BusinessMirror September 03, 2022

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BusinessMirror EJAP JOURNALISM AWARDS BUSINESS NEWS SOURCE OF THE YEAR (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2018 BANTOG MEDIA AWARDS ROTARY CLUB OF MANILA JOURNALISM AWARDS 2006 National Newspaper of the Year 2011 National Newspaper of the Year 2013 Business Newspaper of the Year 2017 Business Newspaper of the Year 2019 Business Newspaper of the Year 2021 Pro Patria Award PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY 2018 Data Champion n Saturday, September 3, 2022 Vol. 17 No. 330 P25.00 nationwide | 16 pages | 7 DAYS A WEEK

Stark gaps IT is worth noting that an Econom ic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) study re vealed stark gaps between member states in terms of fixed broadband download speeds. For instance, the archipelagos of the Philippines and Indonesia have lower speeds, as do several countries in South and Southwest Asia. Interestingly, the report bared that the status of digital transfor mation for each country is strongly

A s for the efforts needed to address the current digital di vide, the report noted govern ments need to take “a strategic and considered set of PPPs (Pub lic Private Partnerships).”


A broader look at today’s business

THE Asia-Pacific Digital Transfor mation Report 2022 tags digital fi nance as a key element of transfor mation, particularly for business and people. For instance, digital financial service providers (DFS), such as fintechs and telecommu nication companies, played a pio neering role in the development of digital payments services, with the mobile network operator Globe Telecom in the Philippines launch ing its e-wallet GCash in 2004.

government portals do not follow their country rankings.

Continued on A2 government effectiveness. According to data obtained from PSA, a total of 275,735 estab lishments in the non-core Informa tion and Communication Technol ogy (ICT) industries were recorded in 2019 or before the pandemic. Of this number, 94.7 percent owned and used computers and communi cation equipment in their business operations.Meanwhile, the proportion of establishments in the non-core ICT industries with Internet con nection or access was 80.2 percent in 2019. Among the sectors, es tablishments from the Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply, and Education sectors re corded a proportion of 100 percent that had Internet connection. However, in 2019, or prior to the pandemic, only 22 percent of establishments used the Internet for e-commerce transactions. A s for socioeconomic factors, the report underscored, “Rapid technological change can expose and exacerbate existing social, eco nomic and geographical divisions. These include those related to age, gender, education, disability and between regions.”

PESO EXCHANGE RATES n US 56.3620 n JAPAN 0.4020 n UK 65.0587 n HK 7.1815 n CHINA 8.1606 n SINGAPORE 40.1925 n AUSTRALIA 38.2247 n EU 56.0633 n KOREA 0.0416 n SAUDI ARABIA 15.0038 Source: BSP (September 2, 2022) DREAMSTIME.COMTEIXEIRADIONY

correlated with its income level. However, the digital transforma tion status of some Asia-Pacific countries is relatively higher than their income grouping. For example, lower-middleincome Asian countries, includ ing India, the Philippines and Viet Nam, are identified as advanced digital transformation countries compared to their respective in come Thelevels.Asia-Pacific region shows the widest digital divide between advanced and less advanced digital transformation countries,” the re port Thnoted.ereport underscored that even countries with advanced digi tal transformation statuses are driven by different factors provid ing support towards a “multi-path way” approach for digital transfor mation. PHL’s strength IN the case of the Philippines, its strength lies in the “people pillar” due to the ease of finding skilled employees in the coun try. In the same way, Malaysia, another Asean member country, also performs well in the people pillar, which can be attributed to its strong pupil-teacher ratio in primary education and the skills of itsMworkforce.eanwhile, Viet Nam shows strength in the “network pillar,” es pecially through fixed-line broad band affordability and smart phone penetration. Singapore, for its part, scored highly in the “gov ernment pillar” due to business and government investment and


The report noted that the suc cess of the e-wallet business mod el, which allowed domestic money transfers among individuals that did not have bank accounts, was in part due to the ease of usage, even by rural populations.

The Philippines ranks 77th on the 2020 United Nations EGovernment Development Index (EGDI).The UN EGDI assesses the progress in e-government. It has three components, namely, the online service index (OSI); the telecommunication infrastructure index (TII); and the human capital index. Internet in full bloom ACCORDING to 2019 Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) data, 58.5 percent used the Internet to obtain information from govern ment organizations; 60.9 percent utilized the Internet to download or request government forms; 57.4 percent completed forms online; and 44.1 percent made online payments to government organizations.Acrossthe region, four of the 10 Asean member states rank higher than the Philippines, with Singapore ranking 11th; Malay sia at 47th; Thailand at the 57th, and Brunei Darussalam at the 60thThspot.ose that lag behind the Philippines are Viet Nam, which ranks 86th; Indonesia at 88th; Cambodia at 124th; Myanmar at 146th and Lao People’s Democrat ic Republic at the 167th spot. The UN survey also assesses levels of e-government for one ma jor city in 86 countries, through its local online service index (LOSI). The report highlighted that rank ings for these local government portals do not follow their country rankings.Asfor the ranking of the cit ies, Manila ranks 69th in the Glob al LOSI for assessed cities in the Asia-Pacific region, lagging behind Kuala Lumpur, which ranks 29th; Bangkok at 39th; Ho Chi Minh at 42nd; Jakarta at 47th and ahead of Yangon at 70th. The report noted that the rankings of these local The pandemic may have hastened the digital shift, but it also exposed chasms, divisions.

WHILE the Covid-19 pandemic gave further boost to digital transformation in 2020, it also unveiled the widening digital gap among countries, which could now pose a challenge to their respective governments to bridge that gap and keep up with the era of digital advancement.

By Andrea San Juan

Key element of transformation

The demographical divide IN terms of age, the report un veiled that younger people who have grown up using the Internet can be considered “digital natives,” and are able to pick up digital skills faster. On the other hand, older people often have far less access to or are limited in their ability to use digital technologies due to a num ber of reasons. Higher costs, the degree of sup port, lack of ICT skills, self-efficacy or motivation, concern over security, and decline in memory or in spatial orientation due to age are among the notable reasons stated by the report. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, access to digital ser vices helped some older people overcome the social isolation from lockdowns, but those without ac cess were often excluded even from government and social services, the report read. A s for the education divide, the digital divide also widened as people with higher levels of educa tion tend to use the Internet more for education, work, career and business; while those with less edu cation are more likely just to use it for entertainment, simple commu nications, or e-shopping.

NewsSaturday BusinessMirror, September 3, 2022A2 Gorbachev did was a mistake. The biggest was the Soviet Union’s col lapse, what Putin called “the great est geopolitical catastrophe of the century.”The Soviet Union was disre spected, defeated and broken into pieces—15 countries. For Putin, it was also personal, because as a KGB officer stationed in East Germany, he watched in horror as massive crowds staged the popular uprising that led to the removal of the Berlin Wall and Germany’s reunification, at one point besieging his KGB of fice in Dresden. To this day, Putin’s perceptions about threats to his country and popular revolutions color his for eign policy and his deep mistrust of the West. They underpin his de cision to invade Ukraine on Febru ary 24.As one justification for the war, he cites what he believes was a broken US promise to Gor bachev—a supposed 1990 pledge that NATO would not expand into Eastern Europe. US officials have denied making such a pledge, but Putin believes NATO’s expan sion, and specifically the prospect of neighboring Ukraine joining the alliance, pose an existential threat to Russia. C ritics allege that Putin dis torts the facts and ignores local sentiments to claim Ukrainians want to be liberated from the Kyiv government and align with Moscow.Hehas also embarked on a massive effort to modernize and expand Russia’s military might, moving away from arms-control accords that Gorbachev agreed to. Putin’s war in Ukraine, his hu man-rights violations and the 2014 annexation of Crimea have drawn massive international sanctions that are reversing the cultural and economic ties that Gorbachev fos tered. Back to the Cold War era BUT for a few allies, Russia is iso lated.W hile one might expect Gor bachev to have been more critical of Putin, he did condemn NATO’s eastward expansion and said the West bungled the chance offered by the Cold War’s end. He even supported Russia’s annexation of Crimea.But in many other ways, the historic bookends between the two leaders are far apart. Before Gorbachev rose to power, Reagan in 1983 famously branded Russia an “evil empire.” Five years later, he recanted the description at a summit with the Soviet leader. Fast forward to today, when the current US president, Joe Biden, has called Putin a “killer,” a “butcher” and a “war criminal” who “cannot remain in power.” The Cold War that Gorbachev helped end is back.

on the independence movement in the Soviet Baltic republic of Lithu ania and the attempted early cov erup of the 1986 Chernobyl nucle ar power plant disaster. B y 1988, he realized that trying to hide bad events wasn’t working, so when a massive earthquake hit Armenia in De cember 1988, he opened the bor ders to emergency international help and allowed transparency about the destruction.

In a statement, the UN ESCAP said it expects to endorse the AsiaPacific Information Superhighway action plan for 2022-2026, which consists of a set of coherent actions aimed at bridging the digital divide and accelerating digital transforma tion for an inclusive digital society. Key dignitaries speaking at this year’s committee include Ivan John E. Uy, Secretary of the De partment of Information and Com munications Technology of the Philippines.

History’s bookends: Putin reversed many Gorbachev reforms

By Andrew Katell | The Associated Press NEW YORK—One stood for freedom, openness, peace and closer ties with the outside world. The other is jailing critics, muzzling journalists, pushing his country deeper into isolation and waging Europe’s bloodiest conflict since World War II.

Such are history’s bookends between Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union’s last leader, and Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president. In many ways, Gorbachev, who died Tuesday, unwittingly enabled Putin. The forces Gorbachev un leashed spun out of control, led to his downfall and the Soviet Union’s collapse.Since coming to power in 1999, Putin has been taking a hard line that resulted in a near-complete re versal of Gorbachev’s reforms. W hen Gorbachev came to power as Soviet leader in 1985, he was younger and more vibrant than his predecessors. He broke with the past by moving away from a police state, embracing freedom of the press, ending his country’s war in Afghanistan and letting go of Eastern European countries that had been locked in Moscow’s communist orbit. He ended the iso lation that had gripped the USSR since its founding. It was an exciting, hopeful time for Soviet citizens and the world. Gorbachev brought the promise of a brighter future. He believed in integration with the West, multi-lateralism and globalism to solve the world’s problems, including ending armed conflicts and reducing the danger of nuclear weapons. In marked contrast, Putin’s worldview holds that the West is an “empire of lies,” and democracy is chaotic, uncontrolled and danger ous. While mostly refraining from direct criticism, Putin implies that Gorbachev sold out to the West. Back to the old mindset RETURNING to a communiststyle mindset, Putin believes the West is imperialistic and arrogant, trying to impose its liberal values and policies on Russia and using the country as a scapegoat for its own Hproblems.eaccuses Western leaders of trying to restart the Cold War and restrain Russia’s development. He seeks a world order with Russia on equal footing with the United States and other major powers, and in some respects is trying to Curtain and end of the Cold War followed.Athome, Gorbachev intro duced two sweeping and dramatic policies— glasnost or openness— and perestroika, a restructuring of Soviet society. Previously taboo subjects could now be discussed, in litera ture, the news media and society in general. He undertook economic reforms to allow private enter prise, moving away from a staterun economy.Healso loosened up on the dreaded police state, freed political prisoners such as Andrei Sakharov, and ended the Communist Party’s monopoly on political power. Freer foreign travel, emigration and reli gious observances were also part of the mix.Putin has veered away from Gorbachev’s changes. He focused on restoring order and rebuilding the police state. An increasingly severe crackdown on dissent has involved jailing critics, branding them traitors and extremists, in cluding for merely calling the “spe cial military operation” in Ukraine a war. He sees some critics as for eign-funded collaborators of Rus sia’s Ienemies.nhisquest for control, he’s shut down independent news or ganizations and banned human rights and humanitarian organiza tions. He demands complete loyal ty to the state and emphasizes tra ditional Russian family, religious and nationalistic tenets.


‘Pockmarks’ GORBACHEV’S leadership was not without failures. His more lib eral policies were uneven, such as a bloody 1991 Soviet crackdown

The ‘new face’ of inequality

A fter nearly a decade of fight ing in Afghanistan, Gorbachev ordered the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989, entered into mul tiple arms-control and disarma ment agreements with the United States and other countries, and helped end the Cold War. For those efforts, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. But at home, Gorbachev’s eco nomic reforms didn’t go well. Free ing industries from state control and allowing private enterprise too quickly and haphazardly cre ated widespread shortages of food and consumer goods, worsened corruption and spawned a class of oligarchs.Theburgeoning independence movements in Soviet republics and other problems so angered Com munist Party hard-liners that they attempted a coup against him in August 1991, further weakening his grip on power and leading to his resignation four months later. Broken promises IN the end, many in Russia felt Gorbachev had left them with bro ken promises, dashed hopes and a weakened, humiliated country. One who felt that way was Putin. For him, much of what rebuild an empire. Gorbachev sometimes bowed to Western pressure. Two years after US President Ronald Reagan implored him to “tear down this wall” in a speech at the Berlin Wall, Gorbachev did so, indirectly, by not intervening in populist anticommunist revolutions in Eastern Europe. The dropping of the Iron RUSSIA’S President Vladimir Putin, right, talks with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at the start of a news conference at the Castle of Gottorf in Schleswig, northern Germany, Tuesday, December 21, 2004. One stood for freedom, openness, peace and closer ties with the outside world. The other is jailing critics, muzzling journalists, pushing his country deeper into isolation and waging Europe’s bloodiest conflict since World War II. Such are history’s bookends between Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, and Vladimir Putin, president of Russia.

Continued from A1

UN forum slated THE rapid, widespread adoption of digital technology, spurred in large part by the Covid-19 pandemic, and its economic and societal rami fications, are the key focus of delib erations at a United Nations forum this “week.The United Nations has re ferred to the digital divide as the new face of inequality. That is why digital inclusion must be at the heart of dig ital transformation and accompany ing digital policies and regulations if the promise to ‘leave no one behind’ is to be met,” said Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, an Under-SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

By Butch Fernandez E

PBBM to sign on Sept. 13 birthday new EO on ARB debt moratorium

Seaweed growers appeal for Palace funding support

BusinessMirror Saturday, September 3, 2022 News • Editor: Vittorio V. Vitug A3

Pedrosa emphasized that seaweed has huge upside potential due to its versatility as a food additive, phar maceutical ingredient and laboratory material.Infact, Pedrosa pointed out that seaweed can even be used as an organic fertilizer and animal feed product, which could help local farmers cope with the rising prices of inorganic planting inputs. He explained that additional bud getary support from the government is necessary to expand seaweed farms given that the country has a huge un tapped suitable hectarage for seaweed production.Pedrosasaid the country has a to tal of 102,000 hectares of municipal waters that can be used for seaweed production but only 17,000 hectares is beingPedrosaused.said the 85,000 untapped hectares are capable of producing an additional 640,000 metric tons of driedFurthermore,seaweed. Pedrosa said the in dustry could venture into deep-sea seaweed farming as the country has an available deep-sea area of about 500,000 hectares. Bad propaganda vs carrageenan PHILIPPINE Chamber of Agriculture and Food Inc. President Danilo V. Fausto supported Pedrosa’s appeal and argued that the government should also allocate funds to bankroll the country’s marketing campaign to fight misinformation and disinformation againstPedrosacarrageenan.revealed that the coun try’s carrageenan is facing massive misinformation and disinformation campaign in key foreign markets, par ticularly in the United States. Jasper Emmanuel Y. Arcalas

By Ma. Stella F. Arnaldo Special to the BusinessMirror W HAT wonderful things one can do with just bread, butter, and sugar! Popular Filipino-American co median Jo Koy made this declara tion on Wednesday evening at his show Funny Is Funny at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City, encourag ing him to give a shoutout to every Tita of Manila’s favorite cafe and bakeshop, Mary Grace. “Have you guys had Mary Grace? That shit is amazing! Is she a real person?” asked the 51-year-old Koy (real name Joseph Glenn Herbert), who also promoted his first film, Easter Sunday, which boasts of an all-Filipino cast, and now showing in the country. He further riffed on the idea say ing, “I want to invest. I have money,” asking the cheering audience if the company was open to franchising. “I don’t know why we don’t have it in the States,” he wondered aloud. Chiara Dimacali-Hugo, market ing director and daughter of Mary Grace Dimacali, the cafe’s founder, told the BusinessMirror , “[The shoutout] came as a wonderful sur prise as we certainly did not expect it. In fact, my brother was in the audience…. Suffice it to say that the whole family, including my mom Mary Grace herself, is still in shock—and we mean this in a good way!” The first store opened in 2002, but prior to that, Dimacali had been selling her baked goods via bazaars. Whether it was a joke or not re garding his investment, DimacaliHugo said, the homegrown, family-led company is taking its time, expanding mainly within the Philippines. “The US is a horizon we have yet to conquer, but who knows, we might get there sooner than we expect. As my mother would love to say—Let us keep doing what we do best, and let us patiently wait for things to un fold—all in God’s perfect time!” The company now has 124 stores nationwide, a mix of 69 kiosks and 55 cafes, which offers in-house dining. From his description of the pastry, which had a cheese filling, Koy most likely ate a cheese roll, one of the popular items on Mary Grace’s menu. If he was overjoyed with the cheese roll, imagine how over the moon he would be if he was able to taste the cafe’s celebrated classic ensaymada topped with queso de bola (edam cheese)?Mary Grace is currently offering manchengo cheese-topped ensayma da in lieu of their classic variant, due to a local shortage of edam cheese. (See, “What?! A queso de bola shortage, too?” in the Business Mirror , August 26, 2022.)

DAR budget hike MEANWHILE , DAR will receive a P5.41 billion increase in its 2023 budget to lead the implementation of Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)  through land ten ure improvement, agrarian justice, and coordinated delivery of essential support services to beneficiaries.  For 2023, DAR’s total expenditure program will amount to P15.85 bil lion or an increase of P5.41 billion from the 2022 level of P10.44 billion.  But Estrella said the agency’s original budget proposal for 2023 is P26.47 billion.  By general expense class for 2023, personal services (PS) and maintenance, and other operating expenses (MOOE) account for the bulk of the obligation budget of DAR over the years.  In 2023, DAR’s MOOE will have a budget of P10.18 billion, increasing by P5.36 billion from the 2022 level, while PS will receive P5.6 billion.  With regard to regional distri bution, DAR’s Central Office will account for over half of the depart ment’s budget in 2023 with P8.98 bil lion or 56.7 percent of total budget.  Among the other regions, Region 6 will receive the highest allocation in 2023 with a budget of P941.2 million or 5.9 percent of the total budget. In contrast, Region 1 will have the smallest budget amount ing to P254.5 million or a share of 1.6 percent.  I n terms of cost structure, DAR’s Operations has the lion’s share of new appropriations. In the proposed 2023 budget, Operations will have P11.66 billion appropriations or 81.0 percent of the total budget. It will also increase by P4.17 billion from the 2022 level. Operations involve direct production of goods or deliv ery of services or direct engagement in regulations. In contrast, Sup port to Operations (STO) will have the smallest allocation in 2023 at P728.5Meanwhile,million.the DAR has three major programs namely, the Land Tenure Security Program (LTSP), the Agrarian Justice Delivery Program (AJDP), and the AR Beneficiaries Development and Sustainability Program (ARBDSP).  For 2023, the LTSP will receive P3.033 billion. The Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) program is under the DespiteLTSP.the expiration of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms (CARPER) law in June 2014, the House Congressional Policy and Bud get Research Department said the DAR continues to distribute lands. It said CARPER law mandates that “any case and/or proceeding involving the implementation of the provisions of RA 6657, or CARP law, as amended, which may remain pending on June 30, 2014 shall be allowed to proceed to its finality and be executed even beyond such date.”  Jovee Marie N. Dela Cruz

A GROUP of seaweed producers is urging the Marcos adminis tration to hike the budgetary support to the industry to boost do mestic production and take advantage of huge market potential in the local and global market. Alfredo Pedrosa III, chairman of the Seaweed Industry Association of the Philippines, appealed to the gov ernment to revert the annual budget ary support for the seaweed industry to about P250 million. Pedrosa lamented that government funding for the local seaweed indus try has been continuously declining for the past five years, plunging to a mere P40 million this year. Pedrosa pointed out that the amount of government support is “measly” com pared to the annual export revenue that seaweed generates for the country. Pedrosa highlighted that the coun try earns about $200 million in sea weed exports, but the government channels only about $781,000 to $3.6 million in funding support. “The sea weed industry way back in 2012 used to have P250 million. Today is it just about P40 million,” he revealed dur ing the PCAFI-HAN Usapang Pagkain forum on Friday. “If the budget will be returned to P250 million, then it would be a huge help for the industry already,” he added.Pedrosa noted that the government budget for seaweed industry in 2018 was at P138 million, P198 million in 2019, P59.2 million in 2020, P43 mil lion in 2021 and P47 million for 2022. Meanwhile, the value of the coun try’s total seaweed exports for the past five years reached $191.143 million in 2018, $221.316 million in 2019, $175.59 million in 2020, and $209.588 million in 2021, Pedrosa said.

CONOMIST  Solita “Winnie” Collas-Monsod, attending a Senate hearing on a proposal to amend the Constitution to at tract more  foreign investors, main tained there is no need to tinker with the 1987 Charter in order to accomplish such. Allaying apprehensions, Mon sod, Professor Emeritus at the UP School of Economics, thumbed down the move to revise the 1987 Charter in order to relax restrictions on entry of foreign Monsodinvestments.sharedher views on a proposal to amend the economic provisions at Friday’s hearing of the Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Codes, chaired by Sen. Robinhood Padilla. Appointed as socioeconomic plan ning secretary of the late President Corazon “Cory” C. Aquino, Monsod dumped claims that the economic provisions of the Constitution closed the door to foreign direct investment (FDI), asserting such was “not borne out by the Monsodfacts.”maintained that amend ing the Constitution is “not likely to open any new doors to foreign direct investments because, for all intents and purposes, the doors are already open.” She stressed that “it is not neces sary to amend the Constitution.” “What’s more,” she added, “Amend ing the Constitution will not bring in FDI unless the factors affecting FDI are addressed. It is not sufficient to amend the Constitution.”  Monsod testified before the Sen ate panel tackling Resolution of Both Houses No. 1 seeking to convene the 19th Congress as a Constitutional As sembly to propose amendments to cer tain restrictive economic provisions in the 1987 Constitution, as well as Senate Resolution No. 6, which seeks to review and study the Constitution.  Monsod also cited a list of studies that she asserted had flagged vari ous factors and determinants in de cisions to invest in the country, and said, “In none of these studies was there any finding or conclusion that the economic provisions [of the 1987 Charter]” represented a “binding con straint to investments.” The World Investment Report, for one, tags the following as the key factors affecting investor decision: adequate infrastructure, human capi tal, quality of the regulatory regime and clear rules of the game, and fiscal determination.Otherstudies put “economic, po litical and social stability” high among the things that investors consider,” fol lowed by the country’s rules and market size, Monsod said, noting that the Phil ippines, with its 110 million population is “a very big market,” which should make it attractive to investments. In recent years, said Monsod, much of what were previously framed as constraints supposedly arising from the economic provisions limiting foreign equity in certain sectors and industries have been hurdled, either by liberal interpretation, or by legis lation or creative financial systems.

Popular Fil-Am comic Jo Koy gives shoutout to Mary Grace

Dimacali-Hugo lamented, “Yes this is a real challenge for us ever since we lost supply a few months ago. We were very concerned and the first thing we thought of were our customers who love the ensayma das. We’re doing everything we can to get back our queso de bola supply from Holland as soon as possible, as we know some customers prefer this type of cheese over other cheese al ternatives.… Hopefully our efforts pay off and our shipment arrives very soon so we can restock our shelves just in time for Christmas!”

Estrella said the proposed EO that would condone the loans of ARBs with unpaid amortization and inter est, “Will lead to freedom of farmers from debts. Lawmakers“ have already filed several measures condoning loans of ARBs.Estrella, a former lawmaker him self,  said his department is ready to work with Congress on the condona tion of loan proposals. During his first Sona, President Marcos asked Congress to pass a law that will condone the loans of ARBs, which cover unpaid amortization and interest. “Thecondonation of the existing agrarian reform loan will cover the amount of P58.125 billion benefit ing around 654,000 agrarian reform beneficiaries and involving a total of 1.18 million hectares of awarded lands,” Marcos said. The President said an amendment to Section 26 of Republic Act (RA) 6657, or the Comprehensive Agrar ian Reform Law of 1988, is needed to unburden the farmers from their loans and interests. In a report submitted to Marcos as reported by the Philippines News Agency, the Department of Agrar ian Reform (DAR) said that in ac cordance with Section 40 (Special Areas of Concern) of RA 6657, there are 52,000 hectares of unused gov ernment agricultural lands that are up for distribution to landless war veterans, landless surviving spouses and orphans of war veterans, and landless retirees of the Armed Forc es of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP). Under DAR Administrative Order (AO) No. 03 issued in 1997, aside from AFP and PNP beneficiaries, returnees, surrenders, and similar beneficiaries, shall be considered in the disposition of agricultural lands of the public domain.

Ex-Neda chief Monsod: Amending Charter is not key to boosting FDI

P RESIDENT Ferdinand R. Mar cos Jr. is expected to sign on his birthday on September 13 an executive order (EO) imposing a year long moratorium on land amor tization and interest payments by agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARB), the chief of the Department of Agrar ian Reform (DAR) said Friday. Agrarian Reform Secretary Con rado Estrella III made the disclosure during the budget hearing of DAR in the House of Representatives. “The President is set to sign it [moratorium] on his birthday. [The moratorium] he mentioned in his Sona (State of the Nation Address). The cash that they—beneficiaries—will be able to save may be instead channelled to other agricultural ventures for greater productions,” he said. “It will ease farmers’ amortiza tion. Hindi nakakabayad ang magsa saka during the pandemic,” he added.

The 18th Congress, for one, en acted three amendatory bills deemed to help investors work around the seeming restrictions of the Char ter—the new Public Services Act that redefined utilities; the Foreign Investments Act; and the amended Retail Trade Liberalization law. Besides being the wrong solution to weak investment flows, opening up the country to another long-drawn Charter revision process presents both financial and opportunity costs, according to Monsod. “There is a financial cost in conven ing a Constituent Assembly or a Con stitutional Convention,” she said, and an “opportunity cost” in terms of the time that the process will take away from “other more pressing” national issues and problems. Finally, she said, it poses the risk “of increasing” opportunities for “rentseeking activities,” because many lobby groups will come in to pitch amend ments to the Charter framers. She clarified, though, that she did not think  that panel chairman Sena tor Robinhood Padilla is engaged in rent-seeking, “but if you give it [the chance to amend] to them, you open up” the avenues for rent seeking.

News BusinessMirrorSaturday, September 3, 2022

Budget and Management (DBM) and Civil Service Commission and filling up of vacant positions, which are highly confidential in nature as mandated and authorized by Executive Order No. 292, series of Meanwhile,1987.  the increase in MOOE is attributed to the increase in travel ling expenses, both local and foreign due to the lifting of travel restrictions, resumption of state visits, compliance to international commitments to fur ther strengthen the country’s bilateral a nd multilateral relations.  The MOOE budget will also include planned training expenses that were not realized due to Covid restrictions, increase in Internet subscription and other subscription expenses, increase in fuel, oil, lubricants, materials and consumables, representation expens es and other expenses.  For the CO component, the increase was attributed to the construction of a four-storey parking building consistent with the proposed National Land Use Act for the development of land and maximizing land use through physi cal Tplanning. heCOwill also include repairs and maintenance of Kalayaan Hall, repair and retrofitting of the New Executive Building, digitization and enhance ment of OP ICT Services, infrastructure a nd data management and security included in the Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) approved by DBM and Department of Information and Communications Technology. The CO also includes the pro grammed schedule of replacement of m achineries and other property, plant and equipment and continued improve ment and maintenance of 8888-Multi Telco services for the institutional ization of 8888-Citizens’ Complaint C enter, pursuant to Section 103 of RA 11639 or the People’s Feedback Mechanism. Rep.Elizaldy “Zaldy” Co, chair person of the House Appropriations C ommittee, said the OP budget would enable President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to deliver on the demands to his office, especially as the world tran sitions from the pandemic and con fronts the effects of climate change.

House panel swiftly okays OP’s ₧8.96-B proposed 2023 budget

“By tradition and parliamentary courtesy to a co-equal branch in govern ment, I move to terminate the budget briefing of the Office of the President,” saidForDalipe. hispart, Executive Secretary Victor Rodriguez said the OP is one with the Congress in nation building.  “You can be assured that the Office of the President is here in meeting the expectation and hopes of more than 112 million [Filipinos], which the President now leads [and] founded on a solid foundation of 31 million votes in promoting people’s welfare and upholding the interest of the na tion,” said Rodriguez. For 2023, the office of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. will receive a total of P8.969 billion.  Of the P8.969 billion, P1.5 billion will go to personnel services (PS), P6.8 billion to maintenance and other op erating expenses (MOOE), and P590.7 m illion for capital outlay (CO).  The increase in PS budget is at tributed to the implementation of t he mandated increase in PhilHealth contribution, pursuant to Universal Health Care Act; increase in salaries pursuant to the fourth tranche of the Salary Standardization Law V and cor responding entitlement to personnel e conomic relief allowance (PERA), bo nuses, eportationrepresentation/clothing/transallowances,performancenhancementinitiative.ThePSbudgetwillincludethefillingupofvacantpermanentpositions,andcontractualpositionswithapprovedstaffingpattern,asmandatedandauthorizedbytheDepartmentof

C ITING tradition and courtesy to a co-equal branch in govern ment, the House Committee on A ppropriations on Friday immediately approved the 2023 P8.96-billion bud get of the Office of the President (OP).  T he committee quickly terminated the budget deliberations of the OP and no questions were asked.  In moving to terminate the budget deliberation, House Majority Leader Manuel Jose Dalipe cited the long his tory of parliamentary courtesy to a co-equal branch.

“This administration should be more prudent in spending taxpayer’s money because we are still under a pandemic and our economy is in shambles. We from the Makabayan bloc would try our best to ensure that what our people need like higher salaries, aid, health services and im proved quality of education are the o nes that are given budgetary prior ity rather than the whims of those in p ower. We will definitely bring these issues up at the plenary,” said Castro.

O P’s budget proposal for 2023, he said, indicates how the President will “deliver his constitutional man dates as Head of State and of Gov ernment…especially during these c hallenging times.” The 2023 OP budget is slightly higher than the 2022 OP budget of P8.182 billion. Co said the OP budget presentation allows the House to get guidance on the general direction of government.“Equallyimportant to provide us with the governance direction of the Office of the President requiring Con gressional support towards our com mon objective—a brighter future for t he Philippines and the Filipino peo ple,” he said. Q uestions about the budget may be brought up at plenary after all the oth er branches of government have gone t hrough the committee level, Co added. Co also thanked the OP for hon oring the constitutional mandate to a co-equal branch of the government with the presence of its key officials at Friday’s hearing led by Executive Secretary Rodriguez Presidential ‘pork’ FOR her part, House Deputy Minority Leader and ACT Teachers Partylist Rep. France Castro hit the “blind” approval of the budget of the OP with the whole briefing over in less than 10 minutes. “We in the Makabayan bloc de nounce this type of hyper-acceler ated budget process. The committee blatantly violated basic principles of transparency and accountability by discharging its constitutional duty over public funds in such a manner. We assert that the President’s budget must be scrutinized and the massive confidential and intelligence funds be explained. Tradition should not be invoked here because tradition should be subsumed to the people’s interest,” said the teacher lawmaker. “As it is, the P4.95 billion intel ligence fund and the P4.332 billion c onfidential shows the skewed pri orities of the Marcos administration,” addedInsteadCastro.of allotting more funds to health and education to improve our dismal health-care system as well as upgrade the level of the country’s edu cational system, Castro said almost P10 billion is allotted as “presidential pork.”

Jovee Marie N. Dela Cruz

In keeping with my minimal ist leaning, I like to shoot objects with blank space around it. In traditional Japanese arts and culture, an empty space often holds as much importance as the rest of an artwork and impels the viewer to focus on the intention of negative space in an art piece.

drive targets to increase the wall of immunity in the country. A s of August 28, about 72,476,610 individuals are fully vaccinated and 17,843,348 have received their booster doses. Meanwhile, the Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines Inc. (PHAPI) said Thursday the most severe and critical cases of Covid-19 in their facilities are partially vacci nated or unvaccinated. PH API President Dr. Rene de Grano said in a televised public brief ing that the intensive care units of private hospitals in the country “can still cope with the [number] of Co vid-19Thispatients.”wasafter Vergeire con firmed that the percentage of severe and critical Covid-19 cases in hospi tals is increasing but is still within theOnthreshold.Monday, the department re ported 811 or 9.7 percent of the total Covid-19 admissions in hospitals are severe and critical cases. In the past four weeks, DOH data showed that severe and critical infec tions comprised more than 9 percent of hospital admissions. “Many among the admissions are mild cases that are incidental Covid. They are discharged in a few days,” de Grano said. He noted that most of the Co vid-19 cases that reach the critical or severe stage are the elderly with no Asvaccination.ofAugust22, about 72,310,149 or 92.59 percent of the country’s target population (78,100,578) have been vaccinated against Covid-19, in cluding 78.01 percent of 8,721,357 senior citizens. PNA

total of 24,661 senior citizens have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 since the PinasLakas campaign started on July 26.

THERE was a time when I regret ted the day someone had the bright idea to embed a camera in mobile smart phones. It gave birth to “Self-taken Camera Picture” or sim plySselfie.incethen, it seems that the world can’t go through a day without paus ing for a selfie shot. After a meeting at the office or chatting with a friend in a coffee shop, it’s always “let’s have a selfie first.”

I n a media briefing on Wednes day, Department of Health (DOH) Officer in Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire said the government aims to protect 90 percent of the elderly population through the vaccina tion drive. “So, this is just 2.03 percent of our targeted population for our primary series for senior citizens,” she said. “That is very far from the target per day of 17,000 accomplishments.” For the first booster dose, Vergeire said the DOH has reached over 2.1 million individuals or 8.82 percent of the targeted eligible population of 23 “million.Noregion has reached at least 50 percent coverage in this PinasLakas Campaign,” she said. However, the National Capital Region has reached 47 percent vac cination rate, the highest among the regions.

Earlier, the DOH conducted a sur vey to identify why fewer people want to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Apart from lack of access to vac cination sites, Vergeire noted that some individuals still believe that Covid-19 jabs could cause harm to theirShehealth.saidthis factor is especially true for the senior citizens. “They have other ailments already and they have shorter time to live, so they are saying they don’t need the boosters anymore,” she added. The DOH has presented to the Centers for Health Development in different regions varying strategies to increase vaccination coverage. It also requested various medical societies to help push the campaign for booster doses. “We are planning for a special week of vaccination drive for the whole Philippines in September,” Vergeire said. T he DOH, through the special vaccination week, hopes to achieve at least 50 percent of its PinasLakas

T he DTI shall likewise be man dated to coordinate and establish partnerships with the National Commission of Senior Citizens and the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) in conducting information dissemination campaigns.

Seeing life beyond the ‘selfie’ MY SIXTY-ZEN’S WORTH

T he DTI shall also collaborate with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipi nas (BSP), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Insurance Com mission (IC), National Telecommuni cations Commission (NTC), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and the Philippine National Police (PNP) in ascertaining the various nature of scams and cybercrimes. A web site will be maintained to provide the needed information to help detect scams related to finan cial products and services, lending and investment instruments, insur ance products, text scams and other fraudulent activities.

O ne can’t even get a break from socmed friends who cluelessly, freely, and unceasingly inflict their selfies on our mobile screens. Would you believe 50 to 65 selfies all at once? 3 to 5 shots taken from the same angle? But having said that, I must ad mit that built-in cameras can also be useful. When we park our car in a big basement parking lot filled with other cars, I make sure to click on the slot number just in case I forget. During a talk or lecture, one no longer needs to take notes, just shoot the text or images projected on the screen. When meeting people for the first time, it’s a good thing to take a selfie so one can remember their faces. T hanks to the longest pandemic shutdown my love-hate attitude towards smart phone cameras has changed. Here’s how. With nothing better to do and to document a frus trating period of our lives that may never come again, I took selfies of my face every 3 days at the same angle to

24,661 senior citizens now fully vaccinated via PinasLakas drive

T he lawmaker underscored the need to look after the vulnerable sectors against fraudsters as he noted that most elderly consum ers are unfamiliar with today’s technology, which is why they are taken advantage of by organized crime syndicates that use social media and other online platforms in carrying out their scams. Under SBN 671, or the proposed Senior Citizens’ Fraud Education Act, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will be the lead agency and would be supported by the Departments of Justice (DOJ) and Health (DOH), and the Philippine Postal Corp. T he group will be required to formulate and disseminate through mail, telemarketing and the Internet methods on how to report and file complaints related to fraud schemes targeting senior citizens and other vulnerable groups.

SEN. Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada pushes for the passage of Senate Bill 671 or the proposed Senior Citizens’ Fraud Education Act to protect the elderly consumers from being victimized by cybercrime syndicates. SBN 671 seeks the establishment of an inter-agency centralized service to ward off scammers from carrying out their nefarious schemes through periodic information dissemination to senior citizens, their families and caregivers.

“THIS is just 2.03 percent of our targeted population for our primary series for senior citizens,” said DOH Officer in Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire. PNA FILE PHOTO BY GIL CALINGA through periodic information dis semination to senior citizens, their families and caregivers.


T hen one time when my grand daughters started to attend online classes, I chanced upon paper cut outs on the table in our terrace, probably products of an online art project. Wanting to record their works for posterity, and fascinated by the melange of colors, I took shots of them with my cellphone from all angles using just natural sunlight. When I re-viewed the still shots, I thought that they looked like Pop Art. I like Pop Art because it’s fun and lighthearted.

And all this time, I was tak ing this technology for granted because I thought it’s only good forIselfies.tgave me impetus to shoot wildly all kinds of objects, hap penings, sceneries and of course people including family, friends andFcolleagues.ramedbythe limited view of the camera and seen in light and shadow, I began to see the casual, the ordinary, the every day in a new light, to use a hackneyed phrase. Within the limits of a frame, there’s a fresh perspective to them.Onecan view them closely again and again and see things you never saw before. The Anto nioni film “Blow up” came to my mind. They become images that say much more than meet the eye. We quote novelist Henry Miller: “The moment one gives close at tention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnifi cent world in itself.” T his is how I have stumbled into what I coin as “Mindful Shooting.” By “mindful” I mean it in the Bud dhist sense of putting your con sciousness into what you’re doing at the moment and being more aware of your action. Don’t just click and click. Mind what you’re clicking at. B eing a closet poet, I try to capture the poetry of the mo ment in my snapshots. I now prefer to shoot without being rushed so I can look at the angle that best shows the play of light and shadow and would soften the edges. It’s all very amateur ish and intuitive. In general, to me less is more because I am a natural minimal ist. Oftentimes, a close-up of a de tail is the best way to tell a story, that’s why we have the phrase “tell ing detail.” I like using the power of suggestion and engaging the imagination of the viewer, letting him complete the picture. For example, I have a shot of a shelf of books that I still have to read, showing a cobweb and dust on the books. Is the owner a hoarder or just too busy? Maybe no one reads books anymore.

By Ma. Teresa Montemayor


T he images in your photo archive can serve a number of purposes. They can be a record or a mirror of the realities of the world in which we live now. Or simply be a conversation trigger when posted on your social media account. They can also be purely for private aesthetic enjoyment. B ut if you’re spiritually in clined, the images can serve as a prompter for self-reflection or spiritual contemplation. There’s a book called “Photography As a Christian Contemplative Prac tice” written by Christine Valters Paintner. To her, “Photography as a spiritual practice combines the active art of image-receiving with the contemplative nature and open-heartedness of prayer. It cultivates what I call sacred seeing or seeing with the eyes of the heart.” So, for selfie maniacs, here’s the message: let’s use this marvelous tool to enable us to receive and perceive the life we live at a deeper level than surface realities. S hoot the everyday objects and things in your home: a cup, broom in a corner, a chair, keys, a picture on a wall, a plant in a pot. Then like the opening of our neglected third eye, we may begin to see meaningful “thoughts” beyond the usual, trivial selfie image you are so familiar with.

T hen just a few months later, I looked at the series of selfies again and the more I viewed them the more I discerned an artistic dimension about them. I thought maybe I could even do a minute video on the sequence of facial shots, with a narra tor reading from the jumbled thoughts I randomly scribbled during that time. Time BusinessMirror Our Editor: Angel R. Calso • Saturday, September 3, 2022 A5

THE continuing proliferation of cybercrimes that spiked 100 percent at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, targeting mostly retired senior citizens, has prompted Senator Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada to propose a legislation to protect them from fraudulent activities. Walang manloloko kung walang magpapaloko. At walang mabibiktima kung sila ay may alam sa mga istilo ng mga scammers,” Estrada said as he pushed for the passage of Senate Bill No. 671, which seeks the establish ment of an inter-agency centralized service to ward off scammers from carrying out their nefarious schemes

By Nick Tayag show my beard growth and my increasingly unkempt look.

Jinggoy: Protect senior citizens from text scams, ‘budol-budol’

Solon urges employers to hire grads

The e-Certificate System has been initially institutionalized in Metro Manila, wherein a total of 2,286 cer tified workers already claimed their e-certificates between August 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Said documents are among requisites of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration or POEA, and the Mari time Industry Authority or MARINA for the deployment of OFWs abroad, includingAddressingseafarers.therising demand, Cruz said they have issued e-certificates to strengthen the integrity of the as sessment and certification system by reducing human interaction, refining efficiency, and adopting information technology-based solutions in issuing NCs and Certificates of Competency (CoCs) to certified workers. “These e-certificates shall also pro vide easy access to the NC/CoC of cer tified workers anywhere and anytime from any web browser and most impor tant, mitigate the proliferation of fake NCs,” he emphasized. One way to verify the authenticity of e-certificates is via the quick response or QR code that directs to the worker’s information, and enables the company or employer to confirm the informa tion—including the worker’s certifica through the Registry of Certified Workers in the agency’s portal, where information on the NC is provided.

“The issuance of…e-certificates is our commitment to improving effi ciency through digital technology that would lead to enhanced access to em ployment opportunities for the Filipino work force,” Cruz said. This is in line with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s directive in his State of the Nation Ad dress to prioritize digital services for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

Solid support system ASIDE from refining the traditional home schooling paradigm, SmartClass also lets p arents be more involved in their child’s learning. Unlike traditional homeschooling curriculum where elders are the young ones’ primary and only educators, the former re ceive support from professional teachers, co aches and coordinators by way of one-on-

Suchconsultations.asupportsystem ensures students are on track and inspired to learn, so par ents can rest assured children are provided w ith quality education. In fact, SmartClass has the seal of approval from Ayala Corp. and the Yuchengco Group—two formida ble conglomerates that partnered to cre ate APEC in line with their commitment t o nation-building through affordable but quality education.

‘I F you are really determined and pas sionate about your dreams, you can really do it,” said AP Renewables Inc. (APRI) scholar John Marco Bernal, who just graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Broadcasting at Bicol University.Bernaland fellow APRI scholar Diane Pitallano, who graduated magna cum laude in BA Journalism from the same institution, shared that grit and determination will get students through challenges in their aca demicPitallano, Aboitiz scholar since high school, shared about the tremendous pres sure to maintain high grades while balanc ing family obligations and other aspects of her personal life. “With all the challenges I’ve been through, I admit…it came to a point when I doubted myself,” she disclosed. Fortunately, the new grad managed to keep her focus and moti vation intact by resting, taking a step back, and reassessing herself. The Journalism degree-holder forged ahead on her journey because she knew her success will come one day and bring honor to her family’s sacrifices. “I want to give back to my parents who did all the sacrifices for me and my other two siblings,” she said. “It is not easy not to have a regular job, that is why I am very proud of my father who did everything…to provide for our family. In fact, he worked as a parttime driver in APRI just to make ends meet.” Pitallano continued: “I am grateful be cause the APRI scholarship program allowed me and my other two siblings to be 100-per cent focused on our studies.” Her older brother also serves as an inspi ration, as he was just regularized as a cadet engineer in APRI-Tiwi. A iming for a bright and successful fu ture, Pitallano’s childhood dream of becom ing a journalist propelled her even more to pursue the career ever since she was granted a scholarship by APRI. “I remained driven and hopeful in choos ing this degree, because I know that APRI’s support in this journey has allowed me to be much closer in achieving the future that I want for me and my family,” she added. For Bernal, receiving sufficient scholar ship assistance not only allowed him to fo cus on his studies, but also helped ease his family’s financial burdens. As the eldest in a brood of six, he would shell out a portion of his allowance to help his parents pay the bills every month. “I do my best to spend my money wisely from the daily allowance that I receive, so I still can give the rest to my family. My youngest sibling is only three months old, and I know that our expenses are not easy to manage,” he disclosed. Despite this situation, the Broadcasting degree-holder draws encouragement from the strong support he gets from pals at the university.“Iactually have a group of friends in school that we call our ‘squad.’ All of us are not from well-off families, but we make sure that we share our food together over lunch just to survive the day, even if it would just be egg meals,” he added. “I am proud to say that my squad all graduated cum laude on time.” Happy with the achievement of finish ing his degree, Bernal expressed his desire to become a lawyer someday “and further serve the people.” He and Pitallano are among hundreds of scholars given the opportunity to receive scholarships and financial support. This is part of APRI’s corporate social responsibil ity program that aims to help students have a bright future. Since 2009 APRI has been providing ed ucational assistance to eligible students in Laguna, Batangas and Albay. To date it has given educational and financial aid to 147 college and 257 high-school scholars.

Flexible learning can boost children’s full potential

Starting the fourth quarter of this year, Filipinos seeking local and over seas employment will receive e-certif icates from the agency, according to Tesda Director General Danilo P. Cruz.

Adaptive, future-ready curriculum WITH the advent of technological tools, chil dren now have more access to resources that previous generations could not even imagine. Embracing the ever-changing digital world, SmartClass is an innovative learning system built for the future.


As the Filipino child’s educational needs change, so too should knowledge systems adapt and evolve. With SmartClass’s flexible learning, the next generation will be empow ered to take control of their future.



APRI scholars from Bicol U graduate

Education BusinessMirrorSaturday, September 3, 2022A6 Editor: Mike Policarpio

Globe’s Asticom gets cadetship course going

Tesda to e-certificatesdisseminatebyQ4


A STICOM Group of Companies has just launched a cadetship program with a coding boot camp to help as piring young professionals develop skills and carve out careers in information tech nology and engineering, while creating job opportunities amid a challenging la borThroughmarket. the program AstiELEVATE, Asticom and KodeGo can assist in the pro fessional development of fresh graduates and career shifters, while providing muchneeded exposure in their chosen fields for increased employability.

“We couldn’t be more honored to be part of AstiELEVATE,” said Cristina Gervasio, entrepreneur in residence at KodeGo. “[Our] mission…is to provide accessible education, and we want to upskill Filipinos for better opportunities, which aligns with Asticom’s ownKodeGopurpose.”isa startup under Globe Tele com’s 917Ventures. It produces highlyskilled individuals through short, inten sive, and rigorous online tech training and placement services. “We’re grateful and thrilled to have KodeGo as one of our partners. Together with their support, we can continue creat ing opportunities for these aspiring young talents,” said Mharicar Castillo-Reyes, presi dent and CEO of Asticom Group of Compa nies. “By helping them grow in their careers, we also help improve their lives.”


As the country celebrated National TechVoc Day institutionalized through Repub lic Act 10970 that he authored, Villanueva pointed out that tech-voc alumni hold vast potential in contributing to the country’s way out of the pandemic. He said for every person hired, a family is given the opportunity to rise out of poverty and“ is faced with the challenge of finding employment for its population, as businesses are still finding their footing af ter the pandemic-induced economic slump,” he said, adding that the country has a good number of people in the work force, which includes seniors and retirees who can help the country’s economy get back on track. “[Work-wise], ability over age should mat ter,” he said. “We should exert…[efforts to hone or teach new skills to our elderly, mak ing] them employable anew.” As its former director general, Villanueva urged the Technical Education and Skills De velopment Authority, or Tesda, to continu ously involve the private sector in providing skills training to boost the graduates’ chances of getting hired. He said there is a need to strengthen private-sector participation in tech-voc ed ucation and training via enterprise-based upskilling not only to resolve job-skills mis matches, but also ensure enough supply of relevant skills that industries require. Philippine Statistics Authority data showed that the rate of jobless Filipinos in June 2022 reached 6 percent, or 2.99 million. While millions are on the lookout for jobs, the Commission on Population and Develop ment, or POPCOM, said the country needs at least 6 million effective workers to address consumers’ needs.

By Roderick L. Abad T HE Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda) will soon issue electronic Na tional Certificates (NCs) (e-certificates) nationwide in keeping with the digitali zation of its services to reach more of its graduates regardless of their locations.

Ensuring graduates will have a com prehensive background on caregiving, he pointed out that OIEG will adopt a blended-learning approach combining technical, employability and other es sential care-giving skills. The CCO also said placements for suc cessful graduates may apply in a variety of settings such as home care, nursing homes and home for the aged. He disclosed that tuition for the 40week CCA program is CAD$20,000. On top of that, a student will need at least CAD$38,000 to CAD$40,000 to cover for food, housing, and other living ex penses while studying in Nova Scotia. OIEG, Blake said, will allow students to work part-time to augment their income which will help pay for their tuition. He noted there will be a quick return of investment as care-giver as sistants, since they are in great demand in the Canadian province. Those with health-care backgrounds have a “built-in advantage,” as the OIEG official noted they would be more fa miliar with rudiments of the job. They must also pass Level 6 of the Interna tional English Language Testing Sys tem, or AsideIELTS.fromeconomic perks, the CCO disclosed that the other big “come-on” for students is the chance to apply for permanent-resident status in Canada after completing 18 months of resi dency.“Canada has a very good social-wel fare system, such as free health care and education,” Blake pointed out. “The Philippines can be possibly the biggest source of students who want to study and stay later in [the North American country],” he concluded. Rizal Raoul S. Reyes

T HE Filipino school system has been the same for 100 years, with children boxed inside traditional classrooms and rigid schedules. But as we’ve observed since the onset of the pandemic, learn ing does not have to be restricted within b oundaries.Children are individually unique, differ ing in the amount of time they need to learn s omething, elements that spark their inter est, as well as tools and resources that work b est for them. Why, then, do we pigeonhole students into one outdated learning setup? For many, flexibility is key to helping them reach their full potential. This is exactly what APEC Schools’ “SmartClass” offers: an inno vative e-homeschooling program designed f or independent, curiosity-driven learners. While the traditional setup might work for some, many students today require more breathing room to grow. As a home e-school ing program, SmartClass allows Filipino kids t o learn from the comforts of their homes. Whether they want to breeze through a lesson or slow down for more in-depth un derstanding, students can proceed at their o wn pace with SmartClass. This way, they no longer have to adjust to their classmates’ learning needs, ensuring that they complete ly understand lessons. I nstead of revolving around grades and tests, SmartClass focuses on honing prob lem-solving skills. Independent learners are t asked to conduct research and work on case studies across two or more subjects. As such, students are empowered to take control of their education, while developing critical thinking and creativity.

C ALLING “Gen X-ers,” millennials and “Gen Zs”: Do you have plans of studying in Canada, and later take permanent residency there? Oxford International Education Group (OIEG) recently launched a caregiving vocational course called “Con tinuing Care Assistant (CCA)” for quali fied Filipinos aged 20 to 54 years old. The program is open to those seeking a rewarding career in the province of Nova Scotia’s health-care sector, where work prospects are plenty. “Students who will enroll in the pro gram will study at the East Coast Inter national College in Canada. Our acquisi tion of [the said institution adds a new cap to OIEG’s] sterling performance in the education sector globally,” OIEG Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Andy Blake said in a press briefing. “We have a long experience in providing oppor tunities to people all over the world, while East Coast International’s CCA program delivers person-focused care to individuals. Our matching compe tencies should enable our combined strengths to deliver learning without borders and without limits.” Blake assured graduates of the 40week CCA care-giving course that they will be equipped with necessary knowl edge, skills, mindset and attitudes to deliver appropriate and respectful care.

Canada beckons Filipinos to work in health care, as caregivers

Wilnard Bacelonia/PNA with flying colors

AstiELEVATE cadets will undergo a sixmonth program designed to equip them with knowledge and experience toward employment-readiness.Bytheendoftheprogram, they will be posted in Asticom’s subsidiaries such as business process-solutions company Asti Business Services Inc., as well as Fiber In frastructure and Network Services Inc. The latter is a technology and engineering firm serving companies from the telecom and tech industries. For more information on Asticom and KodeGo, visit https://asticom. and

Majority Leader Joel Villanueva recently encouraged employers and firms to invest in technical-vocational (tech-voc) graduates who are “among the best in the world, and can get every job done.”

e p H e S u S s a huge complex with many interesting ancient ruins. tH e terrace Houses in ep hesus provide visitors with a glimpse of home life during ancient times.

T ravel bugs and lovers of the good life can “ e a t. Stay. l o ve” even this rainy season with the much-awaited September Online Sale (SOS) of the Hotel Sales and Market ing a s sociation of the Philippines (HSM a  Now).on its third year, the online travel mart will run for the whole month of September and will show case an array of hospitality packages, such as staycations, rejuvenating spa experiences, group tours, and food and beverage deals.  “From a 15-day event in our first year, we’ve planned a month-long travel mart. We are also including the ancillary services of the proper ties such as restaurants, bars, banquet packages, spa, gym and pool, and other hotel facilities to make this year’s cam paign more thrilling and inviting,” says HSM a president Benjie Martinez, who is also area director of sales and Marketing for Bayleaf Hotels. l a st year’s SOS sold over 5,100 vouchers, or equivalent to P29.2 mil lion in gross sales. The first SOS was held in 2020 at the height of the Co vid-19 pandemic to prepare for the eventual reopening of the tourism industry later on.  The 42-year old HSM a Philippines is the country’s leading group of hotel sales and marketing executives, with members from some 140 hotel and resort Theproperties.exciting deals can be booked through sos  so you can discover the charm of the countryside and avail of dis count offers on restaurants, meet ings and conferences packages, and banquets. Themonth-long online fair show cases 78 resorts and hotels from Metro Manila, the Calabarzon r e g ion, Boracay, Palawan, Bohol, Cebu, andvDavao.ouchers bought during the sale will have no expiry date, and packages may be availed of through secured online payment platforms, including its official partner, Maya. Participating establishments in

A7BusinessMirror Tourism&Entertainment Saturday, September 3, 2022Editor: Carla Mortel-Baricaua

tH e library of ce lsus is one of the most striking sites in ep hesus.

travel back in time in e p hesus aTT iC a nd io nian Greek colonists had e p hesus built sometime in the 10th century. The site was also the setting of the Council of e p hesus. The sprawling complex has well-preserved ruins ancient ruins that are constant remind ers of its great past. i walked past columns, remains of doors, walls, temples, and statues. i went to the theatre that once was able to accommodate more than 20,000 spectators. i went up to the highest seats and looked down at the au ditorium where tourists lingered, and i could hear the voice of the guide. i l ooked around and saw an overlooking view of the ruins. i wondered what life was like during those ancient times, when crowds cheered, jeered, or eagerly listened to an oration or a play. i followed the groups of people that made their way to the l i brary of Celsus. a l ong the way were vestiges of towering columns and walls, and broken pieces of stat ues and structures. a mong these ruins was the façade of the once great library. Built sometime in the 2nd century a D, the l i brary of Celsus used to contain thousands of scrolls. What’s left of this great structure is its striking façade. a f ter taking multiple photos, i w alked up to the ruins of the an cient library and saw statues with no heads or missing limbs and broken columns. What used to be a repository of ancient knowledge is now just a repository of ancient memories. i used my imagination to see scholars poring through scrolls and exchanging ideas. i didn’t leave the complex after seeing its main attractions, i then decided to enter the Terrace Hous es. The latter, like many things in the complex, is in a state of ruin and reconstruction. The archaeo logical site contained luxurious residential villas of the rich and some houses that belonged to the middle class of ancient times. it also contained mundane things like tables, furniture, and lists of necessities. i let my eyes linger on the graffiti on the walls; there were drawings of animals and people, and poems and declara tions of love written on the walls (as described by the captions along the railings). ev erything i saw in the Terrace Houses was just like a typical home in today’s time jux taposed with the past. i let these thoughts wander in my mind as i l eft the complex. t h e ruins of a c h ristian past i H a D an extra few days in Selcuk so i decided to see the other ruins in town. i walked up to ay asuluk Hill to explore the ruins of the Basilica of St. John. it w as one of the Christian relics in a predomi nantly Muslim country. e x perts state that St. John spent his last years in e p hesus and was buried in the area. Centuries after his death, Byzantine e m peror Jus tinian had a basilica built on the hill to honor St. John. The ruins are now a famous pilgrimage site for Christians. The hill where the ruins stand provides visitors with an elevated view of the town be low. it s eemed like the ideal place to write and contemplate.

Story & photos by Joshua Berida Selcuk, at first, didn’t feel like the the historic place I’ve read about. It seemed like any other tourist city with its streets lined with guesthouses, hotels, shops, and restaurants. However, I didn’t come here to stay in the city but to visit its ancient sites. After I checked in, I was eager and ready to explore Selcuk.

tH e House of the Virgin Mary is a famous christian pilgrimage site in Selcuk. tH e r uins of the b asilica of St. John in Selcuk. tH e centuries old Ayasuluk Fortress provides overlooking views of Selcuk. tH e Amphitheater in ep hesus can accommodate more than 20,000 spectators.

HSMA lAuncHeS tHird SepteMber Online SAle

Turkey has an interesting his tory that has taken its people through different cultures, reli gions, and histories. The country has drawn influences from the Greeks, Muslims, and Christians. a l l of these have come together in Selcuk as seen in the reconstruct ed ruins i found in town. History buffs will love this destination. There’s a lot to see in such a small town. The attractions are easily ac cessible by public transportation, taxi, or simply by walking.

The AncienT Ruins

Manila are Bayview Park Hotel, Dia mond Hotel, Hotel l u cky Chinatown, The Bayleaf i ntramuros, Winford r e s ort and OtherCasino. participating hotels are a c e Hotel and Suites, a s toria Plaza, Discovery Suites, Joy Nostalg Hotel & Suites, Marco Polo Ortigas, r i ch monde Hotel Ortigas, The l i nden Suites; B Hotel Quezon City, e a st wood r i chmonde Hotel, Park i n n by r a disson North e D S a , a nd Seda ver tis North.  r e discover southern Metro’s gems at a c acia Hotel, Dusit Thani, F1 Hotel, New World Makati Hotel, Seda BGC, Seda r e sidences Makati, The Bellevue Manila, Belmont Hotel, Conrad Hotel, Golden Phoenix Hotel, Holiday i n n e x press Newport City, Kingsford Ho tel, Midas Hotel and Casino, Okada, Savoy Hotel, and The Heritage Hotel.  r e lish the cuisine and culture of Pampanga at Marriott Hotel and Quest Plus Conference Center, both located at Clark Freeport.  Cool off in tropical Calabarzon’s a c uatico Beach r e sort and Hotel, a c u averde Beach r e sort and Hotel, a n ya r e sort Tagaytay, Pico Sands Hotel, Quest Hotel Tagaytay, Seda Nuvali, Summit r i dge Tagaytay, Taal v i sta Hotel, The Bayleaf Cavite, and Twin l a kesBaskHotel.inone of the world’s best beach islands and stay at a s toria Cur rent, Belmont Hotel, Crimson r e sort and Spa, Discovery Shores, Feliz Ho tel, l e S oleil, Savoy Hotel, and The l ind in Boracay. l i ve like royalty in the Queen City of the South at bai Hotel Cebu, Bluewater Maribago Beach r e sort, Bluewater Sumilon i s land r e sort, e l Mar r e sort, Marco Polo Plaza, Savoy Hotel Mactan, Waterfront a i rport Hotel and Casino, and Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino. l a ze in the central archipelago at Bluewater Panglao Beach r e sort, Mithi r e sort and Spa, Modala Beach r e sort, r i chmonde Hotel i l oilo, The Bellevue r e sort, Best Western Plus The i v ywall r e sort Panglao, The Ori ental l e yte, or at a s toria Palawan, Bacau Bay, Club Paradise Palawan, Seda l io , and e l N ido r e sorts—Pan gulasian i s land, Huni l io, and Miniloc i s land r e sort.  e x plore exotic Davao at Dusit Thani l u bi Plantation r e sort, Dusit Thani r e sidence Davao, dusitD2 Davao, or Waterfront i n sular Hotel.  SOS is supported by the Depart ment of Tourism, Tourism Promotions Board,  a t lantis, and Media Meter, and powered by Maya and Megaworld i nternational. Follow HSM a on Face book HSM a P H and i n stagram @HS M a P hilippines for updates.

r ic H MO n de Hotel loilo tH e bellevue Manila

ThAT DR Aws youR ATTenTion To selcuk

It’s nice to hear that in January of this year, Starbucks Philippines piloted the Starbucks FoodShare food donation program through its partnership with Philippine FoodBank Foundation and Grab. Under the partnership, participating Starbucks stores connect with Grab drivers to pick up food donations prepared by partners daily and deliver them to the Philippine FoodBank Foundation. The foundation then distributes the donations to communities in need of food assistance within Metro Manila.Starbucks Philippines, by the way, is the first market in Southeast Asia to come up with this initiative. All the unsold food from participating stores is carefully packed and sent out via Grab. Since the program launched, the company has donated close to 200,000 food items to communities in need in Metro Manila. How I wish this initiative would spread not just outside Metro Manila but also to fast-food chains. I know there are rules that these franchises need to follow but if you think about all that food going to waste, it’s very sad. The initiative is part of Starbucks’ commitment to support hunger relief in the country. The company also expanded the reach of its partnerships with Grab, the Philippine FoodBank Foundation, and Gawad Kalinga to help local communities, particularly children.

Messaging platform adds digital wallet and other features enhancement


The Musk letter, addressed to Twitter’s Chief Legal Officer Vijaya Gadde, said Zatko’s allegations provide extra reasons to end the deal if the July termination notice “is determined to be invalid for any reason.” Billionaire Musk has spent months alleging that the company he agreed to acquire undercounted its fake and spam accounts, which means he doesn’t have to go through with the deal.

In a separate SEC filing, Twitter responded to what it called Musk’s latest “purported termination,” saying it’s “based solely on statements made by a third party that, as Twitter has previously stated, are riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies and lack important context.”

Twitter is likely to amend its lawsuit to include Zatko’s allegations, so the court can decide on both the bot and cybersecurity issues. That could delay the trial because Musk will say he needs more time to prepare, said Brian Quinn, a law professor at Boston College.

TESLA CEO Elon Musk and Twitter lobbed more accusations at each other Tuesday in the latest round of legal filings over Musk’s efforts to rescind his offer to buy the social-media platform. Musk filed more paperwork in his bid to terminate the deal, this time based on information in a whistleblower complaint filed by Twitter’s former head of security.

Zatko received a subpoena Saturday from Musk’s team compelling him to testify in what Zatko’s lawyers emphasized would be an “involuntary” deposition ahead of the coming courtroom battle between Twitter and Musk. “He did not make his whistleblower disclosures to the appropriate governmental bodies to benefit Musk or to harm Twitter, but rather to protect the American public and Twitter shareholders,” Zatko’s lawyers wrote in a prepared statement.

The court will have to decide whether the bot or cybersecurity issues are a “material adverse effect” that will harm Twitter’s business for years—a difficult legal bar to clear, Quinn said. AP MUSK


In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Musk said his legal team notified Twitter of “additional bases” for ending the deal on top of the ones given in the original termination notice issued in July.

Rakuten Viber’s CEO, who stepped into the role in August last year, has made significant contributions to growing and bringing the platform closer to users throughout the journey of his more than 7-year tenure with the Recently,company.Viber’s ongoing advancements have provided features to help maximize the user experience in both business and entertainment, together with encouraging users to communicate with each other.

Having a Twitter Circle is having a private account that’s not really private. Imagine talking to your friends so openly without fear. Now available on iOS, Android and the desktop, Twitter Circle is the ultimate “you can’t sit with us.” ■ shop chain partners with ride hailing app for food sharing program

Now occupying Viber’s highest post, Eyal oversees the implementation of the company’s ambitious product development and market expansion efforts. Meanwhile, he looks for new business opportunities as the company continues to distinguish itself as a global industry leader.

■■■ IF you’re on Twitter, you’d know that one of the biggest news for users of the app is that everyone now has Twitter Circle. This feature allows you to send tweets to select people, and share your thoughts with a smaller crowd. You can choose who’s in your Twitter Circle (you can add up to 150 accounts), and only the people you’ve added can reply to and interact with the Tweets you share in the circle. When one member of your Twitter Circle replies to your tweets, their followers who are not part of the circle will not see the tweet.

TO make cryptocurrency transactions more accessible for Filipinos, cryptocurrency over-the-counter service Moneybees has partnered with the household pawnshop brand Tambunting to be one of its partner over-the-counter (OTC) outlets offering crypto buy and sell services. Moneybees has activated crypto exchange services at 10 selected Tambunting branches across Metro Manila. There are over 1,200 Tambunting branches nationwide. With Moneybees, customers can buy or cash out crypto from any wallet, such as Metamask, Binance, PDax, and Trust Wallet, among others. Transaction limits are up to P5,000,000 per day. “The landscape in the money service business has evolved over time from the traditional to the digital way of doing things. The taste and preferences of our customers have likewise changed. Our company sees the need to keep up with the times and learn to adapt to changes, otherwise we will not be able to continue as a going concern. We have to cross-sell and add more products and services,” Tambunting compliance officer Nora Daileg said. Moneybees is the first cryptocurrency over-the-counter service in the Philippines, founded in 2017, making the exchange between fiat and virtual currencies more accessible to many. They provide the technology to money service businesses with physical outlets to accept and facilitate cryptocurrency transactions in their shops without the risk of market volatility. “This is a groundbreaking opportunity to partner with a reliable institution like Tambunting, which has been in the industry and trusted by Filipino families for over a century. The crypto ecosystem is at a critical growth juncture, and we are committed to helping accelerate its trajectory by providing a simple and secure way of buying and selling crypto via OTC,” Moneybees CEO Paulo del Puerto said. Moneybees Forex Corp. ( is duly registered with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and with the Anti-Money Laundering Council as a Virtual Asset Service Provider.

With a clear direction on where he wants to take Viber next, Eyal’s leadership is expected to sustain Viber’s continued growth in product and service development and expansion into new markets, as well as entrench Viber as a major and innovative player in the global messaging and app landscape.

I HAVE always wondered what happened to cooked and prepared food that were unsold by restaurants and coffee shops for the day. I know that some of these establishments dispose of such food for safety reasons. In a way, I understand that different types of food have specific shelf lives and giving them to people could put the recipient at risk for food poisoning. On the other hand, there is the reality that many people are hungry and have no means to buy food while perfectly edible stuff is being thrown away.

APAC is currently one of Viber’s highest growth regions. It grows over 20 percent annually and continues to innovate partnerships and projects unique to the region. In the Philippines, Viber remains an integral communication platform with 30 percent annual growth in active usage, 25 percent increase of one-toone messages sent, 39 percent growth in group calls, and 101 percent in video calls. It has become a go-to app not only for calling and messaging but also for doingAmidbusiness.aglobal health crisis that has affected micro, small, and medium enterprises or MSMEs, Viber has given them an opportunity to harness the power of conversational commerce through Communities and Channels that connected small online entrepreneurs to certain hyperlocal or specific interest groups.

Twitter fired back by saying Musk’s attempt to back out is “invalid and wrongful.”

A8, September 3, 2022 • Editor: Gerard S. Ramos BusinessMirror Grab.FoundationPhilippineindonationFoodSharethePhilippinesSTARBUCKSpilotedStarbucksfoodprogrampartnershipwithFoodBankand PHOTO INSTAGRAM@STARBUCKSPHFROMON Coffee

“Starbucks has always been a different kind of company, one deep with purpose,” said Michael Conway, group president, Starbucks International and Channel Development. “Since we entered the Philippines 25 years ago, Starbucks now has more than 400 stores, and we are using our scale for good by creating meaningful impact for our partners, customers and communities. We’re proud of our green apron partners in the Philippines and the impact they are making to reduce hunger and support the well-being of their communities.” Conway and Noey Lopez, president and CEO of Starbucks Philippines, also announced that Starbucks Philippines will award a $25,000 grant to the Philippine FoodBank Foundation and another $25,000 grant to Gawad Kalinga. These grants will focus on expanding the ongoing Starbucks FoodShare and Gawad Kalinga’s Kusina ng Kalinga feeding programs.InApril 2022, The Starbucks Foundation also awarded a $50,000 Global Community Impact Grant to Gawad Kalinga to support the Kusina ng Kalinga, a food donation program that aims to bring children back to proper nutrition within 95 days.

NEW Rakuten Viber chief executive officer Ofir Eyal is bringing the popular communications app to the fintech category as it’s determined to offer users more than its core messaging and calling features, a critical move to fulfill its vision of becoming a super app. Viber is set to roll out the in-app Payments service, allowing users to create a digital wallet within the platform. Payment wallets can be linked to bank accounts as well as Visa and Mastercard to transfer money to other individuals, buy products, and pay for bills. Viber will first introduce peer-to-peer transfers, which will be available to users for free. The service will be available in Germany and Greece later this summer, during the first period, Viber will gather user feedback necessary to further improve the product before launching in additional markets.“Inmy role as CEO, I am honored to lead and be part of a highly-driven team in Rakuten Viber as we pursue the company’s vision and mission in the face of impending challenges. In addition, we would like to keep Viber’s high standards and innovative spirit when it comes to operating and enhancing the app to improve the user experience and ultimately become a super app. I will always appreciate and be grateful to employees who are part of the journey to make Viber become what it is today.” Mr. Eyal said.

RAKUTEN Viber chief executive officer Ofir Eyal

Twitter has sued Musk, asking the Delaware Chancery Court to force him to go through with the $44 billion deal. A high-stakes trial is set to start the week of October 17. In a letter to Twitter Inc., which was included in the filing, Musk’s advisors cited the whistleblower report by former executive Peiter Zatko—also known by his hacker handle “Mudge.” Zatko, who served as Twitter’s head of security until he was fired early this year, alleged in his complaint to US officials that the company misled regulators about its poor cybersecurity defenses and its negligence in attempting to root out fake accounts that spread disinformation.

Lastly, in terms of battery life, the realme Pad X has an 8,340mAh battery which is just right for its size. Never did I need to reach for the charger while using it throughout the day. It also comes with a 33W charger inside the box that should fully charge it in about two hours. Like I said earlier, the realme Pad X is the best tablet offering from the brand, and it ticks all the right boxes when it comes to display, sound and performance. The only thing stopping me from telling you to get one now is because realme has yet to release their official keyboard and realme Pencil. ■ Gerard S. Ramos •

REALME MAKES ITS MARK WITH THE PAD X WHEN I was six, my aunt would buy me a book almost every month, and that’s what started my fascination for the written word. I remember reading 20 volumes of an encyclopedia (a gift from my mom) from cover to cover when I was in Grade 2 just because I was challenged by my teacher. I know books have become quite expensive, but you can get a tablet instead, download lots of free books (some even interactive ones) and let them use it for schoolwork as well. I would actually suggest giving a young kid a tablet instead of a smartphone as it would be more useful. The bigger screen will make it easier for them to read ebooks and browse web sites with useful content. Moreover, if you get one with pen support, pre-schoolers could even learn how to write and draw with it. And because it has a bigger screen than a smartphone, you can easily monitor what videos or sites they are watching.


Saturday, September 3, 2022

The power button is on top while the volume rocker, microphone, and magnetic pin for the realme Pencil are on the right side. There is no headphone jack or fingerprint scanner on the Pad X—meaning you’ll have to use either face unlock or PIN code for security. For the display, the Pad X has a 10.95” 2K FullView Display offering a resolution of 2,000 x 1,200 pixels with a screen-to-body ratio of 84.6 percent. The screen is sharp with vibrant colors, and good viewing angles with a maximum brightness that can reach up to 450TheNits.only downside is that it only has a 60Hz panel, and if you’re used to the higher refresh rates on your smartphone, you might notice that the animations and browsing experience aren’t that smooth. Still, it doesn’t ruin the experience. For audio, the quad Dolby Speaker setup on the realme Pad X is among the best ones you can find on a tablet at this price point. It’s loud, and produces crisp sounds with minimal distortion even with the volume at max. There’s also a decent amount of bass, which means you are guaranteed an immersive videowatching experience even without headphones or Bluetooth speakers. As we always say, don’t buy a tablet for its cameras, as using it to take pictures is both awkward and difficult. But in case you do need to take a snap, the realme Pad X has a capable 13MP Al Camera with an aperture of f/2.2, focal length of 33.7mm, and x6 Zoom. For the front cam, the 8MP Al Camera has a 105° Wide Front Camera that can take a wider image for groufies, or if you need to fit in a few other people during video calls. Photo quality isn’t the best but given the right lighting conditions and the help of AI, photos are still usable. Worth mentioning is the Limelight feature of the front camera, which is supported on Google Meet, Zoom, and Google Duo. It automatically tracks the user’s face and crops them in and out as they move around the frame. The functionality works well with even five people in the frame.The realme Pad X is also a capable alternative to a PC or laptop because of its Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 processor, a popular SoC which has been used by several other Android phones. This powerefficient Qualcomm processor comes with two Cortex-A78, and six Cortex-A55 Cores, and is paired with an Adreno 619 GPU. The 6GB RAM plus up to 5GB Dynamic RAM expansion allows for easy multi-tasking even when multiple apps are open in the background. All these make for an efficient multitasking performance so you can use it for entertainment and gaming, and at the same time be your ultimate productivity companion for school and work. Now that I’m also attending face-to-face events again, I’ve used the realme Pad X to blog, edit photos and videos, and create content, and I was able to do everything without wishing for my laptop.

PLDT and Smart’s Child Protection Platform is a cybersecurity solution developed to address these problems by blocking illegal CSAM traffic at the content level, thereby effectively restricting access to CSAM that have found their way into legitimate domains.  Redoble said PLDT and Smart have long been at the forefront of the global fight against online child abuse and human trafficking, as part of its efforts to uphold the child protection principles of Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009. He pointed out that PLDT and Smart have also joined peers and other stakeholders from the private and government sectors in calling for the immediate passage of the Anti-OSAEC bill. The proposed law will institutionalize the taking down of web sites that stream or host CSAM, as well as impose stiffer penalties against parties involved in child abuse cases. “Protecting children online is of paramount importance to PLDT and Smart—it’s in our DNA. As the Philippines’s leading wireless provider, we wanted to engage with a partner with deep technical expertise and a shared mission to build a safe Internet for children,”  Redoble said. “Palo Alto Networks demonstrated the capabilities to be at the core of our platform and provide consistent security and visibility across our network. Since it was imperative that the solution needed to be tailor-built to suit our needs, we were on the lookout for an innovative cybersecurity partner, which we found in Palo Alto Networks.”  Powered by Palo Alto Networks’ technology, Redoble said PLDT and Smart’s Child Protection Platform blocks traffic at the content level and comply with regulatory requirements pertaining to illegal CSAM. Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) and Cloud-Delivered Security Services including Threat Prevention, Advanced URL Filtering and WildFire scrutinize the content and convert URLs for redirection if CSAM-related traffic is found. Through the matching of blocked URLs against the blocked listing policy, the solution put in place will then alert PLDT and Smart that the user is trying to access CSAM. “As the attack surface for children is expanding due to increased time spent online for academics and entertainment, a scalable cybersecurity solution is needed to be implemented to ensure their online safety,” said Oscar Visaya, Philippine country manager at Palo Alto Networks. “Providing the technological infrastructure for the Child Protection Platform, our collaboration with PLDT and Smart and their extensive network coverage will accelerate our vision of protecting the next generation from CSAM content.”Visaya said the Palo Alto Networks solution it provides to the PLDT and Smart Child Protection Platform has the  scale and speed to integrate any future challenges that may arise in fighting perpetrators of online sexual abuse and child exploitation.

A FTER two years, millions of facemaskwearing students finally trooped back to school last week for their first face-to-face classes—armed with the knowledge they gained from modules, online classes, and, for many, the school of Tiktok. And with it comes the return of the perennial problems of our educational system—overcrowding, classroom shortages, lack/damaged school facilities, overworked teachers, and now you can add “lingering Covid-19 fears” to the list. But there’s also another problem being faced by the young students who enrolled this school year. According to a recent news report, nine out of 10 Filipino children are still struggling to read simple texts by age 10. That makes the Philippines one of the countries with the highest rates of “learning poverty” in the East Asia and Pacific region and among lowermiddle-income economies, the World Bank said in a report.Based on World Bank estimates, as many as 91 percent of children in the Philippines at late primary age “are not proficient in reading.” Compared with our neighbors in the region, the Philippine learning poverty rate was higher by 56.4 points and more than double the regional average of 34.5 percent. Does that mean our Filipino students are becoming stupid? That’s highly unlikely, but when you’re leaving your child to the care of TikTok and its algorithms (not the educational ones), don’t expect them to bring medals. And when all they know are the viral challenges and they start using or saying “Forda Ferson,” it’s time to take their phones away and start throwing books at them (to read) instead.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.”

The good news is that there’s an Android tablet for every price point and if you are planning on getting one that is future-proof you might want to consider the realme Pad X. This tablet supports Google Kids Space that offers a range of kid-friendly apps, videos and books all in a colorful, vibrant, and easy-tonavigate interface that makes reading and learning fun.In celebration of the realme fanfest 2022 and the fifth consecutive quarter of being the Philippines’s No. 1 smartphone brand, realme expands its TechLife ecosystem portfolio with the realme Pad X. The realme Pad X has a 10.95” 2K FullView Display, Dolby Atmos Quad Speakers, Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 5G Processor, and 8,340mAh Battery with 33W Dart Charge support. The 13MP AI Camera can be used for photos and the 105° Wide Front Camera is best for those online classes or even your Zoom meetings. The realme Pad X comes with a 6GB+128GB configuration, and 5G support for both sim card slots making it one of the few future-proof tablets because of thisI’vefeature.beenusing the realme Pad X for the past few weeks and I must say that this is the best tablet offering from the brand and well worth its P15,999 priceMuchtag. like the realme Pad and realme Pad mini, the Pad X follows the same design principle and has a solid build, despite only having a polycarbonate body unlike the previous two. The realme Pad X measures just 7.1mm and weighs well under 500 grams. This makes it still quite portable if you need to bring it to school or for remote work. The device ships with two speaker grills which are positioned on either side of the tablet’s frame. Editor:


GLOBAL cybersecurity provider Palo Alto Networks was recently tapped by PLDT Inc. (PLDT) and its wireless unit Smart Communications (Smart) to bolster the capabilities of the the two telcos’ Child Protection Platform and establish a safer online experience for children.  Angel Redoble, first vice president  and chief information security officer at PLDT and Smart, said in a recent online press briefing the platform has blocked more than 1 billion attempts to access URLs with child sexual abuse material (CSAM) since November 2021. A recent report revealed that in 2020, an estimated 2 million children in the Philippines were exposed to content that is considered inappropriate. The same report also highlighted that one in five children in the Philippines aged 12 to 17 encountered CSAM while using the Internet.

A tale of a value tablet

PLDT taps Palo Alto Networks to fight online child abuse and human trafficking

T HE risk of civil unrest has spiked across the globe as developed nations and emerging markets alike grapple with spiraling inflation and upheaval exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to a report.


The restrictions don’t affect Nvidia’s productsbetter-knownusedinvideo games and automotive technology.

Nvidia said it was told last week it needs a US government license to export any product with performance equal to its A100 graphics processing chips or better to China, Hong Kong or Russia. It said buyers of the A100, and development of the newer H100, might be affected. But in an amended disclosure Thursday to US securities regulators, the company said the US government was offering some reprieve by authorizing certain chip exports that will enable Nvidia to keep supplying them to American customers through March.

Another US chipmaker, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), said Friday it had also received new licensing requirements from the US Department of Commerce blocking the shipment of some of its high-end graphics processors to China and Russia. But AMD said it was unlikely to cause productdevelopment delays or have a material impact on its business.

Inflation and war are stoking civil unrest across globe, research shows

The boom in America’s farm ing costs comes as the world in creasingly turns to the US for sup plies as the war in Ukraine roils commodity markets and disrupts crucial grain shipments from the Black Sea, one of the oralsoporter.mentsUkraineworriestilizerSeapricesraisingcomehungerthroughmonthshavebreadbaskets. Global foodworld’spricestouchedrecordsinrecentasinflationrippleseconomiesandlevelsofareontherise.Thebiggestleapsincostsfromfertilizerandfeedforanimals.CornandwheatremainelevatedwithBlackexportsstill inturmoil. Fermarketshavesurgedonthatsanctionsoverthewarwould hurtshipfromRussia,a majorexEurope’senergycrunchisforcingsomeplantstoclosecurtailproduction.

China’s Commerce Ministry accused Washington of abusing export controls to limit semiconductor sales to China. It said trade curbs would disrupt supply chains and global economic recovery. “China firmly opposes this,” said a stability.”contributefromcountriestreatitsshouldJueting.spokesperson,ministryShu“TheUSsideimmediatelystoperroneouspractices,companiesfromallequally,includingChina,anddomoretotoworldeconomic

AP I secureagenciesPakistan’sdueeases,andinmorehomesthousandsdrinkingtoasrecentterbornereportedhealthSLAMABAD—PakistaniofficialsonThursdayanoutbreakofwadiseasesinareashitbyrecord-breakingflooding,authoritiessteppedupeffortsensuretheprovisionofcleanwatertohundredsofofpeoplewholosttheirinthedisaster.TheUNchildren’sagencysaidthan3millionchildrenwereneedofhumanitarianassistancestoodatheightenedriskofdisdrowningandmalnutritiontothemostseverefloodinginrecenthistory.Pakistaniauthoritiesandaidalsowereworkingtomedicalfacilitiestothou sands of pregnant women, who are among 33 million people affected by Diarrhea,floods. skin diseases and eye infections are spreading at relief camps set up by the government across the country. Over 90,000 diarrhea cases were reported from one of the worst-hit provinces, Sindh, in the past 24 hours, ac cording to a report released by the health officials. But the illnesses were also reported from other flood-hit areas. The grim updates came a day af ter Pakistan and the World Health Organization raised concern over the spread of waterborne diseases among flood victims. Pakistan blames climate change for unusually early and heavy monsoon rains, which since June have caused flash floods that have killed 1,191 people and affected 33 million people. About a million homes have also been damaged or destroyedFloodwaters continued to re cede in the most of the country, but many districts in southern Sindh province remained under water, forcing displaced people to stay at donated camps. Among those flood victims staying at a relief camp in the dis trict of Shikar Pur in Sindh was Mundam Ali, 21, who is seven months pregnant. She said she has a backache and cough. Ali said she had no other choice except to live in the relief camp, as her village was still Rameshsubmerged.Kumar,a medical doc tor in Shikar Pur, said he treated scores of flood victims and most of them had waterborne diseases. Nearly half a million flood dis placed are living in relief camps. In Sindh province, thousands of medical camps have been set up in flood-stricken areas to treat vic tims, said Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho, the provincial health minister. Mobile medical units have also been deployed. The World Health Organization says it is increasing surveillance for acute diarrhea, cholera and other communicable diseases and providing medical supplies to health facilities.


Waterborne diseases spread among flood victims in Pakistan

Cost of growing food in US set to rise by most ever in ‘22

Bloomberg News

US officials increasingly worry about Chinese technology development as both a strategic threat and a potential challenge to American industrial leadership.Washington has tightened controls and lobbied allies to limit Chinese access to the most advanced chips and tools to develop its own. China is spending heavily to develop its fledgling producers but cannot make high-end chips used in the most advanced smartphones and other devices. In a earlier disclosure Wednesday, Nvidia said it may be required to “transition certain operations out of China.” The company said it was asking the US government for exemptions for its development and support activities. It said it would try to meet Chinese customer needs with products that aren’t subject to license requirements. It said the company might seek a license for customers that need them but “has no assurance” the US government will agree. Shares in Nvidia Corp., which is based in Santa Clara, California, lost $11.57, or almost 8 percent, to close Thursday at $139.37. AP China demands US drop technology export curbs after Nvidia warning

EIJING—The Chinese government on Thursday called on Washington to repeal its technology export curbs after California-based chip designer Nvidia said a new product might be delayed and some work might be moved out of China. The latest controls add to mounting US-Chinese tension over technology and security. American officials say they need to limit the spread of technology that can be used to make weapons.

THE cost to grow food is soar ing according to a new US report, a sign that inflation and its worst effects, such as hun ger, aren’tEverythingover.that farmers use to cultivate crops from fertilizer to feed and labor are skyrocket ing in price. Production costs are estimated to rise by $66.2 billion or 18 percent in 2022, the most ever, according to the US Depart ment of Agriculture.

Australia increases permanent immigration by 35K to 195K C ANBERRA, Australia—The Australian government an nounced on Friday it will increase its permanent immigra tion intake by 35,000 to 195,000 in the current fiscal year as the nation grapples with skills and laborHomeshortages.Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil announced the increase for the year ending June 30, 2023, during a two-day summit of 140 representatives of governments, trade unions, businesses and in dustry to address skills shortages exacerbated by the pandemic. O’Neill said Australian nurses have been working double and triple shifts for the past two years, flights were being canceled because of a lack of ground staff and fruit was being left to rot on trees because there was no one to pick it. “Our focus is always Australian jobs first, and that’s why so much of the summit has focused on training and on the participation of women and other marginalized groups,” O’Neill said. “But the impact of Covid has been so severe that even if we exhaust every other possibility, we will still be many thousands of workers short, at least in the short term,” she added.

O’Neill said many of the “best and brightest minds” were choos ing to migrate to Canada, Germany and Britain instead of Australia. She described Australia’s im migration program as “fiendish ly complex” with more than 70 unique visa Australiaprograms.wouldestablish a panel to rebuild its immigration program in the national interest, shePrimesaid. Minister Anthony Al banese announced on Thursday, the first day of the Jobs and Skills Summit, that 180,000 places would be offered in vocational edu cation schools next year at a cost of 1.1 billion Australian dollars ($748,000) to reduce the nation’s skillsAustraliashortage.imposed some of the strictest international travel re strictions of an democratic coun try for 20 months early in the pandemic and gradually reopened to skilled workers from December last year.

Bloomberg News

The World BusinessMirrorSaturday, September 3, 2022 Editor: Angel R. Calso •

The mounting potential for un rest is likely only to be addressed with a “significant reduction” in food and energy prices, the report showed. But weather is also a factor, particularly in Europe, where a cold heating season would exacerbate the continent’s energy crunch.  Wealthy nations such as Germa ny, where the prospect of energy shortages has played out in higher gas and electricity bills and the specter of rolling blackouts, show an uptick. Even Switzerland, where inflation is at a three-decade high and officials warn of high prices lingering, registered an increase, the research showed.   Hot spots among developing nations include Sri Lanka, where widespread protests over fuel shortages and mismanagement toppled its government this year, as the country negotiates a bailout. Algeria, where gas revenue has staved off spending cuts, showed the biggest potential for risk in the next six months, researchers said.  Many nations that were able to prop up their economies through the pandemic are now struggling to maintain social spending. Those include Egypt, Bolivia, the Phil ippines, Serbia, Zimbabwe and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Theindexisderived from a range of surveys assessing fac tors like inflation, mechanisms to overcome conflict and the impact of unrest.

The high-end chips are designed to help power data centers and run artificial intelligence applications.

VISITORS stop by the booth of Nvidia at the Apsara Conference, an annual cloud service technology forum hosted by Alibaba Group, in Hangzhou in eastern China’s Zhejiang province on Tuesday, October 19, 2021. The Chinese government on Thursday, September 1, 2022, called on Washington to repeal its technology export curbs after chip designer Nvidia Corp. said a new product might be delayed and some work might be moved out of China. AP

Of 198 countries tracked in the Civil Unrest Index, 101 showed mounting risk in the third quarter of 2022, according to research collected by intelli gence firm Verisk Maplecroft. That’s the biggest increase since the ranking was developed in 2016, it showed.  The potential for unrest is ris ing across Europe, which is brac ing for a long winter of energy disruption because of the war in Ukraine—as well as the develop ing world, where price spikes on basic staples have triggered con cern of a global food crisis. The threat is set to grow over the com ing months, researchers say.  Particularly in developed na tions, civil unrest could take the form of demonstrations and labor strikes with the potential to tear at nations’ social fabric.  “These are significant events in terms of disrupting every day life,” Jimena Blanco, chief analyst for Verisk Maplecroft, said in an interview. In emerging markets, worst-case scenarios may involve “rioting, looting, even attempts to overthrow the government,” sheGlobalsaid.  inflation is likely to lin ger for months, with no prospect of returning to levels before the twin shocks of the Covid-19 pan demic and the war in Ukraine— even if consumer-price inflation is set to ease somewhat in the second half.  As for civil unrest, while Verisk researchers predicted an increase in risk in 2020, the jump shown by research has been “far worse” than initially forecast, the report said. Inflation levels mean that almost half of countries on the index are categorized as “high” or “extreme” risk levels.

M OSCOW—Russia on Thursday launched weeklong war games involving forces from China and other nations in a show of growing defense cooperation between Mos cow and Beijing, as they both face tensions with the United States. The maneuvers are also in tended to demonstrate that Moscow has sufficient military might for massive drills even as its troops are engaged in military action in Ukraine. The Russian Defense Minis try said that the Vostok 2022 (East 2022) exercise will be held until September 7 at seven fir ing ranges in Russia’s Far East and the Sea of Japan and in volve more than 50,000 troops and over 5,000 weapons units, including 140 aircraft and 60 warships.Russian General Staff chief, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, will per sonally oversee the drills involv ing troops from several ex-Soviet nations, China, India, Laos, Mon golia, Nicaragua and Syria. The Defense Ministry noted that as part of the maneuvers, the Russian and Chinese na vies in the Sea of Japan will “practice joint action to protect sea communications, areas of marine economic activity and support for ground troops in littoralBeijingareas.”sent more than 2,000 troops along with more than 300 military vehicles, 21 combat air craft and three warships to take part in the drills, Chinese news reportsChina’ssaid.Global Times news paper noted that the maneu vers marked the first time that China has sent forces from three branches of its military to take part in a single Russian drill, in what it described as a show of the breadth and depth of ChinaRussia military cooperation and mutual trust. The drills showcase increas ing defense ties between Moscow and Beijing, which have grown stronger since Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his troops into Ukraine on February 24. China has pointedly refused to criticize Rus sia’s actions, blaming the US and NATO for provoking Moscow, and has blasted the punishing sanc tions imposed on Moscow. Russia, in turn, has strongly backed China amid the tensions with the US that followed a re cent visit to Taiwan by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Putin has drawn parallels be tween US support for Ukraine and Pelosi’s trip, describing them both as part of alleged efforts by Washington to foment global instability.Alexander Gabuyev, a politi cal analyst who closely follows Russia-China ties, noted that “it’s very important for Beijing to show to the US that it has le vers to pressure America and its global“Theinterests.”jointmaneuvers with Moscow, including the naval drills, are intended to signal that if the pressure on Beijing continues it will have no other choice but to strengthen the military partnership with Rus sia,” Gabuyev said. “It will have a direct impact on the interests of the US and its allies, includ ingHeJapan.”noted that the Kremlin, for its part, wants to show that the country’s military is pow erful enough to flex its muscle elsewhere despite the campaign in Ukraine.“TheRussian leadership dem onstrates that everything goes according to plan and the country and its military have resources to conduct the maneuvers along with the special military opera tion,” Gabuyev said.

Russian top oil exec dies; fall windowfromblamed

IN this handout photo released by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, Chinese troops march during the Vostok 2022 military exercise at a firing range in Russia’s Far East on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Russia on Thursday launched weeklong war games involving forces from China and other nations in a show of growing defense cooperation between Moscow and Beijing, as they both face tensions with the United States. AP

By Zeke Miller & Josh Boak The Associated Press P

RAVIL MAGANOV BLOOMBERG B ERLIN—The stench is gone and, slowly, the fish are re turning to the Emscher, a river through western Germany’s industrial heartland that for de cades was not just a blot on the landscape but officially deemed an open Germansewer.Chancellor Olaf Scholz celebrated the river’s revival Thursday, hailing the 30-year ef fort to “rewild” the Emscher as an example of the perseverance that the country would also need in transforming its economy to a cleaner, greener future. When the project began in the early 1990s, few could have imag ined that the Emscher would ever be anything other than a “concrete sewage canal, an open cesspool, a stinking caricature of a river,” ScholzThesaid.Emscher runs through Germany’s Ruhr region, which be came a magnet for industry from the 19th century onward. Its coal pits fueled steel works and facto ries that turned Germany into an industrial powerhouse, but also caused widespread environmental destruction.Sincemining made the con struction of large-scale sewage systems difficult, the Emscher was used for almost a century to transport the region’s waste and effluent downstream, earning it the dubious honor of Germany’s dirtiest river. As part of a 5.5-billion euro ($5.5-billion) project, waste water is now being channeled through an underground canal and the Emscher is officially sewage free.


BusinessMirror Saturday, September 3, 2022 The World A11

Biden at Independence Hall: Trump, allies threaten America’s democracy

Aiming to reframe the Novem ber elections as part of a battle for the nation’s soul—“the work of my presidency,” Biden used his prime-time speech at Indepen dence Hall in Philadelphia to argue that Trump and “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, allies are a challenge to nation’s system of government, its standing abroad and its citizens’ way of life. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extrem ism that threatens the very foun dations of our Republic,” Biden declared. He said they “are deter mined to take this country back ward’ they “promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence.” The explicit effort by Biden to marginalize Trump and his adher ents marks a sharp turn for the president, who preached his desire to bring about national unity in his Inaugural Address. White House of ficials said it reflects his mounting concern about Trump allies’ ideolog ical proposals and relentless denial of the nation’s 2020 election results. “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” Biden is saying, according to prepared re marks released by the White House. “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.” “For a long time, we’ve reas sured ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed. But it is not,” Biden says. “We have to de fend it. Protect it. Stand up for it. Each and every one of us.” Biden, who largely avoided even referring to “the former guy” by name during his first year in of fice, has grown increasingly vocal in calling out Trump personally. Now, emboldened by his party’s recent legislative wins and wary of Trump’s return to the headlines, Biden is sharpening his attacks. Trump plans a rally this week end in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden’s birthplace. At a Democratic fundraiser last week, Biden likened the “MAGA philosophy” to “semi-fascism.” In Philadelphia, White House of ficials said, Biden intended to hark back to the 2017 white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, which he says brought him out of political retirement to challenge Trump. Biden argues that the coun try faces a similar crossroads in the comingBidenmonths.alliesstress that he is not rejecting the entirety of the GOP and is calling on traditional Re publicans to join him in condemn ing Trump and his followers. It’s a balancing act, given that more than 74 million people voted for Trump in 2020. “I respect conservative Re publicans,” Biden said last week. “I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans.”Deliveringa preemptive rebut tal from Scranton Thursday eve ning, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy accused Biden of trying to divide Americans, and blasted the Democrats’ record in Washington, pointing to rising inflation, crime and government spending.“Inthepast two years, Joe Biden has launched an assault on the soul of America, on its people, on its laws, on its most sacred values,” he said. “He has launched an assault on our democracy. His policies have severely wounded America’s soul, diminished America’s spirit and betrayed America’s trust.” Asked about McCarthy’s criti cism, White House Press Secre tary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We understand we hit a nerve” with the GOP leader, and quoted the Republican’s prior statements, saying Trump bore responsibility for the January 6, 2021, attack on the US LarryCapitol.Diamond, an expert on democracy and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, said calling Trump out for attacks on democracy “can be manipulated or framed as being partisan. And if you don’t call it out, you are shrinking from an im portant challenge in the defense of democracy.”

HILADELPHIA—President Joe Biden warned Thursday night that “equality and democracy are under assault” in the US as he sounded an alarm about his predecessor, Donald Trump, and “MAGA Republican” adherents, labeling them an extremist threat to the nation and its future.

Russia starts war drills with China amid tensions with US M

OSCOW—The chairman of the board of Russia’s largest private oil com pany, which criticized Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, fell out of a hospital window and died, Russian news reports said Thursday.Thecircumstances of Lukoil chairman Ravil Maganov’s death wereTheunclear.state news agency Tass cited an unnamed law enforce ment source as saying Maganov committed suicide while being treated at Central Clinical Hos pital in Moscow. The report said he had been admitted there for a heart attack and was taking antidepressants.ALukoilstatement Thursday said Maganov “passed away af ter a severe illness” but did not giveLukoildetails.was one of the few Rus sian companies to publicly cen sure Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, calling in March for the “immediate cessation of the armedMaganovconflict.”isthe latest in a series of Russian businessmen, particu larly in the energy industry, who have died suddenly in unclear cir cumstances this year. His body was found on the grounds of the hospital, where Russia’s political and business elite are often treated, the reports said.

AP Germany hails revival of river once called open sewage canal, cesspool


A sked about the traditional handshake that follows a match, Kostyuk said: “I just don’t think it’s the right thing to do in the circumstances I’m in right now.” A zarenka said she had already faced that situation with a Ukrainian player when she played Dayana Yastremska last month in Washington.Itiswhat it is. I just move on,” Azarenka said. “I cannot force anybody to shake my hand. It’s their decision.”Kostyuk said she texted Azarenka a day before the match to inform her there would be no handshake. Azarenka returned the text, telling Kostyuk she was no longer onsite, so Kostyuk dropped the subject because she wanted to deliver the message in person.Azarenka said she reached out to all the Ukrainian players she has a relationship with in March after the invasion. Kostyuk isn’t one of them, but Azarenka said she tried nevertheless.Well,I’ve offered many times through the WTA [Women’s Tennis Association], because I believe that there is a sort of sensitivity. I’ve been told that that’s not a good time,” Azarenka said. “ If Marta wants to speak with me, like she texted me yesterday, I replied. I’m open any time to listen, to try to understand, to sympathize. I believe that empathy in the moment like this is really important, which has, again, been my clear message in theKbeginning.”ostyukquestioned Azarenka being part of the  “Tennis Plays for Peace Exhibition” that the US Tennis Association held the week before the tournament to raise money for Ukraine. Azarenka was dropped from the lineup the day of the event, which helped generate more than $1 million for humanitarian assistance. Everyone is trying to be super democratic about this thing that happened and because it’s like, my nation is being killed daily, I’m going to tell you from my perspective very quickly so I don’t think I ever want to answer this question again,” Kostyuk said. “Imagine there is a World War II and there is a fundraiser for Jewish people and a German player wants to play. During the war, not 70 years after the war happened. During the war. I don’t think Jewish people would understand.” A zarenka, a member of the WTA Tour players council, said the important thing was that the event was held, not whether she was part of it. I feel like I’ve had a very clear message from the beginning, is that I’m here to try to help, which I have done a lot,” Azarenka said. “Maybe not something that people see and that’s not what I do it for. I do it for people who in need, juniors who need clothes, other people who need money or other people who needed transportation or whatever. That’s what is important to me, to help people are in need.” Ru ssian and Belarussian players were banned from Wimbledon in response to the war. They are allowed to play at the US Open, without their nations or their flags being listed. AP

PILIPINAS Shell Country Head Lorelie Quiambao-Osial (second from left) and Makati Business Club (MBC) Chairman Edgar Chua (third from left) sign the agreement with (from left) Pilipinas Shell VP of Corporate Relations Serge Bernal and MBC Foreign Programs Officer Trisha Teope.

NEWAzarenkahandsdeclinedUkrainianYORK—AplayertoshakewithVictoriaafterthe three-time US Open runner-up from Belarus beat her at Flushing Meadows on Thursday.MartaKostyuk waited at the net with her racket held up, which Azarenka tapped with her racket following her 6-2, 6-3 victory. B elarus helped Russia launch its invasion of Ukraine in February, and Kostyuk said it had been on her mind since she saw the US Open draw that she may have to play Azarenka in the second round. It’s pretty personal,” Kostyuk said. “It wasn’t a personal match for me because it was Vika specifically, but overall it was not just a casual match that I play in a tournament.”

UKRAINE’S Marta Kostyuk refuses to shake the hands—as tradition dictates—of Victoria Azarenka, who’s Belarussian.


CIGNAL and VNS-One Alicia try to break out of an early four-way tie for the lead as they take on Army-Katinko and Sta. Rosa, respectively, Saturday to cap the explosive initial week of the Spikers’ Turf Open Conference at the Paco Arena in Manila. T he HD Spikers disposed of the Sta. Rosa Lions, 25-17, 25-15, 25-22, while the Griffins repulsed the Ateneo-Fudgee Barr Eagles, 25-21, 22-25, 25-20, 23-25, 15-9, in the country’s first and only men’s league’s return following a threeyear hiatus last Tuesday. But the defending back-toback champion Cignal, boasting of seasoned campaigners John Paul Bugaoan, Peter Torres, Edmar Bonono, Rex Intal, Ysrael Marasigan and Marck Espejo, braces for a tougher challenge from the PJ Rojas-led Troopers in their 2:30 p.m. clash with the latter out to redeem themselves from a losing stand against the National UniversitySta. Elena spikers in a match they dominated in the early going before succumbing in the face of the Nationals’ strong fightback, 20-25, 25-20, 25-16, 25-12. W hile the Cignal-Army tussle could be a toss-up, the VNS-Sta. Rosa duel at 5:30 a.m. may lead to another one-sided encounter given the Griffins’ depth that could be too much for the young Lions to handle. Tipped to lead VNS’ attack are Ben San Andres and Mark Montemayor and ace playmaker Ish Polvorosa. G ames are telecast on One Sports and One Sports+ and the league’s official web site http://

AP By Josef Ramos Y ENG GUIAO, one of the more illustrious and colorful coaches in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA), won’t be calling the shots anymore for NLEX.And Matthew Wright would no longer be Phoenix Super LPG’s dynamo guard as he opted to bring his act to the more lucrative Japan B.League.Guiaoparted ways with NLEX, his team for the past five years, and although the temperamental coach shunned calls or didn’t answer messages, BusinessMirror learned that the falling out was a result of both sides not coming to terms on the coach’s contract renewal. The separation came just weeks before the Commissioners’ Cup opens on September 21, leaving the Road Warriors momentarily orphaned as the 63-year-old Guiao already met his players and bade goodbye. His camp, however, said that they’ll be releasing an official statement soon. G uiao owns seven championships in the PBA, his last in the 2016 Commissioner’s Cup with Rain or Shine. Wright, meanwhile, signed with the Kyoto Hanaryz team for the B.League’s 2022-23 season, according to his agent Marvin Espiritu. He played six years with Phoenix. Matthew [Wright] wants another challenge in his basketball career. Before his PBA stint in 2016, everybody knows that he’s already played for various overseas leagues,” Espiritu said. Wright has stints with the LNB Pro B in France in 2014-15 and Westport Malaysia Dragons in the Asean Basketball League also in 2015. That’s the reason why he chose the B.League,” said Espiritu, son of renowned player agent Danny Espirutu.Wright, who at 6-foot-4 plays multiple-positions from point guard to small forward, will be reunited with his Canadian coach Roy Rana at Kyoto.   I’m excited to embark on this new journey and looking forward to reuniting with coach Roy Rana,” Wright said. “I’m eager to help take this team to the next level and build a winning culture with the organization.”Thankyou to all the supporters and I look forward to seeing you at the games,” the Filipino-Canadian said in a statement. He was picked by Phoenix in a special Gilas draft in 2016 and became the face of the franchise through the years, averaging 15.0 points, 5.9 assists, 5.1 rebounds and 1.6 steals in the Philippine Cup where the Fuel Masters placed 11th with a 3-11 record. Espiritu said Wright would make himself available if given a call for the national team. A lready playing in the Japan league’s Division I are Kiefer Ravena of Shiga, Bobby Ray Parks Jr. of Nagoya, Thirdy Ravena of San-En NeoPhoenix, Dwight Ramos of Levanga Hokkaido and Justine Baltazar of Hiroshima Dragonflies. Playing in Division II are Kobe Paras of Altiri Chiba, Jordan Heading of Nagasaki and Greg Slaughter of Fukuoka. Kyoto finished 19th in the league’s previous season with a 14-43 record.


Guiao, part ways; Wright off to

NO HANDSHAKE IN TIME OF WAR eptember 3, 2022

P ILIPINAS Shell Petroleum Corp. signed up as a main partner of Makati Business Club’s (MBC) Business For Biking Program which aims to support bike commuters—and the businesses they work for and patronize—via infrastructure and policy initiatives.

P ilipinas Shell Country Head Lorelie Quiambao-Osial and MBC Chairman Edgar Chua signed the agreement.TheBusiness For Biking Program was launched by MBC in January 2021 with generous funding from the Embassy of the Netherlands. The program engages with government, business and civil society organizations to develop a bikefriendly environment across the Philippines. Thepartnership helps MBC continue engaging with government, businesses and advocacy groups to promote active and sustainable transportation, with bike-friendly infrastructure initiatives and other activities down the pipeline. M BC included biking in its ongoing discussions with new cabinet secretaries, particularly the Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Works and Highways. “MBC is thrilled to work with Pilipinas Shell on projects that will help ease bike commuter woes. We share Shell’s vision to reduce net zero carbon emissions,” Chua said. “We hope to develop a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment for Filipinos who bike to work and for whom biking is work to help mobilize the workforce and boost economic recovery.”  At Shell, we are committed to promoting inclusive and sustainable mobility solutions,” Osial said. “Through this partnership, we are excited to work with like-minded groups to help move the Philippines forward.”

ORLD No. 3 Ernest John “EJ” Obiena gets another shot at breaking 6.0 meters—and most potentially another gold medal—in the Memorial Van Damme in Brussels, Belgium, on Friday. Obiena on Thursday bagged his third men’s pole vault gold medal in nine days of his European outdoor sortie, the most recent of which was at the St. Wendel City Jump in Germany on Thursday where he cleared 5.86 meters. Menno Vloon of the Netherlands settled for the silver medal via countback with 5.81 meters while world under-20 champion Anthony Ammirati of France settled for bronze. “ EJ is in good spirits but very tired,” Obiena’s confidante Jim Lafferty told BusinessMirror on Friday. “He competes every two to three days and has to travel with poles, but what is happening now is reallyIt’sunprecedented.”19days,seven competitions, five countries and this has never been done before,” Lafferty added.     The 26-year-old Obiena won gold at the True Athletes Classics 2022 with a jump of 5.81 meters at the Manforter Stadio in Leverkusen and the Stabhochsprung meeting in Jockgrim both in Germany. He clinched bronze at the Athletissima meet in Lausanne, Switzerland, the other Friday. O n top of his European events medals, Obiena snatched bronze at the world championships in Eugene, Oregon, in July, a historic first medal for the Philippines in the prestigious competition. A fter Belgium, Obiena return to Germany for the ISTAF Berlin on September 4 before closing out the outdoor season on September 11 at the Golden Fly in Shaan, Liechtenstein.


CIGNAL’S Ysrael Marasigan in action against the Sta. Rosa Lions.

Josef Ramos  WRIGHT GUIAO HD inshareGriffinsSpikers,seekofleadSpikers’Turf

MBC-Pilipinas Shell partnership on Business For Biking Program

CHINA RAILWAY DESIGN CORPORATION PHILIPPINE BRANCH 3/f Salcedo One Center, 170 Salcedo St., San Lorenzo, City Of Makati 38. WANG, JUNYONG Project Manager Brief Job ConsultingDescription:Issuesassociated with a project with a project management team, clients, and other interested parties Basic Qualification: Preferably 5years railway experience for project manager, Leading project planning sessions Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 39. ZHOU, ProjectYIDIANManager

9. KUNAIDI WIDJAYA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Brief Job ConsultingDescription:Issuesassociated with a project with a project management team, clients, and other interested parties Basic Qualification: Preferably 5years railway experience for project manager, Leading project planning sessions Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 CHINESE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA, INC. Upper Mckinley Road, Mckinley Hill, Pinagsama, City Of Taguig 40. CHEN, ModernYONGCENLanguages Coordinator Brief Job Description: Delivering language teaching convening language and supporting language teaching within the school of modern language, literature and culture Basic equivalentBachelor’sQualification:degreeorcombination of education and experience from which comparable and skills can be acquired is necessary Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 41. LOUBET JAMBERT, MICHEL Modern Languages Coordinator Brief Job Description: Delivering language teaching convening language and supporting language teaching within the school of modern language, literature and culture Basic equivalentBachelor’sQualification:degreeorcombination of education and experience from which comparable and skills can be acquired is necessary Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 42. MENG, ModernXIANGXINLanguages Coordinator Brief Job Description: Delivering language teaching convening language and supporting language teaching within the school of modern language, literature and culture Basic equivalentBachelor’sQualification:degreeorcombination of education and experience from which comparable and skills can be acquired is necessary Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999

BusinessMirror Saturday, September 3, 2022

SURYA PARAMARTHA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns.

6. CINDI STEPHANE Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large number of calls, handle customers concern Basic Qualification: Foreign language speaking Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

10. LOUIS FERNANDO Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 11. MARSHELA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999


Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 150,000 - Php 499,999

Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 90,000 - Php 149,999 34. SUHERDY Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients

Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 90,000 - Php 149,999 35. WISANDY Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 90,000 - Php 149,999

Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

37. OJALA, KARRI JOHANNES Multilingual Service Desk Member Brief Job Description: Provides technical support in Finnish language Basic ExcellentQualification:inwritten and verbal communication in Finnish and proficient knowledge of the English language Salary Range: Php 90,000 - Php 149,999

Basic SalaryQualification:Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 AZBIL PHILIPPINES CORPORATION 4/f Republic Glass Bldg., 196 Salcedo St., San Lorenzo, City Of Makati 25. KITANAGA, KAZUHIRO Deputy General Manager Brief Job Description: Assist general managers,CEOs or other executives to plan, developing, implement, and overseeing company initiatives and projects.

5. BOBY WIJAYA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 20. VINCENT SININ Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 21. WILLIAM PRATAMA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns.

7. DEVY Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large number of calls, handle customers concern Basic Qualification: Foreign language speaking Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

2. AGUSTIAS Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Fluently speak and write Vietnamese language to cater foreign markets Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999


Basic SalaryQualification:Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 24. YANG, TechnicalKANGConsultant Brief Job ConsultingDescription:tasksinclude like developing and supporting the development of the design, working with tasks related to project management, contract admin., inspecting the work of construction contractors.

8. ERHAN DARMAWAN Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns.

Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 29. HARTANTO WIJAYA Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients

Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 AGMC INTERNATIONAL, INC 27th Floor High Street South Corporate Tower 2, 26th Street Corner 9th Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 22. CUI, TechnicalXIAOLONGConsultant Brief Job ConsultingDescription:tasksinclude like developing and supporting the development of the design, working with tasks related to project management, contract admin., inspecting the work of construction contractors.

12. MUTIARA WIJAYA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large number of calls, handle customers concern Basic Qualification: Foreign language speaking Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 13. NICO ARNAZ SUSANTO Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 14. RAEQUELL LADELLA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 15. RICHARD EVAN YULIUS Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns. Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 16. SEANO PAMUNCA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 17. SEVILLA ARANTXA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large number of calls, handle customers concern Basic Qualification: Foreign language speaking Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 18.

COLAS RAIL PHILIPPINES, INC. Unit 708 7/f Tower One & Exchange Plaza, Ayala Ave., Bel-air, City Of Makati

Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 90,000 - Php 149,999

3. AHMAD TAUFIK HIDAYAT Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns. Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

4. BELLA BENITA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

30. HEW CHEE KONG Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients

STEPHANIE WIDJAJA Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large amount of calls, handle customer concerns Basic ExcellentQualification:inreading, writing and speaking in foreign language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 19.

Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 150,000 - Php 499,999 32. LAU YOKE KONG Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients

Basic Qualification: Has extensive experience and good working knowledge in operational procedures and policies; is proficient and able to communicate in Mandarin or any Chinese language Salary Range: Php 150,000 - Php 499,999 33. LEE BENG WUI Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients

31. HEW KIM WAH Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients

Basic AbilityQualification:tomotivate and lead employees and hold them accountable and excellent communication and strong decision-making ability Salary Range: Php 90,000 - Php 149,999 BIGCAT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, INC. 18/f Pbcom Tower, 6795 Ayala Avenue Cor. Rufino Street, Salcedo Vill., Bel-air, City Of Makati 26. LE VAN HUNG Vietnamese Language - Officer Marketing Brief Job Description: Assist in the planning and administration of the organization’s daily operation Basic Qualification: Must fluently speak and write Vietnamese language to cater foreign market Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 27. TRAN ANH TU Vietnamese Language - Officer Marketing Brief Job Description: Create specific promotions for affiliates

CGI (PHILIPPINES) INC. 2/f One World Square, Mckinley Hill, Pinagsama, City Of Taguig 36. LABERE, SEBASTIAN CLAUDE JACQUES Multilingual Service Desk Member Brief Job Description: Provides technical support in French language Basic ExcellentQualification:inwritten and verbal communication in French and proficient knowledge of the English language Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999

CASPO INCORPORATED 43/f, 45/f, 49/f Pbcom Tower, 6795 Ayala Avenue Corner V.a. Rufino Street, Bel-air, City Of Makati 28. DANIEL TRISKA Operation Analyst Brief Job ProvidingDescription:analyticaljob in actual business operation for the company and its worldwide clients

1. ADELA SAPUTRI Indonesian Speaking Customer Service Officer Brief Job Description: Manage large number of calls, handle customers concern Basic Qualification: Foreign language speaking Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic SalaryQualification:Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 23. XIE, TechnicalFEI Consultant Brief Job ConsultingDescription:tasksinclude like developing and supporting the development of the design, working with tasks related to project management, contract admin., inspecting the work of construction contractors.

COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS PHILIPPINES, INC. 2nd, 3rd, And 4th Floors, Science Hub Tower 4 Bldg., Mckinley Hill Cyberpark, Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 43. RIZKA ULFAH AULIA Senior Process Executive Brief Job Description: Service Support Solution includes diagnosis, resolution and reporting of customer issues and questions Basic Qualification: BS BA degree holder, minimum of 2 yrs customer service support experience Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 77. LU, HONGLI Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 80. TONY WIJAYA Indonesian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 46.

Basic positionnativeEnglishreadingProficientQualification:inspeaking,andwritinginandtheirrespectivelanguagefortheappliedfor,Fluent n Chinese Mandarin is an advantage. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 61. LI, YU-NONG Chinese Technical Support Representative Brief Job Description: Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 70. SANDAR LIN Burmese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 71. WIN WIN AYE Burmese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic positionnativeEnglishreadingProficientQualification:inspeaking,andwritinginandtheirrespectivelanguagefortheappliedfor,Fluent n Chinese Mandarin is an advantage. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 JACOBS PROJECTS (PHILIPPINES), INC. 16/f South Tower, Rockwell Business Center Sheridan, Highway Hills, City Of Mandaluyong 55. AMPADU-SAM, RASHMI KWASI Senior Project Manager

Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 47. XIAO ChineseDEZHONGSpeaking Business Consultant Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services.

Basic positionnativeEnglishreadingProficientQualification:inspeaking,andwritinginandtheirrespectivelanguagefortheappliedfor,Fluent in Chinese Mandarin is an advantage. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 64. PHAM THI HUONG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services.

Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 DYNAMIC STUDIO TECHNOLOGY INC. 5th To 8th/f & 10th/f Platinum Tower Building, Aseana Ave. Cor. Fuentes Street, Baclaran, City Of Parañaque 48. DONG, ChineseJINXINSpeaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services. Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 49.


Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

PHAM VAN VietnameseHUNGCustomer Service Representaitve Brief Job Description: Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services.

OUYANG, MIN Chinese Speaking Business Consultant Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services.

Basic Qualification: Expert in Japanese language outstanding negotiation interpersonal verbal and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 500,000 and above MOA CLOUDZONE CORP. 4th-11th Flr. Nexgen Tower, C4 Rd. Edsa Ext., Barangay 76, Pasay City 68. SAI HLYAN WAN Burmese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 99. TO VAN HUNG Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic positionnativeEnglishreadingProficientQualification:inspeaking,andwritinginandtheirrespectivelanguagefortheappliedfor,Fluent in Chinese Mandarin is an advantage. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 63.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic positionnativeEnglishreadingProficientQualification:inspeaking,andwritinginandtheirrespectivelanguagefortheappliedfor,Fluent in Chinese Mandarin is an advantage. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 LEONG HUP (PHILIPPINES), INCORPORATED Penthouse 6 Landsdale Tower, #86 Mother Ignacia Ave., Paligsahan, Quezon City 65. LING SIOK HOCK Human Resources Manager Brief Job Description: Responsible for seeing all spectrum of of human resource functions Basic Qualification: Master’s degree in Human Resources Salary Range: Php 150,000 - Php 499,999 MAIDEHAO TRADING, CORP. Unit 1202 & 1203 The Finance Centre, 26th Corner 9th Ave., Bgc, Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 66. ZHANG, NING Chinese E-commerce Manager Brief Job Description: Creating frameworks that transform our social media sites into highly profitable platforms Basic DegreeQualification:inmarketing management Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 MARSH PHILIPPINES, INC. 20/f Six Neo Building, 5th Ave. Cor. 26th Street, Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 67. TAKATSUGU, YASUO Jcs Leader Brief Job Description: Build up pipeline for all Japanese companies in the Philippines panes consistently completes sales calls and presentations and cultivates and handles a large portfolio of potential accounts aiming to meet personal targets sales expectations.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 94. LY THI NHO Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries


Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 88. LE MINH TUAN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 69. SAI THAN HTET AUNG Burmese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires

Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 51. WANG, ChineseYAZHUOSpeaking Program Designer Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 83. TING SIE HIONG Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires

Brief Job Description: Manage the program’s technical support, design reviews, TOR and consulting contracts

NGUYEN THE ANH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 85. WILSON WONG SIE ENG Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

JEJUAIR CO. LTD. 704 Pablo Ocampo St, G/f Alcantara Bldg., Barangay 719, Malate, City Of Manila 57. CHOI, SONGI Airline Station Agent Brief Job Description: Attend to passengers, Real-time encoding all boarding passenger data in Korea Air System Basic Qualification: airport experience and specially in Korean airline company, fluent in Korean and English language Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 58. KIM, MINJU Airline Station Agent Brief Job Description: Attend to passengers, Real-time encoding all boarding passenger data in Korea Air System Basic Qualification: airport experience and specially in Korean airline company, fluent in Korean and English language Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 95. PHAM VIET QUOC Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 96. PHAN QUANG DAT Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 97. PHAN THI NGOC Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 98. THAO A HOAN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 82. TEH JIA JIAN Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 89. LE THI BICH THANH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries


ZHANG, XIAOLING Chinese Customer Service Representative

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 86. YOONG SZE HOW Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

79. ZHENG, WENSHENG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Brief Job Description: Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services.

Basic positionnativeEnglishreadingProficientQualification:inspeaking,andwritinginandtheirrespectivelanguagefortheappliedfor,Fluent in Chinese Mandarin is an advantage. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 62.

BusinessMirrorA6 Saturday, September 3, 2022

87. LE MINH DUC Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Master’s Degree Salary Range: Php 500,000 and above

Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 50. LIU, ChineseSUIWEISpeaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services.

Basic Qualification: 5-8 years of work experience. Experience in process instrumentation and automation , develop , implement and ensure local business processes in line with standardsEndress+Hauser Salary Range: Php 500,000 and above GAO SHOU TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, INC. 52/f Pbcom Tower, 6795 Ayala Ave. Cor. V.a. Rufino St., Bel-air, City Of Makati 54.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 81. SIA LEE YIENG Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquires

Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 90. LE VAN DUC Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 91. LE XUAN LOI Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: With at least 6 months customer experience/goodservice in oral communication and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 52. ZHU, ChineseYI Speaking Program Designer Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services.

Brief Job Description: Leadership and health and safety planning, project management Basic Qualification: Master’s Degree Salary Range: Php 500,000 and above 56. MACDOWELL ALEXANDER KENNETH Sr Technical Services Manager

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 72. YIN PHIN Burmese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 73. ZAY YAR LIN Burmese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

78. WEI, LINLIN Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 92. LUONG THI BINH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 93. LY KIM HOA Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

100. TRAN THI THANH Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

KETARO HOSHI Chinese Speaking Business Development Associate Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

84. TUIE YONG SHEN Malaysian Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

HE, ChineseZHIPINGSpeaking Business Consultant Brief Job Assist/helpDescription:customers, give customers information about product and services.

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read, and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 74. LIM XING YI Call Center Agent Brief Job Description: Customer service Basic Qualification: College graduate / level and fluent in Mandarin / basic English Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 75. OOI CHOON YONG Call Center Agent Brief Job Description: Customer service Basic Qualification: College graduate / level and fluent in Mandarin / basic English Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 76. LONG, JIANMEI Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree, 15 Years Experience Salary Range: Php 150,000 - Php 499,999 DOMINUS VISA CONSULTANCY INC. 37th Floor Lkg Tower,, 6801 Ayala Avenue,, Bel-air, City Of Makati 45.

ENDRESS+HAUSER PHILIPPINES INC. Unit 803 One World Place 32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City, Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 53. KONSTANZER, FRANK Country Manager Brief Job Description: Responsible and accountable for managing the Sales Office (professional, commercial and personnel aspects) and ensures that the company is represented in the Endress+Hauser network and the regional Endress+Hauser organization. with integrity internally as well as externally to customers, authorities, partners and superiors.

JIU ZHOU TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. 31/f Tower 6789, 6789 Ayala Avenue, San Lorenzo, City Of Makati 59. HUA, HUNG-SHENG Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services.

Basic positionnativeEnglishreadingProficientQualification:inspeaking,andwritinginandtheirrespectivelanguagefortheappliedfor,Fluent n Chinese Mandarin is an advantage. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 60. TSENG, CHIEN-YI Chinese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Attracts potential customers by answering product and service questions; suggesting information about other products and services.

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 128. WANG, ChineseLECustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

147. MADELINE DE SILVA CHRISTOPHER Malaysian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 106. CHEN, ChineseYAOCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

IndonesianSUDOMO Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

154. HUANG, TaiwaneseHSUAN-JUNGCustomerService Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

148. TAM JIE MalaysianYINCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 115. LI, ChineseBO Customer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

151. MYO MYINT AUNG Myanmari Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

152. SU KHAING WAI Myanmari Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 131. WEI, ChineseWEICustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 132. XIANG, ChineseWEIJUNCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

150. HLA MyanmariAUNG Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 111. HUANG, SHAOLIN Chinese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 127. WANG, ChineseCHAOYUCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 108. DONG, ChineseKUNCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 109. GAO, ChineseXIONGCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 110. GUO, ChineseTENGFEICustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills


Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 113. JIANG, ChineseYIFANCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 114. LEI, ChineseMINGYUECustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 116. LI, ChineseFENG Customer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999


Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 122. MA, ChinesePANPANCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 139. IndonesianJESSY Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 140. IndonesianLINDAWATI Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 141. IndonesianMICHEL Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 145. IndonesianYANTO Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

ESTABLISHMENT / ADDRESS No. NAME OF FOREIGN NATIONAL , POSITION AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUALIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE 101. TRAN VAN VI Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

157. BANH CHI VietnameseTHANHCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

BusinessMirror Saturday, September 3, 2022

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 102. UONG MAU THIN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 143. IndonesianRECKY Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 144.

153. CHANG, TaiwaneseHUA-OCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999


Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 NEW ORIENTAL CLUB88 CORPORATION 1331 Pearl Plaza Bldg., Quirino Ave., Tambo, City Of Parañaque Sky Garage Bldg., Aseana Avenue, Entertainment City, Tambo, City Of Parañaque 105. CHEN, ChineseSHOULINCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

117. LI, ChineseQILEI Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 118. LIU, ChineseBOWENCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 LIU, ChineseXINTAOCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 130. WANG, ChineseXUDONGCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 142. NIKI IndonesianSUSANTICustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 138. IndonesianJENNIFER Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

149. YONG LAI MalaysianKEICustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 123. MA, ChineseRUOYUCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 125. QIAO, ChineseLEICustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 104. VI THI MIEN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 124. PAN, ChineseJIAYICustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 112. JIANG, ChineseQIPINGCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

155. AUYPRAPAT, PASITA Thai Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 134. ZHAO, ChineseYUXIANGCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 136. ELNA IndonesianSURYANICustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 137. IndonesianJACKY Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

146. DANIEL EIU QI JIA Malaysian Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 126. SHI, ChineseLIXINCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

156. BANG DIEU VietnameseVANCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

158. CHUNG TRANH CAI Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 129. WANG, ChineseWEICustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 120. LIU, ChineseYIZHONGCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 121. MA, ChineseLIE Customer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 135. ZHONG, YONGHUA Chinese Customer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 133. XIE, ChineseGANGCustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills

Basic Qualification: Able to speak, read and write Chinese language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 103. VI THI DIEP Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Managing incoming calls and customer service inquiries

Basic Qualification: Customer support and data base services Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 107. DING, ChineseKUICustomer Service Brief Job KnowledgeDescription:incomputer applications with good oral and written communications skills


Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 167. LO VAN VietnameseTHUYCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 168. LUU CHI VietnameseHUNGCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 169. LY SY VietnameseTAN Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 170. NGUYEN DUC HOA Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic ProficientQualification:inwriting, reading and speaking in Mandarin Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 194. PAN, XIAOBO Mandarin Technical Support Specialist Brief Job DesignateDescription:anddevelop testing troubleshooting for the computer hardware and software to ensure to meet the current industry standards.

MAI HA PHUONG Content Analyst - Vietnamese Brief Job ProcessesDescription:andmaintains data accurately and in a timely manner onto databases using technical and financial knowledge; communicates & liaises with internal and external departments; has expertise in data-related issues.

LAC VietnameseHAN Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 163. LE QUANG VietnameseHAICustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 164. LE VAN VietnameseKHANHCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 ONWARD WORLDWIDE MANAGEMENT & CONSULTANCY SERVICES CORP. 5/f Greensun Bldg., 2285 Chino Roces Ave. Ext., Magallanes, City Of Makati 181. SUPADI Multilingual Recruitment Coordinator Brief Job Description: Recruitment Coordinator.

Basic Qualification: At least 6 months to 2 year related experience, proficient in computer. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 188. POONKUNTOD, NATTAYA Telesales Thai Department Brief Job Description: Manage large of amounts of incoming calls and handle customers concerns.

OLIVIERI, GENNARO Site Superintendent Brief Job SuperviseDescription:activityfor installation (i) of large diameter off-shore bored piles from floating barges/marine facilities (ii)RC diaphragm walls with stop ends and (iii) ground improvement by deep mixing Basic MinimumQualification:20years of experience in geotechnical/ special foundations works and knowledge of Soilmec PhpSalaryequipmentRange:150,000- Php 499,999

Basic Qualification: At least 6 months to 2 year related experience, proficient in computer. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 189. CHUMMAK, THANYARAK Thai Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage large of amounts of incoming calls and handle customers concerns.

YONGFU PHILIPPINE NEW ENERGY MANAGEMENT LTD. INC. Units A&b, 20/f, Rufino Pacific Tower, San Lorenzo, City Of Makati 207. LU, MandarinZONGLONGSpeaking General Manager Brief Job Description: Planning and defining scope of the project.

REFINITIV ASIA PTE. LTD. - PHILIPPINE BRANCH Ground Floor, 18/20 Building Upper Mckinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 186.

Basic andproficiencyBachelor’sQualification:degree;inEnglishanyoftherequired languages; amenable on any PhpSalaryshiftRange:60,000-Php 89,999

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 171. NGUYEN PHUONG TRUNG HIEU Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 175. TRAN BAT VietnameseTINCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

HUYNH VAN TRI Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic Qualification: At least 6 months to 2 year related experience, proficient in computer. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 SHOPEE PHILIPPINES INC 37/f Seven/neo, 5th Avenue E-square Crescent Park West Bgc, Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 190. LIU, ManagerXIAO Category Fmcg Brief Job Description: Create, implement and execute the business development growth Basic Qualification: BS MA Business Ad, Finance Salary Range: Php 90,000 - Php 149,999 191. YANG, XU Manager, Marketing Brief Job Description: Develop marketing strategy to meet Shopee’s growth across a wide array product

Basic ProficientQualification:inwriting, reading and speaking in Mandarin Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 195. QIANG, DONG Mandarin Technical Support Specialist Brief Job DesignateDescription:anddevelop testing troubleshooting for the computer hardware and software to ensure to meet the current industry standards.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 165. LEO VAN VietnameseNGOCCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

Basic Qualification: Must have an excellent research and analysis skills needed to find and examine new existing laws, rules and regulations, critical thinking skills are required to develop workable solutions for new analysis. Problem solving skills are needed to rectify any compliance issues that may pop up during compliance audits. Must be fluent in English and Vietnamese language. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 199. HUANG, KUN Senior Associate & Supply Planning (non-finished Goods/material Planning)

Brief Job Description: Asses product and/or exporter risk levels, identification of product essential requirements and capable standards following the business rules on conformity assessment, classification, import eligibility and process flows. Conformity assessments instructions (CAIs), and other related references. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Must be fluent in English and Vietnamese.


SAGISAG INC. 18/f Gt Tower International, 6795 Ayala Ave.,, Bel-air, City Of Makati 187. DAI, XU Mandarin Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Manage large of amounts of incoming calls and handle customers concerns.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 166. LIU SI VietnameseDAO Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 176. TRAN THI VietnamesePHUONGCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 177.

TRAN VINH VietnameseCHINHCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

Basic Qualification: With strong verbal written PhpSalarycommunicationRange:500,000and above 192. CHEN, SIZHE Senior Manager Brief Job Description: Create, implement and execute the business development growth Basic PhpSalarymanagementExperienceQualification:withconsultingRange:90,000-Php149,999

Basic ProficientQualification:inwriting, reading and speaking in Mandarin Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 SKYLUCK CORPORATION #360, Unit 243 Shaw Center Mall, Shaw Blvd. Penthouse Shaw I.t. Center, Addition Hills, City Of Mandaluyong 196. PARK, JUNGU Korean Marketing Consultant

Brief Job ResponsibleDescription:forcoordination of raw materials as well as other parts and resources that are need to manufacture products. Execute core material planning process to ensure material availability (overstock, understock) Order all necessary components or raw materials to support the MPS (Master Production Schedule) plan utilizing the standard operating Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in planning of consumer goods industry. Ability to think strategically and analytically. Strong critical thinking and negotiation skills. Strong communication and presentation skills. Must be fluent in English and Mandarin language Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

THINK SUPPORT SERVICES, INC. ( DBC PHILIPPINES ) Lower & Upper Penthouse, Bank Of Makati Bldg., Bel-air, City Of Makati 200. DARLEY, SIMON ALLAN Client Services Agent Brief Job ProactivelyDescription:supporting and servicing our customers with their conveyancing needs.

Brief Job Description: Make initial prospecting and qualifying of leads visa consultative approach Basic Qualification: Can speak and write fluent Korean language and preferably six (6) months experience in office staff Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 SPARVA INCORPORATED 7/f Insular Life Bldg., 6781 Ayala Ave., Cor. Paseo De Roxas, Bel-air, City Of Makati 197. RESTY Accounts Officer Brief Job Description: Resolve issues and give information when appropriate to solve issues effectively and promptly. Basic NativemandarinFluencyQualification:inEnglishandisessential/speakerofBahasa Indonesia Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 SPRING DRAGON TRADING LTD. INC. 35th Flr. Penthouse 1,2 & 4 Manila Eco Tower, 9th Ave. Cor. 32nd St., Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig198.

Basic Qualification: Fluent in CRM and associated contact center software, etc. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 201. GOLDSMITH, MARTIN JOHN Client Services Agent Brief Job ProactivelyDescription:supporting and servicing our customers with their conveyancing needs.

Basic Qualification: Fluent in CRM and associated contact center software, etc. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 TIANJIN CUISINE GROUP INC. #250, Urban Ave., Pio Del Pilar, City Of Makati 202. YUAN, HOUJUN Chinese Chef Brief Job SuperviseDescription:andparticipate in cooking and baking and the preparation of food Basic Qualification: Knowledge in computer Chinese speaking and experience Chef Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 203. ZHOU, ZHONGLIANG Chinese Chef Brief Job SuperviseDescription:andparticipate in cooking and baking and the preparation of food

Basic Qualification: 7+ years experience in a shared services environment; BA or BS degree in accounting, finance or related field Salary Range: Php 500,000 and above

Basic Qualification: Knowledge in computer Chinese speaking and experience Chef Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999

HOANG THI NHUNG Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 160.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 180. NONG VAN HAN Vietnamese Customer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

SINCERELY SERVICES INC. Units 2 & 3 24/f Tower 6789, 6789 Ayala Ave., Bel-air, City Of Makati 193. WANG, MandarinMEIWANCustomer Service Representative Brief Job Description: Answer customer inquiries completely and accurately through live chat, emails and inbound/outbound calls to resolves customer complaints

VAN DUNG VietnameseLIENCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services

TREVI FOUNDATIONS PHILIPPINES INC. U-2301 88 Corporate Center, 141 Valero Cor. Sedeno Sts., Bel-air, City Of Makati 204.

Basic Qualification: To provide consulting technical and advisory services. Salary Range: Php 60,000 - Php 89,999 WPP MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - OPENMIND PHILIPPINES 9th Floor Picadilly Star 27th St., 4th Ave., Fort Bonifacio, City Of Taguig 206. VAGAL, ABHINAV BAL Digital Technology Consultant Brief Job Description: This role plays the role of technical consultant and educator on digital ad technology innovations and optimizations - both internally and externally - with agency teams and clients

PHAM VAN ConformanceKINHAnalyst

Basic Qualification: 10 - 15 Years’ Technical and Consultative Experience With Ad Technology, Such as Server Migrations, Tag Management Implementations, Dynamic Creative Implementations, Business Case Development, Vendor Evaluations, and PhpSalaryRecommendationsRange:150,000-Php499,999

Basic *DatePhpSalaryenglishcommunicationExcellentQualification:oralandwrittenbothinandmandarinRange:30,000-Php59,999Generated:Sep2,2022

Any person in the Philippines who is competent, able and willing to perform the services for which the foreign national is desired may file an objection at DOLE National Capital Region located at DOLE-NCR Building, 967 Maligaya St., Malate Manila, within 30 days after this Pleasepublication.inform DOLE National Capital Region if you have any information on criminal offense committed by the foreign nationals.

BusinessMirrorA6 Saturday, September 3, 2022

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 162.


HUYNH PHOI BINH Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in Computer Application With Good Oral and Written Communication Skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 161.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 178. TRINH THI VietnameseTHUYCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services.

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 172. NGUYEN THI THEM Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 173. NGUYEN THI THUONG Vietnamese Customer Service Brief Job Description: Customer Support and Data Base Services. Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 174. TAO HUE VietnameseLANCustomer Service Brief Job Description: Customer support and data base services.

VOLENDAY INC. U1406 14/f Pacific Star Bldg., Sen. Gil Puyat Cor. Makati Ave., Bel-air, City Of Makati 205. ZHANG, YUEJUN Inspection Specialist Brief Job Description: Identify business authenticity, manage the process of the inspection project, to guide the inspection direction and enable delivery personnel, summarize and promote inspection, take responsibility in managing and formulating, to provide digital operation, organize and ensure the quality of annual work meetings.

Basic FluentQualification:inMandarin both oral and written. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 OUTWIT, INC. 2/f Marvin Plaza, 2153 Chino Roces Ave., Pio Del Pilar, City Of Makati 182. AGUSTIAN Mandarin Speaking Operations Specialist Brief Job ResponsibleDescription:inthemanagement of workflow throughout all departments within a business Basic Qualification: Good social and presentation skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 183. CANDRA MandarinPRAWIJAYASpeakingOperations Specialist Brief Job ResponsibleDescription:inthemanagement of workflow throughout all departments within a business Basic Qualification: Good social and presentation skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 184. THONG NGOC ANH Mandarin Speaking Operations Specialist Brief Job ResponsibleDescription:inthemanagement of workflow throughout all departments within a business Basic Qualification: Good social and presentation skills Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 REED ELSEVIER SHARED SERVICES (PHILIPPINES) INC. 2nd Floor Building H, Up-ayala Technohub, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 185. PRATT, ERIC JAMES Senior Operations Director, Finance And Accounting Hub Brief Job Description: Actively engages with the Tower leaders and GPOs within the company’s business units and impacted functions

Basic Qualification: Knowledgeable in computer application with good oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: Php 30,000 - Php 59,999 179.

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