
Page 30 Business Review | September 2020


How to boost creativity and productivity in the era of remote working The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and structure our lives from one minute to the next. And even though some categories of people were already used to working from home or from other locations rather than the regular day-to-day office, the situation has proven difficult or challenging for most of us. By Romanita Oprea

Irina Mateescu, Digitalee


Cristian Cucu, Teamogy Romania

Eglantina Becheru, Philip Morris Romania

2012 study found that when faced

Once the team was restored in the work from

at the same time. According to Anca Teletin,

with a creative task, people were

home formula, we started developing a new

chief operations officer at Grapefruit, it’s

more productive working from home,

routine: we established regular online meet-

easier to stay creative when you know you

while other research has suggested that struc-

ings with the entire organisation or for each

have a plan for any scenario. She had to con-

ture kills creativity. But nothing had really

department, we had presentations with tips &

sider the financial component and optimise

prepared us for what was going to happen this

tricks for how to better organise and separate

costs, finding alternative solutions in order to

year. Earlier, the ability to work from home

work from leisure time and space, and so on,”

ensure a healthy cash-flow. They also had to

was believed to be an important contributor

said Vasiliu.

recruit more people because of the increased

The United Media Services team also

number of requests for digital services, so she

with everyone staying at home, it has turned

found it very important to stay tuned to

planned everything out to make sure nothing

into a major factor that disturbs the work-life

“outside the organisation” environments,

was left uncovered.

balance. But what can we do to make sure we

maintain close communication with clients

can still be creative and productive? Manuela

and keep up with developments in their

media, messaging & CE manager at Philip

Vasiliu, deputy managing director at United

fields. Therefore, they were able to recom-

Morris International, says that rather than a

Media Services, believes that when looking at

mend tailored and “on-the-spot” communica-

state of mind, creativity is a state of being for

possible tips & tricks to remain creative dur-

tion solutions.

many individuals and professionals. How-

to work-life balance, but in the current reality,

ing this work-from-home pandemic environ-

In Grapefruit’s situation, even though it

In turn, Eglantina Becheru, creative lead/

ever, “staying creative during the pandemic

ment, it is important to also have an overview

was difficult in the beginning, teams were

started as a must, an opportunity to rethink

of the situation. “Fortunately, the team’s dy-

able to adapt quickly to the new conditions

our business strategies in order to bring

namism helped us to adjust quickly and keep

given the fact that they used to work from

relevance to consumers and ended up being

our focus on ongoing projects and campaigns.

home in the past too, albeit not all of them

a tremendous challenge for many industries

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