
Page 22 Business Review | July-August 2022

22 ENTREPRENEURSHIP founders: We want to build the future of meetings After securing EUR 500,000 in fresh funding, Romanian startup is looking to meet the growing demand from EU and US companies that want to streamline their meetings. BR spoke to the founding team—Iulian Gheorghe, Raluca Risnoveanu, and Dan Huru—about technology’s power to replace inefficient meetings and the skills Romanian startup founders need to expand abroad. By Ovidiu Posirca

Left to right: Iulian Gheorghe, Raluca Risnoveanu and Dan Huru

What is the founding story of Meetgeek. ai and what were some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced so far?

year. I got two years of meetings! That’s why

learn to say no and drastically prioritise what

we decided to team up and do something

to focus on.

about it.

A couple of years later, we are excited to

In our previous software engineering roles,

Finding the right customer personas and

see that we are making a daily impact, freeing

we were involved in many software projects

shaping the product accordingly is the biggest

up calendars, and making meetings more ef-

that had the purpose of automating task

challenge tech startups face, and this was

ficient with Meetgeek.

execution. Over time, we noticed that while

the case for us, too. We talked to over 1,000+

there was immense pressure on automating

potential customers and worked with many

tasks, meetings were still inefficient, free to

companies, in multiple iterations, to find the

book, and very time-consuming for the busi-

right mix. Another big challenge, due to our

What is the market potential for your platform and how is demand shaping up from a geographical perspective?


engineering background, was shifting from

We are now available on all 3 major platforms,

a product-first mindset to customer-focused

including Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft

thinking. Additionally, we had to quickly

Teams, and we’re excited to see that we are

I once exported my calendar and counted the hours of meetings I had to attend in one

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