
Page 23 Business Review | October May 20162021


Making a commitment to sustainable agriculture Boualem Saidi, Country Group Head for Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova at Bayer Crop Science, sat down with Business Review to talk about the importance of sustainability in agriculture and tell us why it is no longer a matter of choice, but both a need and a responsibility. By Anda Sebesi changes from both an operational and a legislative perspective. To go into more detail,

What is sustainability in agriculture? What is Bayer’s strategy for sustainability in this field?

more favourable environmental profiles can

one key issue for us the legal framework on

all reduce water, labour or energy usage.

manufacturing, marketing, and use of plant

Sustainable agriculture includes all the tools

pests, and weeds in agriculture and forestry,

tivity and grow safe, healthy, and affordable

What is the role of digital technology in sustainable agriculture and what can you tell us about precision agriculture?

food, all while preserving natural resources.

Precision and digital farming help farmers

is adapting legislation to accommodate

In short, it’s a way to produce more with less!

work in a smarter manner by combining their

the use of drones to spray crop protection

In line with the Sustainable Development

expertise and knowledge of their land with


Goals of the United Nations and the Paris

modern, digitally-enabled tools that collect

Agreement, Bayer’s sustainability commit-

and organise massive data, providing them

ments are designed to address the challenges

with actionable insights that allow for better

of climate change, biodiversity loss, and food

decision-making. Bayer is introducing digital

Are local agribusinesses and seed or PPP manufacturers prepared to embrace sustainable business practices?

security to create a better tomorrow for our

tools – such as Climate FieldView – that

Definitely! Our industry is ready to embrace

society and our planet. Our ambition is to

provide farmers with real-time agronomic

sustainability. It has already embarked on

achieve a balance between production and

advice, resulting in both income generation

this journey and, in my opinion, it is no

protection – in a nutshell, how do we feed the

and safer food through sustainable farming

longer a question of choice; it is a need and

world without starving the planet?


a responsibility. We all need to contribute

and practices farmers use to improve produc-

protection products to control diseases, which should be updated so as to be aligned with European legislation. Another example

and support farmers with agronomical solutions that help them remain competitive,

world’s biggest challenges. More specifically,

Do we need to update our environmental legislation in order to achieve a better level of sustainability for Romanian agriculture? What are some key ideas and solutions in this area?

it is not only about reducing the climate im-

I believe it is of the utmost importance to

sustainability is at the core of our strategy

pact of farming that, but also about enhanc-

have national legislation that is consistent

and our long-term success as a company lies

ing farms’ immense contribution to carbon

with European policies. The new Common

in providing farmers with the best possible

sequestration. Precision farming, innovative

Agricultural Policy and the Green Deal are

tools and solutions to help them obtain

hybrid seeds that are tolerant to drought and

expected to bring changes to our sector, and

better harvests using less water, land, and

pests, and new crop protection products with

we need to be prepared to embrace those


What are the key areas where agriculture could contribute to sustainability within the bigger picture? Agriculture is part of the solution to the

while making sure that our natural resources are preserved for future generations. Our industry is one of the most innovative and it integrates a lot of technology. At Bayer,

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