Sunshine Insurance Group – September 2019

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Sunshine Insurance and AI Innovation


Sunshine Insurance: accelerating digital transformation through AI


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CDO of P&C and VP of the Technology Center of Intelligence, Dong Li, shares how Sunshine Insurance has maintained its competitive edge through its technology strategy


unshine Insurance Group is the seventh largest insurance company in China. One of its subsidiaries, Sunshine P&C

Insurance Co., has won a number of awards under the leadership of its Chief Data Officer and the Group’s Vice-President of the Technology Center of Intelligence, Dong Li. In late 2018, the company earned the prestigious 04

award for its ‘claim management through technology’ project, which was granted by Insurance Association of China (IAC). “In that project, AI was implemented to classify ID cards, receipts and other documents required for claim submissions and handling, and to evaluate vehicle damage levels, all through our own Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system and a partner’s image recognition algorithms,” shares Li. Another significant award achieved by the company was the ‘intelligent auto insurance pricing platform,’ which was granted by China Information Association. “In that project, big data predictive models were developed through machine learning (ML) to reduce thousands of customers’ external data dimensions,” he explains. “The models came up with more accurate predictions of auto loss ratios, enabling differentiated pricing


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and avoidance of adverse selection.

latest data technologies, with

I am very proud of leading a group of

a particular focus on the advance-

talented people to achieve milestones

ments of ML, deep learning (DL)

of those projects that have earned

and AI. “We have great ambition

significant awards and industry-wide

to innovate and grow our business


through the use of digital transforma-

Li was originally hired to lead Sunshine P&C Insurance Company’s big data applications, later being assigned to

tions and data technology including Machine Learning and AI,” he says. Li emphasises the need for

lead its IT and digital transformation.

a long-term technology plan, as it

By the beginning of 2019, he was

reduces costs, appeals to a younger

appointed to head efforts in the field

generation, and meets the growing

of big data applications and AI execution

demands of customers in the digital

across all subsidiaries of Sunshine

age. He also reiterates the power of

Insurance Group. As Sunshine P&C

innovation in technology for streamlin-

Chief Data Officer, he is responsible

ing the workloads of employees,

for the testing and deployment of the

something that has been accomw w no s ig . com




plished at Sunshine P&C Insurance

According to Li, the app connects

Company through the creation of

to WeChat, easing communication

an app for mobile underwriting. “The

between employees and customers,

app allows employees to study new

and enabling service transactions.

products online, underwrite policies

“For example,” he says, “during the

for new customers, manage existing

process of auto claims, we use WeChat

customers’ needs, monitor and track

as an entry point to record accident

the status of claims as well as send

scenes, take pictures of damaged

greetings on holidays or on customers’

areas on vehicles and vehicle plates,

birthdays,” he says, also pointing out

audio-record descriptions of accidents,

that the app can be used by employees

and listen to guidance messages from

to track the productivity and perfor-

our claim center. The collected data

mance of coworkers in order to

is transferred to our claim center,

motivate through friendly competition.

where claim staff or AI can further


Dr. Dong Li With an MBA, Dr. Dong Li is a CDO with a scientist’s background, artist’s mindset and collaborative cross-function and crosscontinent senior executive management experience in global companies across the financial services, insurance, retail and manufacturing industry. He is a multidisciplinary leader who excels at empowerment of large teams, strategic management of data technology resources and close partnering with marketing, distribution, sales, risk control and customer service operations as well as external vendors to develop holistic digital transformation solutions (BI, Advanced Analytics and AI applications) for business, and manage committed relationships that drive execution. Dr.Li has the following unique qualifications: Specialised in leading enterprise IT teams, digital transformation and big data or AI applications, with over 10 year’s practice in machine learning, data management and strategic data applications across all business functions to improve revenues and reduce risks. Knowledgeable in auto, financial service, retail and insurance industry with deep experience to manage clients and deliver projects in customer life-cycle management (customer acquisition, insurance pricing, cross-sale or up-sale recommendation, customer services & retention, anti-fraud operations. US/China Fortune-500 companies’ management experience: strategic product planning, financial analysis, analytics consulting, cross-function coordination, database marketing, investment analysis, computer-aided engineering. 10 technical publications in international journals and 10 technical publications in Chinese academic journals.

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$4.3bn Approximate revenue


Year founded


Approximate number of employees 11

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“ Our philosophy is to have a strategic plan and solid execution” — Dong Li, CDO at Sunshine P&C Insurance Co.; VP of Technology Center of Intelligence at Sunshine Insurance Group

process the information for subsequent actions.” In addition to this, Sunshine has an internal team dedicated to the development of image recognition products. “My team researched available open source deep learning algorithms for our own OCR system development, and ended up selecting Faster RCNN and CRNN in TensorFlow framework. Our own OCR product has beaten available products on the market, and has achieved 95-98% recognition accuracy

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in real world business situations.”

the administrative aspect of this role

The streamlining of services

may at times be arduous, as follow-up

particularly extends to the company’s

phone calls often must be timely.

telesales department, particularly

“Because of the content-confined and

when it comes to the overall wellbeing

script-structured nature of the job, this

of employees, says Li. Employees

type of work can be done by artificial

in this department face mounting

intelligence through ASR+TTS+NLP.

pressures from several angles: lack

The applications of AI in these situa-

of training and assistance, low

tions led to one big effort for the teams

productivity and therefore a lower

I am managing at Sunshine Insurance

income. This has resulted in a high

Group. We acquired ASR+TTS

staff turnover, with many resignations

capabilities by partnering with an

coming after three months’ employ-

outside tech vendor, we also partnered

ment, causing the cost to sales ratio

with another NLP vendor to develop

to skyrocket. “If we could use AI to

our first prototype of AI Tutoring Robot

enable offline training or real-time

and AI Sales Assistant, already in

online sales assistance with telesales

production soon.”

reps to improve their sales pitch,

Li also says that the team is honing

before or during their sales sessions,

its own NLP skills by building an internal

it would help improve the success rate

NLP team that can develop a first-gen-

and wellbeing of our employees in

eration robot in customer services and

telesales,” Li says. In addition,

telesales. This will aim to improve the w w no s ig . com



“ In today’s business world, we need diverse partnerships to complement our strengths in technology innovation”


— Dong Li, CDO at Sunshine P&C Insurance Co.; VP of Technology Center of Intelligence at Sunshine Insurance Group speed and accuracy of the telesales

components required to build our

services at a lower cost. While

own NLP system from vendors such

Sunshine P&C Insurance is continu-

as Knowology.

ously becoming more self-sufficient

“At Sunshine P&C Insurance Com-

in its AI innovations, there are vendors

pany, our philosophy is to have a

that are key to this transformation:

strategic plan and solid execution.

iSoftStone and Knowology. “In today’s

Our company is culturally rooted in

business world we need diverse

innovation given its history of rapid

partnerships to complement our

growth since its birth. Our top leaders

strengths in technology innovation.

believe in tech transformation leading

In most digital system development,

to future success.” At Sunshine P&C

we either leveraged external technical

Insurance Company, executing change

expertise, or contracted external

is a straightforward process. Should

technical staff from vendors such

any challenges in communicating

as iSoftStone, or we buy technology

change arise, company leaders and

15 executives meet on a shop floor level

service industry, where transactions,

to ensure transparency in how the

services and fraud-detection can

technological transformation will

be managed in real-time and more

benefit the entirety of the company.

precisely. AI will be more widely applied in replacing repeated and


simple parts of jobs done previously

As Sunshine P&C Insurance Company

by people, in order to improve opera-

moves forward, Li hopes that applica-

tional efficiency and accuracy.�

tions of AI will only grow and notes that the international, cross-industry acceleration of technology is gaining momentum. “I hope that, within the foreseeable future, we will be able to implement next-generation AI algorithms and renovate the whole financial w w no s ig . com

Sunshine Insurance Group Kuntai International Mansion Chao Wai Street Beijing China

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