Business To Business Online Magazine

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SEO Fact or Fiction

Web Designs and Complete Marketing Solutions Web Sites * Web Development * E-Commerce * SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Web Site Promotions * Social Networking * Link Buiding Strategies * Business Cards * Post Cards * Brochures * Calendars * Mass E-mail Marketing * Mass Mailings * Product Promotions * Catalogs * Book Marks * Graphic Arts * Print Ads * Online Banners * Logo’s

Features Best Jobs to Work at Home - 5 The Power of Positive Link Building 6


Business 2 Business Magazine is looking for businesses to write articles for the magazine. If you have a story to tell, or a subject that may be of interest to other businesses, we want your story. For every story that is chosen to be in the magazine, your business will receive 1 free half page ad placement in both the magazine and a side banner online version.

SEO - Fact or Fiction - 10

Ad List Cassie Designs and Marketing Solutions IceFyre Show Dogs Reflected Design

Submit your articles for consideration either on the web site at or email them direct to Deadlines for consideration are the 10th of each month. Ad Rates for the Next Issue 1/4 Page ad in the magazine $125.00 1/2 Page ads in the magazine $150.00 Full Page ads in the magazine $200.00

Green Flash Designs

Combine your ad with a banner from the web site for only $125.00 Extra every month.

Dark Twin Marketing Group

Business Listings in the online Business Directory are FREE with registration Job Posting in the online Job Board are FREE with registration

In Every Issue Business Directory Job Board Seo Report Business Cards

As the traffic to both the online and the newsletters grows these ad rates will also grow. Future ad rates can change from issue to issue.

Editorial It’s About Time!

Publisher Cassie Designs and Marketing Solutions

That’s the response we are getting for our new Business 2 Business magazine where we connect you to your best contacts.

Editorial James Oakden

The web is a great and wonderful thing. It houses virtually every-thing and every-one. It provides huge amounts of information - for free - if you know where to find it.

Advertising Christy Smith

Of course, if you don’t know where to find the information you want, you end up paying huge amounts of dollars for that same information that the provider probably got off of the web . . . for free. Why can they find it for free and you can’t? Probably, like most things, because nobody has yet shown you how. Enter Business-2-Business. We will provide you with a platform from which you can find two general classes of information: - Articles, blogs, people and locations that provide predominantly free information on keeping your internet businesses optimized, healthily growing and “web developed” for a good, high traffic flow, and how to best utilize it all. And firms that are competent to help you or your business do that optimization if it turns out you need to hire someone else to do it for you. - Articles, information and details on businesses that can assist you, serve you, delight you, design for you, and even many that will provide services you never even thought existed that can make your business soar! We are here to serve you. The more you tell us what you are looking for, the more effectively we can provide you with the information you need, the business acumen that will allow you to connect with more contacts, and the more ways to make you a success. Let’s connect!

Database & Circulation James Oakden Designer Tasha Oakden Digital Info Webmaster Christy Smith This magazine is published by Cassie Designs and Marketing Solutions with support from Dark Twin Marketing Group.

PO Box 100 Hyrum, Utah 84319 © Copyright 2011 by Cassie Designs and Marketing Solutions While the publishers have made every affort to ensure the accuracy of all information in this magazine, they will not be responsible for any errors therein.

Best Jobs to Work at Home By Thomas M Walburn

There are many jobs available online today and the prospect to work at home is very exciting. You get to be your own boss, you set yourself up to how many working hours that you are willing to do and best of all, you get to do it from your own bed! This article provides you the tips on how to find the best jobs to work at home. Know your interest Working from the leisure of your home is a privilege. It can be tiring too if you find yourself doing something that you do not have any interest in. Doing something that you enjoy and get paid to do so, isn’t that a great thing to do? It will not feel like a work anymore! Time flies as you submerge yourself with the task you have in hand. The question now is what is your interest? Think about this really hard and you’ll get an idea to find the best jobs to work at home for yourself.

Then look no further and go visit You’ll be in for a pleasant surprise as you get to know how to maximize your earning potential from the get-go. T.M.Walburn is a website review, he has found that Best jobs to work at home is another successful way to generate an income online. He recommends that if you are looking to make money online to visit the best jobs to work at home website here; Article Source:

Web Design Directory

Avoiding scams The last thing you want to happen is being scammed by some irresponsible company. All the hours that you spent will go into the drain, wasted. Not to mention your energy and attention that you gave. What you can do to avoid that? Remember this one rule very well: “If it’s too good to be true, maybe it is” If you heard someone said that it requires no effort or time, then you better to avoid that person. It will take some time and effort, but you can reduce the learning curve by following the examples from someone experienced. Define your goals Setting your goals is essential. It is to see the hours that you need to spend, the scale of the job, the continuity as well as how much do you want to earn in a set of time frame that you define. This is also important to prepare yourself mentally to handle whatever the assignment that you will get in the future. Get this right and you can be more efficient which result in more money, for less time. So go ahead and outline list of goals for yourself now! There you have it the tips to find out the best jobs to work at home. Remember that you have to learn from someone experienced or have the expertise in doing jobs at home.

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more than 1 company and you can compare the prices, quality and package before you make your web site, or graphic decision. We offer more service to both the business owner and the web designer all in one place. Find links to FREE templates, Free SEO tips, FREE logo’s. Search before you buy.

The Power of Positive Link Building Tequniques By Leigh Smith

I am constantly being asked, “If web site links are a great way to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then how and where do I get web site links?” Many companies offer to sell link swaps and many web owners, web designers and programmers are fooled into believing that such a link strategy will help their SEO. They are wrong. What those companies never tell you is that Search Engines have gotten very smart and can tell if you are using a link farm. Not only will this NOT increase your placement on the search engines but you may find yourself banned from the search engines. Putting you and your business back at square 1 with your SEO. So I think it is time to talk about the best way to build links to your web site and why you couldn’t have a little bit of fun along the way.

Inbound Links

One of the easiest ways to create inbound links to your web site is a company blog. I like to create a blog on blogspot. com and then post all of my ideas and thoughts there. But even better for your web site is if you find other blogs that interest you and comment on them. Become a huge part of

the business community you are involved with. You know your business and sometimes the best way to keep up on your business knowledge is to learn from others. If you know something that might help others, spread the wealth. There is a huge world out there and we can all benefit from each other. Create a blog or contribute to one or more blogs and have some fun. If you contribute to a blog, make sure you follow the protocols of that blog and also make sure that you include a link to your own blog or website so other readers can easily connect with you.


While we are talking about blogs, I know there are times and places for free blogging software like but if your business is in need of something more, there are so many programs that you can put on your very own URL and create a larger blogging community. We suggest Wordpress as an option. Setting up a Wordpress site can sometimes be confusing and complicated, and you might need to have this software set up for you, but once you are up and running, feel the power of the blog.


Forums are another great way to create links and create your very own community. When working with forums though, in my experience you will find many to be a place for malicious spammers. If you set up your own forum, be prepared to spend many hours maintaining your forum in an attempt to keep bandits out. I suggest that you find a great and reputable forum that covers the area of expertise you are interested in and just become a big participant. This is also a great place to help others with your vast knowledge and a great way to create business strategic alliances. Kind of a ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.’ Just remember, there is plenty of business in the world to go around. And if you are a local business and don’t want to potentially give local competitors any help you can always brainstorm with someone that is across the county on something interesting that they did to improve their business in their community, then you can try the same thing in yours.

Business Directories

Online Business Directories are another great way to build links. Many of these online directories will charge you for a listing, but I’m sure you can find one that is free with just an optional paid listing with a higher rank. Since we are only using these for relevant link building, I don’t see any reason to pay for a listing, just put your business up, include a link to your web site and say “Thank You so much for the help in increasing my SEO ranking”.

Business Affiliates

Affiliates Pages are probably the hardest way to get links, but one of the most powerful so I will include them here just for your pleasure. You would benefit from having links to your affiliates and having them link back to you. This is by far the most powerful link building strategy that you can have, but also one that may not always help your business. If you have a link on your site to someone who offers the same product that you do, but maybe at a lesser price, what is to keep people from purchasing this item from your competitor. Just be careful here and use your best common sense, but remember that these are some of the most powerful links you can get and there may be a time when you might want to take the risk of loosing the sell in order to get listing on top of the search engines above your competitors.

Social Networking

Viral Linking with Twitter, Facebook, and other Social Media’s is another great way to include links to your web site, but a word of warning to the wise, if you don’t keep these sites updated, fresh and useful, they lose their value, so plan on spending the time and the energy in keeping these sites updated. If you use Viral Marketing in your overall marketing plan, be sure to keep to a schedule that works for your company, and use all of the tools that they offer on your web site. In summary, I would like to state that link building is a long term effort that takes time and constant energy. Remember that the reputation of your business is at stake here and that you will want to keep the quality of your ranking efforts high and honest. Avoid spam and spamming, don’t sell or purchase links, and exchange your links with only relevant web site. Link building is only a small tool that we use in a total SEO package. If you want your web site to find it’s way to the top of the search engines, plan on lots of time, lots of research and have lots of fun with it. Or you can always just contact us to do the work for you, but then you miss out on all the fun that we have in creating your Search Engine Optimization. Each one of these topics will be discussed individually in upcoming articles.

FREE Resouces related to this article Online Business Directory

Business Directory

Job Board

Outside Sales

Coming Soon!! Looking for a Job, Looking to fill a Job. I know as a small business we are always looking for good people and companies to outsource some of our work to. I have tried so many job boards, but I think the problem that we face is we are a small company, and when we post jobs that need to be done that is exactly what we look like... a small business. We don’t have unlimited resources to hand out and in order for us to make a profit on the job, we have to post the work at a price the other companies just don’t want to touch. So what better way to get a job finished or get a job to work on than actually find one, one small job at a time. Every month we will post projects, jobs, and employees who need a job in this spot. To submit your resume, or job visit our job board at and see if you can’t find just what you were looking for.

Looking for outside sales person to show and promote our business card, post cards, and brochures. If you feel like you can do cold calls and door to door contacts to the business in your city or state Contact Christy info@

Writing Interns

New York Production company is looking for writing interns to work on various projects related to the promotion of many of our projects. Contact Bonnie in care of this magazine re:Process Studio New York Post your job or project for FREE!!! Just love the FREE resources.

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Green Flash Designs is an art dealer that merges the interpretation of landscapes by owner Colleen Howe – a nationally recognized pastel and oil painter – with one-of-a-kind handmade jewelry, objects d’art, antiques, and crafts made from sustainable resources to bring customers a unique shopping experience.


Fact or Fiction I have often been asked where I learned the “Vodoo, that I do” called SEO? SEO isn’t very hard to do because it’s made up mostly of “Fancy Footwork” and Passion for the business. I know the “Fancy Footwork “and I hope you have a “Passion” for your business. Sounds like we have the makings for a great SEO plan to me. First lets talk about how SEO effects your business, and how it works. Everything here will be very generic. Follow up to each of the topics we discuss will be in future editions of this magazine.

frown upon “link farming” and created a new set of rules for “relevant links”. If the link comes from a web site with similar keywords, then it is a relevant link, but if your link comes from a fishing site, and you sell baby furniture you are asking the search engines to take a good look at your index. I have always followed 1 simple rule in my SEO. “Focus,

SEO is a huge and complicated set of rules. Follow the rules and follow them in an order of importance, the minor rules compliment the major rules. So start with the major rules and watch your Search Engine ranking grow. As your Search Engine Rankings grow, you step onto the next rule and fulfill it’s request.

Building your house one link at a time The core of SEO, at least where Google is concerned, is create a “Link Building Strategy”. Links come in all shapes

Steady, and Honesty”. Follow these rules and you will always be successful in your SEO.

The Power of the Keyword For those of you who don’t understand the purpose of the keyword, or even what a keyword is, here is the nutshell version. For those of you who are experts, please be patient.

and sizes and there are those out there who would offer to sell you a tool to do it, but be weiry of such tools. Although you may see a quick fix from these, the long term is always a devistating blow to your SEO. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. You will find both Google and Yahoo

• What is a keyword – very simple – when you go to your favorite search engine, what is the word you put in the search box to find. This is your keyword. • What is the value of the keyword – Every search engine is based on a database full of keywords and url’s that carry those keywords. How they are put into this database is different for every url and keyword out there. But that just makes the game more fun. • How do I choose a keyword – This topic is disputed by many depending on who you are talking to and how they feel about their business. So I will give you my advise and you can decide for yourself.

In the future you will find many of my articles about this subject and many of them will actually contradict themselves, but I want you to put your ideas and business into each situation and ask yourself how it would affect your bottom line. Some of our first articles will be on starting with the tools from each of the search engines that help us decide what is the best decision. We could write a whole book just about the value of the keyword, but a book isn’t going to help you get started. Lets start with an age old tool put out by Google. The adwords keyword tool was set up for a completely different purpose but we as Optimizers want to think outside the box and use it for our very own selfish needs. Google Adwords Keyword Tool

Research, Research, Research One of the things I’m sure I don’t enjoy about SEO is the research and the reports. It is vital that you document what you did, when you did it and the results of what you did. If you ran a free ad in an online magazine (just like this one) and your traffic spiked drastically that day. You would benefit from knowing not only the day it went out, but how many people it went out to. Then as the weeks and months go by, you want to know if your traffic spikes and falls as each issue goes out, or does it have some standing power. Did you make a good enough impression with your website that you made more steady customers with your online ad. Some of this falls under a different subject than SEO. But the fact is, you can have a web site that is competitive in the SEO market and still not be successful. You should ask yourself, “How useful is my web site to my customers”. Why go through all the trouble to get to the top of the search engines when your web site has nothing to offer. Get a good evaluation on your web site from a professional – I can always suggest a few good ones. Once you figure out what works for your traffic, make sure you track what traffic is coming from Search Engines, what traffic is coming from direct traffic and what is coming from links to your web site. Google analytics can do this for you, so don’t forget to set up your analytics account and watch it often. You can set Google analytics to email you a detailed traffic report every week so you don’t have any excuse to not know what your web site traffic is doing. I hope this is enough to get you started and make you want to create your very own SEO plan. Follow us along the way, we will always provide you with information, tips and links that you can use. By: Christy Smith - Cassie Designs and Marketing Solutions. Christy is part owner in serveral small businesses but specializes in building Search Engine Optimized web site and Optimizing web sites for other. If you are interested in information about what she does or has to offer, please contact her at

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