
Page 30 Business Review | October 2021


Recruiting bouncing back in communications industry A new LinkedIn study shared exclusively with The Drum suggests that despite the pandemic and its economic consequences, opportunities in the marketing sector are only expanding, with roles in digital and media leading. While the economic impact of covid-19 has decimated businesses of all types over the last year and a half, the marketing industry has made an impressive comeback. By Romanita Oprea 39 percent). Other fast-growing skills include Adobe Premiere Pro, marketing automation, customer experience, and Facebook marketing. Since the onset of the pandemic, listings for remote marketing jobs have increased fivefold. Whereas just 2 percent of marketing roles were remote on March 1, 2020, today nearly one in ten are. In the past six months alone, LinkedIn has seen a 177 percent increase in the number of remote job postings for marketing roles. Marketing roles across the board are shifting to more remote and flexible working arrangements. The past year saw 17,000 remote marketing job postings, highlighting the fundamental evolution of work, and this evolution Seniors are in high demand and the companies are putting a great emphasize on strategy


stands to be a game-changer. Over 90,000 Romanians applied for a job in February through the BestJobs platform,

ome 381,000 marketing job openings

of consumers during a time where the aver-

with over 511,000 recorded requests. Most

were posted on LinkedIn in the last

age adult is online more than ever. As the ma-

of them came from industries such as IT&C,

year. In the past six months alone, the

jority of the country’s workforce was sent to

telecom, sales, finance-accounting, engineer-

site saw a 63 percent increase in marketing

work from home, customers’ desire for digital

ing, management, and construction. What is

jobs. Within the last six months, jobs in the

experiences skyrocketed. This, in turn, has

interesting to notice is the fact that a signifi-

arts (up 85.9 percent), retail (up 72.6 percent),

provided marketers with more heightened

cant growth in the available fields of work in-

education (up 63.7 percent), and corporate

visibility in their companies and stronger

cluded marketing, with 102,600 applications.

services (up 60.6 percent) grew the most. This

positions to provide strategic direction as new

The situation comes after a globally confusing

is likely indicative of the recovery of sectors

opportunities crop up.” One in every two top

2020, when some areas of the communica-

that were initially most impacted by lock-

marketing jobs listed on LinkedIn fall into the

tion industry were hit very hard, while others

down orders and restrictions on in-person

digital or media space. By volume of job post-

grew. The global ad market plunged, with dire


ings on LinkedIn, the most desired marketing

predictions that UK ad expenditure dropped

job is a digital marketing specialist.

16 percent in 2020 and some companies mak-

“Demand for marketing jobs has grown over the last six months because of the

Year-over-year growth patterns evidence

ing savage cuts. WPP, Omnicom, and Dentsu each lost 6,000 posts globally last year.

increased importance of marketing during the

the highest growth in skills including Insta-

pandemic,” says Connie Chen, LinkedIn se-

gram (up 72 percent), content marketing (up

nior insights analyst. “Digital marketing gives

63 percent), creative problem solving (up 45


organisations the ability to accurately target

percent), brand awareness (up 41 percent),

In spring 2020, the covid-19 outbreak took

audiences, measure impact, and get in front

branding (up 41 percent), and Hootsuite (up

the entire labour market by storm. As a result,

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