BAI Communications – October 2018

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BAI Communications




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Communications infrastructure specialist BAI Communications is moving fast into new markets: to do this it needed to realign the perception of IT in the business and move its technology to the cloud

P 04

eople of all generations now

a train is a frustration that BAI Commu-

accept that their mobile

nications is making a thing of the past.

phone is the technology hub

BAI Communications operates

that enables every aspect of life. Work,

in Australia (Broadcast Australia),

entertainment, social interaction,

Hong Kong, Canada, the UK and in

information, shopping, finances, learn-

New York with majority-owned BAI

ing: the device in our pocket gives us

Communications company Transit

access to all of it – just so long as we

Wireless. The company designs,

eople of all generations now accept that

builds and operates communications

their mobile phone is the technology

infrastructure – cellular, Wi-Fi,

hub that enables every aspect of life.

broadcast, radio and IP networks. In

Work, entertainment, social interaction,

Australia through Broadcast Australia,

information, shopping, finances,

it owns and operates one of the

learning: the device in our pocket gives

most extensive transmission networks

us access to all of it – just so long as

in the world, delivering 59 million

we can connect.

broadcasting hours to 99%

Mobile devices are now used

of the population. In times of crisis,

predominantly for data. So, exceptional

national broadcasters rely on them

cellular coverage and Wi-Fi is very

to maintain the connection with

important. People expect this data

Australians – flood, fire, cyclone or

connectivity, whether for texting,

other natural disaster – and emergen-

browsing or streaming. Having the

cy services rely on BAI to help keep

signal drop, or no signal at all, on

them informed.

Peter Turnbull, CIO BAI Communications 05

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In New York and Toronto, BAI enables more than 7 million* daily subway commuters to shop, share, stream, earn and learn through its cellular and Wi-Fi networks and in Hong Kong, commuters on the MTR collaborate, create and stay connected thanks to their trusted expertise in designing and delivering high-quality networks in confined and complex transport systems. In the UK, with its global network of experts paired with local in-depth knowledge, it is working with industry leaders

“ Switching the mindset and moving the conversation from ‘IT and the business’ to ‘IT is part of the business’ that continues to enable but also contributes to the business strategy, has been fundamental” — Peter Turnbull, CIO, BAI Communications

to explore the role of technology in

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CLICK TO WATCH : ‘ABOUT BAI COMMUNICATIONS’ 07 the transport system of the future. Peter Turnbull joined BAI in 2015 as

as it was challenging – establish a technology platform to modernise

its CIO. He brought with him many years’

the core IT capabilities of a mature

experience in the banking and financial

business (Broadcast Australia),

services sector, but as he says: “Core

enable the wider BAI Communications

technology is ubiquitous, you really

Group to enter into new regions and

challenge yourself to understand how

build a foundation to connect our

the business capabilities interact and

established international subsidiar-

learn the language of the domain.”

ies.” These three goals presented

While broadcasting is a key service of

a challenge he found irresistible.

BAI in Australia through the Broadcast

Though the technology infrastructure

Australia business, the company had

was largely on-premise and imperfectly

already started its expansion into

connected across the group, he

transit communications in other markets.

quickly realised his biggest challenge

“The brief I was given was as unique

was cultural. Like many traditional IT w w i c o mmuni c a t i on s . com


Peter Turnbull Peter Turnbull is Chief Information Officer at BAI Communications An energetic business and technology executive with solid commercial experience in people and team leadership, service and program delivery, software development, business integration, IT governance and vendor management.


Over the past 20 years Peter has held multiple operational and leadership roles predominately in software development, wealth management, product development, professional services and assetbased leasing. Peter has successful transformed technology environments for financial services firms, decoupled technology environments from U.S parents and introduced Greenfield ICT capabilities and innovations as a vendor and as an IT Leader. Peter has a genuine understanding of how people, processes, data and technology blend together to deliver measurable business outcomes. Key Specialities: Merger and acquisition, people leadership, technical, application and data architectures, decoupling and integration of ICT environments, program delivery, vendor management and operational service delivery.


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organisations, IT operated as a service provider with a contract to ‘the business’. Switching this mindset and moving the conversation from ‘IT and the business’ to ‘IT is part of the business’ that continues to enable but also contributes to the business strategy, has been fundamental. This mindset shift is a two-way street, “as technologists we need to accept

“ As technologists we need to accept that IT no longer controls all things technology, this takes some getting used to” — Peter Turnbull, CIO, BAI Communications

that IT no longer controls all things technology, this takes some getting used to; the convergence of operational technology (OT) and IT along with ‘Edge 10

IT’ (his preferred name over shadow IT) has meant we are now a key partner helping to build new capabilities. We are domain experts in enterprise technology, our role is to establish a solid

Turnbull calls ‘enterprise plumbing’.

foundation and ensure the enterprise

“We will never be fast enough to take the

plumbing works and then partner, guide

business forward unless we have a solid

and enable our peers and their people

and adaptable set of infrastructure

on their own technology journey.”

capabilities and services to work with.” The original infrastructure he found


was a traditional, on-premise infrastruc-

The digital transformation started in

ture, that was out of support, challeng-

2016. In describing the transformation

ing to manage and “not capable of

for BAI it is helpful to look at the four

meeting our requirements to modernise

pillars on which it depends. The first of

the Broadcast Australia business let

these was to provide a firm foundation

alone connect our international ones”.

and transform the infrastructure that

“We needed an infrastructure capable


of bringing together IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

in his quest to move the infrastructure

and on-premise solutions. We needed

to a service model, located in the Cloud.

a fast network at each regional office,

“We have built a virtual data centre

as the existing links would not support

capability in Azure and challenged

our cloud-first aspirations. We needed

ourselves to have 80% of our workload

a set of core technology services

running in the cloud by 2020. We moved

including identity management, to run

our provisioning process to Azure

and support this infrastructure and

Resource Manager (enabling infrastruc-

most importantly, we need an infra-

ture-as-code) and rebuilt our identity

structure that could support future

and access management capability

convergence of OT and IT.�

using Azure Active Directory (AAD).

After careful consideration Turnbull

This was a game changer because it

decided a Microsoft stack was optimal

provided a way to bring together our w w i c o mmuni c a t i on s . com

subsidiaries, manage access to cloud

to enable ‘boundless collaboration’ no

services with single sign-on and

matter what time-zone people were in

quickly deploy user and device

or device they were using and how to

services like multi factor authentica-

provide a consistent and integrated

tion (MFA) and conditional access

experience for everybody. To achieve

which have traditionally been complex

this, Turnbull deployed Office 365,

or expensive to deploy and maintain.”

starting with Yammer.He progressively introduced core services including



Exchange Online, Skype for Business,

The second pillar, which ran in parallel

OneDrive and Microsoft Teams

with the infrastructure overhaul, was

across Australia and the UK with plans

building a modern workplace, which

to integrate the other international

wasn’t just a hardware and Windows

subsidiaries over the next 12 months.

refresh, but a full rethink on how to

“Yammer was the first Office 365

securely access, surface and share

service we deployed in Australia,” he

information across subsidiaries, how

says. “It is a great tool for building

“ We have built a virtual data centre capability in Azure, and challenged ourselves to have 80% of our workload running in the cloud by 2020” — Peter Turnbull, CIO, BAI Communications

open, cross-functional communities

“Not only was it a big cost saving;

which have become key in transform-

suddenly you could effortlessly

ing the way we share information.” As

connect our international businesses

an example, operational questions or

into a meeting with video, voice, screen

issues with operational equipment are

sharing and instant messaging. I can

being shared over Yammer, drawing

walk into a meeting room and click

in responses from engineers across

one button to join a meeting instead of

Australia who may have encountered

having to find a dial-in number, type in

the same problem or had previous

the conference code and remember

experience with the equipment.

a PIN. Best of all when we move into

There are other game changers in

new countries we don’t have to set up

the stack. “Skype for Business has

PBX infrastructure, we just provision

replaced over 15 PBX solutions and

phone numbers and conferencing

introduced new ways to communicate,

services through a single portal.”

some expected and some unexpected,” says Turnbull.

They have deployed several Surface Hub devices, which have really

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changed the way meetings are conduct-

(even remotely) when you’re able to

ed, he adds. “With integrated Skype,

collaborate like this.”

a digital whiteboard and wireless

Recognising that BYOD can be

projection to the screen, I walk into

complicated, Turnbull introduced

a meeting and we don’t have to sit

a CYOD (choose your own device)

down anymore.

workstation approach running

“We are standing up, collaborating on

Windows 10. Faced with the need to

a digital whiteboard and effortlessly

replace older hardware, staff were

bringing people together (inside and

given a range of workstation options.

outside the organisation), through

This combined elements of choice and

technologies such as Skype/, Teams,

interoperability. These new implemen-

document co-authoring and digital

tations and policies came of course

whiteboards accessible on any device”.

with the challenge of change manage-

It’s a much more engaging experience

ment. One of the most effective ways


of helping people, he says, was to set

tion of mobile device management)

up communities on Yammer – the most

in any location.

popular of these was the ‘modern

He’s also really pleased with the

workstation’ group where people could

introduction of the latest service for cor-

pose any questions they had. This

porate video sharing, Microsoft Stream.

group quickly evolved into a self-ser-

Distributing information via a blog has

vice platform for change management

been augmented by fortnightly videos

as, rather than having to wait for an

and interviews with specialists in the IT

answer from the service desk, their

team to explain current projects.

queries could be directed collabora-

“All this is accessible on their mobile

tively to other sources and resources

devices, their workstation or their home

within the business. It’s a dynamic

PC. Now we are combining video

repository of knowledge accessible

distribution with blog posts and posts

from any device (through the introduc-

in Yammer. Communication needs to w w i c o mmuni c a t i on s . com

come through diverse channels,

One of the first solutions introduced

recognising that people consume

was a data warehouse hosted in Azure.

information in different ways.”

The solution, implemented by Altis,

The Office 365 suite has enabled

provided a way to integrate data from

our modern world at BAI: “Being cloud-

systems of record, as well as data from

based makes it much easier for us

other internal and external API’s using

to enter new geographical markets.”

the Azure Data Factory. “We now bring together large volumes



of data, from multiple sources, and

The third pillar of transformation is

consume or use in their technology

focused on information management

solutions and business processes.

and Peter Turnbull is sponsoring

When we need additional internal or

this initiative across the Broadcast

external data, we use established

Australia and UK businesses.

pipelines to quickly make this data

“Many of the challenges we (and other organisations) face stem from a data or

make them available to our teams to

available,” says Turnbull. Altis also helped with the implemen-

an information issue, be it poor quality

tation of a new reporting and analytics

or unknown data or poor practices for

platform using PowerBI. The combina-

governing, exchanging and consuming

tion of the new data warehouse and

information.” This pillar, which is still

PowerBI provided a modern solution

a work in progress, “is the fabric that

to report upon (and share with

joins together our business capabilities

customers through the PowerBI portal)

as it provides a way to build a common

the performance of Digital Television

language we all speak,” says Turnbull.

(DTV) services at all Broadcast

“We have focused our strategy around

Australia tower sites.

the management, integration and availability of structured, unstructured


and spatial data (location-based data

The fourth pillar which has been enabled

for the design and run of our sites which

by the first three, is the progressive

includes drawings, maps and photos).”

transformation of business capabilities.

“ Now we are combining video distribution with blog posts and posts in Yammer. Communication needs to come through diverse channels, recognising that people consume information in different ways”


— Peter Turnbull, CIO, BAI Communications

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Unlike the infrastructure and modern workplace transformation, the transformation of business capabilities is a true cross-functional collaboration. Over the last 3 years, Turnbull has managed the introduction of a group-wide human capital management system (HCM), a health, safety and environment (HSE) system and upgraded the existing asset management solution. “The introduction of the HSE solution has provided an easier way to capture incidents or near misses which help us improve our HSE capability. Incidents 18

and near misses can be reported straight away by jumping onto your mobile device and registering what has occurred. This provides quicker visibility allowing for fast actions and decisions to be made.” With the technology foundations now in

“ We are standing up, collaborating on a digital whiteboard and effortlessly bringing people together (inside and outside the organisation). It’s a much more engaging experience (even remotely) when you’re able to collaborate like this”

place, Turnbull in collaboration with the leadership team, are building a roadmap

— Peter Turnbull, CIO, BAI Communications

to transform key business capabilities including service management, site access and portfolio and project management. There’s always a fifth pillar to IT transformation, and that’s security. BAI, like many companies, use a defence-in-depth approach to security across its administrative, technical and physical environments. In the first half of 2018 the company achieved ISO27001

certification: “The certification provides the certificate, however the cultural change and shift in mindset we achieved by going through this process has provided a foundation for the other pillars we have introduced. We have MFA across all our user accounts; encryption and mobile device management on our workstations and devices, we have a SIEM and security solutions monitoring our environment, However, risk-awareness and personal accountability for security on the part of everyone in the business is as important as the barriers we build�. In closing, Peter Turnbull reflects “As technologists we need to be able to accept that IT is no longer the only source of technical innovation in the business. We are finding that more and more people have IT skills and unique experiences with technology transformation when they come into the organisation. Our role is to enable them to use their skills and experiences in new and innovative ways to help drive our digital transformation.

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Bai communications head office broadcast australia Level 10, Tower A, 799 Pacific Highway Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia T +61 2 8113 4666

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