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GDPR - what lies ahead?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changes how businesses can email potential and existing customers, and how they monitor online behaviour.

The legislation, designed to establish a harmonised data protection framework across the EU, has two constituent parts. Firstly, you must have consent to use cookies on your website to track a person’s behaviour. And secondly, you must have written or ‘Opt-In’ consent to send regular or marketing emails.

The implications are?

Your purchased marketing data lists will diminish in value and the new procedure will reduce the number of people with whom you can legally communicate. The sign-up process can appear onerous and if you ask for too much, too early, dropouts will inevitably occur. However, the size of your list can be a misleading metric; quality always trumps quantity. Analysis shows that opt-in data performs far better than blanket promotion; open rates are higher, engagement is better, and this drive increased click rates and higher conversion rates.

Consent Compliance have developed a consent mechanism that typically improves take up rates for opt-in data to perform at 40%.

What can you do?

Look hard at your security measures and policies.

You’ll need to update these to be GDPR-compliant, and if you don’t currently have any, get them in place. Broad use of encryption could be a good way to reduce the likelihood of a big penalty in the event of a breach.

Start the process of building your opt-in consents right now – making the most of the opportunity to use the opt-out approach whilst it’s still allowed.

The process should begin with your existing customers, along with subscribers to any newsletters or e-communications you currently produce. With the right technology and the right partner, it’s easy to short-circuit the process and start building high-value opt-in data immediately.

New Technologies and Compliance Solutions

Sending volume sensitive documents can be expensive, we have an alternative GDPR business case for cost v technology, a mechanism that can convey volume personalised secure documents as encrypted password protected attachments within emails with volumes up to 5 million per month making considerable printed and postage savings without sacrificing on quality. We also utilise many other GDPR technology solutions from analysing network data activities and cyber evaluations to breach protection. Aligning emergent technology solutions to GDPR requirements aligns companies confidence in knowing their futures are protected and stay one step ahead of market forces.


GDPR Compliance & Inspection

Compliance can add assurance, reputable value and peace of mind, as a practitioner we typically offer a: GDPR Audit

• Identify Gaps of planned or implemented controls against industry or regulatory standards. • We Identify the relevant services based on the technical and security aspects of GDPR. • Prepare an Audit report of evidenced controls and compliance with GDPR. • Write and validate legal statements for inclusion in contract documentation, privacy policies and process outlines. GDPR Consulting

• Data protection impact assessment (DPIA). • Help you in GDPR transition services. • Create In-house GDPR awareness and training. • Design a plan to handle requests within the revised timescales and provide any additional information.

• Guide you in Data handling processes in compliance with GDPR.

• Structured Data Design.

• We help you to implement your

GDPR compliance project and ensure that all your process complies with the GDPR policies. • Deploy my expertise of data protection compliance and assess to avoid Data Breach.

• Offer remote DPA governance and compliance with audits. We also offer full cyber and security vulnerability assessments, highlighting risks, remediation and sensible recommendation.

Ian Gowen

Consent Compliance www.consentcompliance.co.uk

We are a Greater Manchester based independent GDPR, Compliance, IT Security Practice that listens, responds, refines and improves your GDPR journey and offers niche solutions to accommodate all deliverable aspirations from small to enterprise organisations. We offer impartial advice, implementation support, training and an aftercare Virtual Data Protection Service that can assist you to continually monitor progress with defined interval external audits.

Get your email contact lists authenticated to EU GDPR Protect your existing revenues Get Opt-in consent with business leaders

With a Consent Compliance Mechanism we can assist you gain explicit consent protecting your existing investment in marketing leads before the 25 May and have an array of technical and cyber solutions to fit all your IT requirements. For further information or advice please contact Ian Gowen on 07761 579992 or email ian@consentcompliance.co.uk

Consent Compliance, Unit A4, Axis Point, Hill Top Road, Heywood OL10 2RQ Contact Louis on 0121 489 0671 or Ian on 0776 157 9992 www.consentcompliance.co.uk

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