Auckland Transport
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Playing a pivotal role in helping to make Auck
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rom roads and footpaths to cycling, parking and public transport. Auckland Transport is responsible for all of the region’s transport services. Auckland Transport was founded in 2010 as a Controlled Organisation (CCO) of Auckland Council. It’s the first organisation an organisation has combined the transport expertise and functions of the eight former local and regional councils and the Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA). The responsibility of running the city’s transport includes designing, building and maintaining Auckland’s roads, ferry wharves, cycleways and walkways. It is responsible for coordinating road safety and community transport initiatives such as school travel, and planning and funding bus, train and ferry services across Auckland.
MEETING TRANSPORT PRIORITIES “Our aim is to deliver the transport system required to support the Auckland Plan’s objective to become the world’s most liveable city,” says Auckland Transport. The organisation has set this out in the Integrated Transport Programme, a strategic document which sets out the 30 year investment programme to meet the transport priorities outlined in the Auckland Plan, across modes and covering the responsibilities of all transport agencies. “Achieving the outcomes and priorities of the Auckland Plan is linked with meeting key targets for increasing public and active transport mode share, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved accessibility, lower congestion for public transport, delivery of services and freight, travel time savings and the delivery of transport infrastructure priorities over the next three decades.” it adds. LEADING BY EXAMPLE Auckland Transport’s activities are directed and guided at a strategic level by the board of directors, led by Chief Executive Dr David Warburton. Warburton’s background is in leading large organisations in New Zealand and Australia. Most recently he was Chief Executive of CPG (part of Downer EDI), and also the Wanganui District Council. He holds a doctorate in environmental engineering from Massey University where he has also held senior lecturer positions and was an Associate Professor and Research Fellow at the University of Illinois (United States).Dr Warburton has also held a number of other senior management roles in the forestry, packaging, property development and retail sectors. Dr Warburton is a current member of the Whanganui
District Health Board. CITY RAIL LINK One of the biggest challenges for Auckland Transport in the coming years will be dealing with an ever increasing population in the city. Auckland will grow by more than 700,000 people in the next 30 years, and significant improvement of the transport network is needed to handle the thousands of extra passengers. In the past decade, the number of trips taken by train in Auckland has doubled, from 2.2 million trips a year to 15 million. However, further growth of the rail system, including
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increases to train frequency, is constrained by where it ends at Britomart, which limits the entire network’s capacity. To combat this, Auckland Transport has developed a City Rail Link (CRL). The CRL will be built in two 3.4km-long, twin tunnels up to 42 metres below the city centre. It will extend the existing rail line underground through Britomart, to Albert, Vincent and Pitt Streets, then cross beneath Karangahape Road and the Central Motorway Junction to Symonds Street before rising to join the western line at Eden Terrace. By joining up the rail network, allowing trains to run both ways through Britomart. This will double the number of trains
Higgins is one of New Zealand’s leading civil infrastructure businesses employing over 1500 staff across the country and in Fiji. Higgins has a ‘customer no.1’ focus and delivers a comprehensive range of civil construction services from major road projects to programmed road maintenance services and regional horizontal infrastructure including windfarms, ports and airports. The foundation of the business is the ‘Higgins values’ which shape team behaviours and makes Higgins a great place to work and a great partner to work with.
that can run with trains a lot more often at all Auckland stations, allowing 30,000 people an hour in peak. In comparison, a single motorway lane can carry only 2,400 people an hour. The CRL has many transport benefits for large parts of Auckland. Making public transport an attractive option not only helps those who travel on it but also road users as congestion is eased. The current phase is to confirm and protect a route to enable future construction. The CRL construction to completion is estimated to take five and a half years at a cost of $2.5 billion when inflated to 2024. NEW PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK AucklandTransportisalsoimplementinganew public transport network. It will revolutionise the way Auckland residents get around the city, with many more interconnections to connect places to each other. The New Network is a region-wide public transport network that will include Frequent, Connector, Local and Peak services. The Frequent Network will have buses and trains at least every 15 minutes from 7am to 7pm, seven days a week. Outside of these hours, services will run but just less frequently. “By 2018, you’ll be enjoying more frequent, more connected travel where you just turn up and go at a bus stop, train station or ferry terminal,” says Auckland Transport.
“Offering flexible travel options over large parts of the city, the New Network will make public transport more useful for a range of travel purposes.” The updated network will include an integrated ticket system and integrated fares, so customers pay to get from A to B whether it involves connection by bus or ferry. “It will allow for a greater variety of trips, the ability to travel any time, not just to and from work. It will allow the network to run on a much higher frequency as and when it needs to on major routes, while retaining coverage across the whole city.” SHAPING THE FUTURE The work already done to guide future growth in Auckland and identify where major infrastructure will be required is now underway. It is Auckland Transport’s job to ensure Aucklanders will benefit from it as best they can - and that involves input from customers. “We also need to know what people would like their future communities to look like, including the transport options people want, how far they want to travel, safety considerations like speed limits around schools, parks, shopping centres, and what would make businesses want to locate there. “This future network is not just about roads, public transport, walking and cycling will feature strongly. We will need to be able to respond to fast-changing technology, including intelligent transport systems (ITS), and how that influences people’s travel choices and movements as well.”
Bombardier Transportation, a global leader in rail technology, offers the broadest portfolio in the rail industry that covers the full spectrum of rail solutions from the manufacture of passenger rail vehicles, to the provision of complete rail transportation systems & system integration, signalling, propulsion & control technology, asset management and through life support with local engineering and manufacturing. Bombardier Transportation, a division of Bombardier Inc, has an installed base of over 100,000 vehicles worldwide and with over 60 systems in operation around the globe; Bombardier is highly proven to deliver turnkey transportation systems.
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