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The Outlook for Mozambique

“It would seem that the potential for Mozambique is boundless.”


Several academic research papers have confirmed the strong correlation that exists between logistics development and economic growth, with some of these showing that more valued-added is contributed to an economy by developing its logistics than any other sector. Logistics, recall, is not an end in itself: It provides a boost to all industries that currently exist in the country as well as incentivizing the commencement of ones that don’t.

One statistic helps to explain the potential that all of this generates for trade in Mozambique; in June 2020, the African Development Bank said that Mozambique was one of the 5 worst countries on the continent of Africa for infrastructure, citing its lack of transport infrastructure in particular. Despite this, until recently, the country’s economy had been growing by 7% a year. But with infrastructure It would seem that the potential for Mozambique is boundless.

53https://observador.pt/2020/01/13/mocambique-vai-importar80-autocarros-movidos-a-gas/ 54file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/23319-87283-1-PB.pdf 55https://www.ersj.eu/dmdocuments/2018_XXI_2_52.pdf 56https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255856079_ Relationship_between_Exports_and_Economic_Growth_of_ Pakistan 57https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0c8e/ ab1863a94f1ce41339c2050e9dfa070ef3c5.pdf


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