Business Blueprint Magazine - Issue 08

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September 2010


MARKETING Feature... How You Can Access Your Market Faster and Easier Than Ever Before

PLUS+ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS Latest Business News Photo Gallery Success Stories


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From The Editor Welcome to our Magazine! Dear Reader, Welcome to the September issue of Business Blueprint Magazine. As I sit here writing this, Dale is currently on stage running an event in Melbourne about increasing your profile. One of the new ways to do this is to create an iPhone App and so this month, we have written an article about Mobile Marketing which you will find on page 6. e power of Mobile Marketing is phenomenal, and it’s not as hard or expensive as you might think! Have a read of the article to discover if your business could benefit from this new marketing medium.

In this month’s magazine … Check out our latest business briefs... Page 5 Read about Mobile Marketing and discover how you can engage your customers in this new way... Page 6 Learn from our experts who explore leadership.. Page 8 Andrew Smith Domenic Carosa Helen MacDonald

Also this month, Denise Hall has written a fantastic article about how to ‘Build a Mother of a Business’. Denise runs e Entrepreneurial Mother and is a real inspiration so I know you will enjoy her tips.

Read what Dale has been up to lately... Page 10

Later this month I will be travelling home to New Zealand to be the bridesmaid in my best friends wedding! I’m so excited to be part of her big day (and not to mention have a little break from work - don’t tell Dale :-) While at home I will begin putting together the next issue of the mag, and if your lucky, I will try to include a picture from the wedding.

We sit down with Belinda Yabsley and quiz her on sales... Page 13

Lastly, check out the tips from our mentors on pages 8 and 9. is month they talk about leadership, which is a topic that everyone needs to learn about and at some stage, implement. We would love your feedback, so if you have something to say, please email me at or leave a comment under the magazine. And don’t forget to hit the ‘Like’ button.

Learn from the best - read our interview with Dr John Demartini... Page 14 Claim your free audio, e-book and video... Page 15

Until next time, have a wonderful month.

Read about how to create a ‘Mother’ of a business... Page 16 Contact Us For any enquires please call 1300 782 734 or email


S S E N I BUS S F E I R B Five Business Resources To Keep You In The Know 1. - is website provides all the current business news. It provides editorial and opinion from business leaders, as well as everything that's going on with the stock market. If you're interested in selling to a public company one day, this website also contains all the ASX announcements from listed companies, so you can know who's doing what and when. 2. - If you like watching video's, this is all the business news in video format. Click on the "Business and Money" tab and watch 60 second video's which summarise everything that's happening in the business world. 3-4 video's a day will give you a top level understanding of what's going on. 3. - A website launched by ex-BRW execs, this website is great for news, and also for any business awards that are happening. 4. - News with a difference. Anthill provides editorial on the happenings in the online and tech world, and delivers it with a sense of humour.

5. - Whenever entering a new venture, IBIS World can give you a detailed Industry Report on just about any industry. Key players, industry trends, gross revenue in the market and the pitfalls to watch out for. e only caveat here is if something is very current ie: Green-tech, IBIS may lag a little bit before they have the report up.

Supplied by Jack Delosa.

Apple reveals in iTunes 10 and Ping

Apple has revealed iTunes 10, the newest version of iTunes complete with a new logo, new features and its very own social network for music called “Ping” that Steve Jobs described as Facebook meets Twitter for music. Ping allows users to follow others, just like Twitter. You can follow artists or your friends to find out what they’re listening to or what they’re creating. It has custom song and album charts, a news feed, 17,000+ concert listings, and is available to 160 million iTunes users. Ping will be available not only for iTunes on the desktop, but for iPhone and iPod touch as well. Jobs also touted the growth of iTunes and the iTunes store. He announced that more than 11.7 billion songs have been downloaded through iTunes. 450 million TV episodes and 100 million movies have been sold through Apple’s music soware, while 35 million books have been downloaded through the iBooks store.

Microsoft made $16,005 in revenue in its first year of operation

4 Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010


Vanity Fair Magazines Top 100

The Email Invasion...

Vanity Fair magazine has released its list of 100 Most Influential people for 2010 and at the top of the list - the 26 year old facebook creator - Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has just added its 500-millionth member and is valued at around $25 billion. It runs more banner advertisements than any other website (176 billion a quarter) and drives more U.S visitor traffic to some sites than even Google. e list also includes some of Hollywoods familiar faces, including Johnny Depp (#20), Lady Gaga (#23) and Oprah Winfrey (#34). e top 10 for 2010 are: 1. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) 2. Steve Jobs (Apple) 3. Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt (Google) 4. Rupert Murdoch (News Corporation) 5. Jeff Bezos (Amazon) 6. Bernard Arnault (LVMH) 7. Michael Bloomberg (Mayor - New York City) 8. Larry Ellison (Oracle) 9. Evan Williams and Biz Stone (Twitter) 10. John Malone (Liberty Media)

E-mail has invaded every aspect of our lives. We don’t need a survey to tell us as much, but new research from Xobni and Harris Interactive confirms that we’re not alone in dealing with e-mail overload. 2,200 adults 18 and older in the U.S. and U.K were surveyed on their e-mail habits and attitudes. Most respondents — 72% in the U.S, 68% in the U.K. — indicated that they check e-mail during their time off. A large percentage of Americans also check e-mail in bed (19%), and while on vacation or during days off (50%). When queried about their outside-the-workplace e-mail activities, nearly half (46%) of the American respondents indicated that they do so to ease their workload. irtyseven percent are afraid they’ll miss something important (guilty as charged), and 27% check work e-mail when off the job because it is expected of them. Another 26% keep up with e-mail while on vacation because they simply can’t handle the volume otherwise. When comparing e-mail behaviours by gender, there are some subtle differences in habits. Men, for instance, are more likely to check e-mail in bed — 21% of men claim do so, while 16% of women admit to the practice. Of course, this bed-checking trend also skews toward 18- to 34-yearolds, who are twice as likely (31%) than 35- to 54-year-olds (15%) to do so. Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010 5



Why the future of marketing is already here...

Many people hear the words 'Mobile Marketing' and immediately think Spam. Or they think it's something just for 'kids' and customers wouldn't be interested in receiving mobile communication. Maybe they also think it's too expensive and they can't afford it. All of these opinions are somewhat incorrect, as mobile marketing can be inexpensive, not just for kids and certainly not spam when you are executing it correctly. It can also be a fantastic opportunity for businesses to reach their customers in a new and exciting way. Mobile marketing in the past has been feared, but in reality it's actually nothing special, its just a tool used within the practice of marketing to engage our audience. So then what is marketing? Marketing in simple terms is a way to communicate, exchange and deliver value. Mobile marketing is a great way to communicate with our customers, exchange and deliver value in a timely way. According to ABI Research, mobile marketing will grow by 600% over the next four years, and if your not jumping on this fast moving communication train, your going to miss out. Also according to a study conducted in 2009 by the Australian Interactive Media Industry

Association, 39% of mobile users state they would accept ads on mobile in exchange for content or special offers, while 22% said they would accept ads without an incentive. Furthermore,

Key Mobile Statistics • 97% of all UK population has a mobile phone • There are more unique mobile phone subscribers than land lines in the US • Four out of five persons under age 30 send text messages every day • Higher response rates - Mobile marketing generates a 15% 20% response vs a 1% response with conventional media

6 Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010

56% said they would take ads from companies they have made a deal with, while 37% would accept ads from companies with whom they already have an existing relationship. is research demonstrates that most of your customers are ready and willing to receive communication from you on their mobile phones. But some people might still be in that 'fear' stage and wondering where to start? Here are five ways to jump into mobile marketing and increase your revenue in the process:

1. Email and Website e first step when embracing mobile marketing is to make your emails and website smartphone friendly. What this means is that you need to make sure the format of your emails is easily read on a phone. e best way to do this is avoid extensive HTML emails (they are the ones with lots of graphics) and avoid long messages where people need to do lots of scrolling. Keep it short and personal for your customers.

2. SMS SMS is a powerful medium. A recent study from Harris Interactive shows 40% of 18-34 year olds are "somewhat interested" in mobile marketing SMS messages, but once they receive mobile information, 28% will purchase an advertised product in


store. Many companies have already been doing this for a while now and discovered that it can be a really effective way of keeping their customers up to date with information. It can cost as little as six cents per text, and the process of uploading your customers mobile numbers and then broadcasting a message to them is very easy and time efficient. Many business people are no longer chained to their desk, so emails and SMS on their phone is the way they communicate.

3. iPhone or Android App One of the most effective ways to tap into this Mobile Marketing world is to create an App for your business. An app (short for application) is a small piece of soware that can be downloaded on a smartphone. Some companies may not necessarily need one, but if you can identify that your company would benefit, then it's time to design your app. You can include things like latest news, blogs, audio and video content, special offers, company information… the list goes on. is way, your customers can keep up to date with all of your products, news and offers. iPhone 4. Push Notification A push notification is like an SMS, except that it is free and comes through your App and pops up on your customers phone. You can also specify to only send it to certain customers. A great example is a hair dresser - if they had a dead spot in the aernoon, they could send a push notification to all their customers in a 5k radius saying something like "We have a free appointment in 20 minutes. Call and book within the next five minutes to receive a 10% discount". e customer will have already given their consent to receive communication from you through their mobile phone app.

5. Mobile Advertising With people using their phones to browse the web more and more everyday, a number of innovative companies have

If you would like to see an example of a App used in business, you can download ours. Go to sprung up to help website owners generate revenue from their sites. Essentially, websites and app owners can use services like, or to act as a middle man

to find advertisers looking to appeal to their target market. ey then take a minor share of revenue generated and pay the rest of the income back to you. So if you’re a content creator and haven’t yet developed your own back end products or services, then mobile ads are a good way to generate cash. On the flip side, if your a keen marketer, there are great opportunities to draw new visitors to your site for prices that haven’t been seen since 1999. In the next few years, this marketplace will begin to become saturated so best to get in now and scoop up as many leads as you can while there is still time available.

In Conclusion... is is treading new water, but it gives you a huge advantage over your competitors. You need to think about how to take your existing marketing, email marketing, campaigns etc and put that into a mobile marketing format. So what's your next step? You can start small. Make sure your emails are mobile friendly. Investigate the possibility of sending SMS messages to your clients. Could they benefit from you telling them about a special service or product via their mobile device? Keep in mind that this is cost and time efficient and you could be missing out on a whole lot of new clients if you don't start now. en, decide whether your company could benefit from creating an App. And finally, investigate advertising on mobiles. Its an exciting time, so enjoy the future, because it’s already here.

If you have an iPhone download our App. Visit: www.BusinessBlueprint. Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010 7


Leadership Lessons How To Take Your Team To Greater Heights is month, our mentors give you their top tips for being a great leader and motivating and inspiring your team. Oen when you are just starting out in business, it’s only you. But as you start to grow and become bigger, your probably going to take on a team. is is where your leadership skills need to be up to scratch. ere are hundreds if not thousands of books on leadership. Some people believe you are born with leadership skills, while others believe it’s a skill that can be taught. Either way, everyone needs to develop their own leadership style that works for them. Have a read of what our mentors say about leadership and decide what resonates with you.

Andrew Smith

Domenic Carosa

Integrity. Vision. Passion. Confident Action = True leadership.

It you want to run a business, you need to give it 150 per cent or there’s no point doing it. I believe that there are two areas of advice that you need to become a great entrepreneur - these relate to how to do things and how to avoid the traps that leaders can sometimes fall into.

The success of your business is influenced by, and dependent on, strong leadership. The foundation of which is formed by adhering to personal morals and values. They are the core of who you are and hence are interlinked with your business philosophy. Integrity helps to build trust, build a reputation as being reliable and hence provides the base to influence and motivate others. A strong characteristic of a true leader is to provide the vision, and through clear communication, to motivate the team to achieve the dream. Leadership is a set of skills that can be learnt, strengthened and enhanced. It begins with believing in yourself: “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!”

8 Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010

My tips for how to become a great leader are: 1. Be passionate about your business. 2. Give your business 150 per cent of your time. 3. Determination, passsion and persistence are vital. 4. Remain focused at all times. 5. Networking is the key to making your business strong. 6. Have faith in yourself and trust your instincts.


Helen MacDonald - The Negative Impact of Positive Thinking neutral in the face of adverse conditions, is unlikely to inspire the activity levels that we need. The way many people see the attitude spectrum is: NEGATIVE NEUTRAL POSITIVE

There’s no question that we’re in challenging times. Whether we’re concerned about Climate Change or the ramifications as we come out of the GFC, for leaders in all sorts of businesses, there are plenty of things to worry about, if we so choose! My biggest concern, relating to these worries, is the epidemic of ‘positive thinking’ that is flooding the planet. Just being positive isn’t going to get us the results we desire. We need to understand that when we’re thinking along the ‘negative – neutral – positive’ spectrum, we’re on the wrong line. Obviously, negative thinking is also a flawed strategy for getting great results. The downward spiral of energy created by looking for the worst possible outcomes all the time is not going to power us to success. Similarly, remaining

The challenge is that “Positive Thinking” is not the solution either. We need a more powerful force to create optimal performance, for our Thought Leadership. We need the “Power Opposite”. The flaw in this thinking is that the “Power Opposite” of negative is not ‘positive’, it’s something quite different. When working with our teams to help them overcome negative thinking, if we just decide to be ‘positive’ about everything, then we’re not looking for solutions, or for best possible outcomes. We’re unlikely to take the massive action sometimes required to get us out of the slump. As leaders, we need to understand that the “Power Opposite” of negative is ‘optimistic’. NEGATIVE REALISTIC OPTIMISTIC When we’re faced with a negative situation, the first key step for an optimal outcome is to take a realistic look at what is really happening and what is possible, in terms of options and solutions. The

critical next step is to tackle the selection of alternatives with optimism. That means to approach it with, according to the Oxford Dictionary, “a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome”. Corporate Optimism is driven by a combination of three elements – attitude awareness, activity management and achievement focus. Using a variety of strategies to get your team operating on these principles, you can get optimal performance without working any harder! Ex-Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani said “Leaders need to be optimists. Their vision is beyond the present.” By developing an optimistic culture, we can power our ability to deliver on our vision. Helen Mac is Australia’s Corporate Optimist - an expert in creating Optimistic Workplaces that deliver Optimal Performance. For more information, including a complimentary assessment of the Optimism levels at your workplace, visit or contact her by email at Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010 9

Diary Dates Power Hour Class Wednesday 15th September Hot Seat Interview Wednesday 6th October Power Hour Class Wednesday 20th October The Business Blueprint Spring Conference is being held from Friday 29th October - Sunday 31st October Hot Seat Interview Wednesday 3rd November Power Hour Class Wednesday 17th November Hot Seat Interview Wednesday 1st December Power Hour Class Wednesday 15th December The Annual Business Blueprint Overseas Conference will be held in Fiji from Friday 4th February - Sunday 6th February

Business Blueprint Members Area is month has been crazy here in the office, so we apologise that this month’s mag is a little late. On Sunday night we just finished another Profile Accelerator Program, which was fantastic. We had 50 great participants that were ready and willing to learn lots of new techniques to help them increase their profile. It was awesome to get to the know them and I am looking forward to hearing about all of their successes in the coming months. Our son Callan is now just over 7 weeks old, and he is growing so much every day! He is bonding with his big brother Finn and we are all having a lot of fun watching his little personality grow. is month, I am confirming all of the final details for our next Business Blueprint Conference in October. I’m really looking forward to seeing all of our members again and hearing about what they have been achieving. I know they are going to be excited about the speakers we have lined up for them. at’s it for now, hope you have a great month and I look forward to speaking to you again soon. Warm Regards,

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Belinda Yabsley

Belinda Yabsley was one of the leading sales people for Meredes-Benz, and even sold 22 cars in one month, and 9 brand new Mercedes-Benz vehicles in a single day! She now runs her own luxury lifestyle concierge service, Quitessentially in Australia and New Zealand. How would you describe your personal sales philosophy and in what ways does it differ from most other salespeople? Early on in my career, I adopted a ‘business within a business’ mentality, which certainly played a major part in my success. Every day I turned up to work and treated the business as if it was my own. When you adopt this mind-set, the results are extraordinary. e excuse list is torn up and empowerment, accountability and responsibility come into play as you go about your daily actions and interactions with customers. You become accountable for your own destiny.

What motivated you to become the leading Mercedes-Benz sales consultant in the country and have such a stellar sales career? People, people, people. e people I met on a daily basis and the enjoyment I received from the lasting relationships that were formed, drove me to get out of bed every day. It was not about the cars sitting in front of my desk on the showroom floor, it was all about my customers. I never set out in the industry to be the biggest at what I do, but I did set out to be the best at what I do. To me, this meant building unbreakable relationships with my customers who would then come back year aer year to upgrade their vehicle with me, and ultimately, friendships were formed. I think back to the very first lady I sold a car to while I was at York Motors. e relationship we have today is incredibly strong. In 1997, we travelled to Hong Kong together and got lost in the South China Sea in a rusty old dinghy! Another special memory was from 2005 when the same lady asked me

to be her only bridesmaid at her second wedding. ese are just two of many stories and memories we share together, not to mention the four new car purchases and endless referrals Cheryl has sent my way during the 12 years we have known one another.

You say 100 per cent of your business is derived from repeat customers and referrals. Why is that so important to you? Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Without them, you simply have nothing. erefore, it is important to understand that the biggest goldmine of opportunity lies within your humble database of past and current customers. If you spend your time focusing on what your competitors are doing and spending huge amounts of money trying to acquire new customers, you move further away from what your core purpose is. By choosing to look aer existing customers extremely well, they in turn will refer enormous amounts of business back to you in gratitude.

Why do you say that salespeople should not just see themselves as an employee in a business? I believe salespeople should see themselves as a personal consultant, who keeps the company’s interest at heart. It is a fine line, yet one that can easily be achieved. On the other hand, I have seen a number of people come unstuck, simply by putting their own personal agenda before the company agenda. e most successful salespeople I have met have all adopted a business-within-a-business mentality. Today, we call it ‘intrapreneurship’ – harnessing your

entrepreneurial spirit within the confines of an organisation to the benefit of your customers and stakeholders.

What do you think are the essential qualities or attributes of successful sales professionals? Confidence, honesty, empathy, authenticity and to come from a place of wanting to serve your customers are what makes a truly great sales professional. People buy from people they like and will follow you if you choose to make them customers and friends for life. Successful sales professionals also understand that the value lies in the relationship, not in the transaction, and that no sale is ever final. Your customers should become your friends and your advocates. is is when they start to sell your product for you and your repeat and referral business increases significantly. e key to keeping your best customers is simply to know them.

What is the most important thing you have learnt from succeeding in sales? Humility. Over the years, I have seen many successful salespeople let their ego get the better of them. I have also seen many not-so-successful salespeople have an ego larger than life. ere is a real difference between being confident about what you do and remaining humble about your success, and being over-confident, arrogant and ego-driven. Business Blueprint Magazine August 2010 13


Dr John Demartini

Dr Demartini is a leading authority in the arena of health and the human potential. An inspirational speaker presenting over 300 days a year in more than 50 countries, he is also the author of over 40 books, including the best seller, The Breakthrough Experience. His knowledge and experience is based on 34 years of research and studies from more than 28,000 texts in over 200 disciplines, including psychology, metaphysics, theology, neurology and physiology.

What does success mean to you and how does one achieve it?

5. Familial fear – losing loved ones or losing the respect of close family members or loved ones.

• Success is obtained by setting realistic objectives that are congruent and aligned with your true higher values and that inspire your thinking about working towards them.

6. Social fear – experiencing rejection or reprisal by someone or someone that you have given power or authority to.

• Success is a label one individual imposes on another individual who they think and feel has achieved more in one or more areas of life than themselves and has more social influence.

What do you think holds people back from achieving their goals? ere are seven primary fears in life – they can immobilise people and make them lie to themselves about what their dreams are and what they are capable of accomplishing. 1. Spiritual fear – breaking the morals or ethics of some spiritual authority that you have given power to and subordinated your own true values to. 2. Mental fear – not being smart enough, not having a certain educational degree, not being creative enough, not have the memory or imagination to fulfil your dream. 3. Vocational fear – failing in business and not knowing how to manage a business sufficient enough to fulfil your dream. 4. Financial fear – losing money, losing income or not making it financially.

7. Physical fear – experiencing ill health, death or disease or not having the vitality or body strength, size or appearance needed to fulfil your dream.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to overcome their fears and have more confidence? Walk through the doorway where fear lurks and actively turn on the light. Fears are assumptions about what you may to experience in the future – it is False Evidence Appearing Real. Look for the many possible pleasures, gains, supports, positives or benefits from the very thing you fear and don’t stop looking until they balance. Focus on a mission that is bigger than yourself and your fears will dissolve.

How does a person go about discovering what they really want out of life? Your life is demonstrating it daily. e emotions that you reflect upon should be regarded as feedback in an effort to identify what is truly important in your life. Look at the things that inspire you. Look at your talents. Scan your life and discover which direction life is pointing

you towards. Although fear can oen cloud your clarity, know that the answer always lies within. e answer is within you!

Do you believe anyone can succeed in life despite their current circumstances? No matter what has happened; no matter what the circumstances, as long as people have a functioning mind and body they can achieve extraordinary results and fulfil amazing dreams. I have even met a man who had no arms or legs and was strapped into an electronically monitored mobile wheelchair that went on to become a professional speaker and wow people all over the world with his inspiring story. It is not what happens to you, it is what your dream and vision is and how inspired you are in manifesting it on or off earth.

What is the most important piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Speak from the heart. Be yourself.

How do you juggle you personal and professional life? ey are one and the same. When you do what you love and love what you do, everyday is a holiday where you get to exercise your mind and body with your global family and society.

14 Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010





Purple Cow

Good To Great

Dreams Can Come True

Brown Cows are common, but a Purple Cow - now that would be phenomenal! In this book summary, you'll find out about the marketing strategy that is Purple Cow. It is not a marketing gimmick or function that you can do to your product or service, rather Purple Cow is built in. Read on to discover how you can transform your business or product from invisible to remarkable.

Good To Great is the defining management study of our decade. Author Jim Collins and his team of 21 researchers spent five years analysing, interviewing and examining America's top companies. They studies 1,435 Fortune 500 companies and found only 11 that were able to make the leap to success and hold on to it for at least the next 15 years. Read on to find out how a good company becomes great!

Creel Price is one of Australia’s true entrepreneurs. He started his business career in his early teens, but at 25 he started his core business, and ten years later it was sold for $109 million dollars. In this great video extract from Creel, he explores the idea of Decisionship. Get ready to be inspired by a fantastic man who set his goals to achieve something great and achieved them.

In this audio book summary you will discover: • How to ensure that your business is truly remarkable.

In this audio book summary you will discover: • Read how 11 companies achieved truly enduring success.

• How to create marketing strategies that will fly in the face of Mass Media.

• Key steps to becoming a level 5 leader and achieve enduring greatness.

• How to create remarkable products that will promote themselves.

• Why you must build a depth of talent in your company.

• How we have created a world where most products seem invisible.

• How company Kimberly-Clark underwent a stunning transformation and outperformed other market leaders.

• Discover how marketing idea viruses are spread, launched and maintained. To Access This Free Audio, Visit:

http:// Purple

• 4 key strategies to ensuring rigor in your company's culture.

In this audio interview you will discover: • Why do people start a business in the first place? • What is Decisionship? • Discover your Entrepreneurial Eye and train it. • Why is Business like climbing a mountain? To Access This Free Video, Visit: CreelP

• Why your best people should be working on your biggest opportunities To Access This Free Reading, Visit:

http:// Good Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010 15


How To Build A Mother Of A Business 7 Tips For Doing Business In Four Hours A Day Or Less

Because I am one, I know that mothers are oen also the primary (and even the sole) breadwinner in the family, and both are really BIG jobs! So I share with you 7 of the best tactics I use as the entrepreneurial mother™ that have enabled me to build my 7-figure Mother of a Business while not compromising on the important things, especially when on a tight time-budget! A disclaimer if I may: If my use of the word “mother’ does not apply to you specifically, feel free to replace it with parent, father, aunt, uncle, grandma, pop, whatever works really; the principles still apply. OK, so why build a Mother of a Business in the first place? My intention is clear. Combine rolemodel mothering and earn enough (plus plenty more) to support our Lifestyle for now (and in my old age!), all in guilt-free school hours, and on my terms. Whilst I figured out the “how” as I went along, the key is that I connect as many dots as possible to use minimum time to earn maximum money. Aer all, there’s no point without travel, fun and comfort in spades as well, right! Fortunately, as Daughter has grown so has my Mother of a Business (, to the point where it now ticks along very nicely. Could it grow further?

Absolutely. But… I, and my business partner, am very wary about doing so as it would impact on our lifestyle of choice. Doable – yes, preferred – questionable! Regardless… what I know for sure is that building a Mother of a Business gives you Lifestyle; to be the Mother you long to be. Sure, there’s some good fortune, but there is also focus, lots of it. I learned amongst other things, to become open to opportunities and alternative ways of living and working. Granted, from the start I was determined to do it my way, with “DO” being the operative word. Optimism and self-belief are definitely a good start but let’s face it, it is only a start. You need tactics to give your plan bones, and you need to take action to put flesh on those bones. It’s not about finding oneself; it’s about creating oneself! So here are my favourite 7 tips (or as I affectionately call them, “mothers little helpers!”) for building a Mother of a Business… #1 – Find 4 Hours Or Less A Day

Friday along the top, and school hours in 30min chunks down the le hand side. Now, add in all the usual daily activities you are currently locked into, under the day, next to the time slot. See much white space le? No, then what can you move or get rid of to create that 4 hours at most a day? #2 - Earn What You Must In 4 Hours Or Less is really does take the pressure off, and anything else earned outside of that figure is adventure money (well it is for me!). Knowing what you must earn provides very specific focus, and very measurable insight. To roughly calculate what that number is… using your grid in #1 as a guide, how many hours do you have per year to build your business? (eg: grid shows 25 hours per week x 40 school weeks per year = 1000 business building hours). Divide that number into what you earned last year (eg: $50,000 p.a. / 1000 = $50 per hour). #3 – Outsource What Can’t Fit Into 4 Hours

Do you even know what you’re typical day really looks like?

I love the word “outsource”. Yes it does sound big business, but that’s no reason why we can’t adopt the same principles to suit us.

Grab a piece of paper, or on your PC, and draw a grid, with Monday to

OK, tell the truth! What are you doing that gets in the way? What are you not

16 Business Blueprint Magazine September 2010


talent pool, others want to get in front of them. If their product/service is selected to be included free in our monthly eNewsletter, we in turn agree to how we are marketed with that same product/service wherever else they’re doing so. What can you do that is savvy, & high impact, low effort & low cost? #7 – Start With e End In Mind

doing that you must? What can be done elsewhere? What don’t you want to do and who could? Make rules. Work out what you want to keep, and what you want to find an alternative for. en start making enquiries. You’ll probably know people that are doing or have done what you’re looking for, so talk to them and get it sorted. #4 - DO One ing Every Day Every day; FIRST off, immediately aer the school run each and every morning. Do whatever is the next thing in your diary or PDA or daily do list (or whatever you use) first. at way, if Life does take over for the rest of the working/school days, it doesn’t matter. You’ve done what you need to do. ink about it; by adding all the ticked-off daily-do's at the end of the month, you will have done approximately 20 more things towards building that Mother of a Business… adds up doesn’t it! #5 – Turn OFF e Automatic Send/ Receive On Your Email

Yes, this is classic Tim Ferris (e 4-Hour Work Week) and it so works! Rather than be distracted by emails randomly landing in your inbox with their customary “hello, pay attention” ding potentially taking you completely off track, don’t do it. Just turn that function off. You will be pleasantly surprised how much more controlled you feel by doing so. Decide which hours of the week to set aside to handle emails and correspondence generally, lock it in the diary; and that’s when you do it, and only then. #6 – Connect e Dots Business is creative. I’m not just talking about what you produce, more about the way you do it. You can structure your Mother of a Business any way you want. Here’s an example, at aCE talentNET, we made a conscious decision not to spend money advertising, and we did want to keep putting our name out there, so how to do that? Reciprocal Marketing is a term I coined, and it goes like this. Because we have a large and specific

e best, easiest and fastest way I know to get a grip quickly on what to spend time on (or not) in your Mother of a Business is to realign it so it can be sold on the spot (if you chose to, that is!). By getting a handle on the most valued elements, and renovating accordingly, highlights the exact places to hone your efforts for maximum pay back. Aer all, what’s the point of going through all this effort if you end up packing your Mother of a Business away with the toys once you’re done? Making changes can be scary, so fake it til you make it! Seriously though, bottomline, if your business or job is eating up your time, and you're way too busy to earn and mother more! (think about it…) it’s time to STOP; re-examine, re-evaluate and reenergise. What do you want? Why are you doing what you do? If you’re not happy with the answers, it’s time to DO differently.

Learn many more Mothers Little Helpers, together with how this unemployed, homeless and pregnant singleton turned into the entrepreneurial mother™, building a 7-figure business during guilt-free school hours; by introducing yourself at


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