WITH A CONSCIENCE Leading By Example
Don’t Just Tell Employees What To Do: Show Them
Top 10 Executive Gadgets
ONE TREND THAT has been clear throughout 2014 is the continued rise
of social responsibility, both on the consumer and the corporate side. In Commercials with a Conscience, we explore the evolution of television commercials, showcasing the shift from product promotion and purposedriven campaigns to social awareness and “feel-good” advertising. This month’s Leadership feature, Leading by Example, explores the significance behind “walking the walk” for your employees: Don’t just tell them what to do, show them. This will ensure a more productive and loyal workforce, and will keep leaders abreast of the obstacles their employees truly face. Seeing as it is December, we’d be amiss to not include a guide to help with your gift giving (or gift-requesting) this season. In Top 10 Gadgets Every Executive Wants, we review 10 gadgets you probably don’t have—but certainly should. Add them to your wish list, or buy them for another executive in your life: We guarantee you won’t go wrong! With 2014 quickly coming to an end, it’s time to reflect on the past as we prepare for the future. How were we as a boss? Did we exemplify the traits we expect from employees? Did we do our part to give back to the community, the environment and the economy? As you head into 2015, remember to take a look at your own actions: If you’re not reflecting the behavior and work ethic that you are asking of your employees, that may be a perfect resolution to work towards in the new year! E NJOY TH E I S S U E !
Jennifer White
Editor-In-Chief jennifer.white@wdmgroup.com 3
20 Top 10 6 Leadership
Top 10 ways to lead by example
12 Marketing
Commercials with a Conscience
Top 10 Gadgets Every Executive Wants (Whether They Know It or NAMCOR Not)
26 Total Facility Solutions
78 Gothic Landscape
38 Walsh Loma Linda VA Project 46 West Builders
86 Apex Logistics 92 Lundin Mining 118 DRA Taggart
54 Archer Western Construction Norman Wastewater Facility Project
60 Archer Western Construction I-395 Project
138 Comprehensive Logistics
70 Lake Oswego and Tigard Water Project
4 December 2014
130 Ocean Shipholdings Inc.
148 Wildcat
26 Total Facility Solutions 78 Gothic Landscape
Ocean Shipholdings Inc.
One of th ability and pr
December 2014
he most effective ways to demonstrate rove a management role is deserved is to lead by example and work hard W R I T T E N B Y: A B I G A I L P H I L L I P S
LEADERSHIP IT SHOULD REALLY go without saying but good leaders, well, they lead. The best business leaders set the standard with actions rather than words. They are the first one into the office, and the last out each day. They take on their fair share of workload and will be an advocate for the company inside and outside the office. But leading by example is a skill that needs to be honed like any other and it takes practice, discipline and self-motivation. Here are a few tips on how to lead by example. 1. Take on your fair share of the workload To gain the respect of your team and inspire greatness at your company, its important you lead from the front and take on your fair share of the workload. In today’s competitive business world, it is no longer acceptable to sit behind an office door and dictate — you need to prove your own ability and teach those around you by doing. Furthermore, if you can demonstrate to your team that you are putting in as much time and effort (if not more) than them, they are more likely to 8
December 2014
work harder for you and the business. 2. Listen to those around you An important trait of any business leader is the ability to listen. Ask questions. Seek to understand and you’ll receive valuable insights and set a tone that encourages healthy dialogue. Communication is critical to the success of any company and if you as a leader take the time to promote open discourse, your employees will thrive and so will your business.
3. Take responsibility Blame costs you your credibility, keeps team members on the defensive and ultimately sabotages real growth. As a business leader it’s critical you take responsibility for your own actions and encourage others to do the same. Create a team-focused, collaborative environment to spark real growth at the business. 4. Take risks Inspire change and innovation by taking calculated risks — it will demonstrate your commitment to
a larger purpose and will breed a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. If those around you see you put your head above the parapet and be counted, they will be encouraged to do the same. This entrepreneurial mindset will catapult your business to new heights. 5. Find solutions not problems Don’t dwell on problems; instead be the first to offer solutions and then ask your team to do the same. In business, you will come across problems, hurdles and challenges 9
December 2014
T O P 1 0 W AY S T O L E A D B Y E X A M P L E
(they are unavoidable) but it’s how you overcome those problems as a team that will define your business. 6. Be honest with your team Inaccurate representation affects everyone. Show that honesty really is the best policy and promote open, truthful and collaborative communication at your business. Honesty in all facets of business — successes, failures, goals and changes – is crucial. 7. Identify the strengths of others Astute business leaders and entrepreneurs are tuned into the people who work around them. If an employee is having a bad day, go easy on that person. Likewise, know when individual players are feeling fired up and motivated and challenge them accordingly. Pay attention to the people around you and give them responsibility in their area of strength or passion so they can develop as individuals. This will in turn help the company expand, diversify and grow. It will also make for a dynamic corporate culture.
8. Acknowledge failure When you are running a business it is not a case of if you make a mistake, but when. Failure is part of success, as long as you learn from it. If you acknowledge your own failure, it makes it all right for your team to do the same. The process will define failure as part of becoming extraordinary. 9. Promote a culture of wellbeing Exercise, don’t overwork, take breaks, eat well and ensure you get enough sleep each night. A balanced team, mentally and physically, is a successful team. Model it, encourage it and support it. 10. Be persistent Try, try and then try again. Go over, under or around any hurdles to show that obstacles don’t define your company or team; rather, your successes do. As a leader it is your duty to keep morale buoyant and encourage your team to keep plugging away towards the company’s end goals.
Commercials with a
conscience How companies like HONEY MAID and Budweiser are successfully leading the way to more socially considerate, less product-focused advertising. W R I T T E N B Y: J E N N I F E R W H I T E
12 December 2014
e 13
With the continued rise of mobile and internet advertising, as well as DVRs and online television, traditional TV advertisers have to step-up their game COMMERCIALS OF THE past mainly did one of two things: promote a product(s) or teach us a lesson. It was rare to find a commercial that did both, or a company that stepped out of the spotlight to highlight a worthy cause without including a nod to a prominent product. Product-Centric Snickers told us how much caramel to expect in proportion to peanuts in the rich milk chocolate-covered candy bar that was for sale at our local grocer. McDonald’s showed us happy children with free toys who ate dinner without a complaint. Frosted 14 December 2014
Flakes even had a tiger explain how tasty and healthy the golden, sugarcovered flakes are when covered with delicious cold milk. Companies like Kodak took product promotion one step further and appealed to the heart. With images of children graduating or the father/daughter dance at a wedding, Kodak knew how to inspire interest in their 30-90 second spots but the point of the ad wasn’t to show sentimental moments; rather, it was to show the sharp quality of the photos Kodak cameras produced for the memories.
Cause-Centric Then there were Public Service Announcement (PSA)-based commercials, the sole purpose of which was to inform the general public about the dangers or benefits of specific lifestyle choices, from smoking and doing drugs to eating well and not wasting energy. Think about the first few MAAD commercials, or the unforgettable frying-egg, “This is your brain on drugs” piece. Then there was the little boy who got caught smoking pot, then surprised us all by informing his father, “I learned it from watching you!” These have
no product placement and ulterior motive: They simply taught us right from wrong. Another angle was taken for PSAs: the use of familiar, beloved characters. Star Wars’ R2-D2 and C-P30 told us not to smoke cigarettes; so did Superman. Pee Wee Herman wasn’t afraid to fight back against crack, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reminded us that drugs are for dorks. But none of these commercials were promoting any other product either; the characters were simply meant to gain the attention of kids, the target 15
MARKETING audience. And they certainly weren’t aiming to be controversial. Conscience-Centric Commercials in 2014 reveal a trend towards a different approach, one that focuses less on the product itself and more on creating an experience in the name of a wellknown brand. How? By making consumers feel good. The traditional television commercial is facing one of the hardest marketplaces in its history. Our lives are busier; we have less time and therefore less patience. We have DVRs that allow us to fast forward through commercials, and we watch TV online where commercials are limited, if not non-existent. Internet and mobile marketing are on the rise, and television has to fight to maintain significance. We need to have a reason to watch a commercial rather than hit fast forward, change the channel or pick a different website. If a commercial can invoke a sense of sympathy, empathy or humor, we have no reason to not to watch. This can be proven through the following videos that received 16 December 2014
million – literally, millions – of views on YouTube. This means consumers actually went online to watch a television commercial rather than hit fast forward on their DVR. In addition, with the continued rise of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), most consumers demand companies do their part to give back to the community, environment and economy. Showing interest in and care for hot topics such as military support, substance abuse and human rights proves to consumers that a corporation is on their side, thus adding to the feel-good feeling. With just these few factors in mind, it is no wonder companies are altering their commercial strategies. With less focus on the product, companies are aiming to reach consumers on multiple layers, from wholesome and educational to humorous and relatable—all while recognizing the company that brought us those positive feelings. HONEY MAID One great example of commercials with a conscience can be seen through HONEY MAID’s recent campaign, This is Wholesome.
Scheduled for a re-launch 2012, the brand decided to explore a different route while staying true to the company’s core values. The groundbreaking campaign celebrates the wholesome connection of family by showcasing diversity, from adopted, blended and interracial to single-parent and same sex marriage. According to the brand, “The varied use of families was designed to appeal to a broad cross-section of diverse consumers. This campaign achieved to show real, wholesome families today while also demonstrating the true diversity of our consumers and our products.” This statement held true even after the campaign, when HONEY MAID was inundated with hatred via social media posts, emails, phone calls, letters, etc. Rather than pull the piece or even apologize to those who were “offended,” they reinforced the original commercial’s message through another campaign, Love.
HONEY MAID’s committment to wholesome is apparent through their commercials as well as their products “To creatively turn a negative into a positive,” the brand explains, “we engaged local Chicago artists INDO who developed [a] paper sculpture, turning negative responses into the word “love” and surrounding it with the positive messages that outweighed the negative 10 to 1.” To date, This is Wholesome has
MARKETING received more than 8 million YouTube views, while Love has another 4 million. Why? These commercials touched our hearts, made us think and showed support for top-of-mind issues, and the diversity of the families highlighted in the commercial allowed Americans across the country to relate to a family-based commercial for what may have been the first time ever. Budweiser Another company leading the feelgood revolution is Budweiser; in fact, one commercial, Puppy Love, received the highest number of YouTube views compared to any other TV commercial in 2014 (53 million!). Not quite a PSA, Puppy Love did appeal to the heart—and didn’t promote beer. An adorable golden retriever puppy at an adoption farm sparks an unlikely friendship with a Budweiser staple: a Clydesdale. When the puppy is adopted and placed in a car for departure, it begins whining, looks sad and we all feel horribly bad (or at least are meant to feel bad). The Clydesdale then begins running after the car, jumps the corral’s fence, and, with a group of Clydesdale friends acting as
a roadblock, stops the car. The puppy is then seen running back triumphantly with a pack of horses following behind, and subsequently continuing to play on the farm with its buddy. So what does this have to do with beer? Nothing. But it makes us feel good, and we know who is responsible for that feeling. Budweiser also released the commercial Global Be(er) Responsible Day: Friends Are Waiting that also employs a similar adorable puppy angle but has a completely different message: Don’t Drink and Drive. After witnessing a bond between owner and dog, the commercial takes a dark turn and implies the puppy will be left homeless after its owner has too much to drink yet gets behind the wheel. Not to fret: The puppy and owner are happily reunited after the owner returns home the next morning, explaining how he chose not to drink and drive. And although we do see a few flashes of beer in this one, it certainly isn’t being promoted—the message of safety is (with a cute dog to back it up). As Brian Perkins, Budweiser’s Vice President explains, “Budweiser is known for connecting with beer drinkers in memorable ways, and our
Budweiser is helping to pave the way toward more socially-conscious advertising Photo credit_Jon Le-Bon Shutterstock.com
efforts to promote responsible drinking through this video are no exception.� This socially responsible yet goodfeel-enticing commercial garnered 19 million YouTube views. While there were certainly a fair share of non-conscience considering commercials in 2014 (think of models seductively eating burgers for Carl’s Jr.), these two companies exemplify the shift towards a more consciencebased commercial, and we applaud them for leading the way. Special thanks to HONEY MAID An adorable puppy and a socially and MondÊlez International for their responsible recipe proved to be a assistance with parts of this article. winning combination for Budweiser
TOP 10
TOP 10 Written by: Sasha Orman
Top 10
You hav but you
0 Gadgets Every Executive Wants
her They Know it or Not)
ve the laptop, you have the smartphone— u could have so much more
TOP 10 YOU HAVE THE laptop, the tablet, the smartphone—what more do you need? You’d be surprised. There’s always something out there that you could use to enhance your life, whether it’s in the field of business or your free time. These executive gadgets may not be the essentials, but they’re the peripherals that will make your life on-the-go a lot more enjoyable.
A Sleek LaptopFriendly Briefcase
You’re going to need a bag to keep all your gadgets in place while you travel—but the last thing you want is a bright bag slung over your shoulder that will make you look like a backpacking student. The answer is a high quality bag or briefcase that makes it clear you’re a professional ready for business. The compact ScanFast Checkpoint Friendly Briefcase 2.0 fits up to a 17-inch laptop and offers a clever compartmentalized design to get you through airports in record time, while the Tumi Voyageur line pairs 15-inch laptop 22
December 2014
protection with a stylish and more feminine design. • ScanFast Checkpoint Friendly Briefcase 2.0: $99.99 • Tumi Voyageur Macon Laptop Carrier: $225
A Practical Universal Charger
A charger isn’t always the most fun or exciting thing to buy for yourself. But in that minute that you need it, you’re thankful that you have one. The light and highly portable Kensington AbsolutePower Laptop, Phone, and Tablet Charger allows you to charge a laptop and two USB devices simultaneously, and comes with EU and UK plugs for ultimate adaptability, making it vital for busy and techdependent world travelers. • Kensington AbsolutePower Laptop, Phone, and Tablet Charger: $119.99
A Useful Mobile Hotspot
Wifi-to-go has become a necessity, and a good mobile hotspot can make that happen— and can make you a hero for your executive team when you share it. Depending on your carrier of choice, consider the Samsung LTE Mobile HotSpot Pro from T-Mobile or the Verizon Jetpack, both praised by experts as leaders in its field for their long battery life and fast service. • Samsung LTE Mobile HotSpot Pro: $168 • Verizon Jetpack 4G LTE Mobile HotSpot: $229
A Stylish Portable Projector
Here’s a nightmare: you spend countless hours preparing the perfect presentation, travel halfway around the world to present it to your partners or overseas office, only to find out that it’s not displaying properly on their setup. Here’s a solution: bring your own
setup. The Vivitek Qumi was named a top contender by Computer World for its bright 500 lumen highcontrast images, while its 30,000 hour LED lamp life and device compatibility makes it perfect for the job—and its stylish design and range of colors make it perfectly desirable. • Vivitek Qumi Q5 LED Pocket Projector: from $548
A Handy Digital Pen
These days we’re all trained to take notes on our laptops or tablets, but sometimes a situation presents itself where it’s just not feasible to break out the cord and power up your laptop. On the other hand, you always have a pen handy in your pocket or purse, so why not make it a digital smart pen? The Sky Wifi Smartpen from Livescribe writes on paper like a traditional ballpoint pen. But unlike a traditional ballpoint pen, it captures your notes and syncs them wirelessly to your Evernote account for easy access from any device. The pen also 23
TOP 10 captures meetings and dictations with up to 800 hours of audio recording and can play them back through headphones or built-in speakers. • Sky Wifi Smartpen 4GB: $199 • Sky Wifi Smartpen 8GB Pro Pack: $249
A Secure Flash Drive
You do a lot of traveling for your career, and when you’re traveling with sensitive data, you want be sure that your company’s proprietary information stays strictly between you and your laptop. The IronKey Personal S250 flash drive is beautiful in brushed metal and rugged enough to stand up to travel, with easy online password management and built-in encryption and protection against hackers and malware. • IronKey Personal S250 Secure Drive 16GB: $329
4 24
A Lifesaving Smartphone Battery Case
December 2014
As an executive on the go, you don’t always have time to stop for lunch, let alone stop to charge your smartphone. But in this digital world, staying connected at all times is critical. A battery case like the Mophie Juice Pack Plus, with a sleek look that hides 2100mAh battery capacity, will give your phone a 120% battery boost to keep you online while you get where you need to go.
• Mophie Juice Pack Plus for iPhone 5/5s: $119.95
A Versatile Wireless Speaker
It’s not all about work: sometimes you just need to unwind. A good quality compact wireless speaker with rich crystal clear sound can give you that simple pleasure at home, at the office, and while you travel. One that’s beautifully designed, like the colorful and travel-ready 9oz Mini JamBox from Jawbone, kicks things up a notch by giving your personal space a visual lift as well. When business demands your attention, the Mini
JamBox syncs up with your phone or tablet to transform the speaker into a conference call hub. • Jawbone Mini JamBox: $179
A Wearable Activity Tracker
When you’re busy taking care of a growing business empire, it can be difficult to remember to take care of yourself as well. Activity trackers are quickly becoming all the rage right now, and for a good reason—these wearable pieces of technology unobtrusively track your steps, distance, calories burned, and sleep quality, then syncs the data wirelessly to your devices of choice. Any executive knows that good data can help you improve your bottom line, and data on your own habits can help you improve your quality of life. Thanks to their trendiness, even top designers are getting involved to ensure that fashionable execs can keep up with their fitness while looking their best. • Fitbit One or Fitbit Flex: $99.95
• Tory Burch for Fitbit Flex Metal Hinged Bracelet: $195
Immersive Noise Cancelling Earbuds
Whether you’re on an international flight or simply catching some alone time in the office, nothing helps to tune out the stresses and chatter of the outside world better than a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. The only problem is that most noise cancelling headphones are large and bulky, making them fine for your home stereo but a nuisance at the office or during travel. Noise cancelling earbuds are the perfect solution, offering the dual benefits of convenience and quality of sound. These noise cancelling earbuds from Bose provide comfort and superior noise cancelling capabilities, plus an “aware mode” that allows in just enough sound to keep you alert and ready for any situation. • Bose QuietComfort 20i Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones: $299 25
Total Facility Solutions
The Single-Source Provider of Process-Critical Infrastructure Since 2003, Total Facility Solutions has been a leader in process, electrical and mechanical design and installation services, demonstrating high-tech experience and expertise in multiple markets Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano
Produced by: Tom Venturo
Inside TFS’ off-site fabrication facility for hygienic process piping
otal Facility Solutions, Inc. began organically within the M+W Group 11 years ago, providing turnkey contracting and electrical and mechanical services. The full service design and selfperform specialty construction firm underwent a business restructure five-and-a-half years ago however, 28
December 2014
to transition from an operating unit that was run by an operations officer to a company that revolves around a business plan and strategy. The shift has resulted in paramount success, turning the company into one with a complete management program that has both strategic and
Installation job of 14,000 meters of clean utilities
tactical direction. Joe Cestari, President of Total Facility Solutions, was at the helm of the transitory period. He believes that the root of the company’s success begins internally and extends outward. “Before we can be effective externally with our customers and the rest of our supply chain, we have to be effective with each other,” said Cestari. “Most of our marketing focus today still remains on perfecting communications within our internal team. Our business isn’t one that’s going to be changed by magazine ads or billboards or even web ads, it’s about our people having the same core values and practicing those values everyday in front of our customers.” “Now that we’re a larger company, we really need to make sure that we have a strong internal
“Our philosophy is that if we don’t obsolete our business, somebody else will” – Joe Cestari, President
w w w. t f s - u s . c o m
culture, and a clear mindset and understanding of who we are and what we stand for,” added Cestari. “It’s not about technical competency, it’s not about metrics, it’s certainly about performance, but our primary focus and our drive as a company has been around care and concern for each other and really running our business as close to a family environment, a team environment, as we can.” Personal Business Relations When it comes to its work force, Total Facility Solutions approaches its management style in a direct, united approach. Whether it is a young apprentice who just started or a staff member who has been on board for over 10 years, Total Facility Solutions treats both equally, providing
Electrical and mechanical work at semiconductor customer site
Businessfriend creates a digital eco-system that drives individuals and organizations to personal and professional success. Make connections, nurture relationships, and harness the strength of your social network with business utilities that take you beyond your connections. We operate under our BUSI platform, a Business Utility Social Identity, which gives you the opportunity to meld the strength and familiarity of your online social identity with the software-like tools you need to collaborate and conduct business. Website: www.businessfriend.com
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the same opportunities. “Anybody that’s on our payroll gets treated like a member of the family and gets taken care of as if they were a member of the family for a long period of time,” said Cestari. “It’s our goal that we make the development of our people not only visible but measured and recognized in an effort to ensure we’re breeding a collaborative culture based on safety, quality, trust and overall care and concern for each other across the board.” As a result of this philosophy, there have been zero management turnovers within the top two levels of management in the last five years, providing a competitive advantage over others. At the core of Total Facility Solutions’ Incident & Injury Free® (IIF) safety program is not just the belief but also the practice of demonstrating care
Piping installation work at semiconductor customer site
Piping inventory at North Carolina fabrication facility w w w. t f s - u s . c o m
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T O TA L FA C I L I T Y S O L U T I O N S and concern for every employee. “We expect safety to be everybody’s responsibility, not just the responsibility of the safety department, and so that’s really what we’re doing culturally on the operational side,” said Cestari. “We spend a lot of time and effort to make sure that all of our staff and labor force go through training both in safe practices and the different functions that they might perform. Adopting IIF has transformed our company. Each TFS employee has openly embraced the IIF mentality and realizes their responsibility for making it a success.” Technology Implementation Throughout 2014, Total Facility Solutions’ primary focus was operational excellence and the convergence of technology and construction. The company
embarked on an aggressive program to implement BIM, and lean construction practices to focus on advancing a true lean supply chain strategy and operation. “Bringing BIM to life this year, we’ve given most of our supervision in the field products to allow them to look at design models in real time so they can review conflicts and design revisions while they’re in the field. This means having the ability to look at the area where something is going to be installed or look at add-build installation in the model and designing around it,” said Cestari. “We are also about 60 percent finished on the development and rollout of a complete workflow management platform. It should be ready by the first quarter of 2015, giving us access to a real-time dashboard.” Total Facility Solutions is also
Promoting Incident & Injury Free culture w w w. t f s - u s . c o m
Processing piping installation for life science customer
“We’re looking to become more profitable, more efficient and be able to provide more complete solutions to our customers” –Joe Cestari 36
December 2014
one of the few, if not the only company in its industry, using PLEX as the engine behind its lean construction implementation. The PLEX manufacturing cloud delivers convenient, realtime information on the shop floor using iPads and iPhones to save time, improve productivity and support quality and inventory management. Even just the move from the classic logbooks and filing cabinets to tracking everything online reduces the margin for error significantly. “Our philosophy is that if we don’t obsolete our business, somebody else will,” added Cestari. “So we’re trying to be proactive in the implementation of technology.”
Company Information INDUSTRY
Plano, Texas FOUNDED
Looking Ahead Total Facility Solutions is focused on remaining a niche company grounded on emerging technology and manufacturing facilities. Looking to be selective on upcoming projects, Total Facility Solutions has three priorities moving forward: invest in our people, invest in standard operational procedures, policies and improvements, and invest in technology and new capital equipment. “We’re not looking to grow at the same rate that we’ve been growing. Really, we’re looking to become more profitable, more efficient and be able to provide more complete solutions to our customers,” concluded Cestari.
w w w. t f s - u s . c o m
Walsh VA Loma Linda Project
Walsh VA Loma Linda Project: Bringing quality care to veterans Dedicated to be the builder of choice for its customers, Walsh Construction Company has partnered with the Veterans Affairs to build a major health care facility in Loma Linda Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano
Produced by: Tom Venturo
The Walsh Construction Company has practiced general building construction since its foundation in 1949 by Matthew Myles Walsh. Since then, the company has gone through four generations of leadership and established itself as the largest construction firm in Chicago and one of the nation’s top 15 contractors. With experience in a wide variety of sectors, the group’s health care division has grown substantially over the past decade, now representing one of the largest single building disciplines in which the company performs work. Most recently, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) awarded a major contract to Walsh Construction to build a 345,000 gross square-foot Ambulatory Care Center for the VA Loma Linda Healthcare System. 40
December 2014
The three-story outpatient clinic will be run day in and day out and will be located on Redlands Boulevard in Loma Linda, California. As project manager, Randy Moon has a number of priorities when it comes to overseeing the entire project: ensuring the safety of his employees, remaining below the $117 construction budget and completing the project by March 2016. But with over 10 years experience at Walsh Construction, Moon is prepared and proud to oversee a project of this size. “This is, for me personally as a veteran, a good thing to be a part of,” said Moon. “I’m proud to be part of the VA group to build hospitals for veterans.”
“I’m proud to be part of the VA group to build hospitals for veterans” – Randy Moon, Project Manager
Safety Procedures Currently, there are a total of 50 individuals w w w. w a l s h g r o u p . c o m
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working on the project and Moon’s first and foremost priority is safety. “We hold several weekly meetings. One is called a Safety Stand-In Meeting and we have that every morning on Tuesdays,” said Moon. “It collects all the workers together and we do a quick 15-20 minute topic discussion for that day with things to look for that week. It’s a forum where workers can express their opinions or concerns and it’s also a venue to congratulate workers for doing well.” Additionally, Walsh Construction has laid out a Safety Matrix that helps outline what management needs to be trained on in order to meet safety requirements. From various classes to recertification periods, the matrix allows team members to stay compliant.
Innovative Technology Walsh Construction is completing all of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems on the care center. In order to be successful, the company is implementing BIM (building information modeling) technology to model the design in 3D prior to executing the work. “We also have a channel-based punch list that we’ve developed internally that we’re going to be using for the project and we’re going to be putting up two webcams to help monitor the overall process of the program,” said Moon. The project will incorporate Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) design elements and water-wise landscape which Moon describes as being w w w. w a l s h g r o u p . c o m
December 2014
“very important.” “When you go for any sort of LEED accreditation (which is part of the lease agreement), you have to comply with trying to save water,” said Moon. “One item that the city of Loma Linda is eventually going to provide is reclaimed water to use for the irrigation system. We have low-water plumbing fixtures as well so it all ties into qualifying for the LEED requirements themselves.”
Company Information INDUSTRY
Chicago, Illinois FOUNDED
Six Goals for the Project With a year and a half still pending for the project’s completion, Randy Moon outlined six goals he has for the project. “First and foremost, safety,” said Moon. “To ensure that everyone goes home safe and we have a safe project. Number two is schedule – we want to definitely make sure that we finish on time and we are meeting the dates that we have set forth and are meeting certain milestones. Three would be budget – to make sure we stay within budget. Five is to make sure my staff is growing internally and six would be developing good subcontractor relationships.” Walsh Construction continues to focus its efforts on expanding its presence in the health care marketplace and the Loma Linda project will certainly continue that dedication.
$117 M
w w w. w a l s h g r o u p . c o m
WEST Builders Inc.
Setting a Higher Standard Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc., discusses how strategic planning and a commitment to company culture have played a role in the company’s success in the industry and how employees can make the difference to avoid becoming a commodity. Written by: Lindsey Ryan
Produced by: Tom Venturo
Itaque consed quam aspero et modite volu aborept.
stablished in 2003, WEST Builders Inc. is a customerdriven construction company that offers negotiated general contracting, design build and design assist services, and development management to commercial private real estate sectors. The company is highly organized and committed to providing exceptional customer service and solutions that elevate it above the level of being a hardbid commodity. Success in this effort has afforded WEST Builders the opportunity to negotiate work with a large client base including developers such as Prometheus 48
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Real Estate Group, UC Berkeley, Tooley Company, LBA Realty, Veeva Systems and CBS. Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc., strongly believes that the company needs to perform beyond customer expectations. Through engineering expertise and effective communication with the client throughout a project, WEST Builders Inc. stands apart from the competition. He states, “If we’re not moving heaven and earth for our customers then we’re just a commodity and would be forced to function in the bid environment. Why should an
Raymond Theatre Condominium Conversion and Addition - Pasadena, CA
owner pick you if you’re just performing at a commodity level? You ought to be a hard bid.” Strategic Planning WEST Builders Inc. was first established when the three founders decided to branch off from their existing companies to create WEST Builders Inc. Having worked together since the early 1980s, they knew they each had a united desire to exclusively build projects within the private sector, as they had done in the early years of their careers. In 2003, their vision became a reality and WEST Builders was established. The strong commitment to the company culture, which each founder demonstrated by working an entire year without compensation, was quickly rewarded as
“We don’t grow for growth’s sake; we grow because our customers like our product so we continue to have more and more repeat business with great customers. The growth is a bi-product of our success and our delivery system that we practice.” – Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc.
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WEST BUILDERS INC. the company’s annual revenue reached $100 M within its first four years. When the recession hit in 2008, the industry had no significant private sector commercial construction occurring in the market and many companies opted to begin bidding on public sector work, which was the only area with constant activity at the time. With WEST Builders Inc.’s focus on private sector work, they had to make a decision pertaining to the company’s future position in the industry.
Lic. #752889
Whitlock states that they decided to take a risk and stay true to the company values. He explains, “We thought that would change our culture and to be successful in hard bidding you have to exploit gaps in scope, but what we want to do in our delivery system is close gaps in scope and be incentivized to do that.” As a result, the company downsized to survive and sustained itself on retained earnings from the first growth period coupled with numerous renovations to existing
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office buildings that were being repositioned by their customers. In this way, the company was able to preserve its core culture while maintaining a strong clientele base. Now, with the economy bouncing back and customers becoming active once again, WEST Builders has made a name for itself in the private sectors and is expecting to reach $100 M revenue again within the next year. While many companies went out of business during the recession, Whitlock is pleased that WEST Builders stayed committed to the company’s founding initiatives and that this decision resulted in a positive outcome. Because of the decision to stay true to its values, the company came out on top with a larger platform, higher reputation and more exposure into the marketplace than it did prior to the recession. “We don’t grow for growth’s sake; we grow because our customers like our product so we continue to have more and more repeat business with great customers. The growth is a bi-product of our success and our delivery system that we practice,” states Whitlock. People Make the Difference Part of what makes WEST Builders Inc. an outstanding company is the people that make up the team of engineers. The company typically hires engineers directly out of college who buy in to the attitude and desire to bring value to every project. WEST Builders is often involved very early on in projects and uses this opportunity to
Sunset and Vine Apartments Hollywood, CA
“We thought that would change our culture and to be successful in hard bidding you have to exploit gaps in scope, but what we want to do in our delivery system is close gaps in scope and be incentivized to do that” – Todd Whitlock, CEO of WEST Builders Inc.
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Sunset and Vine Apartments - Hollywood, CA
work closely with the client to plan accordingly and efficiently so that there is very minimal re-design required. Because of this, projects are consistently completed on time and in budget. Whitlock stresses how crucial this open communication is and states, “It’s important to us that our engineers feel like they really make a 52
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difference every day and that they’re not involved in a daily adversarial struggle. Our success is dictated by how seamlessly we work with our customers towards the common goal.” With 60 employees, WEST Builders Inc. focuses on mentoring its young engineers so they can get experience and participate in all aspects of a project from start
to finish. Whitlock explains that this has proven to be much more successful and beneficial than generic training courses. President of WEST Builders Inc., Bill Hughes, maintains a hands-on approach with the young engineers, monitoring their work and overseeing the projects, to ensuring they are receiving the necessary knowledge to succeed. When asked how the team ensures that each project will be completed on-time and within budget, Whitlock replies, “By making sure you have great people that understand and follow the delivery system we use - that’s probably the biggest thing, really training engineers to evaluate if sub contractors’ productivity is keeping us on schedule and to conduct man power studies to make sure each crew size is appropriate early on. We’re very proactive.”
Company Information INDUSTRY
Point Richmond, CA FOUNDED
$100 M
Upcoming Projects In addition to its general contracting and design build services, the company also occasionally works as a developer and manages the permitting processes for various projects. For example, UC Berkeley has recently asked WEST Builders Inc. to build a student housing development for them. The five-floor project will include a 220 room student housing facility with a full garden and terrace in addition to a 30 foot cliff that gives the appearance that the building has been built into the side of a cliff.
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Archer Western Construction Norman Water Reclamation Facility Project Archer Western Construction Begins Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in Norman, Oklahoma
David Nine, Archer Western Construction Project Manager for the Norman Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, discusses how the company became involved with the project and explains how the project will benefit the city once it is completed. Written by: Lindsey Ryan
Produced by: Tom Venturo
Activated Sludge Aeration Basin with Blower Pipe and Sanitare Diffusers
he Norman wastewater system is owned, maintained and operated by the city of Norman, Oklahoma, and in November of 2013, the Department of Environmental Quality mandated that the treatment facility be upgraded. This $60 million project, consisting of an expansion to allow for increased water flow, an ultra violet disinfecting plant and overall rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure, was bid out to six different pre-qualified contractors and after review and consideration of all bids, the project was awarded 56
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to Archer Western Construction (a subsidiary of the Walsh Group). David Nine, Archer Western Project Manager for the Norman Water Reclamation Facility Project, explains that Archer Western Construction had been doing smaller projects in Oklahoma for about five years and when the company caught wind of this project in 2013 while it was in its early design stages, they knew this could be their chance to launch their operations and establish themselves in Oklahoma. After putting together a winning strategy and providing their bid, the company was awarded the
New Centrifugal Blowers installed
project in April 2014. “It worked out great; it’s very seldom do you identify the project a year out, pursue it, chase it, win and get to go build it,” states Nine.
be working to expand the treatment capacity from 16 mgd to 32 mgd, adding two new clarifiers, 3 new activated sludge aeration basin, new sludge pump station and dewatering facility, new screenings About the Project facility and odor control. Prior to The Norman Water Reclamation beginning that work, Nine explains Facility expansion is the largest that Archer Western Construction wastewater treatment plant is first working to complete another expansion ever awarded in the component of the project, the UV state of Oklahoma and the project disinfecting plant. is being funded by the Oklahoma The UV Facility includes the UV Water Resource Board (OWRB), who basin, UV building and Post Aeration granted the city of Norman a $50 Basin, 3000 lf of 66” pipeline and million construction loan. outfall structure, all of which must Archer Western Construction will in operation by the early completion w w w. W a l s h g r o u p . c o m 5 7
milestone of November 14, 2015. Currently the treatment facility has primary and secondary treatment but no disinfection, so this is an additional treatment step which will allow the city to re-use that water in the future. In addition, $10 million is going towards odor control throughout the entire plant. The UV plant and odor control are major components to the project and are extremely beneficial to the city of Norman. Nine states, “Once the UV Facility is completed, a nearby composting facility will start using the reclaimed water for their composting operations so the city will be able to re-use this water.”
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Archer Western Construction will build about 75% of the project itself, only sub-contracting about 25% of the job. The treatment plant is currently in phase 2 out of 3 and is expected to be completed on time in November, 2016. Looking forward, the treatment plant is expected to pump the re-used water to Lake Thunderbird where Norman gets its drinking water.
Company Information INDUSTRY
Irving, Texas
Community Support The Norman Water Reclamation Facility serves the city of Norman, a population of about 100,000 people, and the community as a whole has been extremely supportive of the project. “This is unique project because the citizens in the city of Norman voted 78% in favor of this expansion so the whole community is really behind the project,� Nine says. On November 5, 2014 the mayor and city council were on site at the project for a publicized ribbon cutting event to launch the project and show their support. Also, since the University of Oklahoma is in Norman, Nine explains that Archer Western Construction has even hired three college graduates to work as engineers for the project. Overall the project will be a great resource for the community and an environmental step towards sustainability.
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Archer Western Constru I-395 Project
Archer Western Construction New I-395 HOV Ramp and A Lane to the City of Alexandria
The VDOT I-395 project is expected to bring improved traffi cars that travel through the area each day. The project team Construction works with the surrounding public to ensure i beneficial to the traffic flow while also meeting neighborho Written by: Lindsey Ryan Produced by: Tom Venturo
n Brings Auxiliary a
fic flow for the 462,000 m from Archer Western it is a project that is ood standards.
I-395 Northbound Widening Work
he Virginia Department of Transportation, VDOT, has recently begun construction work on northbound I-395 between Duke Street and Seminary Road in the City of Alexandria, Virginia. This $56 million project includes two capacity improvements: an additional $9 million northbound auxiliary lane connecting the northbound on ramp at Duke Street to the northbound off-ramp at 62
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Seminary Road, and a $47 million reversible High Occupancy Vehicle ramp that will provide improved I-395 traffic flow. After reviewing Statements of Qualifications from seven construction teams, VDOT shortlisted the three best teams and then subsequently awarded the project to Archer Western Construction (a subsidiary of the Walsh Group). The Archer Western Design Build bid was not only the low
price but also the proposal receiving the highest technical score.
VDOT extremely impressed. “What we eventually decided to do as part of our proposal was to Going Beyond Expectations provide all new structural steel for When Archer Western Area Manager the Seminary Road overpass, which for Maryland DC Virginia, Brian not only benefits the structure but Quinlan (assigned as Design Build also solved the problems addressed Project Manager on the VDOT [in regards to the lead and rust]. Plus, project), was pricing the project, he it allowed us to go to a continuous saw that what VDOT was asking span bridge design so we didn’t for was labor intensive and time have as many joints in the bridge consuming. The scope of work that deck, which is good for long term VDOT bid out included replacing maintenance,” explains Quinlan. He the concrete deck and rehabilitating continues, “That’s why we ended up the structural steel beams for the with the highest technical score. We existing Seminary Road overpass, offered more than required by the which would have included removal VDOT Request For Proposals.” of existing lead paint, repairs to As part of the reconstruction of the excessive age related rust damage, Seminary Road overpass, the project replacement of bearings and joints, will also include a dedicated 14 foot and strengthening to accommodate wide pedestrian bridge, which will the new HOV ramp connection. double as a bike path, to replace the Though Quinlan could have bid 4 foot sidewalk that currently exists. according to the original scope, This pedestrian bridge will include he saw the opportunity for Archer decorative fencing and lighting, as Western and its design engineer, well as being ADA compliant. It Parsons Transportation Group, to will be much safer than the existing demonstrate their skills and decided sidewalk that is adjacent to traffic, to propose an extended scope and overall will be much more user including all new steel and a more friendly and aesthetically pleasing. efficient bridge design, which left In addition to providing a unique 63
I-395 Northbound Wideing Grading Work
and beneficial design for the job, now that the project has commenced, the original completion deadline for the auxiliary lane has been pushed forward by VDOT to accommodate the anticipated traffic capacity increase in the area due to unrelated traffic work further up the road. Andy Palahnuk, Archer Western’s Project Manager (assigned as Construction Manager on the VDOT project) explains, “We have two milestones that we have to meet that 64
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are worth noting. We have roadwork that’s northbound I-395 where we have to widen the outside lanes. We have an interim date of December 31, 2014, to put traffic on that widening. We’re also constructing the HOV Ramp and reconstructing the Seminary Road Overpass that needs to be opened by September 24th, 2015.” Palahnuk, and a majority of the construction team, are just coming off of a successful $70 million project
that also required accelerated bridge construction techniques, and in fact they completed the project early, so this team has experience working under pressure and has proven that they have what it takes to lead an entire project team through the successful completion of an accelerated project. Because of the schedule demands, Archer Western is working simultaneously from one end of the project to the other in order to beat the milestones
that have been established. In addition to a larger workforce and extended work hours, this has created additional opportunities for DBE subcontractors that are being engaged to supplement the Archer Western workforce. Though the project requires fast paced construction to meet the deadlines VDOT is demanding, safety still comes first. “Safety is very important; we take it as the first responsibility. We have a very w w w. w a l s h g ro u p . c o m
I-395 Looking South. Working on new HOV Bridge Foundations
“Safety is very important; we take it as the first responsibility. We have a very vigorous safety program that we follow every day. It was tailored for the job site and includes our subcontractors and anyone who works out on the job.” – Andy Palahnuk, Construction Manager
December 2014
vigorous safety program that we follow every day. It was tailored for the job site and includes our subcontractors and anyone who works out on the job,” says Palahnuk. Technology The Walsh Group, being one of the largest construction companies in the country, uses modern technology on all of their projects. As an example, one of the interesting devices that VDOT has asked Archer Western to use on the I-395 project is Utility Locator Balls. These are cutting edge technology devices that are dropped into a pipe trench above an underground utility. Once the utility trench is backfilled and surface restoration is complete, the balls have the ability to communicate to a
I-395 Northbound Widening Retaining Wall Work
computer above ground and send info regarding the underlying utility. This includes how many feet down it is, what utility it is, and what type of pipe it is. All guesswork is removed, thus making future identification of utilities below ground convenient, safe, and reliable.
smooth transition period while the construction work is underway. “Our construction has not had a big impact on traffic because we were able to shift the three existing lanes to establish our work zone, while maintaining traffic on all three. When we do have to take lanes on a short term basis we’re taking them Community Impact and at night in off-peak hours. Because Influence of these efforts, we’re really not Though the construction for the interfering with the peak traffic flows I-395 project will take some time at all,” says Quinlan. and require cooperation and Long term, with the new fourth patience from the surrounding lane of traffic there is naturally community, Archer Western is doing going to be increased traffic everything they can to make it a noise, therefore noise barrier walls w w w. w a l s h g ro u p . c o m
Working on HOV Bridge Foundations in foreground and Existing Seminary Road Bridge in Backround
Hardscapes Construction, Inc.
is a DBE Certified (Woman Owned)
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Aggregate Relocation Specialists, LLC is a certified DBE woman-owned and locally operated trucking company. We pride ourselves on being an industry leader committed to performing reliable hauling services and providing aggregate wholesale to our valued customers. Ginger Goff - President/Owner 364 Singleton Circle | Warrenton, VA. 20186 571.220.0276 | ggoff@arstrucking.net | www.arstrucking.net
were included in the scope of the project. As part of the design effort, Parsons analyzed the projected noise levels and presented possible noise barrier wall configurations in compliance with FHWA specifications. Thereafter, a vote from the community resulted in the approval of noise barrier walls along three fourths of the widening. In the area without noise wall, the adjacent residents selected to go with trees and landscaping as the sound barrier, rather than a wall. VDOT and Archer Western were determined to be good neighbors and to keep the community happy with the project, which will clearly be a part of their lives for years to come. As an example, Quinlan explains, “Andy and his team recently met with residents from the adjacent neighborhood and presented them with the designs for the noise barriers and the landscaping and let them comment on and decide what they liked and didn’t like about the designs. The neighborhoods definitely had a say in the final presentation of the project.” Overall the I-395 project is scheduled to be completed May of 2016 and is expected to provide improved traffic flow and upgraded pedestrian access in the area and Archer Western Construction anticipates that the project will be another successful one for its portfolio.
Company Information INDUSTRY
Construction/ Transportation HEADQUARTERS
18 Salary and 80 Trades Personnel
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Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership
Sharing Water and Connecting Communities Conserving water is the first and most important supply option for the Lake Oswego and Tigard Partnership. Effective conservation measures alone, however, won’t be enough to meet the two cities’ needs Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano
Produced by: Tom Venturo
LO Tigard City Councilors tour WTP
Drinking water is a critical service for public health, fire safety and economic development. In the state of Oregon, two cities are revamping their existing drinking water infrastructure to meet increasing demands and provide high quality drinking water year-round. The Lake Oswego and Tigard Project is a partnership agreement between the cities of Lake Oswego and Tigard. While the Partnership was established in 2008, the idea was first conceived in 2005 when the partner cities commissioned a study of the costs and benefits of a partnership for joint water supply. 72
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“In 2007 the completed study concluded each city would realize significant financial benefit by jointly constructing and operating an expanded water supply system. The financial upside of a partnership was attractive enough to elected officials of the two cities to proceed with a year-long effort to negotiate the terms and conditions of an intergovernmental agreement forming the partnership. “That agreement was signed in August 2008 and then we were on our way”, said Joel Komarek, Project Director. The project will upgrade, upsize and expand six existing facilities
The Project includes over 10 miles of pipeline in four cities
including more than 10 miles of large diameter pipeline in four communities and the installation of a new water treatment plant, the largest facility, valued at $67 million. The $254 million project will provide improved drinking water for 100,000 residents in two communities for the foreseeable future at the lowest cost, and create over 2200 jobs. A Six-Year Evolution According to Komarek, two of the most notable points of project evolution were the design of the water treatment plant and the
routing of a portion of the large diameter finished water pipeline under the community’s namesake, Oswego Lake. “Our objective was to get the pipeline from the south to the north side of the lake and originally our plan was to drill across and underneath the lake and pull a pipe through that,” recalled Komarek. But challenges and high costs associated with that original plan led designers to reconsider alternatives that were evaluated during the early project definition phase. “We’re now going around the east end of the lake to get to the north w w w . c i . o s w e g o . o r. u s
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side and we anticipate getting that segment of pipeline construction underway early next year,” said Komarek. “We still have a 3800 foot long horizontal directional drill under the Willamette River, however, to connect the river intake to the water treatment plant. There were no alternatives to making that connection.” In regards to the water treatment plant, the original concept design utilized almost every square foot of land that was owned by the project
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Lake Oswego Water Treatment Plant Project Thank you to our field crew and staff who are involved on this exciting project. Special thanks to the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership, City of West Linn, and City of Gladstone.
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for the current treatment plant site, affecting surrounding neighbors. “After numerous conversations with neighbors surrounding the site, we ended up with a design that doesn’t look anything like the original concept but is significantly more compact in terms of its footprint,” said Komarek. “When we started this project, we knew that the pipeline and facilities would be constructed in four cities, two of which don’t directly benefit from the project— Gladstone and West Linn,” said Jane Heisler, Communications Director. “We worked very hard in those communities to make sure we would be a good neighbor before, during and after construction.” Success Behind-the-Scenes With roughly 150 people, including project staff, contractors and subcontractors working together on the project, professionalism and communications are critical to a successful project outcome. “I go back to the premise that nobody can do it all, and so we have our team of seasoned professionals. Communications is key to making
sure that we all understand what everybody else is doing,” said Komarek. Along with assembling a team of highly experienced and qualified professionals, the Lake Oswego and Tigard Project leverages some of the latest technological innovations. “We have some advanced water treatment technology and we’re also using the most current software systems for managing the project that we can find and which is robust enough for a large, complex municipal construction project,” said Komarek. “We’re using a web-based software platform that allows everybody on the team, from contractors and engineers and other staff alike, to document, share and archive information related to the project. That’s proved to be very useful in terms of our process efficiencies.” Entering the New Year “By the end of 2015 we’re planning to have all of our pipeline constructed,” said Komarek. “We will have a new reservoir in operation, the new pump station, a new river intake and we will have w w w . c i . o s w e g o . o r. u s
Making sure that all environmental permits are followed, some areas near pipelines or facilities needed archaeological oversight
started up some parts of our brand new water plant while still operating portions of the old plant. Achieving those milestones will be the marks of success for 2015.” In addition to having the project completed on time and under budget, one goal Heisler has is to responsiveness to facility neighbors 76
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and residents. “After this project is done, [my goal is] that the council and the public would say, ‘You know, they did this project with a minimal amount of impact to the community and were responsive to the needs of facility neighbors,” said Heisler. “We’d like our elected officials and the community to recognize
Company Information INDUSTRY
Municipal Construction HEADQUARTERS
Lake Oswego, Oregon FOUNDED
the scope and magnitude of this undertaking and hopefully realize that while at times it was very difficult and frustrating, we worked together and got through it,” added Komarek. “That now we’ve got a state-of-the-art water system that will serve both our communities for many decades to come and it’ll be the gemstone of the region in terms of its design and reliability.”
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Gothic Landscape Erasing the mining footprint With over 30 years in the landscape business, Gothic Landscape is taking the mining industry by storm through its family-oriented culture and dedicated division of environmental restoration Written by: Robert Spence
Produced by: Bobby Meehan
ine reclamation is one of the most critical elements of mining. Done right, it can provide a wealth of opportunities for the environment and surrounding communities. For more than 30 years, Gothic Landscape has built a solid reputation for creating some of the most beautiful restoration landscape 80
December 2014
projects in the mining industry. The company, which specializes in erasing the mining footprint through its environmental restoration division, and in desert salvage and restoration, has been a focal part of helping companies performs mine reclamation projects around the United States. Through its eco-friendly initiatives,
key partnerships in the industry, and family-oriented culture, Gothic Landscaping is taking the mining industry by storm. It’s all about family Since the company’s inception in 1984, Gothic Landscape has remained a family-owned and operated company based in Los
Angeles, California. Founded by Judy and Louis Georgio, the company’s name derives from Gothic Avenue in the San Fernando Valley where the Georgio family lived when the company was first got its start. Today, the company operates in four US states (California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah) and has become w w w. g o t h i c l a n d s c a p e . c o m
GOTHIC LANDSCAPE one of the leading landscape contracting firms in the mining industry. Gothic provides a range of landscape services including commercial design, production/infrastructure, custom and model homes, public works, erosion control and mining restoration. The company, which is still run by the Georgio family with sons Jon (President/CEO) and Ron (President – Gothic grounds Management), is continuing its legacy of being a family-oriented business. Gothic has extended its family culture to include thousands of dedicated landscape professionals who are committed to quality, safety and respect for the environment.
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Green initiatives Gothic’s commitment to going green is irrefutable. The company is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint by conducting business in the most environmentally responsible method. Gothic’s testament to sustainable initiatives includes restoring, preserving and improving the environment through a range of landscape construction service. Gothic has been a prominent figure in the mining industry. The company has made key partnerships with companies in the sector, helping to perform a range of landscape activities including mine reclamation, pollution prevention plans and water conservation initiatives. Slowly but surely, Gothic Landscape have been implementing a range of environmental-friendly initiatives in place to curb its carbon footprint. In 2011, the company commenced plans to convert its management vehicles to fuel-efficient cars. The strategy, which aims to drastically lower fuel consumption, is expected to be integrated company-wide by the end of 2014. The company is also introducing a fleet of propane mowers to its arsenal in a bid to gradually replace the gaspowered mowers that dominate the industry. Gothic has also begun taking steps towards its water conservation initiatives, which are designed to reduce water dependence. The company’s Gothic Grounds Management division has changed its method to irrigation management. The renewed approach includes: customized w w w. g o t h i c l a n d s c a p e . c o m
December 2014
reporting with forecasted schedules, water usage by station and monthly reports; comprehensive water audits; and implementing certified irrigation technicians with knowledge and expertise in all irrigation control systems. The company’s key division in the mining sector is its environmental restoration line. It’s become their specialty, helping the industry replicate surrounding native landscapes through strategic planting and soil grading. The company’s ability to create a healthy ecological balance for mine site reclamation has put Gothic Landscape on the map as the go-to landscaping contractor for the mining industry.
Company Information INDUSTRY
Valencia, CA FOUNDED
Keeping lasting relationships As a member of the Nevada Mining Association, Gothic Landscape works in partnerships with some of the largest mining company in the United States. The company also partners with industry leaders to offer the newest, state-of-the-art irrigation technology available. Gothic’s vision remains much the same as it was in 1984. The company wants to create lasting partnerships with clients by ensuring mutual success through outstanding personalized service and problem solving. As it did when the company first began, Gothic’s passion, focus and commitment remains stronger than ever.
w w w. g o t h i c l a n d s c a p e . c o m
Apex Logistics LLC
Apex Logistics: Moving the Mining Industry With a renewed outlook on company culture and technology, Apex Logistics is working to become the premier shipping carrier for mining companies Written by: Laura Close Produced by: James Hayes
pex Logistics is the largest and most diverse bulk transportation company in the Western United States. But the company is more than just a trucking service. Apex prides itself on providing clients with a tailored freight forwarding plan that’s right for their needs. The company blends 88
December 2014
logistics consultation with unique shipping services to provide superior quality transportation. “Our specialty is in transportation and management of bulk commodities,” says Denny Wyatt, Managing Director of Apex Logistics. “But our specialized services include management inventory, ordering and installing
Internet-based silo measuring devices to control inventory. If we’re transporting your inventory, we know exactly where it’s at.” Upgrading company culture Apex realizes the age of the truck driver is getting older. The company, which says the average American truck driver is 45, has initiated a new effort in attracting younger applicants. “After speaking with applicants and absorbing
“Safety performance is a critical part of our company culture.” – says Wyatt
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a lot of the information that comes out of the trade magazines, we discovered the next generation of drivers wants to be paid on performance,” says Wyatt. “We made the transition 90 days and it’s been absolutely unbelievable. We went from having 10-12 applicants a month to over 50 a month. Our turnover rate, after training, has dropped from 50 percent to 20 percent.” By far the most important aspect of the company’s culture is safety. It’s engrained in everything they do, and everything they strive to do. “Safety is huge for us and it’s a major part of our training program,” says Wyatt. “All of our employees go through a full week of classroom training that covers everything from what we require to what the federal laws require.” The safety and training programs also serves as a way of indoctrinating employees into Apex’s company culture. “Safety performance is a critical part of our company culture,” says Wyatt. “Our division managers and driver managers meet with drivers every single quarter to sit down with them oneon-one to discuss their driving performance as well as discuss any safety concerns they may have. It’s been a key function in teaching our employees how important safety is to us.” In the January edition of Mining Global, we’ll continue our discussion with Denny Wyatt and examine how the company’s revitalized approach to technology is benefiting Apex Logistic tremendously.
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Logistics and Supply Chain HEADQUARTERS
Adelanto, California FOUNDED
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Ramps up base metals production Written by: Tom Wadlow Produced by: James Pepper
The mid-tier producing copper, zinc and nickel specialist has just commenced production from its $715 million investment at the Eagle Mine in Michigan and is reviewing expanding zinc production at its long-life NevesCorvo mine in Portugal
Map showing worldwide operations 94
December 2014
undin Mining is bolstering its presence across Europe and beyond with a number of promising expansions, along with exploration and mine construction projects which will see the company head towards its 500,000ton production target in the next two to three years. Such ambition is amply demonstrated by the drive to more than double zinc output at Lundin’s Neves-Corvo mine in Portugal, while a $715 million investment into a new nickel-copper mine in Michigan, USA, is now operational. The American acquisition from Rio Tinto extends the company’s reach beyond its European heartland, where mines in Portugal, Sweden and Spain are also performing well and have life ahead of them. Away from wholly-owned operations, Lundin Mining also holds a 24 percent stake in joint ventures with Freeport in a high quality coppercobalt operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and in a cobalt refinery in Finland, granting vertical integration into the world of cobalt mining. While current performance and growth has been steady, CEO Paul Conibear is aware that the business needs to keep exploring for the next high-grade copper discoveries and bring more assets on board. “Our metal production is around 300,000 tons this year and I would like to get us up to 500,000 tons in the next two to three years which means
“Our metal production is around 300,000 tons this year and I would like to get us up to 500,000 tons in the next two to three years” – Paul Conibear, CEO
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‘Approximately 220 kilometres southeast of Lisbon in the Alentejo district of southern Portugal lies Neves-Corvo, Lundin Mining’s most significant European asset’
December 2014
an additional one or two more mines,” he said. “This will lift Lundin Mining to the sort of scale we want to be at, operating five or six strong mines.” Neves-Corvo Approximately 220 kilometres southeast of Lisbon in the Alentejo district of southern Portugal lies Neves-Corvo, Lundin Mining’s most significant European asset run by its native subsidiary Somincor, and one which could have up to 30 more years of life ahead of it. Already producing 50-60,000 tons of copper and 60-65,000 tons of zinc annually from five separate ore deposits, the company is conducting a feasibility study which could see it more than double zinc output by 2017. “The study is not complete yet but we are optimistic,” Conibear added. “The global resource is more than 100 million tons of better than six percent zinc and only 1.2 million tons a year is being processed.
“There is huge potential if we can get the capital investment right. Worldwide there are very few western companies who have an asset base like this, so it is a unique opportunity for us to look at something which has been underexplored over the past decade.” The study should be completed by the end of Q1 2015, with Lundin keen to get construction underway which would involve deep bottlenecking, improving shaft capacity and doubling the zinc plant above ground. The company is also looking to expand tailings management storage and advanced water treatment facilities. Despite the upcoming focus on boosting zinc production, copper will continue to provide 50 percent or more of revenues from this asset, home to 2,000 of Lundin’s 3,000 global workforce. Into the Americas Lundin Mining’s newest Michigan asset fits perfectly into Conibear’s plan to find new deposits of the highest quality. Having acquired the nickel-copper site from Rio Tinto in July 2013 for $315 million, a further $400 million has brought the project to operational status ahead of schedule with a view to it becoming the company’s eventual biggest earner. Conibear said: “This is an extremely high-grade deposit, and nickel has taken a big step forward recently as a highly valuable commodity so we are hitting the cycle at an ideal time.
60,000 Tons of copper currently being produced from the Neves-Corvo mine
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Always Always maintaining maintaining the impr the innovation, innovation, construction construction and the field the of field underground of underground and with its with acknowledged its acknowledged expere performance performance of this oftype this of typw projects, projects, in theinfields the fields of prosp of
TEIXEIRA TEIXEIRA DUARTE DUARTE – ENGENHARIA – ENGENHARIA E E CONSTRUÇÕES, CONSTRUÇÕES, S.A. is S.A. is a Portuguese a Portuguese company company that that started started operating operating in in 19211921 in the infields the fields of Geotechnical of Geotechnical and and Foundation Foundation Engineering, Engineering, which which gradually gradually extended extended to other to other fieldsfields of engineering, of engineering, suchsuch as Buildings, as Buildings, Infrastructures Infrastructures , , Metalworks Metalworks , as well , as well as Underground as Underground , , Mining, Mining, Railway Railway and and Maritime Maritime works works
Mine infrastruture Mine infrastruture development development – Aguabla –
Mine infrastruture Mine infrastruture development development – Aguabla –
Water reservoir Water reservoir – Neves–Corvo NevesMine, CorvoPortugal Mine, Portugal
www.teixeiraduarte.pt www.teixeiraduarte.pt
Mine infrastruture development – Neves– C Mine infrastruture development
erint imprint of a true of a Engineering true Engineering Company, Company, with recognized with recognized expertise expertise in theindesign, the design, dnmanagement and management of major of major projects projects and developments, and developments, it hasitbeen has been operating operating in in EPOS,EPOS, S.A. S.A. which, which, ddmining and mining worksworks sincesince 1981,1981, mainly mainly through through its subsidiary its subsidiary rience, experience, still has stillthe hasmost the most advanced advanced technology technology and equipment and equipment for the for the pe works, of works, remaining remaining continuously continuously activeactive for more for more than than 30 years 30 years in major in major mining mining fpecting prospecting and survey, and survey, infrastructure infrastructure construction construction and exploration. and exploration.
www.epos.pt www.epos.pt
Equipment Equipment maintence maintence
anca Aguablanca Mine, Spain Mine, Spain
True to True its to performance its performance values, values, Teixeira Teixeira Duarte Duarte has achieved has achieved a a steady steady and sustained and sustained growth growth that has thatallowed has allowed it to build it to build a strong a strong business business capacity, capacity, detaining detaining means means and resources, and resources, namely namely human, human, whichwhich have have enabled enabled it to undergo it to undergo multiple multiple internationalization internationalization processes processes and broaden and broaden its areas its areas of of expertise. expertise. Having Having achieved achieved a turnover a turnover of more of more than EUR than 1,500 EUR 1,500 million million in 2013, in 2013, Teixeira Teixeira Duarte Duarte GroupGroup currently currently has around has around 12,500 12,500 employees employees operating operating in 16 countries, in 16 countries, in 4 continents, in 4 continents, working working in 7 different in 7 different sectors, sectors, notably notably in Construction, in Construction, anca Aguablanca Mine, Spain Mine, Spain Concessions Concessions and Services, and Services, Real Estate, Real Estate, HotelHotel Services, Services, Distribution, Distribution, Energy Energy and Automotive and Automotive Industry. Industry. Teixeira Teixeira Duarte Duarte has been has been listedlisted on theonstock the stock exchange exchange market market since since 1998,1998, but itbut maintains it maintains a stable a stable shareholder shareholder structure, structure, mostly mostly dominated dominated by thebyTeixeira the Teixeira Duarte Duarte family, family, which, which, alongalong with its with history its history and the andoperational the operational capacity capacity of its of teams its teams and and resources, resources, gives gives it theitconfidence the confidence and responsibility and responsibility to be to able beto able to continue continue to fulfill to fulfill its mission: its mission:
Execute, Execute, contributing contributing towards towards the construction the construction of a better of a better worldworld . .
Corvo NevesMine, CorvoPortugal Mine, Portugal
Established: Early 1980’s Industry: Construction Services: EPOS - Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterrâneas, S.A. is a leading Portuguese company for large underground construction contracts of all types, holding an extensive experience in this type of work. Founded in 1986, the company quickly affirmed itself as the specialised contractor in its field. More than 20 years on, EPOS is today recognised in the market for the high technology of its production facilities, both human and equipment, that are clearly reflected in the high standard of its outstanding works. EPOS is confident in the future, emphasised by the ever increasing demands of the different works it has been awarded. EPOS faces its challenges, strengthened by this confidence, as it reaffirms its leadership and ongoing commitment on quality, safety, its team, cutting edge technology, respect for the environment as well as social responsibilities and the continuous improvement in profitability that guarantees the satisfaction of customers, shareholders and investors. Management: President - Dr. José Pedro Poiares Cobra Ferreira Website: www.epos.pt
“Currently the life is eight years and there is a satellite deposit we are drilling now to see if we can expand the life beyond this. There are not many new mines being built these days so we are very pleased with how this has developed.” The CEO said that Lundin should be able to produce at around $2 per pound of nickel, and with prices currently sitting at roughly $8, the margins are extremely encouraging, especially given annual production is expected to reach respective amounts of 23,000 and 20,000 tons of nickel and copper. The 300 metre long, 85 metre wide and 340 metre deep high grade deposit will also produce some cobalt, platinum, palladium and gold byproducts. Just recently announced is Lundin Mining’s acquisition from Freeport of an 80 percent stake in the renowned Candelaria copper/gold mine in Chile. This $1.8 billion acquisition vaults Lundin up into the top 20 copper producers, more than doubling 2015 copper production. Lundin is pursuing upside opportunities at Candelaria with an aggressive exploration programme to extend the life of the large open pit and three existing underground mines that make up the Candelaria Mine Complex.
‘Just recently announced is Lundin Mining’s acquisition from Freeport of an 80 percent stake in the renowned Candelaria copper/ gold mine in Chile’
Closer to home Back in Sweden, Lundin Mining is celebrating its 10th anniversary of operating the Zinkgruvan zinc and copper mine, which has at least another w w w. l u n d i n m i n i n g . c o m
The company
JosĂŠ Dias Faustino, S.A. works
as an earthmoving contractor for Somincor, S.A., performing underground and surface services at the Neves Corvo mines.
Tel: 00351 286 683 268 F: 00351 286 683 051 E: jdf@grupojdf.pt Mina Neves Corvo 7780 -409 Santa Barbara de Padroes
decade of life to run. This was the company’s first major asset following the Lundin Family’s discovery of its first mine at Storliden, in northern Sweden. The business started out as a junior explorer in the 1990s before making this high-grade zinc and copper breakthrough in 1999, which went into production in 2002 and provided essential capital for acquisition of additional mines. At Zinkgruvan, in the central-south region of the country, Lundin Mining has managed to ramp up extraction of ore from 700,000 annual tons to 1.2 million, with Conibear looking to gain another five to 10 percent by maximising current capabilities. “Each year we have been successful in discovering more than we’ve milled,” Conibear added. “And as well as producing 75-80,000 tons
Operations in Zinkgruvan mine
w w w. l u n d i n m i n i n g . c o m
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of very clean zinc, the 30-35,000 tons of lead and 3-4,000 tons of copper by-products makes this mine very cost effective.” Elsewhere in Europe, Lundin is looking to shift production from seven years of open pit to underground extraction of better-quality nickel and copper at Aguablanca in southern Spain. This will commence at the turn of the year for an initial life of three years with the option to go deeper. Lundin Mining also holds a 24 percent interest in a joint venture with Freeport at Finland’s Kokkola cobalt mine. A similar stake of a Freeport partnership at Tenke Fungurume in the DRC, one of the world’s largest known copper-cobalt resources, has also been established and it delivered $140 million to Lundin in cash flow last year.
“As well as producing 7580,000 tons of very clean zinc, the 30-35,000 tons of lead and 3-4,000 tons of copper byproducts makes this mine very cost effective” – Paul Conibear
CR Meyer is a heavy industrial general contractor with deep roots in the mining industry. More than 70 years ago they began constructing heavy industrial facilities at iron ore mines in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The company has since expanded across the United States to include mines that extract rare earth minerals, metals, and materials for the petrochemical industry. CR Meyer’s professional services division includes project managers, engineers, architects, and schedulers who develop solutions to control costs, maximize productivity, and complete projects safely. Website: www.crmeyer.com
w w w. l u n d i n m i n i n g . c o m
Eagle Mine
‘Eagle Mine is also home to pioneering techniques. “Water treatment is an area which the company is stepping up its activity” – Paul Conibear
December 2014
Advancing techniques As well as developing its portfolio of high-grade assets, Lundin Mining is also eager to make the most out of both tried and tested and new innovations to help see it reach future production targets. The company is trialling two enormous 60-ton Atlas Copco underground haul trucks at NevesCorvo, where advanced dewatering of tailings is also being put into practice alongside smart technologies to help give enhanced visibility of important mining processes. Eagle Mine is also home to pioneering techniques. Conibear added: “Water treatment
is an area which the company is stepping up its activity. At Eagle Mine we have two state-ofthe-art water treatment plants which I have not even seen in the base metals industry before. These have reverse osmosis capabilities and cost around $60 million. “Over in Sweden heat recovery has become a priority and something which has helped us conserve energy – we are looking into deploying this in other locations too.� Responsible In all areas of operations Lundin Mining is committed to working responsibly and to the
60 million
Value in dollars of two state-ofthe-art water treatment plants
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benefit of the localities in which it is based. The company’s corporate goals include ‘development of a high performance, motivated culture, achieving a safe, productive and healthy work environment, and to conduct business activities ethically and transparently’. Each year Lundin Mining publishes a detailed Sustainability Report, outlining achievements and areas for improvement in sectors from environment and corporate governance to social and health and safety. During 2013, overall safety record for the year included a Total Recordable Incident Frequency (TRIF) of 2.01, which represented an improvement of 20 percent over the prior year TRIF of 2.50. The target for 2014 is 1.8.
Aguablanca, HSE rescue team
Key Personnel
Paul Conibear CEO Mr. Conibear has more than 30 years’ experience in corporate and asset management of all phases of mining investments in North and South America, and several African countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo. Originally from the mining centre of Sudbury, he brings a practical background of 18 years in mining project and construction management followed by 12 years as a corporate officer and director for several successful public companies including Tenke Mining Corp.
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The company has a strong reputation as being a good corporate citizen, underlined by its support of social programmes including the Zinc Saves Kids initiative. Zinc Saves Kids is a scheme designed to improve the survival, growth, and development of undernourished children by funding UNICEF’s zinc supplementation and treatment programmes. This was one of many schemes funded by Lundin Mining, with overall company spend on social programmes exceeding $9 million for 2013.
The Zinc Saves Kids initiative makes a difference on the ground in Peru and Nepal
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As of January 2013, 0.1 percent of company revenues are being channelled into the Lundin Foundation. Conibear explained in the Sustainability Report 2013: “In addition to the provision of traditional community investment programs in the areas of health, education and community infrastructure, the Lundin Foundation provides seed grants, technical assistance and risk capital to highpotential small and medium-sized businesses and social enterprises with a view to generating wealth and employment needed to alleviate poverty on a sustained basis.�
Working together
Lundin Mining is committed to protecting the environment w w w. l u n d i n m i n i n g . c o m
LUNDIN MINING Such ongoing work will only continue to strengthen the company’s reputation as a sustainable miner, something which the CEO is determined to preserve and enhance moving forward.
Zinkgruvan, rescue simulation training
Looking forward As well as helping to improve the lives of others, Lundin Mining also invests heavily into developing its own base of employees and prospective workers. This often involves offering work to locally-based people, providing an instant economic boost to the areas operated in. Equally as important as adopting the latest
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‘As well as helping to improve the lives of others, Lundin Mining also invests heavily into developing its own base of employees and prospective workers’
Itaque consed quam aspero et modite
w w w. l u n d i n m i n i n g . c o m
Uncovering new highgrade deposits is also key to future growth
“..the group has a great exploration record over the past 15 years but Mother Nature is tough – it takes time” – Paul Conibear
December 2014
proven mining techniques and training existing workers is nurturing the mining engineers and directors of tomorrow, something which the company’s successful graduate scheme is actively pursuing. “We hire a lot of young people; last summer we had 58 students and when they come on board we cycle them through our mines to gain on the job training,” Conibear said. “It has been extremely successful, as every new grad has been deployed and we don’t get them back as they really demonstrate their value to the operations. “Quite a lot of our graduate hiring comes from Portuguese and Swedish universities and we will attract American and Canadian students with the Eagle Mine. We are based in some outstanding locations for young people to start their working
Company Information INDUSTRY
Toronto, Canada FOUNDED
careers.” Uncovering new high-grade deposits is also key to future growth, with Lundin Mining spending $35-50 million a year on exploration, primarily in pursuit of copper. Around half of this is spent around the company’s existing sites with the rest being invested in the likes of Peru, Chile, Turkey and Romania. The outcomes of these works could be pivotal to Conibear’s ambitions. He concluded: “Being growth oriented brings its challenges, the greatest of which being to find quality investment targets. There are plenty of affordable exploration projects but the grades are hard to find. “That said the group has a great exploration record over the past 15 years but Mother Nature is tough – it takes time.”
$727.8 million (2013) PRODUCTS/ SERVICES
Copper, zinc and nickel specialist
w w w. l u n d i n m i n i n g . c o m
DRA Makes Strategic Acqu to Expanded Skill Set Wi
DRA is a south African-based engineering group that spe industry. Earlier this year the company acquired Taggart with high expectations and a po Written by: Lindsey Ryan
uisition and Looks Forward ithin the Mining Industry
ecializes in project management for clients in the mining Global and the consolidated team leaves DRA excited ositive outlook for the future.
roduced by: Bobby Meehan 119
stablished in 1984, DRA Group Holdings Proprietary Limited (DRA) began as an electrical and control company. Over the past 30 years the company has narrowed its focus on its strong engineering capabilities and has since become a leader in the African mining industry for its project management and mine
December 2014
design. The company is now known as a multi-national, multi-disciplinary organization with the experience and expertise to offer an entire spectrum of mining services to customers. The organization is one of the largest project management enterprises in Africa and this South African founded group of companies is composed of w w w. d r a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m
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professional engineers who manage, design and construct mines for clients in various mining areas around the world. DRA Group prides itself on its commitment to safety and operates under ISO standards. On July 31, 2014, DRA Group agreed to acquire Taggart Global, a worldwide leader in engineering, construction and operation services. This strategic acquisition will be very beneficial to DRA Group because Taggart already specializes in many of the same fields as DRA Group. Taggart supplies similar engineering, construction and project management services to clients in the mining industry and has office locations around the world as well, thus expanding DRA Group’s global footprint. Moving forward, all DRA Group business that
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w w w. d r a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m
takes place in the Americas will be consolidated with Taggart and the company will be conducting business known as “DRA Taggart�. Taggart Global was founded in 1993 and has built strong client relationships with companies in the mining industry, specifically involving coal. In July 2013, Taggart Global was purchased by Forge Group, however the company went bankrupt only six months into the acquisition. Over the period of time between the end of the partnership with Forge and being acquired by DRA Group, Taggart Global did remain operational and now that they are DRA Taggart, they have the opportunity to begin investing more money into their operations. DRA Group is excited to be combined with Taggart and looks forward to the new areas in
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the industry that the acquisition will take them. For example, Taggart has experience and presence in the coal industry which DRA Group is eager to become involved in. “Taggart has an excellent reputation in the global coal preparation and clean coal technology markets, and has expanded its skill set into the power sector, ports and terminals, bio fuels, mineral sands, as well as the mining and aggregate industries. We are excited to partner with Taggart and accelerate their growth in the worldwide coal preparation and material handling markets,” said Paul Thomson, CEO of DRA Group. Overall, DRA Group is looking forward to the new opportunities that will be presented as the businesses work together and combine markets. In the announcement of the acquisition, Richard L. McCormick, Jr., Chief Executive Officer of DRA Taggart, states, “Our integration into the DRA Group provides us with a global platform from which we will both continue to serve our existing client base, and also actively pursue opportunities to build and operate coal, metals and mineral processing and materials handling facilities for w w w. d r a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m
Celebrating 50 Years
One source for all your
JABO Supply Corporation Huntington – Parkersburg – Beckley, WV Norton, VA – Morganfield, KY “Service is more than a promise”
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Pennsylvania FOUNDED
mining companies and utilities worldwide.” He continues, “We are thrilled to be a part of DRA as we together pursue new opportunities in the mineral processing and power generation marketplace.” An additional benefit from the acquisition is that almost all of the Taggart employees will remain on board, as the management team within Taggart will not be changing, only the ownership of the company, and the Taggart management group will also share an equity stake in the new union of businesses.
w w w. d r a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m
Ocean Shipholdings, Inc
Ocean Shipholdings Raises the Bar on Ship Managemen
OSI VP of Operations Bob Sheen discusses new technolog and a constant commitment to high standards Written by: Sasha Orman
Produced by: Jason Wright
uilding and managing a ship or a fleet is complicated business. That is why there are businesses Ocean Shipholdings Inc. (OSI) who make it their specialty. The Houston-based company has been a leader in ship management and ship building services since its formation in 1981, offering a full gamut of ship management solutions from shipbuilding and crew staffing to accounting and purchasing to engineering support and maintenance. With a commitment to quality in all aspects, OSI is committed to its clients’ safety and success. Technology for Efficiency and Safety OSI actively invests in new technology for its ships and onshore operations, knowing the many benefits that it can bring to the business and its clients.
December 2014
One of those benefits is efficiency, enhanced by AVS SafeNet modular software suites licensed from AVS Nautical Systems. OSI currently licenses accounting and crew management modules for its ship and shore operations, along with maintenance modules aboard some of its ships, and most recently added purchasing and procurement modules to the repertoire. “We implemented this across the company and across the ships, so that we could manage all of our procurement with a single software package,” says Bob Sheen, Vice President of Operations at OSI. “That allows us in the office and the folks out on the ship to be aware of what’s being ordered, delivery dates, where they stand within our budgets and their own budgets, and it allows for visibility of what’s being ordered to senior management and to some of our customers.”
“It’s important to us to put OEM manufacturer spare parts on the ships wherever we can to the maximum extent possible – there are plenty of third party parts manufactured under questionable circumstances and without certification, and we have to be very careful that what we get is what the manufacturer either recommends or provides themselves – Bob Sheen, Vice President of Operations at OSI
w w w. o c e a n s h i p h o l d i n g s . c o m
OCEAN SHIPHOLDINGS, INC. This kind of transparency is critical for clients – equally valuable is security. To address this, OSI has taken on the task of enhancing its software and working with shipboard partners to increase cyber security capabilities. “For many years, people didn’t think cyber security was an issue on ships,” says Sheen. “But it has become a major issue and we’re working within an industrygovernment partnership to develop procedures and safeguards for cyber security onboard the ship. On the shore side, there are plenty of software packages available that do that, and our IT folks are upgrading ours here.”
KPI Bridge Oil is a leading worldwide bunkering company since 1971 with offices in London, Istanbul, Miami, New York, Seattle, Singapore and Valparaiso. With a dedicated team of more than 100 experienced professionals worldwide, KPI Bridge Oil is fulfilling bunker and lube oil requirements for the international shipping industry, covering all major time zones 24 hours a day. 732.219.7900 | newyork@kpibridgeoil.com
Building Partnerships Whether it is chartering a ship from its own fleet or maintaining and repairing a ship for a client, Ocean Shipholdings Inc. believes in keeping vessels in the best quality possible. For OSI, that means maintaining a strong relationship with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of every piece from main engines to power generators to water evaporators. “It’s important to us to put OEM manufacturer spare parts on the ships wherever we can to the maximum extent possible – there are plenty of third party parts manufactured under questionable circumstances and without certification, and we have to be very careful that what we get is what the manufacturer either recommends or provides themselves,” says Sheen, explaining that this policy also extends to requiring its ships to keep an inventory of all parts received or installed, so that OSI can track parts and maintain its high standard of quality companywide, and thoroughly vetting its purchasing staff to ensure that their standards are in line with OSI company policy. A Future of Growth for OSI OSI is looking forward to good things in the near future, filled with potential for growth and success in upcoming contracts. “We like to think here that we’re going to be growing the company hopefully in a big way,” says Sheen. “We’re in a very competitive market, and we’re always looking to
“We implemented this across the company and across the ships, so that we could manage all of our procurement with a single software package” – Bob Sheen, Vice President of Operations at OSI
w w w. o c e a n s h i p h o l d i n g s . c o m
December 2014
see where we can save our customers money, which reduces their cost and makes us more competitive. So we’re actively seeking new customers and seeking to grow the business. We’ve been around a long time because of that attitude, and we see ourselves adding new ships to our fleet and growing here within the next few years.”
Company Information INDUSTRY
Ship management services HEADQUARTERS
Standards that Set OSI Apart What separates Ocean Shipholdings Inc. from the competition? According to Sheen, it all comes down to the company’s high standards and the people who work hard every day to keep those standards intact. “We try to attract and retain the best available people that we can, and we develop our people over a long time to have a broad range of knowledge and skill sets,” he says, noting that many OSI employees – himself included – have risen through the ranks from positions on OSI ships to a place within the company onshore. “We are ISO 9001/2008 certified, and we’re very committed to quality and providing the best service that we can to our customers, continually seeking out input and feedback on where we can improve. Our owners started out long ago trying to be the best in the market, and we continue to strive very hard to do that.”
400 ship and shore personnel
w w w. o c e a n s h i p h o l d i n g s . c o m
Comprehensive Logistic
Truly Comprehensive Logistic
With more than a century of lineage, the company has evol delivery operation into a logistics industry leader. Written by: Kevin Smead
Produced by: Jason Wright
cs Co., Inc.
lved from a horse-and-cart
lthough its lineage dates back more than 100 years, Comprehensive Logistics Co., Inc. (CLI) can be viewed as a “21st century success story.” CLI is an award-winning third-party logistics (3PL) provider known for its lean logistics solutions for leading OEMs.
to meet very stringent lead time and quality requirements in highvolume, high-velocity manufacturing environments. The company manages 19 operations comprising 4 million square feet of value-added warehousing and subassembly space with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/ TS 16949:2009 certifications.
A Fast 100+ Years Incorporated as a 3PL business in 1995, CLI traces its roots back four generations, to 1903, when J.V. McNicholas started delivering goods with a horse and wagon from the train station in downtown Youngstown, Ohio. Today, CLI is excelling for Fortune 500 automotive and adjacent sector OEMs and Tier1 suppliers by leveraging its ability
A Comprehensive Approach CLI’s approach combines warehouse, yard and transportation management services. The company specializes in creating dedicated, highly engineered, process-driven manufacturing support facilities that successfully co-locate and synergize logistics operations with value-added services and subassemblies in
December 2014
support of OEM assembly plants. The centerpiece of the company’s approach is its “plan for every part” (PFEP) methodology. From point of receipt through shipment, CLI effectively and accurately manages the high volume of manufacturing materials while mitigating risk for its customers. Highly Efficient Processes From advanced quality planning and highly engineered processes to a superior IT support infrastructure and focus on continuous improvement, CLI’s lean culture delivers measureable results for its customers. Once facilities reach steady state, CLI’s continuous-improvement initiatives spearhead constant
refinements that bring core operations closer to perfection. The company’s engineered approach employs PFEP and derivatives of W. Edwards Deming’s total quality management principles. Each core process is carefully managed to control even the slightest variation. CLI has spent years perfecting its error-prevention controls through indepth corrective and process action (CAPA) management. Whether driven by its own continuousimprovement initiatives or evolving customer requirements, CLI manages change through a formal Change Management Request (CMR) process, which fast-tracks and streamlines improvements. “As processes are designed and begin to cycle, every process w w w. c o m p l o g . c o m
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Since 1974, Lowry Solutions has been implementing technology innovations nationwide, and with over 10,000 customers, it has established itself as a premier AutoID system integrator focused on barcode, RFID, biometrics, enterprise mobility and asset management solutions. Lowry understands that each enterprise has its own specific issues and requirements and that in order to provide best-in-class solutions to address these issues, a deep understanding of our clients’
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COMPREHENSIVE LOGISTICS will generate a certain number of nonconformances,” CLI’s Director of Corporate Services Trey Lyda explained. “We use those nonconformances to design additional error proofing and controls, whether systems based or otherwise, to improve the process. Each time you go through that loop for a particular nonconformance, it is one revolution of the continuous improvement cycle.” A Unique System CLI lets customers see what drives success by affording them 24/7 real-time visibility to material
moving through its support facilities. Using its sophisticated STREME™ warehouse management system (WMS), designed specifically for highly complex, high-volume operations, CLI synchronizes material flows to manage inventory levels and event alerts holistically in one system. Robust to handle more than 250,000 scans daily, STREME precisely tracks flow and inventory levels. By pushing instructions to hand-held scanning devices, STREME eliminates task memorization and errors while increasing productivity. “We have what’s called
Since 1974, Lowry Computer Products has been implementing technology innovations nationwide, and with over 10,000 customers, it has established itself as a premier AutoID system integrator focused on barcode, RFID, biometrics, enterprise mobility and asset management solutions.
Website: www.lowrysolutions.com
w w w. c o m p l o g . c o m
COMPREHENSIVE LOGISTICS ‘production status,’ which tells us what everybody is doing every second of the day. It’s basically the tool we use to manage our business,” CLI’s Vice President of IT Steve Olender said. “It [STREME] is a Web-based proprietary system that works with any browser available to anybody, anywhere, including mobile applications.”
transparent. We actually like them to see, in real time, what’s going on in our facilities,” Olender said.
Truly Comprehensive Logistics With its 99.97% inventory accuracy rate, 99.4% on-time delivery rate, and less than five defective parts per million, CLI has achieved better than world-class standards. There are end-to-end checks to ensure that The system is animated and everything is where it should be at user friendly. any given moment. “From the point of receipt at our “Customers are looking for facility, STREME makes it easy security even as they seek out for customers to get a real-time, supply chain advantages based animated view of all touch points on leaner and more capable for any part at any time,” Olender processes,” CLI’s Senior Vice explained. President and General Manager Brian Hume said. “Maintaining STREME fits right in line with CLI’s launch capacity and executing clean focus on complete transparency. launches are a very high priority “By giving customers visibility and as customers look to leverage our fact-based communications, equal core competencies and versatility in to our own, we make everything diverse outsourced scenarios.”
“With its 99.97% inventory accuracy rate, 99.4% on-time delivery rate, and less than five defect parts per million, CLI has achieved better than world-class standards.” w w w. c o m p l o g . c o m
Time to go Lean.
P O S I T I V E - T R A C K I N G
Over 27 years ago, Peregrine, Inc. invented the Quad-Steer Tracker™ material-handling trailer. There is still only one Quad-Steer Tracker™. We have produced several types of trailers and accessories to fit thousands of applications. We do the dirty work and provide custom engineering at no cost to best fit your application while maintaining the highest standards for safety and ergonomics. Since cost drives your business, put low maintenance and product life expectancy on your bottom line.
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In terms of new business, CLI executed six major new launches in 2014, including a $20 million investment for a dedicated warehouse, and is focused on the growth of other aspects of its business, including transportation and yard management. “The key factor in everything we do is transparency,” Hume said. “The environments that we were formed in are high stakes, high speed, high volume, and have very stringent quality requirements. We made a conscious choice, as a management team, to be fact based and open in our communications and let the process science speak for itself that we were going to be forthright and open in our communications. “This extends to the visibility that our systems create,” Hume added. “The fact that we are personally happy to do open-book pricing and to share our engineering, I think makes us overall easier to do business with. I think customers appreciate that.” If past performance is indicative of future success, CLI’s growth potential is unlimited. As a fourth-generation, privately held company, CLI continues to experience yearover-year double-digit growth and to reinvest earnings to ensure future growth.
Company Information INDUSTRY
Youngstown, Ohio FOUNDED
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Wildcat Midstream
Wildcat Midstream Maintains Value for Producers
With strong investments in Midstream infrastructure, Wildcat is quickly making a name for itself Written by: Ian Hanner
Produced by: Jason Wright
From left to right, Chris Rozzell and David Miller at the Wildcat Midstream Caddo facility
December 2014
ased in Dallas, Texas, Wildcat Midstream Partners has spent the last five years carving out their niche in the highly-profitable Gulf Coast midstream market with its innovative approach. Underpinning their operations with the belief that producers will save significant dollars by investing small amounts in the right spots, Wildcat has spent the years since its founding in 2011 perfecting a process in which every profitable dollar possible is passed back to the producer. Under the guidance of cofounders Chris Rozzell, David Miller and Mike Davis, Wildcat and its various subsidiaries have grown from humble beginnings to market leaders in the regions they serve. While the company’s slogan, “defined by maximizing your netbacks” means little to someone not steeped in the nuances of the oil and gas industry, it means something substantial to any cost conscious producer. “That is more than a slogan to us,” the company states. “It is our way of life, and it comes from focus on
three areas: maximizing producers’ runtimes through investments in best-in-class equipment and technology; maximizing efficiencies through aggressive fuel and power management; and maximizing product recoveries by matching the right recovery technology with each specific application. In some cases this means investing in cryogenic NGL recovery technology for a natural gas field or complex liquids stabilization and blending systems for field crudes. Other times, the producer may be better off investing in simpler modified refrigeration units where the netbacks of higher recoveries do not justify the added cost and complexity.” In any case, Wildcat refuses to be beat on the quality and attention given to service for producers. Wildcat offers a diverse range of services that span from field level gas gathering to a highly advanced cryogenic processing facility with a design capacity of 140 million cubic feet per day of gas and 400 gallons per minute of amine treating. Adding further value to the company is a project underway w w w. w i l d c a t g a s . c o m
We Meet Schedules.
new construction
• Bulk Fuel Loading/Storage Facilities • Compressor Stations (Electric, Fuel Gas, and Turbine Generated) • Amine Plants • Cryogenic Plants • Dehydration Facilities • Deoxygenated Facilities • Dew Point Plants • Fractionation Plants • Refrigeration Systems • Sulfur Plants • Nitrogen Recovery Units
Our expertise is in foundation pours of: • Compression • Coolers • Towers • Pumps • Drill Piers • Containments • Skids • Pipe Supports
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• Steel pipelines up to 24” • Polyethylene pipelines up to 36”
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12905 Hwy 36 S. | Caldwell TX 77836 | PO Box 385 | Somervi
Evers and Sons Inc. is a non-union general process plant contractor, with extensive experience and expertise in all phases of oil and gas construction. We specialize in the ground-up construction of pipelines, natural gas processing plants, compressor stations, and bulk liquids loading facilities. We’re also proficient in the modernization, renovation and demolition of existing systems. Our continued success is attributed to our company-wide commitment towards teamwork and safety, which protects our people, our customers and the environment. Being one of the leading gas contractors, we always strive to provide the utmost level of satisfaction to our clients.
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• Pipe bridges • Large multi-story structures • Module structures
accessory Steel items • Pipe supports • Pipe clamps • Vessel skirts • Base plates • Base rings • All other non-pressure components
A non-union general process plant contractor incorporated in the State of Texas, Evers & Sons has extensive experience and expertise in all phases of oil and gas construction, from ground-up construction of pipelines, natural gas processing plants, compressor stations, bulk liquids loading facilities, to modernization, renovation and demolition of existing systems. We are a certified member of the National Women Business Owners Corporation (NWBOC) and the Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance (WBEA and WBENC). Evers & Sons is successful because we rely on a company-wide commitment to teamwork and safety. We are dedicated to providing each employee with an accident-free, drug-free workplace, which protects our people, our customers and the environment. Our safety program starts with new employee orientation and continues with daily safety meetings, monthly training sessions, and ongoing site-specific and skills training. Our outstanding drug and alcohol program incorporates DOT testing and follow-up random testing. Bottom line, we believe a process plants project is done well only if it is done safely. Website: www.eversandsons.com
in southern Texas. Wildcat is constructing a marine and storage terminal in the region that can facilitate transfer or resources between railway, truck, pipelines and water. “In addition to rail and highway access, the Wildcat Ingleside facilities provide producers and buyers of petroleum products with logistically advantaged marine loading locations along the La Quinta Ship Channel in the Port of Corpus Christi,” the company said. “The Wildcat sites have dock access for inner-coastal barges and ocean-going vessels with a maximum draft of up to 40 feet. The terminal sits on over 300 acres with substantial space to accommodate future growth.” As the company has evolved, it has enlisted the financial backing of two large energy investor partners. Wildcat initially partnered with Liberty Energy in 2011, and in 2012 the company added Highstar Capital as a strategic and investment partner. With the combined backing of the two investors, Wildcat has the ability to aggressively develop projects ranging from $5 million to $500 million.
Company Information INDUSTRY
Dallas, Texas FOUNDED
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