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Buasiness Arena nr. 105

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Constantin Dulute is considered one of the strongest Romanian entrepreneurs in agriculture, and a constant presence on the list of richest Romanians. A former sole shareholder of Agricost, the largest Romanian producer of cereals and oil producing plants, he perseveres and continues to bet on Romanian business opportunities, investing in real estate, farm land and wineries.


In 2018, you were involved in what was the largest transaction in agriculture and the third largest transaction in Romania that year. With 240 million euro, you did not retire on an island, but continued to invest. Can you provide some details about your new businesses?

Business is a fundamental part of life,when you become involved in it you cannotstop. In fact, the opposite is true, especiallyif you like to build, to see how things changearound you. To achieve something, in anyfield, you need to work hard, you need plans,perseverance and a team of specialists tosupport the operations.

Apart from my business in agriculture andwind energy, I have been part of a real estateproject in Bucharest since last year.However, my biggest and dearest investmentis in the wine industry. Not everyone can dogood viticulture and make good wine.Whoever invests thinking that they will cash

in on it tomorrow should just give up. Invineyards and winemaking you have to wait.In this industry, you have to make long-terminvestments, think today about the future,have patience and enjoy it.

In 2020, when few investors had the courage to invest, you signed the contract for the acquisition of the Hu[i winery (about two million euro). What is your connection with the wine industry, when was your first contact with this business sector and what is your objective?

In business you have to plan for the futureall the time, to bring added value to theindustry and gather the necessary expertiseto achieve that.

When I decided to enter the Avere[tibusiness, it was a nostalgic move, but Ibelieve in its potential to benefit the entirearea and the Hu[i Vineyard. Passion andbusiness go together, you do what you like, but with profitability in mind. Initially, after the revolution, we set up 100 hectares of vineyards, then, in 2005, we acquired the company in Avere[ti, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. After I bought the land, in 2010, I started the investments on an area of 650 hectares.

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