www.business-review.eu Business Review | February 2022
Pandemic economy continues to shape local startup industry in 2022 Funding for Romanian startups might reach EUR 200 million this year as more specialised investors could appear on the local market. Trends that have emerged since the beginning of the pandemic will continue to shape the development of the local startup ecosystem this year, while the ongoing digitalization of businesses will generate fresh demand for innovative products and services launched by Romanian entrepreneurs. By Ovidiu Posirca
Funding volumes for Romanian startups might top EUR 200 million this year
ast year’s biggest funding deal was
with Romanian roots belonged to UiPath. The
targeting Romania, suggests Dan Mihaescu,
closed by FintechOS, the Romanian
Robotic Process Automation startup got USD
Founding Partner of GapMinder VC. He
startup developing a digital bank-
750 million in funding before going public.
estimates that some Romanian-born startups could attract between EUR 110 - 150 million
ing and insurance platform. The company
in 2022.
spring to consolidate its presence in Europe
and expand to new markets. Meanwhile, the
This year, we might see higher investments
umes at all levels this year: the two major an-
biggest investment attracted by a startup
from funds with a regional or European focus
gel investor associations should become even
got USD 60 million in Series B funding last
“We also expect a sheer increase in vol-