Embassy of Spain - Hispanic Day Publication

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Spain Hispanic Day

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An exclusive interview with Spain's Ambassador to Ghana H. E. Javier Gutiérrez, on the Spanish Hispanic Day Celebration. B24: What is your assessment of Ghana-Spain bilateral relations over the years? Ambassador: Relations between Spain and Ghana-- which were formally established in 1967- have exponentially intensified during the past few years. Ghana is a priority, strategic country for Spain, not only in West Africa but also in the continent, among other reasons for its leadership in ECOWAS and AfCFTA. We share values such as respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. We both promote sustainability and the Agenda 2030 as guiding references for government action. Ghana is a relevant partner for Spain in the multilateral front, and we

have enthusiastically supported your membership of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2022-2023. The priority Spain attaches to Ghana is enshrined in the Spanish policy framework for the continent, the III Africa Plan Adopted in 2019. Furthermore, in March, we presented “Focus Africa 2023”, a programme that contains the guidelines for actions to advance our partnership with the continent and Ghana during the current term of the Spanish Parliament. H.E. President Nana Akufo- Addo was the guest of honour for the presentation of the programme in Madrid and on that occasion, he met H.M. King Felipe VI, H.E. President Pedro Sánchez and other public

authorities and business leaders. We hope we can reciprocate soon with a high-level visit. We have increased the frequency of our regular political consultations. Despite Covid, the last round took place in Accra in February. There is also a clear desire from our part to strengthen and consolidate the partnership with Ghana by deepening our bilateral relations and extending them into new areas, for instance, tourism. We want to use the current bilateral mechanisms, such as political consultations, to their full potential and have them function in a regular manner. We will also strive to increase the exchange of high-level visits and push forward bilateral treaties, for instance for double taxation.

B24: What are the key areas of cooperation between the two countries, and how can this cooperation be solidified in a mutually beneficial way? Ambassador: Spain being a bi-continental country, Africa is at the heart of our identity, and a priority of our external action. There is great potential for a reinforced dialogue and cooperation between our countries vis a vis the region. We support the leadership of Ghana in African stability and integration. We also have intense relations in the field of security, for instance against CONTINUED ON PAGE 3


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terrorism, organised crime, drugs and human trafficking. Spain participates in projects funded by the European Union, for instance, NORPREVSEC (security in the Northern region) and “Counterterrorism in Public Spaces”, in which both the Spanish Police and Guardia Civil are associated. I must point out the fruitful cooperation in the field of defence: the Spanish Navy and the Ghanaian Navy are cooperating to combat piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. We want to work with Ghana to tackle migration jointly and on an equal footing and contribute to creating a better future for young people. As a member of the European Union, Spain can play an active role vis a vis Ghana too. We account for 10% of the EU budget, are the fourth largest economy and are participating actively in the programming of EU cooperation with this country for the period 2021-2027. Spain has already ratified the EUGhana Economic Partnership Agreement and looks forward to its full implementation. Ghana is one of our top partners in the continent in economic terms: in 2019 it was our third export destination in sub-Saharan Africa. There are more and more Spanish companies investing in Ghana, and they are contributing to both countries’ shared prosperity. The measures adopted by the Ghanaian government to create a welcoming environment for companies are helping in that regard. Financial cooperation between Spain and Ghana has been productive. In the context of the debt relief programme, Ghanaian companies have executed projects in the field of infrastructure and sanitation with Spanish funding. Cultural diplomacy is an important aspect of our action. We aspire to increase the exchanges between our nationals, and people-to-people contacts. We would like to highlight the active engagement of Casa Africa in Ghana. Moreover, we have a vibrant community of Ghanaians in Spain and of Spaniards here that can be very helpful to promote closer ties between our civil societies. We are supporting programmes of academic cooperation, teaching of Spanish – a valuable tool to strengthen relations with Latin America-, and scholarships. We know that Ghanaians, like Spaniards, love sports, particularly football, and that is why we are promoting several initiatives in the field of the so-called “sports diplomacy”,


for instance through the Spanish Liga and the Ghana Football Association. Finally, we want to reinforce our cooperation with Ghana to address global challenges such as Covid-19 and climate change. In this connection, I would mention, inter alia, our support to Ghana to access Covid vaccines through COVAX, the training of nurses or donation of equipment; as well as the contribution that we make to the Green Climate Fund, which is funding projects in Ghana related to forestry and resilient agriculture. Other areas for reinforced cooperation in multilateral forums could be human rights and women empowerment. The situation in Afghanistan and other regions of the world reminds of the urgency to take action to protect the most vulnerable, especially women and girls. I trust that through the cooperation between Spain and Ghana we will build a prosperous, sustainable and just future for our peoples. B24: Your office has continuously promoted and facilitated foreign investments from Spain to Ghana, aside providing assistance to Ghanaian companies looking for Spanish products and services. What is the long-term goal for this strategy? Ambassador: The West African region and especially Ghana presents very interesting business opportunities for Spanish companies in various sectors. Ghana is the second largest economy of the region and a key player in regional relations, as evidenced by the re-election this year of H.E. President Nana AkufoAddo as chair of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). In addition, Accra (Ghana) is the Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). All this drives Spain's desire to strengthen economic and trade ties. Since the 2008 economic crisis, Spanish companies have been very keen to explore new markets, operate in other parts of the world and our office helps them to settle in those markets. This comes from the fact that a strong economy is built not only based on the national market but also from the international one. By exporting and expanding to Ghana, Spanish companies will become more competitive and efficient, and they will diversify their risk. Nowadays, Ghana has become one of our main partners in Africa: in 2019 it was our

third export destination in the continent. B24: The Ghanaian economy is currently embarking on an aggressive industrialisation drive. What are the prospects for trade between the two countries, and how does the Embassy intend to partner the Ghanaian government on this journey? Ambassador: The growth and development of the Ghanaian economy into a more industrial economy will create multiple opportunities for collaboration and cooperation between the two countries. As Ghana is developing the industrial sector, the needs and the demands will be different. We expect an increase in the demand of industrial intermediate inputs. Spain could become a key partner for this industrialization process that Ghana is experiencing as the expertise of the Spanish companies can speed up the process. The entry into force of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and Ghana is an opportunity to further deepen trade relations and boost Ghana’s industrialisation. As part of the strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries, as I mentioned earlier, the President of Ghana visited Spain for the presentation of Focus Africa 2023. In the framework of this programme, we want to contribute to economic growth as well as inclusive and sustainable development in Ghana. We want to cooperate with Ghana in initiatives such as “Ghana beyond Aid” and “One district, one factory”. B24: Spain’s beverage and wine sector provides numerous opportunities for Ghanaian business owners to work with their Spanish counterparts. What is your office doing to facilitate linkages in this and other critical sectors? Ambassador: As you might know, for us, Spaniards, our gastronomy is very ingrained in our culture and our way of understanding life. We are very proud of our gastronomy, and we want to share it with the world. Just a couple of weeks ago, the wine specialised website w w w.w o r l d s b e s t v i n e y a r d s . com published the top 50 best vineyards in the world. Within the top 5, there is one Spanish vineyard (Bodegas de los Herederos del Marqués de Riscal, 2nd) and 4 within the top 50. This should give an idea of the dimension of the Spanish

wine sector. If anyone wants to explore a bit more in detail about the Spanish gastronomy, please visit the official website www. foodswinesfromspain.com The Embassy and its Economic and Commercial Office are very keen to promote Spanish beverages and wine in Ghana. Since 2015, we organise an annual event to promote Spanish wine in Ghana. It is an event where Ghanaian companies in the beverage distribution sector have the opportunity to taste new wines and learn about them. Last year, due to health restrictions, the event unfortunately could not be held. This year, we are organising a virtual event where local companies will have the opportunity to taste not just wine but a wide range of Spanish products. We are also willing to help local companies (restaurants, bars, food distributors) that are interested in including Spanish products in their offer. We encourage local companies to contact us to see how we can support them in incorporating Spanish products in their offer. B24: What is your view on the Ghanaian government’s Ghana beyond Aid agenda, and in what ways can Spain contribute to this ambitious agenda? Ambassador: We fully align with the President’s ideal of a ‘Ghana beyond Aid’. Ghana is a great country, a beacon of democracy and stability in the African continent, a regional or even world leader in some areas (gold and cocoa exports, for instance), and with a huge potential in so many other fields. Additionally, Ghanaians are dedicated and hard-working people. It is only logical to conclude that Ghana should be able to mobilize its own resources to foster growth, development and better life conditions for all, and we commend the Government in their efforts to achieve so. Of course, this ambitious plan needs support, particularly in the way of capacity building, and Spain is willing to provide it in several ways – indeed, Ghana is a priority country for Spain. For instance, we just signed an agreement to provide training in entrepreneurship in the field of tourism. This is just an example to show how we could exchange knowledge and good practices with Ghana in a field in which we are world leaders, but there are many other fields, from defence or economy, to culture or even sports.


Spain Hispanic Day

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Trade Councillor, Miguel Casero speaks on building Ghana-Spain bilateral relations B24: Tell us about your job as a Trade Counselor and your role in promoting trade between Spain and Ghana. Counselor: As Spain's Economic and Commercial Counsellor in Ghana, my focus is to improve and

strengthen economic and trade bonds between the two countries and to boost connections between Spanish and Ghanaian businesses and consumers. Therefore, the Economic and Commercial Office aims to promote and expand the internationalization of the

Spanish economy, for instance, by providing relevant economic and commercial information of Ghana, identifying business opportunities, organising meetings between Ghanaian and Spanish companies, etc. Our office was opened in

2009 as part of the Spanish Government's plan to increase its presence in Africa. We belong to a large network of offices around the world with almost 100 of them. From the Accra office we CONTINUED ON PAGE 5


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also handle the economic and commercial affairs of Liberia and Sierra Leone, thus covering the entire English-speaking region of West Africa. Apart from the Accra office, Spain also has three other offices in West Africa: Lagos, Abidjan and Dakar.

administration. There are currently two programs integrated within the Ghana Spain Debt Swap for Development program. One is the construction of 13 bridges throughout the country and the other is a water program which aims to build water supply systems for 35 communities in the Volta region.

B24: What has been the trend in Ghana-Spain commercial relations over the years and how do you plan to

B24: What specific support systems do you have in place for Ghanaian businesses seeking to export to Spain?

Counselor: In the last decade, we have seen a very positive trend in trade relations between Spain and Ghana. Looking at the data provided by the Spanish Customs Agency, we see an increase in both exports and imports between the two countries. This improvement in trade relations is due to several reasons. The first is the great economic progress that Ghana has made in recent years. In the last 40 years, Ghana has maintained a sustained growth of more than 5% of GDP. Also, the political stability has also helped to generate great interest for the Spanish companies in Ghana. There is a very important argument that makes Ghana a very interesting country for Spain. Ghana is positioning itself as a hub for the entire West African region, becoming an economic and industrial reference. Many Spanish companies perceived Ghana as the ideal place to establish their operational centre in the region and from here manage trade relations with countries such as Ivory Coast, Togo or even Nigeria. All this has been positively reinforced by different initiatives launched by Spain and the European Union, such as the recent implementation of the EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement). We hope that the entry into force of this agreement will strengthen and increase trade relations between the two countries. We firmly believe that the presence and investment of Spanish companies in Ghana is a great asset for both countries. Cooperation in key sectors such as renewable energy, agriculture and infrastructure represents a great opportunity for both countries. The foreign investment initiatives undertaken by the Ghanaian Government are a step in the right direction to foster and enhance existing business relationships. It is also important to highlight the existing relationship between Spain and the Ghanaian public

Counselor: We have an internal database where we include all the relevant information of any local company which is interested in doing business with Spanish companies. Several Spanish sectorial associations, as well as companies, have access to this database. When a Spanish company demands services offered by local companies, they may go to the database and find the information of the Ghanaian company there. In this sense, we encourage all Ghanaian companies to inform us about potential connections or interests in Spain. Also, in the event that a Spanish company requires the services or products of Ghanaian companies, the Commercial Office can search for local companies that fit the required profile and put them in contact. Finally, the Economic and Commercial Office is in close contact with several local organizations such as GEPA (Ghana Export Promotion Authority), sectoral associations and local businessmen. We work together and support each other.


B24: What is your office doing to enhance foreign direct investments amongst the two countries?

Counselor: From the Commercial Office, we have different initiatives to promote foreign direct investments between both countries. We proactively seek business opportunities and inform Spanish companies of those sectors and opportunities where we believe Spanish companies have a comparative advantage. Also, on a monthly basis we organize trade missions to Ghana, encouraging companies to come in person. The objective of these missions is for Spanish businessmen to have a first contact with Ghana, meet potential partners and start building their own contacts. This type of mission has proven to be very effective, and we have several successful cases of Spanish companies that, thanks to these services, are already present in Ghana. All these actions are showing very positive results in trade relationships between both countries. Thus, Ghana has become very important for Spain (it is the fourth most relevant country in terms of trade in the region) and Spain is relevant for Ghana (it is the third most important European supplier for Ghana). Finally, from the Commercial Office we are seeing an increase in the interest that Ghana is awakening in Spain. The fact of being a country that enjoys great political stability, a reference in the region and with a solid economic system, is pushing more and more Spanish companies to venture into this market and use it as a gateway to the African continent. B24: What are the target business areas that you have identified for expertise and knowledge sharing for both Spanish and Ghanaian enterprises?

Counselor: We do not focus only on a few sectors, but our mission is to help the internationalization of Spanish companies regardless of their business area. Nevertheless, we have identified several areas that have shown greater development in recent years. There is a significant demand from Ghana, for construction material from Spain. One product that has a great reputation in Ghana is Spanish ceramics like tiles. The import of industrial machinery has also seen a large increase in recent years, as well as semi-finished industrial products. This is closely linked to the major industrialization process taking place in Ghana. Within the field of agriculture there is also a demand for agricultural products such as fertilizers and agrochemicals. There is also a growing demand for Spanish wines. The engineering sector is also a great opportunity between the two countries. Spain has large engineering companies, both civil and energy (oil & gas or electricity). These companies offer very high-quality services at a very competitive price. Several companies are already operating in Ghana with great success. On the other hand, several products from the Ghanaian market are in high demand from Spain. Cocoa is one of the main products demanded by Spain, but not the only one. Vegetable oils such as palm oil or coconut oil and seafood products such as fish and shellfish have an important demand in Spain. Hydrocarbons and gold are also among the main products that Spain buys from Ghana. Due to the geographical proximity of the two countries, there is a great facility for exchanging products and services. As mentioned previously, there is a great commercial opportunity for both countries.


Spain Hispanic Day

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An interview with the President of the Spain-Ghana Chamber of Commerce, Nadim Ghanem Parés' B24: Tell us about the Hispanic Day, the significance of the day and how it is celebrated in Spain.

Office in addition to the SpainGhana Chamber of Commerce gathered to celebrate this important day.

Spain commercial relations, in terms of creating the right connectivity among Ghanaian and Spanish businesses?

President of SGCC: The Hispanic Day is celebrated by all Hispanics in the world by over 400 million and has different interpretations, for us as a chamber of commerce it is the opening of trade routes and new markets to the new world that creates a unique culture full of richness and variety.

B24: Ghana has formidable bilateral relations with Spain. How would you assess the cooperation between the two countries over the years?

President of SGCC: The chamber organizes networking events together with Ghanaian and foreign chambers, GIPC and other organizations, to promote relationships among businessmen, we also organize seminars open to non-members to enhance networking.

B24: What are some lined activities to mark this special occasion in Ghana? President of SGCC: Due to Covid restrictions, it was limited to a small reception at the Spanish Embassy, all the personnel of the Embassy and the Commercial

President of SGCC: We should always remember that there are very tight relations between Ghana and Spain in matters of security but also in trade, industry and construction and we foresee a bright future for Spain in Ghana, as Ghanaians value every day more, the quality and importance of Spanish products and services. B24: In what ways does your chamber seek to promote Ghana-

B24: What are the priority areas of the chamber’s presence and support to Ghana’s business sector? President of SGCC: We want to make sure that Spanish products and services are seen as top range, also we need to make sure the Spaniards see Ghana as a gateway

to West Africa and perfect base for their operations in the region. ade bonds between the two countries and to boost connections between Spanish and Ghanaian businesses and consumers. Therefore, the Economic and Commercial Office aims to promote and expand the internationalization of the Spanish economy, for instance, by providing relevant economic and commercial information of Ghana, identifying business opportunities, organising meetings between Ghanaian and Spanish companies, etc. Our office was opened in 2009 as part of the Spanish Government's plan to increase its presence in Africa. We belong to a large network of offices around the world with almost 100 of them. From the Accra office we

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Spain Hispanic Day WEDNESDAY, 13TH JULY, 2021

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Spain Hispanic Day WEDNESDAY, 13TH JULY, 2021

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