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About Us
We are specialists in providing and supplying equipment, components, parts and logistics services to the Ports, Terminals & Maritime industry. With close to a decade’s experience in supplying bespoke and critical parts and components to the industry, we have built and established a sound reputation as a reliable partner to our clients worldwide.
Our Products
Transmissions And Axles
We are official distributors for Dana Spicer and distribute ZF and Allison transmission parts. We supply complete axle units and spare parts for Dana Spicer, Kessler, ZF and AxleTech.
We supply engines and engine parts for port machines. Volvo and Cummins are among the engine manufacturers we supply. We distribute hydraulic pumps and motors used on heavy duty equipment such as Ship to Shore Cranes, Mobile Harbour cranes, Reachstackers
Our range includes filters for oil, air, fuel, hydraulics, pneumatics, liquids, dust removal and air-conditioning systems. We supply high quality tyres on all sizes for equipment such as Reachstackers, Empty Handlers, Forklifts, Terminal Tractors, Terminal Trailers andMobile Harbour Cranes.
We provide superior high-quality wire ropes for Ship to Shore Cranes, Mobile Harbour Cranes, Rubber Tyre Gantry cranes and other heavy lifting equipment.
We supply and distribute Harbour Trailers to the Port & Terminal industry
We supply high quality German manufactured brakes such as storm brakes, drum brakes and safety brakes used on heavy duty cranes in the port and mining industries.
We supply a complete range of cables; these include cables for festoons, spreader, reeling and a wide choice of energy and data cables. These cables offer high tensile strength, flexibility and perennial wear-resistance.
Now based in Lagos, Laurence is a far cry from his roots in Southampton. Hailing from a family of stevedores, in which Laurence grew his water wings, Laurence went on to become a steeplejack and scaffolder, until stepping into port management at the Port of Southampton. From roles as the youngest foreman to marine manager, Laurence travelled the world with DP World developing operations in places such as Spain and Cyprus, as well as several terms in Nigeria.
Having attempted retirement twice, it’s clear that this COO is passionate about challenge, developing environments, and people.
“During my time at AMPT Apapa in Lagos, I got a real understanding of the drive of the Nigerian people. Nigeria has the potential to be a world-leader in engineering and the port industry, given the right investment and support,” said Laurence, “I couldn’t refuse the offer to work at Lekki Port, it has unrelenting potential to turn Nigeria into one of the world’s greatest exporters”.
Whilst developing his career at DP World, Laurence entered its GOLD Programme leadership training. Not only does this training focus on the technical aspects of people management but also takes a psychological approach.
“It’s during this time I learnt the importance of first understanding yourself to then be able to understand others. It’s key to learn what will get the best out of your employees. I believe in creating an autonomous environment where everyone has a voice and the courage to “try”,” shared Laurence.
Global Standards, World Class Facilities
With his career-spanning knowledge and expertise, Laurence is the perfect candidate to support the implementation of global standards into Lekki Port, ensuring its potential to become the port of choice.
Lekki Port is spread over 90 hectares of land in the heart of the Lagos Free Zone, just 65 kms east of Lagos city. The port is perfectly situated for transhipment and bunkering, ultimately saving a significant amount of time and money for cargo firms.
In addition, the port expects a projected throughput of 2.7 million TEU per annum.
“The layout of the port, including the layout of the approach channel, turning circle, and harbour basins have been derived from optimisations of port operations, construction costs, and possible future extensions,” explained Laurence.
LPLEL has been awarded the concession for 45 years by the Nigerian Ports Authority on a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis, with the potential to extend for an additional 25 years. Under the agreement, LPLEL will manage the interface between NPA, Lekki Port and three industry specialist terminal operators. In phase 1, the container terminal will be operated by Lekki Freeport Terminal, a subsidiary of CMA CGM.
In January 2023, the port was officially commissioned by Nigerian leader, President Muhammadu Buhari, and will be commercially operational by April 2023.
“Lekki Port is an incredible achievement for Nigeria and the Nigerian Maritime industry. Everyone involved should be applauded for its success so far, as well as for the impact it will have on Nigeria in the future,” said Laurence.
Constructing Nigeria’s Future
A current challenge for LPLEL is ensuring the implementation of infrastructure in and out of the port zone.
Banner Energy Limited
Banner Energy Limited is an Oil and Gas business development company, whose service scope covers E & P business development, gas infrastructure development, equipment design, procurement & installation and gas products marketing.
Incorporated in 1998 with a hundred percent (100%) Nigerian share holding, as a Limited Liability Company, BANNER represents an intricate weave of people and skills, engaged in developments that touch on many facets of our everyday lives. The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) certifies Banner Energy LTD as an energy servicing and development company. The Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) certifies Banner as an oil and gas equipment and products marketing, distribution and retailing company.
We are therefore, a major participant in the local content technology development and transfer in Nigeria.
Our Vision
To become a leading Nigerian and West African Oil and Gas business development company, providing integrated best value solutions in E & P related projects, gas infrastructure, distribution and retailing.
Our Mission
Directing innovative engineering and energy delivery solutions with safety and commercial integrity at providing value added services to the satisfaction of our clients.
Our Scope
Banner Energy Limited engages in the following Lines of business:
1. BannerGas LPG Systems EPC & Maintenance
2. Banner LPG-Air Mixing Systems to produce SNG for Power generation
3. The Banner E & P Business Development
4. Banner LPG Generators, Vehicles conversion kits and Accessories
5. BannerPower People
Adejumobi Oluwseyi
Head of Operations
Gideon Geoffrey
Senior Installation & Maintenance Engineer
Okoro Augustine
Regional Installation & Maintenance Engineer
Bamidele Nathaniel Adekunle
Safety (Quality and Assurance )
Williams Adebola
Head, HR / Admin
Folasade Aborowa
Head, Accounts & Finance
Head Office: Block 4, Homegate Resort; Plot 6 Babafemi Osoba Crescent, Off Admiralty Road, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: 012708263-4 Fax: 012708260
Email: enquiry@bannerenergy.net, info@bannerenergy.net
“The road system is currently being built, with completion expected by 2024,” shared Laurence.
Throughout the construction of infrastructure, LPLEL are ensuring an inherently sustainable approach, focussing on congestion reduction in the area.
A number of new key road and bridge projects and expansion of existing highways are under development, connecting Lekki Port further into the hinterlands.
“We are encouraging the government to consider the benefits of expanding the infrastructure far north, which will open up a vast opportunity for import and export into countries such as Chad and Niger,” said Laurence.
In addition to mitigating emissions through reducing congestion, LPLEL is considering other measures it can implement into the Port to encourage a sustainable future.
“WeareindiscussionswithJPNaboutthe potentialofwindfarmsoffoftheport, as wellasconsideringhowsolarpowercould work,”sharedLaurence,“it’simportant thatweconsiderwhatthefuturecould looklikeforNigeriaandtheportitself. WhilstNigeriaisn’tequippedforcertain measuresyet, itmustbeconsideredfor thefuture”.
Exponential Opportunity
In2022, migrationfromNigeriasawa declineof2.5%,which,arguablycouldbe inpartduetoincreasingopportunities withinthecountry.
“ThereisalotoftalentinNigeria,with 10%ofthepopulationcurrentlyin university,”explainedLaurence,“oneof ourfocussesisreviewinghowwecan attractandkeepthistalentattheport, andgivepeopletheopportunityto developintheengineeringandport industries,”.
Currently,theportisundergoinga vasttraininginitiativetoassistinthe implementationofthefirstshiptoshore cranesinmanyyears.Inaddition,LPLEL runsdiverseCSRinitiatives,including schoolingandscholarships.
Ultimately,LPLELwantstoencourage confidenceinshippinginNigeria,with exponentialopportunitiesnowandonthe horizon.
Onceinfrastructureisinplace, opportunitieswillopenupinthe agriculturalnorth,aswellasbeingable tomakeuseofNigeria’smineralrich resources.
“Nigeriahasahugeopportunity,andit needstograbitsfutureinitshands.We hopethatLekkiPortwillbeacatalystfor change,”saidLaurence.