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New yearnew you!Certain times of the year can change, but there might Learn to delegate. prompt us to review our lives. It may be a new year, an anniversary, a significant birthday be some capacity for small adjustments which bring positive benefits into your life. Appraisals can help you assess ways to develop staff and maximise their skills and talents. that motivates us to pause awhile and reflect on where we are, on what we’ve done with our lives and what we’d like to do next. For some this could be a Change doesn’t automatically require major upheaval. Simply revising your perspective may enable you to return to your everyday life with a calmer, This improves their engagement and commitment to the business, whilst enhancing their personal and professional competencies. pleasurable few moments of healthier attitude, feeling settled It also frees you to focus on your reflection. We’ve achieved much and in a better place. key skills, without needing to of what we aimed for, have good Deciding that a new year is time control everything yourself. relationships, lovely children, a for a new you can motivate you to Outsource tasks that take successful career or business, good quality of life and so we smile, feeling proud, content, looking forward to the year ahead with positively adjust your viewpoint and become more flexible and tolerant. too much of your time or are outside your area of expertise. Accounts, social media, PR or enthusiasm. Interestingly, those minor changes domestic chores like cleaning But for others this reflection can result in an, ‘is this it?’ response, followed by perhaps feeling stuck in a rut, trapped by circumstances often make life more pleasant for everyone else too. Don’t forget that our priorities often evolve over time. Those or gardening may be better done by someone else, allowing you to invest your time more productively. and unsure what next steps might earlier ones may now have Enhance your be possible. morphed into caring for older relationships. A variety of constraints and limitations, fear of rocking the boat and the potential impact of changes may deter further thought. relatives, our children have now grown up and don’t need us in the same way. We may have an established Is it time to add interest to your work by learning new skills or even forming relationships with complementary businesses And yet so many people hit their reputation and be comfortable and opening up new doors, so forties, fifties or even sixties and financially, have a settled extending your reach? feel they’ve missed out. relationship or be free of a difficult partner. Nurture your relationships, both Rather than be that person, why professional and personal. not use the new year as a natural start to a new phase of life and a new you? Let’s look at some steps which support a new year and a new you: Commit to regular quality time with the significant people in your life and be part of each other’s The routine of daily life often support systems. means we face many pressing Commit to making regular demands. There’s no time for time for things that bring Are your friendships self-reflection when we have to think about work, finances, children and family as well as maybe spiritual concerns. meaning and satisfaction into your life. Then you’re able to start the working well for you? Do you spend your free time with the ‘right’ people who inspire you? Postponing changes for several years may seem to be the only course of action, but taking time to thoroughly consider our new year well, with good habits that help you manage stress and pressure. Take regular breaks, wind down, Do they support you and your dreams or are they in your life simply by default? situation may open our thinking eat well and exercise frequently. A new year can prompt you to to other possibilities, rather than If necessary, give yourself refresh your close circle and simply becoming resigned to time to grieve, recover from a introduce people who are more saying, ‘I’ll wait until the business is bigger, the children are older or there’s someone to pass it on to’. breakup, heal after a change in circumstances or have some space after a hectic time or period of illness before you reflect on what positive into the mix. Do your spiritual and core values need attention? Certain responsibilities cannot you want to happen next. Whilst you may not be able to radically alter your life there may be scope to invest in your core values and spiritual wellbeing. Helping others, volunteering and charity work can bring real satisfaction to your life. As a business owner you’ve probably grafted long and hard to get where you are, making many sacrifices whilst establishing your reputation. A new year can be the time to check how that’s going for you. By re-establishing your priorities and finding positive ways to better care for yourself and the things that are important in your life you can invest in your new year today.
Susan Leigh MNCH (ACC) Altrincham, Cheshire and South Manchester counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer and media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support. She’s author of 3 books, all on Amazon and with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life. To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit
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