Kenya National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation
Kenya National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation
Helping the social and economic development of Kenya with the provision of clean water
he Kenya National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) was founded in June 1988. Its vision is to be a world class institution in water infrastructure development and management.
Its remit is to develop and manage water infrastructure and enhance water security and storage for multipurpose uses, mitigation of drought and flood effects in a sustainable manner.
Much like any other organisation, NWCPC strives to act with integrity, accountability, transparency and professionalism. It prides itself on improving team work and operating with innovativeness. The corporation’s core mandate is to: • Develop state schemes and spearhead dam construction for water supplies, flood control and other multi-purpose uses, land drainage and construction of dykes • Carry out ground water recharge using flood water
• Develop, retain existing and expand bulk water supply to Water Service Boards and other Water Service Providers • Drill and equip boreholes
The NWCPC is divided into a number of main departments to handle separate areas of operations, which are: • Corporate & Legal Services Department • Construction and Electromechanical
• Planning and Design
• Human Resources and Administration • Finance Department
“Evidence shows that countries which have made major strides in their socio-economic development have made major investments in water infrastructure,” says NWCPC.
“In Kenya, the water sector will continue to play a major role in social and economic development given that all people in all sectors depend on water for various uses. Water availability and storage will then continue to be a key driver of development.” As Chairman of the Board, Hon. Dr. Julius Kones explains: “The
Corporation, as a key player in water infrastructure development and management, has been strategic in the development of boreholes, flood control infrastructure, water pans, small dams and large dams. Nine years into the Water Sector reforms, the Corporation has contributed significantly to the socio-economic development of the country as it continues to embrace its mandate.” The Corporation has introduced Performance Contracts in line with the national management accountability framework in Kenya which has helped the Corporation build its competitive advantage in performance as a public service institution.
‘Water confidence through Innovative Solutions’ Penelly Construction & Engineering Ltd is water & energy engineering firm located in Nairobi, wholly owned by Kenyans and agencies with multinationals on pumps, tanks, switchgear, transformers, pipes, generators, water treatment. The company was registered under Company’s Act in the year 1997 as Penelly Machinery Chemicals and later changed its name to Penelly Construction & Engineering Ltd in 2003. We value partnerships, association and collaboration with our team, suppliers, financiers and customers both public and private. The company has a fully fledged management team supported by a team of dedicated and experienced Project Engineers and Service Technicians.
KENYA HOUSE MONROVIA STREET, P.O. BOX 9145 - 00100, NAIROBI T +254 (020)2245572, 2229628, 2244844 F +254 (020) 315984
Since their introduction, Dr Kones says, “This approach to provision of services has led to a remarkable transformation and improvement of the quality of services offered by our organisation. “Indeed, the results of the previous Performance Contracts have seen the Corporation ranked with ‘very good’ performance on the overall. I am pleased to report that the Corporation has largely been on target on most of its performance indicators and obtained commendation certificate from the Public Complaints Standing Committee secretariat.”
NWCPC has had to adapt to a substantial increase in the demand for water storage due to not only increasing population estimated and climate change requirements but also to national and international development policies and needs including Vision 2030. The Kenya Vision 2030 is the national long-term development blue-print that aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrialising, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment.
The Vision was officially launched by the Grand Coalition Government in July 2008. The adoption of the Vision 2030 built on the successful implementation of the ‘Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation’ (ERS 2003 – 2007), which saw the country’s economy back on the path to rapid growth since 2002, when GDP grew from a low 0.6% and rose gradually to 6.1% in 2006. Crucial to these aims is of course providing clean and safe water to the country. Managing Director, Mr. Evans JWC Ngibuini, commented: “NWCPC will therefore not only have
to adapt to these changes but also reform and change faster so that it can provide world class leadership, be proactive and provide solutions on demand.” “We recognise the value other water sector institutions contribute to our success. We strive to improve on our operations and effectively execute our strategies where employee wellness, quality service delivery, environmental friendliness and corporate governance remain a priority.” Royal Associates incorporates Royal Associates Consulting Engineers, Consult 2 Associates, Integrated Development Associates and Biosolution Systems and Engineering. The Firm undertakes consulting assignments in Civil and Structural Engineering Design, Training and Construction Supervision including Irrigation, Water Supply and Sanitation, Drainage, Bridge Design, Flood Control and Reclamation, Water Treatment and Storage. The Firm also offers consultancy Services in Economics, Infrastructure Planning, Project Management and Environmental Concerns, Gender and Community Facilitation, Agriculture and Rural Development, Resource Development etc. throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Regional Head Office for Africa is located at Royal Plaza, Nairobi, Kenya with SADC Regional Office located at Royal Hill Apartment in Lilongwe, Malawi. Other main Regional Offices are in Arusha, Tanzania and Kampala, Uganda.
Africa Head Office
SADC Regional Office
Tel 0725 650 905 / 0733 265 237
Tel (265) 01771560
Royal Plaza, Nairobi, Kenya, P.O Box 37705 – 00100 Email
Royal Hill Apartment, P.O Box 31340,Lilongwe, Malawi Email
Oliver Moy Publisher
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African Business Coverage Issue 9