rSVP for april 5 Grand opening:
On June 24, 2009, I had the immense pleasure of donning a hard hat, picking up a shovel, and pitching in to break ground for our new South Campus. On that day, I shared that when we started in the 1960s we fought hard for our place in the world of post-secondary education within the city and the province. I spoke of having earned, over our almost 50-year history, a reputation for being a very good steward of the entire environment in which learning takes place—an environment that includes not only educational needs, but also broader social, economic, and cultural considerations.
2009 South Campus Groundbreaking
LEARNING INTO THE FUTURE Our South Campus is a physical presence, but it is also a gateway for enhanced education through technology, bringing to life our Vision 2020 focus on any time, any place, any path, any pace learning. That’s access – through our partnership with eCampusAlberta – to 24/7 learning.
On April 5, 2013, at our South Campus Grand Opening, I’ll stand with Joanne Stalinski, Board Chair, our Premier, and a host of Bow Valley College community members who have planned and worked long hours to create not only the bricks and mortar of this building, but also to imbue this space with the heart and soul that is Bow Valley College. In the spirit of collaboration—unique in North America— joining us as South Campus education partners are: Athabasca University, Olds College, and the University of Lethbridge. Learners now have additional pathways to even more education opportunities, all in one central hub right in downtown Calgary. This new campus enhances the important role we play within our region, the province, and the country. BVC is known nationally for the strength of its academic upgrading program, English language learning, innovative fast-track career programs, and the effective way in which it draws upon the strengths of new immigrants to energize our national labour market and invigorate our Canadian culture. Like any great work, the South Campus project involved the talents of many. Our partners in government, complementary institutions, and the entire southern Alberta community provided unwavering support for this much-needed campus expansion. As always, the faculty and staff at Bow Valley College continue to work hard every day to ensure that your trust in us is well-placed and well-rewarded. Thank you. Sharon C arry PrESIdENT ANd CEO
1 | Bow Valley College
BVC SOUTH CAMPUS: YEARS IN THE MAkING The new South Campus is a significant milestone for Bow Valley College, which has shaped Calgary’s urban landscape and workforce for nearly five decades. What began as the Alberta Vocational Centre in 1965, with 535 students, has grown into Calgary’s only Comprehensive Community College offering fast-tracked career programs to over 13,000 students annually with access doubling with the addition of South Campus.
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From the early days, to the opening of the AVC campus in 1972, right up to today, Bow Valley College has been a visionary institution helping create a multi-skilled and educated workforce ready to meet the ever-changing demands of the labour market and a growing skills shortage. The opening of BVC’s South Campus coincides with one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken by the College: Vision 2020. The goal of Vision 2020 is to shape the future of learning, setting the College on a path that leads to becoming a truly innovative worldclass college, rooted in communities, enabling people to Learn a better living™ and Live a better life by the year 2020. The addition of BVC’s South Campus is already helping in many ways to meet BVC’s Vision 2020 goals by: • Providing more space and resources that can accommodate responsive academic programing addressing trends and influences on the horizon that will change the work we do today and the workforce needs of tomorrow. • Tapping into the diversity advantage with programs dedicated to International and Aboriginal students. • Doubling capacity, providing post-secondary access to even more Albertans. • Providing pathways for students to continually upgrade their skills at BVC, as well as pursue programs with BVC’s South Campus partners: Athabasca University, Olds College, and the University of Lethbridge. It is clear that as the College nears it 50-year anniversary in 2015 and Vision 2020, it has the facilities and resources to deliver on its Vision 2020 priorities and to hold to the standards of excellence that have given way to such successes in the past.
BVC South Campus along 6th Avenue and 3rd Street S.E.
Attending Grand opening? Follow it live on twitter at #BVCSouth
“BVC students are the backbone of Alberta’s economy. This building—and the entire redeveloped campus— ensures that our students are job-ready, prepared for the real and ever-changing world of work.” Dr. DAViD AllwriGht dE AN, BVC SChOOL Of BUSINESS
BUILT FOR BUSINESS The business at hand is that of equipping students — in BVC’s School of Business, as well in the School of Health, Justice, and Human Services, the Centre for Excellence in Immigrant and Intercultural Advancement, and the Centre for Excellence in Foundational Learning — for lifelong success in the workplace and life.
OPen SPaceS. LOadS Of natuRaL Light. incReaSed PROductiVity. Bow Valley College graduates are the backbone of Alberta’s economy; the quality of space in which they learn feeds into the calibre of worker they will become. Built for business, Bow Valley College’s new South Campus blends the needs and expectations of today’s multigenerational BVC student population, with the latest in teaching technologies and LEED Silver standards. Bow Valley College emulates a successful business environment, providing appropriate space and technology to study, learn, and collaborate, alongside spaces that go beyond academic pursuits such as the fourth floor patio and roof-top gardens. A technologically advanced professional environment complete with award-winning instructors committed to quality instruction, as well centrally located student services, and a convenient location on the CTrain line, gives learners a gateway to the many employers seeking the blend of hard and soft skills BVC graduates possess.
aRt. cuLtuRe. highLy mOtiVated, engaged citizenS. Of course, no comprehensive community college education would be complete without experiences that touch the spirit. Bow Valley College, with the addition of South Campus, is able to expand already successful cultural endeavours, including: • displaying BVC’s vast collection of publically and privately owned art • hosting free concerts with musical partners like the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and Epcor Centre • housing cultural spaces like the new Aboriginal Centre and Multi-Faith Room
cOLLabORatiOn iS key. In education as well as business, collaboration is key. BVC’s South Campus is home to an academic collaboration, creating a unique educational hub in the heart of downtown Calgary. Athabasca University, Olds College, and the University of Lethbridge have their Calgary campuses headquartered in BVC’s South Campus, creating a gateway to education, with laddering opportunities for even more Albertans. Looking up at BVC’s South Campus sunny two-storey atrium and the many classrooms and opportunities above, the sky’s the limit for people wanting to learn a better living™ and live a better life.
South Campus: Gateway to Learning | 4
5 Clockwise from top lef t: (1) Construction begins on South Campus; Inset: Former Premier Stelmach behind the controls; (2) 2009 Groundbreaking ceremony; (3) BVC helmets and shovels; (4) +15/+30 installation; (5) Construction progress
A BUILDING GROWS From the very moment the College broke ground in June 2009, to the grand opening in 2013, the South Campus project was a transformational experience, ushering in a new era for Bow Valley College.
5 | Bow Valley College
See more photos on instagram @bowvalley
Clockwise from top lef t: (1) Students walk through +15 connecting North and South campuses; (2) View of South Campus from City Hall CTrain platform; (3) Looking down on second f loor atrium; (4) Aboriginal Centre; (5) Of fice of the Registrar; (6) The Market cafeteria
South Campus: Gateway to Learning | 6
BVC Alumnus? April 10 South Campus Reunion Event is for you! rSVP at
THE DIVERSITY ADVANTAGE Bow Valley College stands on the sacred territory of the Nitsitapii (Blackfoot peoples). BVC’s Aboriginal Centre, situated in the College’s South Campus, brings together elements of the traditional ways of Aboriginal life, like the tipi (or Niitoy-yiss): the portable home of the plains and the heart of family, community, and culture is also central to the dayto-day student activities in BVC’s Aboriginal Centre. The Centre is welcoming and light, conducive to study, gatherings, socializing, and ceremonies including smudging, as well as Cultural Resource Elder visits, counselling and advising, and meetings.
Entering the Aboriginal Centre, you stand transfixed below a series of Lodgepole Pine symbolizing a tipi: the heart of family, community, and culture.
Designs painted on the sides of a tipi connect the community with Spirit Beings. The windows of the Aboriginal Centre are filled with such culturally appropriate symbols, including in particular the buffalo. The buffalo has special meaning for Aboriginal peoples in Canada and Alberta, with education often referred to today as the “new buffalo.”
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Throughout South Campus light is filtered through patterned designs inspired by the Aboriginal culture, as well as the following cultures: • • • • • • • • •
7 | Bow Valley College
Chinese Indian Iranian Japanese Malian North African Persian Tibetan Turkish
117 countries are represented by BVC’s 13,000 learners, who speak more than 97 languages. This diversity advantage brings a cultural richness to the Bow Valley College community and a global awareness to the classroom. The South Campus is also home to the International Education program and BVC’s Regional Stewardship office—part of the College’s mandate to provide access to education and training to 1.3 million southern Albertans. Students and clients also have access to BVC’s Centre for Excellence in Immigrant and Intercultural Advancement and the Centre for Excellence in Foundational Learning, as well as services offered by the Career Advancement Centre.
COLLABORATION Education is not a solitary activity. Community partners bring an added layer of creativity and vitality to Bow Valley College. Over the years, the College has partnered with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, bringing musicians and their stories to campus and making concerts more accessible for learners. BVC students have had the benefit of exposure to programming at the Glenbow Museum. The YWCA Childcare Centre at Bow Valley College is a unique collaboration with huge benefits for community members, students, and BVC’s Early Learning and Child Care program. And, of course, the business community supports the College in so many ways, including practicum placements for students, as well as providing valuable input as members of program advisory councils. From the beginning, the South Campus was an important capacity-building project. Added to the scope fairly early on was a very significant and strategic post-secondary partnership that is providing new pathways to education for even more learners. Bow Valley College, along with three other post-secondary institutions, is using the new South Campus to create a unique to North America partnership. Athabasca University, Olds College, and the University of Lethbridge are headquartering their Calgary campuses in BVC’s South Campus. The South Campus Partners make a significant contribution to affordability, as well as access and quality, not just in Calgary but throughout southern Alberta. Together all four institutions are fostering a fully integrated learning experience in which key services and resources are shared. Perhaps most importantly, learning pathways between institutions are both enhanced and seamless— bringing more post-secondary options within reach of more Albertans.
GATEWAY TO EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY “Now that the South Campus is complete, I have easy access to the CTrain and great services. It’s also nice to see familiar faces and say hi to my previous Bow Valley College instructors and staff at BVC. Those are some of the major reasons I chose to continue my studies at the University of Lethbridge Calgary Campus location at the BVC South Campus.” yoko k AwAShimA BVC BUSINESS AdmINIS Tr ATION dIPLOmA 2012 ALUmNA ANd UNIVErSIT y Of LE ThBrIdGE S TUdENT IN ThE GENEr AL mANAGEmENT BA PrOGr Am
South Campus: Gateway to Learning | 8
AT THE HEART OF COMMUNITY Calgary’s one and only comprehensive community college, with its new South Campus, is located in the heart of downtown Calgary at the gateway to the East Village neighbourhood, one of the country’s most exciting urban developments. When talk of the South Campus began, it was put forward that Bow Valley College could well become downtown’s hub for education, culture, and community in the East Village. Today, you can see that those early ideas have come into their own as students and visitors walk past walls filled with public art, sit down to share a cup of coffee in The Market cafeteria, take in speakers series, or come by in the evening for professional development through BVC’s Continuing Education offerings.
VibRancy, cuLtu L Re + ecOnOmic SPinOffS. Ltu As the Calgary Public Library, the National music Centre, and East Village homes and hotels move from the drafting board to reality, BVC’s South Campus will be part of a thriving mixed-use, inner city community with thousands cycling or strolling along the riverWalk and diving into cultural and educational activities. As you explore BVC’s beautiful new South Campus and the newly redeveloped North Campus right across 6th Avenue SE, have a seat on the street furniture, enjoy the greenscaping or come on in and see how Bow Valley College is helping to build a strong, healthy community by building student success. BVC’s South Campus is in the right place at the right time, but don’t just take our word for it. read what our neighbours have to say...
“Bow Valley College and the Calgary Public Library have fostered a distinctive, successful, and supportive partnership for many years. As the East Village blooms into a cultural destination, first with the grand opening of the superb South Campus and soon the new Central Library, our collaboration will continue and grow, inspiring generations of Calgarians from the knowledge corridor of the neighbourhood.”
Follow BVC on Facebook and on twitter @BowValley 9 | Bow Valley College
EllEn humPhrE y INTErIm ChIEf E xECUTIVE OffICEr C aLgary PubLiC Library
“NMC is excited to be neighbours with Bow Valley College in East Village. We see the potential to collaboratively realize unique educational opportunities by fostering a neighbourhood culture that supports diversity with a strong cultural anchor in music.”
“Bow Valley College has really been listening to what businesses in Calgary are looking for. the opportunity to develop fast track career programs and getting highly skilled individuals back into the workforce is key for business efficiency and ongoing success. BVC’s South Campus, in the heart of downtown Calgary, creates even more opportunities for students and business, and the Chamber is excited to celebrate this grand opening for Calgary’s only comprehensive community college.” ADAm lEGGE PrESIdENT ANd CEO C aLgary ChaMbEr
“We have had the good fortune of working alongside (literally and geographically) the Bow Valley College team for several years now and have been excited to watch the new South Campus emerge. As the developer charged with the rejuvenation of Calgary’s East Village neighbourhood, Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (CMLC) is delivering a new mixed-use community – which will be home to 11,500 future residents – which will benefit from the energy and dynamic culture being created by students, faculty and staff of the campus. Welcome to the neighbourhood, South Campus!”
“Bow Valley College is a dynamic contributor to Calgary’s energy. BVC graduates are work ready and the backbone of Calgary’s business and health sectors. Calgary Economic Development is proud to call Bow Valley College an energy partner and a vibrant part of CED’s plan for the future.” BruCE Gr AhAm PrESIdENT ANd CEO C aLgary ECoNoMiC dEvELoPMENT
“Congratulations to Bow Valley College on the grand opening of their South Campus! As a customer of ENMAX’s Downtown District Energy Centre, BVC South Campus is the first building in Calgary to be built without a conventional boiler system. BVC’s leadership will help others to understand the benefits of District Energy not just for their own business, but for the community as a whole.” DAViD rEhn E xECUTIVE VICE PrESIdENT, GENEr ATION, INfOrmATION TEChNOLOGy & SUPPLy ChAIN mANAGEmENT ENMa X CorPoraTioN
South Campus: Gateway to Learning | 10
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We know business. We know Calgary. We know you. Congratulations BVC on the opening of your new campus. This is a huge step in helping thousands more people fulfill their dreams and reach their goals. We look forward to many more years of partnership. ~ Diversified Staffing Services
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Congratulations to Bow Valley College on this wonderful new facility! Carscallen LLP was honoured to provide legal services as part of the project team.
11 | Bow Valley College
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Congratulations Bow Valley College on your Grand Opening!
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South Campus: Gateway to Learning | 12
ENMAX Corporation
Congratulations on your grand opening, welcome to the neighborhood. We are proud to have you as a customer of the ENMAX Downtown District Energy Centre. Thank you Bow Valley College for being an early adopter of district energy - for showing strong leadership and understanding the benefits of district energy not just for your own business, but for the community as a whole. To learn more about district energy, visit
Norton Rose and Armstrong Mitchell Lawyers congratulate Bow Valley College on the grand opening of its South Campus On March 1, 2013 Armstrong Mitchell Lawyers will join Norton Rose in Canada.
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13 | Bow Valley College
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Ordinary tasks, extraordinary service. South Campus: Gateway to Learning | 14
Welcome to the Village! CMLC’s East Village team is excited to welcome the expanded Bow Valley College to our evergrowing neighbourhood. We look forward to seeing students on RiverWalk, in cafés, and on the streets of our dynamic urban village. Bow Valley College is part of what’s making East Village the place where Calgary comes together in the newest, oldest, coolest warmest neighbourhood in town. Hello and welcome South Campus! EVEXPERIENCE.COM