
Page 18 Business Review | July 2020


New trend to watch in post-pandemic Romania: Robotics By Claudiu Vrinceanu

The COVID-19 pandemic will accelerate new trends in Romanian business environment, including robotics. Whether we are talking about robotic process automation (RPA) or the automation of certain production processes, the post-COVID-19 reality in Romania will be based on new business models. The COVID-19 crisis has also created the context for an increase in automation across Romania. The main arguments for automation start from the need for companies to protect their employees, so that they are less vulnerable, and are based on Europe’s The global average is 74 industrial robots per 10,000 employees


intent to consolidate sustainably through local production facilities. What are the areas expected to see growth in the coming years?

s an example, the pandemic has gen-

Romanian entrepreneurs have offered robots

“First of all, robotics, especially in industries

erated a lot of demand for UiPath’s

to hospitals in Bucharest. The technology

still lagging behind in terms of the adoption

software robots to assist hospitals

used by the robot is effective in fighting

of robots, like the food, pharmaceutical,

with processing medical tests. Health care is

bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. The

lighting industries,” said Costin Borc, Director

predicted to have a 36 percent automation

autonomous UVD disinfection robot, created

for Central Europe at SNEF. For example, ac-

potential. This means more than a third of

by Bucharest Promo Robots, the first startup

cording to IMSAT Groupe SNEF, the develop-

health care tasks—especially managerial and

in Romania addressed to the humanoid

ment potential of projects with industrial ro-

back-office functions—could be automated,

service robots market, destroys up to 99.99

bots is very high in Romania, which currently

allowing providers to offer more direct,

percent of resistant bacteria. “We are having

has 15 industrial robots per 10,000 workers,

value-based patient care at lower costs and

discussions with the Romanian authorities.

below the levels seen in Poland or Hungary.

higher efficiency rates.

Together with the Support Association, we

The global average is 74 industrial robots per

contacted representatives in the Internal Af-

10,000 employees, according to the Inter-

the physical kind, we have the example of

fairs Ministry’s Emergency Situations Depart-

national Federation for Robotics. Therefore,

autonomous disinfection robots using ultra-

ment and offered to make the robot available

in order to become more competitive at the

violet light to disinfect large and crowded

in some of the Bucharest hospitals that were

European level, Romanian industrial produc-

spaces. Normally, hospitals are very difficult

treating coronavirus cases,” said Ana-Maria

ers need new investments and projects in

to disinfect with traditional methods, so

Stancu, the CEO of Bucharest Promo Robots.

automation and robotics.

Also in the area of robotics, but this time

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