BCom Student Experience Guide 2014

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ENRICH EXPERIENCE ENHANCE As a University of Melbourne Bachelor of Commerce student, you have access to a wide range of unique programs and activities specifically developed to enhance and complement your BCom degree. Developing your leadership and teamwork skills, expanding your global perspective and tapping into professional networks can give you the tools required to set yourself apart from other graduates. These activities will also give you the opportunity to put your academic skills into practice – making your BCom studies come to life! Research shows that you will be better able to succeed in both your studies and your personal development when you take the opportunity to spend time on campus in both academic and extracurricular activities. So, where do you start? There are a range of possibilities listed here in this Student Experience Guide and another great place to start is the Commerce Student Centre, Student Experience website: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience The Student Experience website is continuously updated with the latest activities and news informing you of upcoming opportunities. You should also join our Facebook group to chat and connect with other BCom students and hear about the latest activities. The Student Experience E3 Expo held in March and August each year is an enrichment showcase of opportunities and one you should put in your diary. Each year of your BCom degree brings many new and exciting programs for you to be involved in. Don’t leave it too late to check out the opportunities available to you. Be involved in university life and make the most of the programs that have been created for you. These experiences are what make the Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne unique and will provide you with the competitive edge that employers are looking for. Professor Paul Kofman Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics Sidney Myer Chair of Commerce

Get involved in: • Academic Enrichment & Orientation • Community, Leadership & Volunteering • Global Mobility • Professional Enhancement

CONTENTS Student Profiles ........................................... 02-05

Professional Enhancement ......................... 14-19

Daniel Tram.......................................................... 02

Capstone Studies................................................. 14

Beryl Yan.............................................................. 03

Case Study Competitions..................................... 15

Simon Matthews.................................................. 04

Career Development Opportunities.................. 16-18

Lorna Hu.............................................................. 05

First Year Leadership Forum................................. 19

Academic Enrichment and Orientation...... 06-07 First Year BCom Network..................................... 06 Consultations with Learning Advisers.................... 07

Professional Memberships.................................... 19 Future Leaders Forum.......................................... 19 Creating Future Leaders Series ............................ 19

Giblin Eunson Library............................................ 07

Find Out What’s On........................................... 20

Concurrent Diplomas............................................ 07

Website................................................................ 20

Community, Leadership and Volunteering.... 08-09 Student Clubs and Societies ................................ 08 Community Volunteering ...................................... 08 Leaders in Communities Award ........................... 09

Facebook............................................................. 20 BCom News – E-newsletter.................................. 20 Student Experience E3 Expo................................ 20 BCom Graduation Party ...................................... 20

Orientation Host Program..................................... 09 Global Mobility ............................................. 10-13 Exchange............................................................. 10 Study Abroad....................................................... 11 MGMT30017 Global Management Consulting ..... 11 ACCT30011 International Accounting

SUGGESTED APPS FOR BCOM STUDENTS We’ve compiled a handy list of apps to help make the most of your BCom experience! There are all sorts of apps throughout this guide, so use the colour coding below to help find the apps most useful for you.

Study Program..................................................... 12

New to Melbourne?

ComMExchange .................................................. 12

Apps for every UniMelb student

U21 Summer School, Undergraduate Research Conference and Social Entrepreneur Corps.......... 13 U21 Global Issues Program.................................. 13

Get organised Healthy mind and body

Disclaimer: Information regarding the content and functionality of mobile applications listed in this publication was correct at the time of printing. The University of Melbourne does not endorse the use of these applications and use of the applications listed in this publication does not benefit the University commercially or otherwise.


STUDENT PROFILES Daniel Tram, Bachelor of Commerce 2013 “My experience of studying commerce at the University of Melbourne has far exceeded my initial expectations. I have travelled the globe with the support of the faculty, met amazing people all around the world, and learnt so much. Nowadays knowledge is a commodity. What sets universities apart are the extra-curricular experiences they can offer, and the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne sits far above any other Australian University in that respect. The biggest piece of advice that I could give new students is to throw yourself into the plethora of opportunities that you are given. When I first walked around university during O-week little did I know that within my first two years I would be debating in South Korea, working in Cambodia with a Microfinance Organisation, and travelling to Los Angeles to compete in a case competition. Not only do these activities allow you to take your degree to the next level, but you also get to meet fantastic people.� Daniel Tram graduated from the Bachelor of Commerce in 2013. Daniel began a graduate position with AT Kearney as a business analyst in 2014 and is also a maths tutor for Connect Education.


Beryl Yan, Bachelor of Commerce 2013 “Through my participation in the various student experience activities offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics, I have been able to enrich my learning and explore a range of career outcomes that a degree in Commerce can offer. Case competitions and internships have helped me develop professional skills essential to career development as well as giving me an opportunity to apply the knowledge I have learnt in the classroom to a real life setting. I strongly believe that student experience activities have added significantly to the enjoyment of my studies and has helped foster both professional and personal skills that will be invaluable in the future. My decision to pursue the Juris Doctor in 2014 was heavily influenced by my experiences in the Bachelor of Commerce. Majoring in accounting, I had the opportunity to study breadth subjects offered by the Law School such as Corporate Law and Tax Law. Having thoroughly enjoyed these subjects, I was motivated to apply for postgraduate studies in law. In addition, I was exposed to the legal aspects of business during my internship and found myself wanting to learn more.� After graduating from the Bachelor of Commerce in 2013, Beryl has continued her education at the University of Melbourne by beginning the Juris Doctor in 2014.


STUDENT PROFILES Simon Matthews, Bachelor of Commerce, DIPLOMA IN LANGUAGES, 2015 “I have spent a lot of time volunteering at The Huddle, as a tutor for the Mathematics clinic. It feels great to be helping others and being active in the community, and I feel that it has really developed me as a person. I’ve also made wonderful friends and connections, and have had the opportunity to really hone my communication and presentation skills. I am also studying a concurrent diploma in Chinese. It’s great to be able to break up your normal studies with something totally different, but extremely complementary. I feel that I am equipping myself for the future, and giving myself an important skill that cannot be overlooked.” Simon will graduate from his Bachelor of Commerce/ Diploma in Languages at the completion of semester 1, 2015. After graduating, Simon plans to travel, furthering his skills in Chinese before undertaking an honours year in economics.


Lorna Hu, Bachelor of Commerce, 2013 “The most enjoyable aspect of the course is being given the option to balance the rigour of the academic learning with an array of professional development opportunities, such as case competitions and leadership forums. To be able to apply what I absorbed in the classroom to real world scenarios has truly enhanced my university experience and employability in the business world. As the Founding President of Banking on Women, I have been privileged to collaborate with some of the most driven and intelligent students within the Faculty of Business and Economics. This has been an immensely enriching and inspiring experience for me, particularly in the way that my cause has brought together a group of high-potential students who want to make a difference in the real world.� Lorna graduated from the Bachelor of Commerce in 2013. In 2014, Lorna is undertaking an honours year in finance. After honours, Lorna plans to work in the financial services industry. In the future, Lorna also intends to pursue the Master of Business Administration at the University of Melbourne.


Academic enrichment & orientation If you are a new BCom student, take advantage of transition, orientation and support services offered to assist your adjustment to University life. As a Bachelor of Commerce student, you can participate in specialist workshops as a pupil or Peer Leader as part of the BCom Network. You will also find a range of services provided by Academic Skills such as time management and effective note taking resources and at the Giblin Eunson Library such as printing, scanning, copying and IT assistance. Opportunities include: • First Year BCom Network • Consultations with Learning Advisers • Library Services • Concurrent Diplomas

FIRST YEAR BCom NETWORK The First Year BCom Network is a fantastic way for new first year students to learn about the University and the Faculty of Business and Economics from their peers! Small groups of new BCom students are led by later year students who have volunteered and trained to be mentors in the network. Groups meet once a week for four weeks over the semester, commencing in Week One. By participating in the program new students will be provided with a support network, opportunities to meet new people and a chance to ask experienced students all sorts of questions. Taking up the opportunity to learn from

Blackboard Mobile Learn: access the LMS from your mobile. Check information, access subject materials, and perform many tasks from your mobile device without going through an internet browser on a desktop or laptop. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)


“Being a mentor as part of the BCom Network has allowed me to recreate the support network which I found so invaluable during my first semester at Melbourne. It was great to share advice and answer questions, and extremely rewarding to see those in my group grow over the course of the program. I highly recommend all new students to become mentees, and returning students to consider mentoring.” - KIRSTY HA an experienced peer is not only a great way to familiarise yourself with new surroundings, fast-tracking that ‘I belong here’ feeling, but being part of a mentoring relationship is also a great way to build up your practical skills. Later year students who volunteer as mentors will be able to share their experiences and give back to the University community, meet new people and develop their leadership, communication and organisational skills. Mentors and mentees can also contribute their participation in the program towards the Leaders in Communities Award. For more information, please visit: msl.unimelb. edu.au/awards For more information about the BCom Network, please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/academic/ bcom_network

MELBOURNE VISITOR GUIDE: the best way to explore Melbourne’s hidden gems; from laneway bars to world class events and festivals. Features interactive maps and public transport information. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

GIBLIN EUNSON LIBRARY The Giblin Eunson Library located on the ground floor of the Business and Economics Building has a range of services to assist you as a student in the Faculty of Business and Economics. Some of the general services available through the Giblin Eunson Library include printing, scanning, copying, self-checkout for books, prescribed readings held in the High Use Collection and IT support at the Information Desk. There’s now an online booking system for express computers and group project rooms for study. During the first few weeks of semester, there will be Host Library Tours so make sure you visit the library to find out more or visit: library.unimelb.edu.au/ libraries/bee/services



The University of Melbourne has a number of diplomas that are available to take concurrently with your Bachelor of Commerce. These diplomas offer you the opportunity to pursue and specialise in areas beyond the BCom.

Appointments with a Learning Adviser are available through Academic Skills. The advisers can help you develop effective study skills, academic language and writing skills.

Concurrent diplomas include:

Some of the most popular resources within Academic Skills include the following:

• Diploma in Mathematical Sciences

Taking notes from texts

• Diploma in Informatics

Tertiary Essay Writing

If you are interested in pursuing a career internationally, or are interested in our Global Mobility programs, you may be interested in the Diploma in Languages or the U21 Diploma in Global Issues.

Using Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism Managing Time and Tasks Active Learning AIRport Undergrad Writing Course More information about services offered through Academic Skills are available at: services.unimelb.edu.au/academicskills

• U21 Diploma in Global Issues • Diploma in Languages • Diploma in Music (Practical)

You can find out more about these programs by contacting the Commerce Student Centre at commerce-courseadvice@unimelb.edu.au or through the University Handbook: handbook.unimelb.edu.au


community, leadership & volunteering COMMUNITY, LEADERSHIP & VOLUNTEERING Become involved in a variety of leadership, community engagement and volunteering activities to develop your skills and enhance your social and professional networks. Add value to your degree through involvement in: • Student Clubs and Societies • Community Volunteering • Leaders in Communities Award • Orientation Host Program To find out more please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/community

STUDENT CLUBS AND SOCIETIES The University of Melbourne Student Union has over 100 affiliated Clubs and Societies, offering a diverse range of group activities including sport, culture, religion, politics, music and many, many more. To find out more: union. unimelb.edu.au/clubs In addition, the Faculty of Business and Economics supports a number of affiliated commerce-related Clubs and Societies that organise regular programs and activities for their members. These activities typically include academic support programs, volunteering and community development projects, professional enhancement and networking events, entrepreneurial opportunities, competition participation and social gatherings. An up-to-date list of Faculty of Business and Economics affiliated clubs and societies can be found on our website: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/community/ clubs_socs Membership of a club or society is an excellent way to meet new people, expand your interests, foster team work and take on leadership roles whilst studying.


Joining student societies was the best decision I made in my first year at the University of Melbourne. I have met a terrific group of like-minded people who not only provide an indispensable support network for studying, but who are also great friends. It’s a fantastic feeling to work within the committee of a society for a common cause and it also helps to solidify skills such as leadership, interpersonal communication and teamwork. - CHRISTIE PARKINSON Active member of the Commerce Students’ Society (CSS) & Banking on Women (BOW)

COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERING Extensive information about a range of on and off-campus community volunteering and leadership programs is available through Careers and Employment. On the Careers and Employment website, there is a range of services to support students with volunteering and volunteer management.

For more information please visit: careers.unimelb.edu.au/ student/how_to_build_my_skills/volunteering_community If you would like to participate in a volunteering opportunity as part of your BCom degree, you may wish to undertake a breadth subject in the Faculty of Arts: MULT20012 Community Volunteering for Change (second year subject) or MULT30020 Community Volunteering for Change (third year subject). For more information: arts.unimelb.edu.au/arts-student-centre/options/ community-volunteering

ORIENTATION HOST PROGRAM Give new students a positive start to their first year by becoming an Orientation Host; it is a great way to help new students settle in to uni-life. By sharing your experiences with new students you can make a real difference to your student community, whilst gaining some valuable skills for your resume. Applications generally open in October each year. To find out more see the Transition and Orientation website at: union.unimelb.edu.au/volunteer

LEADERS IN COMMUNITIES AWARD The Leaders in Communities Award provides University of Melbourne students with a framework to engage with the university and wider community and gain the professional skills and experience valued by employers. This self-paced award provides a structure to gain recognition for your extra-curricular leadership and volunteering activities and develop your career related skills and networks. Successful completion of the Award is recorded on your Academic Transcript of Results and your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement. The Award aims to: • Formally acknowledge students’ extra-curricular contributions • Provide avenues for students to build social and career networks • Encourage the development of key skills and graduate attributes • Push personal boundaries and enhance self-awareness • Foster a sense of community spirit and active citizenship To find out more visit: msl.unimelb.edu.au/awards-grants -initiatives/leaders

“When considering an internship opportunity or role post-graduation, it is important to demonstrate to prospective employers that you have a variety of interests and co-curricular experiences behind you. These days taking part in student society committees, team sports, volunteer work and paid employment is just as important as what you study and how well you study it. Team members with diversity of thought, experience and background add considerable value to future employers, especially when crafting innovative and tailored solutions for their clients.” – CHRISTIAN JOHNSTON Managing Director, Head of Corporate Advisory in Australia & New Zealand for Goldman Sachs


GLOBAL MOBILITY Student mobility is an integral component of the education experience as the University of Melbourne seeks to broaden learning practices, not only across academic disciplines, but also across the globe. By participating in international programs you increase your international learning and cross-cultural exposure while adding diversity to your Bachelor of Commerce degree. Add value to your degree through: • Exchange • Study Abroad • MGMT30017 Global Management Consulting

Commerce can be combined with exchange for concurrent programs such as the Diploma in Languages and the U21 Diploma in Global Issues. Information sessions about applying for exchange run every semester and details of these are sent to students through the weekly BCom News, so make sure to look out for them. To find out more about exchange: www.mobility.unimelb.edu.au/outbound/exchange To find out more about how exchange can fit into your BCom course plan: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/ global_mobility/bcom/exchange

• ACCT30011 International Accounting Study Program • ComMExchange • U21 Summer School, Undergraduate Research Conference and Social Entrepreneur Corps • U21 Global Issues Program To find out more visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/global_mobility/bcom

EXCHANGE Each year over 100 BCom students study overseas on exchange programs at our partner universities across the world. By completing an exchange, you gain an international perspective on your studies, increase your understanding of the global business environment and develop your cross-cultural communication skills. It is also a wonderful opportunity to experience life in another country and even to practice a language.


Exchange studies, for either one or two full-time semesters, can be credited towards most of the majors offered in the BCom, as well as breadth or elective subjects. It is important to plan ahead for exchange as all compulsory BCom subjects must be completed at the University of Melbourne and application deadlines are nine months before the start of your exchange semester. Exchange for

I was fortunate enough to go on both an exchange and a study abroad – undoubtedly the best two decisions I made whilst studying at the University of Melbourne. After living in Melbourne all of my life, to live independently in a new country and be exposed to new languages and cultures taught me a lot about myself, and I also came to appreciate the things I love about Melbourne. – NICHOLAS TAYLOR –


students in their final year of the Bachelor of Commerce.

The Study Abroad program allows students to receive credits for independent study completed overseas. Students who are interested in studying at a university which is not a University of Melbourne partner institution are able to apply directly to their university of choice as a visiting student. If your study abroad is approved via the University of Melbourne’s online study abroad form and study plan approval process before you depart Australia, you will be able to have your studies credited upon your return.

Locations vary each year. There are twenty places per city. Past locations include:

Unlike exchange, there is no minimum subject load, so students can take as few subjects as they wish. Many students take a single subject overseas during the winter or summer break and credit it to their BCom through study abroad. This is ideal for students who do not want to go away for a whole semester or who are constrained by the subject requirements of their major and cannot fit in an exchange. To find out more about study abroad: mobility.unimelb.edu.au/outbound/study-abroad To find out more about how study abroad can fit into your BCom course plan: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/ global_mobility/bcom/study_abroad

MGMT30017 Global Management Consulting Global Management Consulting is a capstone experience that gives you the opportunity to complete an intensive business project overseas. This for-credit subject aims to develop your practical business competencies in an international setting and gain an in-country study experience where you experience the culture, society and business practices first hand whilst applying your business and management skills. Working in a multidisciplinary team of four, each team completes a consulting project for a company over a two week period, supported by an academic supervisor. This is offered during the summer and winter holidays to

• December: Chile • January: Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai and Bangkok • July: Shanghai, Singapore and Hong Kong Find out more: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/ global_mobility/bcom/global_consulting Lost On Campus: find every tutorial room, lab, lecture theatre, coffee shop, carpark, bus stop, sports field, toilet, even your nearest vending machine and free microwaves plus campus “secret locations”! (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

Breathe2Relax: a portable stress management tool designed to help stablise your mood, control your anger and manage your anxiety. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

Evernote: remember everything across all of the devices you use. Stay organized, save your ideas and improve productivity. Evernote lets you take notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders - and makes these notes completely searchable, whether you are at home, at work, or on the go. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

Tram Tracker: real-time schedule information for Melbourne trams. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

The University of Melbourne: find contact information for staff, campus maps and the latest news from the University. (Free from iTunes)


GLOBAL Mobility Students may choose to enrol in the for-credit subject or they can participate for the experience without enrolling in the subject. For the latest program details, please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/global_mobility/ bcom/intl_accounting


– PATRICK KELLY – International Accounting Study Program

ACCT30011 International Accounting Study Program The International Accounting Study Program is a unique capstone opportunity to travel, study and gain access to a range of leading business, educational and regulatory leaders in North America or Europe. You will gain invaluable insights into, and expand your knowledge of international business and accounting practices. You will also benefit by developing interpersonal skills and self-confidence in presenting to and speaking with hosts. Participants have had the opportunity to meet with key executives from organisations in the fields of entertainment, education, IT and manufacturing. Hosts in the USA have included Walt Disney, CBS-TV, IBM, and the principal regulatory and accounting bodies in North America: the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington DC, and the FASB in Connecticut. The European program includes visits to a range of organisations comprising Volkswagen (Autostadt) in Wolfsburg, Siemens in Munich, Nestle in Lausanne and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in London.


ComMExchange is a program which links incoming BCom Exchange and Study Abroad students with returning Exchange and Study Abroad students, within a social network. Running each semester, the program is designed to improve the quality and speed of incoming students’ transition and integration into their experience here at the Faculty of Business and Economics. ComMExchange is a forum to ask questions, learn about Melbourne, network with fellow global citizens and be a part of welcome events and social activities. We recruit a number of ComMExchange student leaders each semester. These student leaders provide tips and general information on Melbourne and student life to incoming students, as well as attend a few exchange-related social and promotional events throughout the semester. If you have been on exchange and would like to become a recognised student volunteer, please register your interest by contacting bcom-experience@unimelb.edu.au or find out more at fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/ global_mobility/bcom/commexchange

Dropbox: bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. After you install Dropbox on your computer, any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, your mobile device, and even the Dropbox website! With the Dropbox app, you can take everything that matters to you on the go. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

U21 Summer School, Undergraduate research conference and social entrepreneurs corps

I went to North America in July 2012 with the International Accounting Study Program. Our site visits were fantastic and we had the opportunity to meet with leaders in industry such as the CFO of Walt Disney Corp and with regulatory bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission. I made some great friends on the trip and also got to experience sights such as Hollywood, Niagara Falls and Times Square. – BELINDA BOYLE –

Public Transport Victoria/Metlink: schedules for trains, trams and buses throughout Victoria. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

Mayo Clinic Meditation: a clinically validated method of meditation you can easily practice using your iPhone or iPod. Developed by Mayo Clinic, this meditation program will help you feel more focused and relaxed throughout your day. (Paid from iTunes)

Through the University’s participation in the Universitas 21 network, a Summer School and Undergraduate Research Conference are held each year. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the U21 Social Entrepreneur Corps. The University of Melbourne sends a small group of student and staff representatives to these programs which are coordinated each year by different U21 member institutions. Eligible students participating in these U21 programs may have access to University funding. Themes and destinations for these programs change from year to year, and participation in these opportunities is selective, with faculties asked to nominate student and staff representatives. For more information: mobility.unimelb.edu.au/outbound/u21

U21 Global Issues Program The Global Issues Program (GIP) is a diploma program that can be taken concurrently with your BCom. Run jointly with the University’s Universitas 21 partner institutions, fifty percent of this diploma is taken through at least one other partner university, either online or by participating in a semester exchange. The program focuses on globalisation, global citizenship and world politics with electives in a wide range of subjects including international politics, law, development studies, economics and human rights. With six universities to choose from, you can take advantage of the GIP’s innovative structure, learning about global issues in a truly global context. For more information visit: mobility.unimelb.edu.au/ outbound/u21/gip/


professional enhancement Develop your professional skills in preparation for life beyond your Bachelor of Commerce degree. Identify your career goals and professional development plans through a wide range of programs throughout your degree. Add value to your degree through: • Capstone Studies • Case Study Competitions • Career Development Opportunities • First Year Leadership Forum • Professional Memberships • Future Leaders Forum • Creating Future Leaders Series To find out more visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/professional

Capstone studies A capstone experience allows you to integrate your knowledge and apply what you have learned over the course of your degree. The Commerce Student Centre currently offers three capstone subjects:

MGMT30012 Management Consulting

Work in a team of five on a semester-long consulting project for a wide range of clients from the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors based in Melbourne. Gain insight into the reality of a working environment while enhancing your communication, teamwork and organisational skills.

“Management Consulting provides students with the opportunity to expand their learning beyond the confines of lecture theatres and to apply their skills and knowledge to a real world business problem. In this process, they continue to develop personally, professionally and academically while adding real value to their client organisations.” - AUSTIN CHIA Management Consulting Subject Director, 2014

MGMT30017 Global Management Consulting Please refer to page 11 in the Global Mobility section.

ACCT30011 International Accounting Study Program Please refer to page 12 in the Global Mobility section.

For the latest Capstone Studies program details, please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/capstone


Haiku Deck: create presentations easily on your iPad or through the web interface. One of the key features is the integrated image search tool: when you type a word into Haiku Deck a set of Creative Commons licensed images will be shown for you to use in your presentations. (Free from iTunes or www.haikudeck.com)

Case Study Competitions Case study competitions allow you to work in a team to solve a real business problem under tight timelines and present your recommendations to a panel of judges comprising academics and business professionals.


Participate in an international case study competition and compete in a team of four against teams from other

I was selected to represent the University of Melbourne at the Marshall International Case Competition in Los Angeles in 2013. Spending my summer holidays training with the teams – developing numerous analytical, presentation, strategic thinking and teamwork skills - was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Growing together as a team and finally being able to go to the USA and meet students from around the world and present to high-calibre professionals was incredible and memorable. - ANITA DINSHAW -

premier international business schools. Gain communication, presentation, leadership and teamwork skills. For more go to: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/professional/ case_study/international_casecomps

Australian Undergraduate business Case Competition In 2014, a team of BCom students from the University of Melbourne will participate in the inaugural Australian Undergraduate Business Case Competition organised in conjunction with the UNSW and QUT. This competition will provide our selected students another opportunity to participate in a world class international competition.

Faculty of Business and Economics Case Study Competition

In addition to the international competitions, the Faculty of Business and Economics has also developed a campus based competition. This competition provides selected Bachelor of Commerce students the opportunity to develop their case competition skills and compete with other BCom students. See our video at: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/ experience/professional/case_study For more information on case study competitions, including upcoming competitions, please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/professionsal/case_study




As a Bachelor of Commerce student, you can access careers programs and services offered by two areas: the University’s central Careers & Employment service (located on Level 1, Alan Gilbert Building, Grattan Street), and the Business & Economics Careers Centre (located on level 1 of The Spot building).

Career Fairs and Employer Information Sessions

Careers Online (COL) and Business Careers Online keep you informed and up-to-date on all programs and events you can participate in. Careers Online is the University’s official jobs and career events database for students, recent graduates and alumni. Jobs advertised range from part-time/casual work, volunteering opportunities, professional full-time employment including graduate programs, summer work placements and internships and international positions. You can also use Careers Online to view and register for career seminars and events. For details please visit: careersonline.unimelb.edu.au Business Careers Online is the database specifically for Faculty of Business and Economics students, with business related career opportunities, events and resources. For details please visit: careersonline.unimelb.edu.au/ workgroups/business-and-economics-careers-centre

myCompass: an interactive self-help service that aims to promote resilience and wellbeing. Track your moods, write about them and view information and tips. You can also choose to do one of the modules designed to help you manage mild to moderate stress, anxiety and depression. (Free from www.mycompass.org.au)


UniSafe: the Safer Community Program (SCP) at the University of Melbourne app provides quick access to the SCP, and information, resources and tools to enhance your safety. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

Careers Fairs and Employer Information Sessions provide you with a chance to liaise with employers who are recruiting from your discipline and can offer you a graduate or vacation work position. There are a number of career fairs held each year including the Graduate Careers Fair (March) and the Employment Experience Fair (August). Employer information sessions are held throughout the year but most are held in March and April prior to the close of applications. For details please visit: careers.unimelb.edu.au/student/whats_on

Career Counselling and Resumé Review

Appointments can be booked online for one-on-one Career Counselling through Careers Online. In addition there are regular drop in sessions for quick career questions and to have your resumé checked. Details of the times and location of these sessions are available in the Commerce Student Centre and on the Careers & Employment website: careers.unimelb.edu.au/student/ come_and_see_us

Direct taxi bookings : Book via various apps including SilverTop Taxi, 13CABS & goCatch. You’ll be able to see the status of your booking and track your cab’s location as it approaches! (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

Google Apps: includes apps for Google Search, Google Docs, Google Books (Free and paid from www.google.com/mobile )

Online Career Tools

You can access a range of electronic resources to help you in your career preparation and employment search. Resources include video clips, job interview DVDs, Cam Studio presentations on career topics, online software programs to assist with career exploration, effective resumĂŠ preparation and completion of job applications. You can also download copies of seminars that have been delivered during the year. These are available at Online Career Tools: careers.unimelb.edu.au/student/online_ career_tools

Career Resources and Information

Valuable information and resources are available on the Careers & Employment website and you can register your preferences through Careers Online to receive a tailored Careers Online weekly bulletin updating you on career opportunities, employment and events relevant to your interests. More details at: careersonline.unimelb.edu.au

Your Career

Your Career seminars and workshops are designed to help you prepare for graduate employment opportunities. Topics covered include job applications, case studies, psychometric testing, Assessment Centres and interviews. For more information, visit: careers.unimelb.edu.au/ student/whats_on

Your Career: Commerce

Your Career: Commerce offers a range of career development seminars and workshops for first to final year Bachelor of Commerce students. Planning and preparation for your career should start from the first year. To maximise your employability and give yourself a competitive edge, come along to these sessions. You will have the opportunity to explore career options, improve your job seeking skills, learn more about how to build your networks and prepare for pathways to graduate employment or further study. Participating can assist you in achieving your career goals. Your Career: Commerce program is held each semester with additional intensive job search seminars scheduled for semester breaks, for those still seeking employment. This seminar series is designed to complement the general Your Career program run by Careers & Employment. To view the Your Career: Commerce program: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/experience/professional/Your _Career_Commerce To register your attendance to events listed on Careers Online: careersonline.unimelb.edu.au

Finding Optimism: helps you develop an understanding of your own mental health. It acts as a springboard to detect patterns in your health and develop strategies to proactively manage depression, bipolar disorder, and other mental health conditions. (Free from www.findingoptimism.com for all platforms)

FAIR: an app designed to help you understand and navigate common academic integrity issues. The app walks you through a series of common scenarios that can lead to breaches of academic integrity, like plagiarism, with advice on what to do and why it matters. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

Gumtree Australia: a convenient, fun, and easy way for people to buy, sell and find anything from furniture, clothes and collectables, to cars, business services, and jobs in their local community. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

GeniusScan: a scanner in your pocket. It enables you to quickly scan documents on the go and email the scans as JPEG or PDF with multiple pages. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)



Workplace Skills Workshops: provide specialised information and engagement opportunities on topics relevant to employment outcomes. Companies from the Inside sessions provide great insight into organisations, their culture, the career path and options offered and the recruitment process the companies use to attract talent.

Interview Stream: is an online system with more than 4000 pre-loaded questions to practise and record industry specific job interviews online.

More information about the Online CV Tool and Interview Stream is available through: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/careers/ undergraduate/business_careers_online

More information about Workplace Skills Workshops and Companies from the Inside is available through: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/careers/undergraduate/career_ circles_and_companies_from_the_inside

Career Mentoring Program: matches selected students

with industry mentors who will assist in identifying career goals and a professional development plan. A career mentor is able to provide you with information on industries, professions, and general work skills as well as advice and support with career direction, networking, skills assessment, job hunting and applications. The program in 2014 runs from April to October and you must attend a compulsory information session and submit an online application to be considered: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/careers/ undergraduate/career_mentoring_program

Online CV Tool: is a training tool that enables students to create a contemporary one or two page CV based on a contemporary template.


Math Alarm: wake up and get moving with this clever app. When the alarm sounds, simply answer the math problem and the alarm turns off. This minor mental activity is sure to jump-start your day and get you moving. And yes, there is a snooze button! (Various apps free and paid from iTunes and Google Play)

TED: Got 20 minutes before your next class? Be inspired by talks from the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less). The entire library is at your fingertips to browse at any time, even when you’re not online. (Free from iTunes and Google Play)

FIRST YEAR LEADERSHIP FORUM The First Year Leadership Forum will introduce you to the latest thinking about leadership, working in teams and understanding your own leadership preferences. By participating you will: • Hear from leaders in corporate, community and government sectors • Undertake exercises that directly prepare you for the compulsory Organisational Behaviour subject in second year • Undertake practical workshops and activities to develop your own leadership style and build your employability skills • Meet new friends and network with peers All first year students are invited to participate but you will need to register as places are limited. The forum is held late semester one and registrations will open approximately two months prior. For more information please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/ experience/professional/first_year_leadership

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Students have membership opportunities with a number of professional institutes and societies.

The Australian Marketing Institute

The Faculty of Business and Economics and the Department of Management and Marketing have a corporate membership agreement with the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI), which offers marketing students the opportunity for free annual AMI membership. The Australian Marketing Institute is the largest professional body for marketing practitioners nationally. The benefits of professional membership include gaining a competitive

advantage, keeping up to date with industry trends, networking with industry professionals and developing your transferable skills.


Accounting students are eligible for free student membership of the Accounting Professional Bodies - CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia. For more information please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/ experience/professional/prof_memberships

Future Leaders Forum The Future Leaders Forum is an annual one-day event dedicated to enriching the learning experiences of 100 of our most talented Bachelor of Commerce students. The forum contributes to the students’ understanding of the importance and relevance of commerce studies. The event provides a range of rich opportunities for meeting and networking with business and community leaders and other high-achieving students. Participation is generally by invitation with some places reserved for students to apply: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/ experience/professional/future_leaders_forum

Creating Future Leaders Series Be inspired and gain insights into future career prospects and leadership opportunities by attending one or more of the Creating Future Leaders Series seminars. Seminars and presentations in the Creating Future Leaders Series aim to engage you with the experiences, thoughts and ideas of inspirational guest speakers from Australia and overseas. More information is available at: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/ experience/professional/creating_future_leaders


find out what’s on With so many opportunities to become involved in university life and learn about occasions for skill development and networking, it can be challenging to find out about the activities you are interested in. Most opportunities will be promoted through the student experience website, BCom at Unimelb Facebook page and the BCom News, our e-newsletter. Student advisers will also highlight opportunities when you visit the Commerce Student Centre. However, to stay in the loop, remember to regularly check your email, visit our website and check our Facebook page. There are activities that begin from the beginning of semester and the extra involvement you have in university life will give you an advantage in the future when writing your resume and pursuing your career.



Others ways we promote opportunities are through: • Digital and print posters on display in the Business and Economics Buildings • Notices on your Student Portal • Direct email to your student email account • Lectures and tutorials

Student Experience E3 Expo Enrich, Experience, Enhance

The Student Experience E3 Expo is held early in each semester (March and August). The E3 Expo is where you can find out more about a wide range of opportunities for involvement and skill development. You can learn about what programs and activities exist that can help you improve your future career prospects as well as develop key skills and expand networks. Some of the interest areas include: Student Societies, Global Mobility, Student Union, case study competitions, capstone studies and Careers and Employment. The E3 Expo is for all students of the Faculty of Business and Economics. For more information please visit: fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc/ experience/academic/e3_expo

BCom Graduation Party Facebook

Find us on facebook.

BCom News - E-newsletter

All Bachelor of Commerce students are automatically subscribed to the BCom News e-newsletter which is regularly sent to your university email address. This is an important resource to learn about opportunities, news and events as well as important dates and information about your course.


You can submit news items to bcom-news@unimelb.edu.au

At the end of each year, graduating Bachelor of Commerce students are invited to attend a Graduation Party. This event recognises your achievements, hard work, commitment and successes as you become a member of the Faculty’s alumni community.

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Commerce Student Centre FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS The University of Melbourne Upper Ground Floor, Business and Economics Building

PHONE 13 MELB (13 6352) WEB fbe.unimelb.edu.au/csc



Publication disclaimer: The University has used its best endeavours to ensure that material contained in this publication was correct at the time of printing. The University gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and the University reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time in its absolute discretion. Users of this publication are advised to reconcile the accuracy and currency of the information provided with the relevant faculty or department of the University before acting upon or in consideration of the information. Copyright in this publication is owned by the University and no part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the University. Authorised by: Commerce Student Centre Manager Published by: The Commerce Student Centre, Faculty of Business and Economics, 2014. CRICOS Provider Code: 00116K.

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