
Page 6 Business Review | July 2020


Residential market showing resilience in the face of COVID-19 crisis The pandemic has slowed down the residential market due to the restrictions imposed by the government. In April 2020, the number of real estate transactions was almost 34 percent lower than the one recorded in April 2019, and the situation was similar in May. However, apartment prices did not follow the same trend. By Aurel Constantin

Ateneo Timisoara will include a supermarket, nine sports fields, a commercial centre and spaces for 120 shops


Ateneo Timisoara will include 1,300 apartments

ewer than half of employees have re-

other types of properties (5 percent). Of those

planning to use the services of an agent,� said

turned to their offices since the end of

planning to buy or rent a home, 44 percent

Mihai Sava, Real Estate Business Manager at

the state of emergency, therefore the

said their plans would not be affected in any

OLX Group.

demand for homes where employees can set

way by any new information about COVID-19.

up an office is still high, and it will remain at

However, 27 percent were thinking of choos-


high levels as 60 percent of employees believe

ing a cheaper property, while 14 percent were

Asked how the pandemic had affected their

that working remotely would be useful for at

considering giving up buying and renting

plans to buy, 30 percent of respondents said

least 1-2 days a week, while 10 percent would

instead. Most Romanians surveyed believed

they were not looking to postpone their pur-

like to work from home for 3-4 days a week

that prices could go down in the next period,

chase. Only 8 percent were thinking of giving

in the coming period, according to a survey

while a smaller share thought this was too

up the purchase, while 31 percent of respon-

conducted by Colliers.

difficult to estimate at this point.

dents wanted to postpone it for a maximum

The search for a home that is better suited

“The period we are going through has led

of 3-6 months. Meanwhile, 8 percent of

for remote working thus continues. 74 per-

people to reconsider and reorganise several

potential buyers even wanted to speed up the

cent of respondents in a study by

aspects of their lives, so we wanted to find


were planning to make a real estate transac-

out if and to what extent Romanians’ inten-

When asked how they were planning to

tion this year, with most of them being inter-

tions, expectations, and decisions regarding

finance the upcoming real estate acquisition,

ested in selling or buying (63 percent). The

real estate activity have changed. We found

53 percent of Romanians said they would

study was conducted in May 2020, through an

out that they were still interested in buying

choose to take out a mortgage loan, while 35

online questionnaire among visitors.

and renting properties and that most of their

percent said they already had the necessary

The sample included 2,565 respondents.

decisions had not been influenced by the pan-

amount. In the near future, 49 percent of

demic, but some were thinking of postponing

Romanians who want to buy a home are plan-

the pandemic could change their plans, 56

their decisions for three months to a year. A

ning to explore offers online, while 37 percent

percent of participants answered affirma-

common point we saw among many of the

are willing to go to house viewings.

tively, with the most affected properties

respondents referred to the choice of working

being apartments (43 percent), houses (41

with a real estate agent. Among respondents

decision easier when buying a property, 50

percent), followed by land (11 percent) and

who wanted to buy or rent, 59 percent were

percent said it would be helpful to see the

Asked whether new information about

As for the factors that would make the

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