
Page 26 Business Review | May 2020

26 PR

In crisis, communication should be stronger than ever Working from home. Closed or transformed businesses. The entire business environment is learning to better adapt to the pandemic with each passing day. Still, entrepreneurs must learn from the past and understand that only creativity and thinking differently and strategically will help them rise above the fray. By Romanita Oprea

Sorin Dutoiu, Yolo Media


Elena Bululete, Conan PR

hat should an entrepreneur do in

tion. What consumers, business partners, and

lost and confused, with oscillating emotional

terms of communication during

even employees need in times like these is a

states, so the job of a leader is to reassure

this crisis? First of all, according

reinforced feeling of togetherness. And this

them and remind them that everything will

to Alina Galeriu, managing partner at Galeriu

is something you can only do by communi-

be fine again at some point. There is a lot

& Partners Public Relations, entrepreneurs

cating even more than you would in normal

of pressure on leaders and entrepreneurs,

shouldn’t give up. Then, of course, they

times,” said Alina Galeriu.

because they have their own fears about their

should think of ways to survive, but also to be

Furthermore, according to Ioana Mano-

businesses. “People need leaders more than

helpful to their partners and the community.

iu, managing partner at GMP, permanent

ever. Employees need to feel that their leader

“They have to reinvent themselves. Think of

communication must be maintained with

is present and in control, customers want to

new ways to be of service. Show empathy.

employees and clients, and this needs to be

be sure they will get their products/services,

There is no worse time than a crisis to stop

done with confidence and optimism. During

and suppliers want to know they will get paid.

communicating. In times of distress there is

this period, we need leaders to show they

An absent leader only conveys additional

vital need for transparency and reconnec-

know what they’re doing. People are already

panic among all stakeholders, which overlaps

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