Business24 Newspaper 12 May 23

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FRI D AY, MAY 12, 2 0 2 3 BUSIN E SS 2 4 . C O M . G H N E W S F OR B U SIN E SS L E AD E R S MPs stalling passage of AmendmentCitizenshipBill Stor y on page 3 GIPC assures of efforts to attract more FDIs into Ghana Stor y on page 2
ASSETS 2023: African startups and SMEs strategically positioned for AFCFTA opportunity Stor y on page 3 Black Sherif and Worlasi visit Vodafone after VGMA triumphs Gov’t seeks new entrepreneurs to create future growth …as YouStart Skills project kicks o Stor y on page 5
By Eugene Davis
By Eugene Davis

GIPC assures of efforts to attract more FDIs into Ghana

The Chief Executive O cer of the Ghana Investment Pro motion Centre (GIPC), Yo Grant, has re-a rmed his out t’s continuous e orts at creating a favorable investment climate and attract foreign direct investment to Ghana.

This comes as the GIPC has been shortlisted again for the best Investment Promotion Agency, IPA in West and Central Africa award at this year’s Annual Investment Meeting.

The Annual Investment Meeting is a renowned conference that unites global investors, entrepreneurs, and government representatives.

A statement issued by the GIPC notes that, by leveraging its association with Annual Investment Meeting and engaging in fruitful collaborations, the GIPC is actively driving investment promotion initiatives, attracting capital in ows, and facilitating sustainable economic growth in Ghana.

“In 2023, the GIPC will continue to maintain its exceptional standing in the region, as it has been shortlisted again for the best IPA in West and Central Africa award. This acknowledgment reafrms the GIPC’s continuous e orts to create a favorable investment climate and attract foreign direct investment to Ghana,” it noted.

It also notes that it remains

reputation for excellence and further positioning Ghana as a thriving investment hub within Africa.

Furthermore, the GIPC has fostered a collaborative relationship with AIM through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This strategic partnership seeks to enhance cooperation between both entities and e ectively promote investments in Ghana and across Africa.

Moreover, the collaboration will help position Ghana as the preferred investment destination on the African continent, showcasing its potential and numerous advantages to global investors.

“By leveraging its association with AIM and engaging in fruitful collaborations, the GIPC is actively driving investment promotion initiatives, attracting capital in ows, and facilitating sustainable economic growth in Ghana.

As the GIPC continues to evolve as a leading IPA, it remains committed to maintaining its reputation for excellence and further positioning Ghana as a thriving investment hub within Africa,” it added.

Annual Investment Meeting

The Annual Investment Meeting is a renowned conference that unites global investors, entrepreneurs, and govern-

Held annually in the United Arab Emirates, AIM provides a platform for diverse sectors to engage in open discussions about the latest investment trends and opportunities. This conference fosters an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and fostering potential partnerships, enabling participants to tap into new avenues of collaboration and growth.

Over the years, the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has established an important association with the prestigious Annual Investment Meeting (AIM), solidifying its position as the best Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) in West and Central Africa. This recognition was conferred upon the GIPC in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022, underscoring its commitment to excellence in investment promotion.

The Annual Investment Meeting has proven to be a valuable platform for the GIPC to engage with investors and participate in thought leadership discussions pertaining to investment promotion and facilitation.

In recognition of the GIPC’s expertise and in uence, the Center’s CEO, Yo Grant, has consistently served as a speaker at this renowned event, contributing to meaningful dialogues on investment trends and opportunities.

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MPs stalling passage of Citizenship Amendment Bill

sioner, Chief Fire O cer, Chief Director of a Ministry, Inspector-General of Police, Member of Parliament, etc.

But the Bill is seeking to have such restrictions removed.

If passed, dual citizens can be considered for various public o ces, including Chief of Defence Sta , Inspector General of Police, Ambassador or High Commissioner, Director of Immigration Service, Secretary to Cabinet and Member of Parliament, among others.

prevents genuine contributions from our brothers and sisters in the diaspora towards our nation building processes.”

The proposed Bill was initiated in May 2021 and is hoping the 275 lawmakers in Ghana’s legislature will back his bid, as he reckons “It will bring a collective bene ts to the entire country when we allow those with dual nationality to bring onboard their exposures and experiences.”

In 2019, President Akufo-Addo mentioned that a Bill was being worked on by the O ce of Diasporan A airs for such purposes.

Despite what the country could achieve by passing the Citizenship Amendment Bill, it is being fraught with challenges over its passage.

This is as a result of opposition from some Members of Parliament (MPs). However, the Member of Parliament for Akim Swedru, Kennedy Osei Nyarko, feels the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Bill will ensure that the country can tap into the rich expertise of persons with dual nationality in the diaspora.

Parliament is expected to resume later this month and for Mr.Osei Nyarko “where we have gotten to now needs more lobbying among the MPs to support it. The MPs are the problem now, many of them are against it.” he told Business24/Investment Times via a phone interview.

Currently, Ghanaians who are citizens of other countries are barred from holding public o ce, such as Chief Justice, Ambassador or High Commis-

Mr. Osei Nyarko is seeking amendments of Articles 8(2) and 94(2)(a) of the 1992 constitution.

Further, he explained “I am motivated to seek for the amendments of Articles 8(2) and 94(2)(a) of the 1992 constitution because; the provisions therein are discriminatory; it promotes division and segregation among the Ghanaian citizens. It

Speaking at the Diaspora Home Coming Celebrations in Accra, the President mentioned that there were “several countries where a truthful collaboration between their overseas nationals and their governments can bring about national development and prosperity.”

“I am happy about the decision taken by the O ce of Diasporan A airs headed by one of your own, Akwasi Awuah Ababio to work on the Diaspora Engagement Bill,” he said at the 2019 event.

ASSETS 2023: African startups and SMEs strategically positioned for AFCFTA opportunity

The African Startups & SMEs

In Export & Trade Summit (ASSETS) 2023 has come to a successful conclusion, with over 100 startups, SMEs, public servants, and industry experts attending the summit. The event, which was held on the theme: Strategically positioning Startups & SMEs for the AFCFTA opportunity, was a resounding success, with attendees giving positive reviews and sharing good testimonials about the bene ts they derived from the various sessions of the summit.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement has created the largest

free trade area in the world measured by the number of countries participating. The pact connects 1.3 billion people across 55 countries with a combined gross domestic product (GDP) valued at US$3.4 trillion.

It has the potential to lift 30 million people out of extreme poverty, but achieving its full potential will depend on putting in place signi cant policy reforms and trade facilitation measures.

The AfCFTA sends a strong signal to the international investor community that Africa is open for business, based on a single rule-book for

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Kennedy Osei Nyarko

trade and investment, according to H.E. Wamkele Mene, Secretary General, AfCFTA Secretariat.

A key challenge facing startups and SMEs is the lack of access to training and mentoring. Many entrepreneurs lack the business skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complex world of international trade.

They may be unaware of the regulatory requirements and technical standards required to export their products, or they may not have the language skills or cultural awareness necessary to communicate e ectively with potential customers in foreign markets.

Additionally, startups and SMEs often struggle to compete with larger, established rms that have greater resources and economies of scale. This makes it di cult for them to gain a foothold in the market, and to secure the contracts and partnerships necessary to grow and expand their businesses.

To address these challenges, the African Startups and SMEs in Export and Trade Secretariat is working to provide a range of services and resources to support entrepreneurs and small business owners even as they galvanize support from funding institutions for these small businesses.

One of the major highlights of the summit was the keynote

delivered by the AFCFTA SME & Trade Advisor, Mr. Peter Adetor, who spoke on the importance of strategic positioning for African startups and SMEs in the global marketplace.

The sessions were informative, engaging, and provided practical insights into the challenges and opportunities facing African startups and SMEs. Participants were able to learn from the experiences of others and exchange ideas on how to leverage the AFCFTA to grow their businesses.

Speaking about the summit, one attendee, Ms. Amina Mohammed a Gabonese, said, "ASSETS 2023 was an eye-opener for me. I learned so much about how to position my business for the AFCFTA opportunity, and I am leaving here with practical ideas on how to grow my business. I am grateful to the organizers and panelists for sharing their knowledge and expertise with us."

Mr. Adetor emphasized the need for businesses to adapt to the changing landscape of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA), which presents signi cant opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and increase their pro ts. In addition to the keynote, attendees also participated in panel discussions covering a range of issues such as access to SME funds, positioning businesses for global markets, and building strategic partnerships. The panels included seasoned experts from startups and international development consultancies, UNDP, and the digital marketing space. Mrs. Sylvia Senu

kor, An Economist at UNDP Ghana who was one of the Panelist continually reiterated that the AFCFTA presents a varied set of opportunities waiting to be taken advantage of especially within the Agric value chain, value addition sections of goods and services. the AFCFTA keenly aligns with a number of the SDGs such as SDGs goals 1,2,5,8 & 9.

Mr. Kelly Prince Anyomitse representing Challenges Ghana, an International Development Consortium also said “I am thrilled to see the enthusiasm and dedication of African startups and SMEs in the Export and Trade registering their interest in the AfCFTA at ASSETS 2023. It is inspiring to witness the focus on strategically positioning these businesses for the AFCFTA opportunity, which aligns with the African Union declaration of 2023 as the year of accelerating the implementation of

Another attendee, Mr. Emmanuel Okafor, a small business owner from Nigeria, added, "The panel discussions were fantastic. I got to hear from experts who have been in the business for years, and I learned a lot from their experiences. Especially on how to collaborate with other stakeholders within my industry and business community"

Overall, the African Startups & SMEs In Export & Trade Summit (ASSETS) 2023 was a resounding success. Attendees left with valuable insights, practical ideas, and a renewed sense of purpose, ready to take on the challenges and opportunities presented by the AFCFTA.

Black Sherif and Worlasi visit Vodafone after VGMA triumphs

Following their impressive wins at the 24th edition of the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMAs), Black Sherif and Worlasi visited the senior management of Vodafone Ghana to express their gratitude for the company's continued support of the Ghanaian music industry. Black Sherif, who was honoured with the coveted Artist of the Year award, also took home accolades for the most popular song of the year, collaboration of the year, the best hip-hop song of the year, and best music video.

Re ecting on the impact of these awards, Sherif stated, “After the show I had friends

reaching out to congratulate me and I realised how huge this was. I’m so grateful for the support and recognition.” His outstanding performance on the night reinforced his reputation as one of Ghana's most exciting rising talents.

The Vodafone Green Award was bestowed on Worlasi, acknowledging his contributions to environmental awareness and sustainability. Worlasi, recognised for his tree-planting initiative aimed at greening Darkuman Nyamekye and other parts of Accra, said, “Vodafone's recognition of this project will go a long way in spreading awareness

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for individuals to start planting trees across Ghana.” Vodafone

Ghana has lauded this initiative, aligning with its commitment to promoting sustainable development and supporting environmental causes.

For the past 12 years, Vodafone Ghana has been an integral partner of the VGMAs, having a considerable impact on the

growth of the Ghanaian music industry. Thanks to their backing, the VGMAs have blossomed into one of Africa's most esteemed music awards events, shining a global spotlight on the best of Ghanaian music.

Patricia Obo-Nai, CEO of Vodafone Ghana, re ected on the success of the VGMAs and the

role her company has played. She o ered hearty congratulations to Black Sherif and Worlasi for their well-earned awards and commended their dedication to their craft and positive community impact.

The recognition of Black Sherif and Worlasi underscores the immense talent and

creativity thriving in Ghana's music industry. Vodafone Ghana's sustained backing of the VGMAs, coupled with their support for sustainable development and environmental initiatives, signi es their commitment to fostering a positive impact within Ghana and beyond.

Gov’t seeks new entrepreneurs to create future growth

…as YouStart Skills project kicks o

Unemployed young people, women, existing MSME’s owned by school dropouts and persons with disabilities are to be given help to start up in business through an intervention dubbed YouStart Ghana Jobs and Skills Project.

According to Trade and Industry Minister, Kobina Tahir Hammond, government is lending a hand to tackle the country’s youth unemployment by encouraging more people to start a new business, to kick start economic growth.

He adds that the YouStart Ghana Jobs and Skills Project, is intended to create over a million entrepreneurs in the next years.

The government through the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA) is implementing Component 2.1 of the Project which has the objective of providing Entrepreneurship Training and Competitive Start-up Grants to youth who have the potential to start a business. The project is geared to train 50,000+ youth upon completion.

Speaking with the press on Monday after touring some

training centres to monitor the progress following the start of the programme nationwide, the Trade Minister said “Today commences programme of training for the youth who are determined to engage in some enterprises of their own essentially small medium enterprises, it is starting all over the country about 188 districts, we expect that by the end of this rst stage/by close of the exercise we will be able to train about 50,000 youth to be able to engage in their respective enterprises in their respective capacities -that is what has brought us here.

Government is going on a drive to ensure there is employment in the country, we would not say full employment -it is governmentally and humanly impossible to create 100persons employment but then again government puts steps in place which at least would go to some extent to ensure there is some level in the country.

the youth unemployment is phenomenal, many years ago it was not like this, with the expansion in growth and population, you expect a situation like this, this is what government is trying to ameliorate, so there is the drive to ensure that in about

three years time, we should be looking at the creation of about a million employment in the system. That is what has brought us here, we will go to other areas to see how it is progressing but essentially it is going on in all the 16 districts in country. We hope in the fullness of time, some monies would be available to push these individuals on the path to their own employment.”

CEO of Ghana Enterprises Agency, (GEA) Kosi Yankey-Ayeh underscored the rationale for the programme. She said “It falls under the Ghana Jobs and Skills project –the goal is to provide entrepreneurship training and competitive start-up grant to the youth of these nation. When we started this programme, the focus was not only to look at funding but access to technical assistance -training, access to how we can build them to access better market, to get better quality product and those who are able to successfully go through the project to be able to access some funding.

The target for this rst phase is 50,000 bene ciaries who would go through training programmes -the initial train-

ing is the basic, which has started. There are di erent levels of beneciaries within this project that we working on, those who are successful, committed would then be moved unto the intermediate level where they will also receive some form of training in a period of ten days and the nal leg is the advance training where they will also get some mentoring and coaching, and support, because we believe that we can’t just leave them and only teach them but also if we are able to bring on board people who have been through the process who can handhold them, it makes it easier for them to get the mentorship to propel them to start, so that is what this project is looking at.”

By the end of the rst phase, 7189 participants, 3595 would pass out at intermediate and advanced level respectively.

According to management, not all participants will receive the grant, because it is a competitive grant and participants must meet certain requirements, such as having credible company ideas, having a skill and requiring start-up kits, and existing youth enterprises displaying growth and the ability to employ additional youth.

The project's implementation began on April 25, 2023, in Regional capitals around the nation, and will continue through May 8, 2023, in all 261 districts in the nation.

Participants are also undergoing a series of Entrepreneurship, nancial literacy, kaizen, coaching, and mentoring training to build their capacities as they look to establish, grow and sustaining their businesses.

Training under the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project will be in 3 levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. Basic Level: All participants must go through Basic Training of 5 Days.


They will need to participate fully and complete this level to progress to intermediate level.

Intermediate Level: This training will last for 10days. Participants will need to participate fully and complete intermediate to progress to advanced level training. Also, at this stage, existing youth businesses and unemployed youth with vocational skills will be eligible to apply for grant support. The grant support at this stage is highly competitive.

Advanced Level: This level will last for 15days. It will involve an incubation process to netune business plans/idea, provide coaching and mentoring and access to network events/ trade shows.

There is also a competitive grant support component in the project which will take the form of cash grants for working capital, capital regulatory and formalization support, purchase of ICT

business solutions and start-up Kits (Tools, Equipment and Technologies).

The World Bank is providing nancing and technical support to the Government of Ghana (GoG) for the implementation of the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project.

Following a successful launch of the Youstart Ghana Jobs and Skills Project in November 2022, an online portal was

opened for interested persons to apply for the project.

Further, GEA disclosed that "288,000 applications were received when the portal closed. After the application, those who scored the past mark were shortlisted. However, training has been broken down into phases due to the number of applicants. Breaking down training in phases also ensure that we limit the trainer-participant ratios to provide a quality learner experience."

MakersPlace First Lego League Robotics Scrimmage Competition has ended successfully

watch the robot games and innovative program project presentations videos to provide feedback. It was a close competition, but one team emerged as the overall winner.

The winning team had to demonstrate exceptional teamwork, design, and robot performance.

The maiden edition of the MakersPlace First Lego League (FLL) Robotics Scrimmage

Competition was held in Accra recently. It featured six teams of four students, who competed with each other following the all FIRST Lego League competition rules.

The students showcased their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, and indeed they did not disappoint.

The FLL Robotics Scrimmage

Competition was organized in partnership with the SiSe Puede Foundation, Edulearn Ghana, and Coderina EdTech Foundation, the rst operational partner for the sub-region with sponsorship from Arm(E³)NGAGE.

The robotics program was designed to encourage students to develop STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) through

hands-on robotics projects. The competition was open to students from di erent schools who registered to be part of the afterschool program. Children between the ages of 9 to 16 were provided a platform to explore and develop their skills in robotics, programming, and design.

These students have been working on their projects for several months prior to joining the competition. They built their robots using LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robotics kit, and programmed them to perform various tasks. The competition was judged based on a set of criteria, including robot performance, design, and teamwork. The atmosphere at the competition was power-driven as the teams worked hard to get their robots to complete the super powered missions assigned to

them. The robots had to navigate obstacles, pick up and move objects, and perform other complex tasks.

The students worked tirelessly, testing and tweaking their robots until they were satis ed with their performance. Parents and mentors also present to witness the competition were proud and amazed at the level of skill and creativity displayed by these students. Some of the parents who spoke said they were impressed with the inventiveness and critical thinking skills that the students had displayed throughout the competition. It was clear that the students had learned a lot from the competition and were better equipped for the future. At the end of the competition, the raw videos were sent to volunteer judges from the Degrees of Freedom Robotics team in the USA who would

Madam Baptista S. Gebu, one of the judges congratulated the organizers of this all important event and encouraged parents and educators to commit to exposing the future generation to the future of work conversation, a situation which supports hands-on acquisition of soft skills not readily demonstrated in main stream educational centers. She was excited; the kids demonstrated problem-solving, team work and collaboration skills among others.

The MakersPlace Robotics

Scrimmage Competition is in line with the changing trends of Arti cial Intelligence (AI) and the founder, Mr. Douglas Ayitey in his nal remarks, said the competition was a “testament to the importance of hands-on learning and the power of STEM education in preparing our children for the future”. He stressed the need for more initiatives like this that will expose students to STEM and encourage them to develop skills that will be valuable in the future.

FRIDAY,MAY 12, 2023 | NEWS 6

How music tourism can improve Intra African Tourism

Gulf Technologies Systems (GTS), a leading Israeli company, and Himeros Mining Limited, have entered into a joint venture agreement to develop a gold mine in the Western Region of Ghana, speci cally in the Sefwi-Esaase District.

The mining operation will involve state-of-the-art boring equipment to develop a 3.5 billion dollar mine over the next ve years. This new venture is expected to produce up to 250 kg of gold per month, along with 150 kg of other precious metals, and a potential for diamond mining operations in the future.

GTS and Himeros Mining

Limited have agreed to use di erent types of mining techniques, implement environmental control systems, and consider the impact that this mining operation will have on the local communities.

Types of Mining

The mining operation at the Sefwi-Esaase District will involve both deep rock mining and alluvial mining. Deep rock mining involves drilling into the ground to extract minerals that are located deep beneath the surface. This type of mining can be very expensive, but it

is often necessary when the minerals are located too deep for other methods to be e ective. In contrast, alluvial mining involves extracting minerals from the sediment of rivers and streams. This type of mining is lIt’s been 24 years since renounce Ghanaian musician Daddy Lumba rst won the Ghana Music Award. Since then, many other Ghanaian musicians have also done so. They have all contributed to making lovers of their music happy.

Music tourism is the act of travelling to a city, town, or country to watch a music performance, or to attend a music festival. Like most travel trends, it started in the West, and many towns like Glastonbury in the UK depend on it for their tourist footfall. Music tourism has transmuted into a massive phenomenon globally, and it has become the joy of many.

When it comes to music, Ghana is a big name and one of the most in uential countries on the African continent. The country has produced many old and young artists who have won international awards making the country proud.

The tourism aspect of music drives people to travel and once they arrive at the destination, they spend money on accommodation, food, transportation and other ancillary services provided to them. Through the multiplier e ect, the local economy bene ts immensely.

Those planning musical performances must not only consider the music but also consider the economic gains visitor bring to the country thus incorporating a tourism aspect. Tourists travel for many reasons and attending events is one of the many reasons which drives tourism ow to a destination.

In the past 24 years since the inception of Ghana Music Award, do we data on the number of international tourists who have traveled to Ghana to attend these events? Or is the focus on Ghana alone. Such events must be advertised in other neighboring West African countries and e ort must be made to use music in attracting tourists to Ghana.

Many musical events organized in the past have indeed drawn some musicians and tourists from other West African countries mostly Nigeria. One of such concerts is Ghana Meets Naija. Beyond they coming to perform, have they been introduced to our tourist attractions? If that were the case, it must be sustained and expanded. If that weren’t the case then it must begin now.

It is reported that Ghana Meets Naija is the brainchild of media personality and CEO of EIB Group, Bola Ray. He organized the rst edition almost a decade ago and since then, the concert has grown in stature and reputation as the nest musical concert in Ghana. The format of the event is simply pairing Nigerian music superstars against their Ghanaian counterparts for a showdown. It is held in Accra every year in the month of June.

Another event I’m told attract international artist is Rapperholic. The Rapperholic Concert is organized by rapper Sarkodie and held in the month of December every year. The rst edition was held in 2012. Adom Praiz is another event which can attract many international artists and they must be encouraged to not only perform

but also take a trip to some nearby tourist attractions. This is Tema an annual concert by Rapper Sarkodie to celebrate Tema’s music reportedly attracted 100,000 people. How many of them were from Togo, Benin, Cote D’Ivoire, Nigeria, and Burkina Faso? Focusing on Ghana alone is not enough. The focus must be beyond Ghana. Recently, Accra hosted the sister event to Global Citizen’s annual New York City festival, and international artists were brought to Ghana. These are the kinds of events we would like to see in Ghana.

The Global Citizen Festival is an annual music event that takes place in September every year, bringing together artists, Global Citizens, world leaders, business leaders, and philanthropists in the mission to end extreme poverty.

The number of attendees from neighboring countries must be measured. I don’t know if these gures are available. If they are that’s great. If not, we must consider doing so in the future.

Another area to consider is Ghana’s capability to handling very large number of people coming to witness these events. Should international tourists decide to attend these events in Ghana do we have the capacity to handle I million people and more? Going back into time we look at some of the largest and most attended musical concerts in the World.

It’s reported that, Rod Stewart on December 31st, 1994, the British rocker was set to perform the New Year’s Eve show on the pristine Copacabana beach in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. New Year’s Eve reworks shows already drew major crowds to the location, but adding a legendary rock star to the mix

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turned out to be a record-setting combination. Much to everyone’s surprise, the New Year’s Eve concert drew out more than 4.2 million attendees, making it o cially the largest concert of all time! It even earned a spot in the Guinness World Records.

On September 6th, 1997, more than 3.5 million people came to the State University of Russia to watch and listen to Jean Michel Jarre’s electrifying performance. The show featured everything you’d expect from the master composer, including laser shows, reworks, and even a direct satellite link with the Russian Space Station during the concert!

In 1993, Jorge Ben Jor was booked to play the New Year’s Eve show at the iconic Copacabana Beach. The location was already a major tourist (and local) destination for the holiday, and city o cials were hoping that hiring a major act would help draw in more tourists.

It worked. On New Year’s Eve, 1993, more than 3 million people crowded the Rio De Janeiro beaches to hear Jorge Ben Jor play his set. This was the rst concert to ever break the 3 million attendee mark, and only a handful have beaten it ever since. Jean Michel Jarre was getting ready to perform in his native France for the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution, also known as Bastille Day. Again, a moment so historic needs a historic performance, and that’s exactly what he did.

Jarre’s free public concert on July 14th, 1990 featured a pyramidic stage designed speci cally to t in front of La Défense right between the Parisian skyline.

This incredible spectacle drew in crowds from all over the city and surrounding areas. Estimates put attendance at around 2.5 million people, which was a world record at the time!

The 2008 Love Parade took place in Dortmund, Germany on a closed-down highway. Because of the venue location, the motto for this year’s festival was the Highway of Love.

The festival was actually a weekend-long parade with dozens of artists, vendors, and parties throughout the area, drawing in an incredible 1.6 million people. Because of the incredible acts, the Live 8 Philadelphia concert drew in more than 1.5 million fans that stretched down the Benjamin Franklin Parkway for over a mile — and that doesn’t even count the millions tuning in on their TVs around the world. For this concert, Jean Michel Jarre had the entire city as his stage. The event took place right in downtown Houston and was named the  Rendez-vous Houston: A City in Concert. And that’s exactly what it was. Massive canvases were hung from many of the skyscrapers in the city which showed light and laser shows syn-

chronized to the electronic music. Spotlights and reworks shot up all over the city as the entire skyline dazzled for this incredible performance. How many times in history has an entire city been the stage for a concert? An approximate 1.3 million people showed up for the incredible spectacle, which was a world record at the time. Jarre even got his name in the Guinness Book of World Records. In the video of the concert, you can see miles of tra c in both directions trying to get into Houston to see the show — and who could blame them!? In 2001, the Associazione Sportiva Roma soccer team (A.S. Roma) pulled o the miraculous feat of winning its third scudetto. Naturally, everyone in Rome was ecstatic, and they needed to celebrate with a major live performance.

Antonello Venditti is an Italian singer/songwriter who became famous in the 1970s for his hard-hitting songs that touched on countless social themes. Over the years, his popularity grew, and he became one of the biggest singers in all of Italy. Finally, when A.S. Roma won their third championship, they naturally called Venditti to perform. In 2001 at the Circus Maximus, Venditti performed

to a rowdy crowd of more than a million A.S. Roma fans. The concert was so big that it still holds the record for the busiest free concert to ever be held in Italy. As we use musical tourism to attract domestic as well as international tourists, we must understand the economic bene t the tourism bit brings to the national economy and starting by focusing on our African neighbors should be the way to go.

If event organizers lack the understanding in planning tours for these invitees, they must partner some tour operators and they will give some very nice a ordable packages. Tourism and music are two beautiful marriages which cannot be separated. They both complement each other and organizers of these events must be aware of the economic bene ts of music tourism. A focus of the West African region is a step in the right direction.

Philip Gebu is a Tourism Lecturer. He is also the C.E.O of FoReal Destinations Ltd, a destinations management and marketing company based in Ghana and with partners in many other countries. Please contact Philip with your comments and suggestions. Write to / Visit our website at or call or WhatsApp +233(0)244295901.Visist our social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: FoReal Destinations.

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RBLE Awards 2023 honors companiesand individuals driving sustainable development

The Responsible Business & Leadership Excellence Awards celebrated another successful year of recognizing and honoring outstanding achievements in responsible business and leadership excellence. This year's theme, ‘Responsible Business: The Sustainable Path to Pro tability’, attracted a record number of entries from businesses across di erent sectors.

The awards aim to showcase the importance of responsible business practices in driving sustainable development and creating value for all stakeholder.

This year's winners demonstrate that responsible business practices are not only the right thing to do, but also a strategic imperative for long-term success. By integrating sustainability into their operations and decision-making, they are creating shared value for all stakeholders,

including employees, customers, suppliers, and society at large.

The judges were impressed by the quality of the applications and the breadth of industries represented, from Manufacturing to Healthcare. The winners were selected based on their exceptional performance in areas such as environmental sustainability, social responsibility, corporate governance, and ethical leadership and also on a rigorous evaluation process that took into account various criteria, such as: Clear articulation of a sustainability strategy and goals

Evidence of impact and measurable results

Engagement with stakeholders and partnerships for sustainability

Innovation and leadership in addressing sustainability chal-


Ghacem Ltd emerged as the overall winner for demonstrating outstanding commitment to responsible business practices. The company has set a high standard in promoting sustainable development through innovative strategies that balance economic growth, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship. The awards ceremony was a testament to the power of responsible business to drive positive change and create shared value for all stakeholders. The nalists and winners showcased the immense potential of businesses to make a meaningful impact on society and the environment.

Dr. John Otumfuo Watson, CEO of Mayfair Estates Ltd stated: "We are honored to receive this award and grateful for the recognition of our e orts in promoting responsi-

ble business practices. This award is a testament to our commitment to sustainability, and we hope to inspire others to follow our lead in creating a more sustainable future."

The awards scheme is committed to continuing its mission of promoting responsible business and leadership excellence. We look forward to another year of celebrating the achievements of businesses and individuals who are making a positive di erence in the world. The Responsible Business & Leadership Excellence Awards is grateful to the participants and judges who made this year's edition a success. We hope that the winners will inspire other businesses and leaders to embrace responsible practices and join us on the path to a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for your commitment to responsible business and leadership excellence!

Two-day summit

Before the awards ceremony, the organisers Ion Africa Business in partnership with Ianmatsun Global Services and the CSR Training Institute held a two-day responsible business practices and leadership summit and training. The summit was held to provide business stakeholders with intensive and engaging learning experiences in critical corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability areas.  The summit was divided into two parts, with the rst focusing on integrating SDGs into

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business strategy and the second on sustainability reporting and communication. The purpose of the training, according to Professor Wayne Dunn, President of the CSR Training Institute and facilitator of the two-day summit, is to provide participants with knowledge on how to integrate theory and practice, as well as a high-level understanding of key issues and trends.

“Business is about creating value, but we often associate social responsibility with charity and philanthropy when, in fact, it is about how we can create more value for society and businesses. Coming to this summit in search of answers is the wrong step; instead, we want to help people ask better questions. "With a room packed with expertise from various sectors, we want to get people thinking di erently and asking intriguing questions that will help in creating value addition to their respective sectors, which will ultimately re ect in the country's progress," he said.

He claims that the two-day course did not only provide

participants with all of the information they require, but also helped shape their thoughts toward organizational sustainability. "Thoughts like how they can solve a problem, how they can turn a problem into an opportunity, and how they can use innovation to solve the problem to nd a win-win approach and that is what this summit seeks to acheive," he said.    Industry Award Categories

Responsible Energy Company, Alpha TND; Responsible Employer, Ghacem; Responsible HealthCare Facility, Sam J Specialist Hospital, Responsible Hospitality Company (Hotel) Accra City Hotel; Responsible Manufacturing Company (Metal/Steel), B5 Plus; Responsible Manufacturing Company (Food & Beverages), Blow Group of Companies; Responsible Manufacturing Company (Cement), Ghacem; Responsible Manufacturing Company (Paper & Packaging), Jay Kay Industries & Investments; and Responsible Manufacturing Company (Beauty & Care), JRA Cosmetics.

Responsible Brand, Alpha

TND; Responsible Electronics Retail Company; The Makers Electronics Company; Responsible and Sustainable Mining Company, Golden Star Wassa; Responsible Real Estate Company, Mayfair Estates; Responsible Educational Institution, Onua Francis International School; Responsible Integrated Security Company, Delta Flash Intervention Company; and Responsible Construction Company, Ghacem.

Initiative Award Categories

Circular Economy Leadership Award, Blow Group of Companies; Responsible Supply Chain Management, The Makers Electronics; Student Health and Safety Management Excellence Award, Onua Francis International School; Responsible Business in HSE Practices, JIK Management Consultancy Services; and Responsible Business in Social Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion Award, Baraka Impact.

Special Judges Recognition Awards

Responsible Mining Personality (Transformational Leadership) – Shadrach Adjetey

Sowah (MD, Golden Star Wassa); Responsible CEO (Manufacturing) –Awan Aidasani (CEO, Jaykay Industries & Investments); Responsible CEO (Healthcare Leadership Excellence) – Dr. Samuel Amo-Mensah (CEO, Sam J Specialist Hospital); and Responsible CEO (Real Estate) - Dr. John Otumfuo Watson, (CEO, Mayfair Estates).

The rest are Responsible Female CEO– Mrs. Jane Reason Ahadzi, (CEO, JRA Cosmetics); Responsible CEO (Social & Human Capital) – Mr. Kingsley Kwaku Pinkrah (CEO, Community & Entrepreneurial Development Initiative); Responsible CEO (Security & Close Body Protection) – Dr. Daniel Ayikwei (CEO, Delta Flash Intervention Co.); and Responsible CEO (Business Transformation) – Mr. Stephen Essoun (CEO, Hi-Lynks Communications Ltd).

WWW.BUSINESS24.COM.GH | NO. B24/317 | NEWS FOR BUSINESS LEADERS FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 PUBLISHED BY BUSINESS EDITOR: BENSON AFFUL editor@business24 com gh | +233 5 45 516 133

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