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For those travelling to and from Senegal, the Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport is now the country’s main hub for worldwide travel.

After 10 years of development and an investment of around €566 million, the airport became operational in December 2017, replacing the Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport.

Designed with an initial capacity of 3 million passengers a year (almost double the 1.7 million annual traffic handled by Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport), it is hoped that by 2035, the airport will extend its capacity to 10 million passengers per year. To accommodate, a second passenger terminal and runway is planned.

The international airport boasts a 42,0001 passenger terminal with six gates. Further to that, it offers a 12,8001 cargo terminal which can handle 50,000 tonnes of freight.

With six years of operation now under its wing, the airport’s management company employs 600 people, as well as 1000 staff at its ground handling subsidiary and 100 maintenance technicians.

CEO Askin Demir outlines the airport’s success to date, as well as its plans for growth.

From Grounded to Geared-Up

In 2017, no one could predict the unravelling of the world just a few years later due to the pandemic. So, it was rather unfortunate timing for the new airport, which had only been established for two years before having to ground flights and close its doors.

“We used this time wisely, focussing on future-proofing the business for reopening,” explained Askin, “following government guidance, all of our staff remained employed, with 50% working from home. During this time we centre our attention on staff training and certification for the airport”.

Bouncing back from the pandemic, in 2022 the airport launched six new flight destinations and has seen a 5% increase on pre-pandemic statistics.

“Despite its obvious challenges, what the pandemic has proven is the strength of the aviation community, the airport is well equipped to face challenges, and our business partners are focussed on seeking opportunities,” said Askin.

Bracing for the Future

With the world and its travellers back to BAU, Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport saw 2.6 million passengers through its doors in 2022. With a strong return post-pandemic, the business is now focussed on three main growth areas.

One of its strategies will be investment into the tourism industry, supporting the development of hotels and areas of interest surrounding the hotel. This is planned in collaboration with partners Air Senegal.

“Senegal is known as the “Land of Teraanga” symbolising its hospitality, generosity and warmth. Senegal is a beacon for hospitality and tourism in Africa, and so as a nation we should be capitalising on this,” said Askin.

In addition, growth will be found in the business sector, with the airport management planning to host conferences.

“We envision Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport becoming a hub for both international tourism and hospitality,” he continued.

Finally, it will also aim to develop its cargo capacity.

Taking Off

Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport is working in partnership with the Senegalese government to implement sustainable measures at the airport, in line with the government’s carbon reduction plans.

“We want to be known as the greenest airport in Africa, as well as a world leader in sustainable airports,” shared Askin, “we have made a promise to our stakeholders to be known as the best airport in Africa, and we are fully supported by our stakeholders, partners and staff”.

Recently, the airport has been recognised by the Airports Council International (ACI) as the Best Airport in Africa (within the category of two to five million passengers per year), Most Enjoyable Airport in Africa, and the Cleanest Airport in Africa. Askin credits this success, in part, to his staff on the ground at the airport, 90% of which have transferred over from the



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La société KURGU AFRIKA SUARL créée en MARS 2020 est une entreprise qui évolue dans le Domaine de La Création, Equipement Aéronautique, Ascenseurs Et Escalotors, Bâtiment et les Travaux Publics tels que l’Assainissement, l’Hydraulique, l’électricité, Climatisation, Ascenseurs, Escalators et les prestations de services diverses, intervenant auprès d’une clientèle de particuliers et de professionnels.

KURGU AFRIKA SUARL repose sur la solide expérience professionnelle de 21ans de son Directeur General, qui a su développer, tout au long de sa carrière compétences et sérieux dans plusieurs entreprises de BTP telles que GETRAN, SERCO, ETPB, EIFFAGE Sénégal, MSF une entreprise portugaise maitre d’œuvre de la première phase de l’autoroute à péage patte d’oie -Pikine, HAWEI et en consultance sur la phase texte de leur installation des antennes Pilonne mais aussi dans les Ascenseurs et escalators en TURQUIE dans la région de ANTALYA. Avec une moyenne d’âge de 40 ans, c’est une équipe jeune et réactive qui met tout en œuvre pour honorer les engagements de l’entreprise : qualité d’exécution et respect des délais avec une parfaite organisation des chantiers.

Nos Ambitions Visees

KURGU AFRIKA SUARL vise à promouvoir un management attractif afin d’assurer le dynamisme, la motivation, la cohésion et la réussite des équipes en privilégiant des valeurs de références comme la politesse, le sens de l’accueil, la propreté des installations et des chantiers, la sécurité des personnes et des biens qui sont les fondements d’un véritable professionnalisme.

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KURGU AFRIKA SUARL compte instaurer une politique en Ressources Humaines centrée sur les équipes de chantier qui sont les fondations de nos métiers. Cela se traduit par : la formation, la reconnaissance, la promotion, l’organisation et le recrutement. Travailler dans une ambiance conviviale, de clarté et d’ouverture d’esprit, de flexibilité et communion parfaite demeure le crédo de KURGU AFRIKA SUARL, La volonté de perpétuer une ambiance privilégiant la qualité des relations humaines comme facteur indispensable à la réussite et à la pérennité. Notre ambition est de rester passionné, ouvert, réceptif, créatif, par une approche très positive et nouvelle des problèmes et des solutions dans l’unique but de satisfaire nos clients.

Dakar le 09 MARS 2023

Le Directeur Général


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There are several strategies in place at the airport to develop its staff. This includes internal training programmes, initiatives supported by local organisations and technical training.

Technicians also have the opportunity to travel to European counterparts to learn skills from more established airports.

“Between 2019 and 2023 we’ve tripled our training and development budget, and we are certainly seeing the benefits of this. I want to encourage all of our staff to have a vision of what we can achieve at Dakar Blaise Diagne,” said Askin.

The Face of Teraanga

Askin has been working in the aviation industry since he was 18 years old, starting out in a customer facing role at Istanbul Airport. www.dakaraeroport.com

“My first boss inspired me. He told me that those of us at the airport are the first to greet people into the country, we are the face of the country. This is something I’m passionate about instilling at Dakar Blaise Diagne - we are both the first and last impression of Senegal,” Askin shared.

Askin believes it is essential that directors spend time “on the ground”, interacting with partners, staff and passengers. Running an open door policy, the CEO highlighted the importance of being “touchable” and for colleagues to understand expectations.

“At the airport we are here to set the standards of Senegal, display our culture and show the true nature of Teraanga. If we get that right, the numbers will come”.

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