Businessuite Magazine 2015 Caribbean Media Kit

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2015 - 2016 Media Kit Blackslate Media Publications Online Digital Newsstand

“Businessuiteonline and Weekly Digital editions seeks to break the news and start the conversation, allowing for our LinkedIn, twitter and Facebook interfaces to continue the conversation. This of course allows more time for Businessuite Digital to craft a more in-depth article or feature story for the monthly edition and of course updating the online story as it develops and unfolds.�

“Position and expose your company, brand and products to the Caribbean’s most powerful and influential business leaders, entrepreneurs, SME Business owners, Executives, investors and brokers.” “Attracting A Broader Audience Of Global, Regional and Local Business Influencers Increasingly Interfacing via Mobile, Tablets and Desktop." “Business to Business opportunities are immense as these individuals have access and control over immense financial resources and make decisions worth millions that could impact your business.”

Premium Advertising Environment “As the only Caribbean magazine with this kind of corporate and financial information, digitally published and printed, your reach and exposure is substantially extended beyond the Caribbean.” “We’re Creating A Premium Advertising Environment For Companies, Brands And Products Comfortable And At Home In This Kind Of Space.” “The Caribbean's Top 100 and all digital publications are available online to hundreds of thousands of investors and business executives looking to the Caribbean for investment opportunities and business partners.”

SPECIAL REPORTS Top 50 Women In Jamaican Business Caribbean Top 100 Public Companies Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago

Caribbean Top 100 CEO’s Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago

Top 10 Jamaican Companies Companies on the Jamaican Stock Exchange

Top 10 Jamaican CEO’s Companies on the Jamaican Stock Exchange

“We want to take these advertisements, fitting them within the stream of content, immersing them seamlessly and easily in the conversation across all our platforms, which also includes radio, tv and events with a single placement buy.�

Are You In The Business To Business MARKET The biggest differences between business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing are the types of goods and services being marketed and the types of entities the goods and services are being marketed to. Business-to-business marketers promote goods and services that will help other companies run. Some of the things businesses produce for other businesses include equipment, components, raw materials, processing services and supplies. In addition, because business-to-business marketers target only other companies, they have a significantly more targeted market than business-to-consumer marketers. Even when marketing very specific products for a fairly small subset of individuals, the latter type of marketer has a far larger audience than the former. Business-to-business marketing, in many instances, is driven largely by consumer demand. In other words, if there are no consumers to purchase a product, there is no reason for a business to exist in order to make it. If that business doesn’t exist, it will obviously not need the products and services offered by another business. Business-to-business marketing is currently one of the fastest-growing areas of marketing. As technology brings more businesses together, companies are beginning to court each other far more aggressively. And as technology makes the world a smaller place, it becomes more important for marketing and sales professionals to understand and implement the principles of business-to-business marketing.

Caribbean Top 100


“Going through the annual reports for companies on the Businessuite Top 100 we are increasingly seeing a trend among Caribbean business leaders. They are focusing their company’s resources on strengthening their home markets as a launch pad for growing their international footprints. They are specifically targeting markets such as the USA, Canada, South and Central America, the United Kingdom and new markets in Western Africa and Continental Europe.”

Published Annually In October


Top CE0’S

BARBADOS, GUYANA, JAMAICA AND TRINIDAD & TOBAGO “Multinationals with the ability to execute supported by the strength of their capital base, extensive human resources, physical infrastructure and the global strength of their head offices have for many years dominated in the Caribbean. Caribbean Business leaders are now pushing back and competing successfully with these multinationals on their home turf.”

Published Annually In November

JAMAICA’S Top 10 CEO’S & COMPANIES jAMAICAN STOCK EXCHANGE “The Annual List of CEO’s is about who does what and how well they are doing it, consistently, year after year. To stay on The List, which we continue to highlight, is the true test of excellence and sustained performance. We may envy the hugely attractive salary and fringe benefits, but been a CEO is for the most part a meritocracy fraught with as much pressure as there are perks. These professionals have gotten to where they are today by virtue of insight, sheer knowledge, extensive experience and hard work and therein lies the success stories. These are simply put, people who know their job and do it very well.”

Published Annually In November

Top 50 WOMEN


“Globally, while as women we have made some strides as leaders, we still face tremendous challenges. Typically, when people think of a leader, the organizational CEO, what immediately still comes to mind is “he” not “she.” Even with mounting research from respected universities and think tanks that suggest women by nature are equipped to be better leaders than men (if you don’t believe me Google this for yourself), and interestingly enough, the number crunchers report that company profits are higher when a woman is at the helm, females continue to encounter a slippery slope as they work to journey from the backroom to the boardroom.”

Published Annually In MARCH


“Are you maximizing the Business2Business Opportunities from SME CEO’s, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Consultants and Other Senior Executives? Making decisions worth millions of dollars every day, they want to hear from you about Business2Business opportunities within your companies and how to access them and also how you can access business opportunities in their business. Businessuite is bringing business2business buyers and vendors together to help them grow their businesses.�

Published Monthly

Are You In The Business To Business Market (B2B)? ADVERTISE in

Businessuite News Weekly Published Every Monday Morning. “Today, SME business owners are more interested in how to do something as opposed to reading about something. Businessuite is delivering on that content to hundreds of thousands of Caribbean SME decision makers to help them make better and more strategic decisions about purchasing products and services for their businesses. We are also targeting advertisers that want to reach hese small and medium-sized businesses.”

B2B Advertising Special Bonus Offers

• Annual Full page Advertisers will receive at no additional cost. Four (4) Online Banner Adverts (Menu Banner, Main Banner, Side Bar Square And Main Rectangle) with the option to change artwork monthly at no additional cost. • Three Month full page advertising bookings will also receive Two (2) Online Banner Adverts (Side Bar Square and Main Rectangle) at no additional cost.

SUBSCRIBE TO “Today, Businessuite is delivering content to hundreds of thousands of Caribbean SME decision makers to help them make better and more strategic decisions about purchasing products and services for their businesses, and is targeting advertisers that want to reach these small and medium-sized businesses.” “SME business owners are more interested in how to do something as opposed to reading about something.” Weekly Print & Publication Schedule 1. Published each Monday morning as of Monday August 31st 2015. 2. Digital-Print-On-Demand (DPOD) to paid print subscribers and key decision makers 3. Distributed online via direct email to online subscribers Premium Content Subscription Screen Enjoy full access to all articles every day. PLUS . Weekly newsletter . Daily news and update alerts Become a subscriber today and enjoy unlimited access to ALL our online content anytime, anywhere on any mobile device (mobile apps not included). All prices are in USD. Regular monthly subscription is $9.99 Three (3) months subscription $7.99 per month Yearly subscription $6.00 per month Digital Print Subscription (JAMAICA only) To subscribe for our weekly digital printed news edition please contact (876) 630-2216 or email All prices are in USD. Monthly subscription (4 issues) - $35.00 Three (3) months (12 issues)-$98.00 Yearly subscription (44 issues)-$265.00 Digital Print subscribers will also have access to Premium Online Subscription and Content at no additional charge. Subscription rates are inclusive of postage or delivery charges islandwide.


“Practical, how to, hands on business information content focused on Caribbean business leaders aggressively seeking out opportunities for growth and expansion. Online portal focused on high levels of engagement and exceptional experience with a Caribbean and increasingly global business audience. The vast majority of the content produced through the Businessuite News Centre (BNC) is f We are now increasingly growing and expanding our media businesses, platforms and content around the lifestyle side of this Caribbean business audience.�

Bonus Offer

Each full page placement comes with Four (4) Weeks of Banner (300x250) Advertising @

The Businessuite News Centre (BNC) will begin offering special corporate editions starting February 2015. These special digital editions will be completely dedicated to individual corporate entities. We are inviting your company’s participation. The full colour editions will feature an in-depth cover story, products and service information and photographs plus interview features with key company executives. Featured companies will be allowed to place at least 10 regular full page full colour advertisements in the feature for which you will only be required to pay for 6 at regular 2015 card rates. Premium cover and page 3 positions however will have to be secured separately at regular rates. If the featured company declines to take up these pages then we will offer them to other advertisers. Please confirm via email to at least eight (8) week before expected publication date for participation. Request should be submitted indicating preferred feature month. You may call to discuss further.

Closing booking dates for all publications except weekly and online is four (4) weeks before publication date. Closing booking date weekly is four (4) days before publication date To confirm space and bookings, completed andsigned advertising agreements must be submited via email to along with a 50% deposit. All digital artwork must be submitted at least four (4) weeks before publication via email to Dates are subject to change without notice For all editorial matters please email

2015 - 16 weekly advertising rates (us$) Space Size

Full Page Half Page Page 3 Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Outside Back Cover Preferred Positions

weekly rate

Monthly rate

$1,127.00 $635.00 $1,589.00 $1,521.00 $1,372.00 $1,690.00 $1,789.00

$986.00 $556.00 $1390.00 $1331.00 $1200.00 $1479.00 $1566.00

3 Month rate $845.00 $477.00 $1,192.00 $1,141.00 $1,029.00 $1,268.00 $1,342.00

annual rate $507.00 $286.00 $715.00 $685.00 $618.00 $760.00 $805.00

Contract Bands

Under the following contract bands advertisers must commit and contract for the agreed number of advertisements and/or dollar value. Advertiser will be allowed to change artwork with placements as required with five (5) working days’ notice.

Annual Rate

3 Month Rate Monthly Rate


34 -48 12-33 3-11

$ Contract Value

$17,000.00-25,000.00 $10,000.00-16,000.00 $3,000.00 – 9,000.00

(Please add G.C.T. of 16.5% to all figures above)

To Advertise Please Contact: (876) 630-2216 OR All prices are in USD.

2015 - 16 advertising rates (us$) Space Size

Full Page Half Page Page 3 Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Outside Back Cover Preferred Positions Advitorial - two (2)pages

SPECIAL DIGITAL EDITIONS $1,127.00 $635.00 $1,589.00 $1,521.00 $1,372.00 $1,690.00 $1,789.00 $1,591.00

Monthly DIGITAL EDITIONS $845.00 $477.00 $1,192.00 $1,141.00 $1,029.00 $1,268.00 $1,342.00 $1,193.00

(Please add G.C.T. of 16.5% to all figures above) Bleed Page 81⁄2’x11’

Full Page 71⁄2’x10’

Half Page 71⁄2’x5’

Half Page 3 3⁄4’x10’

NB: All Full Page Bleed artwork need to have an extra quarter inch (1/4 in) allowance



Title: Date:

Title: Date:


For direct bank to bank wire transfers please email or call our agent AMK Communications Limited for instructions. 876-280-9192 – 876-542-3719 (m):

Please make all cheques and drafts payable to Blackslate Media Group Ltd.





Cash US $


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Cheque US$

Size of Space




No. of Issues

I/Weagree to place advertisement(s) the ………………………… in ………………………………………… ……………………. 2015 DigitalIssueunder the following conditions





TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. The Publishers reserve the right to accept or reject any advertisement 2. The Publishers take no responsibility for the contents of an advertisement or for its validity, accuracy, taste or any other feature which may precipitate a dispute or contention 3. The advertiser agrees to pay in full the stated cost (inclusive of general consumption tax of 16.5%) of the advertisement within the time specified on the contract as follows: 50% deposit paid on presentation of the signed advertising agreement booking the space and the balance within 30 days of the receipt of final official invoice from the publisher. 4. The Publishers will not be liable for compensating beyond the cost of funds paid over and where errors are the fault of the publisher; they will provide a ‘make do’ ad in the following issue at no extra cost. 5. Amendments to advertisements and amended advertisements must be submitted by advertising deadline. In case of cancellation, the publishers should be so informed at least eight (8) weeks before the advertisement is due to appear. 6. The publishers reserve the right to place advertisements on any page or in any position deemed suitable, unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties under special conditions. 7. If advertising artwork is not received by the publishers by the deadline date, they reserve the right to produce an advertisement in any manner or form suitable to the publication.

For all information and queries in relation to Advertising please contact our exclusive sales agents:

Aldo Antonio Group Chief Business Development and Marketing Officer 876-280-9192 – 876-542-3719 (m): AMK Communications Limited “Silicon Mountain” Mandeville Jamaica “The Business Technology Hub of the Caribbean"

Other Blackslate Media Publications Online Business magazine: Digital Bookstand: Businessuite News Centre (BNC), NEWS24, Businessuite Online, Businessuite Digital, Businessuite Magazine, Businessuite Today, Businessuite Minute and Businessuite News Channel (BNC3) are owned and operated by Blackslate Media a member of the Blackslate (Media) Group Limited. Businessuite is your source for information, news and tools on starting, running and growing your SME business. We know your time is valuable and scarce, so we take the time to find, create and present information that will be relevant to the success of your business. Businessuite seeks to serve primarily Entrepreneurs and companies operating in the SME sector in the following member countries in the Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, The Cayman Islands, the Turks and Caicos Islands, The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, CARIBBEAN, and Trinidad and Tobago.

Online: Digital Newsstand:

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