
Page 6 Business Review | November 2021


Real estate prices still high, transactions postponed as workers return to offices The value of transactions on the Romanian real estate market in the first 9 months of 2021 declined by 29 percent compared to the same period of 2020, to EUR 570 million. Transactions closed in the third quarter reached a total value of EUR 260 million. The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the liquidity of the commercial real estate market was more pronounced in 2021 than in 2020. Last year saw a series of largescale transactions for which negotiations began before the pandemic broke out. Prices have been rising slightly both for logistics area as well as for offices

By Aurel Constantin

Although several negotiation pro-

from Atenor by Hungarian Adventum Group.

starting to discourage potential new investors.

cesses are likely to close in the fourth

However, the most representative transaction

There have been no significant transactions

quarter, it is hard to believe that this

on this market segment so far this year, both

on the retail market so far in 2021, but the seg-

year’s transactions will be able to reach the

in terms of the competitive sales process and

ment has largely absorbed the shock caused

nearly EUR 900 million recorded in 2020.

the price, was the sale of the Campus 6.2 and

by the pandemic and the quarantine period of

This situation is largely generated by a lack of

6.3 office buildings in the center-west area of

2020. However, it is starting to provide very

supply – many owners are not interested in

Bucharest, where JLL represented the seller,

interesting opportunities for investors.

selling in the current market conditions,” said

Skanska. The buildings, with a total leasable

Andrei Vacaru, Head of Capital Markets at JLL

area of about 38,000 square meters, were

logistics areas, where prime yields shrunk in


Prices have been rising slightly both for

purchased for EUR 97 million by S IMMO. This

the third quarter from 8 percent to 7.75 per-

Bucharest remained the top destination

move marked the reactivation of the Austrian

cent, as well as for offices, where yields have

preferred by investors in the first nine months

company on the Romanian investment trans-

fallen over the same period from 7 percent to

of 2021, with 70 percent of the total traded

action market.

6.9 percent. This trend is generated by the regional evolution and the considerable capital

volume – about EUR 400 million. Just like

available for quality products.

in 2020, office buildings attracted the most


investments, with about EUR 350 million or

In second place among investors’ preferences

almost 60 percent of the total value.

were industrial and logistics spaces, which


attracted investments of over EUR 170 million

Prices remain high on all real estate markets,

corded in the first three quarters of this year

in the first nine months, or 30 percent of the

and that is one of the reasons why investors

was the sale of the Hermes Business Cam-

total traded volume. Interest in this segment

are keeping away. But as employees are re-

pus office complex in the Dimitrie Pompeiu

is very high right now, but the record level of

turning to offices, employers will have to find

area of the capital city, with a total area of

concentration – with the two largest owners

adequate working spaces for them. A study

about 75,000 sqm, which was purchased

controlling over 50 percent of the market – is

conducted by Cushman & Wakefield Echi-

The largest office space transaction re-

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