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ESQUIMALT The township’s plans to erect a multi-purpose community building at Esquimalt Gorge Park are moving forward with a refined design and support from municipal planners.
T h e 1 1 , 3 0 0 s q u a r e f o o t , two-storey structure, designed by Victoria-based Iredale Archi tecture with visual cues reminiscent of Japanese architecture, is proposed on a portion of a sur face parking lot, approximately mid-way between the park’s Tillicum Road entrance to the east and Sioux Place to the west. The project will also include a re-arrangement of Gorge Park’s parking area to provide capacity for 100 vehicles.
On the building’s main level several flex rooms, a kitchen, a meeting space, offices and stor age rooms are planned with a significant water feature envel oping the southern and western frontages. Exterior decks will be situated along the north and east frontages.
Funding for the project, in the range of $6 million, is part of a $17 million commitment to the municipality by the Cap ital Regional District (CRD) in exchange for perm itting the CRD’s regional sewage treat ment plant at McLoughlin Point along the township’s outer har bour waterfront.
LANGFORD Western Speedway and signifi cant holdings adjacent to the race track have been put up for sale. In early March CBRE Victoria announced the 81-acre prop erty at 2207 Millstream Road, which includes the speedway and parcels used for industrial operations, an RV park and a gocart track, would entertain bids
The image credit is a follows: An artist’s concept drawing of Esquimalt Gorge Park’s multi-purpose community building planned adjacent to an existing parking lot. The project is designed with Japanese-style architecture to pay homage to the park’s Japanese tea house and garden that were destroyed by vandals during the Second World War. © TOWNSHIP OF ESQUIMALT / IREDALE ARCHITECTURE
from interested parties through June 18th, 2020.
As part of a theoretical repur posing of the land, 35-acres will be set aside to accommodate Millstream Creek, which runs roughly through the middle of the land from north to south, and a considerable natural park area along the western perimeter. Belmont Residences East, an 85-suite, five-storey condomin ium project by Ledcor Property Investments earmarked for a site adjacent to the newly opened Thrifty Foods, will launch this spring while the nearly sold-out 80-suite Belmont Residences West, which marked the first phase residential offerings at the mixed-use district, is on sched ule for April occupancy. SAANICH The Vancouver Island Tech nology Park adjacent to Camosun College’ s I n t e r u r b a n ca mpus is pu rsu i ng its fi rst expansion since the land’s early 2000s transformation from the Glendale Lodge care home into a tech hub.
Planners are reviewing a sub mission for a two-storey hightech ma nu factu ri ng faci l ity eyed for a parcel currently oc cupied by a surface parking lot immediately east of the tech pa rk’s m a i n b u i ld i n g a lon g the 4400-block of Markham Street.
VICTORIA D emol it ion of a 1970s-era rental building in the Fairfield neighbourhood has commenced as crews prepare for construc tion of a modern complex. Victoria-based Analogue De velopments received municipal approvals in 2019 to replace the Beacon Arms apartments – with 34 residences across four levels, and several single-family homes fronting onto Quadra Street and Convent Place – with a mix of over 80 one and two-bedroom suites (including four town h om e s) w it h i n a s i x-s tore y building that will inherit the same name.
Construction of the new-build will begin later this year with completion eyed for 2022. Bosa Properties has secured approvals for three residential towers at Vic West’s Dockside Green project which will deliver over 300 homes.
The rental and condomin iu m bu i ld i ngs w i l l ma rk the resu mption of constr uction along Dockside Green’s Tyee Road frontage and Bosa’s first undertaking following the com pany’s acquisition of the multiacre development from VanCity Credit Union. Chard Development has been given the green light to proceed with the redevelopment of sev eral parcels along Cook Street between Yates a nd Joh n son streets.
The project will consist of a 13-storey market condomin ium tower and an eight-storey affordable ownership condo m i n iu m w it h below-m a rket pricing, similar in concept to Chard’s Vivid project.
Marketing is anticipated to begin later this spring. The V i c t o r i a D o w n t o w n Residents Association (DR A) is unwilling to back a 253-unit rental complex planned for the 900-block of View Street im mediately east of the 19-storey View Towers.
Nelson Investments’ proposal for a 15-storey residential build ing at 937 View Street – with a unit density not seen in dec ades – was sub mitted in the spring of 2017 and continues to make its way through the civic process following two signifi cant design changes.
In a letter issued to the City, DRA land use committee chair Ian Sutherland called the build i ng’s sma l l su ites “cra mped quarters,” and questioned their su itabi l ity to loc a l hou si ng needs.
Mike Kozakowski of Citified. Citified is a comprehensive resource for researching a new-build home or commercial space in metro Victoria and southern Vancouver Island.
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