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CEPA El Salvador Réseau Express Métropolitain Newmont Mina Peñasquito


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Continuing Latin America’s Proud History of Innovation INVAP was the first company in Latin America to be certified by NASA, so its scientific and innovative credentials are as strong as any that you might find on the continent.




Apu Mining


Newmont Mina Peñasquito

Perú le apuesta a una minería para el futuro, con enfoque sostenible Para una empresa minera en el Perú, las prácticas sostenibles son el núcleo de su licencia para operar

Reopened and Ready for Business It is estimated that the state was responsible for as much as a fifth of the world’s silver output.


Liex S.A.


CEPA El Salvador

Nucleoeléctrica Argentina

Sustainable Energy Guaranteed! When the greatest achievements of the 20th century are mentioned, rarely does nuclear energy enter the conversation.



On time and on track for great things It’s been a little over five years since Business Excellence first visited CEPA, El Salvador’s port, airports and railways authority.

Réseau Express Métropolitain

Montreal’s Transformative Light Rail Project With its narrow, winding alleyways and street signs in French, the city of Montreal is unlike any other in North America.

Lithium Powering the 4th Industrial Revolution Lithium, the lightest of all metals, is one which almost everyone has heard of, but just a portion of people are aware of its modern day importance.


Tocumen Panama International Airport

The biggest trade route is now in the air Perhaps no country in the world has taken advantage of its geographical location, as well as Panama in Central America.





INVAP was the first company in Latin Americ innovative credentials are as strong as a RESEARCH BY



María Be



ca to be certified by NASA, so its scientific and any that you might find on the continent

ernardita Guschmer BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [ ISSUE NO.58 ]





hen we think of the most innovative companies in the world, our mind tends to wander to companies in North America, Europe and Asia. But there’s a world of innovation that exists in the southern hemisphere that we’ve become coded to ignore. Latin America has given the world some of its most enduring innovations, and continues to be a focal point for the world’s most valuable intellectual property. One of the recognized leaders in this realm in Latin America is INVAP (a portmanteau of the Spanish words investigación aplicada, meaning “applied research”). INVAP was the first company in Latin America to be certified by NASA, so its scientific and innovative credentials are as strong as any that you might find on the continent. To date, it remains the


As Mr. Absi tells it: “the seed for INVAP was sown in 1972, when Dr. Conrado Varotto, who had been studying for his doctorate at Stanford, returned to Argentina. He brought ideas that he learned from there back to Argentina to CNEA (Argentina’s Atomic Energy Council).” “It was there, with a group of young colleagues,” continues Mr. Absi, “that he had the idea to form a company to commercially develop some of the scientific ideas which they were working on. The idea at that time wasn’t just to continue research for the sake of research, but to implement the ideas for the greater good of society.” This thinking was the genesis of INVAP, which was founded out of the offices of CNEA in 1976. As Mr. Absi explains, this was an early

“The idea at that time wasn’t just to continue research for the sake of research, but to implement the ideas for the greater good of society.” only company on the continent to work handin-hand with NASA on its space projects. Business Excellence’s Head of Research LATAM María Bernardita Guschmer recently had the pleasure of speaking with Gabriel Cristian Absi, Vice President of INVAP’s Aerospace Division, about the company’s past, its present and its future. What emerges from the discussion with Mr. Absi is the profile of a company which continues to push boundaries in areas such as aerospace, Defence, Security, Ambient and nuclear and carrying the flag for a continent with a proud history in innovation.

Beginnings INVAP’s history has its roots in a brilliant Argentine physicist spending some time conducting research in the United States.

version of what today we might call ‘incubation’ in the startup sense: “The reality is that INVAP was incubated by CNEA. We didn’t use the term ‘incubated’ at the time, but the reality is that that’s what it was. So, being incubated by CNEA, the company was a state-owned enterprise belonging to the province of Rio Negro, whose shares were owned by the state, the government, and of course, CNEA.” Effectively being one of Argentina’s first incubated companies (if not the first), the company maintains some of the governance features we might expect of a state startup. Mr. Absi says: “There are seven directors on the board, two of which are from CNEA, four of which are from the province of Rio Negro and finally, a director who is elected to the



board by the employees of INVAP, with the same responsibilities and entitlements as the other directors.”

A World Leader in Nuclear and Aerospace The brainpower employed by INVAP meant that it quickly grew into some of the technically challenging areas of scientific development. Mr. Absi says: “INVAP naturally became a company focused on nuclear physics because the laboratory from which it grew had a specialty in that area at CNEA. At first, the company grew through small projects that

CNEA hired it for in nuclear and then quickly moved into two new areas of business.” “One was nuclear medicine, in which it was worked on diagnostics with imagery and the treatment of cancer. The other was an industrial area, principally focused on providing technical design services to the energy sector - nuclear energy, oil and gas.” INVAP is responsible for the design and development of some of the world’s most wellknown nuclear reactors, including PALLAS in the Netherlands and OPAL in Australia. In the 1990s, with nuclear power becoming the subject of some controversy owing to

“INVAP naturally became a company focused on nuclear physics because the laboratory from which it grew had a specialty in that area at CNEA”




“We’re developing a satellite communications platform which, let’s say, is state of the art. We believe that this will be a huge technological advance within just a few years from now, creating a new generation of satellites” tragedies in Chernobyl and elsewhere, the company turned its focus to aerospace. Mr. Absi says: “That’s when CONEA (Argentina’s Space Agency) was formed in conjunction with NASA with the aim of undertaking space missions together..” “From there,” he continues, “we started to work closely with NASA, learning more about satellites and developing some of the bestknown ones today: the SAC-B, the SAC-A, SAC-C and the SAC-D. The SAOCOM was developed as a result of an agreement with Italy for two satellites with the Italian space

agency, the first of which was launched in 2018 and the second, which was launched in August of this year.”

Space Age Technology with High Street Applications When speaking to Mr. Absi, the conversation quickly changes from one topic to another, leaving the listener sometimes wondering if the same company can be involved in so many different spheres. Such is the spirit of innovation at INVAP that one innovation quickly leads to another and the company’s



original spiriti - to develop applications that improve people’s lives - comes into being. As such, the company’s work in aerospace has led it into communications, security and defense. There’s also a new joint venture project in the works with Turkey. Of this, Mr. Absi says: “we’re developing a satellite communications platform which, let’s say, is state of the art. We believe that this will be a huge technological advance within just a few years from now, creating a new generation of satellites.” Mr. Absi is keen to emphasize the dayto-day benefits brought by all of these innovations: “there are so many!” he says. “For example, with the satellite system we’ve developed for Argentina, we can monitor illegal fishing, which is a huge problem within the country. It can also be used by farmers for more intelligent fertilization and growing. I mean, it’s not always that it’s something you see directly, but it is something that we all benefit from.”

INVAP during the Pandemic With such a remarkable track record in innovation, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to any readers that several Argentine governmental departments turned to INVAP for assistance in responding to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. Argentina has been in a state of quarantine for over six months, and at the time of writing, in late October 2020, is one of the world’s most badly affected countries by the disease. Mr. Absi says: “We’ve received many requests, from government and state

“There’s huge demand for our services at INVAP and at some moment, this is all going to bear fruit.”




agencies, to be technical consultants on certain problems. Thankfully, we’ve been able to apply our expertise in some areas to aid them in some areas to make decisions. We’ve also been able to make available some productive capabilities to make machines such as respirators and medical equipment for the benefit of the general population.”

The Future Where else can INVAP go that it hasn’t already been? When a company is literally being hired by NASA for its technical capabilities, you begin to think there’s nothing that can stand in its way. Mr. Absi says: “we’re developing nuclear projects in various countries - in the Netherlands, Algeria, Saudia Arabia, India and Australia - we are very international. And in fact, you’ll see that, in the area of satellite

technology, we’re regarded as one of the top 7 companies in the world,” before adding: “there’s huge demand for our services at INVAP and at some moment, this is all going to bear fruit.” Despite some of the world’s best satellites, nuclear reactors and contributions to nuclear medicine, it says everything about the insatiable spirit of innovation at INVAP that the President of its Aerospace Division believes that it’s still waiting “to bear fruit.”


 54 (294) 440 9300  @invapargentina





PERÚ LE APUESTA A UNA MINERÍA PARA EL FUTURO, CON ENFOQUE SOSTENIBLE Apu Mining Para una empresa minera en el Perú, las prácticas sostenibles son el núcleo de su licencia para operar RESEARCH BY

María Bernardita Guschmer






ara una empresa minera en el Perú, las prácticas sostenibles son el núcleo de su licencia para operar. Alrededor del mundo, cada vez más empresas se han dado cuenta de que la única forma de ser económicamente viables es operar de manera ambiental y con responsabilidad social. El cambio climático, la escasez de recursos y la eficiencia energética resuenan cada vez más con la industria minera.


Un país rico en recursos naturales Los minerales son esenciales para la vida moderna y la minería sigue siendo el método principal de extracción. En Perú hay un potencial geológico enorme. Se trata del primer país a nivel mundial en reservas de plata y está entre los primeros puestos con

(principalmente energía y agua) necesarios para extraer y procesar metales. La creciente contaminación generada por el proceso de extracción también juega un papel innegable. Esto es válido tanto para las operaciones corporativas a gran escala, a menudo multinacionales, como para las empresas de pequeña escala. Pero también hay otros detonantes para los conflictos entre operaciones mineras y comunidades. Estos tienen que ver con el descontento generalizado de los habitantes locales relacionado con el bajo beneficio percibido de la actividad minera. Lo anterior, a pesar de promesas pasadas de prosperidad y desarrollo. Este sentimiento de desconfianza se ha traducido en proyectos mineros paralizados y otros que nunca pasan de las primeras etapas.

“Se trata del primer país a nivel mundial en reservas de plata y está entre los primeros puestos con respecto a otros metales básicos y preciosos” respecto a otros metales básicos y preciosos. El país además posee un increíble potencial en minerales no-metálicos a los que también se les conoce como minerales industriales. Algunos de estos son “el mármol travertino, diatomita, bentonita y boratos”.

Las crisis sociales en torno a la minería Sin embargo, a pesar de toda esta riqueza natural, el país también se ha convertido en la nación con más conflictos mineros de América Latina. Hasta la fecha, parece que las principales limitaciones para las dificultades en el sector minero derivan de la demanda cada vez mayor de recursos mineros no renovables. Por otra parte, también está el factor relacionado al consumo de recursos

APUMINING y su “Minería para el futuro” En Business Excellence tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con Jose Aranibar Aguilar, Gerente General de la empresa APUMINING. Aranibar nos contó, de primera mano, las dificultades que se presentan en Perú para la obtención del permiso o licencia por parte de la comunidad campesina. Como mencionamos, es un hecho que las operaciones mineras permanecen asociadas con una variedad de impactos ambientales y sociales que afectan de manera negativa a las comunidades locales. Sin embargo, la importancia de la minería para los ingresos y el empleo en países en desarrollo como Perú sigue siendo esencial. En APUMINING entendieron las



circunstancias de esta forma, por lo cual nació el proyecto social de “Minería para el futuro”. Dicho lema nace de cara al proyecto minero HUAYTULLO, que se desarrolla en el departamento minero de Apurímac, en la provincia de Grau, distrito de Chuquibambilla.

El desarrollo de energías limpias como factor diferencial Un factor diferencial significativo del enfoque de “Minería para el futuro” que trabaja APUMINING es el tipo de minerales que se extraen. Según Aranibar “se trata del primer proyecto minero en Perú que está comprometido con garantizar el abastecimiento de minerales críticos para el desarrollo de energías y tecnologías limpias. Porque la minería no abarca solo la explotación de cobre, oro y plata. La actividad minera también brinda la oportunidad de descubrir minerales para el desarrollo de energías y tecnologías limpias. En HUAYTULLO se definieron tres zonas de mineralización. En una de estas se identificó mineralización de niquel y en otra se hallaron tierras raras”.

La comunidad se suma a la minería para el futuro El resultado de este enfoque social fue histórico. Se logró obtener la licencia social requerida para operar en la primera reunión con la comunidad campesina. Y lo anterior no fue una hazaña menor. En especial si se tiene en cuenta que, de acuerdo con Aranibar, “en Perú las compañías mineras tardan hasta dos años en negociar con las comunidades

“Un factor diferencial significativo del enfoque de “Minería para el futuro” que trabaja APUMINING es el tipo de minerales que se extraen”




campesinas”. Gran parte del éxito se debe a que el mineral de estas tierras contribuye al desarrollo de energías y tecnologías limpias. Otro motivo importante es el potencial de desarrollo que este proyecto implica para las familias locales, tanto a nivel económico como en capacitación.

se utilizaría tanto para las operaciones mineras, como para que la comunidad realice sus actividades agropecuarias. Las capacitaciones, por su parte, se relacionan con la prestación de servicios de hotelería y alimentación, como también en temas de gestión empresarial.

Beneficios para la comunidad

Socios estratégicos

La honestidad también jugó un papel importante en el enfoque social adoptado. Aranibar nos contó que “desde un comienzo se educó a las familias campesinas acerca de las distintas etapas de un proyecto minero, siendo el de la exploración el de más riesgo económico. Por lo tanto, APUMINING fue claro que en dicha etapa, no era posible prometer a la comunidad campesina apoyos sociales de gran envergadura”. No obstante, sí hubo un compromiso por parte de APUMINING en cuanto a la construcción de una carretera y en capacitaciones a la comunidad. Dicha carretera

Las alianzas estratégicas han sido fundamentales para el desarrollo de este proyecto, como también la búsqueda de inversión. Uno de esos socios estratégicos es Manpower, quien se encarga de capacitar a las familias de las comunidades campesinas. El otro socio estratégico es la empresa Vostock Capital (Reino Unido), quienes apoyan en la gestión de encuentros con inversores y a promocionar el proyecto minero HUAYTULLO.

El interés de la industria automotriz Hasta el momento, HUAYTULLO ha despertado el interés de inversores como Tesla Inc y






“Por supuesto, está dentro de los intereses de la empresa, como el de toda la región, que en la ejecución del proyecto se respete esa filosofía sostenible que hizo viable su origen.” General Motors. Se trata de empresas que apuestan por tecnologías limpias dentro de sus lineamientos corporativos. Por lo tanto, están interesadas en apoyar compañías mineras en Sudamérica que operen minimizando riesgos ambientales y sociales. Esto se debe a que la evolución de los vehículos eléctricos y las energías renovables tiene un impacto enorme en la demanda de metales y, por tanto, en la industria minera. El cobalto y el litio se mencionan a menudo, ya que son metales especiales que se utilizan en las baterías recargables. Más importante aún, el cobre es el metal del futuro, ya que se usa en baterías, cableado eléctrico de automóviles, motores de vehículos eléctricos y líneas de transmisión. Para dar forma a un futuro a prueba del cambio climático, con más vehículos eléctricos y energía renovable, se necesitarán materias primas y esos recursos deben extraerse de manera sostenible. De allí el interés de estas grandes empresas automovilísticas.

Una filosofía sostenible en marcha La forma de maximizar los beneficios de la minería mientras se mejora la sostenibilidad ambiental y social del sector minero se abordó por primera vez hace algunos años. Fue en el Plan de Implementación de Johannesburgo, donde se identificaron algunas áreas prioritarias. Entre ellas, abordar los aspectos ambientales, económicos, de salud y sociales. También los impactos y beneficios de la minería incluyendo la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.

Por otra parte, se identificó que mejorar la participación de las partes interesadas, incluidas las comunidades locales e indígenas y las mujeres es imprescindible. También es importante fomentar la prestación de apoyo financiero, técnico y de creación de capacidad a los países pobres y en desarrollo. HUAYTULLO se ha comprometido con esta causa. Por supuesto, está dentro de los intereses de la empresa, como el de toda la región, que en la ejecución del proyecto se respete esa filosofía sostenible que hizo viable su origen.





Newmont Min


The history of the Mexican state of Zacatecas is inextricab estimated that the state was responsible for a RESEARCH BY




na Peñasquito


bly linked to that of mining. In the early 18th century, it is as much as a fifth of the world’s silver output.






he history of the Mexican state of Zacatecas is inextricably linked to that of mining. In the early 18th century, it is estimated that the state was responsible for as much as a fifth of the world’s silver output. At different stages of Mexican history, its minerals have contributed over half of the country’s export volume in monetary terms. In short, this is a region which knows its silver mining. The tradition continues today: Zacatecas accounts for over 20 percent of Mexico’s gold output and a little over half of its silver. A good proportion of both figures is due to Peñasquito Mine, Mexico’s second largest silver mine and the fifth largest silver mine in the world, and located in the northeast of Zacatecas state, not far from the city of


“In its first year it yielded 13.5 million ounces of silver” Monterrey. Now owned by Newmont Mining Company, Business Excellence decided to take a closer look at the enduring legacy of this remarkable mine.

Overview Located some 780 kilometres from Mexico City, the scale of Peñasquito Mine might make you think that it had been a regular on the Mexican mining scene for decades. The reality, however, is that the mine only began operations ten years ago in 2010. Usually it takes mines at least a year or two to ramp up production, but as a portent of the productivity of Peñasquito Mine, in its first year it yielded 13.5 million ounces of silver. It’s not just silver, however. Peñasquito Mine is an open pit which produces gold,




“Peñasquito Mine has an on-site airport and a 1,900-bed camp with full dining, laundry and recreational facilities”

silver, lead and zinc. Its annual gold product is 129 attributable Koz while it has also yielded over 25 million ounces of silver in a single year. Little wonder then that its parent company, Newmont-Goldcorp (minted from a 2019 mega-merger) has described Peñasquito Mine as being of “high strategic importance” to the company. The operation is also one of the most modern in the Newmont-Goldcorp portfolio. It has one section which is run autonomously,

allowing miners to sit in a sanitized environment rather than in the drill on the drill pattern. This involved fitting two drill rigs with state-of-the-art technology in 2017 and significantly reduces the risk to drill operators, who traditionally would have had to be on-site, manning the procedures. For the layperson, it can sometimes be difficult to grasp the scale of the mine with mineral output so a few more statistics are indicative; Peñasquito Mine has an on-site



Chemours Mining Solutions Innovation and reliability for the mining industry.

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NEWMONT MINA Providing Technology, Innovation and Safety to PEÑASQUITO the Mining Industry.

Chemours Mining Solutions is committed to safe and reliable supply of sodium cyanide and enabling the continuity and success of our clients’ operations.

In our Mining Solutions division, we are global leaders in the production of solid sodium cyanide and the market leader in its distribution in Mexico. By partnering with us, you’ll benefit from a 60-year legacy of reliable supply, innovative packaging solutions, and industry-leading safety practices that continually add value to our customers. We develop lasting partnerships with our customers and strive for an unparalleled level of interaction so we can better understand their needs. We also work with them to establish the best safety standards and procedures for product transportation, facilities to unload the product and training of personnel. A standout example of this partnership can be seen at Minera Peñasquito, Goldcorp’s largest producing gold mine, proudly located in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico. Chemours and Goldcorp share a mutual commitment to safety and care for the environment. Our history with Peñasquito began in 2008, when we supported them with the design and airport and a 1,900-bed camp with full In dining, commissioning of their cyanide circuit. the laundry and In addition same way, werecreational verified thatfacilities. their operations to its open pit mine, Peñasco, it possesses were ready to work safely. Since then, two processing facilities. this isofnot your we’ve earned and enjoyedTruly, ten years safe ordinary mine by any means. uninterrupted supply to the mine.

We have the capacity, experience and dedication you’re looking for in a service provider. We are committed with the communities where we operate. Our leading edge technology, our safe delivery systems, and our unique support in the industry have one objective in mind: Your SuCCeSS! We are committed to the safe and responsible production, distribution, and handling of sodium cyanide. Our safety practices comply the guidelines established by the ICMI. We are currently working to improve the packaging and management of our product to offer a better experience; we are achieving it by using innovative packaging, preselected routes, and certified personnel on site.

“Until the merger with Newmont Mining, Peñasquito Mine was under the sole ownership of Goldcorp, who conducted a series of sustainability-led initiatives”

Sustainability Initiatives

Likewise, supported PeñasquitoMining, by Until thewe’ve merger with Newmont helping them obtain sustain certification Peñasquito Mine and was under the sole by the International Cyanide Code (ICMI) ownership of Goldcorp, who conducted a -series of which are founding partners - and of we sustainability-led initiatives at the in providing the required training to their technical and operational staff for the safe handling and management of sodium cyanide.

The Chemours Company is a global leader in Titanium Technologies, Fluoroproducts and Chemical Solutions, as well as in the safe and responsible management of chemical products. We mine and the surrounding communities. These are present in more than 130 countries; we serve initiatives included the opening of La Plaza more than 4,000 clientsain“Deer-Est” regions like North Community Square, program America, Asia Pacific, europe and Latin America. which fostered the breeding of native whiteWe have approximately 7,000 employees andlocal tailed deer for Zacateco and a series of 35 productionprograms facilities around the world, which employment that included job fairs, operate under the strictest local and international press releases, a recruitment strategy and a safety and environmental standards. training program. The parent company places a particular emphasis on youth education. At Peñasquito, it has implemented a multi-year educational



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“In terms of investment too, Peñasquito Mine has some impressive headline figures. Total investment in Mexico to date has been nearly $900 million.”

initiative aimed at benefiting local elementary and secondary school children. The initiative includes a science and sport program for primary and secondary school students, a scholarship program and an entrepreneurship and technical skill-building program. Peñasquito implemented their multi-year educational initiative aimed at benefiting local elementary and secondary school children. The initiative includes a science and sport program for primary and secondary

school students, a scholarship program and an entrepreneurship and technical skillbuilding program. Peñasquito partnered with respected firm Technoserve to deliver results in this initiative. In terms of investment too, Peñasquito Mine has some impressive headline figures. Total investment in Mexico to date has been nearly $900 million. In the immediate vicinity of the mine, it has contributed almost $20 million - a boon to an area which has one of



Did you know? The merger of Newmont and Goldcorp in the first half of 2019 created the world’s largest gold mining company. Estimates suggest that the newly formed company could be producing between six and seven million ounces of gold annually every year for decades

“A very significant key to our success over the last 15 years has been the renewed partnerships with aboriginal communities”

the highest rates of unemployment in Mexico. This doesn’t include the contribution that the mine has made to surrounding communities through direct and indirect employment. There are currently over 500 directly employed locals, with candidates on the rise for every job posting.

Partners and Suppliers An operation of the scale of Peñasquito Mine brings challenges that demand a diverse set of partners and suppliers. The combined experience of Newmont and Goldcorp



means that they had an extended network of companies and experts from which to pick from when it comes to delivering the services required from external contractors. These companies include Komatsu Mexico, the local branch of the Japanese conglomerate that makes mining and drilling equipment and machinery used the world over. They are complemented by firms like Epiroc Mexico, a local branch of a Swedish drilling firm, and Orica Mining Services, an Australian firm which is a world leader in the explosives used in the mining industry in the development of open pit mines.


Elsewhere, there is Kepler Constructora, S.A. de C.V, a Mexican firm which is a trusted partner of the mining industry in general and not just Peñasquito Mine, Gruas Del Norte, a local firm which caters for the considerable logistics effort both to and from the mine, MSA, a company whose focus is ensuring the safety of all, and Analitek, a laboratory equipment supplier. Last but not least, Danish engineering firm FLSmidth has played a crucial role in working with Newmont-Goldcorp on understanding the mine’s technical aspects.

Conclusion The merger of Newmont and Goldcorp in the first half of 2019 created the world’s largest gold mining company. Estimates suggest that

the newly formed company could be producing between six and seven million ounces of gold annually every year for decades. In the coming decade, the Peñasquito Mine will play an integral role in that story. As global instability sends investors rushing to gold, pushing up prices, this Mexican mega mine is perfectly positioned to capitalize on the opportunity.


 303.863.7414  @NewmontCorp





When the greatest achievements o rarely does nuclear energ RESEARCH BY



María Be

ica Argentina


of the 20th century are mentioned, gy enter the conversation

ernardita Guschmer BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [ ISSUE NO.58 ]


hen the greatest achievements of the 20th century are mentioned, rarely does nuclear energy enter the conversation. The term nuclear has taken on negative connotations among the general public, who in turn have overlooked the benefits of nuclear power for the long-term good of the plant. Managed properly, nuclear power offers one of the most sustainable forms of power available, explaining why countries like China, the UK and Turkey are all now investing in it.




Approximately 5% of Argentina’s electricity is generated by nuclear power. Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A. is the company which manages Argentina’s three nuclear power reactors: Atucha I, Atucha II and Embalse and is responsible for the marketing and maintenance of the country’s nuclear power reactors. The company is also responsible for the new nuclear power plant projects to be built in the country. Business Excellence recently spoke with Isidro Baschar, Member of the Board at Nucleoeléctrica Argentina. Mr. Isidro Baschar


“Approximately 5% of Argentina’s electricity is generated by nuclear power”

talked us through the company in some considerable detail, outlining the role it plays in energy security in Argentina. At a time when the world is looking to transition away from fossil fuels for energy generation, Mr. Isidro Baschar makes a strong case for the role that nuclear energy can play in this transition.

Backstory Nucleoeléctrica Argentina was founded in 1994 at a time when the government of the day sought to restructure the country’s nuclear



industry, all under the umbrella of the National Atomic Energy Commission (“Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica” or “CNEA”). 12 years later, in 2006, Argentina’s president of the day, Néstor Kirchner, announced a plan which would be a boon for Nucleoeléctrica Argentina. Mr. Baschar explains: “President Kircher decided to announce the relaunch of the country’s nuclear plan, and among its main projects, was to complete Atucha II, whose development had stopped in 1994. The commissioning works began in 2011, after the completion of the assembly works and the

project was completed in June 2014, when the project began its first operations.” The completion of Atucha II was part of a more ambitious nuclear program, which included other projects such as the development of an Argentine-designed power reactor, CAREM. Of course, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina already owned the plants of Atucha I, Atucha II and Embalse. As Mr. Baschar tells us, the Atucha I “Presidente Juan Domingo Perón” project started in June 1968 and connected to the national grid in March 1974, before providing power in June of that year. For its part, construction on Embalse began in May

“In 2015, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina began the Life Extension Project for these reactors, which finished successfully in 2019”




generation. Mr. Baschar says: “at the end of 2020, as a result of the adverse context brought by Covid-19, nuclear energy reached Nucleoeléctrica a record for electricity generation, Argentina’s 1763 generating 7,947 MW/h in the MW capacity month of September.” represents 5% of He emphasizes what this installed energy means for the longer term on Argentina’s stability of the country’s energy: national grid “This shows that the nuclear and 6-8% of the plants don’t depend on seasonal country’s national or climatic factors to function, electricity and are key in the fight against generation. climate change, as they neither generate harmful gases nor contribute to the greenhouse effect. For example, in September 2020, the A Central Role in month just mentioned, the plants saved over Argentina’s Energy Outlook 5 million tonnes of CO2.” As mentioned at the outset, Nucleoeléctrica It’s a compelling argument, particularly at Argentina’s 1763 MW capacity represents 5% a time when lower oil and gas prices could of installed energy on Argentina’s national grid incentivize their usage by governments and 6-8% of the country’s national electricity 1974 and began its commercial operations in January 1984.” Mr. Baschar says: “In 2015, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina began the Life Extension Project for these reactors, which finished successfully in 2019. It ensures that these plants could now begin 25 more years of providing power to another generation of Argentines.” Furthermore, the length of the commission - as well as the clean nature of the energy - underlines the potential of nuclear power in a fossil-free future.

Did you know?



“Since the Nuclear Plan in 2010, Argentina has been negotiating the possible construction of future nuclear plants” looking to make cuts. He continues: “All of these factors mean that the generation of nuclear power is a fundamental pillar to ensure that we achieve the UN’s 17 sustainability goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of accessible non-contaminating energy and the promotion of sustainable industry.”



Continuing Projects Perhaps because of the longevity of the existing reactors, or as a result of the sustainability outlined in the previous section, an expansion of Argentina’s nuclear energy capacity is at the planning state. As Mr. Baschar says: “Since the Nuclear Plan in 2010, Argentina has been


negotiating the possible construction of future nuclear plants, officially sanctioned by the so-called Nuclear Law of Argentina.” He continues: “This in turn has been supported by the establishment of a Comprehensive Strategic Association and the marking of a Framework Agreement for Economic and Investment Cooperation between Argentina and China. These agreements include in their brief cooperation in the area of electricity and the construction of nuclear reactors on Argentine territory.”

The Impact of Covid-19 Understandably, given everything already outlined, from the outset of the Covid-19

outbreak, nuclear energy was classified as a central activity in Argentina. Thus, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina implemented strict prevention measures to protect the health of all its workers, while guaranteeing the maintenance and safe operation of nuclear power plants and the continuity of energy production and commercialization. Mr. Baschar says: “For example, we set up a working group dedicated to the analysis and monitoring of protection measures. This has involved the development of a health and hygiene protocol that established, among other measures, the readjustment of workstations and common areas, along with






increasing their cleaning and disinfection, using technology to ensure compliance and improve safety.” He continues: As an additional measure, all workers who enter the plants are routinely tested and must complete a roadmap in which they leave a record of the places they were and people with whom they had close contact on the day. We also have put in place measures for suppliers and contractors that enter the facilities, among which is the preparation of a roadmap and an affidavit of health before entering.

Bringing a More Sustainable Future The world’s 443 existing nuclear power stations are situated in just 31 countries and yet, produce 10% of the world’s electricity. In Latin America, only Argentina, Brazil and Mexico possess plants. Of this, Mr. Baschar says: “But Argentina was a pioneer in the peaceful usage of nuclear energy, positioning ourselves as an international supplier of nuclear technology as well as ensuring energy security for Argentina.” “Together with the CNEA and other strategic partners, Argentina is now a leader in the research, design and construction of nuclear reactors and plans to make the quantum leap to consolidate itself as a leader in this industry.” With over half a century of clean and consistent electricity being provided by its reactors, Argentina and Nucleoeléctrica Argentina are well positioned to assume that leadership role.


 +54 11 5129 3400  @Nucleoelectrica






LIGHT RAIL PROJECT Réseau Express Métropolitain With its narrow, winding alleyways and street signs in French, the city of Montreal is unlike any other in North America. RESEARCH BY

Joseph Philips






ith its narrow, winding alleyways and street signs in French, the city of Montreal is unlike any other in North America. If someone was dropped in the city, they might just as easily guess that they’ve landed in a regional town in France as opposed to the heart of Canada. It is little wonder than that the city has earned itself nicknames such as ‘the paris of North America’ or ‘the city of a thousand steeples’ (endowed on it by none other than Mark Twain). This quaint, regional French vibe doesn’t mean that the city is stuck in a time warp. Montreal also has a vibrant and buzzing side, making it one of Canada’s commercial centres. The addition of a major public transport project - the Réseau Express Métropolitain (REM) light rail network - will add to the city’s credentials as a thriving modern metropolis. Business Excellence decided to take a closer look at this exciting and transformative project currently underway.


Background The city of Montreal already had a metro system for half a century when a light rail system was first mooted at the beginning of the last decade. In 2015, the provincial government announced a $7.4 billion fund which would be spent on infrastructure over the course of the following decade. The

“In 2015, the provincial government announced a $7.4 billion fund which would be spent on infrastructure over the course of the following decade”




“The REM light rail network will integrate with the airport and the existing metro”

centrepiece of this investment would be a light rail system in the heart of Montreal what’s now become known as REM. The REM is expected to become operational within the next year and a half and when complete, will provide high-frequency lightrail transport services on a regional level. The centre of Montreal will become connected to the city’s suburbs like never before, linking the city’s central business district with its international airport and taking thousands of cars off the historic city’s roads every day of the week. But most importantly, the REM light rail network will integrate with the airport and the

existing metro, allowing arrivals at Montreal International Airport to reach the city centre within 25 minutes. Thanks to REM, a light rail train will arrive every two and a half minutes in downtown Montreal, giving passengers all of the benefits that they expect from a modern transport system including safety, free wifi, heating and air conditioning. Once delivered as it is presently envisioned, the REM will include 26 stations spread across 67 kilometres in the greater Montreal metropolitan area. Including 15 stations towards Deux-Montagnes, 4 stations towards the South Shore, 4 stations towards



Saint-Anne-De-Bellevue and 2 stations the airport. To put this in perspective of the impact it should make on the city - the entire metro network currently has 71 kilometres of track. The first tracks will be operational in 2021, with further tracks to become operational between 2022 and 2023. There’s even potential for the rail to extend into the greater province in the years ahead.

Social and Economic Contribution In total, it is estimated that the REM will employ some 34,000 people during construction, making it one of the biggest employers in the

region, for a brief period, at least. Its cost, of $6.5 billion, will almost all find its way into the local economy, meaning it adds significant value to an already confident economic region. When complete, despite being fully automated, the light rail system will bring an estimated 1,000 new permanent jobs to Montreal. The project will also run through the western suburbs of Montreal - an area which has long been under-served by public transport. New residential construction is planned to open all along this part of the line when the project is completed, breathing new life into a part

“In total, it is estimated that the REM will employ some 34,000 people during construction, making it one of the biggest employers in the region”




of the city which will welcome the new impetus. This is not to overlook the value which the transport will generate for housing developments already located near or along the light rail network.

behind REM believes that it will lead to a reduction of 680,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in its first 25 years REM will offset of operation. And although these gases by the construction phase will planting an extra generate an excess of GHGs, 250,000 trees REM will offset these gases by through the greater Sustainable Credentials planting an extra 250,000 trees Montreal region. In The addition of light rail networks through the greater Montreal addition, replanting to the transport infrastructure of region. In addition, replanting of those trees cities around the world has been of those trees which were felled which were felled a welcome one: Light rail has during construction will occur during construction been shown to one of the most at a rate of 110%. will occur at a environmentally-friendly and Even more attention to rate of 110%. efficient modes of transport and environmental detail can be REM promises to be no different. found in how REM promotes As 100% electric and automated, agricultural land, setting up an its arrival should spell the end for thousands agricultural trust responsible for the Riveof polluting car journeys every day, with a total Sud Terminal station, together with a future daily ridership of 190,000 people projected. metropolitan agricultural park. This will This is one of the reasons why the team aim to limit urban sprawl in the area. And

Did you know?



Partner for innovating railway solutions ENGIE Transport Canada

CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentallyfriendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress. Turnover in 2019: 60.1 billion Euros. The Group is listed on the Paris and Brussels stock exchanges (ENGI) and is represented in the main financial indices (CAC 40, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Euronext 100, FTSE Eurotop 100, MSCI Europe) and non-financial indices (DJSI World, DJSI Europe and Euronext Vigeo Eiris - World 120, Eurozone 120, Europe 120, France 20, CAC 40 Governance). ENGIE NORTH AMERICA ENGIE North America Inc. offers a range of capabilities in the United States and Canada to help customers decarbonize,



decentralize and digitalize their operations. These include comprehensive services to help customers run their facilities more efficiently and optimize energy and other resource use and expense; clean power generation; energy storage; and retail energy supply that includes renewable, demand response, and on-bill financing options. Nearly 100% of the company’s power generation portfolio is low carbon or renewable. For more information on ENGIE North America, please visit our LinkedIn page or Twitter feed, and ETC’S ACTIVITIES ON REM In July 2019, ENGIE Transport CM Canada Inc. (ETC) was awarded by NouvLR for the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Test & Commissioning of the new Overhead Catenary System (OCS) on the REM Project in Montreal. ENGIE Transport CM Canada Inc. is developing for the first time in Canada 140km of flexible, rigid and retractable catenary along with 2.000 poles and 4.500 cantilevers. ENGIE’s multicultural workforce is getting involved on this first project in Canada aiming to connect people and looking to participate in the sustainable development of Railway Systems in Canada and the United States of America.


“Demanding mobility for all is something I have never seen at this scale with as much motivation and resources”

underpasses have been developed to ensure that animals can cross from one side of the railway to the other in complete safety.

Universal Accessability The interior and exterior of the metro was conceived and designed by Alstom. A team headed by Xavier Allard, director department of design at Alstom highlights the deeply human aspect that is present in the design and development of the metro. “Demanding mobility for all is something I have never

seen at this scale with as much motivation and resources” said Xavier. Understanding that success depends on dialogue his team engaged key member of all segments of the society including key members of associations of people with functional limitations including motor, visual, auditory and intellectual limitation. These lead to an understanding of the true needs of people in these segments and an understanding that achieving universal access will enhance the experience of every one including pregnant





- ©Getty Images

passengers each year benefit from Thales technologies

Search: Thalesgroup


women, children in strollers, elderly and even people with temporary limitations. This strategy is also implemented in the design and the development of the stations as well.

Partners and Suppliers REM has involved a number of companies, both local and international, each bringing their own technical expertise. Foremost among these was the construction team at NouvLR, a consortium for CDPQ Infra. The provision of rolling stock and systems

and operation and maintenance (RSSOM) concession was granted to Groupe pour la Mobilité des Montréalais (PMM), itself a joint venture between Alstom Transport Canada Inc. and SNC-Lavalin O&M Inc. Engie North America was granted the contract for Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Test & Commissioning of the new Overhead Catenary System (OCS) on the REM Project in Montreal – a central part of the technology behind REM. The catenary system is the overhead cable network that feeds the electric trains with a direct 1500

“ Light rail has been shown to one of the most environmentally-friendly and efficient modes of transport, and REM promises to be no different.”



inspired Your weekly digest of business news and views 56



“Even more attention to environmental detail can be found in how REM promotes agricultural land, setting up an agricultural trust responsible for the Rive-Sud Terminal station”

V current and ensure that it operates stably and safely at all times. Elsewhere, Geophysics GPR International Inc has been hired to monitor vibration during construction, much of which will be caused by the drilling of the Robbins Company, as it bores through till, mixed face conditions and limestone beneath the city of Montreal. Further monitoring will be provided by Solmatech inc., a local Canadian firm which has over 30 highly skilled engineers working on the construction phase of REM.

In terms of materials, Groupe Carreaux Céragrès Inc is providing tiles, Guardian Glass Middle East & Africa will provide the glass, Atlantic Industries Limited has provided about 370 sections of Corrugated Steel Pipe, Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (CPCI) has provided precast concrete components. This work in tandem with welders provided by Rail Cantech Ltd., Geroquip’s drilling equipment, TBC Construction Inc., responsible for the aboveground electricity works at several of REM’s stations, and Reinforced Earth Company Ltd., in charge of wall designs and materials supply.






“Put this way, the REM would have been a fitting way for Mark Twain to mark his arrival in the city of a thousand spires.”

A Transport Project Befitting Quebec’s Metropolis Many of the urban transport projects which Business Excellence has covered have long needed the relief that light rail brings to the congestion in their city. Montreal is not one of those cities: it has its congestion, of course, but nothing like that of the big cities in some of the developing countries that have been looked at within these pages. That is no bad thing: It’s better to invest in infrastructure before the need arises, rather than after. The arrival of REM will make a welcome contribution to Montreal’s transport infrastructure: It has been planned to ensure that arrivals to Montreal Airport will enjoy prime views of this historic city, while arriving in the most technologically sophisticated and environmentally friendly mode of urban transport possible. Put this way, the REM would have been a fitting way for Mark Twain to mark his arrival in the city of a thousand spires.


 1 833 736-4636  @REMgrandmtl





Lithium, the lightest of all metals, is on but just a portion of people are aw RESEARCH BY



María Be

x S.A.


ne which almost everyone has heard of, ware of its modern day importance.

ernardita Guschmer BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [ ISSUE NO.58 ]





ithium, the lightest of all metals, is one which almost everyone has heard of, but just a portion of people are aware of its modern day importance. To draw an analogy, lithium is to the 4th industrial revolution (the mass digitization which the world is currently undergoing) as steel was to the first industrial revolution. It is an essential component of the rechargeable batteries which keeps the fourth industrial revolution moving. That’s why companies like Argentina’s Liex S.A. are so important. Its efforts ensure that the technology we now take for granted is accessible to the masses. Furthermore, at a time when most of the world was isolating from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, the importance of strong technology and telecommunications - the end destination of


reference in the lithium production industry. As Mr. De Pablos Souza tells it: “The company was founded in December 2015 by a small group of geologists, led by Dr. Waldo Perez, who were passionate about the project being proposed.” “By July of 2016,” he continues, “the 3Q Project was already listed on the stock exchange and in November of the same year, with capital acquired, they began the drilling to establish the material resources which were achievable. This phase finished in April 2017, marking the first step of the project. By May 2018, the company had already increased its lithium assets by 220%, becoming the 5th biggest company of its kind in the world.” If this wasn’t enough progress - and it’s worth reiterating that it occurred in less than

“By May 2018, the company had already increased its lithium assets by 220%, becoming the 5th biggest company of its kind in the world” Liex’s output - was underlined more than ever. Business Excellence recently had the pleasure of speaking with Tomas de Pablos Souza, the President of Liex, about the company. Mr. De Pablos Souza enthusiastically took us through the company’s origins, the progress of its operations in Argentina, the massive importance that it attaches to ensuring everything it does is sustainable, and his plans and aspirations for the future of this fascinating company.

Backstory Few companies could hope to achieve the meteoric rise that Liex has. In a remarkably short period of time, the company has gone from its foundation in 2015 to a public listing a little over a year later and on to become a

2 years - Mr. De Pablos Souza stresses that it was also the second highest grade of lithium ever discovered. He also says: “Between 2016 and 2019, the engineering team managed to develop evaporation ponds with brine, which was 4% concentrated. This provided the feasibility to begin basic engineering on site.” By 2019, Liex had moved from the conceptual into the practical, producing its first batch of lithium at a pilot plant in the town of Fiambalá, a small town in northwest Argentina. This was the first batch of high quality lithium carbonate, produced entirely from concentrated brine. Business Excellence has been fortunate to gain insider insight into hundreds of projects. It is truly difficult to recall any that moved at such a groundbreaking pace as Liex.



The journey we’ve just described is a remarkable one, but what does it mean in practical terms? Mr. DePablos Souza reels off a list of statistics, as if they’ve been at the top of his tongue since the beginning of the interview. Among them: 3Q is the fifth largest project in the world measured by brine deposits, 3rd in the world in terms of brine concentration, and the world’s purest in terms of combined sulfate and magnesium impurities.

Covid 19 Covid 19 has had a particularly devastating effect on Argentina. At some points over the past year, the country exhibited the worst cases-per-population of any country in the world, so it was only natural to ask Mr. De Pablos Souza about how it affected Liex. He is unequivocal in his response: “Work never stopped for us, during the pandemic. And that’s not to say we didn’t take every care of our employees - that’s fundamental.” He continues: “ We significantly strengthened the biosafety protocols, providing everything necessary to ensure the safety of our employees and their families. We also distributed tasks in such a way as to ensure that everybody could keep working with minimum disruption, while upholding the protocols. And the purchase of a fumigator to combat the onset of dengue, which also took hold in Argentina at the same time as Covid-19 - was a reassurance.”

Sustainability Initiatives When asked about the company’s purchasing policy, Mr. Tomás De Pablos Souza is keen to

“Work never stopped for us, during the pandemic. And that’s not to say we didn’t take every care of our employees - that’s fundamental.”




Partners and Suppliers emphasize that the company Did you know? The fact that Liex has been able always buys and hires locally to grow so quickly is in part a where possible. But that’s testament to the effectiveness of just the beginning of its Liex is also its partners and suppliers. Almost sustainability practices. He says: putting together all of the specialized products “We’re currently preparing the a social and services that Liex requires feasibility study, which will give responsibility are available on its doorstep in us an overview of the economic program, which Argentina. It avails of specialized impact that the project is set to it will roll out gases from Air Liquide Argentina have on local communities, from over time. and consulting services from an economic perspective.” This includes Alex Stewart Argentina S.A. He continues: “Liex is also sustainable Scientific inspection products are putting together a social mining in the provided by Micoclar Argentina responsibility program, which production phase and Brenntag Argentina S.A. The it will roll out over time. This supplier portfolio is rounded out includes sustainable mining in by Del Parque S.A., Hose Power the production phase. Inside S.A., Sigsa S.A. and Ficamen S.A. the company, we’re looking to pioneer a sociological model developed by Professor Jan The Future Boon, which looks to analyze and enhance the Every day seems to bring news of advances relationships that exist between people in the in different forms of energy, but Mr. Tomás De workplace, ultimately leading to a better quality Pablos Souza is bullish when asked about the of life for everybody inside the company.” BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [ ISSUE NO.58 ]





“The short-term goals for us are to improve social inclusion in those towns near the project, to continue generating employment and services in those areas, and finally, to strengthen the relationship with our strategic partners in order to achieve the construction of the plant on an industrial scale.”

future of his company. “Without a doubt, there are emerging alternatives, but I think lithium batteries will dominate for the foreseeable future. I’m not betting against there being alternatives - not at all - but I do see there being a huge demand for lithium batteries in the years ahead.” And for his own company? He says: “The short-term goals for us are to improve social inclusion in those towns near the project, to continue generating employment and services in those areas, and finally, to strengthen the relationship with our strategic partners in order to achieve the construction of the plant on an industrial scale.”


 +54 261 439-6273  @litioargentina





ON TIME AND ON TRACK FOR GREAT THINGS CEPA El Salvador It’s been a little over five years since Business Excellence first visited CEPA, El Salvador’s port, airports and railways authority. RESEARCH BY

Fernando Ruiz



t’s been a little over five years since Business Excellence first visited CEPA, El Salvador’s port, airports and railways authority. In the time which has passed, the economy has continued on its upward trajectory, recording consistent annual GDP growth of over 2%. Recent political disharmony aside, the Central American republic continues to prosper. The same also goes for CEPA. When we last visited, the organization was coming out of a tumultuous period in which it had seen




12 leaders come and go over the preceding 20 years. It had also amassed debts in excess of $100 million. Thankfully, steps were put in place to address the organization’s outstanding issues under then President Alberto Arene, and the work continues to this day under current President Federico Anliker. Mr. Anliker’s appointment in mid-2019 is just one of the exciting changes that have occurred at CEPA in the intervening period since our last focus. As the paragraphs which follow will show, in less than half a decade


“Mr. Anliker’s appointment in mid-2019 is just one of the exciting changes that have occurred at CEPA”

the organization has undergone a series of changes that amount to impressive progress in such a short period of time.

Airport Expansion In July 2018, work began on the expansion of Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero international airport, El Salvador’s principal airport. Budgeted at $66 million, the first phase of the expansion involves the construction of a terminal of three floors covering over 21,000 square metres and taking in five new boarding



CONEXIÓN SIN LÍMITES T. (503) 2121 7500 | E.

Dirección: Calle San Antonio Abad # 3540, San Salvador, El Salvador

GLOBALCOM EL SALVADOR Hemos desarrollado para CEPA una amplia gama de proyectos, como son: Sistemas de Radiocomunicación Troncalizado a la medida, Sistemas de CCTV, Sistemas de Control de Acceso, Sistemas de Detección de Incendio, Sistema de Gestión de Tráfico de Buques (VTS), Sistema de Radar Marino, Estación Meteorológica, Sistema Optrónico de detección, Sistemas de ayudas a la navegación (Atonis), Lámparas para Boyas Marinas, Sistema AIS y otros. En Globalcom El Salvador contamos con un Staff de Ingenieros especializados en las últimas tendencias de la tecnología y somos desarrolladores de soluciones a la medida de nuestros clientes. Desde el año 2014 nos hemos convertido en uno de los principales proveedores de soluciones tecnológicas para CEPA, ya que nuestros Ingenieros están en constante búsqueda de soluciones aplicadas a los Puertos y Aeropuertos que administra CEPA. Nos caracterizamos por cumplir y superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes a través de nuestros principales valores: Honestidad, Diligencia, Responsabilidad, Calidad y Trabajo en Equipo. At Globalcom El Salvador, we have developed a wide range of projects for CEPA, including: Custom Trunked Radio Communication Systems, CCTV Systems, Access Control Systems, Fire Detection Systems, Vessel Traffic Management System (VTS), Marine Radar, Weather Station, Optronic Detection System, Aids to Navigation Systems (Atonis), Lamps for Marine Buoys, AIS System and others. At Globalcom El Salvador we have a Staff of Engineers specialized in the latest technology trends and we are developers of solutions tailored to our clients. Since 2014 we have become one of the main providers of technological solutions for CEPA, our Engineers are constantly searching for solutions applied to the Ports and Airports managed by CEPA. We built our reputation of meeting and exceeding our clients’ expectations through our founding values: Honesty, Diligence, Responsibility, Quality and Teamwork.




“The airport currently handles around 26,000 tonnes of cargo annually and the current plan aims to bring this to over 70,000 tonnes” gates and waiting areas, the airport’s first VIP lounge, a new arrivals area and a range of commercial outlets. The project runs in conjunction with a plan to triple the airport’s cargo capacity over the next two decades. The airport currently handles around 26,000 tonnes of cargo annually and the current plan aims to bring this to over 70,000 tonnes. All of this is being carried out under the watchful eye of CEPA, which launched a tender in September 2019 and is currently in the process of sorting through these tender offers.

The latest vote of confidence in the airport came at the end of January 2020 when US passenger airline Spirit Airlines announced it was creating a new route to Baltimore in Maryland. This news capped a highly positive month for CEPA, as its main airport at San Salvador was named as the second most punctual airport in the world for 2019.

On track The country’s railway system is also in line for an exciting expansion. For decades, the



WE ARE COMMITTED TO OUR CUSTOMERS SUCCESS For over 80 years, General de Equipos has accompanied the development of El Salvador by participating in mayor infrastructure projects that have marked the country’s modernization. At the same time, we have been a fundamental part in the evolution of the national agriculture sector.

T: 22050-8000 E:

inspired Your weekly digest of business news and views 74



“Taking the name, the Pacific Railway, the new line would be used for passengers and cargo”

idea has been mooted of a railway that links all of the Central American republics with the United States. Nowhere stronger was this idea felt than in El Salvador. Indeed, over the past couple of years, it has become the country’s flagship infrastructure project. Taking the name, the Pacific Railway, the new line would be used for passengers and

cargo. Feasibility studies for the project are already underway and consultation has begun with Cabei, the Central American funding authority, and the South Korean railway operator Korail, which has been drafted in as a technical adviser to the project. The feasibility study also includes neighboring Central American countries, including



Guatemala to the North and Nicaragua to the South, underlining the scale of the project’s ambitions. The planned railway would link all of the country’s port infrastructure with rail, as well as connecting them all to Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero international airport. In addition, travel times would fall significantly - with initial estimates suggesting that the journey from north to south in the country falling by 90 minutes. By linking with

neighbouring countries such as Honduras, it could also cut the journey time to Miami, creating competition for the Panama Canal in the process.

Ship to Shore It appears that every area of CEPA’s operations is being revamped and that extends too to its ports. CEPA is developing a strategy with the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) to expand the capacity of the port at

“The planned railway would link all of the country’s port infrastructure with rail, as well as connecting them all to Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero international airport.”




Partners and suppliers Acajutla. One of the aims of this Did you know? With operations across so many feasibility study is to see which forms of transport infrastructure, services the port should provide it’s inevitable that CEPA counts on - logistics only or perhaps In 2019, the port the collaboration of a diverse group tourism and fishing too. There’s was expanded of companies to help it deliver on also the issue of connecting the by 30% after its mandate. The considerable port with other major ports in an investment ongoing construction works Central America. of $13.2 being undertaken by CEPA are In 2019, the port was expanded million, which taken care of by the largest by 30% after an investment of included the construction firm in El Salvador, $13.2 million, which included commissioning Tobar, the largest engineering the commissioning of two new of two new firm, Cosapi, and Mexican cranes. The expansion included cranes. firm Caabsa Constructora, 21,000 square metres of new responsible for phase one of the logistics area. The updating airport expansion. of the port also means that Much of the prefabricated the dispatch performance of work for the airport project was conducted containers at Acajutla is 40% more efficient by Termoencogibles, Cosapi and Globalcom than before the work was undertaken. BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [ ISSUE NO.58 ]





“The fact that it has been able to carry out its duties in all three is all the more eye opening” Communications El Salvador and Siemens S.A., a regular contributor to logistics providers that Business Excellence repeatedly finds endorsed by profiled companies. Finally, local firms General de Equipos and Matec Logistica are both partners for CEPA in various aspects of logistics around its airport and port terminals.

Bringing a vision to reality Any one of the airport, port or rail aspects of CEPA’s mandate on its own would be a hefty challenge for most organizations. The fact that it has been able to carry out its duties in all three is all the more eye opening. The projects which have been delivered, those which are underway and those which are still at the drawing board are testament to the scale of the work which CEPA is tasked with and delivers. The first decade and a half of the 21st century created challenges for CEPA. But a strengthening economy, harmonious relations with its Central American neighbours and a new, internationally experienced managed team put CEPA on an excellent footing for the years ahead.


 (503) 2537 - 1300  @CEPA_SV



Tocumen Panama In


Perhaps no country in the world has take as well as Panama i RESEARCH BY




nternational Airport


en advantage of its geographical location, in Central America.



Raffoul Arab Pinzón CEO




erhaps no country in the world has taken advantage of its geographical location, as well as Panama in Central America. No one else can provide such rapid and relatively unhindered access between two major oceans and Panama has taken advantage of this to a remarkable extent to effectively become for the world in the 21st century what the Silk Road was several centuries earlier. Thanks to the work of Tocumen International Airport, the world’s most famous sea route is now in the air. We recently spoke with the company’s CEO, Raffoul Arab Pinzón, about the company’s success story and its role in Panama leveraging its global reputation as a country at the center of global commerce. He told


Construction began in 1971, so the Tocumen River was diverted from its original course for the construction of the new terminal.” It continues: “The new terminal, also called Tocumen International Airport, was inaugurated on August 15, 1978 and the inaugural flight was on September 5 of the same year. Tocumen International Airport is one of the few in the region with two runways, as the runway of the previous terminal is permanently used by cargo planes and private flights or can be used as an alternative runway to the main runway at times demand.” Changes were also being made to management, allowing people in contact with airport operations to make decisions more efficiently. Previously, the airport administration was under the control of

“Tocumen International Airport is one of the few in the region with two runways” us about his history, his current operations, including the airport’s second terminal, which will be delivered in 2020, a truly historic milestone for Tocumen.

Background The history of Tucumen Airport begins with its inauguration in June 1947 by President Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Brin. This was followed in 1954 by the opening of the airport administration and the first terminal buildings. This first airport occupied an area of 7.2 kilometers strategically located just 20 kilometers outside Panama City. Today, the same airport is used as a cargo terminal. Inevitably, in a short time, this was too small to meet demand. As Mr. Arab says: “Given Panama’s history as a transit country favored by its geographical location, that terminal was too small for demand for air operations.

the Civil Aeronautics Directorate (now the Civil Aviation Authority). Starting on June 1, 2003, a new administrative organization was created, which allows the creation of a company called Tocumen S.A. International Airport that currently manages the airport. Today, Tocumen Airport is one of the most important terminal areas in Latin America as evidenced by its growing number of passengers and the fact that it operates flights to and from more than 94 international destinations to cities in the Americas and Europe , covering much of Latin America. It is also Copa Airlines’ main hub and Star Alliance hub for Latin America and the Caribbean. This translates to an average of 45,432 passengers per day, including landings and transfers, amounting to 16.5 million in 2019. As the number of passengers continues to grow, so does the airport and the most visible signal




ESROD Calle 52 y Elvira Méndez Mezzanine, Oficina 112, Cuidad de Panamá, Panamá



GRUPO ESROD Cuando nosotros GRUPO ESROD, S.A. participamos junto a Rapiscan Systems, en la licitación de equipamiento de seguridad de Rayos X de la nueva terminal (T2) del aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen, nunca imaginamos el reto que representaría. Lo hicimos pensando en el crecimiento y futuro de nuestros cliente Tocumen. Y por ello, en consorcio con Rapiscan Systems nos decidimos a implementar la mejor y más eficiente solución para la inspección en su sistema de BHS que una terminal como Tocumen necesita. Nuestra oferta fue el sistema de Tomógrafos Computarizados (CT) más eficiente y de más alta velocidad que existe en el mundo. El CT modelo RTT110 fabricado en UK de Rapiscan Systems, puede manejar 1,800 maletas hora; su sistema de Gantry fijo permite el más bajo índice de rechazos. Por ello, la escogencia de las autoridades de Tocumen fue acertada. Hoy el sistema de manejo de maletas de la nueva terminal de Tocumen es el más eficiente de América Latina con capacidades de manejo de maletas/hora muy superiores a terminales que operan en la región. Además del sistema de inspección por tomógrafos computarizados, instalamos las primeras 10 líneas de sistemas TRS (Tray Return Systems – Sistema Automático de Recuperación de Bandejas de Inspección)) de América Latina, para puntos de control de pasajeros y equipaje de mano. Con ello, Tocumen estará a la vanguardia de las más exigentes soluciones de inspección no intrusiva reguladas en aeropuertos del mundo.

“Tocumen International Airport has one of the highest growth rates in passenger demand in the region and Latin America”

Desde los detectores de trazas de explosivos, pasando por los sistemas convencionales de Rayos X y los tomógrafos computarizados de la marca Rapiscan Systems, el GRUPO ESROD acompaña la terminal de Tocumen como el proveedor confiable que se convierte en un socio estratégico para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de crecimiento a futuro de ésta terminal.

of this growth will reach mid-2020 with the arrival of Terminal T2.

Terminal T2 Success has driven more success at the airport. As Mr Arab argues: “Tocumen International Airport has one of the highest growth rates in passenger demand in the region and Latin




Enviromental Management Group (EMG) reúne un grupo de Empresas dedicadas principalmente a la gestión de desechos sólidos urbanos, comerciales e industriales con más de 17 años en Panamá, manejo de plagas y mantenimiento de áreas verdes. Nuestra misión trabajar con pasión el ambiente, bajo valores que nos representan como empresa: • • • • • • • •

Honestidad e Integridad Respeto al Medio Ambiente Desarrollo Humano Trabajo en Equipo Compromiso Innovación Cautivar al Cliente Derechos Humanos

Nuestro objetivo es brindar una solución integral a las necesidades de limpieza manejo de desechos y sostenibilidad ambiental de nuestros clientes asegurando el uso de la tecnología disponible y el cumplimiento de las más altas normas de calidad a nivel nacional.

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“With Terminal 1 and 2 we will have 66 gates and 12 remote positions and will cover an area of approximately 116,000m2 distributed in four levels” America; Therefore, it has been developing a Master Plan, which has a validity period from 2015 to 2035, which is updated and reviewed annually with major industry representatives.” The pinnacle of this master plan is Terminal T2, which will handle a total of 20 gates that must be 100% operational in the first half of 2020. As Mr Arab says, it will not only be a milestone for aviation in Panama, but also for airport architecture. It says: “T2 is a work of relevant architectural value bearing the seal of quality of the renowned British firm Foster

and Partners. In addition to being a state of the art in terms of technology, it is also totally earthquake-proof.” He adds: “With Terminal 1 and 2 we will have 66 gates and 12 remote positions (4 in Terminal 1 and 8 in Terminal 2) and will cover an area of approximately 116 thousand m2 distributed in four levels. It measures 662 meters in length, with a building of 112 meters in length and reaches a height of 30 meters in some points.” Most important for Tocumen, it will also increase its capacity to about 25



CSA GROUP CSA Group is a proud team member of the consortium that carried out the Program Management and Construction Management for the Tocumen International Airport Expansion Program, and provided design oversight, inspection services, construction oversight, and cost control services.

A Full Service Project Delivery and Program Management Company

CSA Group is an international consulting firm that has been in business for more than 60 years with offices in Panama, Mexico, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington DC, Florida, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands. They aim to transform their client’s needs into reality by offering comprehensive solutions through their core services – Program Management, Construction Management; Architecture, Engineering, Environmental; and Response, Recovery and Resilience. The synergy between their multi-discipline groups enhance projects with a seamless delivery of multiple services while providing a depth of experience and resources in a single source firm. The market segments they service include airports, seaports, institutional, industrial, housing, hospitality, commercial, education, healthcare, surface transportation, rail, energy, and disaster response. They are there throughout the life of your projects from planning through operation using standard contracting, design-build, and P3 contractual arrangements. CSA Group is committed to making the world a better place by developing stronger, more resilient facility and infrastructure solutions.




“The extension required some 6,500 professionals from different disciplines efficiently coordinated, resulting in one of the most modern terminals in the world.” million passengers by 2025, which means the future growth of the airport with a world-class piece of architecture.

A project for Panama Of course, all of this is not just growth for the sake of the growth of the aviation industry. Tocumen’s main role is not only to be a conduit for the growth of other countries, but rather for Panama itself. To begin with, its extension provided an important job to the region. Mr. Pinzón says: “The extension required some

6,500 professionals from different disciplines efficiently coordinated, resulting in one of the most modern terminals in the world.” Outside of this direct employment, there are other significant benefits, he notes: “According to the most recent study ‘Economic Benefits of Air Transport in Panama’ conducted by IATA, the aviation industry in Panama generates $7.3 billion every year, of which $2.2 billion corresponds to air transport revenue, with the remaining amount being the expenditure of foreign visitors to the country.” In 2019,



Did you know? According to the most recent study ‘Economic Benefits of Air Transport in Panama’ conducted by IATA, the aviation industry in Panama generates $7.3 billion every year, of which $2.2 billion corresponds to air transport revenue, with the remaining amount being the expenditure of foreign visitors to the country. In 2019, this accounted for 14.8% of Panama’s GDP, generating 260,000 direct and indirect jobs.

“The considerable task of meeting the airport’s telecommunications requirements is admirably managed by Telecom Group Inc”

this accounted for 14.8% of Panama’s GDP, generating 260,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Partners and suppliers Successfully managing the flow of more than 16 million passengers each year, while delivering a new terminal, is no easy task. Tocumen has a select range of partners and suppliers that allow it to fulfill its promises, almost all of them are of Panamanian origin. These include Grupo Aluman, and SVF Panama, which participated in elements of the construction and engineering part of T2, joined by Brazilian firm Odebrecht and Spanish firm Sampol.



The considerable task of meeting the airport’s telecommunications requirements is admirably managed by Telecom Group Inc., a US firm, while Inversiones Grupo Esrod S.A. provides ongoing assistance in the various aspects airport management technicians from security to airport signalling systems.

Panama in the skies When talking about the future of Tocumen, one may also be talking about the future of Panama, so the fates of the two. With the arrival of T2 in 2020, Tocumen will firmly


take its place among the best airports in the Americas - a milestone for the airport and the country to celebrate. As Mr. Pinzón says, “the growth of the airline industry in Panama has a hugely positive impact on the overall development of the country; With the launch of the airport complex, the trade, logistics, tourism and financial and business services centre will be enhanced.


 +507 238-2700  @tocumenaero




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