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WHERE ROMANIA TALKS BUSINESS June, 2017 / Volume 21, Issue 5

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RIDING THE NEW INVESTMENT WAVE Business Review | June 2017


• Editorial •

Ovidiu Posirca • Senior Editor • 6 Coming soon to an office near you COVER STORY

Voices of foreign investors coming together The main foreign investment communities have expanded their efforts to improve the overall business making environment in Romania and have become more integrated than ever in the local economy. Because at the end of the day, each new job created in Romania is great news, either it comes from a company with foreign or Romanian capital. This idea of community, of coming together to share ideas that helps the economy progress, is also seen in the way in which foreign investors have been able to bridge this divide that has been put in place by frivolous politicians between international and Romanian capital. As one of the representative of a large busi-

10 Romania set to capitalize on new investment wave 14 Brexit unlikely to deter British companies from investing in Romania

16 German and Austrian investors voice concerns over lack of skilled workers

19 A pole of stability for French and other foreign investors 24 Dutch investors run before the wind 26 American companies go on a hiring spree TOURISM

ness association told me, all the foreign companies are essentially Romanian companies because they attract local talent, work with local suppliers, creating value here. And with the fourth technological revolution under way, Romania needs the help of the private sector to prepare its workers for the jobs of tomorrow. Already, the economy is attracting a growing number of investors looking for develop complex research and development projects here. This is an impressive phenomena that is not getting enough attention from the media and even from policymakers.

38 Romanian tourism needs a breath of fresh air CITY

For decades, Romania’s image has been plagued by bad news about poor infrastructure, red tape and corruption. Things are changing and the steady increase of foreign investment flows confirm that change is coming, although at a slower pace than we all expected. With the international political scene going into uncharted waters, Romania has a window of opportunity to boost its profile as a stable investment destination. This will mean that the investors and decision makers will need to further enhance their dialogue.

40 Private companies boost the Romanian cultural scene

42 It’s festival time! 44 Sky high fun 45 Back to stay: A third culture kid come home

FOUNDING EDITOR: Bill Avery, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Anda Sebesi, DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Simona Bazavan JOURNALISTS: Georgiana Bendre, Georgeta Gheorghe, Otilia Haraga, Romanita Oprea, Ovidiu Posirca, Oana Vasiliu, HEAD COPY EDITOR: Debbie Stowe COPY EDITOR: Eugenia Pupeza, PHOTO EDITOR: Mihai Constantineanu, ART DIRECTOR: Raluca Piscu PUBLISHER: Bloc Notes Media, ADDRESS: No. 10 Italiana St., 2nd floor, ap. 3, Bucharest, Romania­­­­, LANDLINE: Office: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: George Moise, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Oana Molodoi, SALES DIRECTOR: Ana-Maria Nedelcu MARKETING: Marius Andronic, Patricia Neamtu PRODUCTION: Dan Mitroi, DISTRI­­BUTION: Eugen Musat ISSN NO. 1453-729X EMAILS:,,­ Business Review | June 2017



following the IPO and hovered around this value in the first

BR welcomes information for Who’s News. Submissions may be edited fo­­­r length and clarity. Get in touch at

day of trading. Shortly, after the Digi shares started trading on the BVB, the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) announced that it was prosecuting Digi CEO Serghei Bulgac for money laundering. In early May, while the Digi IPO was underway, anti-graft investigators said they had

Yusuf Onder Eren is the new CEO of TotalSoft, replacing Liviu Dragan, the company’s founder. Dragan will remain member of the board of TotalSoft, following the management change. Eren brings over 40 years’ worth of experience in business management, having previously held executive positions in several international companies. He has been a board member within TotalSoft since September 2016, and also a member of the board of Logo for seven years.

Digi Communications’ IPO could help Romania’s capital market reach emerging status

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telecom giant RCS&RDS officials over the broadcasting

Digi Communications raises record EUR 210 mln in IPO on BVB Digi Communications, the

rights for Romania’s main football championship, in a deal that covered the 20082011 seasons. The former head of the Professional Football League (FRF), Dumitru Dragomir, is accused of bribe taking

By Ovidiu Posirca

and complicity in money “The fact that companies from

laundering. Several current and former

company which controls tele-

diverse and more dynamic eco-

com operator RCS&RDS, raised

nomic sectors are listed shows

executives at RCS&RDS are

RON 956.7 million (EUR 210

the diversification and modern-

being investigated in the same

million) in an initial public of-

ization of the Romanian capital

case. Ioan Bendei, the former

fering (IPO) that took place on

market. With yields of over 16

administrator of the company,

the Bucharest Stock Exchange

percent in only four months,

is prosecuted for bribery and


Romania is the market with

money laundering. Digi is the

the highest growth rates from

parent of RCS&RDS, which

first part of May was the big-

Europe this year,” said Ludwik

stated that it was fully coop-

gest IPO of a private company

Sobolewski, CEO of BVB. Digi’s

erating with investigators and

in the history of the BVB.

price per share was set at RON 40

that it was innocent.

The offering closed in the

Tatiana Proskuryakova is the new World Bank country manager for Romania and Hungary. She will replace Elisabetta Capannelli who will be moving to Zagreb. Proskuryakova, a US and Russian national has previously worked as the World Bank’s country manager in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro since 2015. Between 2013 and 2014, she was World Bank country manager in FYR Macedonia and country operations adviser for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay (2010-2013). She joined the World Bank in 1992.

started to prosecute several

Romania posts biggest economic growth out of the EU in Q1 By Georgiana Bendre

of the year, with a GDP growth of 5.6 percent compared with the same period of 2016, according to a flash estimate published by Eurostat, the statistics office the EU. The highest growth rates across the EU were recorded in Romania (5.6 percent), Poland and Lithuania (4.1 percent), Latvia (3.9 percent), Hungary (3.7 percent) and Bulgaria (3.4 percent). Meanwhile, the Greek

Romania registered the highest economic growth in the European Union in the first quarter

economy fell by 0.5 percent. Also, Romania had the highest economic growth from the EU

The European Commission forecasts a 4.3 percent expansion of Romania’s economy this year Business Review | June 2017

NEWS 5 “A significant share of the invested amounts, annually, by Regina Maria, is supported by the revenues obtained from the medical subscriptions. In 2016, the corporate segment represented 30 percent of our turnover of EUR 91 million. We constantly reinvested the obtained revenues and we could thus open more new locations, to bring modern equipment in the network locations and convince the good doctors to stay

Regina Maria aims to expand its network in the next years

Regina Maria investments reach EUR 70 mln in infrastructure development in the 2010-2017 period

in Romania. Currently, there are over 400,000 corporate subscriptions in our portfolio and in 2017, we aim to grow this segment by 15 percent,” said Fady Chreih, CEO of Regina Maria. Most of the investments

By Georgiana Bendre

were made in Bucharest, which

Private healthcare services’

percent over the budgeted value.

attracted EUR 45 million. Cluj

provider Regina Maria has

For 2017, the network has 18 de-

is the second biggest city in

invested over EUR 70 mil-

velopment projects in progress,

which Regina Maria put EUR 9

lion in the development of its

comprising expansions, reloca-


infrastructure in the 2010-2017

tions and modernizations of the

At present, Regina Maria has

period, including the modern-

existing locations, acquisitions,

four hospitals, two maternities,

ization or the expansion of the

as well as Greenfield projects.

11 imagistics centers, 8 medical

current locations, as well as

The medical supplier has 37

centers and 3 centers for hospi-

opening new units.

locations and aims to double the

talization during the day time.

In 2016, it registered the

Vasile Mocanu has been appointed GM of Facilitec, the facility and property management division of Spanish group Mantec. He has more than 14 years professional experience in facility and property management. He previously served as operational manager of Mega Mall Bucharest. Over the years, Mocanu has also held management positions and led facility management projects with Eni Group, BCR Real Estate Management, GE Money Romania/ GE Garanti Bank Romania.

network’s value until 2020. The

The company has 3,500

highest portfolio growth of

investment budget for 2017 is

employees, out of which 1,700

over 20 percent and over 10


are doctors.

in the first quarter of this year, compared with the increase of 1.5 percent in the last quarter of 2016. The European Commission, the executive arm of the EU, expects the Romanian economy to grow by 4.3 percent this year, while the government expects a growth rate of 5.2 percent. EC experts warned that Romania might overshoot the budget deficit target of 3 percent, while public officials in Bucharest say the public expenditure will not spiral out of control.

Be Connected. Be Stronger. June 13-14

Alexandru Reff has been appointed country managing partner Deloitte Romania and Moldova, officially starting on June 1st. He will replace Ahmed Hassan, who takes on a regional leadership position. Reff is an attorney at law, founder of Reff & Associates, the law firm representing Deloitte Legal in Romania. He started his career in Deloitte in 1997 and served in various executive roles, including tax and legal partner for a period of four years. Anca Moldovan is the new health and benefits leader for Central and Eastern Europe at Willis Towers Watson, this being for the first time when a Romanian takes a regional position within the company. She has 17 years’ worth of experience in brokerage, employee retention programs and adapting and implementing health and benefit plans for clients within the former Gras Savoye Romania, currently Willis Towers Watson Romania. Business Review | June 2017


Coming soon to an office near you Looking at how companies are innovating their office buildings in more mature markets offers clues about how people might work in a not-so-distant future in Romania, as well. By Simona Bazavan that provides both an attractive and productive environment, while at the same time conveying the company’s brand to employees and consumers.

BUMPING INTO ONE ANOTHER Some of the more recent office developments in the west – many of them belonging to IT companies – boast novelties in both external and internal layouts. Open-office workspaces and the so-called “hot-desking”, where employees no longer have an assigned desk or seating area, are nothing new. Having employees work both together and individually in different spots around the office, rather than having a fixed desk, or creating working areas whose functions overlap, creates an open, fluid and informal working environment, say employers. Facebook’s headquarters in California features the largest open-space office in the world

Such office spaces encourage people to be mobile and better interact with one another,

the first to challenge the traditional


is easy to see. For one, the competition to

proves communication and spurs creativity,

office environment by introducing

attract and secure valuable talent is perhaps

they argue. Last but certainly not least, such

perks to their employees, such as game rooms

highest for IT companies. They are also the

schemes also allow companies to better opti-

and free lunches. Nowadays, they are once

most likely candidates to innovate and come

mize space without leaving employees feeling

more at the forefront of altogether more

up with disruptive practices which, one way

too squeezed, points out The Economist.

profound changes. The way such companies

or the other, also end up reflecting in their

shape their headquarters in the US or Western

office spaces.

ack in the 1990s, tech companies were

Europe signal what sort of innovations may be in the pipeline for everyone else.

sometimes solely as the result of serendipiWhy tech players are driving these changes

The end game for such tech players, and other companies as well, is to craft an office

tous encounters. This interaction, in turn, im-

Some of the most recent office developments, however, are taking practices such as open-office workspaces, hot-desking and overlapping working areas to a new level. Business Review | June 2017

OFFICE FORWARD 7 definitely hint at profound changes ahead. For

Bedouin tent from Morocco, according to The

Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park,

example, American cloud computing com-


California, is an example worth showcasing.

pany Salesforce will open its new headquar-

Increasingly more, the trend for new

It features the largest such open-space office

ters later this year, in a 62-floor skyscraper in

office developments focuses on amenities

in the world, bringing within the same walls

San Francisco whose top floors will be used

that help employees save time, say industry

some 2,800 employees, including the giant’s

as a lounge and open space area for employ-

representatives. This might include concierge

founder, Mark Zuckerberg. The use of laptops

ees and the general public alike, rather than

services such as picking up laundry or order-

encourages mobility, while those looking

as traditional corner offices for executives,

ing groceries that wait to be picked up from

for privacy can use conference rooms or, so-

writes The Economist.

a fridge in the building’s basement, as is the

When it comes to open-office workspaces,

called libraries, with dedicated quiet spaces.

Apple’s colossal new headquarter in

case for Deloitte’s employees headquartered

To make sure productivity doesn’t suffer,

Cupertino, California, is another example of

in The Edge, the company’s Amsterdam office.

each desk is provided with 27-inch monitors,

an office that is designed and managed with

Other companies are offering their employees

which block out visual distractions, and noise

the self-declared purpose of being “a space

on-site wellness services, including health-

cancelling headphones, according to a com-

for creativity and collaboration.” The circular

care services, or free shuttle services, which is

pany employee cited by Moreover,

building the size of the Pentagon, which

something particularly popular among millen-

employees also enjoy flexible working hours,

opened this April, comes with a park at its

nial workers, they add.

according to the same source.

center, which is meant to create an open en-

Technology is also widely being used for

vironment for people “to create, collaborate

the self-declared purpose of making em-

into its new headquarters, The Barbarian

and work together,” they add. The parklands

ployee’s life easier. The result is the so-called

Group, a new generation internet-advertising

offer two miles of walking and running paths

smart office, which is both user- and environ-

agency, was making headlines by equipping

for employees, plus an orchard, meadow and

ment-friendly. American chip manufacturer

its own headquarters with a one-of-a-kind

pond within the ring’s interior grounds.

Nvidia, for example, is planning to install

In 2015, the same year Facebook moved

cameras to recognize what food people are

desk. Their 335m-long undulating desk could host as many as 170 people at the same time,


taking from the cafeteria, thus eliminating the

but soon the company moved beyond that.

For all the changes technology has brought to

need for a queue and cashier, according to The

The Barbarian Group announced last year that

the way we work, achieving a work-life bal-

Economist. It also plans to have a self-driving

it had sold the office on Craigslist given that

ance has not become easier. And since most

shuttle to connect its various buildings and

the agency has ”transcended” the physical

people spend a good chunk of their weekdays

monitor when employees arrive and leave

office model and migrated to an MMOW,

in the office, why not make the office feel like

in order to adjust the building’s heating and

meaning a “massively multiplayer online

home? Or perhaps even better than home?

cooling systems.

Unconventional yet comfy office set-

Such practices are already available closer

said that it has migrated all internal commu-

tings help both distinguish a company’s

to home. At Deloitte’s The Edge headquarters

nications to Slack - a cloud-based team col-

brand and give staff a reason to come into

in Amsterdam, an app notifies employees

laboration tool - thus “doing away with email

the office, rather than work from home. And

about their schedule as they arrive, guides

and IRL person-to-person interaction.” Each

there are plenty of companies following

them to a reserved parking spot and an avail-

employee has been equipped with gesture-

suit. In Google’s Zurich offices, employees

able desk and adjusts environmental factors

controlled, wearable tech and Wi-Fi-enabled

work inside vintage alpine ski-lifts, and as

such as light and temperature according to

devices that are linked to a private IoT (inter-

in any other Google office, they enjoy three

individual preferences.

net of things) network.

free meals every day. Airbnb’s headquarters

workspace,” according to its CEO. The agency

While such developments don’t spell the end of offices as physical spaces, they

The building was delivered in September

conference rooms are designed according

2014 and it is one of the smartest and green-

to the company’s rental listings, including a

est office buildings in the world, Stefania Business Review | June 2017


Baldovinescu, senior partner, real estate

dashboards at the lobby lift areas showing

Spaces that are increasingly more public are

management services with Colliers Interna-

consumption per tenant/floor and building

becoming part of office projects,” explains

tional tells BR. Such perks will most likely

dedicated smart phone apps, in-building res-


become common place over the next years,

taurant, car and bike sharing as well as other

albeit there are also fears about privacy and

partnerships,” she explains.

how this could all backfire against those they

There is already a considerable difference

An important driver of change for the local office market is the fact that many of the companies active in Bucharest are local

are supposed to help by creating a surveilled

between the office buildings being developed

subsidiaries of large international companies

environment where employees are constantly

today and projects which are already 10 or 15

Sorin Visoianu, country manager operations

being monitored.

years old, Eduard Turcoman, senior broker of-

Romania at Immofinanz tells BR. “It is natural

fice agency C&W Echinox tells BR. “Today, we

that they expect the same quality level from


have buildings whose elevators store breaking

all their headquarters around the world. Ten-

Back in Romania, office buildings are under-

energy, led lighting solutions are becoming

ants’ demands have certainly contributed to

going changes too, and employees are the

wide spread and ventilation systems are in-

increasing the standards of the local office

ones dictating the change, real estate consul-

creasingly more employee-friendly. Also, elec-

space offer, as premium developers continu-

tants tell BR. “We will see over the next years

tric car chargers, bicycle parking and showers

ously invest in their properties,” he point out,

the first building in Romania to have a rooftop

have become standard for established devel-

stressing that many of the latest office trends

running track. Things are moving forward

opers such as Skanska, Globalworth, Vastint

are already visible, in various degrees, on the

fast,” say JLL representatives.

or AFI Europe,” according to him.

Romanian market. An example in this sense is the company’s international office brand,

The trend is for offices to evolve from

Moreover, developers are considering

places where people exclusively work, to

other office upgrades that can be seen on

myhive, which it has already rolled-out in

places where they also spend their free time

more mature office markets, but there is also

both western European (Germany, Austria)

and live, Gabriel Balaban, MRICS, head of

the matter of costs, he

building consultancy at CBRE Romania tells

points out. “Innovations

BR. Offices are fast turning into a hybrid

come with costs that are

between physical space and digital space add

later reflected in the rent.

JLL representatives, and new technologies

This is why developers will

are being used increasingly more by local

always pay attention to

developers. Companies are adapting to new

their tenants’ requirements

ways of working and the first to undergo such

and will avoid unnecessary

changes are generally those with a large num-

gimmicks,” explains Turco-

ber of employees, adds Balaban. “Therefore,


we expect to see tracking systems for employ-

Developers themselves

ees being set up and more apps managed by

agree that there are new

the owners of the office buildings which will

trends taking shape and

help employees save time,” he forecasts.

that new office projects are

It might seem difficult to talk about smart

evolving. Ovidiu Sandor,

buildings in Romania at this point in time,

the developer behind the EUR 130 million

and CEE countries (Romania, Poland, Hun-

given that the local office market is relatively

ISHO project in Timisoara, tells BR that one

gary, Czech Republic,) points out Visoianu.

young, however, local reality catches up with

change is that energy efficiency and securing

trends set abroad, believes Baldovinescu.

green certificates have become a must. Anoth-

profound changes for the local office market

The majority of office buildings are already

er important trend is the growing relevance of

in the years to come, but exactly how those

equipped with heat pumps, radiant ceilings,

an office building’s social function, believes

changes will look remains to be seen. “I am

gray water systems, charging stations for

the businessman.

personally looking forward to welcoming

electric cars, car plate recognition systems

A new office project being developed

All these innovations hint at even more

a building like The Edge in the Romanian

and bike parking spaces, she points out. Oth-

in 2017 goes beyond being simply an office

market. I think the future of real estate

ers already boast improved environmental

building, he explains. First and foremost, it

development will blend real green attributes

features that range from interactive areas,

needs to be employee-centric. “All this means

with smart IT features and hot-desking spaces

community spaces, squares between build-

is that a project which is being developed in

with interactive, welcoming, hotel-type com-

ings and Wi-Fi in campuses to running paths

2017 must have an aspirational component,

mon areas. But until then, I leave you with a

and common areas sensors. “The future is

co-working spaces on all levels, flexible spaces

question: are you ready for buildings that are

even brighter considering the fact that more

and a mix of office and teleworking hours.

so technologically advanced that they know

and more ongoing projects include innova-

Spaces are being adapted to present working

everything you do, or do you consider it is too

tive technologies, such as: virtual reception

patterns with short meetings, many of which

much of an invasion of privacy and personal

with check-in and access control for visitors,

take place in very creative areas or standing.

intimacy?” concludes Baldovinescu.

10 COVER STORY Business Review | June 2017

ROMANIA SET TO CAPITALIZE ON NEW INVESTMENT WAVE A controversial draft bill on the approval chain in Parliament would block any new privatization of a state-owned company for five years. While the initiators of the legal piece claim that the country’s public finances can manage without the privatization of any new state assets, the state-owned enterprises have recorded mixed results regarding the implementation of corporate governance. By Ovidiu Posirca Business Review | June 2017



fter growing by an estimated 5.7 percent in the first three months of the year, the economy needs to remain on stable footing going forward, suggested PM Sorin Grindeanu, in a

rather cautious manner. “We have to maintain this trend and we know this growth has to be recorded in a solid, sustainable and responsible manner. This is why I think that it is important to make these vital reforms by acquiring the best existing practices and standards, and the OECD is a renowned leader in global corporate governance with which we want to cooperate,” said the PM in mid-May, during a conference in which he announced that Romania aims to start negotiations to become a member of the The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The PM went on to say that Romania’s exports reached a fresh EUR 5.6 billion high in March, while foreign direct investments were up by around 22 percent, to EUR 1 billion in Q1.

MAKING LONG-TERM PLANS However, the good macroeconomic figures show only one side of Romania’s story, considering that the private sector still has to manage with a poor development rate of transport infrastructure and fierce competition for specialists in various industries, be it automotive, IT or construction. “A coherent vision and timely policies are critical to avoid turning what used to be Romania’s leading competitive advantage - quality and availability of skilled labor force, into a liability driven by the mismatch between the labor market demand and universities’ output, by the massive brain drain, or demographic trends. The shrinking workforce and the potential changes of the labor legislation are worrisome for companies already operating in Romania, therefore such challenges need to be addressed before they become an obstacle for new investments,” Anca Harasim, the executive director of AmCham Romania, told BR. AmCham Romania is a strong representative of the private sector, backed by around 400 members, including Romanian, American and international companies, which have created around 250,000 jobs and invested USD 20 billion to date. Harasim added that the poor physical infrastructure, correlated with Romania not being part of the Schengen agreement, has left Romania out of the investment map too many times. “Despite general consensus at all levels on the need for modern infrastructure, very little progress is still registered towards closing this gap that is heavily impacting businesses and citizens alike,” she added.

INVESTORS EXPLORING NEW PROJECTS OR LOOK TO EXPAND OPERATIONS IN ROMANIA The industrial sector continues to record a significant amount of investments this year and companies are struggling to find enough workforce in order to keep up with the pace of development. For instance, Arctic, one of the largest home appliances producers in Europe, will invest around EUR 105 million in southern Ro- Business Review | June 2017


mania for a new washing machines’ plant,

development of the private sector. Having

aiming to turn local operations into a hub

reached the maturity stage, the associations

for Arcelic group, the owner of the brand.

comprising foreign and local investors have

Around 2,500 people will be employed here

come under the banner of the Coalition for

and the firm got EUR 37.5 million in state aid

Romania’s Development, the main associa-

for this investment.

tion that meets government officials on a

Elsewhere, Chinese Ningbo HuaXiang

regular basis. The ease of doing business

Electronic is expected to invest USD 30

remains a hot topic during these meetings

million in Brasov, in a new production hall,

as Romania is vying for investments with

which will manufacture spare parts and ac-

other regional powerhouses such as Poland

cessories for German Mercedes cars. Some

and the Czech Republic.

265 jobs will be created here. This spring, Belgian aerospace company

“Investors’ confidence is to a great extent related to the stability, both in the

Sonaca opened in Cluj county, western

political realm and in the decision-making

Romania, a new plant that will manufacture

process, in the regulatory and taxation

parts for the Airbus A320 aircraft, following

framework. With no general elections in the

an investment of EUR 10 million.

next couple of years, we believe that Roma-

Going forward, we might expect more

nia has the opportunity to consolidate the

fresh companies to get on the market or to

country’s overall stability and to enhance

see further developments of already estab-

the rule of law, along with coordinated

lished players.

efforts in increasing its profile in the EU

“There is a significant number of inves-

framework,” said Harasim of AmCham.

tors on the Romanian market, and a rising number of potential ones. Companies that have never done business


here have recently announced their intention of entering the market

Romania’s ongoing project is to seek further integration in the EU,

and investors already present, have lately made new investments.

culminating in the accession in the Euro zone. Just by taking into ac-

The market is evolving, showing economic growth and placing

count the fact that more than two thirds of Romanian exports get in

Romania more and more on their radar,” said Bruno Leroy, founding

the EU yearly, any political tide might have an impact on the sensi-

partner of law firm Leroy si Asociatii.

tive economic ramifications linking Romania to the rest of the Union.

Putting things into perspective, we should also look at companies

This year, it’s all about Brexit and the unpredictable leadership style

that have been operating on the market since 1990, from the early

of Donald Trump in the USA. Even some Romanian politicians from

days of the trailblazers.

the ruling coalition have taken a more nationalistic stance, but this

The top largest 20 companies founded 20 years ago re-

hasn’t become mainstream up to now.

corded a combined turnover

Across the EU, the big

of close to RON 800 million

risk elections seem to have

at the end of 2016. Most of

passed, according to analysts

them were founded in cities

at ING Bank, who claim that

in the center and eastern

upcoming elections in the

part of the country, along-

UK, France and Germany

side Bucharest, according to

pose little risks to markets.

data from the National Trade

However, Italy seems to be

Registry Office (ONRC). The

turning into the next politi-

companies are mainly active in the retail and construction sectors. When looking at the results founded 10 years ago, the top 20 firms had a combined turnover of RON 1.2 billion at the end of 2016. Most of them were founded in Bucharest and in several cities in central

cal volcano going into 2018. Polls suggest anti-EU parties make up almost half of the electorate in Italy, and the possibility of the 5-star Movement becoming the largest party could unnerve markets, according to ING. On this backdrop, the challenge for Romania’s top political brass

Romania. Real estate, transport and agriculture trading are some of

lays in keeping the ship on route. This doesn’t translate only in back-

the sectors in which most of these companies have operations.

ing the economic growth rate above 5 percent this year, but by also

In addition, in these years, the local economy has benefited

making sure that the budget deficit doesn’t exceed 3 percent of GDP,

massively from the know-how of companies from Germany, France,

a severe risk that has been mentioned by the European Commission,

UK, Austria, USA and The Netherlands, which had a key role in the

the executive arm of the European Union. Business Review | June 2017


Brexit unlikely to deter British companies from investing in Romania Real estate, the food and drink industry and retail are three of the sectors most likely to see new investments this year, including from British companies. By Simona Bazavan


ith Brexit negotiations scheduled to start this June, an

companies look at Romania as a new opportunity for investment,

important question is how this will affect British invest-

especially as costs increase in places such as Asia and “near sure

ments in the local economy. “The question everyone

solutions in Europe are becoming more viable and attractive”, he

would like an

adds. “We believe

answer to, but

the necessary

without a crystal

ingredients are in

ball it is difficult

place for British

to estimate what

companies to win

impact positively or

even more busi-

negatively the cur-

ness in Romania

rent negotiations

and newcomers

will have. What

will target sectors

we can say is, from

such as food and

discussions we

drink, retail, real

have had with Brit-

estate, health-

ish businesses and

care, energy and

investors, it is very

transport, as well

much business as

as financial and IT

usual and possibly, if anything, there’s an increased interest in Romania as a trading and investment partner,” Charlie Crocker, CEO of the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC), tells BR. Some of the most significant investments made by British inves-

services,” continues Crocker. In particular real estate, where increased activity is indicative of new investors entering the market and already established players resuming acquisitions, food and drink and retail, where secondary

tors locally over the past year have been in pharma, energy, con-

and tertiary cities are driving new developments, show potential for

structions and IT. In the food and drink sector, wine producer Hale-

future investments, according to BRCC’s CEO.

wood invested over EUR 10 million and has now grown to operate

The UK is a major economic and trading partner for Romania,

five subsidiaries in Romania, says Crocker. “Also noteworthy is real

says Crocker. Bilateral trade reached EUR 3.95 billion in 2015, the

estate developer Tagor, owned by British fund Patron Capital. The

highest level reported so far in the two countries’ bilateral history

developer owns many residential projects in Bucharest, Timisoara

and the upward trend maintained in 2016, he adds. There are more

and Arad. In 2016, the company sold 120 apartments in all its residen-

than 5,000 British companies active in Romania, with a total sub-

tial projects and this year, it continues the construction work on the

scribed capital of over EUR 1.01 billion, indicate BRCC data.

second phase of its residential project Adora Park in Arad,” explains BRCC’s head. And more investments should follow given that, over the past years, Romania has strengthened its position as a location of choice for the British, suggests Crocker. “This is in some part because of the positive changes to the business environment, including greater transparency, one of the fastest growing economies in the EU over the last couple of years and availability of a technically skilled workforce with excellent language skills,” he explains. The global economic environment is also favorable, making UK



German and Austrian investors voice concerns over lack of skilled workers German and Austrian companies expand their local presence yet they’re finding it increasingly difficult to secure the right labor force.


By Simona Bazavan

erman and

attracted some of


the major Austrian


investments in

make up two of the

2016 and 2017.

best established

One of the most

investor communi-

recent examples is

ties in Romania,

Bardeau Holding,

with a strong

which opened the

presence across

Banat Industrial

the local economy.

Park in northern

German invest-

Timisoara this

ments alone pres-

May, adds Bom-

ently total some

mer. The indus-

EUR 8 billion,

trial park’s first

indicate data from

client will be an

the Romanian-

Austrian medical

German Chamber

technology firm

of Commerce and

which plans to

Industry (AHK Ro-

invest locally this

mania). Moreover,

year and in 2018. German

over 10 percent of the foreign-cap-

investors, on the

italized compa-

other hand, have

nies in Romania

a strong footprint,

are German and

in particular in the automotive field

they employ over 250,000 people, according to AHK estimates.

and in other manufacturing industries. “There is also potential in

When it comes to Austrian companies, data show that there are

industries such as green technologies, environment, energy, food

more than 7,200 companies with Austrian capital, out of which ap-

and agriculture, but also IT&C. Due to rising wages, trade also has

proximately 1,500 are active investors in Romania, according to Ad-

a potential for investments. However, it would be desirable that

vantage Austria, the Austrian official trade promotion organization.

investments also rise alongside consumption. Germany, who is a

Their direct investment value amounted to nearly EUR 9 billion in

leader in technologies for machinery and equipment, could take

2016, which represented a share of over 14 percent of all the foreign

advantage of that, as Romania needs urgent investments,” explain

investments in the country.

AHK representatives.

Such a strong presence means that within the last five years, most of the Austrian investments in Romania changed from new investments into enlargement, expansion, replacement and modernization investments, Gerd Bommer, commercial counselor with Advantage Austria tells BR, adding that Austrian investors who want to establish a business in Romania are already here. Metal working, steel, furniture and environmental technologies were the industries that




bilateral trade between Romania and Germany in 2016 Business Review | June 2017


Proximity to Central and Eastern Europe, low labor costs com-

investment plans include Rondo Ganahl, a cardboard manufacturer

pared to the rest of the EU, a legal system that is in line with that of

which plans to invest EUR 20 million into upgrading two of its local

the EU and the 16 percent flat tax, remain to this date some of the


main reasons behind the German investors’ interest in the Romanian

On the German side, there are automotive players such as Draxl-

market. “The reasons still apply, the combination of a favorable tax

maier, INA Schaeffler, ThyssenKrupp, Systems, Continental or HUF,

system, availability of resources, a mainly well-educated workforce -

which last year had planned investments worth EUR 14 million.

with a lack in professional skills - and a really strong growing domes-

There is also energy player E.ON, insurer Allianz, retailers Kaufland

tic market, are driving the development,” adds Bommer.

and Lidl, and telecommunications giant Telekom.

While Romania remains attractive in the region due to the previ-

An overview of the major German and Austrian investors present

ously mentioned aspects, as well as the size of its domestic market,

on the local market shows that the companies have been overall

the country needs to upgrade its infrastructure, as its 700 km of

posting positive results in 2016 and the first part of 2017. Austrian

highways are far behind those of other countries in the region and

controlled OMV Petrom, the largest oil and gas player on the Roma-

this represents a big disadvantage to boosting the country’s poten-

nian market, managed to boost its net profit by 114 percent in the

tial, point out AHK representatives.

first quarter of this year, against the same period a year ago to some

Another downside is that securing qualified employees is be-

RON 618 million. Higher oil prices and higher volumes of natural gas

coming increasingly difficult for investors, representatives of both

and energy have also helped the company see its turnover surge by

communities say. “One of the major challenges today is the lack of a

27 percent. Less positive news came from BCR, the biggest lender

skilled work force. In Romania, the employment quota is relatively

in Romania controlled by Austrian Erste Group, whose first quarter

low compared to countries like Austria or especially the Netherlands

profit fell by 33.7 percent to RON 196.3 million (EUR 43.3 million),

and Scandinavia. Therefore, we see that workforce in general is available, but the mobilization is difficult,” explains Bommer, adding that both issues are in the hands of the Romanian government. Dual education programs, many of which are endorsed by German and Austrian investors locally, provide a solution to the problem. It is important for Romanian authorities and decision makers to take the necessary steps to develop vocational training, also point out AHK representatives, stressing that long-term development can only be achieved by investing in education. There is also the matter of continuing the fight against corruption, strengthening the rule of law and ensuring predictability, stability and transparency in order to enable companies to plan future investments, say representatives of the two communities. “The national funds, and especially the EU funds will keep investments at a high


level, but the government will have to do its part in order to create even better conditions, especially in predictability of the legal frame-

as the bank grappled with falling banking income and an ongoing

work and long-term planning and strategies,” stresses Bommer.

process to reduce the non-performing loans book.

In terms of trade relations, 2017 data confirm that Germany

According to the most recent data, Kaufland, the largest German-

remains Romania’s main trade partner. German imports to Romania

controlled company in Romania, and also the largest retailer on the

amounted to EUR 13.8 billion in 2016, which was up by 10.5 percent,

local market, passed the EUR 2 billion turnover threshold in 2015,

while Romanian exports to Germany increased by 14.6 percent to

some three years earlier than initially targeted. Lidl and Metro Cash

EUR 12.3 billion, according to AHK data. “Total trade between the

& Carry, two other German retail and wholesale players, also posted

two countries amounted to EUR 26.1 billion which was up 12.4 per-

growth last year. They might be joined by German discounter Aldi

cent y-o-y and which represents about some 20 percent of Romania’s

who earlier this year was looking for hiring local managers, accord-

exports. Overall, there is an upward trend,” say AHK representatives.

ing to media reports.

Austrian exports to Romania on the other hand, account for EUR 2.08 billion, up by 6.0 percent in 2015 and 4.1 percent in 2016.

Looking forward, both German and Austrian investors have a positive outlook about doing business in Romania. “We do annual business surveys with our Austrian subsidiaries in Romania. The


results are overwhelming, while 50 percent of the respondents think

Major Austrian investors in Romania are spread throughout the

that Romania’s development will be good or very good, two thirds of

economy. There is oil and gas giant OMV Petrom, lenders BCR and

respondents think like this about their sector, but over 90 percent of

Raiffeisen, real estate companies Immofinanz and S Immo or con-

respondents think that their company’s development will be good or

struction firm Strabag, to name just a few. Some of their more recent

very good,” says the Advantage Austria representative. Business Review | June 2017


A pole of stability for French and other foreign investors With EUR 4.3 billion French investments in Romania up to 2015, according to the National Bank of Romania (BNR) data, France is Romania’s fifth commercial partner, with more than 2,500 active companies registered here.

Join the most active foreign business communities in Romania! June 13-14

By Anda Sebesi


he French Chamber of

attractive mostly for contract

Commerce and Industry

manufacturing, today Roma-

(CCIFER) counts today

nia has become interesting in

some 500 members, representing

welcoming production facilities

15 percent of the GDP and more

and offices of big and medium

than 125,000 employees, cover-

groups, which are choos-

ing all sectors of activity, from big

ing the southern or eastern

names of French groups who start-

regions of Romania,” says the

ed to invest in Romania twenty

representative of CCIFER. She

years ago, to small entrepreneurs.

highlights that from a low-cost country, Romania is changing

“Every year, new investors are attracted by the opportunities

its status to a best-cost country,

offered by Romania, which is seen

where investors can still find a

nowadays as a strategic choice in

qualified workforce, very often speaking French or English,

the area, due to its human capital and the linguistic and cultural proximity. Our quarterly barometer showed big expectations in the beginning of 2017 regarding the

culturally close to France. Speaking of the business plans of some of the most representa-

growth and development of Romania, nevertheless with risks related

tives French players on the local market, Dacia, one of the most

to the general political and social context, but confident in the capac-

significant French companies in Romania, posted EUR 4.6 billion

ity of the business environment to reach a balance and a dynamic,”

turnover last year. After the company launched the Logan, Sand-

says Adriana Record, executive director of CCIFER. According to her,

ero and Duster models, it saw a steady increase of its business in

during 2016, CCIFER was involved in around 50 commercial projects,

Romania. “The increase of our turnover in 2016 has been fueled by

just to mention a few sectors in which French investors were inter-

both the domestic and international market. As for the exports, we

ested, whether to purchase some local companies, or to buy raw ma-

have performed very well both on the European market as well as

terials from local producers: packaging (cardboard), industry, NTIC,

the Asian and African ones. This makes our exports about 90 percent

wood, textiles, water transportation, aeronautics, destocking.

of our turnover this year,” stated Liviu Bocsaru, CFO at Grup Renault

“The interest shown by the French investors towards Romania

Romania earlier this year. According to the company’s data, Dacia

has been steadily growing in the recent years. During the first four

kept its position as market leader in Romania in 2016, with a market

months of 2017, CCIFER finalized several business development

share of about 30 percent. At the international level, the sales of

projects, either supporting French companies in opening a subsid-

Dacia increased by 6 percent to more than 545,000 units.

iary in Romania, finding new markets or identifying new purchasing

Elsewhere, Carrefour Romania, the largest multiformat retailer

channels” adds Record. According to her, automotive, engineering,

on the local market is also one of the most active players. The re-

services and agriculture were among the sectors in which French

tailer operates on the local market through 290 stores under several

investors showed their interest since the beginning of the year.

formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets, proximity stores and online)

As pundits say, today Romania is one of the most welcoming countries for doing business in the region, as it is a pole of stability

and has an annual turnover of about EUR 1.7-1.8 billion. Jean Baptiste Dernoncourt, the CEO of Carrefour Romania stated

reinforced by its membership to both the EU and NATO and through

earlier this year for Ziarul Financiar that a new strategic direction for

its strategic partnership with the United States and the other coun-

the company on the local market will be online, as this channel is

tries. “The trends have also changed - if in the past Romania was

supposed to grow in the next years based on its existing potential. Business Review | June 2017


20 years of Anchor Grup on the local market The international investor celebrates two decades of activity on the

Another aspect of Anchor’s Grup portfolio consists of its office buildings.

Romanian market. Anchor Grup is associated with several premieres,

The renovation also generated the mixed-use project developed by the

and its investments surpassed the benchmark of 400 million euros.

company, Plaza Romania Offices (PRO), which was inaugurated in 2016. This project began with identifying the synergy of work and leisure place

The first modern shopping center in Romania, the first cinema where

and the fact that the demand for office and commercial spaces feed

Romanians were able to watch 3D movies, the renovation of two malls

each other. PRO has a rentable area of almost 10,000 square meters, and

while keeping them functional and the first conversion of retail space

required an investment of 5.5 million euros, in addition to the costs of the

into office space, which resulted in the creation of Plaza Romania offices.

modernization works for the Plaza Romania.

These are the premieres that had a significant impact on the market, premieres which represent a trademark for Anchor Grup, one of the most powerful players in the real estate developers sectors due to its

Apart from PRO, Anchor Grup also developed two office buildings. Anchor Plaza, a class A building located in the nearby of Plaza Romania has an area of over 25,000 square meters. Currently, it is

portfolio of retail, residential and office building projects.

occupied at 80% capacity, and negotiations are continuing for closing the remaining areas. Its development

The international investor entered the Romanian market in 1997. Two years later, Anchor Grup

began as Anchor Grup observed that tenants were

inaugurated București Mall, the first modern

keen to move where they had access not only to premium accommodation, but also complemen-

shopping center in Romania, which quickly became a landmark in the urban landscape, a

tary functions. Another addition to the portfolio

meeting place for fashionistas and the favorite

is Anchor Plaza Metropol, a building that

shopping destination for trendsetters. In 2004,

Anchor Grup is currently developing. The build-

Anchor Grup opened its second mall, Plaza

ing, that has a rentable area that amounts to

Romania. This shopping center was dedicated

approximately 35,000 square meters, is suitable

to the local community, providing families and

for large tenants.

friends - not only an intimate and interpersonal Anchor Grup has also ventured into the residen-

experience, but also with entertainment. Plaza

tial real. Located in the very heart of Bucharest,

Romania hosts Movieplex, the first Romanian

close to București Mall and surrounded by 5000

multiplex that showed 3D films.

square meters of green areas, InCity Residences includes more than 500 apartments in four apartment

Starting with 2014,both malls went through a complex renovation process, which lasted more than two years. The

buildings. There are 13 types of flats and their surface ranges

refurbishment works, which required an investment that exceeded 30

from 63 to 265 square meters, thus catering to the tastes of a community

million euros, were done while both malls remained open for business

of people who have the same values, lifestyle and preference for things

and many interventions were carried out at night, in order not to disturb

of quality.

shoppers. The effects of the refurbishment were spectacular: not only that this premiere on the Romanian market received several national and international awards, but it increased the occupancy rate, the footfall and 80% of the tenants followed Anchor Grup’s example. They revamped their stores in accordance with the latest design trends, thus attracting even more visitors in Plaza Romania and București Mall.

invested by Anchor Grup in Romania since 1997 Business Review | June 2017


The refurbished București Mall preserves its status as an urban landmark The first modern shopping center in Romania went through a complex refurbishment process that earned it national and international prizes, such as the SEE Award and the Best of the Best Hall of Fame (HOF) Award granted by CIJ Europe, but also an increasing footfall

The story of București Mall begins with the the re-purposing of one of an

public spaces relate to its glass dome.

original market hall, a re-purposing that went on prior to its launch in 1999. The initial investment amounted to 60 million euros. The shopping

The design strategies were meant to increase the visibility of București

center was redesigned and upgraded in 2007, yet, seven years later, it

Mall’s tenants and to ease the customer experience. Architectural

was high time to do renovations once more. The purpose of the 2014

interventions were done in bold, yet understated ways so as not to

refurbishment was to refresh the look of the mall in order for it to be in

compete with what tenants have on offer. The renovation enhanced the

line with current trends and clients’ demands. The main changes aimed

urban landmark qualities of Bucuresti Mall, while adding to it a vibrant

a better usability of the space both for customers and tenants.

interplay of light and color.

The two year refurbishment process had very specific targets: quality of

The refurbishment and the way it was done – the hard way, in the spirit

place, quality of tenant mix, and quality of experience. Behind the reno-

of transparency toward the mall’s tenants and customers – yielded a

vations there was a strategic design vision that would allow the mall

high return. The occupancy rate reached 97% in Bucureşti Mall, as 23

to maintain commercial success and urban relevance. Thus, the design

new stores were opened in the shopping center during the renovation.

connects the sophisticated and trendy București Mall clients with the

The footfall also increased significantly, yet the profile of the shopping

project both literally and emotionally.

center has not changed: they are still fashionistas and trend-setters, yet among them one notices a new generation of shoppers. Bucureşti Mall

The main challenges were those entailed by working with a challeng-

remains the fashion heart of the capital.

ing existing structure: low floor to floor, massive columns and a dense structural grid. The existing infrastructure also caused mechanical defi-


ciencies. Furthermore, unexpected hidden conditions were discovered during construction. One of the priorities of the contractors was to minimize tenant disruption, so all these hardships had to be dealt without causing further interference with the shopping experience. New façades were added to the building, the symbolic fountain has been renovated and new terraces have been arranged. From a visual standpoint, the colors, the patterns, the white and the mix with the metals give București Mall an urban texture, which highlight the focus of the mall, which is fashion. Investments were made to increase the food and beverage offer and to strengthen the café society so critical to the local community. Its exterior terraces activated the urban landscape and

were invested in the renovation Business Review | June 2017


Plaza Romania, the interpersonal mall Boasting an occupancy rate that amounts to 95%, the shopping center provides a modern space, one for the community, easy to access. Moreover, if offers an interpersonal shopping and entertainment experience for families and friends. techniques were employed - and it illustrates a new set of architectural strata on an already existing building. The new entrance is consistent with the concept of Plaza Romania, which is defined by the dialogue between its inner spaces and the Bucharest urban space. The effect of the renovation was a positive one. Just as in București Mall, the tenants followed the example and remodeled their shops. The occupancy rate increased, as 28 new stores were inaugurated during the renovation, and the footfall as well.

Inaugurated in 2004, Plaza Romania was meant to be a shopping center that satisfies the needs and caters to the tastes of the neighborhood. This mall embodies an urban district itself, it appeals to families, office workers, and, in its 13 years of existence, became a day to day meeting place for all visitors. However, Plaza Romania also needed a refreshed look in order to comply with the latest trends. The mall was significantly changed by the renovation, which also resulted in a GLA of 38.000 square meters because of the first conversion of a retail space into an office space. After the renovation was finalized, the interior of the mall became lighter, with linear elements and patterns. New outside green spaces were added and the food court and terraces were expanded. One of the major changes was the new entrance that connects Plaza Romania to the Timișoara Boulevard, an entrance which has been under construction for six months. The building of this entrance was necessary as the Timișoara Boulevard is one of the busiest avenues in Bucharest, having 12 million visitors per year. The new entrance aims to facilitate the access of the pedes-


trians in the southern area of the ground floor of the mall and from the underground parking space, as well as the access of commuters from the

Part of the Anchor Grup portfolio, Movieplex, hosted by Plaza Roma-

stations belonging to the network of public transportation.

nia, has 11 theatres which can accommodate approximately 2500 persons, among these being Figueras armchairs. Out of all these seats,

The concept of the new entrance, which seeks to strengthen the con-

30 are meant for people with health conditions or impairments. All the

nection between Plaza Romania and the neighborhood, focused on the

theatres are endowed with the latest sound systems (Dolby Digital

reduction of variables of the architectural experience, thus achieving

Surround Speakers) and projection equipment (Cinemeccanica/Barco).

transparency through simplicity. It was meant to integrate the natural,

Movieplex offers a complex cinematic experience that stands out

urban and virtual environments - therefore brand new materials and

because of the comfort conditions it provides. Business Review | June 2017


The evolution of the residential and office building portfolio of Anchor Grup

A residential complex situated in the heart of Bucharest, two office build-

The latest addition to the Anchor Grup portfolio is Plaza Romania Offic-

ings and a mixed-use project located in Plaza Romania, all these are the

es (PRO). The project was created during the refurbishment process of

results of developments made by the international investor.

the two malls owned by Anchor Grup in Romania – București Mall and Plaza România – and it took an investment of approximately 5.5 million

InCity Residences, the premium residential complex on Dudeşti Street,

euros, in addition to the costs of the modernization works for the Plaza

located 500 meters away from Bucharest Mall, Alba Iulia Square and Dris-

România Mall. PRO has a rentable area of almost 10,000 square meters,

tor subway station, was launched in the fall of 2009. The first develop-

and the main tenant is the Mega Image retail chain, with approximately

ment stage of the project involved the commissioning of three buildings

4,000 square meters. Those who occupy the office space are only one

totaling 373 living spaces. By launching the fourth apartment building

step away from all the amenities that the mall has to offer, but, at the

for sale, the capacity of InCity Residences reaches over 500 apartments.

same time, the mall itself does not provide a distraction for them, as

Prices start at 1,050 euros per built square meter, plus VAT. The residen-

the office area remains independent from the retail space. Further-

tial compound was conceived in order to develop a community of people

more, the cost of having a company’s headquarters in Plaza Romania

who have the same values, lifestyle and preference for things of quality.

Offices is one of its many advantages, taking into consideration the

Hence, it was endowed with generous spaces, triplex type housing and

location. The rent for the office building is at the usual level for the 6th

the high end finishes, including modern faucets, ceramic tiles and high

sector of Bucharest, but through the advantages it offers, it helps its

quality triple layer parquetry from some of the most appreciated Euro-

tenants save time and resources.

pean producers of such materials. As far as flexibility is concerned, Plaza Romania Offices is also a good The same preference for things of quality is reflected by the office build-

fit for companies, as their demands are listened to and met, as was

ings developed by Anchor Grup. Near Plaza Romania, the international

the case of Mega Image. For this tenant, local adaptations were made

investor also owns the Anchor Plaza Office Building, the first A class

in accordance with specific requests, which led to the transformation

office building integrated in a shopping center service area. The 13 floor

of certain parts of the common areas of the building. Considering

building has an area of over 25,000 square meters. Currently, it is oc-

these advantages, Plaza Romania Offices is the ideal office building

cupied at 80% capacity, and negotiations are continuing for closing the

for companies that want to offer a significant and diversified amount

remaining areas. Among its tenants are Adobe, Euroweb, Caroli Foods,

of benefits to their employees – access to a wide array of services and

Credit Europe Bank, LC Waikiki, Marks &Spencer, Securitas, Essilor and

products, but without the difficulties entailed by a central location.

Polisano. Among the developments of Anchor Grup is also Anchor Plaza Metropol. The works on it have been resumed in 2015 and are still ongoing, the structure being closed with drape-like facades. With a GLA of 35,000 square meters, this office building can accommodate corporations or other large tenants. Business Review | June 2017


Dutch investors run before the wind Economically, Romania has caught the attention of Dutch investors for years now, and the Netherlands is in a top-ranking position, as the largest foreign contributor to the Romanian economy. By Anda Sebesi


Keep up to date with the latest foreign investments in Romania! June 13-14

n the past twenty years, Ro-

the European Union and the eco-

mania and the Netherlands

nomic growth registered in 2016 is

have engaged in strong

a positive sign and a confirmation

economy-related collaborations,

in this direction. The representa-

so that Dutch companies have

tive of NRCC highlights that many

invested in many economic sectors

Dutch companies that have been

of the local economy. At present,

here and moved to China or India

Dutch players are very well repre-

because it’s cheaper to produce

sented in transport and logistics,

over there, come back now to Ro-

banking, insurance, finance, retail,

mania because this country has a

manufacturing, shipbuilding,

labor force–better educated, faster

agriculture, industrial production

and more detail oriented.

and engineering. “As a result, for more than six

“Romania has much to offer, making it an attractive country for

years now, the Netherlands is in a

the short-term, but also for the

top-ranking position, as the largest

long-term investments. A great

foreign contributor to the Roma-

future potential lies in areas such

nian economy, with 25 percent of

as research, innovation (especially

the total foreign capital invested in the country, more than EUR 9

in the medical field and smart solutions for urban challenges), IT,

billion,” says Gerke Witteveen, NRCC President, CFO NN Life Insur-

environment, shipping and logistics/port. Romania boasts many


business opportunities especially when it comes to SMEs, a sector

According to him, in 2016, bilateral trade amounted to over EUR 3 billion, with exports up by 9 percent to over EUR 1 billion and imports up by 12.32 percent, to EUR 2 billion. “Going back in time, at

with the potential of becoming a seed of economic revival, essential for Romania’s development,” says Witteveen. Getting back to business, Philips, one of the largest Dutch com-

the end of October 2015, total Dutch-Romanian bilateral trade was

panies that operates on the local market through its plant in Orastie,

at EUR 3.2 billion, with an increase of 11.74 percent compared to the

Hunedoara County, ended 2015 with EUR 112 million turnover, up

first 10 months of 2014. This increase was higher than 9.05 percent,

by 1 percent on 2014. Despite this poor performance, its business

which was the average increase registered by Romania in the bilat-

was five times bigger than in 2009. The Philips plant in Orastie

eral exchanges with other EU member countries,” adds Witteveen.

produces coffee espresso machines under the Philips brand and

More than 4,000 Dutch companies are active now in Romania,

oral hygiene devices under the Sonicare brand, according to Ziarul

together boosting around 200,000 jobs. According to Witteveen, the

Financiar. The plant in Orastie has been taken over by Philips from

main sectors of investment last year were agriculture, water man-

Saeco in 2009 and it is one of the two product plants in Europe that

agement and the food industry. Plus, Romania and the Netherlands

Philips operates, specialized in manufacturing coffee machines.

deploy a successful cooperation in fields like fruit farming, dairy farming and greenhouse building. A very important additional pull factor for Dutch companies

Going to the financial sector, for NN Asigurari de Viata 2016 was a fruitful year, with the company posting RON 662 million gross written premiums on the insurance segment. 2016 was a year when

to land their feet in Romania is the continuous growth of the GPD

the company capitalized the experience from its core activity, life

expected: Romania displays one of the highest increases in GDP in

insurance, in order to extend in the health insurance, too. Business Review | June 2017


American companies go on a hiring spree The US is only the 10th largest foreign investor in Romania, yet American companies have established a strong presence in local industries such as IT and automotive. By Simona Bazavan


merican compa-

ing this fall. For the same

nies had invested

purpose, the company

a total of EUR 1.6

will also hire 900 extra employees.

billion by the end of 2015 in

Also earlier this year,

Romania, according to central bank data, albeit the

Ford Trucks opened its

actual amount is most like-

largest dealership in

ly higher, as many US firms

Europe in Romania, fol-

invest locally through their

lowing a EUR 200,000

Europe-based subsidiaries.

investment. The build-

While America’s asset

ing is located on the A1

base in Romania is rather

highway, at km 13.2, and

small, with assets total-

from here Ford Trucks

ing an estimated USD 14.4

will provide a wide array

billion in 2015, it increased

of services such as sales, post-sale operations and

by almost 40 percent y-o-y, according to a 2017 report on the state of the transatlantic economy, coordinated by the American Chamber of Commerce to the European

spare parts deliveries. American companies maintain a strong position locally when it

Union. The same year, American investors had generated 8,000 new

comes to IT and outsourcing activities. CGS, the largest call-center

jobs locally, which added up to a total of 57,446 employees.

operator on the local market, reported a turnover of RON 232 million

Romania’s exports to the US represented just 1.9 percent of the

(approximately EUR 51 million) and a RON 51 million (approximately

country’s total world exports and 7.3 percent of extra-EU export,

EUR 11 million) for 2016, according to ZF. The company has offices in

according to the same source. Machinery and transport equipment

Bucharest and five other regional cities, and last year it has grown to

represented about half of the USD 2.1 billion total US imports from

more than 2,600 employees.

Romania followed by other manufactured goods. “The US is a rather

Other local American investors are planning to expand their local

small supplier to Romania, with imports from the US totaling just

employee base this year. Last October, Amazon opened a develop-

USD 753 million, a 16.1 percent decrease from 2014. The US account-

ment and technology center in Iasi, Eastern Romania for which it

ed for just 1.1 percent of the nation’s total imports and 4.7 percent

plans to hire 400 people. This January, news broke that the Ameri-

excluding intra-EU trade,” reads the report.

can e-commerce giant was looking to lease some 10,000 sqm of

American investments in the Romanian economy are primarily in

office space in Bucharest, as well. This came shortly after General

the areas of IT, automotive, food and agriculture, hospitality, invest-

Motors said they leased 4,000 sqm in Skanska’s Green Court project

ment funds, manufacturing and consumer products. Players like

in the capital for a call-center.

Google, Microsoft, Oracle, HP, and IBM are some of the main names that come to mind, yet to this day, the largest American investor on the local market remains Ford. The car manufacturer has invested EUR 1 billion locally since 2008, according to its data. The company announced earlier this year that it will install 190 new robots at its factory in Craiova for the production the EcoSport SUV model start-




The stock of US investments in Romania at the end of 2015 Business Review | June 2017


SILKDOM – striking silk stories into business With more than 12 years’ experience in key PR positions on both agency and client side, Madalina Nistor decided to follow her long-time passion for silk and start her own business. The only silk clutch designer and producer in Romania of successful brand SILKDOM, talks to BR about beginnings and future business plans. By Romanita Oprea of our customers. Up to now, a selection of SILKDOM creations can be found in Azay Boutique, a prominent luxury boutique with special, precious gifts, but also at Molecule F Concept Store in Promenada Mall, where our SILKDOM clutches are proudly displayed among the creations of the most relevant Romanian designers.

What about the long-term plan? My dream is to take SILKDOM to the fashion capitals of the world, right on the shelves of the most important shopping boutiques and centers. It is hard work and I do believe that such a goal requires a considerable timespan, but then, in my case it all started with a dream. I also plan to create a special division for brides. They are a fantastic category to work for because they are demanding and looking for spectacular, creative gems.

How did you choose the moment to launch your business?

What is your business plan for this year?

The moment I launched SILKDOM was the

I launched SILKDOM six months ago. On Oc-

What is your target and how do you reach it?

moment my childhood fairy tales finally

tober 30th, 2016, was live

We mainly address affluent clients, both

caught up with me. Every member of my fam-

and so were the social media tools supporting

women and men, although in order to facili-

ily was an artist to a certain extent, but my

my silk business. I had been working on this

tate access to our products, we implemented

maternal grandmother was the one who gave

project for almost 1 year prior to its launch

solutions on our website that allow payment

me this love for silk and the courage to pursue

with challenges of all sorts. I finally man-

through credit card installments.

my dreams. She was fortunate enough to be

aged to fine tune all the pieces at the end of

During these six month of activity, we gladly

close to Queen Mary of Romania when she

October and by the third week of November,

acknowledged that our customers come from

was very young and was very impressed by

85 percent of our collection was sold out. It

all over Romania. We were also positively

the beautiful, elegant, valiant Monarch!

seems that women loved the idea of owning a

surprised to find out that men are great shop-

unique silk clutch, an item that did not exist

pers with exquisite tastes and generosity.

was born at the precise moment when my

on the Romanian market before SILKDOM

SILKDOM customers are either very young,

past collided into my present life and found

introduced it.

or people in their thirties, who commonly use

Getting back to your question, SILKDOM

me available and willing to venture into new

2017 comes with an “E designation”. We

social media and enjoy the online shopping

territories. I started this business while on

seek expansion both in terms of product

experience. That is why, in April, SILKDOM

maternity leave with my son. It was back

range and sales channels. We are currently

joined eMAG’s “Deschide Romania” platform,

then that I realized I needed a story of my

working on launching new collections in or-

a marketplace dedicated to Romanian design-

own, built around what I love most: precious

der to respond to the needs and requirements

ers and producers.

things, striking stories and silk. Business Review | June 2017


E-Commerce: Romania still behind other EU countries This year, MindMagnet, one of the biggest Romanian agencies offering software solutions dedicated to companies, became part of the group Pitech Plus, allowing it to grow and diversify its services even more. BR met with Sandu Babasan, CFO MindMagnet and CEO Blugento to talk about entering the online market in 2006 and how the Romanian e-commerce market looks like today compared to other European countries. By Romanita Oprea it, a specialized division. We are specialized in Magento – an e-commerce platform and a world segment leader. Since the launch, we’ve been mostly working for international companies, and in 2014 we received the license for organizing the big event called Magento. We are very close to the worldwide event’s organizers which is something that allows us to have access to the latest trends and news in technology and e-commerce, just as they happen.

How did the services you provide evolve in time? From the simple projects that took us 2 hours, today we have projects larger than EUR 4-500,000 and on which teams of 5-7 people work for 2-3 years. But, I don’t think this is something special with us in this regard, I believe this has been the flow for all the organizations on the market. Usually, an IT business has at least a partner that understands the technical side very well and, in order to have success, a partner

How did you get the idea of starting your own company?

the company in Satu Mare, but because there

that knows the business side very well. From

weren’t enough specialists, I moved to Cluj. I

selling simple things (although complex at

I am from Satu Mare and studied at the

started with one partner and in only one year

that time, due to the fact that computers

University of Timisoara. In the first year as

we had 25 employees. We hit success pretty

could deliver to a certain limit, today, hav-

a student, I played around with the idea of

fast due to the fact that human resources

ing a more complex technology helps us a

bringing PCs to my hometown and selling

were low-priced at that time and we all had

lot), today we sell very intricate things. For

them, as there was a need in the market. As I

ambition and drive. At that time, online was

example, we had a project for the American

became more acquainted with the technology,

something new that attracted a lot of ambi-

State, software that was carried on the ships

I started to see that it represented the future

tious people, ready to work hard.

while going out to sea and, depending on the

and therefore decided to launch my own

The business grew stronger and, at the

engine’s number of revolutions, when they

beginning of 2008, we even bought a part of

came back to port, they connected to a server

our own supplier’s business and grew even

and the taxes for the state were calculated.

lacked in online image, I knew some special-

more. Today we are part of Pitech Plus, a big

That meant that the amount of the taxes owed

ists in the field and I felt and understood the

organization of 300 people. We, alongside the

depended on the emissions released, not on

business side very well. In 2006, I launched

software company, represent just a part of

the capacity of the ship.

company. It all came naturally: I saw that the market Business Review | June 2017


Mastercard show around 4,000 online pay-

products, how to present them; we are trying

year and so did the IT sector. We started from

ment implementations. If the store is not

to promote them and generate sales.

a point in which we had specialists when

taken care of live, it means it doesn’t bring

there were none in other countries. In 2016,

value to the business and, therefore, not

certain fields, but there are also fields in

those specialists were working in this field

taken into consideration. I believe that if we

which we are wondering who is the leader

mostly due to curiosity and ambition. They

reach 20,000 active online stores in the next

as we have no answer. There are still a lot of

were self-taught. Today there are IT schools.

three years, it would be a normality.

domains in this situation.

The projects’ complexity grew from year to

As the complexity of the projects grew, so did

There are 3-4 well-known players in

Here, we have a product developed on

our rates. The rates allowed us to have a big-

the Magenta platform that functions on a

ger capacity, both in terms of employed per-

monthly subscription business concept and

How do you foresee your business in the next 2-3 years? What do you wish?

sonnel, as well as buying power and salaries.

we are Banca Transilvania’s partners with

Starting 2012-2013, we began to look at the

this product. A product that will be exposed

agency like it was a little factory; while it pro-

How would you characterize the Romanian e-commerce market and where do you believe it should develop more?

to the bank’s IMM’s portfolio (the 220,000

duces for its clients, it also creates some prod-

companies),we offer an application in which

ucts for in-house use. We can already spot a

we deliver the online store to the clients that

trend in Cluj and Europe: the transition from

The e-commerce market in Romania,

comes natively with Banca Transilvania’s

services offered to companies to in-house

compared to the European one is four times

payment system. The objective is to free

products. We already have some products,

under-developed, even if we look at our

everything that means access to the online

one being in time management (very popular

Hungarian neighbors that, with a population

store because today entrepreneurs don’t

already, with around 50,000 users), a product

of 9 million people, have double the online

know how to ask for the functions they need

that acts as a research online platform (ivox.

business of Romania, even with a population

and they also find it very hard to arrive at all

ro – the 120,000 users we have in the panel

of 19 million. No need to think about the UK

the suppliers in the eco-system, in order to

are responding to different online research,

market where the online business reaches

have a new product in the end. Moreover,

in a very short amount of time) and we have

EUR 150 billion, while Romania is somewhere

our company brings the carrier natively inte-

Blugento – and here I believe that in 2-3 years’

around the 1.4 billion margin.

grated with private banking, marketing solu-

time, the products will generate at least a

tions and good PR partners. We are trying not

turnover equal to the turnover generated by

Romanian market are around 10,000 online

only to create an online store for them, but

the agency. And if we succeed, one of them

stores, while the data provided by Visa and

also to teach clients how to handle their own

can even surpass the agency.

Moreover, there are talks that on the


Discount Locator, all offers in one aplication Location Driven Marketing is rolling out a new mobile application called Discount Locator ©® that will consolidate all available offers in a trading location into a virtual billboard, to make decision-making much easier for the consumer and to enhance the shopping experience. The platform to place adverts on this app is Location Driven Advertising ©®. Sustained by ground breaking geo-targeting technology, there is no need for Bluetooth, and the broadcasting range can be fine-tuned from 5 to 5,000 metres. In less than two hours your message can be delivered to consumers in their own language at the place of trading and when it’s needed. And that for the best price in virtual geo-targeting advertising from 0.01 to 0.05 EUR per hour per location. We look forward to have you as a partner on our platform. For details and registration, please go to Email: Facebook: Telephone UK: +44 7375 936 602 / Telephone RO: + 40 735 585 440 Business Review | June 2017


Promoting local food under Romanian chic concept In 2004, after spotting a gap in the Romanian market, Le Manoir Group owners introduced the local crowd to French refined gastronomy. Through the newly-opened Romanian gastro wine bar La Vinuri and the Eastern European delicacies store Mariza, set to open in June, over a decade later the group plans to do the same for Romanian food, co-founder Cristian Preotu told BR. By Georgeta Gheorghe and more. The first store of a potential chain, which also required an EUR 50,000 investment, will be located on the same street.

INTRODUCING THE ‘ROMANIAN CHIC’ CONCEPT With Mariza, we propose the ‘Romanian chic’ concept, which revolves around premium quality traditional products that get sold at a price that stimulates producers to improve, Preotu explained. Romanian foods to be sold include Mangalita ham, morels, cheeses, Plescoi sausages, fruit syrups, jams and more. “We are looking for roe, and we are in touch with producers that will farm sturgeons,” he said,


adding that Romanian farmers grow very good quality products. According to Preotu, who is

hat started as a small business

online is a different trade. Our products must

the sole curator of all products that sell in the

opened by Preotu and his wife

be seen, touched and tasted,” added Preotu,

group’s restaurants and shops, the quality of a

Maria, with the later addition of

hinting that one cannot smile at a virtual

product should be reflected in its price. Supe-


rior quality produce needs special deposit and

his brother-in-law Calin, today it still remains

With its two restaurants, Le Bistrot

delivery conditions and producers are willing

people. In 2016 Le Manoir Group posted a

Francais and Sushi Room, and French

to do this if they get a good price. “What they

turnover of EUR 5 million and is expecting

chocolaterie Michel Cluziel, the owners of Le

need is support, and also to see that quality

a 15 percent growth in 2017. According to

Manoir Group have already contributed to

is rewarded.” Moreover, according to Preotu,

a family business which employs around 80

Preotu, Comtesse du Barry shops and corpo-

the cultural footprint of the area surrounding

the market is mature enough to welcome this

rate gifts are performing the best, represent-

Bucharest’s Atheneum. “French Revolution

approach and pay a premium price for good

ing 50 percent of the group’s turnover. Next

and Moritz are here too, so it is starting to

quality Romanian products.

are the restaurants, and the shop Le Petit

look a lot like Place de la Madeleine in Paris,

Bateau, run by Maria Preotu. “It is likely that

except that instead of the church, we have the

via another project currently in an advanced

in the coming years, the ranking will change,

Romanian Atheneum,” Preotu explained.

phase, the entrepreneur is planning to use the

as businesses progress.”

La Vinuri, opened on Episcopiei Street

Romanian wines are no exception. In fact,

experience that gave Le Manoir Group a 50

By comparison, online sales are insig-

after a EUR 50,000 investment, offers more

percent market share of French wine imports,

nificant, in terms of both volume and value.

than 250 Romanian wines and serves tradi-

to make Romanian wines popular in France.

Most customers who buy via the online shop

tional food platters. Romanian traditional

At the moment, negotiations have entered the

on the group’s website come from outside of

food will also be the highlight of the selection

final stretch with around 20 restaurants across

Bucharest. “We will continue to rely on our

of traditional Eastern European delicacies

the country that will be matched with wines

offline shops. Although I am aware of the

to be sold through Mariza, which will also

from all Romanian regions, such as Transylva-

importance of e-commerce, I believe selling

feature foods from Serbia, Russia, Ukraine

nia, Recas, Oltenia, Dealu Mare and more. Business Review | June 2017


Gabriela Lungu, Romanian female CMO takes the reigns The biggest online retailer for beauty products in Europe, present in 16 countries, including the UK and the USA, is going through an elaborate rebranding process, which includes a new name. Starting March 2017, Notino (formerly Aoro), also appointed Romanian communications expert Gabriela Lungu as global chief marketing officer. BR talked with the recently appointed CMO about her path and objectives in the new role.

ABOUT Gabriela Lungu With 20 years’ experience in marketing and communication, Gabriela Lungu successfully led two communication companies in Romania: Ogilvy Public Relations (2002-2006) and THE PRACTICE (today MSLGROUP The Practice), the company she founded in 2006 which was purchased by Publicis Groupe in 2013. For the past 4 years, Lungu has been living in London, UK, where she worked for some of the most renowned communication companies in the world: Weber Shandwick (in the positions of consumer marketing practice leader for EMEA and chief creative officer UK and EMEA) and TBWA\London (as creative partner).

By Romanita Oprea

How was your journey with Notino, from proposal to signing? Smooth. I was looking for a multi-

client side or was it just perfect timing? I started thinking of working on the

Republic, I looked only for client roles in tech based/new economy companies.

client side 2 years ago, when I was ap-

market company with their HQ

proached for a role by a tech company

in the Czech Republic (where I

that I respect a lot. It didn’t work out

moved in September last year to

then and I took another agency role

reunite with my husband who’s

with TBWA\London, but it made me

been working in Prague) where I

think. Then, when the creative star

How do you believe that your expertise so far will help you on your new path? With your extensive PR and creative advertising background, what do you believe you bring to the table that is different?

could really have an impact,

Tor Myhren (Grey worldwide chief

It’s been an easy transition – when you have

creative officer) left the agen-

wide-ranging, extensive experience in mar-

a company with high international ambitions. Michal Zamec, our founder and

cy world to join Apple as

keting communications, many of the skills

its VP for marketing

are translatable. It helps that I’m not just a


communication or creative specialist, but

CEO, was

tions, I

first and foremost a business leader – I’ve run

looking for

read an

2 agencies (one of them was my own, which


strengthened my entrepreneurial DNA).

someone very expe-

ing article

Integration (with deep expertise in different


about top

communication areas), bold award-worthy

but highly


creativity, and a passion for building brands


moving to the

with social purpose, are probably my most

tech industry.

different skills, and they make me particu-

same time, to

I remember that

larly suitable for a modern marketing role.

take the brand

I even shared it on

to a new level. We

Facebook, and I

both felt we were a good

neurial at the

decided that a role

What are your main roles in the new position and how will you tackle them?

match. We only had a few

on the client side was

My responsibilities are the ones you’d expect

meetings, and it took only 3

going to be on my

of a CMO in charge of 16 existing markets and

months from the first contact

path as well one day.

set to launch new ones. From brand vision

to my first day at work.

My experience with

to leading the global marketing team, from

Airbnb at TBWA was

building brand equity to supporting sales

very valuable. When

and development. Integration, creativity and

I moved to the Czech

purpose is my mantra, my approach.

Prior to Notino, have you ever wanted to work on the Business Review | June 2017

What is your main goal for the first year in this position? To evolve the Notino brand and voice. Notino


Who is Notino right now and what do you want it to become? Notino is now a very appreciated and

them, were not always as deliberate and rational as the word strategist may seem to indicate; I did build a good career, that seems

is a growing, successful international busi-

successful functional e-commerce brand.

very strategically planned as we look back

ness merging beauty with technology, and

My goal is to transform it into a meaning-

today, but intuition, vision, and gut feeling

I’m very excited fully reflect this vibrancy in

ful, loved beauty brand, that connects with

played crucial roles.

the brand as well. I want to add emotional

customers far beyond function, a brand that

resonance to, what is today, a mostly func-

inspires, not just helps, with a clear social

is to do a good job wherever you are. Deliver-

tional brand, in all the markets we operate

purpose: to democratise and demystify the

ing good work that delivers results (and not

in. We are starting a complex brand devel-

beauty industry, to make the best and the

being a total arse while doing it, but trying to

opment process, together with a top global

most popular beauty products accessible to

bring good energy and to be fair) is the best


smart customers. Beauty should be acces-

professional recommendation – that is what

sible for everybody; when people feel at their

achieves status and position. I also think it’s

You are also famous for the numerous awards received during the years. Will Notino target creative & efficiency festivals in the future?

most beautiful selves, they are more confi-

vital to have the courage to shake things up

dent and creative to go after their dreams,

in your own life when you’re in a too com-

and make the world beautiful in return.

fortable zone, when you feel that you’re not

Of course we will. Awards are a great measure with our work is one of my top mid-term

What do you believe are the most important professional decisions you have taken in your life so far?


Staying in this industry. Many people leave

for the value of communication. Winning

I think that the essential thing in a career

growing anymore, or you simply don’t feel that you belong somewhere anymore. Last but not least, I think flair to sense the next best thing is also quite important. My career has been based on all 3 things.

this domain when things get too complicated

And this is not very common. I think few

How involved were you in the brand’s rebranding process so far and how will that change or not in the future?

or too difficult or too repetitive. They change

people actually give their absolute best when

course radically – some find themselves by

they work – I personally can’t function in any

doing that, but most of them lose themselves

other way. Even fewer have the courage to

Romania is the first market where we’ll start

completely. I strive to reinvent myself within

change things long before they are broken,

rebranding this year, shifting from Aoro to

the industry I know and love, rather than

just out of hunger for new challenges - I per-

Notino. Several markets were rebranded

outside of it.

sonally love a good challenge.

last year, before I joined the firm. The new global brand name and visual identity were

the whole brand ecosystem: our vision, our

Is there anything you would do differently, with the knowledge you have now? Why?

mission, our values and so on.

All decisions I took

developed therefore last year. What I’m doing now is to add substance and depth to this identity, developing our brand narrative and

I will lead the rebranding effort, but we

were, at that mo-

have a special team managing the entire

ment, the best deci-

process. In Romania the involvement was

sions for me. Any-

higher, and a bit more personal to be honest,

thing else doesn’t

as it was the first rebranding under my lead-

really matter.

ership, and because I’m Romanian.

constantly. Being an online retailer, we have

You have been an amazing professional strategist, planning your big, important moves ahead. How essential is the strategy in order to achieve a very good professional status and position?

additional challenges compared with brick

My “big, important

and mortar retailers.

moves” as you call

How long will the whole rebranding process take and what will be the most important steps in the process, in Romania and worldwide? The global rebranding will be finalised at the end of next year, 2018. In Romania, we’re aiming for the end of this year, but it depends on how fast Romanians will become familiarized with the new brand, which we’ll monitor Business Review | June 2017


Romania’s privatizations program risks hitting political wall A controversial draft bill on the approval chain in Parliament would block any new privatization of a state-owned company for five years. While the initiators of the legal piece claim that the country’s public finances can manage without the privatization of any new state assets, the state-owned enterprises have recorded mixed results regarding the implementation of corporate governance. By Ovidiu Posirca

Although privatizations could be blocked, the government is working on Romania’s first sovereign wealth fund


n mid-May, MPs initiated a draft bill

weapons, ammo and war materials’ indus-

and assets of companies found to have been

that would exclude certain SOEs from

tries. This project is still in its early stages and

fraudulently privatized.

appointing private managers. The list

could still receive amendments.

of companies banned from implementing

Last month, the Social Democratic Party

“All analyses show that Romania is not in the situation to be under pressure to privatize

corporate governance principles are in the de-

(PSD) put out another draft bill that would

(…) We are not in the beginning of 1990, there

fense sectors, but airline Tarom and shipyard

stop any privatization for five years. The

isn’t an acute requirement for liquidities that

Mangalia are also mentioned. The exemption

draft bill, initiated by MP Serban Nicolae,

could be covered through privatizations.

would apply only to companies active in the

would also allow the nationalization of shares

Practically, Romania is not in the situation Business Review | June 2017


to make a strategic objective for economic

stake in Hidroelectrica, Romania’s biggest

this is a decision that belongs to Romanian

development out of the privatizations and, on

hydroelectricity producer. The IPO would be

authorities (government and parliament)

this backdrop, what has remained in the pat-

worth up to an estimated EUR 1 billion, but

and should definitely be in line with EU rules

rimony of the state should be better managed

authorities have delayed the listing till next

and regulations. Furthermore, the Romanian

and the whole patrimony should be seen,”

year, and it’s not clear if this deadline is final.

state, through this suspension, would have the necessary time to reevaluate its portfolio

Nicolae told Mediafax newswire. The MP added that Romania’s privatization program was worth EUR 7.9 billion to date. There is little data about the success rate

WHAT DOES THE “NO PRIVATIZATION” MANTRA MEAN FOR INVESTORS? Institutional investors in Frankfurt, London

and make smarter and better investments of its ownership,” Leroy told BR. The firm has worked on some of the big-

of Romania’s privatizations program in more

or Paris might raise an eyebrow if they see

gest privatizations in Romania, including that

than two decades so far. Out of the 7,726 SOEs

that Romania is planning to block all priva-

of car maker Dacia, owned by French Renault,

that were privatized since 1990, 22.3 percent

tizations, considering the way in which key

gas distributor Distrigaz, controlled by French

of them were still active and had more than

public enterprises have been plagued for

Engie, Electrica and lender BCR, controlled by

10 employees, according to a study published

years with allegations of corruption, nepotism

Austrian Erste.

at the end of 2015 by The National Association

and political intervention.

of Entrepreneurs (ANA). The analysis was made by economist Cristina Chiriac.

“The authorities should reenergize the

Although privatizations could be blocked, the government is working on Romania’s first

stalled program for privatization and restruc-

sovereign wealth fund, which is planned to

turing of SOEs to help improve overall SOE fi-

reach EUR 10 billion in assets under management by the end of this decade.


The Sovereign Fund for Development and Investments (FSDI) should in theory manage

BR got in touch with Fondul Proprietatea

the most valuable companies in the state’s

(FP), the EUR 2.4 billion closed-end fund


managed by Franklin Templeton, to find

Leroy suggested that the initiative to

out its perspective on the planned mora-

stop privatizations could be seen as a

torium on privatizations.

support point for the FSDI, but there

“It’s still too early to make a comment on this subject, considering that

are still numerous unanswered ques-

the draft bill is still in the early stages

tions. “The Sovereign Investment and

of the legal process, and changes can

Development Fund (FSDI) is still a

emerge,” said FP representatives.

project and we do not know exactly

FP has been one of the strongest

how this fund will be built, what its

promoters of corporate governance in

scope will be (governance tool for state-

SOEs for more than 6 years, and the fund

owned companies/support for SMEs). It

has constantly called on the government to bring more state-owned firms to the stock

is still very early to assess this project and

exchange. As of April, less than 30 percent of

get a clearer view of its repercussions as the

its net asset value (NAV) comprised of listed

strategy is not clearly defined yet,” said the founding partner.

equities. The fund manages minority stakes

The wealth fund is set to have a starting

in large SOEs, including Hidroelectrica, which

nancial performance and reduce arrears,” said

accounts for more than 30 percent of its NAV.

the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this

capital of over EUR 400 million and will in-

The lack of appetite for new privatiza-

spring, following a staff mission in Romania.

clude between 25-30 companies that are prof-

tions has been visible on the Bucharest Stock

Bruno Leroy, founding partner of law firm

Exchange (BVB), considering that the last

Leroy si Asociatii, says that any decision taken

initial public offering (IPO) of an SOE took

on blocking new privatizations has to respect

place in 2014. Roughly 3 years ago, Elec-

EU legislation.

itable, listed or not, the minister of economy, Mihai Tudose, told in early May. Tudose said there will be a dual-management system and the management will be private.

trica, the electricity supplier and distributor,

“Thus, we can say that the project initiated

raised EUR 444 million from a dual-listing in

by the social democrats aimed at blocking the

“It will be fueled with the dividends of

Bucharest and London. This was the biggest

privatizations of state-owned companies will

state-owned companies, which will be the

IPO recorded in the history of the Romanian

not positively or negatively impact the image

capital of this fund,” said the minister.

capital market, and since then, the pipeline

of Romania for foreign investors.

for privatizations has remained dry.

Of course, one would expect to see a

Government officials said earlier this year that the fund will be used to finance the

Going forward, the government is careful-

shift in the way the country is perceived in

construction of hospitals, roads and factories

ly looking at the option of selling a 15 percent

the eyes of foreign investors, but in reality,

in Romania. Business Review | June 2017


Romania’s planned household tax puzzles business environment With Romania’s tax collection remaining below the European Union average of 40 percent of the GDP, Sorin Grindeanu’s center left government proposes a new taxation system for individuals, practically removing the 16 percent flat tax, operational for more than a decade. By Ovidiu Posirca “It is possible that taxation at household level would increase state budget revenues, provided that the tax base will be extended so as to include income that is not currently taxable or to decrease certain tax deductions that are currently available. On the other hand, there is a big question mark whether this would actually happen, given that a reduction of the tax rate is also planned. In addition, significant costs would be incurred in relation to administration and collection of income taxes under the proposed system, including financing costs related to postponing collection of taxes by one additional year to elimination of withholding tax by the employers,” Madalina Racovitan, tax partner at professional services KPMG Romania, told BR. There are also serious questions regarding the public finances considering the fact that for one year, the income tax would not be The household tax could be delayed by one year

collected from individuals. Annually, some RON 25 billion, which accounts for 3.5 percent


of GDP, is generated in this way, according to Raluca Bontas, director of Global Employ-

he business environment’s reaction

taxes can be collected by regulating over

ment Services at professional services firm

to this planned change has been

seven million households that would submit

Deloitte Romania.

rather cautious until now, and tax

a yearly tax return with the help of tax con-

Romania’s tax collection, including social

consultants warn that if this system is poorly

sultants paid by the state. Deductions would

contributions, stood at 28 percent of GDP

implemented, the state might end up with a

be put in place for certain expenses related to

in 2015, growing only slightly compared to

revenue gap. Under the pessimistic scenario,

education and healthcare, but this provision

previous years, according to Eurostat, the EU

any projected shortfall in revenues will have

is still under debate. The new mechanism

statistics office.

to be compensated through other sources,

was to be initially rolled out starting next

and the increase of the tax burden for the

year, but the head of the Social Democratic

might pay less in taxes yearly because of the

private sector remains a risk.

Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, said mid-May

expansion of the deduction system. Accord-

that this initiative could be delayed a year if

ing to current provisions, personal regressive


35,000 fiscal consultants can’t be found. This

deductions are available for gross wages up to

means that Romanians might file their first

RON 3,000. There are few categories that can

In short, the government claims that more

tax return in the new system starting 2020.

be deducted right now, such as private health-

Bontas went on to say that individuals Business Review | June 2017


Corina Mindoiu, EY Romania

Raluca Bontas, Deloitte Romania

care insurance services.

air once the household tax is enforced, as they

Madalina Racovitan, KPMG Romania

will be able to cut one of the fiscal obligations


lenges related to the financial education of

they currently have to manage, but there

On the back of controversies regarding the

Romanians, considering that the new system

might be some adverse reactions in the labor

household tax, the minister of finance, Viorel

fundamentally changes the way people pay


Stefan, announced another change to the fis-

Bontas explained that there are also chal-

their taxes. “Practically, most taxpayers don’t have

“I think that giving up the flat tax rate

cal legislation that would be enforced in the

could represent a step back and will create

second half of this year. Authorities say that

experience in this field, they don’t submit

distortions in the market, especially in areas

employees with 2 or 4-hour contracts need to

a tax statement, and they don’t know the

where there is a deficit of specialized work-

be better protected so their employers would

deductions system. We shouldn’t be afraid to

force. This will have a negative impact on the

have to pay their healthcare and pensions

say that there are probably a lot of people that

level of foreign and local capital investments

contributions at a level similar to those paid

will have problems understanding the fiscal

going forward,” Corina Mindoiu, senior man-

for the minimum wage. This measure would

information in just a few months and the

ager, People Advisory Services, at EY Roma-

be rolled out starting July until the end of the

risk for erroneous filing and payment could

nia, the professional services firm, told BR.


be pretty high,” said the Deloitte Romania expert.

According to the government’s plans, those

Stefan cited data from the Labor Inspec-

earning less than RON 2,000 monthly will not

tion Inspectorate (ITM), according to which

pay the income tax, while those earning above

there are 360,000 part-time work contracts as

fact that individuals need to be disciplined

this threshold will pay 10 percent. Although,

the only source of income. This measure will

to save for one year the amount of taxes they

policymakers have claimed that they don’t

apply only for employees who have one job,

have to pay in the following year. Under the

plan to roll out a progressive tax system for


current system, the employer handles the

wages in Romania, we might end up with such

payment of the income tax, alongside the

a mechanism.

Another thing to take into account is the

mandatory contributions for healthcare and pensions.

Ultimately, if the administrative burden for

“The fiscal burden of companies will grow as the fiscal inequity will appear between normal contracts and those with part time (on

companies decreases, we might see prolonged

the same wage), which will be taxed in the

negotiations between companies and employ-

same way, although the labor time is differ-

sons (AOAR) said that the implementation of

ees on the difference between the gross/net

ent,” Florin Gherghel, head of Tax Depart-

the new taxation mechanism starting 2018 is


ment at Noerr Finance & Tax, told BR.

The Association of Romanian Businessper-

unrealistic. The organization explained that in

“In my opinion, employers and employees

Experts say that this measure will primar-

the United States of America, the taxation of

will renegotiate the contracts in favor of the

households is an optional system.

increase of the gross wage because, effective-

“Probably conceived as a measure to

ly, the costs for employers will stay the same.

generate additional state budget revenues,

income tax system and has given up the with-

If some employers will reject the increase of

the measure will raise some concerns as to

holding tax system,” said the AOAR.

the gross wage, given the conditions of the

the principle of fairness of taxation, as well as

labor market in which the offer has reached a

to predictability (consistency) of fiscal policy,


peak similar to 2007, there will be migrations

as it is intended for a timeframe of only 6

of employees towards other companies,” said

months,” Racovitan of KPMG Romania.

In theory, employers will get a breath of fresh

Bontas of Deloitte.

“There is no EU member that has a global

ily hit small companies. Business Review | June 2017


Romanian tourism needs a breath of fresh air Despite its vast natural landscapes, Romania still lags far behind its European peers when it comes to attracting foreign tourists. Its poor infrastructure and the lack of a clear tourism strategy makes it more difficult for Romania to compete with more attractive destinations worldwide. By Anda Sebesi by 25 percent compared with its total population. Slovenia managed to attract foreign tourists by implementing a strategy based on the concept of a “green country”, positively using its natural resources toward the benefit of the local economy. Under the umbrella of “Green Slovenia”, they transformed every part of their nature into a touristic destination, thus creating a complete touristic concept around this idea. For example, bee culture became a real brand for the country, as it created


the so called “international bee day,” recognized by the

he number of foreign tourists that

modation units in 2015, two times less than

visited Romania has grown steadily

Bulgaria and Hungary, according to the same

in the past years, from 1.71 million

United Nations (ONU) as such.

source. For example, Bulgaria alone attracted


in 2013, to 1.91 in 2014 and 2.23 million in

around 8 million tourists last year, more than

In a complex context where tourists have

2015, reaching a peak of 2.47 million last year.

the country’s population, according to the

plenty of travel choices, how can Roma-

There’s an increase of 10.6 percent compared

data of the Bulgarian minister of Tourism.

nia be seen and how can it benefit from its

to 2015, according to the National Institute

On the opposite spectrum, Spain (270

of Statistics (INS). While most of the foreign

million nights), Italy (193 million nights) and

international experience, of both Eastern and

tourists came from Europe, Asia and North

Great Britain (118 million nights) were the

Western European countries, shows that the

America, about half of them, or 1.1 million,

most popular destinations in 2015, cumulat-

diversity of the natural resources and land-

also visited Bucharest last year.

ing 56.2 percent of the total nights spent by

scapes are not enough for Romania to become

non-residents in the EU, says Eurostat.

an attractive destination for foreign tourists.

countries in the European Union in 2015,


Bucharest is a beautiful city in Romania, but

along with smaller ones like Slovakia, Latvia

From the CEE states, Slovenia became one

Romania has plenty to offer: its mountains,

and Luxembourg, says Eurostat, the statistical

of the most visited destinations in Europe in

Transylvania, the Danube Delta, its citizens

office of the European Union.

the past years, from a percentage perspective.

and its gastronomy. It is a complete world.

The country managed to attract 2.5 million

It is more than a country,” stated Taleb Rifai,

foreign tourists around the world last year, up

the secretary general of the World Tourism

However, despite the many foreign tourists, Romania was still one of the less visited

Just 5 million nights booked by nonresidents were registered by local accom-

yet uncapitalized tourism potential? The

“Many think that Bucharest is Romania. Business Review | June 2017


Organization at its annual meeting recently

Mamaia resort will be advertised as the best

organized in Madrid, quoted by

destination for the night-clubbing scene. According to the first estimates, the

Similar comments show both the huge potential for developing its travel industry as

number of tourists recorded in the Romanian

well as the positive perception that Roma-

seaside resorts grew by 15-20 percent versus

nia has abroad. However, this is not enough

last year, considering that 2016 was the best

to attract foreign tourists, as the poor road

year out of the last ten.

infrastructure places a serious brake on the development of this sector.


“Romania is a complex travel destination with a diverse landscape and a potential for both nature and cultural tourism, suitable especially for groups of 10-20 tourists as well as

According to a recent study conducted by Slovenia implemented a strategy that focuses on the concept of a “green country”

MKOR Consulting, 77 percent of Romanians will go on vacation this summer. While half of

individual ones. Tourists should visit specific

them prefer to spend their holiday in Roma-

destinations like the Danube Delta (by landing

nia, the remaining ones choose destinations

at the Tulcea airport) or castles and man-

from abroad. The same research shows that

sions in Transylvania (by landing in Sibiu or

the Black Sea coast remains the favorite Ro-

Cluj-Napoca),” says Carmen Pavel, president

manian destination for local travelers. While

of J’Info Tours. She adds that the revival of

for 25 percent of the respondents the price

spa resorts like Felix or Techirghiol by offering

plays a significant role when choosing a desti-

promotional packages for seniors is a valid

nation, for 41 percent of them landscapes and

option for Romania in order to develop its

touristic objectives are more important. “Ro-

travel sector.

manians’ behavior when it comes to spending

In her opinion, the yet unpolluted nature and a diverse range of travel objectives and landscapes, along with the Danube river, are

their vacation has changed in the past years, Spain is one of the most popular destination

despite the fact that financial constraints remain a constancy – like frequency, the budget

some of Romania’s main advantages. As Pavel

allotted for a vacation and their conservative

says, the potential of the Danube river is still

behavior. The results show a clear increase

unexploited. Developing cruises on the river

this year compared to 2016, but the market is

along with the creation of resorts that can en-

still far from achieving its potential,” says Co-

tertain tourists during the whole year, would

rina Cimpoca, senior consultant and founder

be a solution to reviving the local tourism.

of MKOR Consulting.

For that matter, promoting the Danube Delta

As for the destination, the study shows

is one of the top goals on the agenda of the

that 33 percent of Romanians choose a new

Romanian authorities. Starting this fall, the

destination this year, while the remaining

representatives of the largest tour operators

ones will choose a place that they already

worldwide, journalists and bloggers will be

visited at least once so far. Last but not least,

invited to discover Romania. As part of their strategy to attract foreign tourists to Romania,

31 percent of Romanians say that they go Tuscany is a protagonist of international tourism

local authorities will organize info trips. “The

in vacation once a year, while 36 percent of them twice. “Romanians want much more

Danube Delta will be one of the most impor-

to Corina Martin, the president of the Associa-

privacy when on vacation, travelling with

tant destinations for these info trips. We need

tion for Tourism Promotion in Romania and

their family or in small groups of friends or

to gather all these touristic destinations and

vice president of the Seaside-Danube Delta

joining groups of tourists similar in age or

show their value,” stated Mircea Titus Dobre,

Association. She told Agerpres newswire

interests,” says Pavel of J’Info Tours. She

the minister of tourism, earlier this year,

that Mamaia and Vama Veche were the most

adds that, while Romanians prefer seaside

quoted by

popular destinations for young people.

destinations - especially the Mediterranean


7,000 foreign tourists in Mamaia coming from

sports are preferred for winter stays. “We see

Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy

an increasingly interest in city-breaks and

Up to 70,000 tourists visited the Romanian

for the Sunwaves Festival (electronic music

cultural tours. Spain, Greece and Cyprus are

seaside during the short holiday season for

festival). In addition, during this period, the

preferred for vacations while Israel, China,

May 1st celebrations, almost double compared

Israeli tour operators are assessing Mamaia

North America, Brazil, Argentina, Vietnam,

to initial estimates of tourism operators. Each

for companies that handle the Tel Aviv-Con-

Cambodia and Japan are looked at for tours,”

tourist spent on average EUR 300, according

stanta charter,” said Martin. She added that

concludes the representative of J’Info Tours.

“I am especially glad that there were over

coast – during the summer, exotic and winter Business Review | June 2017


Private companies boost the Romanian cultural scene It’s a fact that culture is still underfinanced in Romania, although official data shows that the Ministry of Culture’s budget has increased by 51 percent since 2016, meaning RON 766 million. It’s also a fact that each year, more and more companies decide to sponsor the cultural sector. Why? Business Review tried to find the answer by speaking with veteran brands when it comes to financing the Romanian cultural scene: DHL, JTI, Mastercard and Staropramen.

Sebastian Marcovici | FITS2016

By Oana Vasiliu

Dan Perjovschi’s Vertical Newspaper is a non-museum collection that forms the new urban poesy


he cultural scene is blooming in


year when Sibiu International Theatre Festival

Romania, national and international

What does an ideal partnership with a cultur-

was organized under the motto: ‘building

cultural happenings are taking place

al project looks like? Being one of the journal-

trust’. Maybe this should be the motto of

in increasingly more cities, not to mention the

ists constantly present at nationwide cultural

every successful partnership. We are talking

amplitude that the already known cultural

events, I sometimes laugh with friends from

about trust in each other, trust in our impact

events have – bigger events, world-famous

the communications industry that only MAR-

on society, trust in the power of inspiring

legends and outstanding setups. Cinema,

COM specialists read the banners and posters

people. (…) Being an active actor in society

music, theatre, performing arts and indepen-

of an event to see the sponsors and partners.

represents one of the pillars of our business,

dent creative creators: everything is in the

However, it’s clearly more than that.

not something additional to our activity,” says

spotlight nowadays, and everyone is trying to

“I think that an ideal partnership could be

Gilda Lazar, director corporate affairs and

make the best out of their cultural product.

defined as a long-term relationship in which

communications, JTI Romania, Moldova and

Although the official data isn’t as positive as

the parties help each other grow, develop and


the charts below indicate, each festival has its

become better. It’s a sincere commitment to

target public and people travel exclusively to

achieve greatness together by giving some-

card Romania underlines that her company

be part of the events.

thing back to the community. There was a

has a rich tradition of supporting cultural

Ana Iftodi, marketing manager of Master- Business Review | June 2017


events all over the world, offering priceless experiences to fans from a large range of interest areas. “Each edition, we focus on offering the participants’ memorable moments,





together with the most innovative payment technologies. In 2015, we launched the Mastercard Priceless Surprise concept, through which we make people’s dreams come true. (…) On the other hand, by providing festival participants with modern, safe, fast and innovative payment solutions, we make sure they can enjoy the spectacular atmosphere of the festivals relaxed and without cashrelated worries. We manage to do all of these wonderful things due to the fact that for both us and the organizers, the main objective is to generate quality time and create special experiences for the participants.” Teodora Agafitei, the brand manager of Staropramen, said that the support showed for cultural events comes from their wish to contribute to creating a complete cultural story. “That means that the audience is connected to the artists and truly understands the cultural act. People and tastes are the ones that define us, and we like to create connections that go beyond a single theatre



once per year

once per year

once every 4-6 months

once every 4-6 months

once every 2-3 months

once every 2-3 months



play, a concert or an exhibition. We look for continuity in the relation between public and art, and we are very interested to see what will happen next to the people we connect

*Information from the Cultural Consumer Barometer 2015 released by the Romanian Ministry of Culture

*Information from the Cultural Consumer Barometer 2015 released by the Ministry of Culture

Romania. We believe these partnerships help

see the real benefits this collaboration has,”

us identify synergies in terms of our shared

explains Agafitei of Staropramen.

with. (…) These are the things that unite us with a great cultural project.” From the logistics point of view, basically the ones who help to make magic happen,

values, including passion, perfectionism, a

On the other hand, Ana Iftodi says that

challenges are inevitable. “Firstly, we choose

can-do-attitude, team spirit and discipline,”

most companies choose to support already-

partnerships that deliver in a number of

explains Daniel Kearvell, the managing direc-

known projects, events and artists, with a

areas. Then, we appreciate the opportunity

tor of DHL Romania.

strong background, as they gain a higher

to showcase our market-leading logistics ca-

visibility through such a partnership. “It

pabilities, such as our transporting of musical


is important to always be open about new

instruments to and from the Enescu Festival,

However, does everything go smoothly during

projects and collaborations and be ready to

for example. We also choose partnerships that

the implementation of a cultural project? The

offer consumers the best experiences and mo-

allow us to engage our employees, custom-

unanimous answer given by the companies as

ments, instead of just directly exposing them

ers and the wider community, in order to

to the successful cooperation between culture

to your own products and services.”

promote our association with what generally

and arts on one side and success on the other

“The main obstacle is also the best chal-

are some of the most interesting projects in

side is that, together, they serve the cultural

lenge: to choose from a variety of projects the

act. “Firstly by creating it and secondly by

ones that best suit the vision of the company,

developing the frame that gives it scale. The

the ones that promote the same values, the

way we perceive this relation affects the way

ones that could make a difference. To make

we collaborate, and this reflects on the image

the best of our collaboration, cultural institu-

that the public has. Both on the cultural act

tions and private companies need to identify

and on the business, in the same ratio. If we

common grounds, objectives and understand-

start with a common belief, and we align our

ing, not just look for immediate benefits,”

goals, then it would be easier for the public to

concludes Gilda Lazar.

Currently, the Romanian Government offers a limited deduction of sponsorship to no more than 5‰ of the companies’ turnover in the given fiscal year, but no more than 20 percent of the tax on profit. Business Review | June 2017


It’s festival time! Longer days and the promise of warm temperatures can (only) mean one thing: it’s festival season. Head to one of these festivals and you’ll find critically acclaimed bands, world-famous artists and once in a lifetime performance to the background of a beautiful sunset. By Oana Vasiliu workshops, film screenings, the drama and

and dreaming.

art management universities’ convention as well as the Sibiu Performing Arts Market. Over

mances and events, produced in 70 countries

JAZZTM WHEN: June 30-July 2 WHERE: Timisoara, several locations WHAT: A festival creates a symbol for the

that will take place in 71 performance spaces.

city that hosts it and strengthens its iden-

3,200 artists and guests will be coming to

Eyal Hrisch

FITS 2017 with a selection of over 500 perfor-

tity. JazzTM comes to celebrate the vibrant Sibiu International Theatre Festival / Kibbutz


NEXT INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: June 22-26 WHERE: Bucharest, several locations WHAT: The newest and most innovative short

cultural energy of Timisoara and we can only confirm. At this edition, Thomas de Pourquery & Supersonic, Monty Alexander Harlem Kingston Express, The Chick Corea Elektric Band,

films from all over the world come together

Miles Mosley feat. The West Coast Get Down,

TRANSYLVANIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: June 2 – 11 WHERE: Cluj Napoca, several locations WHAT: A wide selection of international

for the biggest short film competition in

Bill Laurance and China Moses are among the

Romania, unprecedented formal experiments

bands who will be jazzing up Timisoara.

and national movies, well-known actors and

in Cluj for the festival. Special guest star this

JAZZ IN THE PARK WHEN: June 26-July 2 WHERE: Cluj Napoca, several locations WHAT: For five years now, a new jazz setup

year is Alain Delon.

has arrived in Romania. The concept was

actresses, producers, filmmakers and key decision people from the film industry will be

and fantastic travels through distant galaxies, a lot of guests and the hottest parties.

first born in New York in the 80s, where

PELICAM INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: June 8-11 WHERE: Tulcea WHAT: The film festival touches upon a prob-

small scenes, dance floors and vintage fairs

lem that is ever so present – the environment.


appeared, while in the evening, a big concert stage was set up for the music lovers. Long story short, go to Cluj and enjoy Jazz in the

Pelicam invites you to a new tour around the Black Sea through five documentaries about the countries of this region, among other surprises.

AIRFIELD WHEN: June 29-July 2 WHERE: Cisnadie, Sibiu county WHAT: Airfield is the place where you can re-

July SIBIU INTERNATIONAL STREET ART WHEN: July 3-9 WHERE: Sibiu, several locations WHAT: There will be colors and artists and a new perspective to the beautiful city of Sibiu. Old walls, be prepared! Beautiful colors will inject you with life.

SIBIU INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL WHEN: June 9-19 WHERE: Sibiu, several locations WHAT: Probably the most complex cultural

lax, dance, enjoy art and absorb the mesmer-

event in Romania, besides the indoor theatre,

innovation and design, it`s about creating a

GARANA JAZZ FESTIVAL WHEN: July 6-9 WHERE: Garana village, Semenic Mountain,

dance, circus and music performances, FITS

complete atmosphere with people, enriching

Caras Severin County

also offers outdoor street performances, play

your mind, soul and body. A simple aero-

WHAT: Garana Jazz Festival still nurtures

readings, special conferences, book launches,

drome is transformed into a universe of love

the passion for jazz and nature along with

izing nature surroundings, all while having lots of fun. From music to visual projects, from sculpture to painting, touching upon Business Review | June 2017


the freedom of bringing these two elements

came from the need to befriend Timișoara

Anonimul, but nothing compares with the

together in a unique festival experience.

with European cinema, which has been miss-

experience of actually being there, right in

The festival will remain faithful to its initial

ing lately from the local scenery.

the heart of one of the most savage places in

mission of revealing a distinctive universe

Europe, the Danube Delta, watching movies

where inspiring artistic encounters are made

ART MANIA FESTIVAL WHEN: July 28-29 WHERE: Sibiu, several locations WHAT: A mix of live acts and alternative


and living with the locals.

A wide range of activities and interactive

IDEO IDEIS THEATRE FESTIVAL WHEN: August 7-13 WHERE: Alexandria, Teleorman County WHAT: Ideo Ideis Theatre Festival brings to

areas, including video projections, reading

life the small town of Alexandria in southern

international celebration of music, lifestyle

spots, board games, tarot, make-up and tat-

Romania, supported with enthusiasm and

and seaside adventures, the biggest summer

toos, will be on the plate.

implication by some of the greatest Romanian

NEVERSEA FESTIVAL WHEN: July 6-9 WHERE: Constanta WHAT: Neversea is a 3-day and 3-nightlong

events around the medieval fortress of Sibiu.

actors and others active in the cultural sec-

shore. Neversea blends world-class musical

tors. The event is about high school teenag-

performances with unique magical entertainment and promotes the diversity of music and the notion that we are all connected by the love of dance.

BUZZCEE FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: July 4-9 WHERE: Buzau, several locations WHAT: BUZZ CEE, meaning Buzau International Film Festival, represents a new film festival, which already started in southeast Romania, offering an impressive line-up of films from all genres, with spectacular results

Adi Bulboaca/Divan Film Festival

festival ever to be held on the Romanian sea-

ers, who spent seven days in Alexandria to discover the art of the theatre performance, being trained and supervised by their mentors who are well-known directors and actors.

FULL MOON HORROR FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: August 10-13 WHERE: Biertan, Sibiu County WHAT: This is the first film festival in Roma-


nia focused exclusively on horror and fantasy pictures. Aiming to scare your socks off in the name of high quality entertainment, “FULL

RASNOV HISTORIC FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: July 28- August 6 WHERE: Rasnov, Brasov County WHAT: A film festival during which history

MOON” intends to bring the best offerings

ELECTRIC CASTLE WHEN: July 12-16 WHERE: Bontida village, Cluj county WHAT: The festival is a unique festival

and historical movies give birth to thoughts

cinema in general, or are about to.

experience that combines music, technology

which mixes indispensable academic rigor

and alternative arts. It features many genres

and compulsory sense of humor in an attrac-

SUMMER WELL WHEN: August 12-13 WHERE: Stirbei Domain, Buftea, Ilfov county WHAT: Interpol, Editors, Birdy, Glass Ani-

of music including rock, indie, hip hop, elec-

tive manner.

mals, Metronomy and The Kills, are some of

for a region that doesn’t have a tooth for culture.

in terms of horror and fantasy, both classic and modern, movies that either have become landmarks of the genre in particular, and of

and passions, provide information and create feelings, raise questions and argue possible answers. A relaxing and vivid happening,

tronic and reggae, as well as art installations.

the bands what will be on stage at this summer festival, close to Bucharest. The domain

WAHA FESTIVAL WHEN: July 20-24 WHERE: Micfalau village, Covasna county WHAT: There will be six stages with diverse

UNTOLD WHEN: August 3-6 WHERE: Cluj Napoca WHAT: Romania’s biggest electronic music festival, which won the Best Major Festival

experience to all participants.

music for any state you might be in. From

title at the 2015 European Festival Awards,

techno, psychedelic, deep house, jazz, ambi-

will bring artists from the top 10 DJs of the

ent, live bands, cumbia, psychill and many

world back to its stage. Of course, everyone

other subgenres only the DJs know, relaxation

expects the Armin van Buuren show.

and zen are in order here.

CEAU, CINEMA POCKET FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: July 20-23 WHERE: Timisoara, several locations WHAT: Ceau, Cinema! Pocket Film Festival

is in fact a park, larger than 25 hectares, with old trees, an inner lake and beautiful buildings and it definitely promises an amazing

DIVAN FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: August 21-26 WHERE: Cetate Harbor, Dolj County WHAT: The Divan film and culinary art festi-

ANONIMUL FILM FESTIVAL WHEN: August 7-13 WHERE: Sfantu Gheorghe, Danube Delta,

val brings again the spirit of the Balkans to an

Tulcea County

Balkan food is included, with master chef

WHAT: Much has been said and written about

Mircea Dinescu taking care of everything.

old Danube grain-shipping port, with movies, documentaries, debates and workshops. Also, Business Review | June 2017


SKY HIGH FUN >>> NOR - Sky Casual Restaurant, Sky Tower 36th Floor, Barbu Vacarescu Street, 0726 567 567 <<<


t’s difficult for me to say anything negative about this, the newest restau-

a calm ambiance to our lunch mood. So, away to the menu: it was adventurous

Hence the prawns were as hard as stone and the mussels had shrunk to little bullets

and I could not find a fault with any of their

due to overheating. The dish cried out for

is so, so cool and almost loving towards

dishes- provided that the kitchen could cook

lashings of garlic and white wine, but there

you as a customer that it hurts. And please

them correctly. I started with an asparagus

was none of it!

consider that to be a compliment. They are

and truffle risotto with mushroom foam. The

By now we were being ‘buzzed’ by

all superb.

house correctly used Arborio rice, a big grain

happy staff that were not being intrusive,

designed for risotto so it absorbs all the mois-

rather they gave the impression that they

ground floor at reception, who takes your

ture without collapsing the rice into a mush. I

really did care about us enjoying our expe-

name and beams it up to mission control on

asked our waiter if I would get fresh truffle or

rience. However, my next experience was

floor 36. There, you will be met at the lift

imitation truffle oil.

somewhat sad, as I ordered a superb ‘pork

rant in town- simply because the staff

You are met by a sweet girl on the

doors by lovely Lavinia who will table you with charm and courtesy. But that is the best part, for much about ’Sky’ needs an overhaul. The décor

His reaction was commendable by his demonstration of loyalty to the house, tem-

with juniper berries, decorated with apple chutney and honey/chili peppers.’ The combo was an excellent creative

pered with enthusi-

blend, but I was let down

asm. He

by my pork.


It was cooked

needs to be reviewed.

‘sous vide,’ namely

This means faux

the meat was

leather brown padded seats that

boiled in a

would look dated

vacuum pack and

even in the 1970’s.


Worse still was

briefly grilled. No, the pork was too

the clientele. OK, I

dry and I blame the

went there for lunch

meat supplier. The

and it is possible that the diners would be a lot more sophisticated crowd at nighttime, but hell, these were not

kitchen performed their


task professionally.

most shocked

By now, Blondie was doing the

at my ‘impertinence’ and invited me into the kitchen to witness the

usual girly thing by craving a desert. The

chef shaving fresh truffle into my dish. I did

desert menu was excellent, and I can only

That means girls down dressed to scruffy

not accept his offer, but bravo waiter. The

urge you to Google it to save me reporting

ragamuffins, and men wearing the same

resulting risotto was absolutely perfect.

it to you.

my kind of people. Most of them were nerds and geeks.

Blondie chose a simple eggplant salad

However, we were told that it would

they slept in for days. So I am a snob and I

which was far from simple. It was a layer

take 15 minutes to prepare her order, as

don’t apologize for it, but my ever patient

of pureed aubergine, topped with chopped

each dish was crafted, rather than taking it

Blondie pointed out that we were in ‘tech-

tomato, together with a layer of mayo and

from a pre-prepared stock. I have no prob-

nology-central Bucharest’ whereby one

spinach puree with a perfect side of sugar-

lem with this, but sadly with time pressing,

look at the tenants of the neighborhood

caramelized peppers and toasted bruschetta.

we had to pass on it.

reveals a mini Romanian ‘silicon valley,’

She rammed it into her face so quickly that I

whereby dressing like a scruff is de rigueur.

can only assume that she hugely approved.

denim and tee shirts (sans shower) that

Sky offers amazing value. With starters under RON 30 and mains around RON 50, it is a ‘must do’ for food lovers. As it is a new

But let’s look the place over. It is on the

But my satisfaction was short lived when

top 36th floor of the tallest building in Ro-

I got my seafood soup, which was a disaster.

joint, I urge you to give them some latitude,

mania. From the ground, Bucharest is not

The chef made the classic mistake of cooking

as their menu is dynamic and right on con-

the prettiest city in Europe. But from the

the octopus, mussels and prawns simultane-

temporary, as befits the age and area.

air, all this city’s sins are both hidden and

ously, oblivious to the fact that they all reach

forgiven. The view is a delight and it added

their perfection at different temperatures.

Michael Barclay Business Review | June 2017


Back to stay: A third culture kid come home In our first ever monthly column reflecting on the Romanian experience from the perspective of a native whose life has primarily been spent abroad, BR’s resident repat will temporarily fill the expat’s shoes by reflecting on life back home.

can be extremely frustrating when you need to get things done, but also leaves space for the “human” element. Following a difficult and long day at the office, I stopped by the local Billa for groceries. Tired and distracted,

By Eugenia Pupeza


In Romania, it’s only grey, a situation that

I finally made it to the cash register, realizing I had forgotten to weigh the bananas. After

irst, a short backstory – my own per-

relate my own personal experiences, one

I told her I didn’t want them anymore, the

sonal elevator pitch. I left Romania in

idiosyncrasy at a time, in hopes of infusing a

woman at the cash register took my bag and

1988, at seven years old, shortly be-

little positivity and, perhaps, even answering

walked away without saying a word, leav-

the question.

ing me with a dose of frustration (“did she

fore the Revolution, as a result of my father’s courageous swim across the Danube River


have to take the bananas back right then?!”).


Finally, she returned with a smile on her face

courageous two-year toil with Communist

Back during my international school days,

with the bag weighed. “You looked tired and

authorities. The following 26 years were

we would sometimes gather (a Japanese, an

I wanted you to be able to eat the bananas,”

spent between the US, Germany, Italy and

Israeli, a Serbian, an American, a Swiss and

she told me. I was instantly revived; human-

New York City (a country all on its own, in my

several Italians) and have contests about

ity exists!

opinion), before a sudden and little-thought-

who had the best swear words. And even

out decision to drop everything brought me

then, with my limited knowledge (I was

back home to Bucharest three years ago.

only 14 and a good girl, of course!), I always

Insane? Rash? Perhaps, but my roots were

walked away so proud that my country’s


foul language trumped everybody else’s,

two years earlier, and my mother’s equally

A third culture kid is a term used to refer

hands down. Germany’s “your mother can’t

to children that have spent a significant

cook” doesn’t even compare with “f&^%

amount of time growing up in a culture

your mother’s dead relatives” and you can

other than that of their parents – “citizens

also add “you f*&$ing c@*&sucker,” for good

of everywhere and nowhere”, to quote the

measure, at the end. Seriously, if you’ve had

BBC. We’re much more used to transition,

the chance to delve into the expressiveness

pick things up much more quickly, speak

of Romanian swearing, you’ll agree with

more languages, have a broader worldview,

me that creativity reaches a whole other

but also suffer from “rootlessness”. I have a

level. Just recently, the opportunity to go

music conservatory education from Milan, a

to a soccer (or football, whatever) match,

Music Therapy Bachelor from Boston and a

vastly expanded my cultural horizons (they

strategic communications MS from Colum-

even managed to work “sarmale” in). With a

bia University in New York City. Between all

country that’s so expressive when it comes to

those, I also completed all pre-med course-

stress relief, what’s not to love?

work (but decided not to go into medicine), did accounting work and learned French for



fun on my morning commute; there is really

Most likely stemming from Romania’s

nothing I couldn’t do if I wanted to – did I

complex cultural history, natives are both

mention my modesty? ;-)

fatalistic and negative, but have also learned

“What the @*%#& were you thinking?” is


how to be survivors, with a large dose of

the question I’m always asked, piqued with

humanity, especially when it comes to rules.

shock and disbelief by all of my compatriots.

In the US, dealing with the everyday is fairly

And since any (positive) answer – “I love it

simple, yes is yes, no is no and people line

here” – is unsatisfactorily received, I can only

up one behind another; it’s black and white.

2 Business Review | June 2017


Perfect Strangers (Perfetti sconosciuti) FILM REVIEW

By Debbie Stowe It’s a juicy set-up, not least because it

DIRECTOR: Paolo Genovese STARRING: Giuseppe Battiston, Anna Foglietta, Marco Giallini, Edoardo Leo, Valerio Mastandrea, Alba Rohrwacher, Kasia Smutniak ON AT: Cinemateca Union, Hollywood Multiplex, Cinema City Cotroceni, Cinema Muzeul Taranului, Cinema City ParkLake


invites the viewer to imagine how well – or badly – they would fare in a similar scenario. Is your private life whiter than white, or a charade that would rapidly come crashing down if your secrets were exposed? Aside from some brief opening scenes of the guests getting ready and travelling to the home of the host couple, the action unfolds entirely in one apartment. Such one-location

his is the intriguing premise of

movies can feel inert, and it’s true that

Italian director Paolo Genovese’s

Perfect Strangers could easily be a theater

2016 comedy-drama. A group of old

play. In that respect, and in its tale of the

friends sit down to dinner together: two sets

surreptitious sexual shenanigans of bour-

of parents, a pair of newlyweds and a peren-

geois couples (no, it’s not a spoiler – they’re

nially single pal due to introduce his new girl-

Italians, what else was going to happen?), it’s

friend to the gang, Their lives aren’t perfect,

reminiscent of the 2004 Mike Nichols film

but their problems – a troublesome teenage

Closer, based on the Patrick Marber play.

daughter discovering boys, an infirm parent,

However, the lively Latin vibe prevents pro-

some work stress – seem no more serious

ceedings from becoming too stagey.

than those faced by the average middle-class forty-something.

A greater flaw is the contrived narrative

given for the improbability of the timeframe,

– whatever sordid skeletons a group has in

this doesn’t spoil the fun. Genovese’s story

the closet, the chances of texts or phone calls

also includes a imaginatively wide range of

proposed: everyone puts their mobile phone

relating to all of them coming within a two-

foibles and failings, from the obvious roman-

on the table, and all incoming communica-

or three-hour window late one evening are

tic deceits to filial disrespect (in Italy, home

tion is made public to the group – calls played

remote. One character even gets an awkward

of the mama’s boy!), family troubles, and

on loudspeaker, emails, SMS and WhatsApp

out-of-hours response to a business enquiry

even darker deeds.

messages read aloud. Because, if the friends

(though the implausibility of its arrival time

know each other as well as they think they

is at least remarked upon).

To liven up the dinner party, a game is

do, and if they’re all as honest as they claim to be, what could possibly go wrong?

However, Perfect Strangers is a high-concept film and, provided that leeway is duly

Watching these vibrant Italians digest each other’s faults throughout dinner is as indulgent and succulent a pleasure as the food they’re doing it over.

The Last Day (Ultima zi) FILM REVIEW

By Debbie Stowe

DIRECTOR: Gabriel Achim STARRING: Doru Ana, Mimi Branescu, Adrian Vancica, Adrian Ciglenean ON AT: Cinemateca Eforie, Cinema Pro


in thrall. Said companions are a morose childhood friend of the mayor’s who plans to become a monk, and, driving in convoy, an obsequious police officer, and the president of the town’s Christian Youth League.

he Romanian New Wave’s answer to

The two cars and a dining table at the

the road movie, Gabriel Achim’s The

mayor’s place form the setting for the vast

Last Day consists of a long nighttime

majority of the running time, making the

derous takes, lashings of gloom, the specter

drive in the tedious company of a small-town

film largely dialog-based (see it with subtitles

of post-communist corruption, and mordant

mayor, a loquacious blowhard whose tin-pot

unless your Romanian is fluent). All the usual

wit – including a very funny incident with a

tyrant status keeps his companions largely

New Wave ingredients are here – long, pon-


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