30 (1): 18-23. Frijters P, Johnston DW & Shields M. 2012. The Optimality of Tax Transfers: What does life satisfaction data tell us? Journal of Happiness Studies. 13 (5): 821-832. Garnaut RG. 2012. Through the Looking Glass: Innovation in China in 20 years’ time. Australian Economic Review. 45 (4): 457-462. Hajargasht G, Griffiths WE, Brice J, Rao D & Chotikapanich D. 2012. Inference for income distributions using grouped data. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 30 (4): 563-576. Hapsari IM & Maclaren D. 2012. The growth effects of services trade liberalization in ASEAN. ASEAN Economic Bulletin. 29 (2): 85-100. Hasan R, Mitra D, Ranjan P & Ahsan RN. 2012. Trade liberalization and unemployment: Theory and evidence from India. Journal of Development Economics. 97 (2): 269-280. Hodler R & Rohner D. 2012. Electoral terms and terrorism. Public Choice. 150 (1-2): 181193. Hodler R & Yektas H. 2012. Allpay war. Games and Economic Behavior. 74 (2): 526-540. Hubbard T, Kirkegaard R & Paarsch HJ. 2012. Using Economic Theory to Guide Numerical Analysis: Solving for equilibria in models of asymmetric first-price auctions. Computational Economics. June:. Hubbard TP, Li T & Paarsch HJP. 2012. Semiparametric estimation in models of first-price, sealedbid auctions with affiliation. Journal of Econometrics. 168 (1): 4-16. Jin Z, Yin g & Zhu C. 2012. Numerical solutions of optimal risk control and dividend optimization policies under a generalized singular control formulation. Automatica. 48 (8): 1489-1501.

Joshi MS & Chen T. 2012. Truncation and Acceleration of the Tian tree for the pricing of American put options. Quantitative Finance. 33 (3): 1695-1708. Joshi M & Staunton M. 2012. On the analytical/numerical pricing of American put options against binomial tree prices. Quantitative Finance. 12 (1): 17-20. Joshi MS & Wiguna A. 2012. Accelerating pathwise Greeks in the Libor market model. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance. 15 (2): 1-33. Lakatos C & Walmsley T. 2012. Investment creation and diversion effects of the ASEAN– China Free Trade Agreement. Economic Modelling. 29 (3): 766-779. Lee K, Olekalns N, Shields K & Wang Z. 2012. The Australian Real-Time Database: An overview and an illustration of its use in business cycle analysis. The Economic Record. 88 (283): 495-516.

Raimondo R. 2012. Toeplitz operators with essentially radial symbols. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. 2012: 1-14. Shepherd D & Dixon RJ. 2012. Employment Volatility and the Great Moderation: Evidence from the Australian states and territories. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. 18 (2): 159-181. Van Ours JC. 2012. The long and winding road to cannabis legalization. Addiction. 107 (5): 872-877. Van Ours JC & Williams J. 2012. The effects of cannabis use on physical and mental health. Journal of Health Economics. 31 (4): 564-577. Warrena P & Wilkening TSW. 2012. Regulatory fog: The role of information in regulatory persistence. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization. 84 (3): 840-856.

Lloyd PJ. 2012. Designing a Carbon Price Policy: Introduction. Australian Economic Review. 45 (1): 77-85.

Wu X & Li S. 2012. On a discrete time risk model with timedelayed claims and a constant dividend barrier. Insurance Markets and Companies: Analyses and Actuarial Computations. 3 (1): 50-57.

Lloyd PJ. 2012. The discovery of the isoquant. History of Political Economy. 44 (4): 643-661.

Journal articles (unrefereed)

Lloyd PJ. 2012. The role of developing countries in global economic governance. Singapore Economic Review. 57 (2): 1-20. Mccorriston S & Maclaren D. 2012. State Trading Enterprises as Non-Tariff Measures: Theory, evidence, and future research directions. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 34 (4): 696-723. Mckenzie M & Henry OT. 2012. The Determinants of Short Selling: Evidence from the Hong Kong equity market. Accounting and Finance. 52 (S1): 183-216. Mezzetti C & Renou L. 2012. Implementation in mixed Nash equilibrium. Journal of Economic Theory. 147 (6): 2357-2375. Nikiforakis N, Noussair C & Wilkening TSW. 2012. Normative Conflict and Feuds: The limits of self-enforcement. Journal of Public Economics. 96 (9-10): 797-807. Ohinata A & Van Ours JC. 2012. Young immigrant children and their educational attainment. Economics Letters. 116 (3): 288-290.

80 Faculty of Business and Economics

Gielen A & Van Ours JC. 2012. Ongelukkige werklozen vinden niet sneller een baan. Economisch-Statistische Berichten. 97 (4635). Lye JN & Hirschberg JG. 2012. Inverse Test Confidence Intervals for Turning-Points: A Demonstration with Higher Order Polynomials. Advances in Econometrics. 30: 59-95. Mcdonald IM. 2012. Disadvantage and life satisfaction. Insights: Melbourne Economics and Commerce. 11. Nikiforakis N. 2012. Altruistic punishment: What field data can (and cannot) demonstrate. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 35 (1). Xia C & Griffiths WE. 2012. Bayesian Unit Root Testing: The Effect of Choice of Prior on Test Outcomes. Advances in Econometrics. 30 (30th Anniversary Edition): 27-57.

Journal articles (unrefereed letters or notes) Behlul T. 2012. Book Review: The Elgar Companion to Hyman Minsky. History of Economics Review. 55: 101-103.

Garnaut RG. 2012. Shades of Grey: A political memoir of modern Indonesia, 1965-1998 (Book Review). Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies. 48 (3): 437-439. Pottenger MJ. 2012. Surviving the zombie apocalypse: The DayZ experiment. The Conversation. September: . Uren LL. 2012. The Political Economy of Wages and Unemployment: A neoclassical exploration. The Economic Record. 88 (280): 161-162.

Full written papers refereed Martin VL, Paterson C & Wang XJ. 2012. Forecasting letter volumes: Augmenting econometric baseline projections. In Crew MA & Kleindorfer PR(eds), Multimodal Competition and the Future of Mail. 19 (1): 60-76. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Major reports and working papers Bardsley P. 2012. Duality in Contracting. Report No. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection. Bardsley P & Meager R. 2012. Endogenous Reputation in Microcredit Markets. Report No. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection. Cameron L, Erkal N, Gangadharan L & Zhang M. 2012. Cultural Integration: Experimental Evidence of Changes in Immigrants’ Preferences. Report No 6467. Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labour. Chan J & Joshi MS. 2012. Optimal Limit Methods for Computing Sensitivities of Discontinuous Integrals Including Triggerable Derivative Securities. Report No February 27. New York, United States: Social Science Electronic Publishing. Clarke AJ & Skuterud M. 2012. Why do Immigrant Workers in Australia Perform Better than in Canada? Is it the Immigrants or their Labour Markets? Report No March. Vancouver, Canada: Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network (CLSRN). Coelli MB. 2012. Family Friendly Occupations and the US Gender Wage Gap. Report No. Australia: University of Wollongong.

Coelli MB, Tabasso D & Zakirova R. 2012. Studying Beyond Age 25: Who Does It and What Do They Gain? Report No. Adelaide, Australia: NCVER. Jacobi L & Sovinsky M. 2012. Marijuana on Main Street: What if? Report No 87. Zurich, Switzerland: University of Zurich, Department of Economics. Johnston D, Schurer S & Shields M. 2012. Maternal Gender Role Attitudes, Human Capital Investment, and Labour Supply of Sons and Daughters. Report No 6656. Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labour. Lye JN & Hirschberg JG. 2012. What is a High School Worth?: A Model of Australian Private Secondary School Fees. Report No 1161. Parkville, Australia: University of Melbourne. Pivovarova M & Swee E. 2012. How Much Can Panel Data Help? Report No 116. Falmer, United Kingdom: Households in Conflict Network.

Minor reports and working papers Chateau J & Dufresne D. 2012. Gram-Charlier Processes and Equity-Indexed Annuities. Report No 227. Melbourne, Australia: Centre for Actuarial Studies, University of Melbourne. Chotikapanich d, Griffiths WE, Karunarathne PD & Rao DS. 2012. Calculating Poverty Measures from the Generalized Beta Income Distribution. Report No 1154. Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne. Creedy J & Gemmell N. 2012. Measuring Revenue Responses to Tax Rate Changes in MultiRate Income Tax Systems: Behavioural and Structural Factors. Report No 04. New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington. Creedy J & Gemmell N. 2012. Revenue-Maximising Elasticities of Taxable Income in Multi-Rate Income Tax Structures. Report No 05. New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington. Creedy J & Moslehi S. 2012. The Composition of Government Expenditure with Alternative Choice Mechanisms. Report No 07. New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington. Dickson DCM & Li S. 2012. The Distributions of Some Quantities for Erlang(2) Risk Models. Report No No.226. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Economics, University of Melbourne.

Droumaguet M & Wozniak TW. 2012. Bayesian Testing of Granger Causality in MarkovSwitching VARs. Report No ECO2012/06. Italy: European University Institute. Gomez-Deniz E & Calderin EJ. 2012. Unconditional Distributions Obtained from Conditional Specification Models with Applications in Risk Theory. Report No No. 225. Melbourne, Australia: Centre for Actuarial Studies, The University of Melbourne. Griffiths WE & Hajargasht G. 2012. GMM Estimation of Mixtures from Grouped Data: An Application to Income Distributions. Report No 1148. Parkville, Australia: University of Melbourne. Hajargasht G & Griffiths WE. 2012. Pareto-Lognormal Distributions: Inequality and Poverty Measures, Estimation and Performance. Report No 1149. Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne. Hariyanto EA, Dickson DCM & Pitt D. 2012. Estimation of Disability Transition Probabilities in Australia II: Implementation. Report No No.231. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Economics, The University of Melbourne. Hariyanto EA, Dickson DCM & Pitt DG. 2012. Estimation of Disability Transition Probabilities in Australia I: Preliminary. Report No November 19, 2012. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Economics, The University of Melbourne. Joshi MS & Tang RL. 2012. Effective Sub-Simulation-Free Upper Bounds for the Monte Carlo Pricing of Callable Derivatives and Various Improvements to Existing Methodologies. Report No June 29. New York, United States: Social Science Electronic Publishing. Lee K, Olekalns N & Shields K. 2012. Meta Taylor Rules for the UK and Australia: Accommodating Regime Uncertainty in Monetary Policy Analysis using Model Averaging Methods. Report No Jan 2012 - 1138. Parkville, Australia: University of Melbourne. Li S, Mosleh S & Yew S. 2012. Public-Private Mix of Health Expenditure: A Political Economy Approach and A Quantitative Exercise. Report No 1157. Parkville, Australia: University of Melbourne.

Nie C, Dickson DCM & Li S. 2012. The Finite Time Ruin Probability in a Risk Model With Capital Injections. Report No 229. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Economics, University of Melbourne.

Davis K. 2012. Bank Capital Adequacy: Where to now? In Ariff M & Farrar JH (eds), Regulatory Failure and the Global Financial Crisis. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 44-64.

Van Ours JC, Williams J, Fergusson D & Horwood L. 2012. Cannabis Use and Suicidal Ideation. Report No 1155. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Economics, University of Melbourne.

Journal articles (refereed)

Walmsley T. 2012. The Global Trade Analysis Project: Report, Issues and Future Directions. Report No. Indiana, United States: Global Trade Analysis Project. Walmsley T, Aguiar A & Narayanan G. B. 2012. Introduction to the Global Trade Analysis Project and the GTAP Data Base. Report No 67. Indiana, United States: Global Trade Analysis Project. Wozniak TW. 2012. GrangerCausal Analysis of VARMAGARCH Models. Report No ECO2012/19. Italy: European University Institute. Wozniak TW. 2012. Testing Causality Between Two Vectors in Multivariate GARCH Models. Report No ECO2012/20. Italy: European University Institute. Xiao J. 2012. Asymmetric All-Pay Contests with Heterogeneous Prizes. Report No June 2012, Research Paper Number 1151. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Economics, University of Melbourne. Xiao J. 2012. Bargaining Order in a Multi-Person Bargaining Game. Report No June 2012, Research Paper Number 1150. Melbourne, Australia: Department of Economics, University of Melbourne.


Aharoni G, Ho TQ & Zeng Q. 2012. Testing the Growth Option Theory: The profitability of enhanced momentum strategies in Australia. Accounting and Finance. 52: 267-290. Akyol AC, Lim WF & Verwijmeren P. 2012. Governance characteristics and the market reaction to the SEC’s Proxy Access Rule. International Review of Finance. 12 (2): 175-195. Anderson H, Chan HW, Faff R & Ho Y. 2012. Reported Earnings and Analyst Forecasts as Competing Sources of Information: A new approach. Australian Journal of Management. 37 (3): 333-359. Anderson S, Bhabra G, Bhabra H & Lamba A. 2012. Do corporate bond rating revisions convey information about earnings and dividend Changes? Corporate Ownership and Control. 9 (3): 371-391. Bali T, Brown SJ & Caglayan M. 2012. Systematic risk and the cross section of hedge fund returns. Journal of Financial Economics. 106 (1): 114-131. Brailsford TJ, Handley JC & Maheswaran K. 2012. The Historical Equity Risk Premium in Australia: Post-GFC and 128 years of data. Accounting and Finance. 52 (1): 237-247. Brown C & Davis KT. 2012. Taxes, tenders and the design of Australian off-market share repurchases. Accounting and Finance. 52: 109-135. Brown J, Grundy BD, Lewis C & Verwijmeren P. 2012. Convertibles and hedge funds as distributors of equity exposure. Review of Financial Studies. 25 (10): 3077-3112.

Revised books Peirson G, Brown RL, Easton S, Howard P & Pinder S. 2012. Business Finance. 11 Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Research book chapters Coleman L. 2012. Corporate Meltdowns. In Helsloot I, Boin A, Jacobs B & Comfort Lk (eds), Mega-Crises: Understanding the Prospects, Nature, Characteristics and the Effects of Cataclysmic Events. Springfield, IL, United States: Charles C Thomas Publisher Ltd, pp. 205-215.

Brown RL, Schwann G, O’Connor IP & Scott C. 2012. Buying’s One Thing, Holding’s Another: How much does Australian housing really cost. JASSA. 1: 26-32. Brown SJ, Lajbcygier P & Weng Wong W. 2012. Estimating the cost of capital with basis assets. Journal of Banking & Finance. 36 (11): 3071-3079.

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Coleman L. 2012. Testing equity market efficiency around terrorist attacks. Applied Economics. 44 (31): 4087-4099. Comerton-Forde C. 2012. Is Australia HFT-Friendly? JASSA. 3: 12-14. Dark J. 2012. Will tighter futures price limits reduce hedge effectiveness? Journal of Banking and Finance – Law and Practice. 36 (10): 2717-2728. Goh YM, Costello G & Schwann G. 2012. Accuracy and robustness of house price index methods. Housing Studies. 27 (5): 643-666. Grundy BD, Lim BY & Verwijmeren P. 2012. Do Option Markets Undo Restrictions on Short Sales? Evidence from the 2008 short-sale ban. Journal of Financial Economics. 106 (2): 331-348. Inkmann J & Michaelides A. 2012. Can the life insurance market provide evidence for a bequest motive? Journal of Risk and Insurance. 79 (3): 671-695. Martin JS & Aragon G. 2012. A Unique View of Hedge Fund Derivatives Usage: Safeguard or speculation? Journal of Financial Economics. 105 (2): 436-456. Murawski C, Harris PG, Bode S, Dominguez JF & Egan GF. 2012. Led into temptation? Rewarding Brand Logos Bias the Neural Encoding of Incidental Economic Decisions. PLoS One. 7 (3): 1-12. Ramsay I & Shekhar C. 2012. Company Securities Trading Policies: An empirical study. Company and Securities Law Journal. 30 (1): 55-60. Shi Z & Werker B. 2012. Shorthorizon regulation for long-term investors. Journal of Banking & Finance. 36 (12): 3227-3238. Trumble AD & Pinder S. 2012. Evidence of managerial opportunism in Australia. Accounting Research Journal. 25 (1): 25-40. Yao Y. 2012. Momentum, contrarian, and the January seasonality. Journal of Banking and Finance – Law and Practice. 36 (10): 2757-2769.

Journal articles (unrefereed) Armstrong JA & Murawski C. 2012. Merchants of Light: Research of the future. Griffith Review. 36: .

Chan CA, Wong E, Nirmalathas A, Gygax AF, Leckie CA & Kilper D. 2012. Towards an energy rating system for telecommunications. Telecommunications Journal of Australia. 62 (5): 1-10.

Full written papers (refereed) Chan CA, Wong E, Gygax AF, Leckie CA, Nirmalathas A & Kilper D. 2012. Energy Star Rating for Future Telecom Services: Motivation, methodologies and challenges. Proceedings of the 2012 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference. 1-3. Washington DC, United States: Optical Society of America. Fjesme SL. 2012. Laddering in initial public offering allocations. Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association. 1-40. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection.

Minor reports and working papers Akyol AC, Raff K & Verwijmeren P. 2012. The Elimination of Broker Voting in Director Elections. Report No TI 12-094/IV/DSF38, for Duisenberg School of Finance - Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Tinbergen Institute/ Duisenberg School of Finance. Grundy BD & Verwijmeren P. 2012. Dividend-protected Convertible Bonds and the Disappearance of Call Delay. Report No June 23. Philadelphia, United States: SSRN Electronic Paper Collection.

Management and Marketing Authored research books Bevington T & Samson DA. 2012. Implementing Strategic Change: Managing Processes and Interfaces to Develop a Highly Productive Organization. London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page Publishers. Roffe JD. 2012. Badiou’s Deleuze. Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Edited books Bollingtoft A, Donaldson L, Huber G, Hakonsson D & Snow C. 2012. Collaborative Communities of Firms: Purpose, Process, and Design. New York, United States: Springer Science+Business Media. Roffe JD. 2012. Gilbert Simondon: Being and Technology. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.

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Verhezen P. 2012. Is Corporate Governance Relevant in Indonesia? How Corporate Governance Practices Affect Organizations. Indonesia: UIPRESS - Penerbit Universitas Indonesia.

Revised books Hair J, Lukas B, Miller K, Bush R & Ortinau D. 2012. Marketing Research. Sydney, Australia: McGraw Hill Australia. Samson DA & Daft RL. 2012. Fundamentals of Management. 4th ed. South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning. Samson DA & Daft RL. 2012. Management. 4th ed. South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning.

Textbooks Pride W, Ferrell O, Lukas B, Schembri S & Niininen O. 2012. Marketing Principles. South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning. Samson DA, Catley B, Cathro V & Daft RL. 2012. Management in New Zealand. South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning.

Research book chapters Bhakoo V. 2012. Drivers of Technology Adoption Within Health Care Supply Chain Networks. In Dundon T & Wilkinson A (eds), Case Studies in Global Management: Strategy, Innovation and People Management. Australia: Tilde University Press, pp. 38-45. Bollingtoft A, Muller S, Ulhoi J & Snow C. 2012. Collaborative Communities of Firms: Role of the Shared Services Provider. In Bollingtoft A, Donaldson L, Huber G, Hakonsson D & Snow C (eds), Collaborative Communities of Firms: Purpose, Process, and Design. New York, United States: Springer, pp. 89-104. Dick HW. 2012. Corruption in East Asia. In Beeson M & Stubbs R (eds), Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 186-199. Esteves AM, Barclay MA, Brereton D & Samson DA. 2012. Enhancing the Benefits of Projects Through Local Procurement. In Vanclay F & Esteves AM (eds), New Directions in Social Impact Assessment. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 233-249. Gahan PG & Pekarek A. 2012. Collective Bargaining and Agreement-Making in Australia: Evolution of the

Legislative Framework and Agreement-Making in Practice. In Creighton B & Forsyth A (eds), Rediscovering Collective Bargaining. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 21-45. Homburg C & Bornemann T. 2012. Key Account Management. In Lilien G & Grewal R (eds), Handbook of Business-toBusiness Marketing. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 456-472. Hu W & Tan M. 2012. Corporate Governance and Initial Public Offerings in Australia. In Zattoni A & Judge W (eds), Corporate Governance and Initial Public Offerings: An International Perspective. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, pp. 37-63. Nyilasy GN & Reid LN. 2012. Agency Practitioners’ Theories About Advertising. In Rodgers S & Thorson E (eds), Advertising Theory. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. Poles RP. 2012. Modeling Closed Loop Supply Chain Systems. In Luo Z (ed), Advanced Analytics for Green and Sustainable Economic Development: Supply Chain Models and Financial Technologies. Hershey, PA, United States: IGI Global, pp. 157-186. Rimmer P & Dick HW. 2012. Economic Space for Transnational Infrastructure: Gateways, Multimodal Corridors, and Special Economic Zones. In Bhattacharyay B, Kawai M & Nag R (eds), Infrastructure for Asian Connectivity. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 217-253. Roffe JD. 2012. One Divides into Two: Badiou’s Critique of Deleuze. In Duffy S & Bowden S (eds), Badiou and Philosophy. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 244-261. Sewell G. 2012. Organization, Employees and Surveillance. In Ball K, Haggerty K & Lyon D (eds), Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies. New York, United States: Routledge, pp. 303-312. Sewell G. 2012. Teamwork, Ethics, and the Quality of Working Life. Work and Quality of Life: Ethical Practices in Organizations, International Handbooks of Quality-ofLife. New York, United States: Springer, pp. 325-341.

Velthuis O & Coslor EH. 2012. The Financialization of Art. In Cetina K & Preda A (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Finance. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, pp. 471-487.

Zyphur MJ, Zhang Z & Barsky A. 2012. Advances in Leadership Research Methods. In Day DV & Antonakis J (eds), The Nature of Leadership. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications, pp. 66-107.

Verhezen P. 2012. Corporate Governance Matters: Some Reputational Narratives in Indonesia within an ASEAN Context. In Verhezen P, Hardjapamekas ER & Notowidigdo P (eds), Is Corporate Governance Relevant in Indonesia? How Corporate Governance Practices Affect Organizations. Indonesia: UIPRESS - Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, pp. 44-83.

Book chapters other

Verhezen P. 2012. Leadership and Remuneration in Indonesia. In Verhezen P, Hardjapamekas ER & Notowidigdo P (eds), Is Corporate Governance Relevant in Indonesia? How Corporate Governance Practices Affect Organizations. Indonesia: UIPRESS - Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, pp. 215-246. Verhezen P. 2012. The prevalence of networks or guanxi in Indonesian Business. In Verhezen P, Hardjapamekas ER & Notowidigdo P (eds), Is Corporate Governance Relevant in Indonesia? How Corporate Governance Practices Affect Organizations. Indonesia: UIPRESS - Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, pp. 247-267. Verhezen P. 2012. What Indonesian firms can gain from Good Corporate Governance? In Verhezen P, Hardjapamekas ER & Notowidigdo P (eds), Is Corporate Governance Relevant in Indonesia? How Corporate Governance Practices Affect Organizations. Indonesia: UIPRESS - Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, pp. 279-302. Verhezen P & Soebagjo N. 2012. Bad Public Governance Affecting Corporate Governance in Indonesia? In Verhezen P, Hardjapamekas ER & Notowidigdo P (eds), Is Corporate Governance Relevant in Indonesia? How Corporate Governance Practices Affect Organizations. Indonesia: UIPRESS - Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, pp. 84-110. Yap J, Beverland M & Bove LL. 2012. “Doing Privacy”: Consumers Search for Sovereignty through Privacy Management Practices. In Belk RW, Askegaard S & Scott L (eds), Research in Consumer Behavior. London, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 171-190.

Paladino A. 2012. Awareness and Behaviour. 2020: Vision for a sustainable society. Parkville, Victoria, Australia: Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute (MSSI), pp.

Journal articles (refereed) Ainsworth SA & Hardy C. 2012. Subjects of Inquiry: Statistics, stories, and the production of knowledge. Organization Studies. 33 (12): 1693-1714. Ainsworth S & Grant D. 2012. Revitalizing scholarship in identity studies. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 28 (1): 60-62. Anderson H, Gahan P, Mitchell R, Ramsay I & Welsh M. 2012. Investor and worker protection in Australia: A longitudinal analysis. Sydney Law Review. 34 (3): 573-585. Anderson H, Welsh M, Ramsay I & Gahan P. 2012. Shareholder and creditor protection in Australia: A leximetric analysis. Company and Securities Law Journal. 30: 366-390. Anderson H, Welsh M, Ramsay I & Gahan P. 2012. The Evolution of Shareholder and Creditor Protection in Australia: An international comparison. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 61 (1): 171-207. Artz M, Homburg C & Rajab T. 2012. Performance-Measurement System Design and Functional Strategic Decision Influence: The role of performancemeasure properties. Accounting Organizations and Society. 37 (7): 445-460. Bhakoo V, Singh PJ & Sohal A. 2012. Collaborative Management of Inventory in Australian Hospital Supply Chains: Practices and issues. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 17 (2): 217-230. Brown AD, Ainsworth SA & Grant D. 2012. The rhetoric of institutional change. Organization Studies. 33 (3): 297-321. Brown M. 2012. Responses to Work Intensification: Does generation matter? International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23 (17): 35783595.

Brown M, Minson R, O’Connell A & Ramsay I. 2012. Employee Participation in Employee Share Ownership Plans: The law, company objectives and employee motives. Australian Journal of Labour Law. 25 (1): 1-12. Burgess K & Singh PJ. 2012. Using the social system of a supply chain to improve a focal organization’s operating performance. Operations Management Research. 5 (1-2): 57-68. Canniford R. 2012. Poetic Witness: Marketplace research through poetic transcription and poetic translation. Marketing Theory: an international review. 12 (4): 391-409. Caprar D & Neville BA. 2012. “Norming” and “Conforming”: Integrating cultural and institutional explanations for sustainability adoption in business. Journal of Business Ethics. 110 (2): 231-245. Cebon PB & Lodders A. 2012. Broadband Applications and Commercialisation: Hospital-in-the-home and water management. Telecommunications Journal of Australia. 62 (2). Chaturvedi S, Zyphur MJ, Arvey R, Avolio B & Larsson G. 2012. The Heritability of Emergent Leadership: Age and gender as moderating factors. Leadership Quarterly. 23 (2): 219-232. Chmielewski-Raimondo D, Bove LL, Lei J, Neville B & Nagpal A. 2012. A New Perspective on the Incentive-Blood Donation Relationship: Partnership, congruency, and affirmation of competence. Transfusion. 52 (September 2012): 1889-1900. Coker BL. 2012. Seeking the Opinions of Others Online: Evidence of evaluation overshoot. Journal of Economic Psychology. 33 (6): 1033-1042. Dahlen E, Edwards B, Tubre T, Zyphur MJ & Warren C. 2012. Taking a Look Behind the Wheel: An investigation into the personality predictors of aggressive driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 45 (March): 1-9.

Fjeldstad OD, Snow CC, Miles RE & Lettl C. 2012. The architecture of collaboration. Strategic Management Journal. 33: 734-750. Gahan P. 2012. “Voice Within Voice”: Members’ voice responses to dissatisfaction with their union. Industrial Relations: A journal of economy and society. 51 (1): 29-56. Gahan PG, Michelotti M & Standing G. 2012. The Diffusion of HR practices in chinese workplaces and organizational outcomes. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 65 (3): 651685. Gahan PG, Mitchell R, Cooney ST, Cooper B & Stewart A. 2012. Economic Globalization and Convergence in Labor Market Regulation: An empirical assessment. American Journal of Comparative Law. 60 (1-3): 703-742. Gahan PG & Pekarek A. 2012. The rise and rise of enterprise bargaining in Australia, 19912011. Labour & Industry. 22 (3): 195-222. Gundlach HAD & Neville BA. 2012. Authenticity: Further theoretical and practical development. Journal of Brand Management. 19 (6): 484-499. Hardy C & Grant D. 2012. Readers Beware: Provocation, problematization and..problems. Human Relations. 65 (5): 547566. Harzing AWK, Brown M, Koster K & Zhao S. 2012. Response Style Differences in Cross-National Research: Dispositional and situational determinants. MIR – Management International Review. 52 (3): 341-363. Harzing AW & Metz I. 2012. Explaining Geographic Diversity of Editorial Boards: The role of conference participation and English language skills. European Journal of International Management. 6 (6): 697-715. Homburg C, Artz M & Wieseke J. 2012. Marketing Performance Measurement Systems: Does comprehensiveness really improve performance? Journal of Marketing. 76 (3): 56-77.

Desrochers S, Sargent LD & Hostetler A. 2012. BoundarySpanning Demands, Personal Mastery, and Family Satisfaction: Individual and crossover effects among dual-earner parents. Marriage & Family Review. 48 (5): 443-464.

Homburg C, Furst A & Kuehnl C. 2012. Ensuring International Competitiveness: A configurative approach to foreign marketing subsidiaries. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 40 (2): 290-312.

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Homburg C, Jensen O & Hahn A. 2012. How to Organize Pricing? Vertical delegation and horizontal dispersion of pricing authority. Journal of Marketing. 76: 49-69. Homburg C, Klarmann M, Reimann M & Schilke O. 2012. What Drives Key Informant Accuracy? Journal of Marketing Research. XLIX (August 2012): 594-608. Homburg C, Klarmann M & Staritz S. 2012. Customer Uncertainty Following Downsizing: The effects of extent of downsizing and open communication. Journal of Marketing. 76 (3): 112-130. Hu W & Tam O. 2012. Independent directors in China and India: A comparative assessment. Company and Securities Law Journal. 30: 453-470. Isaac JE. 2012. Keynes versus the classics in the 1970s. Australian Bulletin of Labour. 38 (2): 96-110. Karpen I, Bove LL & Lukas B. 2012. Linking Service-Dominant Logic and Strategic Business Practice: A conceptual model of a service-dominant orientation. Journal of Service Research. 15 (1): 21-38. Koehler T, Cramton CD & Hinds PJ. 2012. The Meeting Genre Across Cultures: Insights from three German-American collaborations. Small Group Research. 43 (2): 159-185. Kulik C, Pepper M, Shapiro D & Cregan C. 2012. The Electronic Water Cooler: Insiders and outsiders talk about organizational justice on the internet. Communication Research. 39 (5): 565-591. Lawson B, Samson DA & Rowden S. 2012. Appropriating the Value from Innovation: Inimitability and the effectiveness of isolating mechanisms. R & D Management. 42 (5): 420-434. Lei J, Dawar N & Gurhan-Canli Z. 2012. Base-rate information in consumer attributions of product-harm crises. Journal of Marketing Research. June 2012: 336-348. Maitland E & Sammartino A. 2012. Flexible Footprints: Reconfiguring MNCs for new value opportunities. California Management Review. 54 (2): 92-117. Martens B, Scheibe K & Bergey PK. 2012. Supply Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: A decision support system for small-scale seed entrepreneurs. Decision Sciences. 43 (5): 737-759.

Merlo O, Lukas B & Whitwell GJ. 2012. Marketing’s reputation and influence in the firm. Journal of Business Research. 65 (3): 446-452. Merrett D & Ville S. 2012. Industry associations and non-competitive behaviour in Australian wool marketing: Evidence from the Melbourne Woolbrokers’ Association, 1890–1939. Business History. 54 (4): 510-528. Metz I & Harzing A. 2012. An Update of Gender Diversity in Editorial Boards: A longitudinal study of management journals. Personnel Review. 41 (2): 283300. Metz MI, Kulik C, Brown M & Cregan C. 2012. Changes in Psychological Contracts During the Global Financial Crisis: the manager’s perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23 (20) . Mol JM, Chiu M & Wijnberg N. 2012. Love Me Tender: New entry in popular music. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 25 (1): 88-120. Murawski C, Harris PG, Bode S, Dominguez JF & Egan GF. 2012. Led into Temptation? Rewarding brand logos bias the neural encoding of incidental economic decisions. PLoS One. 7 (3): 1-12. Nyilasy G, Kreshel P & Reid L. 2012. Agency practitioners, pseudo-professionalization tactics, and advertising professionalism. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. 33 (2): 146-169. Paladino A & Pandit A. 2012. Competing on service and branding in the renewable electricity sector. Energy Policy. 45: 378-388. Pierides DC & Woodman DT. 2012. Object-Oriented Sociology and Organizing in the Face of Emergency: Bruno Latour, Graham Harman and the material turn. British Journal of Sociology. 63 (4): 663-679. Roffe JD. 2012. Time and Ground: A critique of meillassoux’s speculative realism. Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities. 17 (1): 57-67. Sa Vinhas A, Heide JB & Jap SD. 2012. Consistency judgments, embeddedness, and relationship outcomes in interorganizational networks. Management Science. 58 (5): 996-1011. Schoenherr T, Power DJ, Narasimhan R & Samson D. 2012. Competitive Capabilities among Manufacturing Plants

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in Developing, Emerging, and Industrialized Countries: A comparative analysis. Decision Sciences. 43 (1): 37-72. Schuette SA. 2012. Against the Odds: Anti-corruption reform in Indonesia. Public Administration and Development. 32: 38-48. Sewell G, Barker JR & Nyberg D. 2012. Working Under Intensive Surveillance: When does ‘measuring everything that moves’ become intolerable? Human Relations. 65 (2): 189-215. Simpson D, Power DJ & Klassen R. 2012. When One Size Does Not Fit All: A problem of fit rather than failure for voluntary management standards. Journal of Business Ethics. 110 (1): 85-95. Stone PN & Gruba PA. 2012. Understanding Transition Pathways of International Development Assistance Students: With more respect to stakeholders. Tertiary Education and Management. 18 (3): 253-269. Sum C, Singh PJ & Heng H. 2012. An examination of the cumulative capabilities model in selected Asia-Pacific countries. Production Planning and Control. 23 (10-11): 735-753. Thomas S, Lewis S, Duong J & Mcleod CS. 2012. Sports Betting Marketing During Sporting Events: A stadium and broadcast census of Australian football league matches. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 36 (2): 145-152. Thompson P & Harley WG. 2012. Beneath the Radar? A critical realist analysis of ‘the knowledge economy’ and ‘shareholder value’ as competing discourses. Organization Studies. 33 (10): 1363-1381. Volk S & Koehler T. 2012. Brains and Games: Applying neuroeconomics to organizational research. Organizational Research Methods. 15 (4): 522-552. Yeoh M & Paladino A. 2012. Prestige and Environmental Behaviors: Does branding matter? Journal of Brand Management. May 2012: 1-17. Zur AJ, Leckie C & Webster C. 2012. Cognitive and affective trust between Australian exporters and their overseas buyers. Australasian Marketing Journal. 20 (1): 73-79.

Journal articles (unrefereed) Altman Y, Berry M, Cerotti PR, Davison C, Gannon MJ, Koehler T, Nielson C, Pillai R, Rhyne L & Sheraga C. 2012. Application of cultural metaphors and cross-cultural paradoxes in the classroom. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. 1 (4).

Journal articles (unrefereed letters or notes) Isaac JE. 2012. Book Review: John W Budd, The Thought of Work. Journal of Industrial Relations. 54 (4): 542-545. Stone PN. 2012. Intercultural Consilience or Cacophony? (Book Review). Thunderbird International Business Review. 54 (5): 767-770.

Full written papers (refereed) Al-Balushi S & Singh PJ. 2012. Collaborative Outcomes for Supply Chain Partners: A social capital perspective. Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association Conference (4th Joint World Conference on Production & Operations Management/19th International Annual EurOMA Conference). 1-9. Cambridge, United Kingdom: EUROMA. Allen B & Sargent LD. 2012. Consumer Identity and Behaviour in Organisations: The case of aged care residents. Proceedings of the EURAM Annual Conference. 1-33. France: EURAM. Bhattacharya A & Singh PJ. 2012. Determinants of service receivers’ intention to switch providers in outsourcing arrangements. Proceedings of the 4th Joint World Conference on Production & Operations Management/19th International Annual EurOMA Conference. 1-9. Cambridge, United Kingdom: EUROMA. Bhattacharya A & Singh PJ. 2012. Information Asymmetry in Outsourcing Arrangements: Closer look at the antecedents. In Sohal A, Singh P & Prajogo D(eds), Proceedings of the 10th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium. 1-26. Sydney, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.

Cotronei-Baird VS. 2012. Examining the Role of Collective Efficacy for Media Use in Hybrid Teams. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. 1-18. Sydney, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Cui L, Meyer K & Hu W. 2012. Who is Seeking Strategic Assets for Competitive Catch-up? Broadening the AwarenessCapability Framework. Proceedings of The 2012 Annual Academy of International Business Conference. 1-31. East Lansing, Michigan, United States: Academy of International Business (AIB). Fan S, Koehler T & Harzing AW. 2012. Applying Identity Theories in Expatriate Management Studies. Conference proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Sydney, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Fan X, Koehler T & Harzing AK. 2012. Ethnic Identity Confirmation in Knowledge Transfer Between Expatriates and Host Country Employees. Proceedings of the 69th Academy of Management Annual Meeting. (Submission #15651)139. United States: Academy of Management. Galvin P, Davies J & Singh PJ. 2012. Within and Between Network Rivalry: The US Motor Vehicle Industry 1993-2007. Strategic Management Society 32nd Annual International Conference. United States: Strategic Management Society. Gloet M & Samson DA. 2012. Knowledge Management and Innovation Performance in Australian Service Sector Organizations. 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Proceedings. 4032-4041. Hawaii, United States: Hawaii International Conference. Goelz M. 2012. The DecisionMaking Process Regarding International Location Choice: What We Know and Don’t Know (Yet). Fusion or Fracturing? Implications for International Business: Proceedings of the ANZIBA Annual Conference. 1-19. Newcastle, Australia: ANZIBA.

Goldsmith SK & Samson DA. 2012. Managing Water Under Uncertainty: Rebalancing Planning and Operations. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute. Atlanta, United States: Decision Sciences Institute. Goldsmith SK, Wallace J & Gan HS. 2012. Why Adaptive Management is Essential to Good Water Governance. Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Challenges. Australia: Engineers Australia. Hu W & Sun P. 2012. What Determines the Severity of Large Shareholder Expropriation in Transition China? Proceedings of The 32nd Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference. 1-9. United States: Strategic Management Society. Koehler T, Fischlmayr I, Saarinen E & Lainema T. 2012. Bringing the World Into Our Classrooms – The Benefits of Engaging Students in an International Business Simulation. Proceedings of the 28th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium. Bergen, Norway: European Group for Organisational Studies. Lam J, Singh PJ & Sethuraman K. 2012. Do Sustainability Practices Impact Firm’s Value? Evidence from Asia. Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 1-40. United States: Academy of Management. Osegowitsch T & Sammartino A. 2012. Home Regionalisation Trends And Performance Implications In The Automotive Supply Industry. In Soontiens W(ed), Proceedings of the ANZAM conference. 131.R1. Sydney, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Power DJ & Gruner RL. 2012. Supply Chain Integration Over Time: Comparing Technology Adoption, Integration and Trading Partner Collaboration Over a Ten Year Period. Proceedings of the 4th World P&OM Conference / 19th International EUROMA Conference. 1-10. Cambridge, United Kingdom: EUROMA. Reiche BS, Harzing AK & Pudelko M. 2012. The Role of Formal and Informal HeadquartersSubsidiary Relations in Multinational Corporations. Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. 1-39. East Lansing, Michigan, United States: Academy of International Business (AIB).

Report No. Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.

Ren S & Zhu Y. 2012. ‘Making Sense’ of Leadership in the People’s Republic of China. The Informal Economy. 1-37. United States: Academy of Management.

Seike A, Biggs S & Sargent LD. 2012. Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise? Report No. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum.

Ren S & Zhu Y. 2012. ‘Making Sense’ of Self-Development of Leadership Competencies Among Middle-Managers in China. Fusion or Fracturing? Implications for International Business: Proceedings of the ANZIBA Annual Conference. 1-24. Newcastle, Australia: ANZIBA.

Seike A, Biggs S & Sargent LD. 2012. Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise? Chapter 9: Organizational Adaptation and Human Resource Needs for an Ageing Population. Report No , for World Economic Forum. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum.

Roffe JD, Mol JM & Pierides DC. 2012. Price, Value and the Market: The Challenge of Ayache. Proceedings of the 28th EGOS Colloquium. 1-21. Berlin, Germany: EGOS. Sargent LD, Seibert S, Kraimer M & Kiazad K. 2012. Developing Leaders: The Role of Human and Social Capital. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference. 1-46. United States: Academy of Management. Singh AA & Singh PJ. 2012. Testing the Sand-Cone Model of Operations Strategy. In Sohal A, Singh P & Prajogo D(eds), Proceedings of the 10th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium. 1-15. Sydney, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Singh AA, Singh PJ & Power DJ. 2012. Testing an Integrated Model of Operations Capabilities: An Empirical Study of Australian Airlines. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012. 1-36. United States: Academy of Management. Tay H, Bhakoo V & Singh PJ. 2012. Redundancy in Healthcare Operations – A Broader View. In Sohal A, Singh P & Prajogo D(eds), Proceedings of the 10th ANZAM Operations, Supply Chain and Services Management Symposium. 1-15. Sydney, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.

Major reports and working papers Casler C, Zyphur MJ, Sewell G, Barsky A & Shackcloth R. 2012. Rising to the Agility Challenge: Continuous Adaptation in a Turbulent World. Report No. Australia: PricewaterhouseCoopers. Forsyth A, Gahan PG, Howe JB & Landau IM. 2012. Fair Work Australia’s Influence in the Enterprise Bargaining Process.

Minor reports and working papers Bosua R, Gloet MB, Kurnia S, Mendoza A & Yong J. 2012. Telework, Productivity and Wellbeing. Report No. Melbourne, Australia: Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society.

Melbourne Institute Authored research books Williams RA. 2012. The Policy Providers: A History of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, 1962-2012. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne University Publishing.

Textbooks Griffiths WE, Hill RC & Lim G. 2012. Using EViews for Principles of Econometrics. New York, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Research book chapters Burkhauser RV. 2012. Deconstructing European Poverty Measures. In Besharov D & Couch K (eds), Counting the Poor: New Thinking About European Poverty Measures and Lessons for the United States. United States: Oxford University Press, pp. 79-91. Garnaut RG. 2012. Indonesia in the New World Balance. In Reid A (ed), The Repositioning of Asia’s Third Giant. Pasir Panjang, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 14-27. Headey BW, Krause P & Wagner G. 2012. Poverty Redefined as Low Consumption and Low Wealth, Not Just Low Income: Psychological Consequences in Australia and Germany. In Besharov D & Couch K (eds), Counting the Poor: New Thinking About European Poverty Measures and Lessons for the United States. New York, United States: Oxford University Press, pp. 363-384.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 85

Huang V, Weatherall K & Webster EM. 2012. The Use of Survey Evidence in Australian Trade Mark and Passing-off Cases. In Kenyon A, Richardson M & Wee LN (eds), The Law of Reputation and Brands in the Asia Pacific. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, pp. 181-202.

Book chapters other Callan T, Van De Ven JW & Keane C. 2012. A Framework for Pension Policy Analysis in Ireland: PENMOD, a Dynamic Simulation Model. In Callan T & O’Connell P (eds), Analysing Pensions: Modelling and Policy Issues. California, United States: ESRI, pp. Marks G. 2012. Determinants of Subjective Wellbeing. In Wilkins R & Warren D (eds), Families, Incomes and Jobs, Volume 7: A Statistical Report on Waves 1 to 9 of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, pp. Pincus J & Sloan J. 2012. The Economic Effects of Population Growth and Migration. In Pincus J & Hugo G (eds), A Greater Australia: Population, policies and governance. Melbourne, Australia: CEDA, pp. Van De Ven JW. 2012. Do Defined Contribution Pensions Correct for Short-Sighted Savings Decisions? Evidence from the UK. In Callan T & O’Connell P (eds), Analysing Pensions: Modelling and Policy Issues. Ireland: The Economic and Social Research Institute, pp.

Journal articles refereed Azpitarte F. 2012. Measuring Poverty Using Both Income and Wealth: A cross-country comparison between the US and Spain. Review of Income and Wealth. 58 (1): 24-50. Black D, Polidano C & Tseng Y. 2012. The re-engagement in education of early school leavers. Australian Economic Papers. 31 (2): 202-215. Buddelmeyer H, Herault N, Kalb GR & Van Zijll De Jong M. 2012. Linking a Microsimulation Model to a Dynamic CGE Model: Climate change mitigation policies and income distribution in Australia. International Journal of Microsimulation. 5 (2): 40-58. Burkhauser R & Daly M. 2012. Social Security Disability Insurance: Time for fundamental change. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 31 (1): 454-461.

Burkhauser R, Larrimore J & Simon K. 2012. A second opinion on the economic health of the American middle class. National Tax Journal. 65 (1): 7-32. Burkhauser RV, Feng S, Jenkins S & Larrimore J. 2012. Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling estimates from March CPS and IRS tax return data. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 94 (2): 371-388. Burkhauser RV, Schmeiser M & Weathers R. 2012. The importance of antidiscrimination and workers’ compensation laws on the provision of workplace accommodations following the onset of a disability. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 65 (1): 161-180. Cai L & Waddoups C. 2012. Unobserved heterogeneity, job training and the employer size–wage effect in Australia. Australian Economic Review. 45 (2): 158-175. Cheng TC, Scott A, Jeon S, Kalb G, Humphreys J & Joyce CM. 2012. What factors influence the earnings of general practitioners and medical specialists? Evidence from the medicine in Australia: balancing employment and life survey. Health Economics. 21 (11): 1300-1317. Choi K, Tienda M, CobbClark DA & Sinning M. 2012. Immigration and status exchange in Australia and the United States. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 30 (1): 49-62. Chua MC, Lim G & Tsiaplias S. 2012. A latent variable approach to forecasting the unemployment rate. Journal of Forecasting. 31 (3): 229-244. Chua MC, Suardi s & Tsiaplias s. 2012. An impulse-response function for a VAR with multivariate GARCH-in-Mean that incorporates direct and indirect transmission of shocks. Economics Letters. 117 (2): 452-454. Claus E & Dungey . 2012. U.S. Monetary Policy Surprises: Identification with shifts and rotations in the term structure. Journal of Money, Credit & Banking. 44 (7): 1443-1453. Claus E & Lucey . 2012. Equity Market Integration in the Asia Pacific Region: Evidence from discount factors. Research in International Business and Finance. 26 (2): 137-163.

86 Faculty of Business and Economics

Cobb-Clark DA. 2012. That pesky problem of persistent gender bias. Australian Economic Review. 45 (2): 211-215. Cobb-Clark DA & Nguyen T. 2012. Educational Attainment across Generations: The role of immigration background. The Economic Record. 88 (283): 554-575. Cobb-Clark DA & Ribar DC. 2012. Financial stress, family relationships and Australian youths’ transitions from home and school. Review of Economics of the Household. 10 (4): 469-490. Cobb-Clark DA, Ryan C & Sartbayeva A. 2012. Taking Chances: The effect of growing up on welfare on the risky behavior of young people. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 114 (3): 729-755. Cobb-Clark DA & Schurer S. 2012. The stability of Big-Five personality traits. Economics Letters. 115 (1): 11-15. Cobb-Clark DA, Sinning M & Stillman S. 2012. Migrant Youths’ Educational Achievement: The role of institutions. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. 643 (1): 18-45. Cohen-Zada D & Justman M. 2012. Affinity and tension between religious denominations: Evidence from private school enrolment. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 42 (6): 950-960. Creedy J & Herault N. 2012. Welfare-Improving Income Tax Reforms: A microsimulation analysis. Oxford Economic Papers. 64 (1): 128-150. De Rassenfosse G. 2012. How SMEs exploit their intellectual property assets: Evidence from survey data. Small Business Economics. 39 (2): 437-452. De Rassenfosse G & Van Pottelsberghe De La Potterie B. 2012. On the price elasticity of demand for patents. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 74 (1): 58-77.

Greenwood-Nimmo , Nguyen VH & Shin . 2012. Probabilistic forecasting of output growth, inflation and the balance of trade in a GVAR framework. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 27: 554-573. Hanel B. 2012. The effect of disability pension incentives on early retirement decisions. Labour Economics. 19 (4): 595607. Hanel B & Riphahn R. 2012. The Timing of Retirement: Evidence from Swiss female workers. Labour Economics. 19 (5): 718728. Hanel B & Riphahn RT. 2012. The Employment of Mothers – Recent developments and their determinants in east and west Germany. Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik: journal of economics and statistics. 232 (2): 146-176. Herault N, Kostenko W, Marks G & Zakirova R. 2012. The effects of macroeconomic conditions on the education and employment outcomes of youth. Australian Journal of Labour Economics. 15 (1): 17-36. Humphreys JS, Mcgrail MR, Joyce CM, Scott A & Kalb G. 2012. Who should receive recruitment and retention incentives? Improved targeting of rural doctors using medical workforce data. Australian Journal of Rural Health. 20 (1): 3-10. Hunter L, Webster EM & Wyatt A. 2012. Accounting for expenditure on intangibles. Abacus. 48 (1): 104-145. Kassenboehmer SC & HaiskenDeNew JP. 2012. Heresy or Enlightenment? The well-being age U-shape effect is flat. Economics Letters. 117 (1): 235-238. Kecmanovic M. 2012. Men’s wage inequality in Serbia’s transition. Economic Systems. 36: 65-86.

Dixon R & Lim G. 2012. A univariate model of aggregate labour productivity. Applied Economics. 44 (5): 581-585.

Le TV, Gibson & Stillman. 2012. Wealth and saving in New Zealand: Evidence from the longitudinal survey of family, income and employment. New Zealand Economic Papers. 46 (2): 93-118.

Garnaut RG. 2012. The contemporary China resources boom. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 56 (2): 222-243.

Lim G, Chua MC, Claus E & Nguyen VH. 2012. Review of the Australian Economy 2011–12: A case of déjà vu. Australian Economic Review. 45 (1): 1-13.

Glasziou P, Buchan H, Del Mar C, Doust J, Harris M, Knight R, Scott A, Scott I & Stockwell A. 2012. When financial incentives do more good than harm. British Medical Journal. 345 (e5047): 1-5.

Lim GC & Mcnelis PD. 2012. Macroeconomic volatility and counterfactual inflation-targeting in Hong Kong. Pacific Economic Review. 17 (2): 304-325.

Lynagh M, Bonevski B, SansonFisher R, Symonds I, Scott A, Hall A & Oldmeadow C. 2012. An RCT protocol of varying financial incentive amounts for smoking cessation among pregnant women. BMC Public Health. 12: 1032. Mcgraila M, Humphreys J, Joycec C & Scott A. 2012. International medical graduates mandated to practise in rural Australia are highly unsatisfied: Results from a national survey of doctors. Health Policy. 108 (2): 133-139. Mcgrail M, Humphreys J, Joyce CM, Scott A & Kalb G. 2012. How do rural GPs’ workload and work activities differ with community size compared with metropolitan practice? Australian Journal of Primary Health. 18 (3): 228-233. Mcguinness S, Webster EM & Mavromaras K. 2012. What are the characteristics of the employers of the low paid in Australia? Australian Bulletin of Labour. 38 (1): 26-47. Moschion J. 2012. Reconciling Work and Family Life: The effect of preschooling. Revue Economique. 63 (2): 187-214. Nicholls M, Johnston D & Shields M. 2012. Adverse birth factors predict cognitive ability, but not hand preference. Neuropsychology. 26 (5): 578-587.

Thomson RK & Webster EM. 2012. The design of R&D support schemes for industry. Economic Papers. 31 (4): 464-477. Van De Ven J. 2012. Implications of the National Employment Savings Trust for Vulnerable Sectors of the UK Labour Market: A reduced-form statistical evaluation. National Institute Economic Review. 219: 77-89. Watson SN & Wooden MP. 2012. The HILDA Survey: A case study in the design and development of a successful household panel study. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 3 (3): 369-381. Wilkins RK & Leigh A. 2012. Effects of Temporary In-Work Benefits for Welfare Recipients: Examination of the Australian working for credit program. Fiscal Studies. 33 (3): 335-369. Williams RA. 2012. History of Federal–State Fiscal Relations in Australia: A review of the methodologies used. Australian Economic Review. 45 (2): 145-157. Wooden MP, Bevitt AJ, Chigavazira AT, Greer N, Johnson G, Killackey EJ, Moschion J, Scutella R, Tseng Y & Watson SN. 2012. Introducing ‘Journeys Home’. Australian Economic Review. 45 (3): 368-378.

Journal articles (unrefereed)

Peyton K & Belasen A. 2012. Corruption in Emerging and Developing Economies: Evidence from a pooled cross-section. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade. 48 (2): 29-43.

Justman M & Gllboa Y. 2012. The Scope for Promoting Equal Opportunity in Education: Evidence from the Kibbutz. Education Finance and Policy. 7 (4): 489-515.

Sabia J, Burkhauser RV & Hansen B. 2012. Are the Effects of Minimum Wage Increases Always Small? New evidence from a case study of New York State. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 65 (2): 350-376.

Peyton K. 2012. Ethics and politics in field experiments. Newsletter of the APSA. 3 (1).

Scott A. 2012. Paying for the health workforce. Medical Journal of Australia. 1 Suppl 3: 29-31. Sivey P. 2012. The effect of waiting time and distance on hospital choice for English cataract patients. Health Economics. 21 (4): 444-456. Sivey PM, Scott A, Witt J, Joyce C & Humphreys J. 2012. Junior doctors’ preferences for specialty choice. Journal of Health Economics. 31 (6): 813-823.

Sloan J. 2012. How women are faring in the Australian labour market. Australian Economic Review. 45 (2).

Journal articles (unrefereed letters or notes) Jensen PH. 2012. Innovative China: Trends, challenges and opportunities. Australian Economic Review. 45 (4): 455456. Scutella R. 2012. Down and Out: Poverty and social exclusion in Australia. Economic and Labour Relations Review. 23 (4): 127-132.

Other refereed contribution to refereed journals Brumby J. 2012. Embracing the China of tomorrow. Australian Economic Review. 45 (4): 475477. Scott A, Cobb-Clark D & Clarke P. 2012. Intergen+10: Clarifying the crystal ball. Australian Economic Review. 45 (3): 325326.

Major reference works Berg N, Jha N & Murdoch JC. 2012. International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Risk in Housing Markets. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Science. Summerfield M, Freidin SP, Hahn MH, Ittak P, Li N, Macalalad N, Watson SN, Wilkins RK & Wooden MP. 2012. HILDA User Manual - Release 11. HILDA User Manual - Release 11. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Wooden MP. 2012. Families, Incomes and Jobs, Volume 7: A Statistical Report on Waves 1 to 9 of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Hours of Work and Job Mobility. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Wooden MP. 2012. Families, Incomes and Jobs, Volume 7: A Statistical Report on Waves 1 to 9 of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. The Stability of Personality Traits. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Full written papers refereed Palangkaraya A. 2012. The Link Between Innovation and Export: Evidence from Australia’s small and medium enterprises. In Doughney J & Van Hoa T(eds), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41ST AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE OF ECONOMISTS. Melbourne, Australia: Victoria University.

Full written papers (unrefereed) Gregg P, Scutella R & Vittori C. 2012. An integrated framework for the analysis of inequality reducing mobility. Proceedings of the European Society of Population Economics. London, United Kingdom: European Society for Population Economics.

Major reports and working papers Azpitarte F. 2012. Was Economic Growth in Australia Good for the Income-Poor? And for the Multidimensionally-Poor? Report No 278. Palma de Mallorca, Spain: Society for the Study of Economic Inequality. Coelli MB, Tabasso D & Zakirova R. 2012. Studying Beyond Age 25: Who Does it and What Do They Gain? Report No . Adelaide, Australia: NCVER. Headey BW, Muffels R & Wagner G. 2012. Parents Transmit Happiness Along with Associated Values and Behaviors to their Children – A Lifelong Happiness Dividend? Report No 492. Berlin, Germany: DIW Berlin. Homel J, Mavisakalyan A, Nguyen H & Ryan C. 2012. School Completion: What We Learn From Different Measures of Family Background. Report No . Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia. Johnston D, Schurer S & Shields M. 2012. Maternal Gender Role Attitudes, Human Capital Investment, and Labour Supply of Sons and Daughters. Report No 6656. Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labour. Kalb GR, Le TV, Hunter & Leung SC. 2012. Decomposing Differences in Labour Force Status Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians. Report No 20/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Palangkaraya A, Webster EM & Cherastidtham I. 2012. Evidence-Based Policy: Data Needed for Robust Evaluation of Industry Policies. Report No for Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Researcha and Tertiary Education. Melbourne, Australia: The University of Melbourne. Ryan C & Sinning M. 2012. The Training Requirements of Foreign-Born Workers in Different Countries. Report No . Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia. Scott A & Li J. 2012. The Effects of Medical Graduate Expansion in Australia. Report No March. Australia: Health Workforce Australia. Scott A, Sivey PM, Cheng TC, Joyce CM, Duffield C & Turner C. 2012. Patterns and Determinants of Medical and Nursing Workforce Exits. Report No . Australia: Health Workforce Australia.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 87

Scutella R, Johnson G, Moschion J, Tseng Y & Wooden MP. 2012. Journeys Home Research Report No. 1: Wave 1 findings. Report No. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Stillman, Le TV, Gibson, Hyslop & Mare. 2012. The Relationship between Individual Labour Market Outcomes, Household Income and Expenditure, and Inequality and Poverty in New Zealand from 1983 to 2003. Report No 12-02. Wellington, New Zealand: Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. Wilkins RK & Warren DA. 2012. Families, Incomes and Jobs, Volume 7: A Statistical Report on Waves 1 to 9 of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Report No 1. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Williams RA, De Rassenfosse G, Jensen PH & Marginson SW. 2012. U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems 2012. Report No , for Universitas 21. Birmingham, United Kingdom: Universitas 21. Yan W, Sivey PM, Scott A, Kuehnle DF, Cheng TC, Leahy AE & Jeon S. 2012. MABEL User Manual: Wave 3 Release. Report No March. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Minor reports and working papers Azpitarte F & Alonso-Villar O. 2012. A Dominance Criterion for Measuring Income Inequality from a Centrist View: The Case of Australia. Report No 3/12. Parkville, Australia: University of Melbourne. Cobb-Clark DA & Gorgens T. 2012. Parents’ Economic Support of Young-Adult Children: Do Socioeconomic Circumstances Matter? Report No 4/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Cobb-Clark DA, Hanel B & Mcvicar DT. 2012. Immigrant Wage and Employment Assimilation: A Comparison of Methods. Report No Working Paper No. 28/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Cobb-Clark DA, Kassenboehmer SC & Schurer S. 2012. Healthy Habits: The Connection between Diet, Exercise, and Locus of Control. Report No 15/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Kind M & Haisken-DeNew JP. 2012. Unexpected Victims: How Parents’ Unemployment Affects Their Children’s Life Satisfaction. Report No 2/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

De Rassenfosse G, Dernis H, Guellec D, Picci L & Van Pottelsberghe De La Potterie B. 2012. The Worldwide Count of Priority Patents: A New Indicator of Inventive Activity. Report No 23/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Mcguinness S, Wooden MP & Hahn MH. 2012. Job Insecurity and Future Labour Market Outcomes. Report No 12/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Feddersen J, Metcalfe R & Wooden MP. 2012. Subjective Well-Being: Weather Matters; Climate Doesn’t. Report No 25. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Fok Y & Mcvicar DT. 2012. Did the 2007 Welfare Reforms for Low Income Parents in Australia Increase Welfare Exits? Report No 1/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Greenwood-Nimmo M, Nguyen VH & Shin Y. 2012. International Linkages of the Korean Economy: The Global Vector Error-Correcting Macroeconometric Modelling Approach. Report No 18/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Gregg P, Scutella R & Vittori C. 2012. Earnings Mobility and Inequality: An Integrated Framework. Report No. 26/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Hanel B. 2012. The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Labour Market Outcomes. Report No 19/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Hanel B, Kalb GR & Scott A. 2012. Nurses’ Labour Supply Elasticities: The Importance of Accounting for Extensive Margins. Report No 9/12. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Kind M & Haisken-DeNew JP. 2012. Sons’ Unexpected Long Term Scarring Due to Fathers’ Unemployment. Report No 21/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

88 Faculty of Business and Economics

Mcvicar DT. 2012. Cross Country Estimates of Peer Effects in Adolescent Smoking Using IV and School Fixed Effects. Report No 7/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Scott A, Witt J, Humphreys J, Joyce C, Kalb GR, Jeon S & Mcgrail M. 2012. Getting Doctors into the Bush: General Practitioners’ Preferences for Rural Location. Report No 13/12. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Scutella R & Johnson G. 2012. Locating and Designing ‘Journeys Home’: A Literature Review. Report No No. 11/12. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Thomson RK. 2012. Measures of R&D Tax Incentives for OECD Countries. Report No 17. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Mcvicar DT & Polanski A. 2012. Peer Effects in UK Adolescent Substance Use: Never Mind the Classmates? Report No 8/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Watson SN. 2012. Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Weighting Methodology for the HILDA Survey. Report No 2/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Moriarty J, Mcvicar DT & Higgins K. 2012. Peer Effects in Adolescent Cannabis Use: It’s the Friends, Stupid. Report No 27. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Watson SN & Wilkins RK. 2012. The Impact of ComputerAssisted Interviewing on Interview Length. Report No 10/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Polidano C, Hanel B & Buddelmeyer H. 2012. Explaining the SES School Completion Gap. Report No16/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Polidano C, Tabasso D & Tseng Y. 2012. A Second Chance at Education for Early School Leavers. Report No 14/12. Parkville, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Polidano C & Vu H. 2012. Labour Market Impacts from Disability Onset. Report No 22/12. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Schurer S, Kuehnle D, Scott A & Cheng TC. 2012. One Man’s Blessing, Another Woman’s Curse? Family Factors and the Gender-Earnings Gap of Doctors. Report No 24. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Annual Report 2012 Outlook 2013 89

Faculty of Business and Economics The University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 Australia Phone: + 61 3 8344 5311 www.fbe.unimelb.edu.au

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