Facebook smileys offer a perfect opportunity to freely expressyourself or add a hint of personality to a message shared when posting a wall post, sending an instant messageor writing a messageon thepopular social networking site. A smiley isperfect way to convey your messageto readers in a casual or not so casual manner. Whether you might befelling goofy, overjoyed, sarcastic or out-and-out ecstatic, a smiley givesa simply way to expressyourself with a simpleto understand graphical expression.
Smileys area perfect way to dressup what might otherwisebe a plain massageand aresimpleto learn and createonscreen with just a fewsimplekeystrokes. Facebook smileys appear on-screen by typing in theeasy shortcuts/symbols. For example, if wishing to add in an expression of sadness, it is possibleto includethesad face, which is just a matter of typing a colon and round bracket on-screen. Thosetwo keystrokesarethen automatically converted into a digital and fun imageand viewableby both sender and recipient.
By using theright emotion at theright timeit is possibleto takesomeof theweight out of a conversation. If a conversation seems to begetting too serious, it is often quitesimpleto changethecourseof a conversation back to itsearlier informal stateby adding in an appropriate smiley.
However, as thesmileysseen to go undocumented on Facebook if can bedifficult when first starting out to remember thevarioustext shortcuts, and to help with this it is worthwhilesearching out oneof thereferencelists, which can befound on quitea fewonlinewebsites.
Besides thestandard Facebook smileys, which cleverly cover a wide-rangeof emotionswith a faceto depict themost popular smiling faceto thosedepicting sorrow, which adds up to approx. twenty-fiveor so, it is also possibleto download a widevariety of extras to thecomputer. Such additional downloads featuremoresmileys, sounds, funny winks, emoticons, glitter text, etcto help with enhancing a messaging experience. Facebook conversations can bea lot morefun onceyou havehundreds of smileysto pick and choosefrom.
Smiley facesareknown to havewell pre-dated today's modern computer usage, but as soon astheinstant messaging and email systems becomeso popular, theevery growing collection of smiley faceshavetaken a prominent position in onlinecommunication.
My resources: http://www.mogicons.com/ http://ezinearticles.com/?Basics-to-FacebookSmileys&id=7253601