Business Enquirer Issue 108 | PIP INTERNATIONAL | Nov'22

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New Technology Levels UP.Ptm™ Plant Proteins PIP International

PIP International

New Technology Levels UP.Ptm Plant Proteins

Thanks to PIP (Protein Isolate Plant) International’s disruptive technology, its pea protein is set to be the market leader.

The technology has finally cracked the code on pea protein’s poor taste, colour, texture and compromised performance. It aims to drive industry standards and has the potential to shift consumers’ enjoyment of plant-based foods to the next level.

The Visionary and 10 Lessons….. So Far...

With 20 years of experience in the Agriprocessing and renewable energy industries, PIP International CEO, Christine, has worked for the likes of Pepsico and Belectric Canada Solar.

“I cut my teeth working as a project manager at Pepsico. Many of the projects were using innovative and unproven technologies that needed to be further developed for full commercial roll-outs. This gave me valuable and diverse experience from business justification, technical due diligence, project planning and execution through to final close outs,” shared Christine when speaking exclusively to Business Enquirer.

Prior to founding PIP, Christine was headhunted to be the Managing Director of Belectric Canada Solar. During her time there, Christine managed the design, build and commissioning of the two largest tracking

Christine Lewington is a visionary. It is no wonder then that she is helming the delivery of an innovative new pea protein isolate product to the food industry.

utility scale solar farms - throughout Canadian winter, no less. Roles like these helped develop Christine’s business and risk mitigation skills.

“Your business edge is your offensive weapon, your risk management is your defensive weapon and your emotional management is your ability to balance these weapons.”


An entrepreneur and visionary, Christine is always one step ahead of the game evidenced easily by the fact that PIP has just commissioned the fourth continuous, fully automated yellow pea wet fractionation facility less than a year after the building was purchased.

“I procured equipment for PIP’s phase one processing facility before the purchase was completed. There’s always a method in my madness - despite the global supply chain challenges, by taking this calculated risk PIP kept momentum and was able to introduce our Ultimate Pea Protein in 2022 instead of much later in 2023,” Christine said.

2 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
CEO and founder of PIP International Christine Lewington

PIP International

At Christine’s heart, she is driven by morality. At the start of her conversation with Business Enquirer, she told the publication that she is a grandmother. Why? “Because why do we do anything? To make things hopefully better for our future generations,” she explained.

That underpinning ethos is what has pushed Christine to found PIP and fuels her daily navigation of a new start-up, with a complex project while holding onto a simple vision.

“In 2006, when on a trip in Panama, I was told to keep my eyes forward while driving on some side roads and of course, I did not. I witnessed children playing and drinking water out of the sewer. That day, I vowed that as part of my journey in life I would not only find the technology to clean water but make it accessible to anywhere in the world. One of PIP’s exciting technologies, at our wet pea processing facility is that technology. Eventually, we will give away this technology to enable free accessible clean drinking water,” shared Christine.

The Protein Crisis

It is estimated that by 2030 there will be a 40% global protein increase requirement, straining the global supply and nearing capacity limits. The pea protein market is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 12% and achieve sales revenue of $1.4B USD globally by 2025.

“Don’t be afraid to take a loss. Fear of losing is worse than losing.”

It begs the question of why hasn’t the globally grown abundant supply of yellow peas, with its high protein content and near perfect amino acid profile come to the rescue yet?

“That’s easy,” said Christine, “Products made with current pea protein options do not pass “The Second Moment of Truth. They simply taste terrible. Almost every time I tell someone what I am doing, they scrunch their nose up and tell me how awful pea protein is and that they have bought it once.”

The “Second Moment of Truth”

In product development, much is written about the “first moment of truth”, which is when the consumer decides to buy the product for the first time. But the true measure of a product’s success is determined by the “second moment of truth”, which is when consumers actually consume it. If they have a positive experience, they are likely to buy your product again. This leads to a high repeat rate and ultimately a successful product.

4 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine

PIP International

In terms of food and drink products, taste is central to the second moment of truth and is the most important re-purchase driver. Jason Cohen of Analytical Flavour Systems agrees, stating that “when you see a new product that claims to be organic, all natural, without additives, et cetera, you might buy it because of these claims. That is marketing. But you will only buy it again if you like the taste of the product.”

“By holding fast to our “must do better” and strategically combining several disruptive technologies across diverse industries, we believe we are set far apart from the industry.

Our pea protein is the best tasting, most affordable, healthiest and environmentally responsible pea protein isolate on the planet!” claims Christine.

The Technology Level UP.P’d

Since Christine established PIP International in January 2020, her focus has been to ensure the extraction technology chosen would consistently deliver a protein beyond anything the industry hoped for but never thought possible.

“Not good enough… I’m out,” Christine firmly stated on Dec 10th, 2019, just outside of Paris. Christine and her team had just spent 7 days working with a team of expert scientists that knew the best way to extract protein from yellow peas. When the protein results came in, it was ‘as good as the best’.

Christine continued to explain, “Consumers are rejecting plant-based products simply because they taste terrible. We MUST do better and find what seems to be a technology unicorn that will solve the mystery to the bitter taste, yellow color and low performance of pea proteins to become the solution to the protein crisis!” The room was now pin drop quiet. After a few prolonged minutes of deafening silence, nervous shuffling of papers broke through and the head scientist cleared his throat and asked, “Christine, would you consider going for dinner tonight to have further discussions on your vision of finding a technology unicorn? I have an idea.”

This was the beginning of a highly challenging yet very exciting journey for PIP!

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88% 70%60% 52% 34% Taste Price Healthfulness Convenience Environmental
IMPROVE is offering R&D services in the field of alternative protein. We can develop new processes using dry or wet fractionations. We can characterize in our labs, samples based on their composition, functional properties, digestibility, organoleptic profile. IMPROVE is helping its customers from green fields to good food Denis CHEREAU CEO +336 89 95 28 13 IMPROVE - MUTUALIZED INSTITUTE FOR PLANT BASED PROTEINS Plateforme Technologique Rue du Fond Lagache 80480 Dury, FRANCE We are making the bioeconomy an industrial reality. We contribute to develop a healthier and more eco-responsible world IMPROVE is a French cutting-edge R&D platform for the end-to-end valorization of alternative proteins, with an international visibility.

PIP International

When Christine researched where to best start the technology unicorn search, she discovered and chose IMPROVE SAS in France. Positioned as a cutting-edge R&D platform for the endto-end valorization of alternative proteins, with an international visibility, she knew this was the best place to go.

Denis Chereau, CEO of IMPROVE recalls, “We partnered with PIP since December 2019. PIP hired us to help develop a new process to produce pea protein isolate at the time. When IMPROVE presented it’s recently patented technology to Christine Lewington, she immediately picked-up the potential of this disruptive technology. This was the get-go for the teams from PIP and IMPROVE to work jointly to develop an industrial project. Weekly meetings and multiple visits on both sides of the ocean developed an agile, resilient and accountable team which are key elements of success.

Christine’s tenacity throughout 2020 proves she is not just talk, she is a woman of action and perseverance. As Covid locked down the world and created unprecedented times, she was still able to successfully lead her teams through building and connecting the two largest utility scale tracking solar farms in Canada. In addition, Christine chose to take advantage of the world slowing down and speed up instead. Using zoom and across many time zones, she was able to comfortably validate the potential of the extraction technology unicorn.

“History is written by entrepreneurs who never give up.”

“Pivot to solutions versus sitting on problems.”


On December 15, 2020, PIP signed an Exclusive Master License Agreement to further develop, commercialize and globally expand this novel extraction technology.

“IMPROVE SAS has been working with PIP International closely for over two years to commercialize a significant advancement in plant protein extraction technology. PIP owns an Exclusive Master License Agreement for IMPROVE’s innovative, patent pending, sustainable extraction technology that will bring the cleanest tasting, highest functioning, most sustainable pea protein to the market!”

Denis Chereau, CEO IMPROVE SAS, France

“Our novel method of extraction significantly reduces harmful exposure to the proteins by providing a gentle environment for separation and preservation,” explained Christine, “it is like a Medi-spa for proteins! The process results in an unparalleled great tasting and high functioning pea protein.”

On January 1, 2021, with rare technology rights in hand, Christine’s expert team rolled up their sleeves and dug deep into the science, engineering and energy consumption demands a large processing facility would require. Long hours and the ongoing difficult world restrictions did not deter the “must be better” vision of the team. “We pivoted more times than I can count, as we capitalized on the world slowdown as it presented fewer distractions. Our team focused our full attention on the development and design of the most innovative and sustainable Agri-processing facility the industry has ever seen,” said Christine. With an engineering background and serial entrepreneur spirit, the challenge was exuberating and gut wrenching.

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PIP International

As PIP’s team focused on designing the facility, Christine searched for a key piece of the puzzle to further secure manufacturers’ confidence. Food safety, traceability and food security is a top concern to food manufacturers and consumers, but it is not easy to do. PIP found Finding a streamlined digitized food safety and reporting system to remove the complexity was a must do from day one.

Christine feels lucky that she found a unique and innovative food safety and quality reporting data collecting and digitization company called Provision Analytics, from Calgary Alberta to do exactly what PIP was looking for and more.

Traceability and food security is a top concern to food manufacturers and consumers, but it is not easy to collect or maintain the data efficiently, especially if it is not done at the beginning. Finding a streamlined digital system to remove complexity was a requirement at PIP from day one.

Christine feels lucky that she found Provision Analytics – an innovative Canadian company with a global client footprint – to do exactly what PIP was looking for and more.

Progressing steadily, PIP started to get noticed

Purchased land in Lethbridge Alberta Canada

PIP International

and by the summer of 2021, challengers attempted to deter Christine from her path, but it only strengthened her resolve. As her confidence in the innovative technology exponentially grew, it was time for her to step outside her comfort zone, make some serious investments and raise further capital to take PIP to the next level.

Christine boldly stepped forward and finalized the purchase of 20 acres of fully permitted and serviced land in Lethbridge Alberta Canada. Construction commenced shortly after to prepare the land for the large facility.

PIP’s phase one, pilot facility, commissioned four weeks ago and is processing over 5000MT of yellow peas annually. Scaling with the larger facility, to processing over 130,000MT of peas annually, PIP will be the largest pea protein isolate manufacturer in the world. Positioning itself in the heart of Canada’s Premier Food Corridor (CPFC) which is home to 4.2 million total acres of some of the most fertile land in the world. With nearly 5,000 farms and over 11,000 businesses located within the corridor it’s no wonder this region has an annual GDP of 8 Billon dollars.

“Businesses make their systems too complex. In business, simplicity always wins.”



Provision is a cloud software platform used to capture and manage all food safety and quality assurance data.

The company was founded by Erik Westblom in 2018 after his proposal was named a winner of the FoodTrack competition run by Maersk. Through their exclusive program in Denmark, Erik learned that the world’s largest food shipping company had all the data it needed for traceability in its existing food safety records, but the data was stuck on paper. Soon, he realized that issue wasn’t unique to Maersk – paper records were endemic in food safety and quality assurance, preventing the real-time alerts, linkages, and reporting needed to easily identify and correct issues before food reaches consumers.

This lack of modern systems is one reason why the World Health Organization estimates that foodborne illness affects 600 million people annually.

For most food companies, the block to modern food safety and quality assurance systems was usability. Many tech companies were far removed from the gritty realities of food processing, so while many of their software platforms had advanced functionality, few were intuitive enough to be used on the production floor. Because non-technical staff struggled to capture clean data, the systems were ineffective.

Through Provision, Erik set out to change this market dynamic, applying his experience as a farm operator. His founding vision came to life with an intuitive user interface that has garnered global design press such as the World Brand Design Society and Mindsparkle Magazine. Combined with a flexible process builder, Provision allows food companies to create and manage totally

custom food safety and quality assurance programs.

In practice, this usability has allowed Provision clients to save an average 64% of the time tracked by the FDA for a typical food safety record. Such efficiency was key for PIP. Christine says, “Businesses make their systems too complex. In business, simplicity always wins.”

With clean data flowing from its operations, the real benefit has proven to be insight and process control making PIP not only simpler, but also safer. PIP has been able to elevate its record-keeping with automatic rules, instructions, and reports in Provision. Its use of the software is now extending beyond PIP’s own walls, and will soon streamline data sharing across its supply chain. At scale, this allows PIP to have complete visibility for food safety and quality assurance at every stage leading to the consumer.

The results make PIP a banner client for Provision. Erik, now CEO of the company, says, “PIP is operating a decade ahead of similar companies in its industry. By investing in compliance technology before it faced problems, PIP is rightfully winning an unparalleled brand reputation for its quality. We’re happy to see Provision in use as one piece of their smart supply chain.”

Christine says, “By having Provision on PIP’s journey from day one, setting up required certifications with the regulatory and quality reporting have taken 1/3 the time. Provision has removed cumbersome paperwork and provided an easily maintainable and upgradeable system. When our first large multi-national company cautiously asked about our food safety and certification program, they were blown away how a new start-up could seamlessly integrate and operate within their complex systems.”

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Contact Email Phone +1 (877) 823-9625 Visit #201, 1215 13 St SE, Calgary, Canada
Compliance A single platform to capture and analyze all food safety and quality data.
easy-to-use cloud records and policies. Streamline supplier management, traceability, and food safety culture. Solutions Be audit-ready any time, with less risk. Ensure that process data is compliant and easily accessible. Digital Records The difference is usability. Provision is designed to help non-technical operators easily capture data.Fully customizable records, workflows, and reports fit seamlessly into any process.

Collaboration, Innovation, Determination… more than wind water and sunshine!

For some residents of southern Alberta, the 50 kilometre stretch of Highway 3 between Lethbridge and Taber is just that a road to get you where you need to go. For those involved in agriculture, food processing, manufacturing, or logistics, however, that same 50 kilometres is the lifeline to their business and a gateway to the rest of the world.

Canada’s Premier Food Corridor (CPFC) is home to 4.2 million total acres of some of the most fertile land in the world.

With nearly 5,000 farms and over 11,000 businesses located within the corridor it’s no wonder this region has an annual GDP of 8 billon dollars. Names you’ll find every day in your grocery store and that are produced locally include global brands such as Cavendish Farms, PepsiCo Foods, McCain, Bonduelle and Richardson working along side small businesses and farms that have been in the area for generations.

Where Climate and Investment Come Together Lethbridge, the largest city in southern Alberta, is the hub for the region which experiences some of the best growing conditions in the world. With over 300 days of sunshine per year and some of the mildest winters in Canada, it’s no wonder so many agriculture and agri-Food businesses are choosing the region for their investment or expansion.

The City of Lethbridge will soon have a stateof-the-art agri-food hub as construction on Exhibition Park is expected to be completed in 2023. The new 268,000 square foot facility will help highlight the work being done in the area and showcase southern Alberta on a global scale.

Government of all levels have recognized the potential of Canada’s Premier Food Corridor and have made investments

in the Lethbridge Airport, local roads, and highways as well as committed nearly a billion dollars over the past 2 years to upgrade the region’s irrigation system. This priority capital project allows for more storage of water and leverages new irrigation technologies for area producers.

A Workforce for Today and The Future

If optimum growing conditions, strategic government investment, ideal location, and easy access to world markets isn’t enough the region is also home to two world class post-secondary institutions in Lethbridge College and the University of Lethbridge. Each facility understands the importance of preparing graduates (over 3,700 combined in 2021) for entering the work world as soon as they leave campus. These award-winning institutions have evolved their curriculums to suit the needs of business and work collaboratively with industry to overcome barriers. Many sector specific opportunities are now being offered in the form of micro-credential courses for individuals looking for a particular set of skills and applied research linked to solving industry challenges.

For more information on Canada’s Premier Food Corridor and why if you’re in the business of food, you should be here visit

“I am thrilled that PIP has chosen Lethbridge to call home for both their pilot plant and future large scale production facility. This will further strengthen Canada’s Premier Food Corridor as these projects build on the existing strength of the value-added processing sector in our region. PIP’s investment will not only position but anchor Lethbridge on the world stage for being a top choice to deliver the best plant-based ingredients and food products from. The strength of our region can be found in innovative market leaders like PIP who challenge the status quo to create new opportunities while giving back to the community for a better future.”Mayor Blaine Hyggen, City of Lethbridge

Contact Information: Trevor Lewington, CEO Economic Development Lethbridge Phone: 1.403.393.0204

Business Enquirer Magazine
Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 106 13 Economic Development Lethbridge 308 Stafford Drive South Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1J 2L1 Phone: (403) 331-0022 Fax: (403) 331-0202 Toll Free: 1 (800) 332-1801 E-Mail: THIS IS LETHBRIDGE A BRIGHT CHOICE

PIP International

“But how would ‘I’ convince the bank that you can do what you say you can?” questioned Christine’s top business advisor and lawyer. Her mind raced as this question had no answer. “Investors will demand evidence of your new technology, customers will demand large scale pea protein volumes for trials and banks will demand proof of pre-market sales before they will finance you,” he continued.

“Listen and pivot to sound advice or choose to let adversity be your teacher.”

14 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine

PIP International

It was painful but glaringly obvious. In a flash, there was only one way forward, Christine must find a way to first build small and then scale. This would not be easy to pivot as PIP had just started construction on the large facility’s 20 acres.

PIP was told of a mid-sized craft brewery under bank foreclosure only minutes away. To transition a brewery to a small scale, fully continuous wet fractionation facility as fast as possible was a significant pivot but Christine’s team was up for the challenge. Six weeks later, Christine’s purchase negotiations had stalled.

Communicating her frustrations, her advisor cautiously offered that she handover the deal to him and his team to negotiate and close.

“It’s what we do. Trust me” he said. Less than a week later, Christine was accepting a deal that had cut 7 figures and un-locked the path forward for PIP.

“Most entrepreneurs don’t lack talent; they lack emotional IQ, self-awareness and the humility to let go of control.”


When I asked Christine what was the supporting backbone of PIP’s vision? She did not hesitate, “I believe risk mitigation will be the reason why we are or aren’t successful in our vision. A disruptor must master risk-mitigation to gain investor, bank and board confidence or ultimately be forced to do things the way they have always been done,” she explained.
Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 106 17 Business Edge puts you in the top 20% Risk Management puts you in the top 10% Emotional Control puts you in the top 1% Christine

PIP International

Monette Farms Group

We are a Canadian farm company that is head quartered in Swift Current, Saskatch ewan Canada. Our group of companies op erate in three Canadian provinces, and two states in America. Monette Farms’ princi pal focus is sustainable dry land farming, and regenerative cattle ranching. Com bined, we manage nearly 2,000,000 acres. “I am fervent about the communities we operate in, my employees’ wellbeing, and using leading edge technology and science that improve efficiencies while simultane ously striving to reduce our eco-footprint,” said Darrel Monette, CEO of Monette Farms.

Monette Farms’ story is rooted in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada, and it re mains steadfastly planted there today. The last 20 years, however, have been a period of significant growth for Monette Farms, who now operate in the United States (Montana & Arizona), and in three Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, & Manitoba). Each of the locations are stra tegically procured to maximize productivity and help defend from weather variability. By the conclusion of 2023, Monette Farms

will actively farm nearly 400,000 acres.

Efficiency (one of its core values) is in the group’s DNA. There is a relentless pursuit of betterment in all facets of the operation, including vertical integration. Recent ac quisitions like seed cleaning, storage, and shipping facilities tactically improve the stages of production. The team distinctly proud of this, but never loses sight of their farming history, family, and employees that make this achievement possible.

The commodities grown are conventional cereals and pulses. Recent diversifica tion in the group has seen the addition of cattle ranching. Nearly 7000 head of cattle naturally graze across 1,200,000 pristine acres in British Columbia, Canada. Carbon capture is an avenue being explored in these forested areas as well. Arguably in its infancy still, it nevertheless shows Monette Farms’ desire to be ecological alongside profitable.

Monette Farms Group Darrel Monette Owner & Chief Executive Officer Contact:

18 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine

Being close to an abundant supply of yellow peas is of critical importance. “While researching yellow pea supply options, I was introduced to a likeminded CEO, who farms over 300,000 acres of farmland. His vision to further process the crops he grows was a perfect fit and he was willing to invest to make that happen!”

“I was immediately impressed with Christine and her team at our first meeting. It was clear from the beginning that her vision, drive, and core values aligned with ours. PIP is a predictive company that sees Agriculture as a dynamic space long due for innovation, and she surrounds herself with experts that mirror her energy and passion. This is why we are excited to be an integral partner and advance agriculture together,” said owner and CEO, Darrel Monette of Monette Farms.

Our Mission is to produce agricultural products Efficiently, Sustainably and Profitably in an enjoyable work environment.
Box 1298, Swift Current, SK, S9H 3X4 306.627.7272

PIP International

When Christine started to work closely with product developers and struggled to answer product development questions from a potential customer, she reached out to Mesh Foods Lab, from Boulder Colorado that specializes in new product development. “Kerin and her team at Mesh Foods have been fantastic! Mesh took PIP’s pea protein, UP.P™, and created incredible, smooth tasting protein shakes and the most delicious ice cream. It has been invaluable to learn from Mesh what our customers will require to make new products to win the hearts of consumers,” explained Christine.

“Mesh Food Labs has been working with PIP’s new pea protein isolate. This novel new protein has a smoother texture and a milder flavor making it ideal for use in beverages, ice cream, novelties, bars, and baking,” said Kerin Kennedy, CEO of Mesh Food Labs.

MESH Food Labs We Know Food

Mesh is a fully-integrated food lab and innovation center located in Bentonville, Arkansas. Established 2001, we are dedi cated to innovation, specializing in food, beverage, and supplement/nutrition prod uct development. Mesh Food Labs offers a broad range of concept-through-com mercialization services to help our clients launch innovative, relevant, and delicious products supporting brand growth. We consider ourselves an integral part of each client’s business, conforming to your pro cesses, style, culture, and goals. We fit your needs, whether as a dedicated R&D unit, an extension of your existing R&D team or as a strategic innovation partner.

201 SW 14th Street Suite 107 Bentonville, AR 72712 (479) 254-8987

22 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Jonathan Wagenaar, PIP ambassador, Christine Lewington CEO, Blaine Hyggen Mayor of Lethbridge
State-of-the-Art Lab Services Full Micros Nutritional Panels Shelf-Life Testing Innovation Think Tank Concepting Consumer Insights Trend Analysis Competitive Landscape Commercialization Test Runs Manufacturing Support Full Scale-Up Production-Ready Formulae Product Development Applications Development Product Optimization Re-Formulation Project Management Cost Optimization Regulatory Compliance Organic, non-GMO, Kosher Gluten-Free Allergen AIB, SQF FDA Inspections QA support Mesh is a fully-integrated food lab and innovation center. Located in Boulder, Colorado, Mesh Food Labs offers a comprehensive range of concept-throughcommercialization services. Mesh Food Labs and Innovation Group 1208 Commerce Ct, Suite 4 Lafayette, Colorado 80026 (720) 583-1339

PIP International

On May 30, 2022, PIP hosted over 180 guests from industry, government and the community to the launch of PIP’s Phase One and publicly unveil plans for the large facility.

Guests were provided guided tours of the facility, amazed with great tasting product samples made from PIP’s pea protein and presented PIP Phase Two, the large facility.

At the launch event, the Government of Alberta announced support funding and the Invest Alberta attraction branch has been an ongoing support by connecting, collaborating and communicating PIP’s vision across the globe.

“PIP International knows first-hand that Alberta is the ideal place for agri-tech development. Invest Alberta played an instrumental role in helping us navigate funding opportuni ties and introductions to investors and decision-makers. With their support, it was an easy decision to open a new $150 million facility bringing 100 new jobs to southern Alberta.”

Invest Alberta

24 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
PIP Phase 2, Front Entrance Former Minister of Alberta Transportation and the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary Northeast, Rajan Sawhney, Christine Lewington, CEO PIP International, His Worship, Mayor of the City of Lethbridge, Blaine Hyggen
Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 106 25 With over 50 million acres of farmland, Alberta offers endless opportunities in agriculture. Alongside Canada's leaders in agricultural innovation, our province is home to global agribusinesses who lead the way in the transformation of sustainable and environmental stewardship in the sector To learn more, visit Invest Alberta is proud to support innovative companies like PIP International, who are supporting growth in Alberta's leading agriculture sector Discover how Alberta can become your next investment destination $14.8B Alberta's plant protein market value by 2023

PIP International

As Phase One was in progress, strategic discussions on the best way to fund the large project were reopened. As PIP was growing, Christine knew she needed to find a new and different way to raise the capital required to build the large facility specifically.

“Searching for the best partnerships, has also opened up many new friendships along the way. Troy and his team have helped PIP with many highly technical and business-related issues. That’s why when Troy suggested we partner to launch a new investment platform his team had been working on for over a year, I could only see it as win/win,” said Christine.

On June 29th, 2022 HyFi announced the execution of multiple agreements with PIP focused initially on raising funds for PIP’s large scale yellow pea wet fractionation processing facility. PIP will have conditional exclusive rights and renewal options to the agriculture sector. HyFi understands that the lack of


Innovative Funding Solutions for Projects Focused on Sustainability

HyFi is a Florida-based public fintech compa ny that has developed and owns innovative blockchain technology, namely an impact in vestment project funding platform for green initiatives. HyFi’s core purpose is to solve the problem of access to funding for securities issuers who have focused their business on sustainability and the betterment of the planet or humanity, owners who do not want to give up control of their companies while raising capital.

HyFi provides solutions to those facing pro ject funding challenges by building, operat ing and licensing DeFi and CeDeFi funding marketplaces (centralized membership with

investment in the agriculture sector specifically prevents plant-based market growth. HyFi and PIP have therefore teamed up to bring solutions to this funding problem. Solving this problem is a key factor to successfully drive the growth of the pea protein market worldwide.

HyFi believes that PIP is an ideal ambassador to be the first issuer featured on the HyFi platform. HyFi has followed the PIP journey since inception and has gained a deeper understanding of PIPs business and the opportunity derived from the demand for high-quality pea protein isolate having increased dramatically in recent years with the popularization of plant-based diets and increasing consumer awareness and benefits offered by pea proteins. In September HyFi’s CEO Troy MacDonald visited the PIP Lethbridge factory and PIP’s CEO, Christine Lewington, and toured the current PIP facility for a boots on the ground understanding of the job to be done.

financial rewards architecture for communi ty members).

HyFI is built with a very modern Hybrid Fi nancing model, meaning HyFi offers issuers and investors both a tokenized/crypto and a fiat economy. HyFi has a reputable American trust company integrated into the center of its platform as the custodian of both fiat and digital currency. This integration increases the safety, trustability and flexibility of the HyFi platform and allows it to operate in a regulatory compliant way.

All issuers funding offers featured on HyFi are structured through an innovative new type of security, “ILO (SECURITY) TOKENS”, issued as units of ownership in an ILO “Initial License Offering” (trademark pending). The ILO is the issuers offer to potential investors in the market, the offer is coded as software, a “Smart Contract”.

26 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
HyFi’s CEO Troy MacDonald visited the PIP Lethbridge factory and PIP’s CEO

Innovative Project Funding & NFT

Marketplaces using Blockchain

HyFi is a Florida-based public fintech company that has developed and owns innovative blockchain technology, namely an impact investment project funding platform for green initiatives. The platform launches with strong support from a ready clientele. This initiative comes to market after 16 months of development by a large team of world-class developers. HyFi’s core purpose is to solve the problem of access to funding for issuers who have focused their business on sustainability and the betterment of the planet or humanity, owners who do not want to give up control of their companies.


Email: Investor Relations:
Phone: +1 786-923-0272 Address: 20801 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 403, Aventura, FL 33180, USA


Committed to sustainability, PIP commissioned a roof top solar system to offset the power required to operate Phase One facility with the help of a trusted partner in solar, Terralta. Terralta was able to design, permit, install and commission PIP’s roof top system in less than 90 days. Finding likeminded partners in sustainability is key to PIP’s vision and success.

How Peas Are Transforming the Agri-Processing Industry

PIP International is the start-up that discovered an innovative new way to extract protein from yellow peas. Their all-natural, sustainable, and affordable product is well-positioned to be an industry leader in the protein isolate industry.

But what makes the company stand out beyond their product is their commitment to sustainability. As CEO Christine Lewington puts it, “We lead with sustainability, we don’t follow up with it.”

With two years as Managing Director of the two largest solar farms in Canada, Lewington has the experience and passion to set a higher standard for manufacturing facilities.

Her mission is to make PIP International’s

facility fully self-sufficient. With the help of Terralta’s renewable energy experts, she’s proving that’s possible. Here’s how.

PIP’s Plan for Net Zero

Phase 1: Install standard roof-mounted solar that cares for roughly 30% of the building’s demand load. That’s 267MWh of rooftop solar.

Phase 2: Install Solar EV Carport charging stations with additional solar covers for their expansive patio adding an additional 295MWh generation capacity.

Phase 3: Install innovative solar siding all around the building that doubles as advertising space. The product not only collects energy in a discreet way, it can also be programmed to display their logo and other information, adding an additional 53MWh.

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Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 106 31 PIP International

PIP International

These three phases will cover PIP’s Phase One electrical demands. Additionally, solar energy creates carbon offsets that PIP will sell into the market. But it’s not just solar technology at use; Terralta is helping PIP look after their thermal energy and lower their carbon spending allowing PIP to take advantage of every opportunity to be carbon neutral. Solar Is Becoming the Cheapest Form of Energy In Alberta, solar energy is already the cheapest energy available. This may sound surprising or downright false, but Jason Atkinson, CEO and owner at Terralta, sees it proven through financial models on a daily basis.

“Right now, with solar in Alberta, if a solar system is financed over ten years, projects are cash positive right out of the gate,” Atkinson says. With the ability to sell solar energy and offsets, clients make money and gain a return from their systems instead of just paying for energy.

“This is why solar is really taking off in Alberta and all over the world. Right now, energy experts call

it the cheapest generation, which is unbelievable because five years ago it was far from that. The whole dynamic has changed.”

With PIP’s, three phased solarforward facility acting as a pilot project, Lewington plans to expand operations using all the same technologies but at a much larger scale.

When two sustainability-driven companies come together across industries, they set a bold example. The partnership between PIP International and Terralta Inc. is proving that manufacturing can be net-zero. That’s powerful.

“Terralta is excited to be working with Christine and her team at PIP with many sustainability initiatives. Being highly committed to providing a sustainably produced product, PIP asked for our help to maximize the solar potential in three phases... Without a doubt, PIP takes sustainability and innovation very seriously, and we are pleased to be partnered with PIP on their journey.” said Jason Atkinson, CEO/Owner – Terralta Inc.

32 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
PIP Lethbridge, Phase Two, 20 ACRE, 200,000 Square Foot Processing facility

PIP International

“We are now ramping up our production of our ultimate pea protein, UP.P™ and fulfilling orders to clients. Large and small sized companies, such as Snacktivist Foods, have jumped in and are pivoting their product development plans around our protein. We are all excited to be able to present to consumers a great tasting pea protein based product line-ups that will pass “The Second Moment of Truth” and have them coming back for more!” said Christine.

“Snacktivist Foods is thrilled to be working with PIP and grow alongside them. PIP’s protein is far superior than any other pea protein on the market at an affordable price. We are excited to see how well our customers respond to our new reformulations and are so happy we found PIP!”

34 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Joni Kindwall-Moore, CEO / Founder of Snacktivist Foods.
Joni Kindwall-Moore, CEO Founder of Snacktivist Foods.

Snacktivist is a women-owned, B-corp food brand, changing the world one bite at a time!

Snacktivist Inc creates delicious foods from regenerative ingredients that are allergyfriendly, soil, water and carbon focused, all while radically impacting human nutrition. Our mantra is “regen for the next gen”, and we are bringing this to life through the reimagining of staple foods using novel ingredients.

We believe that regenerative agriculture and underutilized grains, seeds and legumes are key to improving the quality of our food and the resiliency of agriculture. The Snacktivist journey began in the baking mix category. Snacktivist was founded by Joni Kindwall-Moore, mother, scientist, RN, and food activist; after she and her family experienced diet-related illnesses and food allergies. Snacktivist was launched between nursing shifts at the hospital and juggling the demands of a family.

Snacktivist has been selling award-winning baking mixes since 2015 and is expanding into frozen, ready to enjoy products this

year. Snacktivist also has plans to launch a snack line as well. Our products are glutenfree, vegan, simple to make and incredibly delicious.

Farmer connected, transparent sourcing is central to the Snacktivist ethos. We work with visionary farmers and processors in the US, Canada and soon Bangladesh and India to bring consumers the best regenerative, ancient grains and legumes in the world. Snacktivist uses a novel product design technique which we call “regenerative by design” in which we develop our products around what farmers need to transform their farms from input-dependent monocropping systems to biodiverse, resilient, regenerative agroecosystems.

Snacktivist is also developing novel technologies to help connect consumers from soil to plate using unique QR code storytelling.

Joni Kindwall-Moore, CEO / Founder Snacktivist Foods Location- Coeur d’Alene, Idaho USA Contact-

A women-owned,
B-corp food brand, changing the world one bite at a time!
(208) 699-4422

PIP International


Christine’s passion and vision are contagious. Her and her team are and are getting more excited as they ready for Phase Two and signing agreements to set it in motion.

“We are excited to have executed the required commercial agreement with ATCO Gas, to supply PIP with the upgraded hi-pressure gas line by Q3, 2023. In addition, we are looking forward to further collaboration to bring green hydrogen fuel technologies, blending and storage to our cutting-edge energy disrupting food processing facility.”

With a diverse portfolio of services and products that span across many industries, ATCO provides customers with innovative and sustainable solutions in the sectors that are fundamental to global growth and prosperity. From the delivery of reliable and efficient energy for homes and businesses to affordable temporary and permanent infrastructure, we are building communities, energizing industries and delivering customer-focused solutions like no other company in the world.

ATCO’s natural gas division offers fully integrated, cost-effective natural gas solutions. They build, maintain, and operate approximately 50,000 km of natural gas distribution and transmission pipelines that deliver natural gas to more than 1.2 million customers in 300 communities across Alberta.

Through one of those communities - the municipality of Lethbridge – ATCO was connected with PIP International (an agritech plant-based processing company) which requires large volumes of natural gas to operate a brand-new facility - the

PiP Pea Protein facility, intending to produce premium pea proteins for global markets. As always, ATCO is happy to play a part in PIP’s entrepreneurial story and the continued expansion of the agri-tech industry in Alberta.

Located in the Lethbridge Sherring Industrial park, PIP’s new facility will be the latest resident of an up-and-coming agricultural industry in southern Alberta.

As ATCO’s natural gas infrastructure grows by adding more distribution pipelines in the area, ATCO will be able to supply PiP International with its natural gas needs as well as the other businesses in the area. This stands to be a big opportunity for the local economy, Lethbridge, and Alberta.

ATCO has proudly served natural gas to its home province and residents for more than a century. Natural gas has been a foundational fuel that Albertans have come to rely upon for use in their homes, businesses, and industry. ATCO is excited to work with our industry partners, experts, and customers to shape how natural gas can continue to be a part of the future and looks forward to continuing to fulfill Albertan’s natural gas requirements going forward.

36 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
ATCO Supports PiP International With Their Natural Gas Needs


Natural gas is a foundational fuel that Albertans have relied upon in their homes and outdoor living spaces and businesses for decades. Natural gas is clean, affordable, safe, abundant, and reliable. We’ve served this province for a century and we look forward to working with industry partners, experts and customers for another 100 years. We’re committed to providing natural gas solutions that will contribute to reducing Alberta’s emissions in the long-term focusing on creating and delivering solutions that provide a roadmap to the future role of natural gas in Alberta’s energy mix.






Hydrogen Blending

PIP International


PIP aims to be the first agri-processing business to use a hybrid energy system across the plant.

“We have designed any equipment in our facility that uses gas to have the ability to blend with hydrogen,” explained Christine, “As well as this, our extraction technology reduces heat demands and eliminates energy intensive boilers used in standard pH processes”.

Among its sustainable initiatives, PIP uses alternative technologies to remove water, unlike the standard practice in the pea protein extraction process. This helps to reduce the business’ Co2 output, as well as the related energy savings.

What’s particularly interesting about PIP’s ESG, is its circular approach towards the peas used.

“Between 20- 25% of the pea is protein, which we extract. The rest is starch and fibre. Working with new technologies, we can turn the by-product material into completely recyclable packaging,” explained Christine.

The Next Steps

Christine and PIP International’s lean team are on the precipice of a pea revolution.

“Since the Future Food-Tech New York show in July, the doors have blown open for us. There is an incredible demand for our revolutionary pea protein,” shared Christine.

Financially, PIP is in a positive position, with Christine using her business prowess to strengthen its position as they move into a positive revenue generating business.

“As well as our ESG initiatives helping to reduce costs, I’ve found a new building process that has cut $27 million from our initial $54 million building costs of the larger processing plant,” she explained.

As PIP moves forward, Christine and her business are selecting partners who are interested in global product development, as well as finding the best financial partner to support PIP in scaling to meet global demand.

“I’m strategically choosing who is going to be my long-term dance partner,” Christine said.

As PIP’s clean profile protein sells out at their Phase One facility, Christine is excited to move to scaling up the process.

“We have a lot of work to do still, but as we have now proven the selection of synchronistic innovations to Level-Up the entire process, we are now needing to focus more intently on what is most important, and that’s our people. We have an innovative team platform, that will make PIP, “The Place to Enjoy Your Day”. You can have the best product, the lowest equipment costs, dramatic energy savings and the most amazing facility to operate, but without great people, you have nothing. People are what tie the synchronicities together, to truly become a market disruptor. We aim to have our team say, ‘PIP PIP HOORAY!’, every single day,” said Christine.

38 Issue 106 · Business Enquirer Magazine
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PIP International

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