BUSINESSUITE Magazine October 2012 Digital Issue

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Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


editorial Still a Way to Go Some may question why an issue dedicated to women in business. After all, women over the years have more than staked their claim as equals in the world of business, especially in terms of positions, skills and competence. They have long since left behind the aprons and rolling pins associated with stay-at-home moms to build and run their own companies, take up board positions in major corporations, going on to be world leaders, even in our little island of Jamaica. So why an issue about women in business? The truth is that the more things appear to change, the more they remain the same. Women still face a number of hurdles relative to business and corporate equality. Consider the following: Only 3 of the 13 countries in the Caribbean region have between 20 and 30 percent female Parliamentarians; of the 11 countries that have the relevant data, females have 10 – 20 percent lower levels of participation in the labor force. In some countries in the region, it is as much as 40% percent lower. This is despite the fact that secondary and tertiary school female enrolment far exceeds that of males. The 2009 Economic and Social Survey of Jamaica found the enrolment rate of women in tertiary education to be twice that of men. Yet, this does not translate into data reflecting equal participation in the employment or business marketplace.

CREDITS: Publisher: Aldo Antonio - Executive Editor: Damian Wilson- Graphic Design/Layout: MD Studio - Photo credits - Sourced from the internet and contributed Advertising Sales -

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As the UN Women Executive Director, Michelle Bachelet stated: “No enduring solution to the major changes of our day - from climate change to political and economic instability can be solved without the full empowerment and participation of the world’s women. We simply can no longer afford to leave women out. Women’s full and equal participation in the political and economic arena is fundamental to democracy and justice, which people are demanding.” As Jamaica continues to celebrate 50 years of independence and work toward the attainment of goals set out in Vision 2030, it is important that we strive to eliminate any and all kinds of indirect inequality and discrimination based on gender or any other social/ biological prejudice. Forbes Magazine notes that if women were to participate more in the labor force, the Gross Domestic Product would increase globally. An increase of 9% is projected for the US and 13% in the Eurozone, for the Middle East and North Africa increases by as much as 25% are predicted. What are the possibilities for Jamaica? As a country, do we dare fully explore Women Effect Investment?

BUSINESSUITE MAGAZINE shouts an unequivocal YES! We must strive to achieve higher levels of female participation in the employment and entrepreneurship markets as well as in political decision making. After all, this is much more than just a gender issues, this is an economic development imperative.BM

PUBLISHERS: Businessuite News Centre A division of the Blackslate Media Group More Info call 876-631-5418 (o) or 876-280-9192 (m) OR email --------------------------------------------------------------------

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Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

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table of contents COVER STORY 17. Motherhood and Entrepreneurship: Hindrance or motivation?

Motherhood is a given or at least a desire for a lot of women. This goal or desire, when fulfilled has not gotten in the way of many great accomplishments by women.

.......................................................... 20. How to Come Up with a New Business Idea: A Guide for Women

Whether you just want to be your own boss, or become financially independent, the road to success starts with a sound idea.


Fashionably Successful:

26. The Nine Ps to Personal Branding:

Patrice DaCosta takes being Stoosh to Another level

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe Shares Tips to Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Brilliance

Job insecurity, unexpected downsizing in both the corporate and governmental sectors are reason enough for every woman to think about creating a small business, even if she opts to maintain a day job.



6. The Glass Ceiling: Does it still Exist? What is the status of the glass ceiling and does it still exist in the workplace? The proverbial ‘glass ceiling’ refers to a situation where women are discriminated against when it comes to promotions and applying for senior roles in the workplace based solely on gender.

29. A Recipe for Success: Lanisia Rho-

8. Male vs. Female Leaders



The question has been asked for years. Are male and female leaders any different? The reason the question persists may be that there is no definitive or conclusive answer.


10. Pathways to Transformational Leadership Leadership is a mysterious blend of managerial acumen, strategic vision, operational efficiency, performance management, tactical planning, emotional intelligence, and the capacity to inspire others to marshal all of their abilities in support of a common mission.

................................................................................................ 14. Driven to Achieve: Young Women tell of

the desires and fear to becoming their own Boss Interestingly, an overwhelming majority of the women we spoke to said they did in fact have the desire to start their own business or have seriously considered it.

................................................................................................ 4

den CEO/Managing Director of Le Monde Concessionaire & Catering Services Ltd Le Monde Concessionaire & Catering Services Ltd. started in 2009 and provides Food and Beverage Services for clients for various events ranging from workshops to luncheons.

31. The Women Business Owners

Jamaica Limited (WBO): Proving that Women indeed mean Business! WBO aims to provide a forum for women who are owners or principals of their own businesses. It also facilitates the growth of female-owned businesses throughout Jamaica.

.......................................................... 32. BANKING FEATURE:

Banking Powerhouses throw their weight behind Women


Amazon’s Kindle Fire: Designed with Women in Mind?

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + business

The Glass Ceiling: Does it still Exist? “Women are still not getting the leadership positions. Women have broken into and continue to break into various fields, but these fields are still male dominated,” What is the status of the glass ceiling and does it still exist in the workplace? The proverbial ‘glass ceiling’ refers to a situation where women are discriminated against when it comes to promotions and applying for senior roles in the workplace based solely on gender.

givers, to be relegated to the home. The majority of parents that stay at home to care for children are still female although there’s an increase in the number of house husbands.

United States (US) studies reveal that when men are starting out in their managerial careers, 52% of males know what role they want Nearly three decades after the compared to only 45% of females. introduction of the glass ceiling Only half of all women expect to be metaphor, many women say the managers whereas 66% of men have glass ceiling is very much intact, this expectation. pointing to data that show women in 2011 held just 14 percent of 45% of males under 30 aspire to all executive officer positions at be managers where only 30% of Fortune 500 companies. But others women do. Interesting enough, disagree, citing advances made by 24% of women under 30 anticipate women in recent years. And some starting their own business within contend that the glass ceiling should 10 years compared with only 20% be replaced by a different metaphor. of men. It may be concluded here that women consider that a selfemployed role may enable them to One of the biggest or more work from home and care for their traditional reasons for this children simultaneously. discrimination when it comes to hiring and promoting people is In job interviews, many women that women are seen as the home- are still sometimes asked if they makers, housewives, mothers, care- intend on having more children, 6

even though this isn’t considered a politically correct question, and in the US is an illegal interview question. This question assumes that maternity leave will be needed at some point and therefore a burden or strain on the organization. In the US, these questions are still asked with male hiring managers receiving but a soft slap on the wrist for this inappropriate questioning of female job seekers. A Jamaica Employers Federation (JEF) Wages and Salaries survey involving eighty-three companies conducted between June-September 2005 found that sixty-four per cent of the executives surveyed were males while thirty-six per cent were females. But Mr. Charles Clayton, former research and cooperation manager of JEF who led the study noted that this trend was likely to change over the next ten years as there are currently more females in middle management positions and more females accessing higher education. This still remains to be seen, as neither educational

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

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requirement nor pay for the same position are equal whether conducting an environmental scan in the US or the Caribbean. As at March 2012, of the more than 300 people who sat on the boards of firms listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, only 17 per cent were women, a marginal one percent increase over the 2007 figure in a study by the Women’s Resource and Outreach Centre.

the actual movers and shakers in and not assuming a stereotype,” Ms. the corporate world are women,” Bolton added. she opines. “Women know their collective potential, that’s why they There’s a powerful saying – Those who complain about glass ceilings should keep in mind that glass can be shattered if one strikes it hard enough and long enough, and women shouldn’t be afraid of fighting to break through.

There’s a powerful saying – Those who com-

plain about glass ceilings

“Women are still not getting the leadership positions. Women have broken into and continue to break into various fields, but these fields are still male dominated,” the Director of Policy and Research at the Bureau of Women’s Affairs, Jennifer Williams said.

should keep in mind that

Ms. Bobette Bolton, Business Development Services Manager of Point Global Marketing, believes that the glass ceiling does still exist in Jamaica but is on its way out. “The most senior posts of most organizations are commanded by men, like the CEO and the owner. Within these organizations you find the board of directors, the executives, the upper level managers, and filtering through middle management and administrators are female dominated posts i.e.

glass can be shattered see each other as threats in some cases. Because we are the hiringforce we offer equitable opportunity based on qualification and not brawn. We look for the best in the workforce. The 21st century sees where there aren’t enough men at the top to stop one from breaching the occupational ladder... the challenge lies in proving your worth

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

If the glass ceiling does still exist in the workplace then it’s up to everyone to work towards destroying it once and for all for in the end, if opportunities are not afforded to any sector of a community, the growth and wellbeing will forever be compromised. BM 7

women + leaders

Male vs. Female Leaders The question has been asked for years. Are male and female leaders any different? The reason the question persists may be that there is no definitive or conclusive answer. Women in high-level leadership positions, such as corporate CEOs, when studied, seem to exhibit the same sorts of leadership behaviors as their male counterparts. That is probably because the demands of the leadership role require certain actions and behaviors regardless of gender in order to breed succeed. In addition, because of the hurdles that women must leap over to get to the top (leadership and gender expert, Alice Eagly, refers to this as the “labyrinth” that women, but not men, need to go through), it could be the case 8

that only women who exhibit the same sorts of leadership styles and behaviors as male leaders make it through. So, studying leaders at the top, gives the impression that there are no big differences in how men and women lead.

responsive than male leaders, but they will also report the negative side (e.g., moody). Male leaders, on the other hand, are perceived to be more action-oriented and more focused on tasks. A study by workplace resource website, Catalyst, concluded that according You get a somewhat different to leaders and followers in the picture if you ask followers and workplace, “women leaders take leaders about male and female care, men leaders take charge.” leaders. They notice differences that are in line with stereotypes There is also a growing body about men and women, reporting of research that has studied the that female leaders are more leadership styles and leadership nurturing, empathic, and “potential” of men and women, continued on page 9 Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + leaders typically men and women managers (but also women in non-managerial positions). Using the theory of transformational leadership as an indicator of successful leadership (transformational leaders are inspirational, positive role models, concerned about followers, empowering, and push followers to be creative and take chances), research shows that women, as a group, have more transformational qualities than men. In other words, and based on this research, women have more leadership potential and tend to lead more effectively than men.

on Harvard Business Review’s Web site, where they first published the results of their study based on the performance evaluations of more than 7,000 leaders. The pair analyzed thousands of their

Their study found that

women outscored men

on 12 of the 16 attributes Folkman and Zenger

have found to be most associated with great lead-

As attitudes about women leaders change (they are changing, albeit ever so slowly) and the “labyrinth” becomes less difficult to navigate, one can expect more women to attain highlevel leadership positions. Noted leadership scholar, Bernard Bass, predicted that by the year 2034 the majority of high-level leaders will be women, based on their more transformational qualities. Of course, men in leadership positions are also realizing that the old way of leading - taking charge (command and control) - may not be as effective in today’s world and in the future, so they must learn to adapt and change how they lead.

ers. On average, the study

found, women were more likely to outscore men on

on everything from “displaying high integrity” to “driving for results.” In fact, the only competency on which men had a more positive score was “developing strategic expertise.” Viewers of the study assumed that women would score high relative to nurturing attributes which they did, but they also scored high in taking initiative and personal development. The belief that women leaders are nicer was found to be way off base, women leaders are driven to succeed just as are men. Perhaps this is why millions are now being spent by men learning transformational leadership competencies, as talent engagement and the new emergent worker, particularly millennials bring heightened expectations into the workplace. Today’s workers globally seek to feel that their talents are recognized and that they are viewed as being of value to the organizational team.

Of course Jamaica and the Caribbean is no stranger to female leadership at the very highest position. Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller, the only politician male or female - to rise from councillor to Prime Minister, joins the likes of Dame Eugenia Charles in Dominica, Janet Jagan clients’ “360 evaluations,” which analyze the opinions of a leader’s of Guyana and, more recently, performance by their bosses, their Kamla Persad-Bissessar as heads of peers and their staff. Their study government in CARICOM. BM found that women outscored men Creating quite a stir was a recent on 12 of the 16 attributes Folkman posting asking the question “Are and Zenger have found to be most women better leaders than men?” associated with great leaders. On This provocative question was asked average, the study found, women by Joseph Folkman and Jack Zenger were more likely to outscore men

everything from “dis-

playing high integrity” to “driving for results.”

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


women + leaders

PATHWAYS TO TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP by Anita Davis-DeFoe, Ph.D. Leadership is a mysterious blend of managerial acumen, strategic vision, operational efficiency, performance management, tactical planning, emotional intelligence, and the capacity to inspire others to marshal all of their abilities in support of a common mission. Leadership is the nourishing ingredient which can ignite an organization to flourish, or stifle to the point that it languishes in a sea of mediocrity. Characteristics attributed to effective 21st century leaders, are skills like: • The creation of an organizational vision such that people share it and work tirelessly to bring it to fruition, or;

• Making calculated risks within the framework of an overall organizational strategy, and • Nurturing strategic collaborative relationships which support organizational goals and function as a catalyst for creating opportunities for goal achievement.

Leadership and management of organizations have • Fostering communication networks and a shifted from transactional functioning, the old culture that breeds trust, confidence and “step and fetch it” mentality; to an essential need for commitment, or maybe; transformational cultures which fully engage and encourage the participation of workers at all levels. • Stirring personal motivation so that people No longer can performance excellence be achieved exert deliberate effort to achieve organizational in autocratic climates, with orders and assignments goals, or what about; dished out without any consideration for the • Building teams that tap into synergy, motivations, interests or personality of the individual interdependence and performance excellence, holding the plate. The debate is sizzling about who leads more efficiently and effectively men or women. and; • Understanding that organizations are social systems which require tapping into emotional intelligence; or perhaps,

In simplistic terms, phenomenal leaders choose, create, communicate, collaborate, convince, coach, calibrate, cause, and calculate, always mindful that continued on page 12


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Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


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leadership is not a system. While certainly, a leader must be intimately acquainted with management theory and its practice, becoming a leader by practice and not merely by position, results from no standard recipe. Impactful leaders are as memorable as are the results they foster are monumental; the path to this pinnacle for everyone is uniquely their own.

increasing participation, and spiraling communication and decision-making throughout the organization. Political framework leaders use persuasion, negotiation and ultimately coercion to lead, based upon what they want, what they believe they can get, the political lay of the land, as well as interests; while symbolic framework leaders Generally, leaders convey five use compelling language and basic leadership personality styles; imagery to convey a vision, and destructor, procrastinator, caretaker, as a means to marshal support. preparer or accomplisher as they are challenged on a daily basis by four It is said that competitiveness major factors in leadership; personal has been lost by countless leadership savvy, the individuality organizations as a result of of the followers, the situation and more emphasis being placed inherent communication networks on structural, political and throughout the organization. This is symbolic frameworks, instead the case no matter if the organization of human resources. You see, is corporate, non-profit or faith- no matter how significant the based. financial, product and services, technological or facility Leadership perspectives commonly resources of an organization; reflect a structural, human resource, in the end, the social systems, political or symbolic framework. which are the people that Structural framework leaders rely comprise any entity, and heavily on structure, strategy, certainly a truism in the world environment, implementation, of organization development, experimentation and adaptation; are the key inputs of creativity, typically focused on positions innovation, effort and and duties as detailed on the ultimately results. organizational chart. Human Resource framework leaders focus To lead, one must have a on engaging staff, being accessible destination in mind, and a path and visible, sharing information, to get there. I believe there is a

To lead, one must have a destination in mind, and a path to get there. I believe there is a pathway to leadership, and for those leaders who have the courage to discover and honor their gifts and talents, choose to work with a spiritual of excellence laced with personal values, while refusing to play organizational games or allow naysayers and detractors to derail them, achieving their leadership potential is possible. From my work, and shared experiences, I would like to suggest that there are ten pathways to leadership greatness, each linked to a leadership skill that whether or not innate, can be learned.

continued on page 13


Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + leaders pathway to leadership, and for those leaders who have the courage to discover and honor their gifts and talents, choose to work with a spiritual of excellence laced with personal values, while refusing to play organizational games or allow naysayers and detractors to derail them, achieving their leadership potential is possible. From my work, and shared experiences, I would like to suggest that there are ten pathways to leadership greatness, each linked to a leadership skill that whether or not innate, can be learned.

Pathways to Transformational Leadership Leadership PATH 1… The Roots of Leadership… Knowing and Leading Self Leadership PATH 2… The Heart of Leadership… Servant Leadership Leadership PATH 3… The Mind of Leadership… Visionary Leadership Leadership PATH 4… The Soul of Leadership… Strategic Leadership Leadership PATH 5… The Spirit of Leadership … Inspirational Leadership Leadership PATH 6… The Practice of Leadership… Process Management Leadership Leadership PATH 7… The Intent of Leadership… Focus Leadership

Leadership PATH 8… The Revolution of Leadership… Change Management Leadership Leadership PATH 9…The Revitalization of Leadership … Transformational Leadership Leadership PATH 10…The Hope of Leadership … Legacy Leadership Through these competencies, each of us has the potential to unleash the leadership greatness within; expand the understanding and practice of the essential leadership tools that effective leaders embody, while gaining personal and organizational leadership insights which enable us to model and coach the cornerstones of synergetic leadership to others. John Maxwell, in his work, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, sums it up well in what he calls the “Law of the Lid.” Maxwell says that no organization’s effectiveness will ever surpass that of the leader, and for those of us who choose to embrace this mindset, it becomes clear, that in the absence of transformational leadership, an organization will merely flounder. Transformational and authentic leadership is the hope for the future, for without it, organizational chaos will continue to burgeon.

I say, follow HER Lead, for indeed as leaders, women are on the rise. BM

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe, a thought leader, a Leadership and Organization Development Solutionist, an International Social Entrepreneur, Management Consultant Business Development and Quality Management expert, holds an earned doctorate in Organization and Human Development. She has over 20 years of experience motivating, coaching, inspiring and transforming organizations, youth and adults. She has crafted and implemented myriad programs aimed at assisting organizations and people of all ages to discover their inner greatness and unique strengths. The CaribVoice Radio Host is the author of a personal and leadership development curriculum for girls entitled, Soulful One: For Girls on the Pathway to Greatness; and three books, A Woman’s Guide to Soulful Living: Seven Keys to Life and Work Success; Tropical Escapes, a novel; and Follow Her Lead: Leadership Lessons For Women As They Journey From the Backroom to the Boardroom.

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


women + startups

Starting your own business field of education. As a mother of a oneyear-old daughter, I take my child to day-care in the mornings. In doing my research and checking out these places, I have realized that we need more trained persons in this field and not just persons who are trained but persons who are passionate about children and education, not just in it for the money Behind the over 1700 women who own or treat it like any other job” says 29and operate their own businesses in year old Yolanda. Yolanda, who is Jamaica, according to a Mona School currently completing a master’s degree of Business Study, are a line of women in Education, sees this as her ultimate who have desires to become their life’s goal. own boss, chart their own course to independence, follow their passions “It would definitely be in IT” says and dreams. However some of these 26-year-old Michca. “I’d probably women also expressed a certain level include services like data entry, word of apprehension that has stopped them processing, graphic designing and from aggressively following this dream. networking. I’d definitely do something Businessuite asked women, young with other people I know that have women specifically, about this desire some of those similar skills to offer, like and the reasons they had not fully my former classmates from University.” explored these ambitions. “My dream really is to start

Driven to

ACHIEVE: Young Women Speak about Desires and Fear of Becoming their own Boss

Interestingly, an overwhelming majority of the women we spoke to said they did in fact have the desire to start their own business or have seriously considered it. “I would open a day-care or a prep school because my academic background is in the 14

Interestingly, an overwhelming majority of the women we spoke to said they did in fact have the desire to start their own business or have seriously considered it.

either a wedding planning business or an interior decorating business. Those are two passions of mine.” Having been recently married and attending more weddings that she can count, Gillian is cognizant of the amount of planning and expenses that goes into nuptials. “I can just remember the headache, the decisions, the running around, the back and forth and I thought how wonderful it would have been if I could

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + startups

have had someone to handle all the details.” Other popular business ideas included: retail clothing and accessories boutiques; laundry, day-care and home maintenance services; flowers and gift-basket arrangement and delivery; events management and entertainment consulting; animal care, grooming and training. Some confessed that they saw these business ideas as something that could supplement their current means of sustenance and provide additional revenue streams and not necessarily be their sole means of income, at least not from the outset. This is forward thinking as current personal finance research suggests that everyone should have at least four streams of income, of which one should be a small business.

five and working for somebody else and getting what I There were a few reasons given as to why they had not consider a steady paycheck. Maybe if I was unemployed or would be hesitant to actually going forward with and desperately in need of more money I’d be more their plans. The first was capital. “To start a school or inclined to do it.” day-care or any business for that matter would require Others suggested that they had not yet fully explored significant investment which would have to be secured the feasibility of such an endeavor, were concerned through a bank or lending institution. That seems like about the market for it, the overall economic climate, something that would be difficult to secure right now.” and the number of other persons already involved in This was a sentiment shared by a number of the women that particular area. we spoke to as we explored this topic. Interesting enough, all of these responses were aligned One young lady admitted that she was very much afraid with findings in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor of failure. “I know nothing is wrong with failure but I -2012 Jamaica Report prepared by the local team think I just lack the confidence,” she went on to say. Her comprised on Girjanauth Boodraj, Vanetta Skeete, rationale was also shared by a few of the women we spoke Mauvalyn Bowen, and Orville Reid. The report to regarding the matter of women and entrepreneurship. assesses the number of necessity entrepreneurs versus Many expressed concern over the risk of going out on opportunity entrepreneurs, as well as the number their own, and said that risk aversion was still at the of female business owners in comparison with forefront of their minds. males, among a host of other factors that impact the Another popular hindrance or concern that came entrepreneurial landscape in Jamaica. through was complacency. Many women said they had To read the full report and its recommendations visit settled into their current job or career path and were just not willing to make such a drastic change at this continued on page 16 point. “I have become comfortable in the daily nine to Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


women + startups

Here are five unique business ideas female entrepreneurs can consider Getting Paid to Shop

example, you could start working Starting a Graphic Design as a writer for a company that sells Company Your passion for shopping may kids’ toys and books. Or you could be more than just a passion. Do set up your own. Another niche women could find you enjoy rummaging through success in is graphic design. Again, the discount stores and sale racks? you must find a target audience. Maybe you could also provide a If you have an interest in fashion service to take orders and deliver Internet-based Research and design skills, you could groceries to persons who are unable The Internet is a nightmare for some start an Internet-based graphic to do so for themselves. people because of the information design company targeting fashion overload. Others simply do not have designers. Website design is also an Ghostwriting Services time to surf the Web for quality option. Do not underestimate good ghostwriting and copywriting services. If you like writing in a particular style, you could very well fit in the niche of ghostwriting services. There are plenty of copywriters on the Internet, but you can still make good money if you specialize in a given segment. If you are passionate about children, for

information. If you are good with the Internet and love processing information, you could set up an online business that does Internetbased research for its clients – for academic purposes or marketing services.

Life Coaching Life coaches are becoming more and more popular. If you are a good matchmaker, you can become a dating coach. If you are the reliable and punctual type, then you would make a great efficiency coach as you’d feel great teaching others how to get work done. BM

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Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

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Motherhood and Entrepreneurship:

Hindrance or motivation? Motherhood is a given or at least a desire for a lot of women. This goal or desire, when fulfilled has not gotten in the way of many great accomplishments by women. In some cases, Women have gone right back to work just a couple of weeks after the birth of a child. And at the same time, always had dinner on the table, always made sure the children had what they needed, and always made sure their home was functioning. They may still do this even though they have a number of projects going at the same time.

to entrepreneurship?

the time you may want to devote to your business.” she concludes.

Businessuite sought some “The challenges occur in trying answers.

“Motherhood can both be motivating and be a challenge to entrepreneurship at the same time,” commented one mother who grew her successful business (a distribution company) by herself, without a father figure The findings of a 2011 journal around. Motivating in the sense article ‘Motherhood and that you have better control and entrepreneurship: gender role flexibility of your time and thus are identity as a resource,’ considered able to be by your children’s side gender role identity as an informal when it matters most. Motivating institution shaping female also in the sense that it gives the entrepreneurship. It suggests that entrepreneur mother a purpose to a strong identification with their want to achieve for a better future family roles, in particular the role for the young ones.” as a mother, lead women onto the entrepreneurial path. A strong “It can be a challenge in the sense gender role identity has also that being a mother is a full time job influenced the ventures, products and can be demanding, especially and services they provided. But can if assistance in caring for them is motherhood also be a hindrance limited. This may cause strain on

to balance school duties with the children” commented a young woman who owns and operates a pastry/baking business with the support of her spouse. She feels delegation is a must but for specialty products such as pastries, one has to put in more personal time to get it right, maintain quality, and a high level of customer service. She also acknowledged that having a spouse that is involved and supportive has also been very beneficial to the process of motherhood and entrepreneurship. Ingrid who is a hairdresser and owns/operates her own salon also agrees that the two roles offer both a challenge and motivation. The mother of two boys, age 17 and 8, she points to the fact that being a mother can be, and is a full time continued on page 18

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“ While motherhood and entrepreneurship, may present a challenge, the rewards can be tremendous, and in the end, it is what works best for each woman. ”

job to many. Children she acknowledges require a lot of time and attention and the two can often compete and conflict. Ingrid however points to the intrinsic need of most parents to provide for their child/children and ensuring that they are provided with not only the basics in life but a very good education and the necessary resources to make them happy. With this in mind, entrepreneurship for women can offer flexibility, opportunities to use their innovative creativity, and more over provide a vehicle that serves to build personal and family wealth; something that is sorely lacking in communities of color. A 2011 Pew Study about women and wealth reported that women in the United States have a net worth of only $5,000 suggesting that wealth accumulation and saving should be more of an area of focus for women of color. Sonia’s was pregnant with her first daughter 23 years ago when she and her husband decided that she would pursue her passion and use her skill full-time. Since then she has been making clothing, curtains, pillows and pretty much anything made of fabric from out of her home. It’s a decision she has not regretted even once, even as she added another daughter to her family 5 years after 18

the initial decision. “I can truly say that motherhood has motivated me to succeed with my business from the start. My profession before motherhood required me to work outside the home. By staying at home, I was able to nurture my children and continue my business. It was a delight to be able to serve a warm meal for my family when they got home from school. I was able to pass on good values and morals to them as well as other children from the community,” boasts the proud mother of two girls and self-sufficient businesswoman. While motherhood and entrepreneurship, may present a challenge, the rewards can be tremendous, and in the end, it is what works best for each woman. BM Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012 Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


women + business

How to Come Up with a New Business Idea: A Guide for Women

Even the most motivated female entrepreneur can struggle with deciding on the right business idea. If you want to become self-employed, but are not sure what type of business you want to start, it helps to consider the following: • • • •

What do you want to get out of the business? What is your passion? What are you good at doing? What would you like to learn to do?

weaknesses when considering becoming an entrepreneur, and no matter what business you start, it also helps to be resourceful and have strong networking skills. But before you decide, you do not have enough business smarts or skills to become an entrepreneur, it is important that you read books and articles about the prospective field or about business in general.

Conventional wisdom says that you should choose something that you are passionate about and that you are fully committed to growing the enterprise. Starting your own business will Whether you just want to be your own boss, or require time, energy, and sacrifice. If you choose become financially independent, the road to something that does not interest you or are not success starts with a sound idea. It is important particularly fond of, you will find it harder to that you are honest about your strengths and 20

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + business succeed. To determine this, ask sewing or interior decorating, take yourself the following questions: a course in the area and turn your new skill into income. • What do you do in your free time? There are many new careers you • Do you have a hobby that can enter into with a certificate could be turned into a instead of a degree. Certificates often take less than a year to earn. business? • If you could have any job you Check with your local HEART Trust/NTA to see what certificate wanted, what would it be? programs are offered in your area. The next step is to ask yourself, what are you good at doing? Your If you have always wanted to learn talents might be obvious to you another language, you can start if you are a musician, artist, or now. When you become fluent photographer. If you already have you could become self-employed a profession, you might want to providing freelance translating start your own private practice. services. Translators are used And maybe you have a hobby, in legal proceedings, schools, like dressmaking or hairdressing and seminars. The Venezuelan that you know you could market. Institute in Kingston, for example, But what if your talents are less offers a free four-year diploma is obvious? Spanish. The programme is offered two days a week, for 3 hour, from Sometimes it is hard to know our 4:30-6:00 pm or 6:30-8:00 pm, own strengths. If you are uncertain so the course can easily be fit what your hidden skills and talents around a nine to five traditional are, ask family and friends who work schedule. There are many know you. Even if you do not have two-year programs to become a a particular skill like sewing or registered nurse (RN). Registered bookkeeping, you still have skills nurses can often freelance and that may be marketable if you can provide in-home care for bedidentify them. If you have a skill ridden patients, or offer senior day or hobby you are good at doing, care services. start working on a market and feasibility study. It is never too late to learn a new skill or polish up an old one with Finally, sometimes things that skill upgrades. It’s never too late interest us most are things we have to start a business if you have the yet to learn how to do. If you love ambition. a marketable skill and

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

know what you want to do. As you contemplate adding business owner to your resume, take these steps to test the entrepreneurial tide: Step 1: Research your business idea Determine whether you can make money by turning your hobby into a business: Will someone pay you for your product or service, and will a buyer pay enough for you to make a profit? Step 2: Create a business plan Prepare a business plan to get a sense of whether you have a moneymaking business opportunity. Step 3: Take stock of your business sense Assess your own abilities and motivations honestly. Do you have what it takes to run a business? Can you have your business and the lifestyle you want? Step 4: Be realistic about how it will affect your life Consider the impact of your entrepreneurial venture and then decide whether to pursue your business on a full or part-time basis. BM


Cover Story


women + entrepreneur

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + entrepreneur

Fashionably Successful: Patrice DaCosta takes being Stoosh to Another level

“Stoosh for me is stylish sophisticated and success and that’s what I want for all my clients, both corporate and personal.”




................................................................................ Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


Cover Story

women + entrepreneur


omen everywhere have a common desire to be fashionably attired exuding style and grace. Too often, knowing how to achieve that desired look escapes both women and men. More commonly this is the case with women who tend to suffer from body image issues until they learn how to be comfortable in their own skin. No need to despair, coming to the fashion rescue is Patrice DaCosta and Stoosh. “I am so happy to be living my passion; there is nothing else I can see myself doing at the moment. I enjoy building self-confidence, self-esteem and showing people how to dress their bodies in the best way. So many people are caught in a fashion rut, my objective is to enhance, not to change an individual,” says image consultant and founder of Stoosh Images Inc., Patrice DaCosta. Trained by Dominique Isbecque, internationally renowned image consultant at the Image Resource Center in New York, Patrice has distinguished herself as a Corporate and Business Enhancement Professional. In 2005, she founded her New York based firm Stoosh Images Inc., a renowned agency that has been making marked impressions on corporate and individual image enhancement in the Caribbean and USA. “Stoosh started out of a general love for colors and fashion. I helped friends in dressing, and the more I divulged the easier it became. I would always be complemented about my appearance,” she says about what drove her in this direction. Stoosh she said started with start-up capital of approximately US$2000 and also included the services of 24

an administrative assistant and a exceptional service. marketing associate. She notes that the reception to “After completing a Masters of her business operations has not Science degree in England, I always been positive or welcoming. moved to New York and realized “When I decided to bring my this desire was becoming stronger. business to the Caribbean, I was I researched and found the Image not well received as what I did was Resource Center where I pursued very rare. It took a lot of market courses in Image Consulting - penetration, radio advertising and Color and Body Analysis, Personal newspaper articles, hosting public Shopping (Men and Women), workshops, and eventually, others Menswear and Wardrobe Audit.” started hearing about the impact I made with individual clients. It Stoosh offers a wide variety of has been a challenging road but a services such as corporate and worthwhile one,”she confesses. personal image evaluations, image enrichment mentoring, color Among the companies and entities assessment, wardrobe assessment she has consulted for in Jamaica and personal shopping. Among include: The Lascelles Group of her clients have been political, Companies, CVM Television, business and community leaders. First Global Bank, Digicel Group, Patrice holds firm to the view Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union, that if people are enhanced then First Caribbean International Bank so too will be business entities, and the Jamaica National Building communities and the society. Her Society. Stoosh also boasts an goal is to help her clients look influential and a large client base in and feel better about themselves, Barbados which includes - KPMG, whatever their age, size and shape, Grenada Broadcasting Network, lifestyle, career, or budget. and Barbados Youth Business Trust. She has also offered personal Cognizant of individual client’s and professional advisory services needs, Patrice and Stoosh seeks and has conducted speaking to develop unique values that engagements in St. Lucia, The set them apart from others and British Virgin Islands, the US being mindful of the importance Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and of holistic solutions that meet Grenada. their requirements, Stoosh has committed to the delivery of Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + entrepreneur Stoosh is a labor of love that pulls on the professional and educational experience of its founder. Patrice holds a Professional Diploma in Fashion Merchandising from Professional Career Development Institute in Atlanta and is also a graduate of the Barbizon Modeling School. She also holds a Master of Science degree in Information Technology and Marketing which she obtained at the University of Salford, Manchester, England and a Bachelor of Science degree in Administrative Management from the University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica. Professionally, she worked for Air Jamaica from 19952000 and Alken Tours from 2002-2008. It was during this time that Stoosh was born. In 2008, she left her day job to take on Stoosh full time.

Graphic Design + Layouts

“The response so far has been great. I go overboard for my clients - whether it is personal or corporate. That’s the difference when you are passionate about what you do.” When she started out, she had no idea that she would have made such an impact on people. “I also found out that many women especially are battling low self-esteem and things were said to them in the past which are still affecting them. I’ve also confirmed that as an entrepreneur it takes persistence, drive, and self will to stay in business and be successful. I would encourage other entrepreneurs to surround themselves with positive people and identify the lions in their industry and see what they are doing and if possible draw close to them.” The St. Ann native and Westwood graduate is also a strong believer in social responsibility. “I am involved with charity organizations in each location I operate from focusing on building self- esteem, volunteering my time, sending needed items from overseas out of pocket to organizations that deal with teenage moms, abused women and teenage homes. It’s very fulfilling for me and it’s my way of giving back.” In the next 5 to 10 years, the Stoosh CEO sees her company spreading into Europe and Canada and having a Stoosh team in key markets. She also envisions having specialized boutiques in at least two locations for those hard to get body shapes and height. And finally she would like to style at least one major celebrity and commence a Stoosh Youth Program for schools in the region. “Stoosh for me is stylish sophisticated and success and that’s what I want for all my clients, both corporate and personal.” BM Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

Contact us: 25

women + business

THE NINE P’S OF PERSONAL BRANDING Tips to Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Brilliance By: Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe

• Promise • Positioning • Proactive • Passion • Prioritizing • Practice • Planning • Promotion • Persistence


ultiple streams of income….inventive 21st century thinking….career resilience…ongoing economic shifts are causing women around the globe, especially in the Caribbean, to reconsider the prospects of becoming a ShePreneur on some scale. Creating multiple streams of income can help you save for retirement, weather job loss or a bout with a health crisis. Financial experts suggest that the average person needs more than $500,000 dollars stashed away for retirement in order to live in comfort and worry free.

If you are still grappling, attempting to conceive a business idea, focus on your personal strengths, identify those activities and tasks that you enjoy and are knowledgeable about, and determine product or service gaps in the marketplace that your business can fill. Each of us at birth is divinely gifted with some talent that can be transformed into a profitable enterprise. A scan of the marketplace illustrates that it is not always about creating a new product, but moreover reshaping them to reflect your unique style and personal brand.

• Prom

• Plan

• Pass



Take Jamaicans, Lorlett Hudson, member of the Job insecurity, unexpected downsizing in both the Courvoisier-Future 500 UK Top Talents; and corporate and governmental sectors are reason Yvonne Witter Ampod, the winner of the 2009 enough for every woman to think about creating a Southwark Business Woman of the Year-Services to small business, even if she opts to maintain a day Enterprise Development Award; both transforming job. Mind you, a business can be home-based or in the business landscape for women in London. a traditional storefront, the quality of the product or service is far more important than location. So Lorlett Hudon, used her love of Jamaican proverbs do not allow the lack of mounds of start-up capital to create a line of affirmation cards centered on keep you from proactively working to craft your personal productivity and aspirations selling over 10,000; she also formed a coaching and human financial future by starting a business. continued on page 27



Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012




women + business • Passion – through introspection determine what things bring you excitement and joy; herein lies clues to possible businesses for you to start, remember pass – i-on; that’s passion;

• Promise – once you determine the business

pathway, make a commitment to give your best, first to yourself and always to your customers;

• Planning – commit to paper a strategy for starting and growing your business, commit your vision to paper by establishing your business goals;

• Positioning - align your business or service

strategically in the marketplace by forming partnerships and joining networks that can support achievement of your business goals;

• Promotion – market your business; social

development organization, aptly called One Hand Cant Clap. Yvonne Ampod is a highly sought after business consultant offering training and management development services. Yvonne Ampod shares, “Ampod Business Consulting and Training has built up experience and expertise supporting women into business through targeting and transforming the particular experiences that women face. We developed Enterprise4Women, aimed at women with aspiring ideas and aspirations. Women often need their own space in which to share their experiences and acknowledge areas for development. Our program of support for women ensures that they have childcare provision and that the course is tailored to the needs of the women present. We incorporate soft skills, self confidence and self esteem into our program delivery to support women in their entrepreneurial development goals.”

• Posi tionin g

• Prio ritizin g

• Prom otion

networking has become an essential business strategy; web and other new media are tools that allow businesswomen to promote their businesses with minimal cost;

• Proactive - constantly observe the marketplace and

seek to recognize potential opportunities, shift with change instead of fighting it; strive to be a trend setter in the marketplace; remember be distinct or become extinct;

• Prioritizing - implement your business ideas

based upon a strategy to ensure you do not get overwhelmed or become ineffective;

• Practice •- vow P to be a life long learner, examine

roactiv e

trends and infuse new ideas into your business;

• Persistence – fully commit or quit; remember business as does life ebbs and flows, do not let a setback compel you to just quit; stay focused on your vision.

• Prac


Every woman is filled with entrepreneurial brilliance, Just as women spend time and energy defining their own the question is will you choose to honor and release personal fashion style, our entrepreneurial brilliance is yours. BM linked to creating a personal brand, and these nine P’s can help you discover and define your brand, as well as reflect your unique style in both the boardroom and ballroom. Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

• Pers

istence 27

women + entrepreneur

S 28

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


women + entrepreneur

A Recipe for Success Lanisia Rhoden I CEO/Managing Director LeMonde Concessionaire & Catering Services Ltd


ven as the Great Recession begins to loosen its stronghold on economies worldwide, the desire for convenience, the staging of events and meetings, and the travel industry holding its own, all industry data predicts continued growth of catering enterprises, and this trend is evolving here in Jamaica.

Mouth watering recipes, stellar customer service and a reputation for consistency is indeed a recipe for catering success. Le Monde Concessionaire & Catering Services Ltd. started in 2009 and provides Food and Beverage Services for clients for various events ranging from workshops to luncheons. They have catered to functions as small as 15 persons to as large as 1000 persons. The business is based in Mandeville, however they have provided food and beverage services for clients as far as Kingston, Westmoreland and Montego Bay. Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

Lanisia Rhoden is CEO/Managing Director of Le Monde Concessionaire and Catering Services Ltd. She graduated from The University of Technology, Jamaica with a Bachelors of Science (BSc.) in Food Service Management with First Class Honors. “After completing my degree at UTECH in 2006, I left the island to work in France for eight months. Upon returning to Jamaica, I wanted to open a restaurant, but after conducting research I realized that this would not have been the best option due to the large sum of capital required and also the inconsistency of the market,” she comments. “I read the Sunday Gleaner every Sunday and I realized that there was always an advertisement for Concessionaires and having taken a course at UTECH called Contract Food Service, I decided that I would start a concessionaire and catering service to provide meals for clients as requested. I loved the French language and that’s why I chose “Le Monde” which means ‘Everyone’s’. continued on page 30


women + entrepreneur


advice to female entrepreneurs is never be afraid to pursue your dreams. There are many opportunities that are being created for female entrepreneurs ........

The operation includes Lanisia and her mother as the two permanent (fulltime) staff in the business and a pool of six casual workers who are employed on an asneeded basis.

In order to control costs at start up, Lanisia decided to base the business from home. “I was working fulltime when I completed the business plan in 2009, so I used my salary and contributions from one of two shareholders to register the business and purchase the equipment and tools necessary for catering as well as to execute the first few functions.”

the University of Manchester, England in September 2012. “I have a passion for community service and this is evident through the formation of a Non-Profit Organization, Young Women/ Men of Purpose (YWOP/YMOP) which I founded in 2009 when I served as the JCDC Festival Queen for the Parish of Manchester.” In 2011, she received the Governor General’s Youth Achievement Award for Leadership and Community Service.

Does she think there are any particular advantages or disadvantages for a female in business? “The disadvantages are that male chauvinism is still very present, women are also more engaged in family life and may not be able to give as much commitment to the business as a male does and also there are still negative attitudes towards female bosses. Since 2009, she declares that the response The advantages are that women are very has been fairly good. “Most of my clients creative individuals and creativity is essential are repeat customers and new clients have to the longevity and sustenance of a business. been gained mainly through referrals. Additionally, we are able to multi-task and Surprisingly, 95% of my clients are from thus often times balance family life, business corporate companies and not individuals.” and social life. Finally, women are natural nurturers and thus that caring and nurturing She hopes to continue to provide the personal, attribute can be provided when the business excellent and unique service to her customers requires such.” and also to gain several concessionaire contracts, over time, thus satisfying the needs So what is her advice for budding female of the market and providing employment for entrepreneurs? “My advice to female more Jamaicans. “Additionally, we hope to entrepreneurs is never be afraid to pursue your diversify the business to provide training dreams. There are many opportunities that in customer service and professionalism as are being created for female entrepreneurs it relates to Food Service and also assisting so do your research and prepare your other persons to start their own businesses.” business plans, even if you’ve already started your business; attend and participate in It is clear that Lanisia has a drive to succeed and the numerous business expos and training a track record for excellence. While attending programs that are created for entrepreneurs. University, she received two academic Seek advice from persons who have been scholarships: The Tastee Jamaica Ltd. involved in business for several years and do Scholarship and the University of Technology not allow limitations such as discrimination Scholarship. She also recently received to prevent you from achieving your goal of the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship operating a successful business.” BM 2012-2013 to pursue a MSc. in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at

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Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + entrepreneur

THE WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS JAMAICA LIMITED (WBO) Proving that Women indeed mean Business! The number of the women who own affiliations with international and operate businesses in Jamaica bodies aimed at enhancing the has grown exponentially over the growth and influence of the last few years. Having recognised organization, and the desire for women to start their • to enhance the visibility of female businesses and the number of entrepreneurs who contribute female business owners the Women to the growth and development Business Owners Jamaica Limited of the economy, through job (WBO) was established in 2003. Its creation and education main goal is to foster and promote the success of women business According the group’s Administrator, owners through education, research, Camille Mighty, the WBO currently mentorship and networking. enjoys a membership of eighty-three WBO aims to provide a forum business owners and growing. “Most for women who are owners or of the female-owned businesses are principals of their own businesses. It members of the organization. Our also facilitates the growth of female- founding President is Lorna Green, owned businesses throughout CEO of Digital Transtec, the first Jamaica. Additonally, they foster and only ICT company in Jamaica and engage in the study and founded and owned by a woman,” research of issues relating to aspects explains Ms. Mighty.

and Treasurer - Dena Davis of Solid Life and General Insurance Brokers Ltd. Among its membership ranks, it lists heavyweights such as: Ethnie Miller Simpson of Brandz Avenue; Shirley Carby of Carlong Publishers Ltd; Lana Francis of Frankmark Ltd, Blossom O’Meally-Nelson of Aeromar Logistics, Rita HumphriesLewin of The Barita Group, Sandra Bramwell of Versan Education Services, and Marcia Woon-Choy of Action Coach

What are some of the major success of women’s group? “Among other things, the WBO has successfully partnered with the IDB on a project to train 300 women in business. We have also been able to secure a of ownership of business by women. The Group is run by an equally talent $300m loan facility through BNS for our members,” notes its President Other aims include: and successful team. Its president Yaneek Page. • to improve market access and is - Yaneek Page of Future Services competitiveness for women International Ltd; Immediate Past “The WBO is important to this business owners in the global President - Dorothea Gordon-Smith dynamic group as we seek to of Garbage Disposal and Sanitation represent the unique needs of market place, Systems Ltd (GDSS); Vice-President women in business,” she added. • to develop linkages and - Andrea Cowan of Lillan Limited BM Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


women + banking Banking Feature

Banking Powerhouses throw their weight behind Women It is becoming clearer and clearer that female entrepreneurs are changing the face of the global economy, helping to both foster and sustain job creation and economic growth. Small and medium size businesses (SMEs) being created by women is on the upswing worldwide. While investors are slow to support female entrepreneurs, the fact is that women represent the largest emerging market. It is estimated that women-owned entities represent over 30 percent of registered businesses worldwide, and growing. According to the Harvard Business Review, women control about $20 trillion in global consumer spending and it is projected to reach $28 trillion by 2014. Even still, the societal and cultural barriers that women entrepreneurs already face are too often compounded by difficulties in accessing financing. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a component of the World Bank group is keenly focused on private sector development as a means of lifting people out of poverty, and one of its strategies is a goal of increasing

access to money for women entrepreneurs.

1700 small business, with less than fifteen employees. A 2005 study however found that most of these Unfavorable business and businesses were having difficulty regulatory environments, biases, transitioning from a micro to and a failure by financial institutions medium-sized operation, based on to tailor financial products and the lack of resources. services to women entrepreneurs is indeed a missed opportunity which Scotiabank for its part has only serves to hamper private sector dedicated $300 million to this end. development. This trend has taken The National Commercial Bank a noticeable shift here in Jamaica. Jamaica Ltd (NCB) in March of last year, made available $13 million in Two of the largest and most sponsorship funding and another influential local banks have taken $100 million in loan support to note of the power of women in developing businesses owned and business and created products for operated by women in Jamaica. The this expanding segment. Both three-year project is to be funded the National Commercial Bank through NCB’s Small and Medium and the Scotiabank have provided Enterprise (SME) Unit. facilities where female business owners and budding entrepreneurs “NCB prides itself on being can readily access loans through responsive and relevant to our their respective institutions. customers’ needs. Our business is not only about selling financial It is hard to argue the value in doing services, it’s also about growing so as local studies have indicated the financial strength and stability that women in Jamaica operate over of our customers,” according to continued on page 33


Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

women + banking continued from page 32

Audrey Tugwell Henry, senior General Manager of retail banking. “We recognize the significant impact that women have on our society, and as more female entrepreneurs emerge in various sectors, we are investing in sustaining the continued financial viability of their businesses,” she added. The Scotiabank provision is much more recent, opening on April 1 of this year and runs through to March 31, 2013??. The facility caps individual loans at J$10 million which can be used to fund expansion of their operations. Loans start from as little as J$500,000. The Scotiabank funds are available at interest rates of 9.95 per cent for secured credit and 11.95 per cent for unsecured loans, which the bank said was a significant reduction from its base lending rate of 15.75 per cent. “Scotiabank provides loans to all persons and entities which meet the requirements while maintaining our usual application of sound credit standards,” said Patsy Latchman Atterbury, VicePresident of its SME operations. “The needs of this group are similar to that which exists within the wider SME sector in terms of the need for purchase of equipment, financing of inventory and working capital,” she said. This can be viewed as a step in the right direction because research from the World Bank and United Nations has found that investment in women has a multiplier effect, known as the Girl Effect. Girl Effect research finds that women spend 80% of money earned in the local economy, while men spend 30%. Women spend more of their money on food, healthcare, home improvement, and schooling for their children and families than men. Additionally, it has been found that greater participation by women in the labor force and business sector would raise GDP worldwide, by between 9%-25% in some regions. These banks, two of the biggest in Jamaica, just may find this a worthwhile investment, not only for themselves and this particular clientele, but for the country on a whole. BM Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

Techno Logic

Amazon’s Kindle Fire:

Designed with Women in Mind? Is the SHEeconomy impacting the design and marketing of products? According to demographic analysis by comScore of tablet audiences in the United States (US), in the 3 month average ending June 2012, the Kindle Fire saw their audience skew distinctly female with 56.6% of its audience base represented by females. So with a plethora of tablets currently on the market, why has the Kindle Fire found favour with women in particular? The ‘why’ behind this finding is not addressed but it could have something to do with Amazon itself, being first and foremost a reading and shopping site, skews more to women, as we have also seen with its earlier Kindle E-Reader products. It’s also a funny coincidence that Amazon promotes the products with a woman’s hand (pictured). Additionally, there are other features that would make it particularly enticing to women. At a mere 14.6 ounces or 413 grams, the 7 inch display is designed to travel with you wherever you go. It is small enough to fit inside a woman’s purse and light enough to hold in just one hand. The Kindle Fire is perfect for browsing, playing, reading and shopping, all on the go. Another part of the appeal may be its childrenfriendly options. The Kindle Fire is great not only for parents but for children as well - a feature that is sure to attract women more than it would men. With the touch of the display, users can access over 1000 beautifully-illustrated children’s books, including continued from page 34


Techno Logic favorites like Brown Bear, Curious George, Dr Seuss and Circus Ship. The device also has parental controls which allow parents to protect their children with new, easy-touse parental controls. This allows for the adding of passwords in the settings menu to restrict access to web browsing, content purchasing or the Kindle Fire content libraries. Of course the Fire is loaded with options for the business-oriented woman. Users can stay in touch using the built-in email app that gets webmail (Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail, AOL etc.) into a single inbox. Users can also import their messages and contact lists from other email accounts. Additional email apps are available in the Amazon Appstore for Android. Kindle also makes it easy for the on-the-go mother or mother/ entrepreneur to take her documents. Documents can be emailed to the device - including Word, PDF and more - directly to the Kindle to be read anytime, anywhere. You can also send documents to your Kindle using the Send to Kindle feature. Dr Anita international

Davis-DeFoe, an Leadership and

women + techno-logic Organization Development solutionist commented, “I am extremely pleased with my Kindle Fire as I am able to conduct my business whether I am working in the US or the Caribbean. I have access to books in my library, and I can email and browse when needed without traveling with my laptop or netbook. I used downloaded music as part of an International Women’s Day presentation in Barbados a few months ago; sent a report to a client in Minnesota while in the Caribbean, and relaxed while traveling viewing my movies; all of this harnessing the power of the Kindle Fire. Orders are currently being taken for the Kindle Fire High Definition (HD) which will be available in a few weeks, so I look forward to exploring its capabilities as I appreciate the convenience the Kindle provides.”

a PC with the Kindle app. Also of note in the technology department is the Fire’s ultra-fast web browser - Amazon Silk. Amazon Silk is a revolutionary, cloud-accelerated browser that uses a “split browser” architecture to leverage the computing speed and power of the Amazon Web Cloud Services. Additional features that are sure to entice, whether male or female include: its fast dual core processor, free cloud storage, access to millions of books in Kindle book store, access to thousands of free apps and games, a stunning color touchscreen that delivers 16 million colors in high resolution, and a state-of-the art display that is 20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic, making it extra durable and resistant to accidental bumps and scratches.

The Kindle Fire can be purchased For the tech-savy woman who directly from the Amazon website can appreciate what’s under the or the Best Buy website for $US199. hardware, the Kindle Fire offers Both sites also accept Visa and the revolutionary Whispersync. MasterCard credit cards with Whispersync technology a Jamaican billing address. It is automatically syncs the user’s also available locally from Royale library, last page read, bookmarks, Computers for $32, 702; Watts notes, and highlights across various New for $34, 891.75 and Innovative devices such as a smartphone, or Superstore Limited for $36, 341.00, all inclusive of tax. BM

360 Signature Events is a Caribbean company specialising in the planning and execution of Corporate and Marketing Events including, Exhibitions, Conventions, Conferences, seminars, Sporting and Hospitality Events, Road Shows, Brand Promotion, Product launches, Incentives and Special Event. 34

Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012


Businessuite Magazine Women Edition October 2012

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