2 minute read
Renewable Energy Tech: The inconvenient truth
coming at you fast!
With energy prices soaring, and energy security now an issue of our time, businesses are faced with little choice but to seriously examine how they use, and pay, for energy. With Governments administering the sticking plaster of a price cap to address the problem short term, this intervention has done little to assuage the angst that business owners feel about massively increased utility bills in the next 12 months, increases that could genuinely threaten their very livelihoods. Suddenly, and not unexpectedly, investment in the use of renewable energy and the multiple technologies that deliver it is all the rage. It has become the inconvenient truth that the broader population has been uncomfortably forced to pay attention to. Solar, wind, battery, air source, biofuels, wave, ground source, thermal energy, etc, are now becoming increasingly relevant for commercial (and domestic) applications thanks to events that are well beyond our general control, and our borders.
So, what’s to be done?
As a business owner, several steps are well worth taking now to get ahead of the price hike storm that is coming everyone’s way. The supply chain crisis is already upon us so as they say “book early to avoid disappointment” First, talk to a specialist energy broker who understands electricity tariffs and has the ability to negotiate a more favourable rate on your behalf. Better still, get your trade association or business group to approach a broker on behalf of you all to negotiate even better tariffs for your businesses. The strength of the many can make a real difference. Second, review your energy use closely, and do a full assessment of what equipment or plant is using the most energy and when in your business.
An Energy Audit of your portfolio, although coming at a cost, is well worth the investment.
Once you understand that, talk to a renewable energy technology supplier to figure out what combination of renewable solutions could work best for your business, reduce your energy bills, and move your business toward energy independence and energy security.
Work with a sustainable power solutions provider willing to go on the journey to net zero with you.
Third, look around for renewable energy installation grants that could mitigate the investment costs in these new technologies. With pressure on Government to reduce carbon emissions, there is a variety of funding avenues to explore that can make the transition to the use of renewable energy in your business more seamless that you might expect.
Take action now - the ball is in your court!
Stephen Jones
EnviroTech Energy Management envirotech-energymgmt.com
For further information phone: 0203 823 3610 Visit: envirotech-energymgmt.com