
Page 32 Business Review | December 2021


Startup funds say rising inflation has limited impact on financing environment As Romania’s inflation rate is expected to reach 7.7 percent at the end of 2021 and begin to drop next year, the local startup financing environment will not experience significant changes, suggest representatives of funds operating in the country. By Ovidiu Posirca

Funding could become a challenge if growing inflation starts a recessionary trend


y October, the country’s inflation

necessary portfolio building and value cre-

rate had reached 6.5 percent, higher

ation, which take many years, but also to the

than the European Union’s average

need to account for inflationary and even cri-

a more significant impact on how startups

of 4.4 percent, according to Eurostat, the EU

sis economic cycles, so in a way, some infla-

spend the capital than on the funding itself.

statistics office. Going into 2022, the local rate

tionary peaks (normally followed by troughs)

Otherwise, inflation is only another argument

should fall to 4.7 percent, the National Prog-

are part of our investment model,” Marius

for the allocators to deploy capital faster, to

nosis Commission says in a report.

Ghenea, managing partner at technology-

put money to work sooner rather than later,”

focused VC firm Catalyst Romania, tells BR.

Munteanu tells BR.

For funds with a long-term perspective of financing startups, the spike in inflation is just

He adds that in the short term, funds

ing partner at Early Game Ventures. “I would argue that inflation will have

EGV has not been factoring inflation in

one of the risks they take into account when

should consider helping portfolio companies

when drafting term sheets for financing deals.

drawing up their investment strategies.

hedge the effects of high inflation more than

The fund’s managing partner says this will

they currently do.

remain unchanged for the foreseeable future,

“Venture capital investments usually have longer cycles than a typical loan, for instance.

We will probably see a slight increase in

mainly because EGV’s investments are all in

VC funds are usually structured for around 10

valuations due to inflation, but it will be neg-

euro, while inflation has been higher for the

years and this maturity is partly related to the

ligible, suggests Cristian Munteanu, manag-

local currency.

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