BR 08/2017

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WHERE ROMANIA TALKS BUSINESS October, 2017 / Volume 21, Issue 8









the fiscal wire Business Review | October 2017


• Editorial •

6 Regional cities: the

Ovidiu Posirca

new wave on the office market

• Senior Editor •

10 Landmark decision: Piraeus Bank plans office project exit on buoyant market


Navigating through unstable policy plans By making a swift announcement that Romania’s profit tax will be

12 Private sector awaits coherent approach to fiscal policy

dropped for good, the government got the attention of the private sector and of European institutions, but not necessarily for the


right reasons. We’re replacing the profit tax with a turnover tax or we’re

22 Bucharest is successfully

implementing a new solidarity tax, while also looking to tax house-

riding the insourcing wave

holds instead of individuals. All these ideas that were announced

26 Huawei prepares ground

to much fanfare have been abandoned, as companies repeated

for global infrastructure shift to 5G

what they have been saying for years – critical changes to the fiscal framework should be made following thorough impact studies and


dialogue with job creators. After sending a shockwave through the business environment, the government went on to announce plans for the split VAT system. This is going to be implemented in some form and companies are already having to set aside money for the additional training of staff and improvements to IT systems. With Romania lagging behind most EU countries for tax collection, the authorities are going for the low-hanging fruit and enforcing additional taxes overnight as they frantically look to plug budget holes. This might work on the short term, but the historic tax collection issues are still there. Some progress has been made in redesigning the structure of tax administration agency ANAF by creating regional offices, but the IT infrastructure is still lagging behind. Despite promises that the most frequent transactions be-

36 Behind the scenes of two leading performing arts festivals in the world

years, it remains to be seen if instead of seeing more investments

37 Changing inequality: an NGO leads the way 38 Enescu Festival: decoding contemporary music with

in streamlining cooperation between companies and the taxman,

Graham Fitkin

tween taxpayers and the state will be moved online in the next few

we might continue to see fiscal innovations that we will pay for at the end of the day.

40 Making music: a talk with Daniel Miller 46 Cultural Calendar

FOUNDING EDITOR: Bill Avery, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Anda Sebesi, DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Simona Bazavan JOURNALISTS: Georgiana Bendre, Georgeta Gheorghe, Otilia Haraga, Daniela Oancea, Romanita Oprea, Ovidiu Posirca, Oana Vasiliu HEAD COPY EDITOR: Debbie Stowe, COPY EDITOR: Eugenia Pupeza, PHOTO EDITOR: Mihai Constantineanu, ART DIRECTOR: Raluca Piscu PUBLISHER: Bloc Notes Media, ADDRESS: No. 10 Italiana St., 2nd floor, ap. 3, Bucharest, Romania­­­­, LANDLINE: Office: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: George Moise, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Oana Molodoi, SALES DIRECTOR: Ana-Maria Nedelcu MARKETING: Marius Andronic, Patricia Neamtu PRODUCTION: Dan Mitroi, DISTRI­­BUTION: Eugen Musat ISSN NO. 1453-729X EMAILS:,,­ Business Review | October 2017


WHO’S NEWS BR welcomes information for Who’s News. Submissions may be edited fo­­­r length and clarity. Get in touch at

Daniel Hadar joined the Cluj office of Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) as tax director in the Tax Advisory Services department. Hadar will expand the Cluj tax advisory services practice and will play a central role in the further consolidation of the Legal & Tax project. A graduate of the School of Accounting and Management IT of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, he has 11 years of experience in tax consultancy with audit companies.

The group recorded a profit of RON 11.1 million in 2016

World Bank Investment division exits TTS group for EUR 9.4 million By Georgeta Gheorghe International Finance Corpo-

entered the TTS group five years

Mircea Mihailescu controls

ration (IFC), the investment

ago, by bringing a capital of EUR

Navrom, the passenger and

division of the World Bank, has

12 million. The TTS Group is one

freight transport operator in

exited the Transport Trade Ser-

of the biggest maritime transport

the Danube Delta. The com-

vices (TTS) group, one of the

companies in Romania, while

pany also includes TTS Con-

biggest transport operators in

also maintaining a rail transport

stanta, Canopus Star Constan-

Romania, for EUR 9.4 million,

division. Last year, the group

ta, Trans Europa Port Galati,

after five years.

recorded a RON 275.7 million

Cernavoda Shipyard, Bunker

turnover and posted RON 11.1

Trade Logistic Constanta, Car-

million in profit.

gorom Antwerp (Belgia), TTS

According to business news portal, IFC exited TTS by selling its entire stock, namely 6 percent. The IFC

Via the group, Constantabased businessman Alexandru

Viena, Agrimol Trade Bucuresti and Transterminal Chisinau.

Wolfgang Meier was appointed CEO of Pirelli Tyres Romania, replacing Giuliano Menassi, who took on the position of R&D senior vice president at Pirelli Group. With 22 years of experience in the field, Meier has held different positions such as head of HR & Purchasing in Germany, head of HR& Manufacturing Engineering in the UK and head of HR Pirelli Technology Headquarters. Aside from the new management mandate, Meier will keep his role as head of HR in Germany.

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Vodafone Romania to accelerate investments in big data, digitalization By Ovidiu Posirca The new CEO of Vodafone Romania, Murielle Lorilloux,

services. Lorilloux, who took the helm

says the operator will increase

at Vodafone Romania in early

its headcount as it moves to

September, says there will be a

implement a new business

“more sophisticated approach

strategy that focuses on the

for each customer” and that the

enhancement of big data

offers are starting to become

for clients, the convergence

more segmented.

of fixed-mobile services for homes and the digitalization of

In the content segment, the CEO said the focus on video will

Murielle Lorilloux took helm at Vodafone Romania in September Business Review | October 2017

NEWS 5 tion or delivery companies as well as those in the automotive industry. The industrial projects market will also absorb by the end of the year approximately

Madalina Gogorici

300,000 square meters of projects, most of them being already pre-leased or developed as build to suit. Most projects being developed are in the capital and the surroundings, The industrial projects market is set to absorb around 300,000 sqm by year-end

A record 400,000 meters of logistic spaces to be delivered by year-end

an area that gathers the biggest stock of industrial spaces in Romania. West and North-West regions provide the second biggest stock of industrial spaces available, followed by south and south-east areas. Bucharest and the surrounding areas will deliver EUR 1

By Georgeta Gheorghe

million square meters of Class

A record 400,000 square

the year, the stock of industrial

A industrial projects. Projects

meters of logistic spaces are

and logistics spaces will increase

currently developed in the area

expected to be delivered this

by at least 350,000 square meters

will deliver a total of 60,000

year. The large developers on

of class A spaces.

square meters. The west and north-west areas of the country

the Romanian market will start

According to the report, most

new projects as well as expand

requests came from the logistics

are also likely to deliver record

the logistic spaces they own.

and retail spaces, two sectors

figures, as new projects are

that thrived this year. In the

expected to start. Once the

on the industrial real estate

first half of the year, 43 percent

projects under construction are

sector, in the first six months of

of the rental activity of indus-

completed, the total stock of

2017, more than 100,000 square

trial spaces came from logistics

industrial projects could exceed

meters were delivered. Accord-

companies, 27 percent from retail

750,000 square meters, includ-

ing to estimates, by the end of

companies, followed by distribu-

ing class A spaces.

expand as the company already

industrial revolution that will

has distribution deals with

bring a further integration of

movie streaming platforms HBO

tech in the economy.

According to a CBRE report

is Holcim Romania’s new manager of occupational health and safety, a newly created position within the company. Gogorici has 20 years’ experience in the industrial field and coordinates the implementation and management of health and safety programs for the factories and locations of Holcim Romania, for approximately 800 employees. She graduated from the Chemistry Faculty of the Bucharest University.

Adrian Cazan joined the Clifford Chance team as senior associate specialized in real estate and M&A. With 15 years’ experience in the legal field, he is returning to the company where he started his career. The move is meant to strengthen the company’s team at the senior associates’ level. Michele Abbate

GO and Netflix. Talking about the invest-

“I’ve been in Romania for three weeks. I’m really im-

ment plans for 2018, she said

pressed and happy about what

the company will make “double-

I’ve seen so far,” said the execu-

digit investments” to the tune of

tive, adding that the manage-

millions of euros to expand the

ment team and the overall opera-

network and to pursue the new

tions are very good locally.

business strategy. On the digital side, the CEO

On 5G developments, the CEO said that Vodafone will expect

said that the ultimate goal is to

telecom regulator ANCOM to

provide better productivity tools

start the tender for the new

for companies and individuals,

spectrum, which should happen

citing the advent of the fourth

in 2018 and 2019.

was appointed by the Enel group as the managing director of Enel Energie and Enel Energie Muntenia. Abbate joined the Enel group in 1992 and has vast experience in the sales and customer care area, having held several positions within the company. In his new position, Abbate will manage the general business strategy, with a focus on the expansion of the portfolio of solutions. He will also coordinate the sales and distribution activities of the Enel group in Romania, as well as the customer care and VAT divisions. Business Review | October 2017


Regional cities: the new wave on the office market As the office market in Bucharest is maturing, cities like Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi and Brasov gain ground in the eyes of real estate developers. By Anda Sebesi


Openville Timisoara will include seven office buildings

he modern office stock in the main regional cities in Romania – Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi and Brasov – reached about 700,000 sqm in mid 2017, or 73 percent lower than in Bucha-

rest, says the most recent data of Cushman & Wakefield Echinox real estate consultancy company. Going further, the Cushman & Wakefield Echinox makes a comparison with Poland, a relatively similar market with the Romanian one, that shows a gap in the development of Polish regional cities compared with Warsaw. While the modern office stock exceeded 5 million square meters in Warsaw, the four major cities of the country, Kracow, Lodz, Katowice and Wroclaw have a cumulated stock of 2.7 million sqm of office spaces. But by comparison with Romania, things are different in Poland when it comes to attract potential employees with high education. For example, in Warsaw there are 249,000 students while their number is almost double in the four Polish regional cities mentioned above. By contrast, according to National Institute of Statistics (INS), Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Iasi and Brasov have a cumulated number of Business Review | October 2017

students of 181,734, or 5.6 percent higher than Bucharest. As for the density of office spaces related to the number of students, the Cushman & Wakefield Echinox data show that it is 21 sqm/student in Warsaw while in Bucharest the indicator is 15. “It is perfectly normal for the development of office market to start in the capitals where the largest companies and public institutions have their headquarters. But as the competition on the workforce becomes fiercer, companies look to extend their activity in other important university centres where they find well trained workforce and a bit lower level of salaries,” says Madalina Cojocaru, partner, office agency at Cushman & Wakefield Echinox. She adds: “We see a significant potential for growth of the market office outside Bucharest. A proof in this regard is that the office stock in Cluj, Timisoara, Iasi and Brasov will increase by 35 -40 percent and will reach the level of 1 million sqm by end of this year,” adds Cojocaru. According to Cushman & Wakefield Echinox data, Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca will post the most significant development in the next period, with a total of about 180,000 sqm following to be inaugurated in the two cities in the next period.

DEVELOPERS SEE THE POTENTIAL OF REGIONAL CITIES Mulberry Development started in Timisoara the construction of ISHO Offices, a new generation of office building. “The construction develops in parallel with the residential component and it is split in three stages. The first stage of the office project will have 18,000 sqm and will be delivered next spring,” says Ovidiu Sandor, CEO at Mulberry Development. He adds that the demand for office buildings in Timisoara is very high and comes from both companies that have a presence in the city and intend to consolidate it on the local market and new players that want to make their entrance there. IT, BPO, financing and engineering are among the main sectors. “This fall we will announce new contracts and we estimate that almost all of our available space will be leased by the time we will deliver the first stage of the project,” adds Sandor. Survey Sampling International, one of the global leaders in providing data solutions and technology for different sectors announced that it will lease office spaces for 200 employees at ISHO. Going further, this year Iulius Management Center company inaugurated its first A class office building out of seven office buildings that Openville Timisoara, a mixed use urban regeneration project will include. The project is designed as an urban sustainable center that will bring together office, retail, park and entertainment functions, spanning on a total built area of 594,000 sqm. “The most part of the project is represented by the office component developed under the United Business Center (UBC) brand and that will have about 130,000 sqm, split in seven office buildings,” says Laurentiu Manea, manager office buildings at Openville. The company has already delivered 18,000 sqm in January in UBC 2 office building and according to the company’s representative it is now 100 percent leased by companies like Ness Digital Engineering, Autoliv Romania, ACI Worldwide, Bitdefender, Azets, PwC, dm drogerie markt and Regina Maria. Other 13,000 sqm will be completed next month in the UBC 1 office building. At present 80 percent of UBC 1 office building is leased, with Atos, an international IT services provider

REAL ESTATE 7 Business Review | October 2017


being one of the tenants with 6,000 sqm. “In June we started the construction of our third office building, UBC 3 (18,000 sqm). We will start the construction of another two office buildings totaling of 55,000 sqm in the next period,” adds Manea of Openville. According to him, the demand for office buildings in regional cities comes mainly from global companies that have automotive or telecom research centers and intend to extend their operations there.

REGIONAL CITIES CAN ABSORB THE OFFICE BUILDINGS OFFER At present, the demand for office spaces outAndrei Drosu, Jones Lang LaSalle

side Bucharest is on an ascending trend mainly because of the expansion of international companies towards regional cities. “A total

Cluj-Napoca >> Number of students (as of 2015): 66,534 >> 275,000 sqm of modern office space at the end of H1 2017 >> 30,000 sqm is the total office demand recorded between 2016-H1 2017 >> 95,000 sqm of office space planned for delivery between H2 2017- 2018 >> 3 percent is the vacancy rate at the end of H1 2017

of over 80,000 sqm have been leased in the first five largest cities in Romania last year.

Monica Vasile, Cushman & Wakefield Echinox

Timisoara has the largest proportion from the

brings into light that the availability of the

total leased area (48 percent) being followed

workforce became the main constraint in the

by Iasi (28 percent) and Cluj-Napoca (14 per-

pace to which regional cities develop. “Look-

cent),” says Mihai Paduroiu, head of advisory

ing to the number of graduates and the profile

& transaction services, investor leasing within

of the labour market, there is an annual po-

office department of CBRE Romania. Accord-

tential of about 150,000 sqm to be absorbed

ing to him, the vacancy rate in regional cities

organically in Cluj, Iasi and Timisoara. If

remains low due to the fact that when a new

we include Brasov, a smaller market now,

real estate project is completed, up to 80 to

we could almost reach the level of potential

90 percent of it is already leased. “The aver-

net demand registered in Bucharest,” adds

age vacancy rate in the largest regional cities

Didoiu. He also highlights that just a quarter

in Romania is about 7 percent and we don’t

of the IT&C graduates comes from Bucharest,

see a significant variation despite the fact that

compared with 60 percent in Cluj-Napoca,

many projects have been announced for the

Iasi, Timisoara and Brasov.

next two years. The pace of development is a sustainable one given the fact that the offer


will be covered by the demand,” says Andrei

According to Drosu of JLL, in H1 2017 Timiso-

Drosu, consultant within the research depart-

ara posted the highest demand for office

ment at Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

spaces, 13,200 sqm, followed by Cluj-Napoca

As Monica Vasile, senior broker, office

George Didoiu, Colliers International Romania

(8,700 sqm) and Iasi (6,000 sqm). But despite

agency at Cushman & Wakefield Echinox

some transactions have been completed in

says, the total demand for office spaces in the

smaller cities like Targu Mures, Craiova or

main regional cities in Romania was about

Pitesti the offer for modern office spaces here

120,000 sqm in the past 18 months. “Regional

is still very low. The same perspective shares

cities in Romania are capable to absorb a

Paduroiu of CBRE, too. “Excepting the large

massive volume of office spaces considering

cities like Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca and Iasi,

the fact that at the end of the first half of this

in Targu Mures, Pitesti and Craiova both the

year, their density was 0.85 sqm/inhabitant

activity and interest for new office spaces

in Cluj-Napoca, 0.62 sqm/inhabitant in Iasi,

increased significantly. But these cities had a

0.45sqm/inhabitant in Timisoara and 0.37

weight of 10 percent of the total leased area,”

sqm/inhabitant in Brasov”

he says. According to him, in general, technol-

George Didoiu, associate director, office agency at Colliers International Romania

ogy, IT and professional services remain the most active industries that lease office spaces. Business Review | October 2017



>> Number of students (as of 2015): 54,653 >> 180,000 sqm of modern office space at the end of H1 2017 >> 31,300 sqm is the total office demand recorded between 2016-H1 2017 >> 14,000 sqm of office space planned for delivery between H2 2017- 2018 >> 4 percent is the vacancy rate at the end of H1 2017

>> Number of students (as of 2015): 39,898 >> 144,000 sqm of modern office space at the end of H1 2017 >> 56,200 sqm is the total office demand recorded between 2016-H1 2017 >> 90,000 sqm of office space planned for delivery between H2 2017- 2018 >> 2 percent is the vacancy rate at the end of H1 2017

>> Number of students (as of 2015): 21,366 >> 94,500 sqm of modern office space at the end of H1 2017 >> 8,500 sqm is the total office demand recorded between 2016-H1 2017 >> 51,000 sqm of office space planned for delivery between H2 2017- 2018 >> 8 percent is the vacancy rate at the end of H1 2017

“This trend is similar for regional cities too,

est potential in the future despite in the past

impetus in this sector is based on an increas-

where IT companies have leased over 21,000

two years cities like Sibiu, Craiova and Galati

ing demand coming as a result of an increas-

sqm and professional services ones over

managed to attract companies that are ready

ing number of companies that are attracted to

4,500 sqm in the first half of 2017,” adds Pa-

to open their offices there.

invest in Romania,” adds Paduroiu.

duroiu. Drosu of JLL shares the same opinion

Speaking of the attractiveness of the

All in all there are reasons to believe

saying that at present the market is dominat-

regional cities, Didoiu of Colliers says that

that regional cities will continue to post a

ed by IT&C companies which leased about 70

for companies with local and smaller activity

sustained evolution, say pundits. “First, as

percent of the total transactions registered in

and with a lower level of complexity, regional

the services industry doesn’t face the same

the first half of 2017, followed by outsourcing

cities can be more attractive given the fact

physical limitations as the processing one,

companies with 20 percent. “Companies that

that they pay lower salaries or rentals. “For

employers follow the employees. Regional cit-

make their entrance in Romania by opening

example, salaries in IT&C in Cluj and Timis

ies deliver a considerable larger number of IT

offices outside Bucharest (like Alcatel, Nokia,

counties are comparable with those registered

graduates, the most wanted employees now.

Continental, Atos) and those that extend their

in Bucharest but in Iasi county there are 20

Second, looking to the turnover of potential

operations from Bucharest to regional cities

percent lower,” says Didoiu. Going in the same

employees, we can see that Bucharest didn’t

(like IBM, Accenture or Vodafone) slice the

line, Drosu of JLL says that the increasing

grow as quick as Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca

outside Bucharest office market now,” he says.

demand coming from IT&C companies which

and Iasi and we think that it will lose ground

find high qualified specialists in regional cities

before them,” says Didoiu of Colliers. He adds


will fuel the appetite of developers to invest

that the age profile is better in regional cities

in projects there. “From our perspective,

compared with Bucharest. “Last but not least,

Vasile of Cushman & Wakefield Echinox says

these cities have all the needed ingredients –

the modern stock office per inhabitant is

that the office market from regional cities

economic, demographic and social indicators

about twice lower in Cluj and Iasi compared

is quite dynamic and it is on an ascending

and industry – meant to support a develop-

with Bucharest and three times lower in

trend at least from two perspectives: that of

ment of the local office market in the near

Timisoara,”says Didoiu.

the evolution of the completing of new office

future,” adds the representative of JLL.

buildings and of the number of companies

The office market in Bucharest has already

But how does a developer see the future of office market outside Bucharest? “Successful

that open new centers or extend their activity.

reached its maturity due to the presence of

projects are built with caution, in stages and

“A competitive cost with workforce combined

real estate investors and to the concentration

in a sustainable manner, based on a concept.

with high education and more and more

of investments in the capital, say pundits.

Our estimations say that these markets will

flying connections are the main reasons for

Thus, Romanian regional cities become a

grow and we can compare it with what hap-

investors to consider regional cities as an

target for many developers that intend to

pens in regional cities from other countries

alternative for their operations,” adds Vasile.

diversify their portfolios. “Such cities are

that have a similar development as Romania,

In her opinion, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca

changing now and investors are more and

with Poland being an example in this regard,”

and Brasov will continue to have the high-

more focused in this direction. The entire

concludes Sandor.

Source: Cushman & Wakefield Echinox


REAL ESTATE 9 Business Review | October 2017


Landmark decision: Piraeus Bank plans office project exit on buoyant market The Landmark, the office complex in central Bucharest controlled by Piraeus Bank Romania, will be put up for sale by the lender, as it is set to reach full occupancy this year. In an office market that has expanded by around 75,000 sqm in the first semester in Bucharest, the bank says it has already received offers for the business park, which was completed late last year following investments of more than EUR 60 million. By Ovidiu Posirca some assets that have been repossessed by the bank.” “Most foreign investors, when they come to the Romanian market, they are basically looking at Bucharest and major cities such as Cluj,” added the banker.

OFFICE DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN BUCHAREST The job of finding tenants for The Landmark belongs to Knight Frank Romania, the real estate consultancy managed by Horatiu Florescu, one of the veterans of the office market in Romania. He says this is one of the first

Piraeus Bank controls a 75 percent stake in The Landmark

business parks delivered in the center of the city in a long time. “If you ask me, the office market is much

There will be an exit for the bank.

energy multinational Total Group, which has

Although we love this project and we

its back office operations here. Firms in the

safer than residential. My main concern for

are very proud of it, we will probably

IT, legal and energy sectors have also moved

the coming years is the availability of land for

sell it because we’re not active in this sector;

their offices into the building, where the

offices. Now, for example, we are working on

we are active in the financial one (…) If we get

longest rental contract signed up to now is for

projects with delivery in 2020, 2021. We are

the right price, yes,” Nikos Chaniotis, deputy

ten years. The owners say that their tenants

signing a big prelease with a delivery in March

general manager at Piraeus Bank Romania,

were attracted by the good infrastructure

2020,” Florescu, chairman and CEO of Knight

told BR.

connections and the fact that the offices have

Frank Romania, told BR.

The project, which comprises three separate seven-storey buildings and a three-level

more than 300 parking spaces, something rarely found in the central area.

He says that the next big area for office development is Expozitiei, and that he is

“We don’t have a timeframe; we are not in

working on a couple of “big transactions” in

cupancy rate of 65 percent, and the bank says

a hurry,” said Chaniotis, about the sale of The

this area that will be announced in the next

the rest of the space will be fully occupied by

Landmark, in which Piraeus has a 75 percent

two to three months. The CEO adds that

the end of the year. Afterwards, Chanotis says

stake, while the rest is controlled by one Ro-

Bucharest’s business hub will remain in the

that Piraeus might start looking closer at exit

manian and one Greek individual. In August,

center, including the Barbu Vacarescu, Dimi-

options. The building also has a retail compo-

the bank appointed Colliers International as

trie Pompei and Expozitiei areas, while the

nent that will be priced higher.

property manager for the buildings.

center-west and south are the parts of the city

basement parking lot, currently has an oc-

“The ground floor and the first under-

Although the banker says that Piraeus is

where investors can still find land. “We can’t say that the market is overheat-

ground level are for retail. This was our

not interested in making any other invest-

strategy, first of all to focus on office space

ments in real estate, he notes that he gets

ing,” said Florescu, asked about the office

and then to go for retail in order to be able to

requests for financing from investors that

segment. “If you compare our numbers with

ask for a higher rent,” he said.

are very “bankable” and “actually in some

Amsterdam or Paris, we have a very small

cases they come with full cash in order to buy


The project’s biggest tenant is French

12 COVER STORY Business Review | October 2017

PRIVATE SECTOR AWAITS COHERENT APPROACH TO FISCAL POLICY Romania remains an attractive destination for investors from the point of view of its fiscal policy, but the constant hiking and cutting of various taxes in recent years has seen companies call for a more coordinated approach from the government when it comes to major changes in this field. Moreover, firms fear that some taxes will go up if the government is not able to keep the budget deficit below 3 percent this year. By Ovidiu Posirca Business Review | October 2017


14 COVER STORY Business Review | October 2017

The last three-four years

the European Commission president,

have been marked by a lot of

Jean-Claude Juncker, directly that the

changes, successive increases

change would not be approved.

and reductions of taxes, without any

The list of fiscal changes announced

coherence on the long term,” repre-

and later dropped includes the solidar-

sentatives of the Foreign Investors’

ity tax, which would have been paid by

Council (FIC) told BR. The association

those earning ten times the minimum

has 123 member companies whose

wage, and the replacement of income

combined investments represent

tax for individuals with a household

around EUR 35 billion.

taxation system.

“From the experience of previous years, the business community is trying to avoid a situation in which


the government is not able to meet its

But there is one change the govern-

deficit targets and will then decide to

ment is sticking with, which is the

increase taxes in order to balance the

split VAT system. With a VAT gap of

budget,” added the FIC.

around 38 percent – the uncollected

In short, the association says that the business environment would be supported by the simplification of

amount – the authorities say that this would eliminate fraud and bring more funds into the state coffers. According

procedures and the application of legislation aiming to reduce and

to Eurostat, the statistics office of the EU, Romania had over EUR 7

prevent fiscal evasion.

billion in uncollected VAT in 2014 alone.

In its turn, the government has made some progress with the

On the other hand, tax specialists say that companies will see

prevention draft bill, which will prohibit the authorities from fining

their costs go up as they will have to update their systems and train

firms immediately for minor offenses. Instead, public servants will

their staff to properly use the fresh provisions.

have to help the companies fix these problems, and only if they

Aside from the implementation costs, businesses will have to

see that nothing has changed will they be able to apply sanctions.

cover the additional costs of managing the split payment mecha-

This bill should be approved in Parliament in the current session,

nism on a day-to-day basis, especially where taxpayers need to split

according to the leaders of the ruling coalition.

numerous payments received in cash or via debit/credit card (such as retailers). Firms will also have to cover the cash blocked in their VAT account, which, in principle, cannot be used for payments other than VAT, according to Costin Manta, senior manager in the tax advisory department at EY Romania, the professional services firm. “Based on our discussions with bankers, the VAT split payment mechanism may actually reduce the taxpayer’s credit rating, as they will have

Although some progress has been made in terms of the stability

less cash available to pay the installments,” Manta told BR. “In some

of legislation, companies continue to point out that the changing

cases these costs will be compensated by the tax incentives granted

of laws overnight remains a challenge. The government had started

to taxable individuals who opt to apply the VAT split payment

talking about replacing the profit tax with a turnover tax, suggest-

mechanism from October 1 2017. However, even in this case there is

ing that in this way companies would pay their fair share of taxes.

room for discussion over how it will apply: if a taxpayer has taxable

Firms warned that such a dramatic change would hit Romania’s

profit during Q4 2017, but overall is in a tax loss position, will the

competitiveness and attractiveness to investors, potentially leading

5 percent profit tax reduction apply (on the nominal value of the

to insolvencies among local companies, and PM Mihai Tudose told

profit tax)? The VAT split payment ordinance does not clarify this Business Review | October 2017


aspect.” Other issues might emerge in practice as the implementation stage is short and companies might end up guessing how to apply the law. “As an example, how will the VAT split payment work in the case of payment compensations or third party payments? And these are just some of the questions that will pop up during a taxpayer’s dayto-day operations,” said the EY representatives. The Romanian Business Leaders (RBL) association claimed that the update to the VAT legislation will not solve the systemic issue of tax evasion. The RBL went on to say that hundreds of thousands of fair-dealing smaller entrepreneurs will be “choked” by the additional red tape, leaving them less time to focus on development and job creation. In a survey carried out by the National Council of Small and Andra Casu, EY Romania

Medium-sized Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR) 97.5 percent of responding companies said that the split VAT system would have a negative impact on their activity next year. The new VAT system has also been criticized by the main business associations representing the largest foreign investors in the country. For instance, the French Trade and Industry Chamber in Romania (CCIFER) has warned that the new system creates red tape that will hit both private companies and state-owned enterprises. “Romanian products and services will lose their competitiveness on the local and global markets and the economy will be burdened with new non-performing loans due to the wave of new insolvencies,” said the CCIFER about the risks of the split VAT system. Meanwhile, the Austrian investment community in Romania says it supports the government’s attempt to reduce VAT fraud, but warns that the swift enforcement of the new system could create unforeseen issues for firms. “On a broader scale, we will have to see if these additional ad-

Dan Dascalu, PwC Romania

ministrative burdens together with the expected additional cost of a VAT account could negatively influence Romania’s perception as a highly attractive investment destination,” Gerd Bommer, commercial counselor at Advantage Austria, told BR. He added, “Although Austrian investors generally support the Romanian government’s intention to further prevent VAT fraud, there is reasonable doubt that the measures chosen will have a sufficient cost-benefit ratio, if any at all. From an administrative point of view, they will be a huge burden for all the companies that have so far reported and paid their VAT obligations properly.” The authorities have designed a package of incentives for firms that will start using split VAT from October, such as profit tax facilities and an exemption from the payment of penalties for VAT debts to September 30, according to Dan Dascalu, partner at law firm D&B David si Baias, the law firm affiliated to PwC Romania. “It remains to be seen how the authorities are able to implement this system as a whole and respect the deadlines according to the law, as any breach could drive up litigation and demands from

Inga Tigai, EY Romania

taxpayers for interest payments for these delays,” said Dascalu in a conference. Business Review | October 2017


A TAXING ISSUE: ROMANIA’S REGIONAL PROFILE The low corporate income tax rate and fiscal incentives for companies doing research & development are among the key provisions that could help Romania catch the eye of new investors interested in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Andra Casu, director within the tax advisory department at EY Romania, cited the income tax rate of 16 percent and the tax incentives currently applicable for R&D (e.g. the additional deduction from the taxable base representing 50 percent of the R&D expenses incurred, a ten-year exemption from corporate income tax available to companies operating exclusively in the area of R&D) as some of the measures helping Romania maintain its competitive edge. But she says that there are other issues such as the political instability, many unannounced legislative changes and a very aggressive trend of tax inspections carried out by the authorities that Mihai Tudose, PM

could downgrade Romania’s attractiveness. “A temporary tax benefit may be deceptive if there is an existing record of changing the governing program over a short period of time and, generally, an increase in workforce taxation to cover some of the budgetary deficits,” said Inga Tigai, senior manager within the tax advisory department at EY Romania. Romania has struggled in recent years to increase its tax take as a share of GDP, and some of the new taxes rolled out overnight were intended to plug these holes in the budget. A report by the European Commission revealed that Romania had tax revenues of 28 percent of GDP, the second lowest rate in the EU, behind Ireland on 23.9 percent. In theory this should change by the end of the decade, when a massive overhaul of the tax administration agency ANAF should be completed. With a loan from the World Bank, the authorities want to develop a complex IT system for ANAF and move most of taxpayers’ day-to-day operations online. “From the point of view of the FIC, the announcement of new

Gerd Bommer, Advantage Austria

taxes overnight with a significant impact on the business environment is not a good thing. Companies have businesses and investments on the long term and such a fiscal policy is not wanted. Something we have been saying for 20 years, since the FIC was founded, is that measures of such importance need an extensive impact study and a real consultation with all the parties involved,” said the association representatives. Some amendments to the VAT system could also have a positive impact on the business environment. Manta of EY Romania says that the introduction of a reverse charge system for all imports would improve taxpayers’ cash flow. “Currently this facility is available only to certain taxpayers, but general applicability may increase Romania’s tax attractiveness,” said Manta.

BIG CHANGE IN INCOME TAX CONTRIBUTIONS PLANNED FOR 2018 The social security contribution system in Romania is poised to Ionut Misa, Ministry of Finance

undergo a major change from next year, with contributions moving from the employer to the employee. The minister of labor, Lia Ol- Business Review | October 2017


guta Vasilescu, said that this change would not generate additional costs for companies, as contributions will be cut from 39.25 percent to 35 percent. “There are many firms in Romania that don’t pay their contributions for employees; they deduct them from the salary but they

to 10 percent, but the reduction of this tax is still under review. The change would come less than a year after the government scrapped the cap of five months’ average pay from the calculation of social security contributions. Tigai of EY Romania said the removal of the cap had resulted in

don’t pay them on. Those employees don’t have medical assistance,

higher employment costs for companies and lower net incomes for

don’t benefit from these years in their pensions. All this made us


protect the employee,” said Vasilescu. “Contributions are withheld by the employer and the company

“This particular net salary ‘loss’ was felt in the months when employees were granted additional benefits, such as regular or annual

transfers them on to the state as your contributions. The state gains

performance bonuses. Employees whose monthly gross income

from this transfer by increasing the pension fund and the healthcare

exceeds the value of five months of the national average gross salary

insurance fund,” explained the minister. As a result of this move,

(namely over RON 15,655, as at February 2017) suffered a decrease

net wages are set to grow by around 4 percent, she added.

in their net income starting from the remuneration received for

In late September, some trade unions were claiming that the

February 2017. So, on a monthly gross income of RON 18,000, which

government was planning to bring in only a partial transfer of the

would have generated a net income of RON 12,940 (approximately

contributions from the companies’ side to employees. At the same

EUR 2,875) in January 2017, the decrease as of February produces an

time, income tax for individuals was to be slashed from 16 percent

annual ‘loss’ of RON 3,780 (about EUR 840),” said Tigai. She said that the removal of the ceiling came as a “shock” for the skilled workforce, due to its rapid enforcement, and the costs were covered in “firefighting mode” this year. However, Romania’s competitiveness in the region could be affected by this measure on the medium and long term, according to the EY representative. On pension funds, PM Tudose suggested in early September that contribution to the second pension pillar, which is managed by private administrators, should become optional. Under current rules, this pillar gets a mandatory contribution of 5.1 percent of the employee’s gross wage, while the rest, up to 10.5 percent, is funneled in the first pension pillar, controlled by the state. Around 7 million people are enrolled in the second pension pillar, which had assets of EUR 7.7 billion this summer. A third voluntary private pension pillar also exists, in which the state provides some tax deductions for contributors. This fund had assets of EUR 370 million at the end of June 2017. Business Review | October 2017

20 HR

Firms struggle to find workers on tight labor market Romania’s private sector is registering demand for employees across the board, from welders and electricians to IT experts and agriculture and construction specialists. In an economy with an unemployment rate hovering around 4 percent, companies are exploring various options to increase their staff, ranging from the relocation of employees from other parts of the country, to offering vocational training for high school students and importing workers from outside the European Union. By Ovidiu Posirca covering the rent for unemployed people who find a job in a different city, but this program is still in the early stages. “In general, we see a clear problem in the mobilization and allocation of the available workforce. To be more specific, it has become apparent that a workforce is available in certain counties and regions in Romania, where companies are currently reluctant to settle due to missing infrastructure or other circumstances, while in other areas companies are struggling to find employees due to full employment. Furthermore, a high number of potential workers are currently employed in sectors such as agriculture and even the public domain, where their contribution leads to a comparatively smaller contribution to the national output,” Gerd Bommer, commercial counselor at Advantage Austria, told BR “Hence, it might be more beneficial for Romania to motivate them, through education, financial and fiscal means, to reallocate or Foreign investors say that fiscal solutions alone will not solve the pressure on the labor market


field of work, in order to optimize resources,” he added.

side from the tight labor market,

there are counties in the east and south that

companies are facing the challenges

are grappling with chronic unemployment.

Representatives of the foreign investment communities in Romania say that the scarcity of the workforce impacts companies of all

of the uneven development of the

country. Whereas employers in Bucharest and

retrain available resources to join a different

other cities in western Romania are frantically


looking for staff to expand their businesses,

The government is trying to change this by

sizes, whether they have Romanian or foreign capital. “For next year, no improvement of the Business Review | October 2017

HR 21

situation is forecasted. Manufacturing firms

needed for the parents, firms are continuing

try. FIC representatives say that politicians

are looking on their own for solutions to fill

to work with the public authorities in order to

should focus on the issue of demographics

their vacancies, either by recruiting employ-

create classes in which teenagers can combine

as the results will also be seen in two to three

ees from other regions of Romania or through

theoretical training with practical experience


workers brought from outside the European

at companies.

Union,” officials from the Romanian-German

“We will continue to contribute to this re-

“It is as important to reduce the migration of the workforce from Romania to other

form, involving companies in the updating of

states, and maybe, through a joint effort, to

school curriculums and their adaptation,” rep-

attract back some of those that moved away.

panies have few solutions if workers decide

resentatives of the French Trade and Industry

We don’t think fiscal solutions can solve this

to move to another EU member state where

Chamber in Romania (CCIFER) told BR. They

issue,” said FIC officials.

they are paid better. Meanwhile, the order

add that closer cooperation between parents

books of production companies in Romania

and teachers is needed for this system to suc-

TotalSoft, Liviu Dragan, says that Romania

are increasing due to growing demand from

ceed, while companies should also promote

still has a lot of people that can be employed,

international clients.

internships and training more actively.

despite the massive migration. He suggested

Trade Chamber (AHK Romania) told BR. The association says that Romanian com-

Raluca Penes, HR coordinator at Smartree,

Schools developed under public-private

Elsewhere, the founder of IT company

that those living on welfare in rural areas could be integrated in the workforce.

the HR consultancy, says that the medical

partnership have emerged in Brasov, Cluj,

field is still seeing a migration of workers

Fagaras, Timisoara and Pitesti – in industrial

to other countries, including nurses and

basins, around large companies or groups of

inhabitants of whom 4.5 million are working,

pharmacists. Meanwhile, the IT sector also

companies, said the CCIFER.

out of whom 1.5 or 1 million are in the public

continues to suffer from a deficit of staff.

“These were more or less successful

“In Romania there are 17-18 million

sector. It is almost impossible for a country

experiences, depending a lot on the level of

with such a small number of employees to

easy year for the recruitment departments.

involvement of the public partners along with

make significant strong progress. So all the

The opening of new work points by multina-

the companies,” said the CCIFER officials.

economy suffers,” said Dragan, during an

“In these fields we shouldn’t expect an

tional firms that are funneling investments

Bommer of Advantage Austria says that

towards Romania will continue to generate a

the organization has set up two dual educa-

gap between staff demand and the available

tion pilot projects in cooperation with the

supply,” said Penes. She added that wages

Romanian authorities in Bucharest and Cluj-

have continued to grow in the IT sector and


some firms are providing relocation packages,

pulse for the Romanian authorities to speed

to Cluj-Napoca.

up the development of a nationwide approach to vocational education that is currently being

One way to alleviate the shortage of skilled

Leaders Association.


“However, we see this as setting an im-

for instance for those moving from Bucharest


event organized by the Romanian Business

discussed. We hope to see progress in this area sooner rather than later,” said Bommer. Solving the issue of the lack of employees

staff would be to steer more students towards

is also on the agenda of the Foreign Investors

the vocational training system. Although this

Council (FIC), whose member companies

process takes time, and a lot of convincing is

have created some 200,000 jobs in the coun-











*at-end July 2017, only registered unemployed Source: National Labor Agency, ANOFM Business Review | October 2017

22 IT

Bucharest is successfully riding the insourcing wave Between outsourcing, no-sourcing and insourcing, Bucharest, which recently saw the expansion of GE Power’s Grid Software Solutions (SWS) center, that of DB Global Technology and the opening of Fitbit’s new R&D center, is successfully trend riding. By Georgeta Gheorghe

end for the traditional offshoring industry in information technology outsourcing (ITO) and business process outsourcing (BPO), the study also acknowledged the shift in focus towards the global transfer of higher-skilled jobs, which is expected to become more dynamic. The study’s most recent edition expanded on that, pointing out that the global value chains are projected to grow, creating new offshore jobs. At the same time, experts have spotted that increasingly more global players are relying on insourcing. Far from simply being GE and Fitbit serve global markets from their headquarters at Aviatorilor 8

a trend reversal, this counter-trend sees companies transitioning back the development

sourcing of IT activities to external


very different, with the global outsourcing

advantage, which they transfer to newly-

service providers has seen a phenom-

market declining by almost 30 percent, to

established global centers of excellence.

enal and fairly consistent rise. For years now,

USD 77 billion in 2016. As highlighted by last

As highlighted by the recent opening by US

Romania has been a hot outsourcing destina-

year’s A.T. Kearney Global Services Loca-

wearables maker Fitbit of its new Bucharest

tion, with competitive advantages including

tion Index, where Romania still ranks as the

R&D center, the largest on the continent, as

a highly skilled labor pool with multilingual

fifth most attractive destination in Europe,

well as the expansion and launch of recruit-

skills, an attractive price-quality ratio and EU

automation is fast becoming the predicted

ment campaigns by DB Global Technology

membership. Currently, the country’s out-

game-changer and the outsourcing market is

and GE Power’s Grid Software Solutions (SWS)

sourcing sector employs more than 100,000

feeling the impact. As automation becomes

center, Bucharest is among the global destina-

people, most of them in the banking, insur-

more prevalent, many outsourcing markets

tions making the most of the shift in trends.

ance and financial services, followed by the

are projected to shrink, due to job loss caused

In doing so, Romania, a top global outsourcing

technology and telecoms sector and industrial

by technology taking over a large chunk

destination for years, is showing that it has

and consumer goods. In 2014, a time when

of business process outsourcing. The 2016

outgrown its condition and is helping major

the A.T. Kearney Index ranked Romania the

study singled out no-shoring, the process of

players redesign their global footprint.

fifth most attractive outsourcing destination

transferring business services, previously

in Europe, the global IT outsourcing market

conducted by humans, to anonymous data

stood at USD 105 billion, more than double

centers hosting cloud-based automated


compared to 2004, and has kept a steady

processes, as the fastest growing global trend.

In August, GE Power’s Grid Software Solu-

growth pace, until recently.

However, while signaling the beginning of the

tions (SWS) center, established in Bucharest in

ver the past two decades, the out-

of core technologies and services in order to Two years later, however, the picture is

regain control and boost their competitive Business Review | October May 20162017


2011 as part of the global Grid Solutions (SWS)

“works on technical deliveries worldwide

our own software delivery centers was a natu-

center of excellence, kicked off a recruitment

for projects such as integration, software

ral step.” As it operates on a competitive labor

campaign upon moving into new headquar-

development and testing for major players

market, the company is focusing on offering

ter. GE Power’s Grid Solutions, employs over

in the energy markets of Europe, North and

incentives such as multicultural exposure and

19,000 people in approximately 80 countries.

South America, Australia, Africa and the

involvement in international projects, which

Middle East. Therefore, it is a major contribu-

it sees as key elements in building a strong

dent and CEO of General Electric Romania,

tor to energy grid stability, enabling energy

career, as well as offices in a state-of-the-art

Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova, several

providers to respond quickly to grid demand

BREEAM Excellent certified building.

converging factors contributed to GE setting

fluctuations and to ensure security of energy

up their center in the Romanian capital.

supply. This tremendous role places our

technology center in Bucharest, opened three

“Thanks to their dynamic, highly-skilled and

center at the core of GE’s mission to become

years ago and has recently moved to new

growing IT market, the country, and particu-

a top ten software company in the following

headquarters, which includes a new research

larly Bucharest, have a lot to offer in terms of

years,” he added.

and development hub, a digital workplace

According to Cristian Colteanu, presi-

DB Global Technology, Deutsche Bank’s

Today the center has a team of 130 em-

floor and a state-of-the-art event venue. The

bilities,” Colteanu told BR. With around 4,000

ployees. “Since 2015, we have hired over 100

top draws for shareholders, namely the skills

IT specialists graduating each year, out of

people and are committed to keeping the

and talent of the local workforce, convenient

which 2,000 only in Bucharest, and 8 percent

same pace and continuing the recruitment of

location, the possibility for growth as well as

of Romania’s GDP coming from the IT sector,

digital specialists over the next two years,”

the strong quality of interaction, are still con-

Romania has grown into a major IT center in

Silviu Cretean, the center’s senior services

sidered the center’s major assets, Marian V.

the Balkan area.”

director said, at the opening of the company’s

Popa, general manager of DB Global Technol-

new headquarters.

ogy told BR.

innovation and further development possi-

The SWS center’s activity, supported by local specialists, has since expanded from a

“GE was and is still relying, to some ex-

After starting off with a EUR 10 million

European, to a global level. “During the first

tent, on outsourcing services. The extended

investment and initial plans to hire and train

two years, our team focused on supporting

growth expected for our Bucharest center is

500 people that would cover three areas, to-

the European business. Since then, the center

strongly focused on cost optimization, while

day the center has more than 800 employees

has evolved into a true global delivery center,

also providing sufficient flexibility to further

that cover ten areas and counting, Popa ex-

effectively supporting all regions worldwide,”

increase the center’s digital footprint,” Col-

plained. Moreover, 200 highly skilled staff are

Colteanu explained. Currently, the center

teanu told BR, adding that “for GE, creating

expected to join the team in the near future. Business Review | October 2017

24 IT

hire, by the end of this year, more than 50 cloud and big data engineers, reaching almost 500 people at its Bucharest site. Other companies that opened R&D offices in Romania are SAP, Ixia, NXP, and homegrown global cybersecurity player, Bitdefender. Fitbit entered the market months after completing the purchase of local startup Vector Watch, which rather than serving to expand its range of products, served as a gateway to the local IT market. The startup, whose CTO Andrei Pitis is now heading Marian V. Popa, DB

Cristian Colteanu, GE

the new facility, as well as serving as VP of engineering for Fitbit, had developed from scratch a 30-day battery life smartwatch, sold in 27 countries. In opening its new facility,

“I think that all the qualities that attracted

completely replace outsourcing, the former

built around the startup’s core team of 30, Fit-

us to Bucharest contributed strongly to the

is driving fundamental changes within the

bit plans to capitalize on the team’s expertise

continuous growth of our center,” he said.

way the company operates. “For years, the

in developing innovative technology in the

industry in general has outsourced a number

field of power consumption. “The team’s

tional network of Deutsche Bank innovation

of services to specialized companies and

knowledge around low-power technologies,

labs in New York, Silicon Valley, Berlin and

this was valid also for the banks. Now, the

the ability to have low-power OS and third-

London. “Bucharest is one of the four ap-

trend is reversing, where collaboration with

party applications - those are some of the

plication development centers that DB has

outsourcers still continues, but at the same

things that they’re bringing to the table,” CEO

worldwide,” Popa explained. According to

time, core technologies and knowledge are

James Park, who attended the opening, told

him, solutions developed in Bucharest have

transitioned back into the bank. We are a core


been successfully adopted within the compa-

part of this activity as our main activity lies in

ny. “We have developed certain areas where

internalization and knowledge transfer,” he

of the wearables market, already employs

we imposed a benchmark, our methods being


around 100 designers, software engineers and

The Bucharest hub is part of the interna-

accepted and transferred also to the other

According to Popa, it is challenging to find

The company, one of the global leaders

product managers in Romania, and is eyeing

centers,” he said, adding that the possibility

the right people, “and it is even more chal-

to tap deeper into the local talent pool. “Hir-

for the Bucharest center of becoming a center

lenging - once they become experts - to retain

ing smart people everywhere is a challenge,

of excellence is still wide open. It is the open-

them. This can be achieved through respect,

and I think there’s a unique talent in Bucha-

ness to learn, collaborate, as well as their re-

openness, trust and collaboration as well as

rest that [we] will tap into,” Fitbit co-founder

sponsiveness to coaching and mentoring, that

transfer of responsibilities and empower-

and CTO Eric Friedman said at the opening

allow Bucharest experts to develop advanced

ment,” he argued, “as well as more involve-

of the new center. According to Friedman,

financial solutions that are later implemented

ment in international bodies and structures.

the country’s human capital and the growth

on markets that are more developed than the

We take a lot of pride in the fact that we have

potential of the tech sector are two of the

local one, Popa explained.

more and more Romanian experts in interna-

major draws of the Romanian market. “What

tional forums, taking important decisions.”

I find most impressive and reassuring is the

“By providing a strong base for innovation

active number of young tech entrepreneurs,

in the region and helping to develop the local fintech community, the center is supporting


kids in their early 20s, who have the imagina-

our ambitions to become a technology-led

In September, US wearables maker Fitbit

tion and power to challenge a global start-up

company,” Kim Hammonds, COO and mem-

opened its biggest European R&D center in

ecosystem,” Friedman recently told Financial

ber of the management board of Deutsche

the same building hosting GE’s new head-

Times, adding: “The evolution of the tech

Bank said at the opening of the new head-

quarters, in central Bucharest. In doing so,

start-up scene in Romania is highly positive.

quarters. Moreover, Hammonds explained,

the company is following in the footsteps of

New investment funds and business angels

the center was supporting the company’s

software giant Adobe, who built in Bucharest

are supporting more and more tech-based

drive to “bring technology back into the bank,

over a decade ago its largest R&D center out-


instead of contracting thousands of vendors

side of the EMEA. After filling around 80 tech

around the world, in order to derive increased

vacancies last year, in May Adobe Romania

plans to support a local startup accelera-

competitive advantages.” According to

director of engineering and site leader Cris

tor and to collaborate with local technical

Popa, although insourcing is not expected to

Radu told BR the company was planning to


The wearables company has also disclosed Business Review | October 2017


Waters Corporation Opens a New Romanian Software Development Center in Brasov Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT), the world’s leading specialty measurement company, has pioneered chromatography, mass spectrometry and thermal analysis innovations serving the life, materials and food sciences for nearly 60 years. With approximately 7,000 employees worldwide, Waters operates directly in 31 countries, including 15 manufacturing facilities, and with products available in more than 100 countries.

U.S. – based, specialty measurement

Software is a critical component of the

company Waters Corporation today of-

company’s computerized analytical technolo-

ficially opened its new Romanian Software

gies which make chemical measurements and

Development Center in Brasov with a

provide scientists with information about the

visit from its Chief Executive Officer, Chris

chemical and molecular composition of their

O’Connell. The Center is home to more than


160 software engineers, project managers, product owners, software architects and

In his remarks to employees, General Manager,

support staff who develop and test software

Gheorghe Neagu, told employees “We are very

for the company’s analytical technologies

proud of the level of skill and talent we have in

used by scientific laboratories involved in

Brasov. The investment Waters has made in this

life, materials and food sciences. Romanian

state-of-the art facility recognizes that talent

Software Development Center in Brasov is,

acknowledges the importance of the work we do

by numbers, the number five facility in the

and demonstrates a commitment to Brasov as a

world for Waters, as an operational site.

corporate center of software excellence.”

At an event marking the official opening of

Waters software engineers are skilled in the

the new facility, O’Connell addressed em-

principles of Agile software development and

ployees by saying “Innovation is at the very

the use of tools including C# to C++, Java, Linux,

core of what we do, and I’ve used this oppor-

mobile and Amazon Web Services®. Agile is an

tunity to see in-person the tremendous drive

umbrella term referring to methodologies, tools,

and commitment of the team in Brasov to

techniques, practices and frameworks that

adopt new ways of doing things, to pioneer

enable companies to successfully and quickly

new techniques and to do whatever it takes

deliver software by meeting their customers’

to deliver benefit to our customers.”

expectations while focusing on high quality. All photots: Laura-Madalina Dascalu & Diana Balla Business Review | October 2017


Huawei prepares ground for global infrastructure shift to 5G Bike-sharing systems powered by the internet and payment in physical stores by phone are ubiquitous if you have a chance to get to Shenzhen, the mega city of 18 million just north of Hong Kong. From its massive campus in the city, representatives of Chinese telecoms group Huawei said this was just the beginning of the revolution fueled by 5G that will reach some 100 billion connections by 2025. By Ovidiu Posirca

Huawei has invested USD 600 million in 5G research to date


onnecting anything from homes to

of the 5G era and information products can

& development efforts are crucial for the

cars and parking systems to the in-

be transmitted 100 times faster than with

deployment of 5G. The company has 15 such

ternet will create a surge in network

4G,” says David Harmon, vice -president,

centers around the world, focused on the

global public affairs, at Huawei.

specific skills of the workforce from various

traffic and Huawei is aiming to turn this tide of data into valuable business going forward. “The mechanics of the industry, whether



“We have a number of research centers

it is transport or energy, are going to be con-

With more than 60,000 employees in Shen-

in India, due to Indians’ programming skills,

nected to the internet. (…) We’re on the verge

zhen alone, Huawei says that its research

whereas Europeans are excellent software October Business Review | May 20162017


developers,” said Harmon. In Russia, for ex-

working with 500 telecom operators across

from the rich tree branches. I was told that

ample, the company has a mathematics and

the world, including the four main players on

Ren Zhengfei, the 72-year-old founder of the

algorithms center.

the local market: Orange, RCS&RDS, Telekom

company, was working in one of them, along-

and Vodafone.

side the group’s top management. In another

“We are always looking for expertise in the field of research. For example, we have

“When it comes to the technical specifi-

part of the campus is a building that looks

arrangements with a small unit in the Univer-

cations that are agreed, Huawei is going to

sity of Melbourne that has a high capability

be ready to try and win some 5G business

when it comes to developing energy-efficient

in Romania with the key companies,” said

over 62,000 patents authorized to date and

products,” he added. Harmon says that the

Harmon. The Chinese behemoth has invested

close to 40,000 patent applications have

staff levels across Europe are set to increase

some USD 600 million to date researching 5G

been made outside China.

by 1,000 per year, although he did not say

technologies and company officials say that

Africa, the Middle East and South America

how much of this will be in Romania.

the next critical step is the official launch of

are among the markets in which the company

technical specifications.

is implementing some of its solutions, such

Locally, Huawei has launched an enterprise global service center following a EUR

Harmon added that 5G standards should

similar to the White House. On development, Huawei says that it has

as smart city initiatives, airport communica-

10 million investment. The Bucharest-based

be launched by the global body 3rd Genera-

tions infrastructure and security systems

center, which opened earlier this year, will

tion Partnership Project (3GPP) by March

for oil pipelines. Designing prototypes of

be linked to similar facilities in China and

2018. “5G should be up and running by 2020,”

airplanes and virtual crash tests for new


he noted.

vehicles are also in the company’s portfolio.

Huawei invested over USD 48 billion in

Some telecom executives in Romania

R&D operations between 2007 and 2016. The

have cautioned that while the next telecom

agement in large cities. Virtual bank tellers

company says that 80,000 employees out

standards could become available by the

and telemedicine are other fields in which

of its global headcount of 180,000 are R&D

end of the decade, it will take some years

Huawei has developed services.


until a critical mass for household consum-

The firm showcases solutions for traffic man-

Ten students from Romania and the Re-

ers is reached. It all depends on the range of

public of Moldova were also able to find out

started to push its consumer division with

products and services that are rolled out once

more about the company’s strategy as part

products such as smartphones, tablets and

5G is here.

of a global CSR initiative through which they

Although in recent years the firm has

saw first-hand Huawei’s University and the

laptops, its bread and butter remains its

campus hosting its core divisions.

telecom equipment division, which generates


most of its revenue. Growing the enterprise

Once a city built on its massive manufactur-

division seems to be one of the company’s

ing facilities, Shenzhen’s skyline is crowded

Huawei on its own. The company has teamed

priorities going forward.

with ever growing office towers. Communist

up with large technology groups such as Ger-

All these initiatives are not carried out by

party officials have gone on TV to say that

many’s Siemens, American Honeywell and

7.8 percent of total revenue, which stood

the country has to gradually move its eco-

Canadian Bombardier on joint initiatives.

at USD 75.1 billion, last year. Close to 58

nomic focus from production to services. As

percent of the revenue came from the carrier

manufacturing costs go up, companies might

international conglomerates, Huawei is also

business, and 34 percent from the consumer

decide to start new plants in other parts of

making investments in start-ups, but this

division. Just recently, the media reported

Asia. Even Huawei has said that it has moved

activity seems to have been carried out rather

that Huawei had become the second big-

its manufacturing capacities from Shenzhen


gest smartphone vendor, surpassing Apple,

to northern China.

Harmon says the enterprise division made

which was close to launching its new range of phones. In the carrier department, the company is

Walking through Huawei’s campus, you

Aside from business collaborations with

“Huawei seeks to invest in ICT companies up to a level of 20 percent. (…) We have

can see three black swans in an artificial lake

this early-stage investment division,” said

overlooked by trees and buildings creeping



From a family business to an agency with one foot in France For Ruxandra Serban, founder and CEO at Erka Synergy Communication, setting up her own business came as a natural step, just as her parents followed their entrepreneurial path many years ago. With a cumulated turnover since 2004 of EUR 18 million, Serban made her entrance on the French market last year. Her agency is now ranked among the top 25 agencies in Romania. By Anda Sebesi Business Review | October 2017 Business Review | October 2017


How did you enter the Romanian business scene and when?

city I lived in. Initially I suggested to them to

been working since 2005 or 2009, the mo-

launch together a subsidiary in Bucharest, but

ment when they launched their first shop.

I founded Erka back in 2004, but I made my

unfortunately it didn’t happen. So, I decided

entrance in the business world since child-

to call the shots and do what I wanted – to

hood. I can say that I have had the chance to

launch Erka, a BTL agency at first. Today it

be a second generation entrepreneur, as my

is a 360 degree agency with 33 specialists in

parents started their own business back in

online and offline communication.

1991. At that time, businesses were seen as pejorative, proof of failure rather than suc-

How difficult is for a Romanian company to go international and what are the main obstacles it faces? How difficult was it for you to make this step? I decided that my agency from France should be a French company. It is easier from both

es. Together with them, I had the chance to

Recently Erka extended its operations in France. What was the reason behind this move and what are the main services that it offers on the French market?

attend different fairs, rounds of negotiations

I decided to launch an agency in France

become skeptical at first, but in France, like

with suppliers and business partners and get

because I wanted a larger “playground”: more

in Romania, quality services, promptness and

involved in launching their shops. I saw them

clients, more competitors, more performance

equity are “musts” for me. I have a double

working from 7 am to midnight. I liked get-

and more creativity. It has a similar port-

responsibility in France: that of increasing the

ting involved my parents’ business, but most

folio of services as in Romania: integrated

business of Erka and of contributing to the

of all, I had the opportunity to hold all the

marketing and communication services

improvement of Romania’s image there.

positions within my parents’ company: from

(strategy, creation, digital marketing, print

the purchasing department to sales. During

and production). At present, 70 percent of

cess. The truth is that my parents became entrepreneurs under the stress of circumstanc-

that time, I instinctively gained a lot of professional experience without

commercial and administrative perspective. It is well known that Romanians do not benefit of very positive image capital abroad. People

What was the most difficult moment for your business and how did you manage to surmount it?

putting in significant effort.

The most difficult moment for Erka

My entrance to the business

was back in 2015, when one of our

world came as a natural step: after

customers at that time, Domo, exited

graduating my studies in France,

from the market. It was a double

I came back to Romania with the

shock that unsettled us a lot, but

intention of launching my own

it also made me more mature and

business. And thus, Erka material-

forced me to make much more stra-

ized in the summer of 2004. Also, it

tegic decisions for Erka. Today, we

is not by chance that most of Erka’s

are ranked among the first 25 agen-

customers come from the retail sector. Adver-

the services sold in France are generated in-

cies in Romania and we have a market share

tising gives me the opportunity to combine

house in Romania. Meanwhile, the Romanian

of about 1.5 percent.

the entrepreneurship with creativity. I can

team benefits of the experience and skills of

say that entrepreneurship is in my DNA. I like

the colleagues from France. I chose France

the unconventional and in many integrated

because it is the European center of creativ-

campaigns that I proposed to my clients over

ity in fashion and the country where there is

time, there has always been an unconvention-

a big effervescence in the start-up world and

What are your plans? Do you intend to make acquisitions on the local market? How do you intend to develop the French subsidiary of Erka?

al component that made the difference.

digital marketing. Plus, retailers like De-

For 2017, I intend to enhance the digital

cathlon, Sephora or kiloutou have launched

department. At present we grew our number

Why did you decide to launch such a business in Romania?

exceptional retail experiences there. This

of specialists from 4 to 15 while the number

enables us to give a fresh air to our services,

of clients and the turnover generated by the

After my graduation, I needed to choose

especially when it comes to online strategy,

digital division has doubled so far. I estimate

between either investing in my family’s

customer experience, fidelity and events. We

that it will triple by end of this year. In addi-

business or getting a job in a large company.

will be able to propose marketing automation

tion, this year I intend to offer the opportu-

But soon, I realized that both options didn’t

campaigns and data oriented strategies in the

nity to my employees to become shareholders

resonate with me: I couldn’t develop as fast

near future to our clients.

of the company, a step that will be made soon. As for next year, we intend to offer our

as I wanted to, I could not make my own decisions and reporting to my superior was

Who are your clients in France?

clients marketing automation services and

something I couldn’t avoid in a large com-

We address all the clients as we do in Roma-

to continue to offer disruptive solutions for

pany. It was exactly what I didn’t want to do.

nia, from start-ups to multinationals. I have

the Romanian market, mainly in the digital

During my stay in France while completing

always liked to come with less conventional

sector. They will help us offer 100 percent

my studies, I worked for a BTL agency in

solutions and mostly we have had very good

measurable and effective solutions for our

Paris that had a subsidiary in Strasbourg, the

results. We have clients with whom we have

clients. Business Review | October 2017


Cross-learning: applied by 2 Romanian agencies Departments learning from one another, specialists on a team teaching and sharing their knowledge with colleagues, teams or other agencies part of the group: the cross-learning technique is being applied more and more with great success, as shown by the following two Romanian agencies. By Romanita Oprea which they accumulate knowledge implies a process of perpetual learning. At the same time, according to Roxana Memetea, managing partner DDB Romania, stereotypical advertising roles don’t exist anymore and have been replaced by the need for specialists who can work in an integrated system. This means learning every day, shared experiences between specialties and following the best practices to keep up to date with the strenuRoxana Memetea, DDB Romania


Georgiana Dragomir, Grapefruit

ous rhythm of things. “The more I think about it, the more I realize this is not an idea, but a consequence of the way the market and

ecently, the digital agency Grape-

tor at Grapefruit. The agency doesn’t want

the new generations have evolved. We have

fruit implemented the career plan

to stop here. Its members plan on creating

two types of specialists: those who developed

(a complex process for everyone to

more cross-learning programs and exercises

during the ATL period and those who are

grow at a fast pace with quarterly objectives

and even convincing their clients to join in

digitally native. Both types need to grow and

in different areas: team, learning, authority,

and learn. According to its representatives,

expand beyond their area of expertise, since

advocacy etc.). With this technique, everyone

Grapefruit already has micro-cross-learning

advertising has stopped being all about TV or

in each department had the chance to learn

sessions in its design department.

the Internet, and started being about creative

new skills. Spreading the learning process

“In terms of HR, we are approaching the

ideas that meet consumers’ needs and deliver

across different departments was the best so-

learning process from two sides: firstly we

results. The agency we are part of, the group,

lution to keep all employees up to date on all

encourage our colleagues to grow and keep

is based on a philosophy of always learning

new trends, but also to gain cross-skills. And

themselves engaged. Secondly, we offer a

and developing our skills, thus we always take

the results didn’t take long: a three-month

growth environment for future candidates

part in trainings to help us become better at

Photoshop beginner’s course, created by one

that want to join our team. On the business

what we do,” explained Memetea. How does

of the agency’s UI/UX designers took place, in

side, it enables us to tackle new and challeng-

it work? Once every two weeks they organize

which a tester, a front-end developer and two

ing trends/technologies beyond just theory.

meetings between mixed teams in which they

content employees participated. Furthermore,

All the learning that we do has a practical

discuss a certain topic, then they hand out

there have been other similar cross-learning

outcome that can be applied in our clients’

a brief regarding the topic they discussed.

courses regarding Facebook learning, chan-

projects the minute the team finishes a learn-

Every team presents its ideas and solutions,

nel strategy learning, Google Analytics and

ing session,” concluded Dragomir.

while receiving feedback and they all discuss, share opinions and build on ideas. “These

proper estimation of a project, all of which have finished or in progress. “Now, our col-


seminars work wonders, people exchange

leagues are more independent when it comes

Another agency that is putting a lot of em-

knowledge, they come up with ideas which

to small tasks, but the most important thing

phasis on learning is DDB Romania. They had

are integrated and coherent. These solu-

is that they understand why colleagues made

the idea of spreading learning through the

tions would have never happened if only one

some proposals and their way of thinking,”

departments after feeling a need to change

department worked to solve the brief,” said

said Georgiana Dragomir, managing direc-

the business model and that the manner in

DDB’s managing partner. Business Review | October 2017


Local communication agencies powering regional and international projects Going international is not a dream anymore, but a reality. The Romanian advertising industry is growing and more and more international clients are taking notice, with successes pouring in. BR spoke to some of the agencies at the helm of this accomplished expansion. By Romanita Oprea as Mondelez, TCC, Colgate-Palmolive and Renault Commerciale Roumanie. Furthermore, there are other clients for whom the agency’s teams manage on-demand projects based on different campaigns they run. The main services offered include strategy and creative services, but also event management. On its turn, according to its representatives, SmartPoint started its international expansion in 2006, with the opportunity offered by a new client to communicate on a regional level. “For a global brand in the tech industry, it was hard to handle all the countries in this Irina Pencea, Jazz


Octav Stefan, SmartPoint

part of Europe one by one and its communication needs matched the capabilities of the recently established agency. The founders had

f a few years ago only the multinational

ated a lot of positive feelings considering it

previous experience on the regional markets

agencies were given the chance to pitch

was a premiere: a Romanian agency that was

from executive positions in the IT&C industry,

their ideas for regional or international

not part of a larger company would sign an

having worked with both partners and media.

reach, nowadays more and more local, inde-

international campaign. Then, this was also

Another reason for the start of the partner-

pendent ones are starting to cross regional

something to be proud of, as that agency was

ship was the industry and technical knowl-

and international boarders, with creative and

actually us. In 2009, our first project was

edge needed to support the communication

smart strategic campaigns.

about developing spectacular displays for our

activities. Despite the limited market size in

client. Once we delivered the ask – concept,

the region, compared to central and western

local advertising agency to cross country

simulations, 3D, mock-ups - these clients

markets, the industry specific, market context

borders was “All the women in every woman”

based in different countries chose our agency

and media landscape are very much different

for HAME, in the fall of 2012. Today, agen-

to manage the production services as well.

from country to country. It took an in-depth

cies such as pastel, SmartPoint, Jazz, etc., are

That is how our first international project

knowledge of how the business works in each

creating successful campaigns for the CEE

turned into a campaign that included export-

country and how media relates to brands to


ing ideas and sending cargos with displays to

create specific strategies, that would lead to a

One of the first campaigns created by a

several countries in Europe,” declared Dana

successful communication,” explained Octav

tionally, pastel counts today almost 9 years of

Nae Popa, managing director at pastel. It

Stefan, PR Manager SmartPoint. Ever since,

working with both international and re-

was this first project that taught the agency’s

SmartPoint works with NVIDIA in Romania,

gional clients, managed locally. At first, pastel

members a set of very important aspects:

Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia.

implemented communication campaigns

from designing a product that would work

run by companies who have expanded their

for different retail patterns, to developing the


business in Romania. “Once we managed

right documentation to send products abroad

Established in 2005, SmartPoint is, according

both the concept and strategy locally, these

and to manage the production process of the

to its representatives’ statements, the largest

companies considered it was best suited for


independent communication consultancy

Already experienced in working interna-

us to manage their regional communication as well. The first international project gener-

At the moment, pastel has clients for whom it developed regional campaigns, such

in Romania, covering regional markets in SE Europe. The agency’s headquarters is in Bu- Business Review | October 2017


charest and it has another office in Belgrade,

“Merita sa faci un pas inainte”

coordinating the operations in Adriatic region

(It’s worth it to take a step

– Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Monte-

ahead): the swimming lessons,

negro, and also has a presence in Bulgaria.

the tailor shop and the driving

“The regional business took a fast pace

school. The campaign created by

growing curve from 2008, with the start of

the advertising agency Jazz, was

new partnerships on the Serbian market. In 2

also exported in Hungary, from

years, the local business in the entire region

concept to creation,

was established and soon after, the interna-

“The success with Provident

tional business brought in about 10 percent of

confirms to us that it is not the

the total SmartPoint business. Now, this share

status of a multi-national agency

has grown to more than 20 percent of the total

that makes the difference, but

business. We have multiple clients from all

three factors: the universality of

industries in each country and also regional

an insight, the courage to chal-

clients. In PR, we provide strategic consul-

lenge the creative patterns of

tancy, media relations, product communica-

the category and a hand in hand

tion and event management to tech clients

partnership with a client that has

such as NVIDIA, Epson, Kingston, Nordeus,

the same ambitions and standards as us,” said

respect, we look more into ways of attracting

Total, Reckitt Benckhiser, Carlsberg and Bei-

Irina Pencea, managing partner at Jazz. On

new clients and expanding each business ac-

ersdorf. Nordeus is a different model and we

their turn, representatives of the marketing

cording to its market context. We have in plan

are handling communications across multiple

department of Provident Financial Romania

to open local operations in other countries in

countries in Europe through our partner inde-

explained their decision by declaring that:

the region,” said Octav Stefan.

pendent agency network” said

“No matter the age, the nationality or the pre-

After several cases, such as the latest with

Octav Stefan, PR Manager SmartPoint.

occupations, people make the effort of taking

Provident, the Jazz team realized that indeed

a loan for the joy they will feel when they

they could move on to thinking regionally,


will put their idea or materialize their or the

even though they are not part of a regional

Taking a better look at the larger picture, Irina

loved ones’ desires. We chose the platform

network. “It felt great when we had our first

Pencea, managing partner Jazz, considers

proposed by Jazz because it’s anchored in this

international confirmation with the Gold

that today we are all citizens of the world,

universal insight, available for Romanians,

award in Cannes for Save our songbirds cam-

especially in terms of exposure to media. “I

Hungarians and any other nationality.” “Hun-

paign, but it feels just as good to see that our

have in my regular news feed content from

gary is a country like Romania in terms of the

quest for human insights and authentic sto-

other continents next to local, I buy clothes

small loans category, hence the fit of the cam-

rytelling works beyond Romanian borders,”

from international brands and obviously, I see

paign for their potential customers. But most

declared Irina Pencea.

ads from different countries and continents.

of all, the joy that you feel when you realize

The majority of the urban populations in most

that you made the right decision to take the

good moment for Romania to take a more

of the countries are interconnected in many

loan is what makes it worth it. The mother of

decided step towards the regionals and going

ways. But, in essence, for modern societies,

the little swimmer who feels like a fish in wa-

international, as the trend that we are seeing

humanity is rooted in the same needs, wishes,

ter thanks to swimming lessons she could pay

seems to be working really well in its favor.

desires, frustrations, in similar lifestyles and

with a Provident loan, can just as well be a

“There are multiple opportunities in indus-

daily routines,” said Pencea. And, in this

Romanian mother or a Hungarian mother. Or

tries related to new technologies, gaming and

context, “whenever we are given a business

any other European mother. It is something

e-commerce, industries where the country

problem, we look at the human side of it, we

universal that parents feel when they are able

and culture barriers are less prevalent. We

seek for the human insight. Most of the time,

to offer the conditions for their children to

have developed regional campaigns for one

it is a universal insight that is valid in the ma-

flourish,” explained Pencea further.

of the most productive gaming companies in

Taking a step back, it seems that it’s a

Europe, Nordeus, for e-commerce players and

jority of the countries of the modern world. It

our regular clients. We see a good potential in

clients saw an opportunity in exporting our


creative work developed in Romania to other

However, do all of those successes make the

one. They are open markets and this is a good

countries,” added Pencea.

agencies concentrate on a regional level now?

opportunity, not only for us but also for the

was a natural consequence that some of our

both the regional market and the European

While it concerns SmartPoint, the Adriatic

local communication landscape in general.

collaborations and numerous creation and

office is a fully-grown business with about 20

The borders are thinner and we have many

efficiency awards, the successful Provident-

employees coordinated by a local manager,

talents in the local market to design and de-

Jazz partnership continued also in 2017, with

with a separate growth plan than Romania

ploy large-scale communication campaigns,”

a series of new executions, under the platform

and based on its own investments. “In this

said the SmartPoint representative.

In fact, after more than four years of Business Review | October 2017


Count Tibor Kálnoky to put rural Romania on worldwide tourist destination map Count Tibor Kálnoky’s passion for restoration and nature connected him to the Prince of Wales himself − it was the Count who indirectly convinced the British heir to the throne that buildings in the village of Valea Zalanului (Covasna) were worth a second chance at life. He now manages Prince Charles’s properties in the area, serves as the Prince’s advisor and trustee of the Prince of Wales Foundation in Romania, as well as running his own tourism business. By Daniela Oancea

ABOUT tibor kálnoky Also a Knight of the Order of St John, he returned to Transylvania after the fall of communism, trying to connect with an 800-year family history. He fell in love with the place, sought restitution of the expropriated family property in Székely and has since dedicated himself to supporting the conservation and revitalization of Transylvania’s natural and cultural heritage.

of Wales, to buy a property in Valea Zalanului (Zalanpatak), Transylvania? When did the two of you meet? I think it was him. He showed a lot of interest in Romania from the very start. He gave a famous speech in England in 1988 denouncing Ceausescu’s systematization plan. (Thousands of villages were to be literally destroyed and replaced by agro-industrial centers.) It was one of the Prince’s early, almost political speeches he gave, and he was one of the very few back then to denounce Ceausescu’s political action. At the end of the 90s, he was invited to make an official visit, he went to see the countryside, and he fell in love with it. He’s been coming back regularly ever since. We met after he started to come to Romania and then later he decided to get a property here. I didn`t need to convince him; he wanted a place of his own in Romania, and when he saw what we had done in Miclosoara, he wanted to share the concept. He purchased a house in Viscri, which has since become the base for his foundation in Romania, and then

What made you come and stay in Romania? You spent most of your youth in the West; was it hard for you to get used to the Romanian ways?

grade. However, in the last few years, my kids

in Valea Zalanului, for his own use. These are

have been going to school abroad, for their In-

the only two properties His Royal Highness

ternational Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

owns outside of Great Britain.

My decision was an emotional one; it was cer-

was of enormous help, in the sense that I was

tainly not in order to come and make money.

raised in a way that everything was either

I came to Bucharest in 1997 with a job in the

black or white. You ask a question and receive

pharmaceutical business and then started

an answer and you can go with that. Here, in

Has the Kálnoky Foundation succeeded so far in its objective to protect, restore and promote the multiethnic cultural heritage of Transylvania?

renovating houses up in Miclosoara and

Romania, it is a bit different. You need much

These are ongoing tasks; they never end. I

turning them into guesthouses. Then I quit

more to interpret situations, as there is more

think that one milestone will be the restora-

my job in Bucharest and settled in the village

grey in each case. However, there are fantas-

tion of Miclosoara castle, which was a huge

of Kőröspatak (Valea Crişului, Covasna). I’ve

tic opportunities for everyone.

project and has just recently been completed.

To be honest, my wife is from here and that

lived there ever since with my wife and kids, who studied there until their 9th or 10th

It was done with the help of EEA grants from

Was it you who convinced Charles, Prince

Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Romania, Business Review | October 2017


and with the foundation’s funds that we had

he transforms himself into a gymnast, an

of Wales’s Foundation in Romania. I am a

to raise. We have a nice cultural objective

acrobat, doing things that we could never do,

trustee in his foundation. Its activities in Vis-

now in Miclosoara with the establishment

and that makes one think twice.

cri were developed along with his property

of the Museum of Transylvanian Life at the

Our guesthouses in Valea Zalanului were

in the center of the village, and it has become

castle, which will attract a large number of

pretty busy this year, though we do not

the seat of his foundation. There are a lot of

tourists, a broader public. Up to now Micloso-

practice mass tourism. Our offer is for the

activities happening there, workshops main-

ara and Valea Zalanului have attracted well

well-travelled individual. Ours is not the typi-

ly, training sessions, education, supporting

traveled foreigners from abroad, as a niche

cal tourist-pension or hotel, where you get a

the locals in learning traditional, but also

market. However, through these VIPs, the

key and everything is standard, but nothing

new trades and skills. Every year we have

whole country benefited from a positive im-

special. Our offer is more like an experience.

almost a dozen different training courses and

age; it was more PR for the country than local

People have described the experience as one

workshops for locals and with people from

tourism. We have been in the foreign press

from an Agatha Christie novel, but hopefully

abroad, and it works very well. Everyone is

a lot, and we contributed to putting rural

without the murder! It’s more like a 19th

welcome and there are some activities you

Romania on the worldwide tourist destina-

century atmosphere. Our visitors tend to be

don’t even have to pay for. Anyone can apply

tion map. I can say that the repercussions of

educated, outgoing, open minded, and they

for free participation.

our activities are larger in terms of Romania`s

get on together and dine together like in a

image than just locally.

Christie novel. The atmosphere is the same.

possible for everyone in the villages to make

It’s not about luxury, but more about an au-

a living, and to continue their life here, to

with us for ten days, and we had five days

thentic experience, of being in a place off the

help stop the exodus from rural Romania.

of riding. They were absolutely in heaven.

beaten track.

It’s not magic what has to happen to make

Our concept is simple. We want to make it

Was it a Kálnoky who set up Transylvania’s first glassworks in the 16th century and imported craftsmen from Bohemia and Murano, creating a village in the forest? Could this activity be revived? Yes, that was in Valea Zalanului where the Prince of Wales now has his property. This property belonged to the former overseer of that manufacturing business. It has since ceased to exist; it could now be revived as an artisan workshop but not as a functioning glass factory. We are now supporting some craftsmen in the village, mainly a cheese maker, a carpenter, etc. But the village population is small, about 100 people. You wanted to know if I stayed in Romania throughout the year, and now you see why. We have so many activities: the restoration projects, the guesthouses; we organize riding treks and riding tours. We had a visitor group recently come all the way from Australia, who stayed

people stay; they just have to be able to earn

It’s very rewarding for us when people come

higher incomes. For that, we think that tour-

And then we have a social project which is

How has your role changed in relation to the Prince of Wales and his foundation?

spectacular, and time-consuming – teach-

In the first decade of his visits, the Prince

are not going to be built in rural places with

ing Roma children how to ride and practice

of Wales came to Romania just on holiday;

small populations – so the right type of tour-

equestrian vaulting. We thought about those

then he got more and more involved, decid-

ism could help people earn extra income.

kids and what they would like to do and we

ing to purchase his own property, those in

Most of them make a living from their farm,

tried with the horses and they happened to

Valea Zalanului and Viscri, and then he also

but it’s not enough. And now that they can go

be the most talented at equestrian vaulting.

became aware that he could help. That’s why

anywhere to work, they can go to Germany

It is also very rewarding for us; it sends a very

he started to speak publicly about Romania,

or France, where they could make much

nice message – they achieve things that not

started to speak to the local press, opened his

more money, they have to get extra income

everybody can do. You see that little gipsy

house as a guesthouse, and finally decided to

to stay. Tourism and crafts and agricultural

kid; at first you expect him to beg, but instead

create his own foundation here – the Prince

products of higher quality are all solutions.

from so far away and love the experience.

ism is very important; obviously factories Business Review | October 2017


Behind the scenes of two leading performing arts festivals in the world In the artistic scene of superlatives, I was lucky enough to attend two of the most well-known performing arts festivals of the world this summer: the 70th edition of The Edinburgh International Festival (Edinfest), the world’s leading multi-genre arts festival, and the 24th edition of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival (FITS), in the top three of the world’s most famous theatre festivals. But, are the two events comparable? By Oana Vasiliu their own festivals within the main festival,

In 2016, FITS had only a budget of EUR

FITS manages to attract new international

9 million, having on stage 2850 artists from

artists mainly from theatre field yearly, some

70 countries within 449 events. In terms

of them for the first time in Romania. I was

of growth, FITS 2017, on the other hand,

extremely happy to be one of the people

presented 503 indoor and outdoor events this

who had already seen Maria Pages Com-

year, whereas 3,278 artists from 72 countries

pany’s performance Yo, Carmen on the Sibiu

were on stage in 71 venues. There were ap-

scene, while critics applauded the same

proximately 68,000 visitors per day, while

performance during Edinfest. Furthermore,

the total budget was EUR 12 million, out of

in terms of dazzling performances on the

which only 24 percent came from public

Sibiu scenes, I was proudly able to boast to

sector funding. For all indoor performances,

Edinfest’s communication team that Kibbutz

27,000 tickets were on sale. As I said before,

Contemporary Dance Company, Batsheva

the festivals are incomparable in terms of

Dance Company and Vertigo Dance Company

numbers, but highly comparable in terms of

were in Romania, not to mention the aston-

quality and program.

ishing performance of Mikhael Baryshnikov presenting Brodsky/Baryshnikov show.


Lucian Popescu

People come to visit Edinburgh from across

The last theatre performance of Edinfest 2017 in King’s Theatre


the globe to share their passion for arts, cul-

Incomparable, to say the least. Although the

ture and ideas. In their official presentation,

official numbers for Edinfest 2017 haven’t

Edinfest mentions that “the International

been released yet, for the 2016 edition, 58

Festival strives to be resolutely international

percent of income was generated through

in its outlook and it remains grounded in the

earned income, 42 percent came from public

city of Edinburgh and is committed to deliv-

sector grants and earned income included 30

ering extensive cultural, economic and social

percent from ticket sales and 25 percent from

benefits to Edinburgh, Scotland and the UK”.

fundraising, including corporate, individual

And citizens of Edinburgh seem extremely

giving, trusts & foundations and international

proud of what’s happening in their city.

partners, while 3 percent was generated from

On the other hand, people come to visit

sources such as trades and publications.

Sibiu and find out that the entire medium-


The 2016 International Festival welcomed

sized city is actively participating in the fes-

On both scenes, top performing arts compa-

audiences from 84 countries and over 2,400

tival, making the streets of Sibiu the biggest

nies come from all over the world to present

artists from 36 nations for a very suc-cessful

cultural spot due to the proximity of each and

their work to a large and diverse audience,

program. The overall attendance was over

every location of the festival. Furthermore,

both connoisseurs and the general public.

452,000, with ticket sales income surpassing

the lack of traditional cultural spaces “forces”

While Edinfest’s brings together theatre,

all previous records by reaching nearly GBP

the organizers to find alternative spaces,

dance, opera, contemporary music and

4.3 million (GBP 3.58 million net). According

moving the vibe of the festival to the suburbs,

classical music under the same main event,

to their data, each year the festival grows by

making it a complete experience of a rather

not to mention literature, arts and film with

1-2%, so, you do the math for the 2017 edition.

small, but highly important festival. Business Review | October 2017


Changing inequality: an NGO leads the way Have you ever thought of the cause and effect of inequality and how leaders of the world can best address its challenges? It may sound very political and distant from Romania, but in reality, it’s not. The Romanian chapter of United Way co-organized The United Way Roundtable on Philanthropy in Bucharest, between 27-29 September, a “gathering of like-minded people who believe that positive change in our communities is possible,” as the event is officially presented. BR went to find out more. By Oana Vasiliu from the reports I read. I expected a friendly place from the beginning, and as I mentioned before, the democracy being so young, the enthusiasm is in terms of adolescence, and I like that. (…),” added Gallagher. The same question was also answered by Mike Hayde, one of the biggest US philanthropists. “It’s not about the reports, it’s about the people. I donate money on a trust base, so I first have to be convinced by the person. And Steven van Groningen was the one who convinced me to donate here, by presenting to me what’s hapMihai Constantineanu

pening in Romania.” “(…) the way the organization operates in Romania demonstrates that you know how to harness the potential you have when it comes to mobilizing decision-makers in institutions, From left to right: Brian Gallagher, Cristina Damian, Michael Hayde


companies and non-governmental organizations for the same ideals. I appreciate and

irstly, this was a very useful and

pleased that both the CEO of United Way

encourage the way you have managed, over

necessary gathering, especially for

Worldwide and the United Way Worldwide

time, to organize and promote yourself in

the NGO sector of Romania. Among

Leadership Council decided to have their

such a way as to help people in difficulty,”

the speakers, were Klaus Johannis, president

annual roundtable event in Romania. Meet-

president Johannis cordially saluted the

of Romania, Brian Gallagher, CEO of United

ing with all these great people, both from

United Way Romania implication, not before

Way Worldwide, Michael Hayde, member of

Romania and worldwide, who are here to find

mentioning the importance of international

United Way Worldwide Leadership Council,

solutions and also new donors for our cause,

partners, the EU and NATO, the foreign inves-

as well as local and international United Way

gives us a boost of energy. We have new hope

tors and the continuous fight against corrup-

partners. They all gathered to focus on the

that, although we are fighting with lots of

tion. From where I stand, Romania received

increasing economic and social inequality,

problems, from bureaucracy to difficulties to

some role models and examples of how doing

particularly through the lens of migration,

raise more money for our programs, we are

good can lead to a common goal, despite the

education, income and health.

doing the right thing for society,” the execu-

nationality or the donation amount. Also, the

tive director of the NGO, Cristina Damian, told

fact that the president of Romania made time


for a short speech of the importance of an

In a country like Romania, where inequity is mentioned in all official reports - for

NGO, like United Way, in Romania should be

example, Eurostat notes that 25.4 percent of


a confirmation that, at least from one side of

those mentioned above, are currently on the presidency’s development strategy. However,

“First of all, democracy is still young. It

continue their tremendous work.

until local politicians decide how to deal with

seems to me that progress has been made and

migration, education, income and health, the

there are challenges. You could be like the

Brian Gallagher, CEO of United Way World-

NGO sector is struggling to offer their commu-

US and have 200 years of democracy and still

wide, and Michael Hayde, member of United

nities a better life.

face challenges, to say the least,” said Brian

Way Worldwide Leadership Council on our

Gallagher for BR. “Romania is not different

website at

the population is at risk of poverty, topics like

“United Way Romania is first of all, very

the local politics, there is encouragement to Read the full version of the interview with Business Review | October 2017


Enescu Festival: decoding contemporary music with Graham Fitkin At this edition of the Enescu Festival, a premiere took place: thirty of the most influential contemporary composers of the moment participated in debates on music issues within a unique event, the International Forum of Composers, coordinated by Romanian composer Dan Dediu. BR attended the lecture of composer, pianist and conductor Graham Fitkin, who talked about reconnecting with audiences in an attempt to grasp new perspectives of the contemporary music universe. By Oana Vasiliu me. (…) Then I start to write a piece of music.” He also underlined the question of who paid for the composition, just because it’s very important to understand the whole picture. “We should ask that. I want to be sure that the relationship with the person/institution who paid me is completely honest and I want them to understand my type of music and be ok with that. If not, they should find someone else,” explained the British composer. Furthermore, practical questions like what the venue looks like and who is the audience should be asked in order to set the complete framework. A wrong venue can kill a piece of music, while the details about the audience can offer you some creation tips.

THE AUDIENCE “The act of listening tends to be so difficult Catalina Filip / Enescu Festival

these days because we are used to multitasking. When was the last time you saw someone sit there and do nothing? It’s very rare,” argues Fitkin. And he is totally right. “We should talk about connection, first of all. As a composer, when you listen to a piece


of music, there’s a relationship going on. (…) You come to a concert hall, you listen to my

f you search for Graham Fitkin on the

cavalcade of musical thrills (…). His all-star

music, you liked it or you hated it, it doesn’t

internet, most reviews describe his music

ensemble thrilled the audience with a perfor-

matter, it’s still a relationship. But that rela-

as eclectic, as I found out during the

mance that brought wonderful new sounds

tionship is based on all sorts of things, and

Forum of Composers. For example, Sound

to more traditional forms.” So he is more than

starts with the question ‘why did I compose

Scotland publication wrote that “Graham

hooked in the current century, although clas-

this piece of music’,” adds the composer.

Fitkin always manages to maintain his own

sical music could be seen as something very

And this is where the term “reconnection”

distinctive style of composing, even when

sophisticated and hard to understand.

pumps in, while it’s quite difficult to connect and do a single job – which in this case is lis-

he embraces an amazingly eclectic range of influences. Jazz, Latin American, early


tening to a piece of music. “I want to respect

music, classical piano and electro-acoustic

In his lecture, Graham Fitkin first explained

the listener, but also potentially challenge

all had their part to play in Fitkin’s dazzling

the importance of the framework. “I ask why

him/her,” concludes Graham Fitkin.

40 INTERVIEW Business Review | October 2017

Making music: a talk with Daniel Miller Founder of Mute Records, the label that was responsible for providing a platform for Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Erasure, Nick Cave and Moby, among others, Daniel Miller is certainly one of the most important figures in the development of electronic music. He returned to Bucharest for a DJ set and a talk with the audience at Control Club for Dokstation Festival. Just before going to the DJ’s table, BR talked with him about the worldwide music industry. By Oana Vasiliu In the 70s, electronic music was quite elitist due to the costs of technology used and the novelty. How would you define it now? Electronic music wasn’t inherently elitist. It was just because the instruments were extremely expensive, so only few people could afford it. Now, everyone can make it, on their phone, tablet, computer, anyway you want and you can also immediately broadcast. Nowadays, it is the easiest and accessible way to make music. Therefore, it went from the almost inaccessible to the most accessible in quite a small period of time.

Did the party culture changed in any way, especially in relation to electronic music? No, it hasn’t changed that much since the ‘80s. The music has changed a bit, but the culture is still there. It’s different in different countries, that’s for sure, but the party culture feels the same as when I discovered it. People come to enjoy the music and the party; they don’t really care about the type of music as long as they can dance.

Everyone quotes you on how you discovered and produced albums for Depeche Mode. Also Mute Records produced the album Maria T for the Balanescu Quartet back in 2005. How did you meet the Romanian artist Alexander Balanescu? I knew his manager at the time; I had heard of him and I saw him performing with Michael Nyman. It was a different kind of thing than what we had typically done before, but he was very anxious to do this crafted project. Also, his manager thought that Mute was the place

RedBull Romania

to produce it, so this is how we met.

In this context, what can you tell me about Balkan music? Not much, besides the collaboration with Alex Business Review | October 2017


Balanescu and all the gypsy and traditional

that often, and I relying on friends from the

sic, which is not bad, but this is definitely the

folk music we worked on for the album. Also,

industry to make suggestions. The thing is

place to find a certain type of music, although

it was a time when wedding Balkan music was

that I need to connect with the music I receive

it’s pretty commercial.

trendy because of the energy and excitement.

in a way – this is how I select the artists. I

And I liked what I heard.

can’t really explain how this connection takes place, but I need to feel it. That’s the first

Is commercial radio still the key to success for musicians?

How did the discovery of Nick Cave happen?

step. Then it’s about meeting the artist – if we

I think that radio is not actually the key, but

have similar views and similar goals, then we

one of the big keys. Despite everything else,

I met Nick at a birthday party. He first came to

can work together. But, the most important

radio is still very important. But Spotify and

London in 1980, I think, and he approached

thing is that everything should be alright – on

blogs are pretty important too, along with the

me. He had an Australian label producing the

the music level, on a personal level and on a

online suite. If a radio station sees that the

band and the guy representing the label told

professional level.

online presence is growing, then they take on the risk and bring it to radio.

Nick to come and see me, I don’t know why. And I wasn’t really in the position to do it at that time. Before Depeche Mode, I didn’t have

In terms of networking and opportunities, where is the place to be?

much money. I thought they were a fantastic

Online, is the answer. This is the place to be.

For those at the beginning of their career, what advice would you give?

band and I was seeing them around London

Of course, there are a lot of opportunities of-

The only advice I would give is: don’t do it -

quite often. Eventually, they came back to me

fline in every city in the world, but more than

unless you don’t have any emotional choice. If

in 1983. And the rest is history.

everything, you should be online.

you are thinking that you are going to try and, if it doesn’t work out, you’ll go back to what

Currently, are you still searching for artists? What is the process like now? Is there still a special room with tons of demo cassettes sent to you?

In recent years, talent shows like X Factor or *insert country name* Got Talent have emerged. Are these places you look for your next artist?

were you doing, you will always end up going

Well, it hasn’t changed much for me. We still

Well, these are only TV shows for me, espe-

music, I only believe in music which you con-

receive lots of demos, but currently I’m not

cially because the process is pretty brutal. The

nect with or not. You have to really put your

doing any research. I do go to gigs, but not

process, not the music. It’s not my kind of mu-

life into it.

back to do that particular thing. It [music] has to be the only thing you do in your life. Also, I don’t think of music as good music or bad Business Review | October 2017


How shoes can influence a woman’s marriage chances and other fun facts In our fourth monthly column reflecting on the Romanian experience from the perspective of a native whose life has primarily been spent abroad, BR’s resident repat will temporarily fill the expat’s shoes by musing on superstitions and interesting experiences of life back home. By Eugenia Pupeza


t wasn’t my intention, but I ended up

this not-so-pleasant task. In Italy, this general

and the night before Easter, when it was

gathering a lot of superstitions for this

routine was only affected on New Year’s Eve

absolutely necessary to remove all trash from

month’s article. I grew up in a household

where anything labeled “superstitious” was either dismissed or laughed at. Needless to say, my parents were not superstitious in the least… though they hail, as life back in Romania has taught me, from one of the most superstitious countries in the world. It’s like this: America is really not that superstitious at all, so throughout my upbringing, I was never exposed to truly superstitious beliefs or those that believed them. It was only when I landed in Italy for seven years, and now back in Romania, that I have truly gotten a taste for these particular cultural treats in life. Now, there are many beliefs and superstitions, and I will, in this article, touch upon those that I have personally come into contact with. While there is reasoning behind some, others





are just beyond any sort of logic that I can comprehend! Of course, this does not mean that all Romanians are superstitious; there is usually no rhyme or reason behind such beliefs. I know many older people that are not superstitious at all and many (otherwise logical) young people that firmly believe in the craziest things. It all comes down to upbringing, I think.



In my previous experience, taking out the trash was a task that was done, quite simply, at any time the trash needed to be removed from the house. There were a few reasons for this: the fullness of the trash bin, the smelliness of the contents of the aforementioned bin, or, most often, when any of the house’s inhabitants could be convinced to undertake Business Review | October 2017

the home before midnight. Doing so would


Now, with these details in mind, imagine


permit you to start the new year fresh, with-

my shock to find out that my country of birth

As in most cultures, if a black cat crosses

out old baggage, and would bring prosperity;

also has garbage-related superstitions, but

your path, it means bad luck. This belief most

for Easter, it was also like a rebirth, a way to

they are the exact opposite. They are so op-

likely stems from long ago, when there was

honor (religiously) the death and rebirth of

posing, that I cannot understand them at all,

no street lighting after dark, causing fear,

Christ and (non-religiously) new beginnings.

and this frequently leads to heated arguments

perhaps, should an animal that you couldn’t

In the south of Italy (particularly around

within the household. In Romania, you can

see cross your path. Now, I have grown up

Naples), though I never had the opportunity

only throw out the trash in the morning, or

with black cats, so it has never occurred to

to partake in the experience, people would

at most, when it is still light outside. Addi-

me that they would be anything other than

literally throw old things out of the window

tionally, God forbid you throw out the trash

fluffy companions, and that my petting black

in the middle of the street on New Year’s Eve,

on Mondays. If you throw it out at any other

cats in the street should be the source of such

everything from clothes to washing machines.

time, you are also throwing out your luck.

outrage. But yes, they are considered very

It was a running joke that you should never

And that’s not it: at Easter time (from Friday

unlucky, and if you should come across a

walk the streets of Naples on New Year’s Eve,

to Monday), you are also not allowed to throw

black cat, you must take three steps back-

lest you get hit on the head by an old ward-

out the garbage, otherwise you will have bad

wards, to reverse the bad luck. If it happens


luck or your house will burn down. While I

while you are driving, I am still unsure of the

can understand the Italian traditions, the as-

proper procedure. If, however, a black cat

sociation between trash and luck in Romania

walks along with you in the same direction, it

simply eludes me; I am more inclined to

is good luck.

believe that this superstition may be rooted in laziness alone.

Plus if a bird poops on you, it’s good luck. If you step in dog poop (lord knows, there’s a lot of it on the streets, so your chances are


very high), it also means good luck.

While this may be the case in most cultures, Romanians are particularly attached to


physical money and worried about it, and

Romania is very much a culture where a

the prospect of losing it is very bad indeed.

woman is expected to get married, ideally as

Being used to a credit card which, if you

soon as possible, and the idea of not getting

lose it, who cares, this money attachment is

married is one of the worst fates. In this

equally difficult for me to grasp. However,

respect, there are some things that young

I keep in mind that the modern banking

women intending to marry at some point

system has been around in Romania for little

should avoid at all costs. Never sit at a corner

more than 20 years, so it is understandable

of a table or you will never get married. If

for a culture that has been used to deal-

you eat directly from the pot, you will never

ing exclusively in cash. I wanted to pay my

marry. Don’t break a mirror or you will not

rent on Monday. Nope, “this should not be

marry for seven years.

done,” I was warned by my family. I wanted

However, there are many superstitions

to pay back a friend who had lent me money.

that ensure a wedding will take place. If a

“What’s the matter with you, don’t you know

bride writes a friend’s name on the shoes she

it’s Monday!” she berated me. Do the grocery

wears at her wedding, the show will “pull

shopping on Monday? Absolutely appalling!

well” for her to get married as well. Listen in

On Mondays, or the first day of the month, it

the direction that dogs bark and your future

is absolutely unadvisable to give out money

husband will come from that direction. Place

because it’s bad luck; it means you will lose all

your shoes under your bed four nights in a

your money. Therefore, never ask a Romanian

row and on the fourth, you’ll dream of your

for money on a Monday, or don’t be surprised

future husband. If you try on a wedding

if they refuse you. It’s nothing personal, it’s

dress or a bride’s veil, a wedding will also

just not done. Additionally, women are not

“catch on” to you. If you catch a bouquet at a

allowed to place their handbag on the floor,

wedding, there is an entire proceeding where

EVER! This also means that you will lose all

you sit on a chair and the bride takes off her

your money. Furthermore, if your right palm

veil and places it on your head and the band

itches, you will give out money whereas if

sings, you dance a “hora” and it means you

your left hand itches, you will receive money.

will get married. Business Review | October 2017


American Assassin FILM REVIEW

By Debbie Stowe within 18 months he morphs from carefree

DIRECTOR: Michael Cuesta STARRING: Dylan O’Brien, Michael Keaton, Sanaa Lathan, Shiva Negar, Taylor Kitsch ON AT: Movieplex Cinema, Grand Cinema & More, Happy Cinema, Cine Globe Titan, Hollywood Multiplex, Cinema City Cotroceni, Cinema City Sun Plaza, Cinema City Mega Mall, Cinema City ParkLake


beach bum into fearless fighting machine, fluent in Arabic and fully versed in the Koran, all the better to trap Middle Eastern bad guys. So effective is Mitch at taking down jihadis single-handedly, that he is recruited by CIA black ops to work on a special program (a bit like Treadstone) under no-nonsense Cold War veteran Stan Hurley (Michael Keaton). The movie’s striking opening, which pres-

he 21st century’s seminal “American

ents Mitch’s motivation for taking on the ter-

assassin”, whose influence seems to

rorists, is soon largely forgotten, replaced by

extend to most of the spy thrillers

a standard espionage storyline that involves

made since the early 2000s, is Jason Bourne.

dodgy Russians, corrupt politicians, missing

Whether it’s in the grayish European settings,

polonium, double agents, maverick spies go-

kinetic cinematography, furious rooftop

ing rogue and other things you’ve seen many

chases, or hand-to-hand combat between

times before.

jaded hotties, everyone seems to be copying Matt Damon’s ex-CIA asset. It’s no different here, in Michael Cuesta’s

American Assassin is raised slightly above the many similar Bourne-again movies by the casting of Keaton. His talent and range are

heavyweight is David Suchet (aka Poirot), albeit in a minor role. But it’s all about the stunts and set pieces

passable action flick. Traumatic events in

somewhat wasted here on a clichéd and un-

in this type of action thriller, and these are

his personal life have led Mitch Rapp (Dylan

challenging role, but his presence and robust

decent enough to render a forgettable movie

O’Brien) to turn terrorist hunter. Implausibly,

performance add a touch of class. Another

entertaining enough.

The Hitman’s Bodyguard FILM REVIEW

By Debbie Stowe

DIRECTOR: Patrick Hughes STARRING: Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Salma Hayek ON AT: Movieplex Cinema, Grand Cinema & More, Hollywood Multiplex, Cinema City Cotroceni, Cinema City Sun Plaza, Cinema City Mega Mall, Cinema City ParkLake


o another maverick gun-for-hire, this time in the person of Samuel L.

All except one, that is: jailed titular hitman Darius Kincaid (Jackson), who has been persuaded to testify by the promise of his wife’s (Salma Hayek) release from prison. Through various plot turns, Kincaid ends up on the run, with only a washed-up bodyguard Michael Bryce (Ryan Reynolds) protecting

powering the film along its largely predict-

him from Dukhovich’s henchmen and the

able trajectory.

Interpol insiders on the despot’s payroll. For most of the running time, this is a road

There is a lot of violence (though given the title, this isn’t really a surprise) and a lot of

movie, with much of the comedy derived

swearing, especially from Hayek, in a highly

Dukhovich (Gary Oldman) is on trial at The

from the “odd couple” pairing – the “by the

stereotyped fiery Latina role. The fight se-

Hague for various atrocities (the brutal depic-

book” uptight young buck and free-wheeling

quences take time away from the more enjoy-

tion of which strikes a discordant note in

old-timer forced together by circumstances.

able scenes of humorous interplay between

what is otherwise a fairly funny action-com-

Both are well cast, with Reynolds, funny in

the leads, although they’re well done.

edy). But the case is on the point of collapse,

his own right too, a suitable foil for Jackson’s

as the tyrant has killed off all the potential

trademark fierce rants. They each make the

a better movie, but still fire on all cylinders in


most of their roles, with the duo’s chemistry

this one.

Jackson. Belarusian dictator Vladislav

Jackson and Reynolds probably deserved Business Review | October 2017


Left disappointed and hungry


>>> Lugo Restaurant & Lounge, George Enescu Street 23, Tel: 0785 238 910 <<<

cannot imagine what was in the mind

pasta, hot pepper and mango.” Oh give me a

cheaper look alike, substitute version of

of the proprietor of this house when he

break: there was no hot pepper, the pasta was

“Parmigiano Reggiano.”

named it Lugo, a small town in Spain,

five spaghetti-type noodles and the soup was

So now, when I saw parmesan listed on

for there is nothing Spanish about this place

reminiscent of clear dishwater. For anything

the ingredients of a dish on the menu, I

whatsoever. Even if you stretch your imagi-

Thai, I would expect at least the inclusion

viewed it as a fraud. And there were many

nation to breaking point, there is nothing

of blistering hot red curry, coconut milk and

fraudulent dishes containing so-called

Mediterranean about it, either. But oh well,

topped with fresh coriander leaves. But it was

parmesan. There was, for example, a

I went there with Blondie because it is in a

not forthcoming and the dish was a disaster.

“truffle risotto with parmesan.” A double

great location, and it had a wonderful ter-

I chose a “seafood soup” containing

whammy here, as there was not only no real

race, resplendent with two bamboo walls.

shrimp, squid, octopus and mussels. This

parmesan, but also no truffle in the kitchen.

combo of seafood was to be a recurring theme

Therefore, this reduced the 85 boastful

ing the 85 items it boasted, already raised

in their dishes, which I strongly suspect was

items by deleting from their 8 pasta dishes

red flags of alarm. I know sophisticated

straight out of a supermarket freezer pack. My

the “pappardelle with truffle, mushrooms

European hotel kitchens with 25 chefs who

fish were swimming in a clear watery tomato

and parmesan”- no thanks. Add to that

would struggle to create such a number,

soup, the tomatoes inexplicably extracted

“truffle chicken, beef and parmesan”- nope.

so how the hell could a chophouse with

from a tin at a time when fresh tomatoes were

And a big nah to their “risotto with truffles

So off to the menu which, consider-

one chef achieve the same? Well, it cannot!

cheaper for the house to

and parmesan” as well as a goodbye to their “burrata (cheese) with truffle cream,” and a

It was typical old-time

double NO to anything

Romanian gastronomic

containing parmesan.

strutting, and in an at-

Nothing worked,

tempt to impress you 85 times. The house

including our last

diluted original-

dish of “wok turkey

ity and creativity by

with rice, hot pepper, sweet chili sauce

simply rotating the

and vegetables.” Why

contents of the same

even mention a wok? Is

dishes over and over, so read on and I shall elaborate further. As a balance to my being a macho meat eater, Blondie is a waist-watching salad lover, hence she opted for a “Cae-

buy; it was devoid of garlic and seasoning. A failure. But they did something right with a

a wok meant to impress or intimidate you? Dammit why didn’t they simply say “stir fried” instead of “wok?” Well, it was a failure, as the unseasoned vegetables (red and green

sar Salad,” of which she is an expert. She

Crostini, a finger of toast topped with melted

peppers plus carrots) were overwhelmed

howled in derision at her “product” when it

cheese, prosciutto and rucola. It was impos-

by a sickly sweet chili sauce and not a hint

arrived, for it was not a Caesar salad. Every

sible to do it badly, so it was fine, save for

of hot pepper. The rice was served on the

chef the world over knows it must be made

the ludicrous name of “Margherita,” which I

side, dutifully colored yellow by turmeric

with bitter “Cos” lettuce, with a dressing

always thought was a cocktail or a pizza.

powder to impress you.

made from crushed parmesan, squeezed

Away I went to a “seafood risotto,” which

I wonder when Romanian restaurateurs

garlic, anchovies, lemon juice, olive oil,

was acceptable, and contained the same

will get the message that most of the great-

Worcester sauce, egg yolk and topped with

combo as my soup: shrimp, squid, octopus

est restaurants in the world earn their stars

croutons. NONE of the aforementioned

and mussels. We passed on their 9 seafood

with fixed menus of 5 mains which have

items were discernable and instead, it was

dishes including fresh tuna, sea bass, shrimps

been honed to perfection, not 85 items. I

made with iceberg lettuce, tomatoes and

and mussels, but I guess you anticipated

left hungry and I will not look back.

chicken. But, worse was to come.

that list already. I asked for a side of shaved

From the soup section of the menu, she chose an alleged “Thai turkey soup with

parmesan, and to my horror, they passed off parmesan with vile, “Gran Padano,” a

Michael Barclay Business Review | October 2017


Cultural calendar Explore Festival Until October 14, several locations

National Theatre Festival October 20-30, several locations

By Oana Vasiliu

point they would collaborate together. “The first time I heard Edmar, I simply said “WOW!” in awe of his artistry. So now, I would like all of you to hear his music so you can go “WOW!” too,” said Hiromi. Their debut performance at The Blue Note in NY was

accompany him on the road with

unexpected and impulsive. What

two internationally renowned

they created together musically

artists: violinist Yehudi Menuhin

was simply mesmerizing. The

and sitar-player Ravi Shankar.

Bucharest International Contem-

For this 27th edition of the

audience was spellbound and

Their project, “West meets East,”,

porary Dance and Performance

festival, French actress Juliette

the music was magic. Because of

is the foundation of the World

Festival is a unique initiative of

Binoche and a group of inter-

this musical connection, these

style, generated a new music

a non-profit association whose

national artists will come to

two great talents decided to join

from the blending of Indian

goal is to increase the visibility of

Bucharest, alongside French

forces as a duet for 2017.

rags with the European sounds,

contemporary dance by present-

pianist Alexandre Tharaud, and

ing a consistent program to the

directors Robert Lepage, Evgeny

general public and dance profes-

Mironov, and Angelin Preljocaj.

sionals. For this edition, artists

Three international produc-

from France, Belgium, Germany,

tions will be shown at this year’s

Norway, Austria and Romania

edition of the festival. Hamlet |

will take the stage.

Collage (October 20), an adapta-

Well known violinist Alexandru

through January the following

tion after William Shakespeare by

Tomescu invites audiences to


Sting concert October 17, Cluj-Napoca

Canadian director Robert Lepage; Romeo and Juliet (October 29), a ballet choreographed by Angelin Preljocaj and Vaille Que Vivre (October 30), a show dedicated to the French singer Barbara. The latter sees Juliette Binoche and Alexandre Tharaud perform the text and music of the performance.

Sting returns to Romania, but with his first concert in Transylvania. The concert is part of his ‘57th and 9th’ tour, promoting his

Hiromi duet featuring Edmar Castaneda The Romanian Athenaeum, October 21

new rock album with the same name. According to organizers, the English musician Sting will be accompanied by a live band including Dominic Miller – guitar, Josh Freese – drums, Rufus Miller – guitar, and accordionist Percy

Hiromi met Edmar Castaneda

Cardona (The Last Bandoleros).

at The Montreal Jazz Festival,

The concert’s special guest will

where she found him so amazing

be his son, Joe Sumner.

musically that she knew at some

inspiring music-lovers all over

West meet East – Enescu, Menuhin, Shankar October 23, Romanian National Museums of Arts

the world for five decades. West Meets East was number 1 on Billboard’s Best Selling Classical LP’s list for eighteen weeks in 1967 and continued to top that chart

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