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Welcome to March’s edition of Business Enquirer, Issue 111.
I would like to begin this month’s release by offering Business Enquirer’s heartfelt condolences to the people of Syria and Turkey, who have been astronomically affected by the recent earthquakes.
The reaction from the business community has been encouraging, with many major brands offering charitable support to relief efforts.
It comes as a case in point to the recent release of the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer report, which comments that business is considered to be the only sector to be both ethical and competent. Respondents highlighted in the research that they “want more societal involvement by business on issues such as climate change, economic inequality and workforce reskilling”.
In a similar ethical standpoint, Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute has recently shared that over 1200 companies have publicly announced
Laura Watling Editor in Chief laura.watling@busenq.com
their curtailment of operations in Russia. This, as we mark the one year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.
This month, Business Enquirer presents to you several businesses with CSR at their core.
From Tsebo, a leading workplace management solutions provider, who have 46 flagship community projects across Africa, to Andean Precious Metals who have contributed $75 million to the local economy.
We also speak to a business closer to home, the UK’s Boost Drinks, who throughout the pandemic provided care packages to key workers. Postpandemic, it is driven by its culture.
On behalf of the team, I hope you enjoy this month’s motivating and thoughtprovoking conversations with some of the world’s most inspirational business leaders and entrepreneurs.