Business24 Newspaper 21 April 23

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FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2 0 2 3 BUSIN E SS 2 4 . C O M . G H N E W S F OR B U SIN E SS L E AD E R S African Finance Ministers demand action on Global Financial Architecture Reform Statistics is key to the success of every tourism industry Stor y on page 4 Stor y on page 5 GIPC seeks MDAs support to boost economic investment Story on page 2
Huawei aims to spend US$3.4trillion by 2026 on global digital transformation Stor y on page 3

GIPC seeks MDAs support to boost economic investment

The Ghana Investment Promotion Agency (GIPC) has asked Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs) to go out of their way to back prospective investors and companies that risk their investment to come to the country to build industries.

According to GIPC, it cannot ful ll Ghana's investment mandate alone without the insights, experience, and commitment of the MDAs.

Furthermore, the Agency recognizes that quality companies with an investment appetite are harder to nd in a post-Covid world. Therefore, GIPC's activities are aligned with the central government's commitment to providing an enabling environment for businesses in a mutually bene cial way.

Mr. Edward Ashong-Lartey, Director at GIPC, in an address at the Investor Forum under the theme ‘The Contribution of MDAs Towards Making Ghana an Attractive Investment Location’ said “GIPC believes that eliminating bureaucratic bottlenecks will enable our commercial partners to transform risks into opportunities. Therefore, we are working towards making Ghana a more attractive environment for businesses and not a hostile one. We urge MDAs to provide the necessary support to incum-

bents, the companies that risk their capital to come to Ghana to build industries.”

To achieve the centre’s objective of promoting and guiding foreign and local direct investments, they are keen to continually engage and obtain the tacit approval of colleagues across MDAs without using coercion or imposing its ideas on critical investor matters, Mr. Ashong-Lartey noted, adding it is essential to involve the MDAs insights, experience, and commitment.

He also urged the Metropolitans Municipals and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to position themselves well in order to woo potential investors to their districts.

“All Agencies whose activities have a bearing on investment implementation, we have engaged the private sector and other regulators in the past but the MMDAs- these are areas the investments are cited, they host the investment so we also need to bring them on board to explain the need to be ready for these investments, how to facilitate so they get a good experience in terms of the roll out of the investment.

One reason we called this meeting is to share what the Business Regulatory Reform (BRR) programme has done since its inception in 2017. A

lot has been done to improve the business environment, this is a journey we have embarked on, so we need the support of all to make sure that at the end of the day, we would have a friendly business environment,” he added.

Investor Grievance Mechanism

Mr. Ashong-Lartey also disclosed that in collaboration with the World Bank, the GIPC is also establishing an Investor Grievance Mechanism to provide early detection for investor challenges and disputes. This will be done in collaboration with MDAs across sectors.

“This is a system we are going to set up to get early warning signals to make sure that investors can also communicate this to us through our online portal -this will be an opportunity for those who have concerns but don’t want to come forward to let us know some of these well ahead of time so together with the agencies here we can help resolve them,” he said.

Sefakor Fummey, the focal person, Local Economic Development, called for stronger collaboration between the Assemblies and the private sector in order to boost and consolidate local business environment.

“ we want to create enabling environment for businesses to grow and most especially the sustenance of businesses

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2 FRIDAY,APRIL 21, 2023 | NEWS Your subscription along with the suppor t of businesses that adver tise in Business24 -- makes an investment in journalism that is essential to keep the business community in Ghana wellinformed. We value your suppor t and loyalty Contact : editor@business24 com gh Newsroom: 030 296 5315 Adver tising / S ales: +233 24 212 2742 Copyright @ 2019 Business24 Limited All Rights Reser ved L imi t e d

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because that is what brings the economic bene t we are all talking about and improvement in livelihoods, we are looking forward to having businesses connecting with us, sharing our medium term plans with them for institutions with Corporate Social Responsibility package to look through it and see in which

areas they can collaborate, which of the interventions fall in line with their plans so at the end of day, we have a win-win situation.”

Diana Afriyie Addo, Head, Business Regulatory Reforms, Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI) urged the business community and MDAs to

acquaint itself with the Business Regulatory Reform portal as it promises lots of bene ts.

“If you want to register your company and you don’t know where to go and whom to contact, it becomes di cult to register the company , so if you make reform and you also do automation, it is going to help

all of us, that you don’t need to go through anybody to get the service done , so that is why it is very crucial for us to do the reform that we need to do and automate where necessary to make the service delivery e cient to the private sector. For the Fire Service, by the end of the year it is going to be operational.”

Huawei aims to spend US$3.4trillion by 2026 on global digital transformation

Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, believes deepening digitalization is the way to go and expects to spend US$3.4trillion by 2026 on global digital transformation.

According to Meng Wanzhou, Vice Chairwoman, Rotating Chairwoman, and CFO at Huawei underscored the importance of digitalization being the new blue ocean for the entire ICT value chain.

Speaking at Huawei’s Global Analyst Summit (HAS) on Wednesday in Shenzhen, China Meng said: "Digitalisation is a blue ocean for the whole industry," she said. "Huawei will keep investing in domains like connectivity, computing, storage, and cloud.

The world is embracing this opportunity, with more than

170 countries and regions developing their own digital strategies. By 2026, Huawei expects that spending on global digital transformation will reach US$3.4 trillion”

Huawei is enabling productivity and e ciency improvements across industries such as mining, healthcare, ports, transportation and many others. It has built in-depth partnerships with nearly 200 power enterprises worldwide and provided digital services for more than 20 leading oil and gas enterprises and 800 mining enterprises

Digital Infrastructure

The company says it is building the digital infrastructure that will support these increasingly diverse and complex industrial scenarios. These networks require ultra-reliable and fast connections between people and intelligent objects, and between home and factories. Huawei is leading the development of the next generation 5.5G infrastructure, developing the technology and networks that

will support over 100 billion connections and deliver a 10-gigabit user experience.

Ms. Meng outlined the four distinct characteristics of digital infrastructure that Huawei is delivering to help customers go digital; “We aim to provide our customers with digital infrastructure that has the simplest possible architecture and the highest possible quality, delivering the best possible experience at the lowest possible costs.”

“Our goal is to help organizations go digital in four stages: digitizing operations, building digital platforms, enabling platform-based intelligence, and putting intelligence to use. The time is ripe to thrive together in this new and exciting digital future."

Driven by strategy, not technology Meng went on to share three major takeaways from Huawei's nearly 10 years of digital transformation experience.

"First, strategy is essential. At its essence, digital transformation is about strategic planning and strategic choices. Any successful digital transformation has to be driven by strategy, not technology."

"Second, data is the foundation," she continued. "Data only creates value when it ows across an organization, so methodical data governance is key. Integrating data across di erent dimensions will create even greater value."

"Third, intelligence is the destination. Data is rede ning productivity. Digitizing operations and building digital platforms helps clean, visualize, and aggregate data, laying the foundation for digital transformation. Putting intelligence to use makes data on-demand, easier to understand, and actionable, taking digital transformation to the next level.”

“Going digital has to align with Story continues on page 4

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an organization's strategic direction – help realize its strategic vision and prede ned business goals. “She went on to say that “during the digitalization process, organizations will inevitably start incorporating new tools and technologies into their business, but these are only a means to an end.” Putting intelligence to use on data makes it easier to understand, and actionable. This drives transformative management and production capabilities.

Digital transformation is not a one size ts all solution.

Huawei is developing application scenarios to make digital technology the source of new productivity by helping industry nd the right technical solution for the right scenario.

Huawei and its partners have developed and released over 100 digital transformation standards for the smart city,

nance, electric power, highway, aviation, and healthcare industries. By the end of 2022, over 700 cities and 267 Fortune Global 500 companies worldwide had chosen Huawei as their partner for digital transformation.

In terms of industry, Huawei has served more than 2,800 medical institutions and 50 of the top 100 nancial institutions. In addition, Huawei’s solutions serve more than 100 airports and 100 ports, and have helped customers upgrade more than 200,000 km of roads, 300 urban rail tracks, and 150,000 km of railway tracks

We are also working hard to cultivate the broader digital talent ecosystem. Through initiatives like our ICT academies, competitions, and the Seeds for the Future Program 2.0, we provide case studies

for schools, give students hands-on digitalization experience, and help the industry grow the digital talent pool.

“Digital technology is rede ning productivity, driving a shift from quantity to quality, gradually becoming the key engine for socioeconomic development. The time is right to thrive with digital.”

The President of the Institute of Strategic Research Huawei, Dr. Zhou Hong on his part indicated that Arti cial Intelligence (AI) should be developed based on the needs of people.

The goals of AI must be de ned and aligned

He added “As AI's capabilities are improving rapidly, we need to consider how to make sure the development of AI is what people want and ensure

AI execution is accurate and e cient. We must create rules and laws to enhance AI ethics and governance.” He believes from a theoretical and technical perspective, these goals present three major challenges: AI goal de nition, accuracy and adaptability, and e ciency.

“If we don't have an agreed-upon de nition, it's almost impossible to ensure that the goals of AI and human beings will be aligned. It also makes it di cult to make reasonable classi cations and computations” Dr Zhou explained.

He mentioned that there are many schools of AI, including symbolism, Bayesianism, evolutionism, behaviorism, and connectionism but they have not been e ectively integrated which may explain why there are no commonly agreed upon goals for AI.

African Finance Ministers demand action on Global Financial Architecture Reform

Coming out of the World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings, a group of African Finance Ministers and partners is urging global institutions to do more to deliver for African countries.

The WBG/IMF Annual Meetings will return to Africa for the rst time in fty years this October, which presents an eight-month window of opportunity for the Multilateral Development Banks and their shareholders to commit to become more responsive to Africa’s priorities in a challenging and changing world.

“We have discussed Africa’s most pressing economic prior-

ities on several occasions over the past months, and now is the time to put a plan of action in place for real and sustainable change that better serves Africa’s people,” said Hon. Nadia Fettah Alaoui, Minister of Finance of Morocco. “We applaud the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund for their openness to reform and urge them to continue to listen to stakeholders especially from Africa, a continent of 1.5 billion people that receives the majority of resources from these institutions.”

Ministers have outlined ve speci c and achievable asks

over the next eight months that will help transform a system that has become less able to adequately confront the challenges that African countries face in today’s world.

Increase the amount of low-interest money available to countries, and make sure it stays available over the long term. The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) fund is a critical nancial lifeline for the world’s poorest countries, many of which are on the African continent. As countries face multiple overlapping crises, IDA should be growing to keep up. Instead, IDA faces a nancing cli in

2024 which must be avoided at all costs. African Finance Ministers ask World Bank shareholders and management to present a plan of action by the Summit for a New Financing Pact in June 2023 that grows IDA and ensures adequate nancing for the SDGs. This may include early replenishment, accessing bond markets to bridge the nancing gap, or other solutions that will preserve and grow IDA.

Re-channel IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to the African Development Bank. According to the IMF, SDRs are an international reserve asset (not a currency) whose value is “based on a

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basket of the world’s ve leading currencies – the US dollar, euro, yuan, yen and the UK pound.” Rechanneling these assets to the AfDB will provide much-needed liquidity to African countries and improve their value: under the proposed AfDB framework for rechanneling, the institution will be able to increase its lending fourfold, as opposed to continuing lending SDRs through the IMF at less than one-to-one value. African Finance Ministers ask that ve shareholder nations agree to collectively re-channel SDRs to the AfDB and that IFIs and global decisionmakers support the action, by the end of June 2023.

Sustain the IMF’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust with additional nancing. This vehicle supports low-income countries with short-, medium-, and long-term interest-free money to help manage balance of payment challenges. The need for the PRGT has only

grown amid current global crises. African Finance Ministers ask that an e ective solution to make this support more available is in place before the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in October 2023. Understanding the current scal pressures on all countries, this solution may include the sales of IMF gold, which would require the support of 85 percent of the IMF’s Executive Board, or countries lending SDRs to generate income.

Overhaul the Common Framework and nd a real solution to the debt crisis. Given the scale of debt distress facing African countries, and the ine ectiveness of the existing Common Framework mechanism, it is no longer feasible to tweak the current system around the margins. The world needs new mechanisms that allow for quick resolution of debt overhang and makes space

for countries to forge new and more sustainable green growth paths. African Finance Ministers ask that the approach be completely reassessed, with new mechanisms proposed ahead of the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings in October 2023.

Con rm the African Union as a full member of the G20. The African Union represents 1.5 billion of the world’s people and should have a seat at the decision-making table of this global body. African Finance Ministers ask that by the end of 2023 when Brazil assumes the G20 Presidency, all G20 leaders indicate support for the AU becoming a full member.

“African Finance Ministers have laid out their asks clearly, and African institutions like ours have a responsibility to come together to support and advocate for those positions,” said Dr. KY Amoako, Founder and President of the

African Center for Economic Transformation. “We all have a role to play in pushing for an equal playing eld and more e ective support for Africa’s people in the months and years ahead, and we look forward to seeing much-needed change in the global system.”

The group of African Finance Ministers that has solidi ed this set of action items will seek to work closely with a broader cohort of African Finance Ministers and in partnership with the African Union, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, and the African Development Bank to advocate for decisive action in the coming months, with the strong support of African and global partners such as the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), the Center for Global Development (CGD), the Finance for Development Lab (FDL), and more.

Statistics is key to the success of every tourism industry …

Government Statistician, Professor Samuel Annim launched the maiden. Domestic and Outbound Tourism Survey (DOTS). He said Ghana is expected to generate over $1.5 billion from tourist arrivals by 2027. If this is achieved, he said over 1.4 million jobs would have been created for the citizenry and reduce the country’s employment de cit. The surveys are the Ghana International Travellers’ Survey, the Domestic and Outbound Tourism Survey, Accommodation Units Survey and the Tourism Supply Establishment Survey. The aim is to compile the Tourism Satellite Account to serve as a basis for computing the sector’s information for national development for three years.

“The way to go is tourism because the sector will promote all the needed resource needs of the country for socio-eco-

nomic development,” Tracking the country’s potential sector, he stated, would enable authorities to know the number of tourism-related information for comprehensive mapping and decision making.

It’s been a while since Ghana updated its statistical records. Records from the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex are updated regularly and it cost money conducting surveys and it’s a good news Ghana had a sponsor to undertake this survey. As part of the implantation plan, The Statistical Service was pro ling the policies of Ministries and Agencies in the country to ensure that there were clear targets on quality data.

The professor emphasized that, the government sought to implement the existing 15-year Story continues on page 5

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Tourism Development Plan (2013-2027) and other policy documents, the need for a reliable and vibrant data base was important. 220 participants had been mobilized for the training of the survey. They have been advised to be professional in Gathering the data and only time will tell whether indeed they have done a professional job.

What is statistics?

Statistics is de ned as the process of collection of data, classifying data, representing the data for easy interpretation, and further analysis of data. Statistics also is referred to as arriving at conclusions from the sample data that is collected using surveys or experiments. The Ghana Statistical Service published a documents in 2017 entitled ‘Trends in the Tourism Market in Ghana 2005-2014. This is very extensive documents highlighting the tourism trends markets in Ghana. It highlighted international arrivals from 2005 to 2014. Reading the said documents show an increase in international arrivals over the period. This is a very encouraging data meaning understanding the factors that lead to this year on year growth will be a great success factor that will help us sustain the gains over the year. I believe a similar date covering 2014- to date will highlight growth except for the covid-19 periods. The document also highlighted the most visited tourism attraction in Ghana. It also mentioned the highest tourism generating country to Ghana. Again, it made mention of the growth of the highest region in terms of accommodation. This factors could never have been known except for data collection and analyses.

The importance of tourism statistics

Tourism statistics can be de ned as the collection of data about every aspect of

tourism,  analyzing the data so collected and coming out with an interpretation of what the data is saying with the view of making some predictions based on ndings from the analysis.

As a monitoring instrument

One of the reasons why tourism statistics is important is that it serves as monitoring tool by which changes in the tourism industry can be tracked over a period of time. There are rapid changes in today’s fast moving world, not excluding the world of tourism; there is the need therefore to track these changes. One of the ways of doing so is through tourism statistics. In Ghana tracking the like and dislike of tourist is necessary and understanding their expectations is paramount.

Ascertain the e ectiveness of tourism policy

Another important thing about tourism statistics is that it can be used to determine whether a policy is e ective or not. In order for a country to make maximum gain from tourism, it has to develop certain policies and set goals. In order to check if the policies are working and whether the goals set are being achieved or not, there is the need for tourism statistics. Goals must be SMART and evaluating these goals is always very important.

To design marketing strategies

I saw some good stories about Ghana on CNN geared towards marketing the country’s tourism. Tourism statistics is important for a country like Ghana, because it helps know where to post our ads and the most preferred mode of marketing. Businesses also need to properly compete

with their peers in the industry thus statistics becomes important. Tourism is a multi-million global business now and there are several players competing for a share of the market. Tourism statistics can help them to design strategies to help them better market their products to the world as they gradually increase their share of the market.

Evaluation of management decisions

Tourism statistics also helps a management body to be able to ascertain whether a decision that was taken is achieving the results expected. At the beginning of each year, management sets goals for their company to be achieved by the end of a period. From time to time, management needs to evaluate the success or otherwise of the decision so taken. For companies in the tourism sector, tourism statistics can help to make that determination. Reviewing the earlier mentioned document from the Ghana Statistical Service on markets trends, I found the number of tourism businesses reducing over the years rather than increasing. The cause is very important and maybe many of these businesses do not have proper data on the work they. Other reasons could be attributed however decision taking and planning is very key to success.

For national policy formulation

Tourism statistics can provide a lot of information to guide the formulation of national policies on tourism. For example, tourism statistics can determine the demographics on domestic tourism, number of tourists coming in or going out of a country. It can also pro le

visitors, especially foreign tourists, places they visit, kinds of accommodation they lodge in and their expenditure patterns.  All these information can serve as a huge resource in the formulation of national tourism programs.

Create knowledge about the performance of the sector

Every year in Ghana, the presentation of the annual budget contains information about every sector of the economy. The budget most likely include information about the tourism sector. The Finance Minister needs tourism statistics to determine how the sector had performed the year before and what the plans are for the ensuing year. It becomes essential in the planning and development of physical facilities. To assess the requirements of hotels, airports, roads and other facilities, the volume and the characteristics of the tourist movement have to be determined quantitatively. Statistics are required to evaluate the magnitude and signi cance of tourism to a tourist destination. Statistics quantify the role and contribution of tourism to the economy and to society and for a country also the part played by tourism in the balance of payments.

Philip Gebu is a Tourism Lecturer. He is also the C.E.O of FoReal Destinations Ltd, a destinations management and marketing company based in Ghana and with partners in many other countries. Please contact Philip with your comments and suggestions. Write to / Visit our website at or call or WhatsApp +233(0)244295901.Visist our social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: FoReal Destinations.

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Vodafone Ghana Foundation’s Kindred Project Delivers Clean Water to Gavikope

Access to clean water is vital for maintaining good health, but in many Ghanaian communities, it remains a luxury. Gavikope and its neighbouring areas in the Akatsi North District of the Volta Region have long struggled with a lack of potable water, forcing residents to travel several miles to collect water from a contaminated pond.

This issue is intensi ed during the dry season when the pond dries up, and in the rainy season, the pond becomes increasingly polluted and murky, putting the local population at risk of water-borne diseases.

However, the situation has improved thanks to the Vodafone Ghana Foundation Kindred Initiative, a sta volunteer programme focused

on addressing community challenges.

Through the e orts of Bright Aheto, Kindred Volunteer and Vodafone Ghana’s Zonal Sales Manager for the Volta Region, the Vodafone Ghana Foundation launched a project to supply clean water to Gavikope and its nearby communities.

The project, known as the Gavikope Borehole Project, entailed the installation of a basic manually operated borehole system to provide the community with clean water.

The Kindred Volunteer, Bright Aheto, took part in various activities, including hydrogeological studies, borehole drilling and construction, water quality analysis, and the provision and installation of a hand pump and related equipment.

After hours of labour, the project was fruitful, accessing underground water at approximately 80 metres depth, and a hand pump was installed to extract clean water for communities’ use.

The project’s success was made possible by the collaborative e orts of the Kindred Volunteer, the Vodafone Ghana Foundation, and the Gavikope community members, who contributed communal labour to clear the path leading to the project site and assisted in the hand pump installation.

The project’s impact on the community is profound. Gavikope and its adjoining communities now have access to clean, potable water for daily use, alleviating their struggle with water scarcity and pollu-

tion. The community expressed their utmost gratitude to the team and the foundation for providing them with clean drinking water.

The Gavikope borehole project is one of many projects undertaken by Vodafone Ghana Foundation sta volunteers to bring about positive change in the communities they serve. The Kindred initiative aims to give back to society by addressing the needs of underprivileged communities through volunteerism, donations, and community service.

The Vodafone Ghana Foundation Kindred Initiative has once again demonstrated its dedication to tackling community challenges and improving lives, an achievement well worth celebrating.

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Propak Ghana receives industry backing and endorsements from market-leading partners

The Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), together with the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA), and others have endorsed Propak Ghana, the largest packaging, printing, plastics, and food processing portfolio exhibition in Accra.

‘Propak Ghana’ exhibition, which is expected to welcome more than 100 brands and 2,500 visitors, will take place at the Grand Arena, ICC, from June 6–8, 2023.   Commenting on the endorsement, Jamie Pearson, Marketing Director of Afrocet Montgomery said "AGI has fully endorsed the event and will be present for the opening ceremony. The Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) has also endorsed the event and is supporting trade delegations from across the wider West African region that will see a comprehensive buy-

ers-program for those in the F&B and FMCG industries who are in need of an upgrade or new technology in their supply chains and factories".

On top of these three industry partners, endorsement has been con rmed from the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI), the Institute of Packaging Ghana (IOPG), and the Ghana Printers and Papers Converters Association (GPPCA), among many others.

Speaking on the upcoming exhibition, Jamie Pearson noted that running alongside the exhibition booths and product showcases will be an industry-leading conference program that will provide insights, explanations, and thoughts on the trends and pertinent topics faced by the industry today.

“Apart from the exhibition, we will have sessions on the circu-

lar economy, sustainability, and nancing options for SME and multinational companies, among others. In total, more than 40 speakers are expected, and the full three-day program will be announced in the coming weeks”.

According to the Organisers of the exhibition, the countries that this program will focus its attention on are Togo, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Senegal. Alongside this, the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) will be present with an investment hub ready to meet international companies looking to establish a foothold in the Ghanaian market. All these will add to the o erings available at Propak Ghana.

Local companies including Jaykay Group, Docutech, Kane-Em Industries, ePac Flexible Packaging, Finepack,

and Sai Commodities, among others, already booked and ready to showcase their products to the target audience that will be in attendance. From the perspective of an international audience, Expo Austria and EECA Egypt have con rmed pavilions, and there will be group delegations from China, India, and South Africa among a total of 15 countries currently represented, with many more in the pipeline.

With 75% of the exhibition oor already booked, don’t delay and get in touch with the organisers today to nd out how you could showcase your business at the newest platform for the industry. Contact the team today or stay up to date with all the latest developments about the event and sign up for the newsletter today.

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Request for Expressions of Interest – Blockwork Building Construction (For Firms Strictly Incorporated in Ghana with Exclusive Ghanaian Directors and Shareholders)

Newmont Africa (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), a subsidiary of Newmont Corporation (the world's largest gold mining company ) and operator of the Ahafo South and Akyem mines, is requesting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from eligible, capable, and suitably quali ed companies for the provision of Blockwork Building Construction S ervices for its Ahafo North Project The Project is located in the Ahafo Region of Ghana, near Afrisipa krom , approximately 20km south -east of Sunyani.


T he scope of the s ervices includes the detail design (shop /construction drawings), supply and construction of blockwork buildings for various permanent f acilities This involves the construction of eleven (11) blockwork buildings which consist of approximately 1 2 , 0 00 m 2 of total building oor area with 1,500 m 3 of concrete slabs and nearly 15,000 m 2 of block wall over a 1 5 -month period Speci cally, it would cover the following :

Surveying and setting out of the w ork s

Materials testing and quality control services.

Detailed excavation , back lling and compaction for the construction of reinforced concrete footings, slabs, and underground services.

Supply and installation of all concrete works , including formwork and falsework, as well as all reinforc ement of steel and wire mesh, including cutting, bending , and xing

Supply and construction of blocks and mortar for the blockwork buildings

Supply and installation of termite treatment within the building areas

Supply and installation of all external building components including steel roof trusses, frames, roof sheeting, verandas, gutters, downpipes, lintels, ashings, ridge capping, eaves, vents, windows, doors, rendering and painting

Supply and installation of all internal building components , including ceilings, insulation, wall and oor tiling, waterproo ng of wet areas and all associated xtures and ttings.

Supply and installation of furniture and equipment within the buildings

Installation of electrica l, communications and air conditioning systems.

Supply and installation of piping and plumbing systems , including the supply and installation of stormwater d rains.

Testing and commissioning for full and complete performance of each building

Minimum Criteria

Interested o rganizations must demonstrate that they can meet the following minimum criteria:

Company is incorporated in Ghana with exclusive Ghanaian shareholders and directors We require all appropriate company documentation as well as copies of identi cation of the shareholders and directors to meet this requirement

Company is registered wit h the relevant regulatory and professional bodies. This includes but is not limited to the Ghana Minerals Commission. We require all appropriate company documentation to meet this requirement

Capability and proven records of successfully providing similar blockwork construction within the mining or related industr ies We require an experience statement with veri able references for the last three projects to support this capabilit y References provided must include customer organization name, customer name/contract number, date contract was awarded, contract reference with brief description, country/location, value of contract , and date contract was completed

Details t hat demonstra te the company has current capacity and capability to perform the construction in addition to other current projects and any projects tendered but yet to be awarded I nformation to include details of current projects, projects tendered, labour, equipment a nd temporary facilities resources available within the company

Financial strength and ability to provide uninterrupted supply and construction s ervices for a minimum of two years We require supporting document ation to demonstrate this capability including the company’s turnover in the last two years, pre -tax pro t (or loss) for the past two years, net worth / shareholders’ funds (or net liabilities) at the date of the latest accounts , the present cash/credit position , and the company’s normal means of funding major contract works.

Full compliance with all applicable health , safety, environmental, and any other relevant and/or applicable standards We require health and safety management plan, and an environmental management pl an to support this capability

P rovide safety and environmental performance records for the past ve years , indicating workplace injury, disease , and environmental incident statistics. Details must include y ear, p eriod of r ecord, h ours w orked, f atalities, f irst a id injuries, m edical ly t reated i njuries, r estricted w ork i njuries, d ays lost and lost t ime i njury r ate per 200,000 man -hours worked

Robust q uality m anagement s ystem (Quality Assurance/Quality Control – QA/QC) to e ectively execute the blockwork building construction s ervices.

Well de ned c ompany structure and veri able evidence of competency of employees.

Please express your interest by submitting an e -mail to AhafoNorthTenderBox@Newmont com indicating the name of your company, contact person , and telephone details You shou ld also include all the requisite document s demonstrating your ability to comply with the above minimum criteria.

All e xpression s of i nterest should be accompanied by a formal letter on the interested service provider’s letterhead (submitted to the above e -mail address), with subject “A HN _RFI -1 801 -2023 –


FRIDAY,APRIL 21, 2023 | NEWS 9
Blockwork Building Construction Services ” by close of business (5:00 p m GMT) o n Friday , 2 8 th April ,
Newmont Africa’s Local Sourcing Policy and Action Plan is published on our website www newmont com
(For Firms Strictly Incorporated in Ghana with Exclusive Ghanaian Directors and Shareholders)

2023 Ghana Party in The Park and Expo launched

International Ghanaian Marketing Communications Company, Akwaaba UK in collaboration with the British High Commission in Ghana, on Thursday 13th April 2023, launched this year’s edition of its popular annual events, Ghana Party in the Park and Expo Ghana at a colourful event at the Residence of the British High Commissioner to Ghana in Accra.

According to the organizers, following the success of the maiden edition of Expo Ghana last year, this year’s edition will be happening for two days on Wednesday 12th July and Thursday 13th July 2023 at Canary Wharf Hotel, London. Ghana Party in the Park is scheduled for Saturday 15th July 2023 at Trent Park, Cockfosters, in London.

Expo Ghana is a platform for Ghana made products to be showcased in the United Kingdom for patronage and create opportunities for Ghanaian entrepreneurs. In addition, it aims to harness export potential for Ghanaian SMEs and creates business relationships between UK and Ghana based entrepreneurs.

Ghana Party in the Park is

currently the biggest Ghanaian event outside the country which attracts over 10,000 patrons yearly. It is positioned as a family fun day out with activities for people of all ages, from children’s corner, durbar of chiefs, performances by top African musicians, food court, exhibition of African products and services and many more.

Chris Koney, a member of the Akwaaba UK team, speaking on behalf of the Chief Executive O cer of Akwaaba UK, Dennis Tawiah said “African made products are quickly gaining prominence in global markets and to ensure Ghana capitalizes on this growing interest, Expo Ghana was created last year to provide the platform for Ghana made products to be showcased and create opportunities for Ghanaian entrepreneurs in the UK. From the positive feedback from participants from last year and the request from other stakeholders, we are adding one day this year to cater for the real estate an construction sector”.

Mr. Koney indicated that Akwaaba UK’s engagement with local and global brands over the years has positioned

the company to provide tailor-made services for African businesses wanting to enter the UK market, nd the right partners across Europe, launch or activate their products and services, market research, marketing, and business development.

Her Excellency Harriet Thompson, the British High Commissioner to Ghana lauded Akwaaba UK for the great initiative to create opportunities for both Ghanaian and UK businesses and creating a platform for deliberations between Ghanaian and UK industry captains to explore possibilities for partnerships and building synergies.

She further complimented Akwaaba UK for sustaining Ghana Party in the Park over a decade and growing it to become one of the events to look forward to on the African entertainment calendar in the UK. She added that it is a great tool to enhance Ghana – UK relations and promote business between the two countries.

Other speakers on the night

were the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Mark Okraku-Mantey, Chief Executive O cer of the Ghana Investment Promotions Centre (GIPC), Yo Grant, Chief Executive O cer of the Ghana Free Zones Authority, Ambassador Michael Oquaye Jr., and Alex Dadey, Executive Chairman of KGL Group & Board Chairman, GIPC.

In addition, some sponsors and partners shared their experience last year and the reason they are on board this year. They included CBG Bank, TapTap Send, Melcom Group, Lakeside Estate.

Sponsors of Ghana Party in the Park and Expo Ghana for this year include AirMaroc, Tropical Sun, World Remit, Mukuru, Supermalt, CBG Bank, Lakeside Estate, KGL, GIPC, TapTap Send, Unity Link, Ghana Free Zones Authority and Ghana Real Estate Developers Association (GREDA)

Ghanaian musician, Cina Soul, gave a splendid performance on the night.

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Ghana’s mission in Italy welcomes Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey to Rome

Ghana’s Minister for Foreign A airs and Regional Integration, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, was welcomed to Rome by Ghana’s Ambassador to Italy, Merene Botsio Benyah, in a strategic diplomatic collaboration to showcase Ghana in Italy, with a focus on trade and investment.

Speaking during the national day celebration to commemorate Ghana’s 66th independence at the Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria hotel in Rome, the Foreign Minister said the year 2022 was indelible in many ways, with the e ects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing global economic challenges.

She said these had in icted various hardships globally, but the Government of Ghana is determined to address the impact of the global economic downturn.

“Government has since instituted a number of interventions to resolve these concerns and we remain con dent that we will see the results of relief and recovery very soon. As His Excellency the President of the Republic has always reiterated, “This too shall pass”, She said.

According to Hon. Minister Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, it is noteworthy, that under the leadership of President Akufo Addo the country is witnessing signi cant economic transformation with various programmes such as Free Senior High School Education, One District One Factory, and Planting for Food and Jobs.

The Minister said: “Indeed our

economic growth rebounded making Ghana among the fastest growing economies in the world for three years in a row … We expect the year 2023 to be one of hope and joy.”

Speaking at the event which brought together more than three hundred patrons, Ghana’s Ambassador to Italy, Merene Botsio Benyah, called on Ghanaians to unite and rally behind the government’s impactful economic transformational programmes, in order to realize the country’s aspirations. Ambassador Botsio Benyah spoke about “Ghana’s conducive and investor friendly business environment, with a vibrant private sector which is well positioned for mutually benecial commercial partnerships with international companies.”

The Ambassador said that Government’s ongoing programmes had positioned Ghana as a “frontier for industrialization and manufacturing in the Region.”

She added that industrialization would add value to the natural produce that Ghana is endowed with and would create employment and stimulate export opportunities. She stated that Ghana’s foreign missions abroad have a role to play in identifying opportunities in Ghana and to attract investors for partnerships; and therefore, the event serves as a strategic way to showcase opportunities in Ghana to the people of Italy.

In his remarks, the Director for

Sub-Saharan Africa at the Italian Ministry of Foreign A airs and International Cooperation, Giuseppe Mistretta commended the Ghana Mission for the national day celebration. He also commended Ghana for hosting the AfCFTA Secretariat describing it as “a game changer” for the continent and the rest of the world.  The event brought together dignitaries from the host Italian foreign ministry, members of the diplomatic corps, international and Ghanaian companies, traditional leaders, businessmen, and the Ghanaian community. It was used to attract investors to Ghana and also make them aware of the numerous economic opportunities available. It also served as a

platform to showcase the country’s rich culture and heritage. There were various made-in-Ghana goods on display and Ghanaian companies in attendance, as part of the program.

Dignitaries were treated to a rich display of Ghanaian cultural performances. The mission expressed appreciation to Ghana International Bank, Zeepay, Sienna Services Ltd, EMH Global Ltd, Team Engineering, Flash Box Srl, Showbiz Global Concert, Ghana Export Import Bank, Urepa, Abici, Cartarredo, the Diplomatic A airs TV show on Pan African Television and a host of others for making the event successful.

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Reviving our faith in the last days Of Ramadan

Head, Business Banking, Stanbic Bank

Every year, Muslims across the world look forward with anticipation and excitement to the sighting of the new crescent moon that signi es the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the most sacred month in Islamic culture. For Muslims, the month of Ramadan is a period of puri cation of our souls and focus our minds on the Almighty Allah. Muslims are commanded by Allah to fast during the month of Ramadan. Fasting inculcates self-restraint

and self-control as the practice goes beyond abstinence from food and drink, but also refrain abstinence from many other worldly pleasures and vices. Fasting is a complete puri cation and a means to developing the consciousness of Allah's presence.

Also, fasting is an action which, we are told, will act as a shield for us when we most need it, i.e. on the Day of Judgement. On that day, when we will be called to give an account of every good and bad deed done in this world, fasting will inter-

cede for us, provided of course, that every condition about the purity of intention and refraining from forbidden activities was done.

Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Fasting and the Quran intercede for a man. Fasting says, ‘O my Lord, I have kept him away from his food and his passions by day, so accept my intercession for him.' The Qu’ran says, 'I have kept him away from sleep by night, so accept my intercession for him.' Then their intercession is accepted” (Tirmidhi). Such importance is attached to fasting, that numerous glad tidings are given in the Hadiths to those who fast truly for Allah’s sake and for the sake of obeying His Command solely to earn His Pleasure in the life Hereafter. The purpose of this period of fasting, as said by Allah in the Qur’an, is to rmly establish Taqwa (piety and being conscious of Allah) in our hearts. The blessing of Ramadan is characterized not just by its obligation on every Muslim to keep away from certain things which are allowed in other months, but also by the weight of blessings attached to every good deed performed in this month. In the month of Ramadan, the gates of Heaven are thrown open, the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained. This essentially signi es that, in Ramadan, the devils and their advocates have a much more di cult job diverting true Muslims from fully reaping the bounties of Allah by performing every religious duty with a pure intention.

The Prophet SAW said, "When the rst night of Ramadan comes, the devils and the rebellious jinn are chained, the gates

of Hell are locked and not one of them is opened; the gates of Paradise are opened and not one of them is locked; and a crier calls, 'You who desire what is good, come forward, and you who desire evil, refrain.' Some are freed from Hell by Allah, and that happens every night." (Tirmidhi). As Muslims across the world mark the last days of the Ramadan, it is important that we encourage ourselves to stay the course and nish the fasting journey. This is particularly important because although the whole month of Ramadan is lled with blessings, the last 10 days are crucial because it is the time of the advent of Lailat-ul-Qadr (Night of Power).

Lailat-ul-Qadr is one of the most sacred nights in the Islamic calendar. It takes place in the last ten days of Ramadan and was the night in which the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is also believed to be the night in which Allah shows great mercy to His creation and the night in which one’s fate is decreed. Allah says in the Qur’an,  “The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months,” (Qur’an, 97:3). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever prays on Lailat-ul-Qadr out of faith and sincerity, shall have all their past sins forgiven.” No one knows the exact day or time the Night of Power happens but it surely comes with all its blessings. As we inch closer to the end of the Ramadan season, let us all be steadfast and experience the blessings of the season.


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