How Big Data Is DISRUPTING & OPTIMIZING The Sector By Reva Seth
Until recently it was the LPs, as the product creators, who were both the foundation and the focus of the cannabis sector. But as the next wave and evolution of the cannabis industry emerges, it’s the tech start-ups and data analytics firms that will be the source of nimble opportunity and sector disruptions. The cannabis sector is in a unique place. At a time when big data is the indispensable strategic tool at the centre of every global industry, the cannabis sector is struggling with a clear lack of data.
Management guru Peter Drucker’s most famous quote, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” holds true for the cannabis sector as well. However, as a result of cannabis having been, until very recently, both illegal and stigmatized, the industry simply lacks information and struggles with the dominance of misinformation. For instance, there is little recent, high quality, controlled medical research from which to draw upon to support anecdotal reports of cannabis treatment success.