www.business-review.eu Business Review | April 2020
22 HR
Coronavirus outbreak reshapes local workforce market The world has changed more in the past two months than it had done in decades, as the Covid-19 outbreak has forced countries to close their borders and led companies to take crucial business decisions. Business Review talked to several local HR specialists and found out how this crisis will reshape Romania’s workforce market. By Anda Sebesi
Ionut Sas, PwC Romania
Calin Stefanescu, Dora by Happy Recruiter
he outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic
it has been coping very well with the myriad
forced every employer in Romania
of video calls and conferences,” says Oana
at a micro level, the tools that companies
to make quick decisions in order to
Munteanu, senior manager of people and
have at their disposal to make virtual work
organisation at PwC Romania.
possible are crucial. According to her, multi-
reduce the negative impact on their businesses and employees as much as possible
Calin Stefanescu, the CEO and co-founder
In addition, Munteanu of PwC warns that
nationals and software companies are among
and to be able to continue their operations.
of Dora by Happy Recruiter, shares the same
the best prepared for virtual work, as in
According to an HR Barometer conducted by
opinion and says that internet speed is a big
recent years they have invested in apps and
PwC Romania between March 11-13, 58 per-
advantage from this perspective and we have
infrastructure that allow them to implement
cent of the companies included in the study
no other choice but to be prepared for remote
remote work.
implemented the work from home system
work. “This is the only valid option now. It
solely for those employees who can work re-
will be difficult because some employees will
gy, some companies have adopted shift work
motely while 25 percent did this for all their
leverage the fact that they’re working from
or even limited the number of virtual confer-
employees. “The work from home system
home while some companies which will not
ences in certain time slots, so that they can
has two major implications: technology and
be able to mobilise themselves will feel the
avoid overloading the system during busy
culture. Fortunately, digital infrastructure
effects of the crisis more intensively. But I
hours. Other companies have overstrained
is the only aspect of digitalization where
think that all companies should understand
their IT departments, but fortunately, the
Romania is highly advanced. Our internet
that this is how things stand now and their
current offer for tools is huge and costs are
speed is among the best in Europe and so far
only way is to find a solution,” he says.
affordable,” says Munteanu.
“In order to reduce the stress on technolo-