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Plastics in Water: A Looming Threat to Energy Transition, Highlighting the Potential Renewable Green Energy.

Plastics and the Energy Transition

The presence of plastics in water presents a direct threat to the energy transition on multiple fronts. The di erent activities in the use of plastics go on to a ect the global ambitions of decarbonization.


Firstly, the production of plastics is heavily reliant on fossil fuels.

According to International Energy Agency (IEA) the petrochemical sector, which includes plastic production, accounts for approximately 14% of global energy use. Countries continuous and dependence on plastics indicates an indirect support to the fossil fuel industry, contradicting the global determined contributions pledge towards sustainable energy future. In addition, the impact of plastics on marine ecosystems disrupts biodiversity and ecosystem services critical for supporting renewable energy infrastructure. For instance, plastics in the ocean can damage marine turbines used in o shore wind farms, a ecting their e ciency and reliability.

The Potential of Renewable Energy Generation Depending on Water.

ues to make it a reliable option. However, it is essential to balance hydropower development with sustainability and environmental considerations to minimize potential negative impacts on ecosystems and local communities.

Wind Power Potential

Wind power is another key player in the renewable energy sector, demonstrating tremendous growth and potential. The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) reports that global wind power capacity reached 743 GW by the end of 2020. O shore wind power, in particular, has seen signi cant advancements, with total global installed capacity exceeding 35 GW. The o shore wind sector is projected to expand further, with GWEC estimating a potential capacity of 234 GW by 2030. Wind energy o ers a reliable and clean source of electricity, with onshore and o shore wind farms contributing to energy generation across the globe.

Geothermal Power Potential

The race to net zero continuous unabated as countries all over the world are striving to increase their renewable energy component, and contribute to decarbonization. The global energy transition has received globally recognition, countries are currently undergoing a crucial energy transition towards sustainable and renewable sources, aiming to combat climate change and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. However, amidst this transition, there is a growing threat that often goes unnoticed: plastics in water. Plastics, particularly those in our oceans and freshwater systems, pose a signi cant threat to the energy transition, thus renewable energy generated through water ie. Mini hydro, geothermal and hydrothermal energy. These renewable energy sources depends on the availability of water bodies such as dams, rivers, streams, lakes and mighty ocean.

Plastics in Water Crisis

Plastics have become an integral part of our daily lives, but their improper disposal and inadequate waste management have led to a global crisis. Every year, an estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enter our oceans, causing severe harm to marine life, ecosystems, and human health. The United Nations Environment Programme observes approximately 300 million metric tons of plastic waste is generated globally every year, these waste often nds its way into water sources including lakes, dams, rivers and the oceans. An estimated 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris are in the world's oceans as stated by National Geographic. The pollution of water bodies pose signicant threat to marine and ocean life, over 800 marine species are a ected by plastic pollution, with devastating consequences such as entanglement, ingestion, and habitat destruction.

Plastic pollution disrupts the balance and functioning of ecosystems, a ecting water quality, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. It can harm sh populations, alter nutrient cycles, and degrade habitats. The economic cost of marine pollution is signicant to the global economy, the World Bank indicates it to be around $13 billion per year, including the damage caused to sheries, tourism, and maritime activities.

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the total renewable energy capacity reached 2,799 GW in 2020, accounting for 29.7% of the world's total power capacity. Solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity alone exceeded 773 GW, while wind power capacity surpassed 733 GW. Additionally, hydropower accounted for approximately 1,211 GW of installed capacity. Amidst the challenges posed by plastics in water, renewable energy generation emerges as a viable alternative, o ering a sustainable and clean source of power. Renewable energy sources dependent on water, hydropower, Wind, Geothermal and Mini Hydrothermal, have the potential to provide a signi cant portion of our energy needs while mitigating the reliance on plastics and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Hydropower Potential

Hydropower has long been a signi cant contributor to renewable energy generation. According to IRENA, hydropower accounted for approximately 1,211 GW of installed capacity in 2020, making it the largest renewable energy source. Hydropower's capacity for energy generation, storage, and grid stability contin-

Geothermal power has signi cant potential as a renewable energy source, o ering a reliable and sustainable option for electricity generation. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the total installed capacity of geothermal power reached approximately 14 GW by the end of 2020. Unlike intermittent renewable sources like wind or solar, geothermal power plants provide a constant and uninterrupted power supply, making them ideal for baseload electricity generation. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), geothermal energy could supply up to 14% of the world's electricity demand. Investing in geothermal energy not only reduces reliance on plastics but also fosters a cleaner and more resilient energy future. This represents a vast untapped potential for geothermal energy development. Geothermal resources are found in various regions across the world making it possible to have global appeal than other renewable energy sources.

Collaboration and Action

To e ectively address the threat of plastics in water to the energy transition, collaborative e orts and international cooperation are imperative. Governments, industries, and civil society must work together to develop innovative solutions for plastic waste management and promote sustainable

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