
Page 13 Business Review | September May 2016 2020


Tech scaleup ecosystem: Romania versus Poland While still in its infancy and still developing and aspiring to be more like mature ecosystems such as London or Berlin, the tech startup ecosystem in Romania and Poland should be taken into account when looking at the European entrepreneurial scene. By Claudiu Vrinceanu

tal landscape, we should look at the evolution of deals in the next four months. In the tech area, companies seem to be less In the tech area, companies seem to be less affected by the current crisis


affected by the current crisis, but it is clear that we are about to see a resettlement of the market. Investment fund managers expect

he first step the Romanian tech

ments in Romania, namely 39 transactions,

that in the near future – though not the very

ecosystem should take is to catch up

with a total value of EUR 29.3 million. By the

near future – founders will try to tell their

to the Polish environment, and we

number of investments, the second most ac-

stories in a different way, addressing risks that

should start with the financing ecosystem.

tive financing vehicle is Gecad Ventures, with

could arise.

Poland and other developed countries have

18 investments, totaling EUR 20.5 million.

It is important that these risks are not kept hidden, but communicated to others and

everything they need: ideas, motivation,


enthusiasm, world-class engineers, and more


money. But how is Romania doing in terms of

While Poland can boast of 1,376 rounds of

financing for companies with growth poten-

investments, only 355 financing rounds by

3. EXITS (366 VERSUS 116)

tial as compared to Poland?

private investors have been concluded in

The number of exits made by entrepreneurial

Romania in recent years. On the local market,

companies has risen to 366 in Poland is recent


eight teams raised financing in Q1 2020

years, while in Romania this number is 116.

While Poland has a total of 337 investors,

and 15 tech startups and scaleups closed or

Two notable exits have taken place lately on

mainly investment funds, only 97 investors

announced deals in Q2 2020 (the first full

the Romanian market. First, the gaming and

are active in Romania today, according to De-

quarter of pandemic times).

software testing company Whyttest, founded

alroom data. For example, the largest invest-

It is difficult to know how long the eco-

in 2014 by entrepreneur Marius Potirniche,

ment fund in Poland is MCI Capital, which

nomic downturn caused by the coronavirus

was acquired by British quality assurance

invests on average between EUR 5 million and

will last, but the amount of venture capital

(QA) service provider Testronic, part of the

EUR 50 million and so far has had 55 rounds

funding for Romanian tech startups during

Catalis group. Second, investment fund Abris

of investment. This investment fund has

the first semester looks satisfying. The level

signed a new investment in Romania, having

invested EUR 544 million in Polish compa-

of investments is comparable with pre-pan-

bought the Romanian branch of Hungar-

nies. Innova Capital is the second largest fund

demic times, but almost all investments had

ian company Eltex for over EUR 5 million,

in Poland, based on the number of transac-

their negotiation roots before March 2020. Is

through a firm belonging to Romanian hold-

tions, with 49 investments, totaling EUR 13.9

the current situation quite as gloomy as the

ing company Green Group, the owner of the

million. For comparison, of the 97 investors,

previous crises for Romanian tech fundrais-

largest integrated recycling park in Southeast

GapMinder is the fund with the most invest-

ing? For a realistic assessment of venture capi-


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