Business Link Niagara is a resource for local businesses.
A Word About the New BUSINESS LINK
No, you're not imagining things. This is the "Business Link 2.0" Business Link will no longer be published as a newsprint tabloid and is making its debut as a glossy magazine.
When we first launched Business Link Niagara in 2003, we had the goal of producing an advertising vehicle that would educate, inform and support the local business community. Well, that dream became a reality. But in recent years, we've been looking at ways to refine our publication and provide a sharper, more eye-catching reading experience. And after all the positive feedback we received form advertisers, readers and associates on our recent 15th Anniversary edition, the decision to convert Business Link Niagara to a magazine format full-time was an easy one.
Every month, you'll find profiles on Niagara's most innovative companies, valuable advice and tips from the experts that matter, and special features on the trends and issues happening.