
Page 36 Business Review | April 2022

36 LIFESTYLE Business Review | May 2016


Winemakers adapting to pandemicrelated changes in consumer behaviour After a two year break, Alina Iancu, founder of and Revino. ro is finally bringing the Revino Bucharest Wine Show back to Bucharest, between April 9-11, at Novotel. BR talked to her about how the Romanian wine industry has changed during the pandemic. By Oana Vasiliu

What were the long-term effects of the pandemic on the local wine industry?

Have new winemakers entered the market during these past two years?

we drink it or the time of year. For example,

I will limit myself to only giving an opin-

We’ve identified about five wineries that

ing sparkling wine.

ion of the short term, because the current,

have launched products in this period and

post-pandemic situation might bring further

they’ve been promoting themselves through

changes that I don't think anyone can antici-

wine tourism or online, but their reach has

What qualities should we look for when we want to purchase a bottle of wine?


only been local because they haven’t had the

I would not call them qualities, but reasons

chance to attend industry events to gain vis-

why we should choose a wine. When you

wine at home, ordering it online from winer-

ibility across the country. Nevertheless, two

don't have know-how, the safest option is to

ies, distributors, and specialised stores – but

years is not enough to consolidate a brand in

go to a specialty store and ask for recommen-

one addition has been that medium and

the wine industry, much less in a pandemic

dations depending on the occasion you’re

large winemakers have been more focused


buying it for, who’s going to drink it, whether

During the pandemic, people consumed

on supermarket sales. So, some of the wines

In April, at the fifth edition of the Revino

people have been developing a habit of drink-

it will be served as an aperitif or with food,

that you could only find in specialised stores

Bucharest Wine Show, there will be two

and last but not least, your budget. You can

before are now on the shelves of large chain

wineries that have released a portfolio of

find good wine at around EUR 8-12 – it may

stores. Exports have dwindled, international

wines bottled in several ranges during the

not be very sophisticated, but perfect for the

events have declined, and we are now experi-

pandemic. They’ll have the opportunity to

occasion. You can also find exceptional wines

encing price increases and a shortage of Euro-

present their products to over 2,000 visitors

with a EUR 15-25 price tag. At the same time,

pean packaging. Bottles and other packaging

and get feedback on their quality and poten-

you may end up buying a very expensive

components are not being delivered on time,

tial on this market, which is highly competi-

bottle and not be able to appreciate and take

transport has almost doubled. We'll see what

tive, especially when we take into account

advantage of its true value.

comes next.

international wines.

In your opinion, how competitive is the Romanian wine market after the pandemic?

What are the trends emerging in the wine industry these days?

Those who have used very low prices and all

The biggest trend is the desire to drink wine,

are the mother of learning. A wine tasting is

kinds of offers to get rid of stocks are now

to discover it. More and more venues are

always accompanied by a story of the wine

having trouble re-entering the hospitality

offering wine by the glass and developing a

and the producer. This is where it all begins.

sector. We must always refer to international

wine portfolio on their menus.

Visits to wineries or wine tourism, which

wines that offer good value for money, no

Through testing, we can discover what we

What tips do you have for someone going to their first wine tasting? Adding to the previous answer, wine tastings

have grown in the second half of the pan-

matter how much we talk about how good

like, learn about varieties, and the best as-

demic, help answer a series of questions that

Romanian wine is.

sociations with food, the people with whom

we ask ourselves when drinking wine.

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