
Page 15 Business Review | August May 2016 2020


M&A trends in the first half of 2020: What can we learn? While the Romanian mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market saw 19 deals with a cumulative value of EUR 600 million signed in the first three months of the year, the number of transactions halved in the second quarter, when fewer than 10 deals were closed. By Claudiu Vrinceanu ond half of 2020 or for 2021. In the long run, however, the impact remains uncertain,” says Georgiana Ion, senior manager, deal advisory at Mazars Romania. When can the M&A market return to normal? Only 1 in 5 respondents (21 percent) in a study conducted by Mazars said that would happen in Q3 2020, while 14 percent believed the more realistic period would be Q4 2020, and 61 percent were more cautious, opting for 2021. However, the current issues should be seen as opportunities for all parties involved. Despite the current limitations and conditions, the Romanian M&A industry has the potential to evolve in a dynamic market, with opportunities normally encountered in times of recession – such as rapid sales based on illiquidity, merger operations giving up nonessential or non-performing assets, but also a recalibration of the investment portfolio. The 7 out of 10 executives believe that the current moment is right for mergers or acquisitions


market will continue to expand, as more and more companies understand the added value a strategic investor can bring in terms of new financing and know-how.

lthough the first quarter of 2020

of withdrawing from the Romanian market

was better than the same period of

and that it could freeze the sale of local assets

2019, the mergers and acquisitions

if it did not get the desired price. Second, the

believe that the current moment is right for

market collapsed as a result of the COVID-19

pandemic has reduced Banca Transilvania’s

mergers or acquisitions in specific industries,

pandemic. The start of the year was good for

appetite for acquisitions: its recent aggressive

given that some sectors will provide the op-

the local M&A market, but after the pandemic

expansion will be put on hold for at least two

portunity to invest in quality, properly valued

began, investors became more cautious in the

years, and a possible acquisition in the future

goods, says an analysis by consulting firm AT

uncertain economic context.

will not target small players.


The main short-term effects of the CO-

“After a relatively active start to the year,

In this regard, seven out of ten executives

We can conclude that for companies which

VID-19 pandemic on the M&A market have

Romania was among the countries hit by the

have built a healthy financial position during

been a withdrawal of offers or a postpone-

pandemic and according to the latest EBRD

the economic boom of recent years, declining

ment of transactions, and the long-term

forecasts, its economy is expected to decline

valuations during this period create oppor-

impact remains uncertain. Companies have

by 4 percent this year. The global health crisis

tunities to conduct transactions that create

been cautious about investing in M&A and

has created uncertainty, disruption of supply

long-term value. A good example is the major

are waiting for the situation to begin to

chains, and pressure on liquidity. The short-

transaction in which the TeraPlast group sold

normalise. Let’s look at just two examples.

term effect on the M&A market was limiting

its Steel division, which includes TeraSteel

First, Czech utilities group CEZ announced

or delaying the signing of transactions, many

and Wetterbest, to Irish giant Kingspan, for

that it was not pressed for time in the process

of which were postponed either for the sec-

EUR 85 million.

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